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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

Gaige frowned. "Well that was supposed to be all for today but instead." She summon materials. "Your next assignment is to make an explosive. It doesn't matter what kind it just have ro do what you say it does." All the materials needed appeared on the table. "Have fun."
"Oh yes dragons. So fierce. They're amazing in b- sorry let's pretend I didnt say that. Dragons are a very ancient species. One of the oldest. It is rumored they do not originate from earth at all but from a planet very similar to earth, a clone really, made of pure fire. They came here in search of a more hospitable land. And quickly they ruled the planet" She went into detail the history and arrival of the species. "And only recently in the last couple thousand years have they learned to transform into a more humanoid form and blend in to society since they were being exterminated. Only a few thousand exist, as far as we know. The more powerful ones have been known to hibernate deep in the ground. Who knows how many are there! Well really there are 4,322 living the the deep earth ground asleep"

DizjayDeathPride said:
"Interesting. Tell me what else that can do" Damian looked over at Noah. "And do you expect me to be surprised? I never intended to send anyone. But you felt the need to go. You wanted to join the guard and defend yes? How can you dare say you could do that when over 60 men have died due to your blind battle. Over 60 families have lost their fathers. Because of you. Remember that next time you want to petition to the queen to join my guard and kill my men. You are dismissed. I will handle it. I have a class to teach" He went back to Ash. "As you were saying?"
"Well I can do this." Ash walks into Damians body. "I can enter bodies and grant them power." Ash steps out of Damians body. "Sooo.... Do I get a passing grade for the day?"

Tazmodo said:
Jack cracked his knuckles. "Ok then you can have this." A spartan sword and shield appeared in his hands. "You might like it."
Reed sighed.

Rachel took out a wrench and through it at the bell and caught it. "Easy."

Gaige smiled. "That's awesome. You show some promise. So by the end if the year you will have to make a final machine thats badass enough to show your progress. If you fail that you fail the class."
Ruby stares at the weapons. She was okay with it since she was skilled with all kinds of weapons but if they were talking about being permanent. This wasn't that much of her style. "Thank you." Ruby takes the weapons. "Ummm... what would you like me to do?"

Blake shakes his head. "It would have been ideal if you had the lightest weighing one run up to the other. And push of their hands to get launched up there. That required teamwork. Let's say you didn't have a wrench on you and you couldn't use your powers. You would be able to do much. Think about that while you write me an essay on how to escape a gas chamber for homework." Blake started to fall asleep in his chair.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Zaphkiel was a bit slow at first but quickly, and easily, picked it up. "See I'm a natural." He began to float all of the desks
"Am I really that hot? Damn... sure let's play. I never have"

She giggled at him then got serious. "2,591 to be exact"
"Yes yes. I'm proud of you." Luna has the desks float back down to the ground. "Class is almost over.... Zaphkiel. I want you to tell me if anything is wrong or what it shouldn't be okay? I'm your mother. You should be okay with coming out with things.I don't keep secrets from you." Luna approaches him and starts to fix his hair and clothes. She started to wipe off his face as well. She couldn't stop worrying about him.

Telieos grins at this. "Class is almost over but okay." Telieos morphs back into Rikka and starts to run her stomach.

"Good, you?" Haxk sat down at the nearest seat.

Noah walked outside. He went to one guard. "Hey, its not your fault you killed those men, they just charged into battle with you." "Thanks makes me feel a lot better." Then something popped into his mind. "Hey, what were you before you became a guard?" "A farmer." "Any combat experience?" "Only at the farm with a rifle." Noah went to another person and asked the same question and the man answered the same thing. He asked this to multiple guards, most were farmers, some prisoners, some veterans, some even bandits. The problem was not the orcs, it was these people weren't trained. He had to do something. He went into the barracks. "Listen up, tomarrow you all start training like soldiers. Those people who fought out there were brave men who had little to no combat experience. If we have more experienced people we would have won." "Why should we fight?" "We are suppose to be soldiers not people who sit around and do nothing. One of these days this place will be attacked and we will parish as we 'fight'. Maybe we shouldn't play offensive, but that doesn't mean we can sit around. We need to train for that day." Some guards nod and started going outside to practice. Noah went outside as well and headed to the school.
Kazuichi smiled at the history of dragons then looked away for a second. "Um how about humans I mean how much were they affected by you know?" He tapped his fingers on his desk his smile now a serious look ready to soak up the info.

Naomi looked at the material on the table and thought. "Hmm something safe and small maybe ah I know!" She sent her nanomachines at the materials they began shaping and fusing together the materials. Until she had a small ball she sat it down on the floor making sure no other objects near it. Then sent a remote signal to the ball. It blew up in a tiny explosion then little smaller version that were inside blew up to. She nodded proud. "We didn't have time to but fire works for new years which made Kazu sad so we I bulit him a bunch of fireworks. They were more grenades then fireworks but he loved them none the less. His smile was cheerful and satisfying." She nodded at the memory but her face stayed emotionless.
(Whoa dont call my guards untrained sir I was literally just getting there. Call them lazy due to lack of danger but far from untrained)

He slowly smirked. "I'm impressed. But one thing." A sword of darkness grew in his hand. "Power is pointless when you're drained. You must know combat. Darkness is made of absolutely nothing. Your material eating power will not affect it. But I'm sure you have another trick to defend, correct?" He charged him, his sword swinging at Ash "My guards do not pass without impressing me in battle"

He shook his hair back and chuckled. "Mother I'm fine. There's no need to worry okay?"

Decimus stared at her now, shocked. "Oh god that would be horrible. I'm sorry we didn't have time to continue but class is over"

She giggled. "Next class. But for homework I want you to bring me an essay on your theories okay? The more correct you are the higher your grade. Have fun see you laaaater!"
Jack sighed. "We were going to apar but time ran out. Sorry."

Gaige smiled. "Percect."

Reed flew out of the class.

Rachel walked out already working on her essay.
After their classes ended the students each went to their dorms and relaxed. Zaphkiel listened to music, Rebecca laid there in the darkness, Daliah slept, and Brooke got herself a bit dolled up, waiting for Telieos
ConnorX said:
(I will stay away from insulting the guards from now on)
(oh no not saying that. Hell you're playing the guards it seems so insult them all you want. Just dont call them untrained. Damian doesn't lightly pick guards. Lazy? Sure. But he trains them. Once xD )
Kazuichi met up with Naomi in front of their room. They walked in and Kazuichi sat down. "How was class?" Naomi didn't waste anytime going to her chemistry set. "By my calculations I should pass with no problems." Kazuichi sighed. "A simple it went well would had been fine." Naomi head peaked up from her chemistry set. "How about your class are you successful?" He nodded. "Turns out I'm the only student." He remembered he should get to work on his theory.
Fahy left class and began looking for Ruby he was having a good day and was seriously trying to be a little more outgoing and was going to tell Ruby his name.

Connor was wandering around school considering what to do next, he wasn't sure what he was going to do.
Reed was in his dorm doing all his homework. As well as Rachel.

Kaylee walked up to the school with a smile on her face. Mercury was following behind her. "I wonder if it's going to be fun. I was absent the first two days but it's ok."
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Whoa dont call my guards untrained sir I was literally just getting there. Call them lazy due to lack of danger but far from untrained)
He slowly smirked. "I'm impressed. But one thing." A sword of darkness grew in his hand. "Power is pointless when you're drained. You must know combat. Darkness is made of absolutely nothing. Your material eating power will not affect it. But I'm sure you have another trick to defend, correct?" He charged him, his sword swinging at Ash "My guards do not pass without impressing me in battle"

He shook his hair back and chuckled. "Mother I'm fine. There's no need to worry okay?"

Decimus stared at her now, shocked. "Oh god that would be horrible. I'm sorry we didn't have time to continue but class is over"

She giggled. "Next class. But for homework I want you to bring me an essay on your theories okay? The more correct you are the higher your grade. Have fun see you laaaater!"
Ash raises his hand and dense carnage magic raises to take the hit. "Uh.... I can't really get drained since I am sentient mana. I can't run out of myself."

Luna rolls her eyes and nods her head. "Okay but if anything's happening with any other family members you tell me. It breaks my heart to see you all suffer. I love you." She gives Zaphkiel another kiss on the cheek before he leaves.

Tazmodo said:
Jack sighed. "We were going to apar but time ran out. Sorry."
Gaige smiled. "Percect."

Reed flew out of the class.

Rachel walked out already working on her essay.
( @Drumonkey )

Ruby nods her head and leaves the class. Immediately making her way to her dorm room. She passes by Fahy on the way there not noticing him since she's looking the other way.

( @ConnorX )

Rikka looks at the time. "Well it's time for you to go but you can stay and chat if you'd like. Have your classes been okay? You better not be failing any classes." Rikka laughs to herself.

Telieos nods her head and turns into a toy helicopter. She visits every student to invite them to a Cafe in the Academy. She visits Brooke in her dorm room last. She exits helicopter form and tells her about the cafe as well.

( @Nenma Takashi @Drumonkey @Church Burning @sarahbella @ConnorX @Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride )
"Is that right?" The sword turns into an inky black as it covered Ash's arm. It sucked itself into his pours then branded itself on his shoulder, the symbol of the school. "Then you pass. When you come to my class you only need be ready to finely tune your battle skills then."

"Oooo a cafe.. I love coffee! But.. why don't we stay here for a bit first, yeah?"

Rebecca looked over at Reed. "I'll go if you go. I dont care otherwise"

Daliah nodded to the copter. "Sure Ill tell Ruby when she get's here"

Zaphkiel shrugged. "Well my dormmate seems busy and I dont want to interrupt her. I'll go when she's done"
Fahy tries to stop Ruby but he freezes up still afraid then he says quietly "uhh... Ruby?" Then Fahy tried to clear his throat and spoke louder "Ruby."

Connor considered taking up the offer and began to head to his dorm room.
Kazuichi stood up. "A cafe sweet wanna go?" Naomi nodded standing. "It'd be a good why of getting data on the other students." Kazuichi smiled. "Sweet." Before he got out the door Naomi grabbed the back of his shirt. "Kazu my readings indicated that your hormones just went strange at the mention of a cafe. Are you possibly planning on finding a mate there." Kazuichi sighed he was caught but when he turned around Naomi was giving him a thumbs up. "As a good big sister I shall support you!" She ran out the door and Kazuichi followed a little worried about getting support from Naomi.
Haxk want back to his dorm. He began work on his new weapon. The Flamethrower! He needed a material that never let a fire burn out. Maybe a magic stone?

Noah saw a young goblin walk back to his dorm. What if that goblin could built rifles for the guards. He went and knocked on the goblin's door.

Haxk heard a knock on the door. He went to open it. "Hello, what do you.... A GUARD!" Noah walked in he looked around. He shut the door. "Hello my tiny friend. I heard you kind are good mechanics. Could you make rifles for us?" "Me? Why are you asking me?" "Who else should I get?" "Good point, i'll do it, but I need the material." "Ok, deal." They both shook hands and Noah was off. Haxk went outside to see if there was anyone to hang out with. He had heard of a cafe in the area and thought it would be good to get a bite.
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Is that right?" The sword turns into an inky black as it covered Ash's arm. It sucked itself into his pours then branded itself on his shoulder, the symbol of the school. "Then you pass. When you come to my class you only need be ready to finely tune your battle skills then."
"Oooo a cafe.. I love coffee! But.. why don't we stay here for a bit first, yeah?"

Rebecca looked over at Reed. "I'll go if you go. I dont care otherwise"

Daliah nodded to the copter. "Sure Ill tell Ruby when she get's here"

Zaphkiel shrugged. "Well my dormmate seems busy and I dont want to interrupt her. I'll go when she's done"
Ash nods his head and makes his way to the cafe.

Telieos raises an eyebrow at this and her appearance. "Yeah... sure."

Drumonkey said:
Fahy tries to stop Ruby but he freezes up still afraid then he says quietly "uhh... Ruby?" Then Fahy tried to clear his throat and spoke louder "Ruby."
Connor considered taking up the offer and began to head to his dorm room.
Ruby turns around and sees Fahy. "Oh, hi! Are you going to the cafe?"
Fahy furrowed his brow and straightened his back drawing up all his courage "i... I uhh... I wasn't planning... to go" Then Fahy looked down unable to keep going but glad he had managed to get that much out.
Drumonkey said:
Fahy furrowed his brow and straightened his back drawing up all his courage "i... I uhh... I wasn't planning... to go" Then Fahy looked down unable to keep going but glad he had managed to get that much out.
"Well so wasn't planning on going either but I decided to try it out last minute. My dorm mate may want to go as well. It could give us the opportunity to meet others. Who knows... It could be a good cafe." Ruby was trying to tempt him into going. She wanted to help him get over his fear of others. "I mean you're one of my friends so it would mean a lot if you went."
Reed smile and walked to the cafe with her. "Why did it matter that I went or not?"

Rachel smiled and wrapped her arms around him. "It doesn't matter now. Let's go have some fun. Oh and that's hug two." She smiled and pulled away. "Let's go."

Kaylee walked through the halls of the school.
Fahy looks surprised then thinks about it for a moment then tentatively nods his head and moves closer to Ruby to go with her to the cafe.

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