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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

Angelica was spinning in her chair when her student came. "Oh. Hello. There. My. Name. Is. Mrs. Mister. Grumpy. But. You. Can. Call. Me. An. Gel. I. Ca." She stopped spinning and stood wobbling. "Whoa im dizzy... Hey there take a seat" She said stumbling to the front of her desk

@Nenma Takashi
Connor woke up at the time for classes to change and took off his bracelet turning it into a trident and using it to help him shuffle to the next class. Connor was unsure what class he was going to next but he was content to wander for a little bit.
Gaige waited for her students to arrive.

She watched a girl walk into her crafts class. "Hey."
Connor wandered into crafts class and sat down putting his trident against his chair and leaning back the nap had helped but he was still tired.
Drumonkey said:
Fahy levitated the book easily then reached for another book with his mind hoping to lift it as easy as the other one he held. For him the weight of many books was something natural and it would take a few large books to even register as a weight. (of course after I finish my post @Light ) Fahy then smiled this new task would be a challenge but hopefully one he could master. From what he could tell lifting ones self was a combination of willpower and mental strength Fahy just hoped he was strong enough and began to try and lift himself.
DizjayDeathPride said:
"I dont knooow. Mine are white" She bumped him again
Daliah looked at the beast who looked saddened. "I'm sorry buddy. Next time okay?"

Rebecca nodded, understanding. She closed her eyes and focused her mind to her feet. She felt lighter as she continued to focused. Next thing she knew he hit her head on the ceiling She fell back down holding her head "Ow..."
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Kazuichi stopped the chair and Naomi stood up wobbled a bit then sat back down. "Kazu I'm dizzy." He sighed. "What class can we make it to?" She beeped. "In a few minutes it will be third period of our b block class schedule." Kazuichi sighed sitting on his bed. "I guess we can wait for the bell and just head to our third class." Naomi went back to her chemistry set. "What are you even making?" She turned around completely and gave a thumbs up with a blank look on her face. "Don't worry about it." Kazuichi stood up. "Now I'm worried!"

( Okay now head to one of your classes. )

Tazmodo said:
"Mine are white too. But yours look good." He said somewhat flirting.
Gaige sighed. "So what now?"
Tazmodo said:
Reed smiled and shook her hand. "I have s class. I'm Reed by the way. What do you have next?"
Rachel left for her s class class.
DizjayDeathPride said:
She smiled widely. "I'm going to team building. And with this, our friendship is.. completely." She let him go. He had so much anger inside him she saw. She could use. "I'll see you around" She winked and walked to her class
Daliah walked into the Battle Studies room and sat down

Zaphkiel went to spells. "Well hello mother"

Rebecca hurried to class and went to team building

"Oh look at the time. I'm sorry I held you up. It was nice teaching you Ruby. Come back next class with needle and thread"

The other teachers prepared themselves for their classes
Ruby made her way to her last class, Weapon Compatibility. Telieos went to his last class ability conditioning. While Ash went to his last class Castle Gaurd Training.

Rikka entered her class, making sure to tell them about their homework. An explanation on what beasts they'd like to bond with before they left.

Luna seems shocked to see her son in this class. "Yes... take a seat." She gave him a slight glare. She was yelling at him in her mind, knowing he could hear her.

William watches the students enter his classroom. "Welcome! It's time to learn about Battle Studies."

Blake watches the students enter the classroom. Two cannons exit the walls and point at them. "Reed. Save yourself or the others. Which do you choose? If you want to save yourself move out the way. If you want to save the others. Take out the source or escape with them."
Fahy walked into medicinal studies and sat down looking around to see if anyone would be in the class with him. He still sat in the back but was happy about today only hoping to complete one more task.
(Way ahead of ya Light)

Kazuichi sighed seeing the teacher wobble. "I just got a bad case of deja vu." He took his sit looking around for other students.

Naomi turned to the teacher and nodded. "Hello I'm Naomi nice to meet you." She took her backpack off her shoulder and sat it next to a chair. "I'll be sitting here."
He looked at her, perfectly calm. "Mother please stop yelling"

Damian sighed at the kid who entered. "Welcome to Castle Guard Training. Let's cut to it. Do you honestly believe you're ever going to to be qualified to guard?"

Decimus nodded at the girl. "Hello. Tell me about your powers"

Ryan was cleaning the board when he entered. "I dont know why I even bothered. "Well you're once again my only student." When he finished he turned back. "We'll start small." He began giving the same speech as before about the different applications and usages for gauge, when and when not to use it, pressure application, stitches, the whole lot.

She shook her head, the tips of her hair breaking more, as she regained her consciousness. "You're probably my only student. Welcome. I will teach you about every species of mortal and how to deal with their problems. Would you like to pick the species to start or shall I?"
Fahy wrote down a few notes but memorized the rest of it his eyes paying attention the whole time. "Very interesting stuff but don't feel the need to take it slow on my behalf I have a great memory."
Reed chose to save the others. He sprouted wings and grabbed the others. Making to dodge any thing that fire at them.

Gaige smiled. "Ok but first you need to show me what you can do. If you don't finish you get a F for the day."
Kazuichi sat up a bit. "The only student score!" He fist pumped. "Take it away Teach your the boss." He said smiling.

Naomi opened her backpack and reached in the sound of metal clunking together could be heard. She took out a metal pipe and a flat sheet of metal. "Hmmm oh I know." She picked up the pipe and sent her nanomachines through it the pipe changed shape making a sword. She picked up the sheet of metal and did it again making it into a shield. "Does this complete your request?"
Gaige smiled. "Thats was impressive. Let me see those nanomachines. Did you make them?"

Jack saw the girl arrive in her class. "Hello it seems that your my only student. Do you alrrady know of any weapon you want to use?"
(Alright we'll do a light time time skip to keep it consistent dont worry about it everyone els kay drumonkey) He smiled lightly when he was done, sitting on his desk. "I don't doubt that. But others are not as gifted in that area and it makes my life easier to stay on track with everyone. But since you're the only one here.. sure i'll go further." From there he began teaching about amputation and limb disposal. Different situations when it is necessary to remove a limb and when it can be salvaged. He started talking about different gashes and how to handle those. "Certainly of course in certain situations you can actually stick your hand inside someone's wound without harming them. Its very interesting. But that's as far as I can teach you" He looked at the time. "Class ends in about... twenty minutes. Any questions?"

She bounced a bit as she clapped, giggling "Yay okay! Let's talk about dwarves!" She gave a long speech about their history and personal problems arising in the conflicts between the species and the reasons they were forced to upper earth. "And then of course we saved some of them and they live on the country island following their traditional trades. Which is a bit unnecessary since we have modern technology but every so often someone needs a true dwarven sword you know? So... any questions?"
"Actually I don't have any questions other than have you ever stuck your hand into someone's wound before?" Fahy smiled and was enjoying himself.
He laughed. "To be honest I did it about right before my 2nd class. It was quite amusing. My wife was the one who showed me you could do that. Maybe one day ill let you play with my patients as well. Oh your homework will be to bring needle and thread suitable to stitch with"
Fahy wrote it down in his notebook "got it a needle and a thread, I can do that. Since we have time what exactly do you do in your free time being a god and all. Also what do you think of my father?" Fahy tilted his head his gold eyes glowing. @DizjayDeathPride
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DizjayDeathPride said:
He looked at her, perfectly calm. "Mother please stop yelling"
Damian sighed at the kid who entered. "Welcome to Castle Guard Training. Let's cut to it. Do you honestly believe you're ever going to to be qualified to guard?"

Decimus nodded at the girl. "Hello. Tell me about your powers"

Ryan was cleaning the board when he entered. "I dont know why I even bothered. "Well you're once again my only student." When he finished he turned back. "We'll start small." He began giving the same speech as before about the different applications and usages for gauge, when and when not to use it, pressure application, stitches, the whole lot.

She shook her head, the tips of her hair breaking more, as she regained her consciousness. "You're probably my only student. Welcome. I will teach you about every species of mortal and how to deal with their problems. Would you like to pick the species to start or shall I?"
Luna approaches him and puts her finger on his nose lightly. "I will not stop yelling. You know how dangerous it would be if you attempt to get into witchcraft." Luna decided to embarrass him by giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Telieos looks at Decimus and smiles. She turns into Rikka and makes her way to her seat. "Does that tell you?"

Ash nods his head confidently. "Yes I can. I'm quite the capable individual." Ash looks up at Damian.

Tazmodo said:
Gaige smiled. "Thats was impressive. Let me see those nanomachines. Did you make them?"
Jack saw the girl arrive in her class. "Hello it seems that your my only student. Do you alrrady know of any weapon you want to use?"
Ruby shakes her head. "No... I'm fine with any weapon of your choice."

Blake presses a button and the cannons stop the process of firing. "Risky move but it slightly worked. Though due to you slowing yourself down by moving everyone you still would have been slightly damaged and it could have been fatal overtime. If I were you I would have used your wings to knock the cannons over by spreading them. Don't worry... You still get a passing grade though." Blake relaxes in his chair. Taking another drag from his cigarette. "Next test. I want one of you to get that bell hanging from the ceiling. No wings, no levitation. No powers. Go."
He quickly rubbed it off. "Moooom.. stop. It could be fun come on. And who better to make sure I dont go to far than my own mother"

Deci raised an eyebrow. "So you can transform. Interesting. Well that's all for today. Next class, for homework, I want you to bring something that represents and untilizes your powers"

"Is that right?" Damian threw his pen at Ash, it moving almost invisibly.

Noah stepped into the office of his commander. "We lose the battle at the clan's homeland. 8 came back alive sir." Noah waited for a response.

Haxk went to medical class, learned more stuff and went to Beast Studies. "Hey Mrs.Rikki, how ya doing?"

(Just noticed that I never said how big the army was, it was 70 guards. I'll go edit it in.)
DizjayDeathPride said:
He quickly rubbed it off. "Moooom.. stop. It could be fun come on. And who better to make sure I dont go to far than my own mother"
Deci raised an eyebrow. "So you can transform. Interesting. Well that's all for today. Next class, for homework, I want you to bring something that represents and untilizes your powers"

"Is that right?" Damian threw his pen at Ash, it moving almost invisibly.

Luna sighs and starts to teach him the basic spells such as the float spell. She decides on spending the entire class time on the float spell until he's able to lift several extremely heavy objects.

Telieos morphs into Decimus. "Cool.... want to play charades? I'm really good!"

Carnage magic sprouts out of Ash and envelops the pen. Devouring it until there's nothing left. "Do I qualify?"

ConnorX said:
Noah stepped into the office of his commander. "We lose the battle at the clan's homeland. 8 came back alive sir." Noah waited for a response.
Haxk went to medical class, learned more stuff and went to Beast Studies. "Hey Mrs.Rikki, how ya doing?"

(Just noticed that I never said how big the army was, it was 70 guards. I'll go edit it in.)
( You have six classes. A day you do your first three classes. Then the next day, B day. You carry out your last three classes. Today is B day, you're repeating your A day classes. Now You know though. )

Rikka turns to Haxk. The forest is closed off and she's sitting at her desk. "Oh hi Haxk! How are you?" She smiles at him and puts her pen down.
Kazuichi nodded. "Yeah how many dwarfs were saved?" He asked rasing his hand even though he was the only student.

Naomi nodded at the teacher she pointed a nanomachine was on her index finger. "I had help working out the problems in the beta but it is my design. So yes I did make it myself." The nanomachine flew in front of the teacher.
"Interesting. Tell me what else that can do" Damian looked over at Noah. "And do you expect me to be surprised? I never intended to send anyone. But you felt the need to go. You wanted to join the guard and defend yes? How can you dare say you could do that when over 60 men have died due to your blind battle. Over 60 families have lost their fathers. Because of you. Remember that next time you want to petition to the queen to join my guard and kill my men. You are dismissed. I will handle it. I have a class to teach" He went back to Ash. "As you were saying?"
Jack cracked his knuckles. "Ok then you can have this." A spartan sword and shield appeared in his hands. "You might like it."

Reed sighed.

Rachel took out a wrench and through it at the bell and caught it. "Easy."

Gaige smiled. "That's awesome. You show some promise. So by the end if the year you will have to make a final machine thats badass enough to show your progress. If you fail that you fail the class."
Zaphkiel was a bit slow at first but quickly, and easily, picked it up. "See I'm a natural." He began to float all of the desks

"Am I really that hot? Damn... sure let's play. I never have"

She giggled at him then got serious. "2,591 to be exact"
Kazuichi nodded. "Oh hey can we talk about dragons!" He asked excited.

Naomi nodded. "Noted." She beeped setting the objective in her database. The nanomachine flew back to her it landed in her hand and she closed her hand when she opened it the machine was gone. "What is next?"

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