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Fantasy Zephyr (Accepting)

Evangelina's lips quivered slightly, squeezing her eyes tight at the sound of an intense growl. It was like a nightmare. She's only ever dealt with a demon once in her life. It scarred her, psychically and mentally. Evangelina's fingers brushed over the edge of her hip, feeling the old scars a demon had left her with. She moved a bit closer to Zelin. To her surprise, the prince gently entwined his hand with hers. Their gazes locked once more. The elf's blue eyes softened, and for a moment, she wasn't afraid. He moved in front of her protectively. A fork of lightning and another clap of thunder echoed from outside the castle, causing Evangelina to jump a bit. Her delicate hand squeezed Zelin's tighter.

After the bookshelf fell on top of the guard, the room grew silent. Too silent. Evangelina felt something wet drop onto her cheek. She wiped away the wet drop, only to find clear goo. It was saliva. The elf looked up slowly. She saw nothing at first, until the demon's invisibility suddenly shut off. It was huge. Sharp horns ran down its spine, and it's spiked tail swayed back and forth like a cat. It stared directly at her with bright red eyes. Chills ran down Evangelina's spine. Seeing it had been spotted, the demon let out the most horrific sound a person could ever imagine. Evangelina fell to the floor, her ears ringing in pain from the loudness of the scream. The demon crawled across the ceiling like a rat, but did not attack. It sped into the next room quickly and out of sight. When the guards went to look for it, it had mysteriously vanished.

Evangelina's whole entire body shook. She rose to her knees, and stumbled a bit.

"I-It's an... Archdemon. We need to... get out of the castle. Or it'll kill us all." She murmured to Zelin, managing to stand still on her feet.
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Zelin watched as the creature leapt into another room, leaving them alone. The prince felt relieved for a moment...and was utterly disgusted with himself. He turned to console Evangelina when she murmured something quietly to Zelin. "I-It's an... Archdemon. We need to... get out of the castle. Or it'll kill us all." She said, shaking a bit. His eyes widened at her words, but quickly regained his composure. An archdemon...in Dominion's castle? How? The prince thought to himself. He looked up at the guards, trying to lift the bookshelf off of the man. Zelin sighed a bit and looked back into Evangelina's eyes, whispering so that the guards couldn't hear him. "It's my fault you're in danger...I'll get you out. Worry not. But...we can't tell the others what that thing is. They'll...panic." A loud crashing sound echoed from another room, alerting everyone of the creatures presence.

Zelin turned toward the darkness, squinting to try and find the horror. The guards had finally lifted the bookshelf off and rallied to protect the prince once again. "No, we don't need to fight it. We have to get away now." He ordered the men, still starring off into the shadows. "Evangelina...do you think you can walk?" He asked, feeling her hand shake in his. Zelin was surprised he himself wasn't shaking.
Evangelina continued to shake, nodding curtly at the prince's words.

"We need to hurry, Zelin. Archdemons never attack at first. They attack unexpectedly, and very strongly. It will wipe out most of these guards, and many more. Once were are out of the castle, I'll explain everything. But we need to go." She whispered in a soft voice. The elf gripped his hand tightly, before hoisting herself up from off of the floor. She nodded for Zelin to lead the way. This was his castle after all.

Another intense growl erupted throughout the castle, practically causing the walls to shake. And then, it grew quiet again. The demon watched from above, it's claws digging into the ceiling. It's camouflage had been reactivated again, making all guards below oblivious. The demon, however, was not interested in the guards. No. It's murderous red eyes stared straight at the prince, and the white-haired elf. As the two began to walk away from everyone else, the demon followed like a shadow. Each step against the ceiling was completely silent, as it crawled after the prince and the elf. It watched them like a piece of fresh meat.

A huge fork of lightning smashed against the dirt just outside in the castle's courtyard, causing the electricity to shut off. The entire castle, and the city of Dominion went dark. Only a few houses remained with light. Evangelina walked closer to Zelin, trying to ignore the silence. Something was not right.
Yamina made it to the room and silently entered and looked around for the prince and his friend. "My prince are you in here?" She asked looking around for him. She was becoming worried before what she saw made her eyes widen. It was an Archdemon...those things are deadly but she has face them before...she growled as it was looking at her. She needed to kill the monster and find the prince and his friend fast.
Charles had been told of the commotion, and was quick to act. With unnatural swiftness, he had reached the castle, and of course.... He had summoned his fancy chair. The Captain quickly took his seat, and floated up into the sky. If the demon came out, he'd be ready. Until then, though, he could enjoy the show.

Ayah was informed by the same guard Charles was, and quickly came to the rescue with another squadron of guards. The group stood outside the castle, only halted by Charles' command.

"Simply magnificent...", Charles muttered. If it got too serious, he might actually have to step in, and maybe toy with the creature.


Aura and Erin had just gone off towards the castle, in search of their uncle. When they arrived, however, they spotted the commotion, and stood back wearily. That's when Erin had the bright idea to look up, of course.

"Un..Uncle Charles?", she'd call out.

Charles only looked down, and then smiled. "Hey, sorry, I got caught up in something, mind waiting?", he'd call down to the two. Aura and Erin only facepalmed, as this usually happened when they visited Charles.

That was the fun of it.
Yamina sight had darkened because of the electricity being blown out by the archedemon. Just exactly what she wanted. She just ignored the need for sight and focused on her hearing instead. She heard the whispers of the prince and followed the sound leading her to them and she sighed then whispered. "Oh my prince I am glad you are safe...and your friend as well..." she tells him in a low whisper
Zelin stood close to Evangelina, trying hard to see through the darkness. The quiet was getting to him, it was nerve-racking to know the creature was lurking around. An archdemon of all things...how did it enter the castle so easy? Matter of fact...how did it enter the city while under lockdown? The prince shook his head slightly, this wasn't the time to concern himself with that right now. He needed to get everyone out and safe. "Oh my prince, I am glad you're safe...and your friend as well..." A faint whisper said. Zelin glanced through the darkness, unable to make out who spoke to him clearly. "Who are you? That doesn't matter, we need to leave now!" He tried to say quietly, quickening his pace, still holding on tightly to his guest.

(Sorry it's a little short, didn't want to do to much as I'm assuming something is about to happen.)
As the group neared the front entranceway, the demon quickened it's speed above them. Evangelina felt that something was not right. A disturbance in the air of some sort. Her blue eyes glanced up, catching a glimpse of the demon slithering across the wall above them. It had been following them this whole time.

"Z-Zelin!" Evangelina felt her hand drop from his suddenly. Something was wrong. It was like the presence of the monster caused all nerves in her body to shut down. She fell to the floor, her body shaking. The demon skittered down the wooden door, and settled its horrific self right in front of their little group. It's jaws smacked and growled, drool dripping from its long fangs. It lunged straight for the prince at intense speed. The demon whipped it's long spiked tail out, and smacked Zelin straight in the stomach. It sent him flying backwards down the hallway. As for Yamina, it turned towards her and summoned a darkness spell. Her eyes suddenly turned pitch black with a strange goo swirling inside. The black substance dripped down her cheeks and to the floor. It blurred her vision and hearing. The archdemon reached out towards the elf, and gripped it's horned claws around her neck. It slammed Evangelina onto the hard marble, causing a deafening crack to ring out as she fell unconscious. Blood pooled around her in seconds.

Seeing the prince grow angry, the demon stared at him with its piercing red eyes. It said something in an unknown language, and soon enough, blood was pouring out of the prince's ears. As the two began to black out, the demon lifted the prince and Evangelina away from the ground. It dug it's claws into their skin to keep them from falling. Turning towards the window, it ran straight for it, and burst out the other side. Shards of glass fell to the ground below. The demon crawled up the wall just like it had done before, and disappeared into town.

The city's lights were still out, allowing a quick getaway for the demon as it viciously slaughtered the mercenaries guarding the lockdown gate. Leaving the men in a bloody heap, the demon sped out of the city in seconds and into the dark forest.
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Yamina growled as the demon fled the castle her vision and hearing coming back to her. "DAMMIT!!" she yelled as she turned around starting to looks for the prince "Prince Zelin? Where are you?" She yelled out she kept on looking for him starting to get worried. She needed to know if he was alright or not it would be a disgrace if the prince died on her watch.

No matter how flat you make a pancake it's still got two sides
Zelin's body felt cold, wind hitting his face continuously, making it numb. The entirety of his body was in pain, but at the same time he could barely feel anything at all. Was he even still in one piece? A faint smell of blood kept him from going unconscious, but his ribs hurt immensely with every breath. Where... He tried to think, but it hurt to much to try. After a moment he felt his body moving, a slight motion, as if he was on horse back. The prince opened his eyes only to be greeted by surrounding darkness. The wind still hit his face hard, forcing him to squint. He gazed around to realize he was outside...and moving. A low and dark growl was heard, making the prince's heart leap. He shifted himself slightly, only to realize he was being restrained. A moan was heard next to him, weak and seemingly in pain. Zelin looked to his side to see Evangelina held up. He suddenly realized where he was.

"...L-let...go of...us." He said trying to work his way out, even as his body hurt all over. The creature simply hissed a warning, continuing it's sprint at full speed. Stubborn, the prince wouldn't let some demon take him without a fight. He continued to try and shake away. "S-stop....I won't...Evan...Evangelina...wake up!" Zelin said, trying to wake up the elf. The creature was fed up and tighted it's grip on the prince. He continued to squirm only to hear an agitated growl and then a moment of sharp pain in his back. "N-no...I won't..." He whispered as warmth spread through his body. A liquid continued to drip from his arm. "...I..." It was too late and he was unconscious again. At the mercy of the archdemon.
The air was cold, musky. Not a single wisp of fresh air, as if it did not exist down here. The elf's eyes began to flutter open, glancing around woozily. Her vision was blurry, but began to clear after a few moments. Zelin sat in front of her on the opposite wall. His body was covered in dry blood, along with shackles that gripped tightly around his wrists and ankles.

"Z... Zelin..." Evangelina whispered. She tried to rise to her feet, but something restrained her. The elf's knees hit the cobblestone floor, making a groan escape her lips. Her head pounded painfully. She looked down to see shackles around her wrists as well. Except, she saw none on her ankles. Evangelina brushed her fingertips across the shackle squeezed tightly around her neck. Like a metal dog chain. She swiveled to look behind her, seeing that the chain was nailed tightly into the stone wall.

The elf blinked rapidly and finally took in her surroundings. They had been placed in some sort of... prison cell. Except each wall was lined with thick cobblestone bricks. Evangelina looked down in front of her, seeing old bones sprawled out in the middle of the cell. About three large rats sniffed around them, searching for any lost scraps. She showed no fear towards the scrawny animals. The rats looked up at the elf with their beady red eyes and scampered into the corner of the cell. Evangelina stared at a broken skull. The cause of death looked like something heavy had whacked against it.

Tears welled in her blue eyes as she looked away from the rubble of yellowed bones. There was a single door on the left side closest to Evangelina. It was wooden with steel locks hammered on the sides. A small window with bars sat at the top of the door. She shook her head in horror.

"Zelin. Zelin! Please wake up." She exclaimed, her voice breaking slightly. The elf heard a booming laugh and a deep voice speaking in an unknown language outside. More laughter followed, along with pounding footsteps. The sound grew closer. A shadow appeared at the window on the door. It blocked all light in the cell, making everything dark. The door creaked open to reveal a huge Orc standing there with a spiked axe in hand. His face had several scars running across his large nose, and dark eyes that gleamed with aggression. He stood at about 7'1 in height.

"You pups awake?" He yelled, his voice thunderous and loud. He stepped further into the cell and settled his gaze on Evangelina below him.

"Well, well, well... Look at the face on that one, Muzdahk. Sithis caught himself a pretty bird." The huge Orc laughed, whistling at her as if she were a dog. He nudged the Orc next to him, who was staring at the elf as well. The other Orc was a bit smaller, but still had a very muscular build. Muzdahk grumbled something in an unknown language, and the two Orcs burst out laughing. After their booming laughter had ended, the large Orc stepped inside the cell completely. Muzdahk blocked the entrance, and eyed Evangelina like a piece of meat. The large Orc glanced over at the prince on the other side, and stepped towards him. He leaned down, breathing his sour breath into Zelin's face.

"Don't think I've forgotten about you, your highness. We got a coupl'a hell hounds who haven't had a decent meal in ages. You'll be paying them a visit later." The Orc spat in his face, and sat up straight. He towered over the shackled prince. Beginning to take his leave, the Orc flashed Evangelina a toothy smirk.

"We'll be back for you soon, elf. If Sithis doesn't get to ya first." The Orc growled, before swinging the door shut and locking it. She heard them fall into a fit of heavy laughter, before fading off into the distance. Evangelina's entire body shook in fear.


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(Oh no he didn't just spit on me? Fight me IRL. 1v1 me. *Raises fists* >->)

Something warm hit Zelin's face causing him to grumble and moan. Just why did his body hurt? His eyes flicked open slowly, trying to adjust to the surroundings. He moved his head off of the wall slightly, the clanking sounds of chains echoing throughout the room. The prince felt a liquid ooze off the side of his cheek and he quickly raised his sleeve to wipe it off. Whatever it was smelled terrible, nearly causing him to vomit. "Zelin..." A voice whispered, nearly causing him to jump. He looked toward the voice, to find the elf shivering before him, chained and restrained like some beast. Her eyes filled with sorrow and fear, causing his heart pain. He raised himself up, trying to reach her but realized that he too had been chained down. The metal dug into his skin, nearly causing him to bleed even more. "...Ev..." He tried to speak but his throat was dry and horse. "...Where...are we?"
Evangelina winced as she watched the prince reach for her, but step back in his place from the restrain. The sound of the chains echoed loudly. She shivered and lifted her gaze towards him. His voice was raspy and dry. Tears filled in her eyes just from the sound of it.

"It brought us to some kind of lair where they hold prisoners. Two Orcs came in a few minutes ago and..." Her voice began to break. The elf's body was shaking so much the chains shook as well. Evangelina stared at the ground.

"They said they're going to come back and take me away... I'm not sure where." She whispered softly. The chain around her neck was a bit too tight. It rubbed against her delicate skin, causing it to redden and sting underneath the metal. Her body sit crumpled against the cold cobblestone, feeling her legs beginning to go numb. She looked back up at him, a single tear pouring down her face.

"And they said... The Orcs... They're going to take you away too... and feed you to the hell hounds." Evangelina had to look away from him. She held in the sobs she felt rising from her throat.

Evangelina turned away from him, as if unable to see what expression he may have. Fed...to the hell hounds? The prince felt a much larger fear grip him, but shook his head, throwing away that fear. I can't be scared...not again. He thought, still gazing at the elf. While his body has taken quite a lot of damage...the emotional damage must be taking a toll on her. "...Hey...I said we'd be okay right? Trust me, we'll find a way out of this." Zelin said softly, both trying to lessen her pain and keep his throat in tact. Just what the hell did that thing do to me? He lifted his arm, trying to inspect the chains restraining him. They weren't very well kept, mostly rusty and bent. Dark red stains covered the interior. In theory he could break them...In theory. Just how AM I going to get us out? The prince thought.
Aura and Erin had been sent by their Uncle to go search for the two. Following the beast's tracks, they were making progress within the dark forest, that is until they encountered another beast. It was one of the horrors rumored by the veteran guards, the ones who escaped the horrors in their youth.

Dragons, they called them.


Aura dodged the green breath that came from the gigantic black reptile's wide mouth, heat getting closer and closer to her back, until the large volley of flames ended just before it could reach her. Erin would quickly catch Aura as she leaped to dodge the flames, and the two regained their battle stances.

Erin raised her dark sword, afterwards a small cylinder would emerge from the hilt, and elongate by the blade. A large puff of smoke went off, and the cylinder jerked back, a bright and whizzing projectile slamming into the dragon's head.


The explosion stunned Alabrahn'ikidorallzah, and sent him sprawling back, slamming into a tree. Aura took this chance to charge, and sent lightning-fast jabs with her rapier, surrounded in a sort of Flameis coating. The large creature screamed in pain.

"Damnit Uncle, you just love trouble!", Aura would yell as she sent jab after jab.

"Aura!", Erin would suddenly scream, looking above them. Two more dragons had come, a few shadow-creatures leaping off of their backs. These were the horrors that the guards spoke of, the inevitable danger that approached Dominion every day.


The shadow creatures made their landing swiftly, and were ready to pounce.
Yamina takes off running to find charles when she realizes the prince and his friend aren't in the room. "CHARLES!!!! CHARLES WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" She yelled. Her hair was out of place and her heart was beating faster than anything before. It was clear what was happening she was having a panic attack. She just lost the prince and it's all her fault. The pressure of being blamed for his kidnap is eating her alive. She yells out Charles name again hoping to get an answer and just falls on her knees bursting into tears. Something extremely rare was happening to Yamina she was letting her emotions take over and she can't control it.

No matter how flat you make a pancake it's still got two sides
"Calm down, hon, my nieces will get him for us.", Charles would say above Yamina, floating in his chair. The man was sipping on his favorite tea, from Ajinoai, of course. He had a large grin on his face, but slight worry struck him inside. If the Prince lived, he'd come out changed, much more mature, easily trainable...

If he died, the Kingdom would fall.

It was a gamble, but that's what Charles enjoyed the most. The risk, the excitement, it just made Charles so glad to be living in such a terrible, cruel, and messed up world.

(Love the orcs. I got Shadow of Mordor. Good stuff.)
The sound of Charles calm voice soothes Yamina's panic attack. She slowly took deep breathes as her Attack lessened. This was good for her because she can now she can stop worrying knowing that Charles nieces went to save the prince. She slowly stood up and dusted herself off before fixing her hair. She didn't look up at where Charles was because she was too embarrassed what just happened. "Charles can you please hold me...?" She asked him which is something that has never happened before and it surprised her as well.

No matter how flat you make a pancake it's still got two sides
Evangelina's blue eyes flicked back up and met the prince's gaze as he spoke. His was tone reassuring, giving her a small sliver of hope. She found it hard to look at him. He was in pain, and worst of all, restrained. And there was nothing Evangelina could do about it. She felt her heart begin to drop again. The elf turned her eyes towards the wooden door a few feet away. It was so close. Evangelina wanted desperately to reach for the handle and lead them to freedom. But, she knew it would never be that easy.

"Zelin... I'm sor-" She began, but her voice dropped to a low whisper as she heard approaching footsteps. Her heart began to pound. Someone unlocked the wooden door and pushed it open. A shadow towered over her. It was Krork, with a torch in hand.

"Time to go, elf. Say goodbye to your highness." The huge Orc growled, bursting into a fit of heavy laughter as he stepped towards Evangelina. His huge hands grabbed her neck roughly.

"No... No! You can't do this!" The elf exclaimed in pure horror. The Orc grunted loudly and unbuckled the hook from her collar-like chain. He began dragging her out like a rag doll.

"ZELIN!" She screamed. The huge wooden door slammed shut, leaving the prince alone in the darkness.

Evangelina squirmed in Krork's grasp, but got nowhere. They passed what seemed like thousands and thousands of identical prison cells. She heard moans and hysterical laughter ringing out from behind some of the prison doors. Evangelina was dragged down the hallway, and stopped right in front of a huge black door. Krork opened it, staring into nothing but blackness. With a large hand, the Orc yanked the elf's head up by the chain around her neck, fully presenting her face.

"Sithis. You're toy is here." Was all the Orc said in a rough voice. He flung Evangelina into the darkness, and smiled with amusement as she skidded across the ground. She groaned loudly, and looked up. The black door was shut. Shadows swirled into her vision.

"I've been waiting... waiting so long for you to come. And now, you're finally here. Yes... My new toy. Evangelina..." A sickening voice filled with insanity echoed from somewhere in the darkness. Whatever it was, began to laugh hysterically. The elf blindly stumbled away from it, but the voice only got louder.

"You can't escape your fate, elf. You're mine... ALL MINE." The voice began screaming at the top of its lungs, causing Evangelina to collapse to the wet floor. Her ears began to ring. There was a soft clicking of claws scrapping against brick. It grew louder. Something wrapped itself around her, and waves of pain throbbed throughout her entire body.

"There you are." It whispered directly into her ear. A swift crack rang out in the darkness.

The elf screamed endlessly in pain for hours. Until eventually, it was too much.

Evangelina fell limp onto the floor, unconscious. The thing unwrapped it's horned claws from her bloody body, and stepped away. Krork stood outside the door. He heard the screams come to a stop, and assumed it was over. The Orc twisted the handle on the black door and pushed it open. His dark eyes settled on the elf's crushed frame.

"My toy is ruined, Krork. Get her out of my sight." Sithis hissed in the darkness, continuing to conceal itself. Krork nodded, and dragged the elf out by her chain. A trail of blood was left behind them as he stopped at the prince's prison cell, and flung her inside. He didn't even bother to hook her chains to the wall. He shut the door with a loud CLUNK. Darkness returned to the cell.

Evangelina lay in front of Zelin in a crimson pool, motionless.
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Aura and Erin had slain the two newer dragons, leaving the original, Alabrahn'ikidorallzah to bleed out within the forest. The shadow creatures were also killed, but not at no cost. Erin had taken a few scratches, and Aura as well, both felt rather tired and sore.

The tracking continued on, until the forest got denser and denser. It was now growing hard to find the demon's tracks, and the two were being attacked left and right by thorns and brush.

However, they were getting close. All the Prince could do was buy them time, and that meant acting.

(I have no idea what the place they're in looks like on the outside.)


Ayah had been halted by Charles before she could run off to help. The girl was angered, and helped heal the injured guards to cool herself off and get her mind off of things.


Charles looked down at Yamina, and smiled, forcing his chair to float down, next to her. He extended his arms, and held her. If things went to plan, the prince should be alive. If things became too drastic, Charles would have to fight the kidnappers, and maybe even use his full potential.

That would be rather ugly, but fun as well.

However, Charles rather enjoyed just holding Yamina, that was good enough for the moment. "It'll be fine, we can go help find the Prince if it gets too serious...", he'd mutter, holding back whatever smile he would normally show.

That wasn't too romantic, to smile like nothing was going on, even Charles knew that.
(Anyone else thrown back so much they spilled a cup of water everywhere? No? Just me? Okay. ANNNNDDD ACTION.)

Screaming that would break any normal man down lasted for hours. What sounded like relentless torture flooded Zelin's thoughts with horror. He felt nothing but pity and remorse. It should have been me. Not her. I should be in there. He continued to scream in his mind, pounding away at the chain in a futile attempt at escape. If only I wasn't useless. If only I knew some sort of magic... Zelin felt tears rain down from his face, dripping on the floor before him. "...It should have been me." He whispered, drowning in sadness.

After a while the screams stopped and silence once again filled the air. It was uncomfortable and dark, not knowing the fate of Evangelina was a living hell. Is...she still...alive? Zelin kept asking himself over and over. Finally a sound of footsteps was heard and the orc from before was dragging something into the room. Eventually he opened the cage a threw what looked like a corpse into the cage. With that he left without a word and disappeared as quickly as he came. The prince reached out toward the mangled body, unable to reach it as the chains pulled him back. "...E...."

Zelin shook his head as if in disbelief. He turned away from the body looking at the wall. "This...this isn't right." He whispered, anger overtaking him. His fear turned quickly to rage as he began pounding at the chains vigorously. "Damnit! It should. Have. Been. Me!" He began to chant. After a few extra bruisers appeared on his hands he still didn't want to stop. Fresh blood began to drip from the cuts.

A loud crack emanated from the cell, making Zelin jump in surprise. The rusted chains broke around one of his arms, freeing his left hand. "...Y-yes!" He exclaimed, only to quiet down to try and not attract attention. It seems he was right, the chains were old and not in shape. If only...I was sooner...I could have...
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Everything was so black, and cold. Like that room had been. With Sithis. The Archdemon in a new form. It was sickening. He clawed and smashed her against the cobblestone walls like a new dog toy. Breaking and ripping her flesh for the extent of its own entertainment.

Out of her unconsciousness, Evangelina picked up the loud sound of a chain clanking to the ground. Were they taking Zelin to Sithis? To torture him too? The elf felt something begin to pull herself out of the endless black abyss. A voice. It was Zelin's voice. He was still here. Alive.

Slowly, Evangelina began to gain control of her bloody body again. Outside in reality, her hand began to twitch. The elf let out a painful groan before flicking open her light blue gaze. She stared at Zelin, tears immediately welling in her eyes as the fresh memories of Sithis's claws ripping across her body came back to her. She sniffled softly. Evangelina managed to lift herself up onto her side, and grip her head with one hand. Everything else was too painful to move. Her entire body ached and stung. Sithis had clawed her up and down, over and over again for hours. Her pale complexion was splattered with her own blood. She began to sob violently, her body using all of the strength it had left. She tried to say Zelin's name, but nothing came out. Her throat rejected the words and instead filled her mouth with blood.
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Zelin watched as the mangled body began moving back to life again, it was stunted and in pain...but she was alive. "Ev-Evangelina hold on!" He turned back to his task with renewed resolve, smashing away at the chains once more. This time...surely...he wouldn't be a useless prince. He lifted the shackle that he had freed himself from and began smashing it into the other. It would be better than him using his bloodied fist. Sure enough, after a few hard hits, it cracked as well, splitting in to. The prince sighed in relief but immediately began work on the last. It too smashed to pieces and he was finally able to feel blood move through his body normally.

"...Alright...Evangelina...are you?" He tried asking, but she suddenly coughed up blood. She wasn't in good shape at all. "Damn...Damn." He began muttering angrily and turned toward the cell gate. If I could break us out...we could get her help... He thought. Luckily, the prince has been know to pick a few locks in his time. He looked back at Evangelina, and his heart dropped once more. This is what demons are capable of...even so much more.

Zelin turned toward the gate and began to use what little void magic he did know. With enough force the gate's lock will snap, freeing them. "...Eintras..." He whispered quickly and a small flash of green light pulsed out of his hand toward the lock, knocking it across the room. It worked! The prince quietly and quickly slid the gate open and turned to pick up Evangelina. The smell of blood was thick on her body and gashes cover her everywhere. It was almost sickening to look at her. I won't abandon you. Not this time. He picked her up and gently placed her on his back. "You're going to be okay...I've got you."
Evangelina watched with a pounding head and stinging skin as Zelin broke the last chain from his arm. The rats in the corner of the cell hissed in alarm at the sudden crack, and scampered into a small hole in the wall. Her blues eyes trailed after him as he stood up from the cold cobblestone floor, and walked towards the wooden door. The elf saw a blur of green waver from his hand, and the door in front of him swung open. Her eyes widened. Black dots appeared in the edges of her vision, concealing a portion of the dark cell. The prince turned towards her, and stooped down to the floor. Evangelina felt his gentle hands lift her up, and place her on his back. She felt a surge of pain, but kept her mouth shut from yelping out.

"You're going to be okay... I've got you." Tears spilled down her crimson cheeks and soaked into his shirt. She rested her face onto his shoulder, and closed her eyes.

"T... thank you... Zelin." Evangelina whispered in a small voice. She fell still on his back.

The heavy set Orc stood down at the end of the hallway, leaning against the brick with his arms crossed. He heard the slight sound of a door opening from afar. He arched an eyebrow, and let out a loud grunt as he pushed himself off from the wall. He began wandering down the hall slowly towards the noise. He had almost reached the prince's cell, until Muzdahk ran straight into him from around the corner. The two Orc's massive heads smacked together. Muzdahk stumbled back, a meaty hand on his forehead.

"Watch where you're going." Krork snarled. Muzdahk huffed out angrily and smirked.

"Sorry, Krork. Didn't see ya past those huge shoulder pads." He spat back, ducking as Krork threw a heavy punch at him. He hit the wall instead, cracking the bricks and causing it to crumble. The two Orcs dove into a brutal fist fight, both of them spitting out curse words at each other in an Orcish language.

Unfortunately, the two Orcs were too busy to see the prince crawl out of his cell with the elf. The huge black doors began to creak open by themselves, revealing bright neon teeth that grinned in the shadows. Sithis opened its red eyes, staring directly past the brawling Orcs, and at the two escapees. His insanity urged him forward. He stepped a single arm outside into the light, bloody spikes running up and down his skin. He stepped completely out now with black goo dripping down from his huge fangs.

"Oh... You can't take my toy away now... Silly prince. She's mine now. Can't you see?..." He whispered crazily to himself. The realization dawned on the demon that the prince was taking the elf further and further away from him. Sithis's claws clenched. Anger suddenly swirled into his deadly vision, causing him to let out a snarl of aggression. The demon burst after the two prisoners, jumping straight over the two Orcs on the floor.


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Zelin tried to stealthily take Evangelina out of the cell and past the guards. Luckily for him he'd have practice from evading William for many years. He's learn to tiptoe around and avoid stepping on noisy objects. At one point he heard loud grunting a screams in a foreign language, for a moment he thought the orcs had found him out. After a minute of standing completely still, he realized they were fighting each other and began to walk away again with a sigh. Whew... But a cold chill ran down his spine once again, a familiar one. He stopped once again, not moving a muscle and not daring to look back. He could feel it. The glare from something, it made his head hurt immensely. It was there. Starring him down with it's teeth bared. This was it...he'd have to run.

He looked back at Evangelina, unsure if she was even conscious at this point, but still his resolve was clear. He would keep her alive. "Hold on tight..." Zelin whispered, and with that he made a run for it down a opposite hallway. The moment he moved a roar erupted from behind him and like that, the chase was on.

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