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Fantasy Zephyr (Accepting)

Evangelina's heart leaped as Zelin quickly withdrew her hand back, and curled it into his. She stared at their entwined hands together in front of them. The blue hues in her gaze became more lively, and she squeezed his bandaged hand in a reassuring manner.

"Okay..." Her voice was barely a whisper. The elf slowly rose her eyes up to his, the redness of her blush intensifying as she saw his facial expression. Her expression dropped, however, when he began speaking. His voice was soft, emotional even. Evangelina did not speak, for she did not know what to say to the prince. She observed carefully, watching him sigh and close his one visible eye. Something was bothering him. The elf frowned worriedly.

"Zelin... look at me." She murmured while reaching out with her unoccupied hand and cupping the side of his face. Concern flooded into her gaze as their eyes locked. Evangelina didn't even have to say a word for Zelin to know what she was saying. Her lips parted slightly.
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Evangelina's touch surprised him, he jumped slightly, her blue eyes sparkling. He felt simply entranced the longer he looked, but shame and regret slowly crept into his heart. He quickly looked away, avoiding her gaze. It was almost painful. "I...I'm sorry this happened to you...I..." The prince stuttered, unsure of what he himself was trying to say. He kept his sight on the floor, shards of his memories flying around inside Zelin's mind. "If...If I had protected you better..." He squeezed her hand gently. "It's my job! I protect the people...I...I'm supposed..." At this point his was speaking gibberish, just letting the flow of words come out. "The king...my father...would...would he be proud of a failure like me?"

(I had something better here first but something crashed and I lost everything. 0.0 Sorry?)
The elf watched carefully as Zelin lowered his gaze to the floor. His blue eyes became pained and full of shame. Her hand dropped from his face and down onto the top of his shoulder. She squeezed gently.

"Zelin... You're not a failure..." She whispered. Evangelina rose her hand underneath his chin. She pulled up softly, forcing him to stare towards her.

"If it wasn't for you, I would have been dead... maybe even you too. You don't think that's protecting? You were there for me when no one else was... Do not shame yourself for being unable to save me. You did everything you could. Please don't say those things about yourself.." Tears began to glisten at the bottom of the elf's eyes. Her expression was concerned, not sorrowful. But the tears fell anyways. They dropped to her chin and down to the floor with a soft pitter patter sound. A small tug appeared at the corner of her lips, forming into a gentle smile.

The wind continued to blow outside, rattling the window just slightly.
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Zelin listened as Evangelina spoke, his one exposed eye watching her. She spoke reassuringly, trying to comfort him. The prince could feel her kindness, it was like an aura that flowed around her. I...don't deserve her kindness. But, I don't want to see her cry. The prince forced a smile, sighing again. "You're right...but I just can't help but feel pathetic. I'm sorry, it's unsightly for a prince." He reaches up with his good hand, wiping away the tears forming in Evangelina's eyes. "Don't weep for me, I am not worth the tears." Zelin's smile turned into a grin. "But it's nice to see someone actually cares for me. Even if slightly."

There was a knock on the door, nearly startling Zelin. He rose quickly, immediately in a defensive stance. The door opened slowly and a large burly man poked his head in. "Ah, pardon me. I 'eard some new faces were brought into tha' inn. Didn't mean ta' intrude." The man gave a huge smile, bowing slightly in respect. "Tha' name's Hector, I work 'ere. I mainly take care o' heavy liftin' and such 'round here. But sometimes I find time ta' meet the guests!" He took a few heavy steps toward the bed and held out a hand toward Zelin, a huge smile still plastered on his face. "Good ta' meet ya both, I'm glad ya finally woke up. Ye looked mighty bad ya know."
Evangelina closed her eyes as the prince reached out and brushed the tears away. His hand was soft and gentle. Reopening her eyes, the elf saw him smile, but it was a bit forced. He spoke of himself, and his words did not comfort her in the least. He was hurting, and she wanted to help him.

But how...

Evangelina expression became concerned again, and she opened her mouth to speak to him. Until a booming knock on the door caused her to stop. The elf's hand slipped out of Zelin's as he stood up.

Evangelina watched as a large man pushed it open, and stepped inside. He had dark brown eyes that glistened with kindness. She smiled at him and nodded her head in a bow-like manner.

"It's good to meet you as well. My name is Evangelina." She said, a bit of fatigue in her voice.
Charles and the Guard worked hard to calm the civilians down, that is when a few swarms of Corrupted attacked the city, followed by Shadow Creatures. It was the second wave, after the first wave of dragons and shadow creatures. Different creatures came, flying birds, wolves, bears, while Corrupted, the corpses of the Corruption's victims, swarmed the surrounding forests.

A few Shadow Hunters would hide themselves within dark cloaks among the swarm, yet they also fell under the generalization of Corrupted. However, these were much more deadly, trained, armed, most were once guards themselves.

The Venesian Guard was quick to evacuate people into the Inner City, and were quick to send out their Offensive Battalions. Charles advanced with his troops outside, slicing down a few Corrupted here and there as he struggled to control his war horse, Bayl.

Within minutes, the second wave was driven back, but half of the Guard was either dead or wounded. The Darkness would restrain it's forces... For now.

Wounded litered the streets, and many were put down because a Corrupted had bitten them, or perhaps they were too injured to survive to the next day. Those who could still swing a sword were quickly patched up and thrown back into the battalions, but usually in the back row. Ayah was put to hard work, healing and mashing at ingredients. Aura and Erin were put in charge of their own little group of Battalions, while Yamina and Charles controlled the other soldiers.

The civilians were being fed, and re-assured, by many servants, injured guards, and some of the Castle's cooks.'

"Hope, where are you?", Ayah muttered to herself. With a quick shake of her head, she suddenly looked up and yelled back at Garin, another guard. "Go fetch an alchemist, and fast, we need some damned potions, runes, something!"

"Yes ma'am", Garin would say, running off to find the nearest person. ( @MorticiansDaughter ) Your cue?

Cordelia Lovette

Cordelia was hiding in her locked cabin when the creatures started coming by. She could peak at them through small windows but kept a spell on the building to keep them out, "This is not good..not good at all.." When the first hoard of creatures left she pulled her hood up and grabbed her bag of books and materials. She needed to get out of there.

When she was outside she could see in which the direction they were going and it was towards the Dominion. She sighed, "
Curiosity killed the ever lucky black cat.." She started off towards the Dominion in hopes to see what the commotion was about. She hid behind some trees so she wasnt noticed and once she was close enough she gasped at the scene. The gates were destroyed and the shadows were creeping in. "By gods.."
Hector laughed heartily, giving Zelin a slight headache. "Ah yes, a pretty name fer a pretty face! You're a lucky lucky man there lad. You treat her right now!" He exclaimed, his hand still extended toward the prince. Zelin hesitantly grasped Hector's hand with his good one, trying not to crush that one as well. This guy looks like he could lift a house with little effort. "My name is...Zel. Pleasure to meet you." He said rather cautiously, smiling to the man to be polite. I...can't let them know who I am. As Zelin took a closer look the more rugged Hector looked. He had a long black beard, covering most of his face and a mustache that could put his father to shame. A long thin scar ran over his nose ending just below the bottom of his lip. His dark hair was slicked back into a ponytail, reaching down to his shoulders. Hectors muscles were easily double the size of Zelin's, making the prince feel uncomfortable and...pathetic.

The prince felt overwhelmed by this man's stature but stayed in character. "Thank you for letting us stay here. We were in great need of rest." He explained, smiling faintly. Hector let out another hearty laugh releasing Zelin's 'used to be good hand' from his death grip.
"Ah it was nothin' lad, I jus' so happened to be makin' my way by when I saw ya two cuddlin' in the dark. At first it twas cute 'n all but when ol' Hector got closer I realized you were covered 'n blood. Not good at all, aye?" Hector explained, his face grim. During his explanation he started giving rather dramatic handsigns as he told the store, putting feeling into as if he was acting it out. "So I thought tha' it was my job, nay, my calling to bring ya two into safety! Ol' Hector then scooped ya two off ta ground an' brought ya here. Safe 'n sound." Finishing, Hector raised his arms dramatically overhead once again, emphasizing the fact of where here was.

Zelin listened carefully but stood aghast. Hector was quite the passionate man, he didn't know how to respond. He simply laughed quietly, rubbing the back of his head.
What...what do I say to him?

The Corrupted, commonly known as zombies, undead, or any of the sort, usually roam the lands rather far away from Dominion. However, rather recently, the Corrupted, along with other forces of Darkness, have been advancing on Dominion.

Shadow Hawks are a type of Shadow Beast, an upper-level Shadow Creature. The Shadow Hawk can vary in size, from the size of a man to the size of an entire guard tower, these creatures swoop down to inflict hell on it's enemies. It's feathers are sharp enough to cut through stone quickly, and it's talons are a very special object for any expert hunter, as they're deadly, long, and extremely valuable.

Shadow Hunters are usually pale, and go by different names, the most common being, like their cousins, Corrupted. Not much is known about the Shadow Hunters, other then they're usually as skilled as any veteran guard, and possess the knowledge and power to lead the Darkness' armies, along with hiding among it's ranks.

The remnants of the dark forces were being wiped out by the Offensive Battalions, Corrupted and Shadow Creature alike being cut down by weapons of various types and sizes. Arrows flew through the air, hitting almost everything. Large puffs of smoke, shards of ice, and explosions littered the battlegrounds, signs of the Guard's study of magic.

Soon enough, they reached the outer gate. They began pushing the advancing Corrupted back, and were hard at work. There were at least three times their numbers, and as one Guard fell, another Corrupted rose. Garin was hard at work maneuvering around allies and enemies alike, until he managed to run into a girl. "You.. you're the one who runs that one magic shop, yes? We need you!", he'd yell over the screams, clashing of weapons, and magic, an arrow nearly hitting him where he stood.
Evangelina's pale face became reddened at the man's words. A large smile cracked out onto her lips and she stifled a chuckle. He was quite the interesting type. Her pale eyes darted back and forth from Hector to Zelin. She noticed the prince used a different name for himself, and she assumed to keep his identity hidden. After all that's happened, she couldn't blame him. He was a prince after all.

The elf listened to Hector speak, laughing quietly here and there as he used dramatic hand motions during his tale. She smiled all the while, despite the grogginess and fatigue throbbing through her. After the man was done telling his story of finding Zelin and her, Evangelina stood up from the comfy white bed. Her knees wobbled a bit at first but she managed to stand her ground.

"We really do appreciate all you've done... I don't know what would of happened if you hadn't come along and found us. Thank you, Hector." She murmured, bowing once again. A hot wave pulsed through her body. It caused shivers to run up her spine. She straightened herself up to a normal stance.

There was a gentle sound of footsteps padding lightly across the wooden floorboards outside the door. A little girl poked her head in, growing a bit embarrassed as everyone turned their eyes towards her direction. She had long light brown hair with hazel eyes. She seemed to be around the age of 6 or 7. The little girl walked in completely. She had a bottle and a spoon in her hands.

"U-uh I have medicine... f-for you." She stuttered nervously, nodding in Evangelina's direction. The elf smiled warmly.

"Thank you. That's very kind." The little girl relaxed at the sound of the elf's sweet voice. She stepped forward and placed the medicine onto the nightstand. Evangelina watched the girl quickly take her leave and vanish around the corner. She chuckled a bit, sitting down and beginning to screw the cap off the bottle. It gave away a strong odor, making her nose crinkle. Pouring the thick golden liquid onto the spoon, she slipped it into her mouth. The elf shivered visibly as she swallowed. She settled it onto the nightstand and tried not to make a horrible face. The medicine had an awful taste.

Cordelia Lovette

She ducked as a shadow hawk flew over her head, another one trying to dive bomb her. But she outstretched a hand and froze its wings, its screeched filled the air before it plummeted into the ground. When she almost collided with a mean she yelped and her hood feel back. Her dark eyes widened as he talked to her, "A-ah yes..i'am..my ask for what reason?" She looked at the battle with fear in her eyes. The closest thing to battle she had ever seen was in the forest among animals. Nothing like this. She pulled her blade from her bag and attached it to her skirt loop.

While she was waiting for him to reply she froze a corrupted that managed to sneak up behind him, "Is this why? Whats happened!?"​
"The forces of darkness have advanced upon Dominion, they've appeared out of nowhere! Half of the Guard is decimated, and this is simply the second wave of their assault...", Garin said with a growl, quickly impaling a shadow creature with his bastard sword, turning to headbutt a Corrupted into the ground, only to slice it's head off quickly after. "We need someone who's skilled in potions, and we figured you'd be...", he'd finish, slicing through one more Corrupted.

Why were there so many coming towards them? They were so far from the battle. Of course, that's when it dawned on Garin. "We need to move, it would seem they're sending reinforcements from behind where we stand!"

Cordelia Lovette

She gasped as he started killing off the corrupted around him, "I-i mean I guess im skilled enough! Please just..let me know what to do and ill do what I can! Im also a healer if that counts for anything!" She gripped her knife in her hand, its enchantments made it possible to fend of many creatures alike with a single strike.

She looked behind her as a crows of them came upon them, "
Then I guess we best get moving!" She sneered as one corrupted got to close to her for comfort and she quickly turned jabbing her blade through its neck then ripping upward. She wanted to get out of the middle of this and would follow this man where he ed her.
Hector smiled as he watched Evangelina take her medicine, rubbing his beard with his massive hand. "Aye. Ma's medicine aint much in taste, but it'll do ya some good. Nice 'n healthy I assure ya." He winked at Evangelina and placed his hands on his hips. For some reason that bothered Zelin, but he didn't know why. He shoved the thought into the back of his mind, forcing another smile. "I'm...assuming your the son of the inn owner?" The prince asked Hector, trying to bring up some small talk. Hector looked toward Zelin happily, his friendliness was almost unnerving. "Aye. I be Hector Drauk. Mi ma's Henrietta Drauk. Ma family has owned this buildin' fer a few generations now. So, if ye haven't noticed, we have a large family working as ta staff. It's better ta not have ta pay someone when family can do ta job better and fer free!" Hector suddenly slapped his knee and let out yet another heartily laugh, as if he cracked some sort of hilarious joke. "We make a good livin' 'ere. It's always nice ta help those 'n need when ta time comes."

Despite Hector's unusual personality, he was rather heartwarming. A generally good man. Zelin couldn't help but smile.
Garin would turn, and bolt with decent speed for a guard, meaning fast for an average person. "Keep up, we need to go there as quickly as possible.", he'd yell back, turning to face the wall he was running towards. It was the left outer-wall of Dominion, and the gate was not too far away. With a quick halt, Garin stood next to the wall, and pushed in a series of bricks, until...

Da da da daaaaaaaaaaaaaah~!

An underground trapdoor suddenly pushed itself out of the ground, and unlocked. Garin would open it, and quickly begin climbing down the ladder. "It lasts ten seconds, so be quick!", he'd yell as he reached the bottom of the short ladder. The locks were already preparing to re-embrace the trapdoor.


The Guard were pushing hard, until...

"They've got reinforcements!", a Guard screamed, only to be taken by a gigantic Shadow Hawk's claw. The massive bird spun in the air, and shrouded the battle in darkness, letting out a sort of cackle as it tore the Guard in-half, and slowly, with it's massive talons.

Other Guards were quick to react, firing their bows, launching magic, the Shadow Hawk was quickly incinerated. However, when one Shadow Hawk comes...

The whole Murder follows.

Gigantic black shadows loomed in the distance, and packs of Corrupted and Shadow Creatures emerged from the surrounding forests, a few hooded Shadow Hunters guiding their way.

Damnit, Charles thought.
Evangelina laughed quietly at Hector's boisterous personality. His voice boomed throughout the white room. Her smile held as he continued to speak of the inn and his family. She listened, but began to grow very drowsy during the progression of time. The elf found herself beginning to slouch after a few minutes. The medicine had begun to work quickly. She assumed that was why she had grown so tired. Evangelina slid her legs up and on top of the comfy bed. Her body sunk into the mattress and the pillow. Soon enough, the elf's eyes began to flutter shut. She tried to stay awake as long as she could.

Evangelina felt the breeze on the side of her face, cooling the warm fever. The elf's eyes would close for a few seconds, and then reopen.

"I'm sorry if I'm offending you. I'm just awfully tired from the medicine. " She murmured to Hector, her voice small and full of fatigue.

Cordelia Lovette

When he started running she tried to keep up, lucky for her running in the woods came easily to her. Jumping over corpses and avoiding falling over different things. This was her chance to go inside the Dominion though she did wish it was under better circumstances. But when he ran towards a wall she was confused, managing to decapitate a few corrupted on the way.

She was a fewt feet behind him when he went down the ladder, the lock setting back in slowly, "
Shit.." She ran as quickly as possible until she slid into the opening and grabbing hold of the ladder before falling. She panted and looked down as she descended, "How do you..move like that? Seriously I had trouble keeping up with you.."

(Sorry guys its almost 1 in the morning for me so I gotta get some sleep O.o but I should be on later! @SirFlabberghaspy if you wish to continue on without me I understand! But if you think you can hold out that works to :3 Night all)
"It's simply how we were trained.", Garin would reply, looking back at Cordelia. "No guard is a normal person, most of us were, and still are, outcasts compared to the commoners. Weird, strange, different.."

He suddenly punched a brick, and it flew back through a chute, slamming into an upright pressure plate. Another door opened, this one revealing a stairway leading towards a portal. "It's not dangerous, trust me, it teleports to the castle, but we will need to go through at once.", Garin would explain, extending his hand to Cordelia.


It was long and bloody, but the Guard were successful at pushing back the Darkness, yet heavy casualties shrouded both sides in a bittersweet outcome. The Darkness were simply re-gathering their forces, and the Guard were preparing for more skirmishes. Charles led his forces around the city, ordering them to construct simple barricades, trenches, while their magi and archers lined Dominion's outer walls. Any civilian willing to volunteer was called forwards, either put to simple labor, or given a simple weapon.

Hell was truly upon Dominion.


A few hundred more guards perished in the battle, leaving nearly three fourths of the guard dead. The only difference is that the bodies are currently being burned, in piles.

Cordelia Lovette

She nodded, "Normal..im not sure what that word means these days.." She followed him closely, not used to walking in the complete dark like this. "But I guess I understand..im not what you would call normal either.." She sighed and looked onward in awe as the door opened, feeling like static electricity was engulfing her body, "O-ok.." She grabbed his hand and stood next to him looking on at the portal, "I've never visited the castle before..this is a very strange day"
Garin smiled, and muttered, "There's a first time for everything..". He then quickly stepped through the portal, pulling Cordelia with him. They would find themselves within a janitor's closet, not too far away from the Throne Room. The portal soon closed behind them, and Garin sighed in relief as he pushed open the door. Guards were running around within the hall way, followed by servants, who carried medicines and food.

Garin would then lead Cordelia through the crowded area, leading to the Castle's outskirts, and eventually out to the Inner City Districts, where large crowds of people gathered, injured or not, they all shared the same expression of fear. Garin would suddenly stop, and look at Cordelia.

He'd point at a large tent, and quickly explain. "There's someone within there that wishes to see you, she's in charge of the wounded here. I'll meet up with you later."

With that, Garin would wave, and walk off, arming himself with a hammer as he ran off to re-join the Inner Guards. It seemed like they were also setting up barricades, in case the attack worsened.

Cordelia Lovette

She followed him and looked around as she did. Though everyone was in a panic she couldnt help but admire the castle, her grandmother having told her what it was like when she was young. She followed Garin till they reached the outside where even more people looked like they were filled with panic, "This is terrible..the energy here is just filled with static and fear.." She sighed and looked at the tent he pointed her to, "Wow just rushing in huh? Hope they dont mind..thank you um..I dont think I caught your na-" He started walking off before she could finish. She sighed and waved back, making her way inside the tent, "Hello?"
Hector grinned and began rubbing his beard yet again. "Aye lass, ya need ta sleep don't cha? Ma's medicine works quick, you'll be up 'n no time." He pounded his chest with a heavy hand, suddenly booming pride. "It's a promise from ol' Hector!" Zelin glanced at Evangelina worriedly, moving next to the bed side. He reached out with both hands, holding hers. His one exposed eye watching Evangelina smile and fade into sleep. She...looks peaceful now. The prince thought, holding his pale hand tight within his. Hector laughed suddenly again, and turned to leave the room. "Watch her carefully now son. Ah, I know ye well. I can see how ye looks at her." Zelin jumped slightly, not looking away from Evangelina's face. "Ya can't fool these eye's kid. Ya know...you're alot like yer ol' man." With that Hector began laughing again and left Zelin in the room alone. Li-like my...father? Zelin did a double-take, watching as the burly man left.
Bloodcurdling screams coming from men, women, and children alike echoed throughout the streets of Dominion as monsters poured in from the front gates. The small owl-moth hybrid watched from a glowing window, the city falling to pieces before his eyes. A child around the age of 3 collapsed in front of the large house. He screamed, but soon fell silent as a Corrupted bit a hole into his neck. The monster lifted its head away, turning its lifeless gaze in the direction of the creature in the window. Dark blood poured down its chin. Mazumi's wings began to shiver uncontrollably. His shaking caused him to fall off the windowsill, and onto the wooden floor with a soft plop. The hybrid scrambled underneath uncle Mordecai's desk, cowering in the corner.

"What is going on! Mazumi! MAZUMI! Where are you?!" Mordecai called from his cellar, beginning to run up the stairs. Mazumi squeezed his eyes shut tightly as a heavy pounding began to smash against the door. The wood split down the middle with each pound against it. Soon enough, the door fell to the ground, revealing the Corrupted who stood behind it. They snarled and spat out green liquid viciously. Their dead eyes settled on Mordecai who had appeared at the top of the stairs. His mouth stood agape, not having enough time to summon his spell as a Corrupted tackled him down the stairs.

With each thud, Mazumi let out a small squeak.

A scream rattled through the hybrid's ears. His shivering intensified, hearing the rest of the Corrupted scramble into the cellar to devour Mordecai's body. There was a choked gasp, and then all fell silent. Mazumi slowly opened both of his eyes. All the Corrupted were downstairs. This was his chance.

He burst into flight, making a small buzzing noise as he floated into Mordecai's workshop. Evangelina's glowing blue necklace was sprawled out on the table, along with the rest of her things. The hybrid grabbed the necklace and gently shoved it into the blue satchel, including Mordecai's journal. The Corrupted began to clamber back up the stairs heavily. Mazumi's heart began to flutter. Digging his six legs into the satchel's strap, the hybrid flapped his delicate wings with the bag in his grasp. The Corrupted saw the small flying creature, and let out several snarls. They began to run towards him. He squeaked in fear and quickly zipped out the window, leaving the Corrupted behind at the doorstep.

Mazumi disappeared into the darkened sky with the satchel in tow, heading in the direction of the dense forest.


A few hours later...

Evangelina began to wake slowly. The sun of midday shown in through the window, beginning to set behind the tops of the pine trees. The golden rays blinded her for a moment and she raised a hand to block out the brightness. When her pale eyes had adjusted, she glanced down at the body slouched down next to her bed. It was Zelin. He seemed to have stayed and fell asleep as time flew by. The elf smiled, squeezing his hand that was entwined with hers. With her unoccupied hand, she gently began to prod him awake.

"Zelin..." She murmured. The hotness from the fever had vanished from her face, and with it the sickness. The medicine had worked fast, and efficiently. Evangelina's eyes were lively again, full of strength as they were before. The aching of her bones was gone, along with the weakness that had cursed her muscles. Even the deadly infectious cuts that had corrupted her skin were gone, barely visible.
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A soft voice awoke Zelin...the fuzziness from sleep left him in a haze. Still lying on the bed, his eye fluttered open slowly. His body felt so nice laying here with her. "Zelin..." It whispered again, grabbing his attention. The prince lifted his head slowly, blinking repeatedly. With a yawn he began to stretch his body, the grogginess of sleep still taking him. Finally he felt a light squeeze on his hand and regained awareness. He looked at Evangelina, smiling like she did the day the elf visited his castle. Immediately he felt better, giddy even. "You look great! The medicine...must have worked." The prince exclaimed with a huge grin. Finally. Finally... He brought himself closer and sat next to Evangelina on the bed, still holding her hand.

Zelin felt slightly nervous just being next to her, the way she smiled at him. It made his heart pound. "...I'm glad you're okay. I was worried for you." He said earnestly, he brought it to his cheek, the warmth has returned to her body.
She used to be ice cold...I'm...so happy. The prince looked back at Evangelina, his face now serious. "When you have returned to good health we should get you home safely...Your uncle must be so worried about you. I...I feel responsible."

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