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Fantasy Zephyr (Accepting)

"Hey, are you alright!?" A voice called out, surprising the prince a bit. He lifted himself up defensively, but a small hint of pain stabbed at his back. It hasn't fully healed yet. He cursed at himself and sat back down. A man with blond hair quickly approached him from the darkness, rushing over to help. He threw his hand toward Zelin, gesturing to help him. The prince glanced at his outstretched hand and grasped it happily, though giving no indication of thanks. The pain in his back still haunts him even now. "...Who are you? Where exactly did you come from?" The prince asked, looking around the man suspiciously. A moment of realization took, and Zelin shook his head. "Never mind that, I need-" He looked in the direction of Evangelina, worry gripping his heart. But with my body like this...I...I might not be able to protect her. He thought to himself angrily. "...I...I need your help. Follow me." He said simply, furious he had to ask for assistance, he couldn't look the man in the eyes. Zelin didn't even want to ask for his name. He ran after their tracks, huffing a bit.
(Those kids have no sense of self preservation, do they?)

(I can't post today. Very busy. @The Velveteen Rabbit , @Beaurmont , if the birds crashed in close proximity to one another, than you should be close enough to the refugees to hear the current battle going on.)
Though it would be long before the day was over, the tight streets of Utheg-Bom were nearly empty. Empty barrels and carts sat in disrepair under awnings and in alleyways, that once were full of food and luxuries but now are as empty as the stomachs of their owners. Ragged-looking peasants quietly worked and rested, their brows thick with sweat and dirt. The only gathering of people that looked like it had any purpose was situated around an old wooden stocks, where a soft-looking herald was ringing a cowbell and shouting out news.

"Hear ye! Hear ye! Bomrek Ulolnal is wanted for the attempted murder of his wife! If you have information on his whereabouts, please speak to the nearest garrison!" The herald paused for a moment to adjust his misty glasses and take a gulp of fresh air. He peered at a sheaf of papers clumsily held together with twine before raising a speaking-trumpet to his mouth and belting out another statement.

"In other news, Neludos' Fishery reports record numbers of cave carp are being caught! As such, all fishmongers operating under Neludos will sell carp at a severe discount!"

As the herald shouted his way through the sheaf of papers, the crowd around him gradually thinned, until there were only about seven people listening. Massaging the back of his neck, the herald turned over to the last paper he was expected to read out. As he read the contents of it, his brow furrowed and he began nervously drumming his fingers on his waist.

"Finally, the Seers' Circle reports visions of Dominion under attack! The attacking force could not be identified, due to unusually low visibility at the time of the attack! The Office of Foreign Encroachment strongly suggests preparing for foreign refugees approaching Kaekuma within the next few months, and will reimburse any families that provide shelter for them! Please be aware of the dangers of allowing strangers into your house! If you are worried about foreigners tainting your community's integrity, please do not be afraid to defend yourself! Remember: We are thousands strong, and they appear to be in the mere dozens! That is all for news, today! Be safe, and be secure!" With that, the herald jammed his sheaf of papers into the folds of his robe, and wearily shuffled off in the direction of the nearest bar.
Julian blinked his amber colored eyes in a slight daze of confusion as the white haired man began running off. He stood there for a moment, contemplating on whether or not he should trust this man. Shaking his head, the blacksmith burst into a slow run after him. The forest was dark, and eerily silent. Not a single hoot from an owl or the chirping of crickets in the bramble thickets. It was very strange. Julian continued to follow the man. He was huffing and puffing in pain, but didn't ask for a single bit of help. The blacksmith decided to ignore it for now.

Soon enough, the two men popped out of the dense foliage and into a moonlit clearing. A large white bird lay in a heap on the dirt, its beak wide open and brown eyes glassy.

He caught a glimpse of something else as well. A slim figure, and another two smaller ones behind it. He squinted through the shadows and took a step forward. When the person came into view, Julian had to keep his mouth from dropping open. She was an elf, with long white hair reaching down to her hips and glowing blue eyes. Her lips were a soft red color along with milky white skin. He recognized her almost immediately as the famous daughter of Alessio Cawthorne. She began making her way towards them, and soon burst into a run when she saw the condition of the man next to Julian. Not once did the blacksmith take his eyes off of her.

"Zelin! What happened? Are you alright?" The elf exclaimed, worry flooding her gaze as she looked him up and down. Julian snapped out of his trance and turned his attention to the other two figures. He recognized them as the twin boys who lived in the inn.

Evangelina flicked her eyes over to the man standing next to Zelin. She hadn't noticed him until now. The elf blinked rapidly. He... was very attractive..

"Who's this?" She asked Zelin. The man with blonde hair and dark amber eyes glanced over to her, and curved his lips into a beaming smile.

"Julian. I live in the village." He quickly said, not waiting for Zelin to respond. He outstretched his hand to her, their gazes locking. The elf hesitantly took his and shook it.

"I'm Evan-"

"Evangelina Cawthorne. I know. My father admires your family." Evangelina stood surprised, her mouth wide open in mid speech. Julian flashed her a grin. Their hands seemed to still be entwined.

"Uh-" The elf stuttered. She blushed and released her hand from his. The twin boys behind her giggled mischievously at the situation, but were soon distracted once again by the dead bird.

"It's nice to meet you... This is sort of a bad timing for an introduction. I hope you don't mind." She murmured softly, looking back to Zelin with worry in her pale blue eyes. The blacksmith waved his hands and dismissed the situation.

"Don't worry about it."
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Zelin, ignorant of the two's meeting, stares at the large white bird, dead upon the ground. It was a hard blow to his chest, he felt his heart drop. "Andras...." The prince whispered the name of the bird he had once known. Walking toward it with pain in his eye, heavy sorrow grabbed him. "...Why were you here...what did this to you?" He asked, petting it's white feathers slowly. Shimmering white feathers surrounded the area, fallen all around the corpse. He picked one up, inspecting it in his hand unhappily. ...What did this...? He thought, gritting his teeth. "Evangelina Cawthorne. I know. My father admires your family." Hearing her name caught his attention and he glanced over to see the man...interlocking his fingers with hers. The sight caught him off guard, and frustration took instantly. He bit his lip, drawing a few drops of blood. Just who the hell is this guy!? Evangelina pulled her hand from his, blushing a bit. She looked at him, worriedly.

The prince felt so many emotions at once he didn't know quite how to act at the moment. He simply grunted harshly and looked away, softly tucking the feather in his pants pocket. "...I'm going to look around." He murmured quietly, stomping away, still holding his side. Warmth spread throughout his lower back.
God...why does it still hurt like this? He rubbed it unhappily, feeling the bandaged wound. It felt...wet for some reason.
Evangelina blinked slightly in confusion at Zelin's sudden avoidance of her. The situation began to grow tense, but she couldn't seem to figure out why. The white haired elf made her way towards Zelin, motioning for Julian to follow with a sweet smile. The blacksmith was once again unable to take his eyes off of her. He followed closely from behind and side glanced at the huge white bird laying next to him.

"Is this one of the bird's from the castle?" Julian asked Zelin in a deep voice.

Evangelina stooped low to the bird's face and ran a finger over its smooth beak in a sorrowful manner. It was ice cold. She retreated her hand to her side and straightened back up to a normal stance. The twins were running around the clearing now, seeming to be playing tag with each other.

The elf still felt something strange. A presence of some sort. The blacksmith noticed her alertness and took a few steps closer to her.

"You feel it too?" The blacksmith's mouth turned into a warm smile as she turned towards him in surprise.

How did he know... The elf nodded in response and glanced around the clearing.

"I've felt it for a while now. Like we're being watched." She whispered quietly. Evangelina saw the prince begin to rub his lower back in pain. She stepped towards him. Specks of crimson began to bleed through the white bandage.

"Z-Zelin you're bleeding..." The elf gently laced her hands with his and pulled them away from the wound. She inspected it with a worried expression.

"You must have reopened the wound... We should get you back to the inn."

"My place is closer. The inn is too far into the village. I have healing supplies you could use as well." Julian added, catching Evangelina off guard once again. She smiled warmly at him and nodded.

"That would be a lot better..." She said in agreement. Their gazes locked and the elf had to force herself to look away.
Hearing the man named Julian speak just irritated Zelin further, he gently moved Evangelina's hand away. "I don't need HIS help!" He yelled suddenly. The prince immediately felt guilt and remorse. Wh-why did I..? "I'm f-fine." He said, unable to look back at his friend. "There are more important things to look into then my health." Zelin brought his hand up to his face, watching the crimson liquid drip off of his fingers. leaning down he wiped his hand across the grass, making sure it was all gone. The prince turned to glare at Andras's corpse once again, his exposed eye paling in color. How can I be king if I can't take a little pain? Violently he shook his head and continued walking, searching around the general area to find anything that could help him identify what had happened. A muffled screech was heard far into the distance suddenly, alerting him of a creatures presence. Were those more...light Hawks?

He looked back at Evangelina, wanting to say something but he didn't know what. Julian was right beside her, staring at him worriedly. His face pissed him off further. You asked for his help remember? He shook his head again. "Never mind. Just...be safe or whatever with him. I've got something to do." He spat, turning and walking away into the forest. Whatever...I'll figure this out. She...she doesn't need to be involved.
Evangelina's lips parted in shock at Zelin's outburst. Her hands dropped from his and limply hung by her side. Julian looked a bit taken back himself, but kept his mouth shut. The twins who had once been chasing each other were now stopped dead in their tracks. They both looked at Zelin with hesitant expressions. The white haired elf watched with a pained gaze as he began to stomp away, wiping his bloody fingers onto a few blades of grass.

As he grew further away, Evangelina reached out a hand and opened her mouth to say something. But no words came out. She quickly shut her mouth and glanced down towards the ground. Julian felt his heart drop at her attempt to call out to the prince. The elf avoided his amber eyes.

"Please take the boys back to the inn for me. I can't leave Zelin out here alone." She said, flashing him an apologetic look. The blacksmith nodded and squeezed her hand for a moment in a reassuring manner. She jumped at the unexpected touch, and felt as Julian slowly began to pull away. He called for the kids and led them back to the village.

Quickly, Evangelina burst into a run after Zelin. She appeared next to him, not saying a word for a moment.

"Are you alright?..." The elf murmured in a soft voice, afraid of angering him further. Her gaze was kept straightforward.
The herald staggered through the streets, his body aching from spending hours standing still and shouting. As he walked, he snuck glances at the squalor around him and sorrowfully reminisced. The only reason he managed to find a home in this district after his excommunication was because this district was a black mark on the city's long history. Utheg-Bom was always known for its astonishingly high poverty rate, and even concentrated efforts from the other districts of the city have done nothing to gentrify the vile little district. As such, housing prices were cheap, and even his meager amount of money was enough to buy a small studio and leave enough for him to find a new job. The herald's thoughts were suddenly derailed as he looked up at the sign just ahead of him: Ogden's Speakeasy and Bar. With a spring in his step not seen since the night before, the herald stepped through the bar's door.

The herald sat down at the bar's counter, and a familiar face greeted him warmly.

"Hoi, Boris! What's new wit' you?"

"Hallo, Rist. Nothing much has happened to me, but I do have some bad news."

"Bad news, ah? What is it?"

"I got some reports that say Dominion was attacked. Nobody knows who did it, since they couldn't see them."

"Cities like Dominion get attacked all the time, mate! It's what happens when you stupid enough to build a home in such awful land! I says good on who did it, may they do something damn well useful with the place. T'only bad thing about ya news is we'll be getting some artists and actors too weak to defend they bloody home and're looking fer a handout!"

Boris the herald scratched his chin thoughtfully. "I s'pose you're right, Rist. We're all the way up in the mountains, so we should be safe. All I'm worried about is how these refugees are going to live in this city."

"Dats ya problem, mate. You always have too big a heart! These refyagees'll be like every other imm'grint: pure scum! If dey tink dey'll be given open arms an' love an' money, dey've got anuvva ting comin'! Kaekuma don't accept weakling for'ners, 'less dey willing to work for dey money!"

Rist guffawed loudly, his massive gut jiggling like a bowl of jelly. Boris looked around the bar, noticing a number of grim faces staring at the scene unfolding in front of them.

"Now, mate. What kin I do ya for? Da usual?"

"Y-yes, Rist. A pint of Perrywinkles' Old Peculiar. And, uh, can you keep it down about this issue from now on?"

"Mum's da word, mate. I'll stay real quiet-like, just fer you. Here's you drink."

Picking up his drink, Boris stood up and hurriedly shuffled to an inconspicuous corner of the bar, pausing only to spare a look at the obscenely fat Vulkharnan playing dice nearby, a crowd all around him loudly cheering at his strange generosity.
The prince rolled Evangelina's question in his mind, starring forward into the darkness of the forest. At first he thought it to be important to avoid eye contact, but...it progressively got harder. "...I'll make it." He whispered, turning his head away from her. Another large root came by his feet, and he nearly tripped on it again. He caught himself this time and stood awkwardly with his arms out. "Hah, not this time. Can't trick a prince!" Zelin beckoned proudly. He looked back and Evangelina, who smiled a bit at him. He forgot he was supposed to be angry and turned away once again, frowning unhappily. Why...am I so mad? Is it...Andras? "Why are you following me anyway...shouldn't you be with those boys?" He asked, clenching his fist. His head was beginning to hurt and his eyesight turned foggy.
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Since arriving on the surface he has wandered aimlessly for about a month communicating with any unlucky traveler that stumbled into him. But thanks to the guidance of an old woodsman Gabbro has made his way to Kaekuma.

The air up here was so much warmer than what he was accustomed to it kept making his suit feel itchy. Gabbro walked along the dead city streets for a while until he saw a man slumped down in a secluded area. Gabbro decided since this is the first man he had met since coming here he would try to befriend him and maybe ask him for help.

"You there sir" Gabbro quietly whispered to the man lying in filth.

No response.

"Sir may I speak with you" Gabbro asked raising his voice slightly.

Still, the man did not respond. Gabbro decided (against his better judgement) to try to rouse the man as he was most likely sleeping. Gabbro slowly and carefully walked over to the man. But something felt off Gabbro kept thinking in the back of his head that something terribly terrible was going to happen. The ten foot walk felt like a fields distance now. Gabbro could feel himself shaking as his short arm reached out to the man. The amount of tension that was hanging over Gabbro was unbearable. He wanted to find out why this man was here. Was he sleeping? If so why? Why would any sane man sleep out here when there are perfectly good houses all around? Then Gabbro had a darker thought.

"What if he's dead." Gabbro let slip from his thoughts.

At this moment, the man stirred awake waving his arm out towards Gabbro. Gabbro jumped ten feat into the air spilling the things from his pack and let out a loud cry of panic. But before he could do anything else the mans hand grabbed him.

"Oi! What you screaming 'bout can't ya see a mans trying to sleep!" The man slurred toward the tiny frantic man.

Gabbro calmed down and let out a small chuckle as he realized he let his imagination get the better of him once again. "Ah I am very sorry for that I was just wondering if you could help me get acquainted with this town." Gabbro asked his voice still slightly shaking.

The man looked at Gabbro for a moment, Yawned and then laid back down.

"Ah I see... Well, then do you mind if I rest with you?" Gabbro asked.

No response.

"Well, I am going to take that as a yes" Gabbro sighed as he began to lay down in the filth covered nook.
Evangelina clenched her fists at his selfish attitude. She wasn't one to get angry, but could when she thought it was necessary.

"Julian took them back to the inn. I wanted to see if you were alright. You seemed upset earlier... Especially around Julian. What was that about?" Her voice began to grow cold, and slightly stubborn. Something rarely heard from Evangelina. She avoided his gaze and stared into the darkness swirling ahead of them. The elf let out a small sigh, a white cloud appearing in front of her mouth.

"I don't know why you're angry at me Zelin... I would like to hear why-" The elf stopped mid sentence as she saw the glassiness of his blue eyes. She blinked rapidly in worry.

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Aura and Erin would yell out orders as they stayed behind their make-shift barricades, Shadow Hawks going down to catch more and more victims, picking off the survivors. A child ran across the battlefield, reaching out his hand towards her mother, next to Aura and Erin. "No!", Aura would yell, but the child didn't listen.

A Hawk swooped down, and gripped the child with it's beak, catching it's head. It would then raise into the air, and decapitate the child before swallowing his body. The mother cried out, attempting to run for her child, but a guard kept her back. "It's too late, calm down!"

Erin simply shook her head, and Aura would turn Erin's face towards hers. "Don't die stupidly like that, okay? I need you.", Aura would desperately beg to her cousin, jumping a little when another Shadow Hawk passed over their barricade, shot down by a magi-tech blast. Erin nodded in response, and would speak out shakily. "I promise.."


The Light Hawks that survived made it to the Venesian Mountains, and were dropping off the passengers on their backs. The refugees made their way into the subterranean war-time bunkers, while the Hawks took off to help the crashed ones, communicating with the wounded through loud calls.

They needed time to get there, and to fight off the Shadow Hawks. If the Guard couldn't buy themselves that time, then they were simply preventing the inevitable.


Ayah would bring in another wounded for Cordelia, a man without arms, and with half of his left leg. He was also clinging unto life, but he looked rather important. Yarvin Markkus, one of House Markkus, and perhaps the only one of the House that favored the Guard. Rumor had it that he was a devoted researcher of magic, runes, yet had some kind of connection with Shadow Creatures. He was a valuable person, which meant his death would damage their chances of fending off the Creatures.

"There's another one for you... Damnit, there's so many.."

"The... Castle..."

"Figure out what he's saying!", Ayah would call back as she exited the tent.

"The... key..."


On the outskirts of Dominion, battle still reigned as villagers and lost Guards fought against the dark forces. This skirmish quickly became a Battle all on it's own, and hundreds of citizens and abandoned Guards were clashing their blades against orcs, demons, and flanking creatures of Darkness. Soon enough, the forces were pushed into a square formation, and were holding out rather well.

The commander of the Venesians?

A man bearing a pitch-block cloak with red linings, the symbol of the Venesian Guard on his back, marked in scarlet. He would carry a large sword, around twelve feet long, that resembled a zweihänder.
The world began to spin in Zelin's eye, everything moving in ways that made him nauseous. He reached up and held the back of his head, trying to steady himself better. Just...What... He thought, still pushing to move forward. He kept walking, ignoring Evangelina's words. "I...let me...take care of this myself." He muttered, barely able to speak correctly. He felt a warmth spread down his back and legs, a numbness taking his body. Suddenly everything fell for a short moment, only to realize he was on his knees. Shit. "That guy...he can...fuck off." He whispered, falling face first into a patch of tall grass.


~On an empty road~

The soldiers continued to march on the road, following their leader. The men were now suspicious, glancing around themselves every now and then. The knight with green eyes continued to stare into the darkness, looking for something he couldn't find. What is it I'm missing? He asked himself, turning to look around the landscape. The wind had completely disappeared, strange when it was blowing powerfully only twenty minutes ago. There we no sounds, no animals to be seen. Anyone type of contact he finds would be those of dead corpses lining the road to his destination. Frustration was in his mind, but he made no move in visually showing it. Without stopping this time, he called for a knight again, alert for an ambush. "Douglas." Quickly the man with an eye-patch caught up once again, his visor already moved away. "Sir." The green eyed man rode silently for a moment, collecting his thoughts on the situation. His dark haired horse giving quiet huffed sounds from the long journey here. "Are the men ready for combat?" He asked, no emotion lingered in his tone. Douglas gave a light grunt, placing his right hand on his silver blade. "They are always ready to fight at your command." The green eyed man frowned unhappily, sighing with distaste. Douglas looked at him with his one eye confused. "Does that displease you Milord?" He asked flatly, trying to identify the problem. The knight shook his head and tightened his hold on the horse's reign. "It seems we have a obstruction." He whispered, drawing his blade. Douglas looked into the darkness in front of them hurriedly, frowning himself. "So it seems we do Milord." He too drew his blade, as the heavy breathing of shadow creatures filled the air.
Evangelina let out a small gasp, clouding the air with a white fog as she reached out to catch him. She prevented him from hitting his head against the ground, but his weight was too heavy for her to lift. He crumpled to the ground, pulling the elf along with him. She fell directly on top of him. Evangelina opened her eyes to see Zelin's face deathly close to hers. She blushed and shifted away. There was no way she could carry him back to the village... Or leave him here by himself. She would have to wait with him until he awoke.

Luckily, he had fallen unconscious near a large oak tree. She dragged him over to the tree and leaned his body up against it, making sure he was comfortable. The white haired elf collapsed next to him, undoing the cloak enveloping her shoulders. She threw it over him. The coldness of the night air hit her pale skin in a wave, but she ignored it. Evangelina let out a sigh and shifted herself to where she was curled up against his chest.

"What am I going to do with you, Zelin..." She murmured quietly as if he could hear her. Her body began to warm his just by laying there with him. Blinking a bit, she flicked her gaze up to his face. He seemed peaceful. Or at least, that's what she thought he looked like. Her pale eyes trailed to his back where the wound had reopened. The blood had dried, and was beginning to scab over. He would be fine for awhile. But after he woke up, she was taking him directly to the inn.


The elf sighed and muttered something under her breath, refusing to fall asleep as she watched the clearing. If anything were to attack them, she could be ready.
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[QUOTE="The Velveteen Rabbit]Evangelina let out a small gasp, clouding the air with a white fog as she reached out to catch him. She prevented him from hitting his head against the ground, but his weight was too heavy for her to lift. He crumpled to the ground, pulling the elf along with him. She fell directly on top of him. Evangelina opened her eyes to see Zelin's face deathly close to hers. She blushed and shifted away. There was no way she could carry him back to the village... Or leave him here by himself. She would have to wait with him until he awoke.
Luckily, he had fallen unconscious near a large oak tree. She dragged him over to the tree and leaned his body up against it, making sure he was comfortable. The white haired elf collapsed next to him, undoing the cloak enveloping her shoulders. She threw it over him. The coldness of the night air hit her pale skin in a wave, but she ignored it. Evangelina let out a sigh and shifted herself to where she was curled up against his chest.

"What am I going to do with you, Zelin..." She murmured quietly as if he could hear her. Her body began to warm his just by laying there with him. Blinking a bit, she flicked her gaze up to his face. He seemed peaceful. Or at least, that's what she thought he looked like. Her pale eyes trailed to his back where the wound had reopened. The blood had dried, and was beginning to scab over. He would be fine for awhile. But after he woke up, she was taking him directly to the inn. Somehow...

The elf sighed and muttered something under her breath, refusing to fall asleep as she watched the clearing. If anything were to attack them, she could be ready.

Ah, love.

Pass the barf bag please

Sorry that was supposed to be funny. Came out quite rude.
Psh *passes bag* I think these 'moments' are going to get worse from here, mate xD Might as well give you more then one bag *begins throwing millions of bags at you*
Zelin's legs felt numb, while at the same time his body was comfortably warm. His head was in pain, and his thoughts were clustered and hazy. The prince clenched his hand, ensuring that he was at least alive and not dying. He felt a weight on his chest, and strangely enough it was pleasant. Lying there and basking in the moonlight would be rather pleasant. His eye shot open immediately, glancing around his location. He was still in the forest, sleeping...on the ground. Nearly jumping at the sound, a soft sigh was heard near him. Evangelina lay on his chest, snoozing away snuggled up on him. She was pouting slightly, but the elf looked rather happy. A smile appeared on Zelin's face, while he gently moved some strands of hair from her face. Your...supposed to be mad at her. A voice whispered in his mind. He ignored it, laying his head back on the tree. Evangelina shivered a bit, alerting Zelin she may be a bit cold out her. He moved his right arm, though it was unmistakable numb still, and wrapped it around her protectively.
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The elf shifted slightly in her sleep, causing a small groan to escape. The wind was blowing against the tall pine trees, causing their needles to shake and sway in the breeze. A few birds sang in the distance, along with the sound of insects buzzing nearby. Slowly, Evangelina began to awake. The elf shivered from the cold air, causing her to move closer to Zelin. Realization began to dawn on her, however, when she glanced up. Blinking, Evangelina stared up at the prince with drowsy eyes.

"Hey... you're awake..." A small smile appeared on her lips. She straightened herself away for a second, curving her back and stretching. Laying back next to Zelin, she rested her head on his shoulder. Evangelina sighed softly.

"I wasn't supposed to fall asleep... in case something tried to attack us." She muttered angrily, mostly to herself. The elf glanced up at him, then to the large clearing in front of them.

"How are you feeling?" Evangelina let out a small yawn and closed her eyes for a second.
Lionel was humming a tune to himself, as he delved his shovel deep into the soil below. He glanced at the corpse that he stood with, old man. Lionel, wasn't quite sure where he was. Freelance Grave-digging would do that to you, especially if you didn't carry a map. Lionel, didn't care for maps, rather he didn't care to deal with a cartographer to deal with the process of him having to draft up a map and then negotiate a price on it. But there were some nice trees, and a the fields were nice and green. Either which way, Lionel was doing just another job, glancing back at the corpse, "Date of death was the thirty eighth, least what I was told." he muttered out loud.

He continued digging as he began muttering to himself, "If his mother dear was there, and not at an unmarked grave, she'd be crying at the funeral wake. ... Probably." He hummed a bit, as his wings flapped a tad, as he began humming a tune, now beginning in a dirge. Usually this would cost extra, but he was not at the ceremony, and he was the sole grave-digger, so a bit of music wouldn't hurt. "Wherever we are, wherever we may be, we'll be thinking. Of the taverns we were... Blast, need to find a decent tavern." He grumbled out as he continued digging the unmarked grave.
A feminine figure, be-tailed and with tow kawaai pointed ears, strolled into Ogden's Speakeasy and Bar, in a manner typically assoictaed with men much larger and more muscaulr than she was, a look that showed a person looking for a battle of fist to fist, mano il maon, and so on.

"Give me your damn beer or you won't have a hand to hold it in," she stated brusuqely, walking up tot he town Herlad (Boris).
Somewhere in the mountains outside Kaekuma lay a small bandit camp. The bandits had completed another successful ambush and were sharing out the spoils. They had attacked a carriage carrying the mail to Kaekuma and were trying to pick the lock on the chest. It was then that one of the lookouts noticed a lone man approaching their camp. The lookout sounded the alarm while he prepared his bow. It was in this brief moment where the lookout took his eyes of him that Ivan rushed in and impaled the man with his spear. After pushing the corpse of the spear Ivan looked around the camp. "Six more." he muttered to himself as he turned to the nearest one. By now the bandits had reached their weapons and started to charge at Ivan. The first bandit to get close was stabbed in the face with a spear. The second tried to exploit his comrades misfortune and get an attack in while the spear was occupied. He found himself with a sword sticking through his chest. It was at this point that the remaining four started considering their options. Two attempted to run and were both cut down as soon as they turned their backs. One tried to charge Ivan and was nearly cleaved in two. The sword however was stuck inside the bandit. Upon seeing this the last bandit started forming a fireball in his hand only to be cut off by another hand wrapped around his throat. "Wai-"*crack*. Anything the bandit had to say was cut off by his neck being crushed.

With the dirty business settled Ivan took a breather before picking up the chest and heading towards Kaekuma. On his way there he passed by the wreck of the carriage and the body of the postman. Ivan set aside the chest and made a makeshift grave for the man. After a few more minutes he reached Kaekuma and asked the nearest guard where the mail goes. After dropping of the chest Ivan wandered around Kaekuma looking for anything to do.

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