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Fantasy Zephyr (Accepting)

Evangelina smiled at the relieved tone in his voice. She shifted a bit in her place, settling herself next to him as he sat down onto the bed. Her hand gripped his lightly. The mentioning of uncle Mordecai caused a panic to spark in the elf's pale eyes. She stared down at the floor, her smile beginning to fade.

"I'm sure he is... He doesn't know where I am, or if I'm even alive. Along with the rest of my family as well... I'm sure they are all very worried." Evangelina said quietly. She stared down at the tips of her toes, wiggling them slightly. Her mind wandered to her family, then to Mordecai and Mazumi. She wondered how they were doing. Evangelina smiled, growing a bit excited at the thought of seeing them again. The white haired elf darted her eyes back up to Zelin, staring for a moment before speaking.

"I should probably get dressed... I'll meet you downstairs." She murmured softly. The elf stood up from the white bed and began to step towards the freshly cleaned clothes sitting neatly on the dresser for her. Once Zelin had left, Evangelina quickly changed into the white dress and brown cloak she wore before. All the tears had been sewn, and the blood stains had been washed away. She slid it on, securing the bright bracelets on each wrist. When she was finished, the elf began to head downstairs. She was greeted by the innkeeper and two twins boys. They looked curiously up at her, blinking rapidly.

"Hey! You're an elf! I've never seen one before!"

"Do you know magic? Most elves do! Just like in our story books!"

"Can you show us?"

"Please, please,
please, please!"

The two boys pleaded in unison, collapsing to their knees in front of Evangelina and kneeling to the floor. She burst out laughing, watching as the innkeeper quickly hissed at them.

"Boys! Leave the girl alone! Go play outside!" She growled. The two boys rolled their eyes, huffing and puffing. They both burst into a fast run and out the door in seconds. The elf watched them with an amused look on her face.

Zelin stood downstairs in what looked like a dining hall, a few men and woman sat at the tables eating happily. The room was noisy from the random chatter of people, but not enough to annoy him. He almost enjoyed the feel of actual people surrounding him. Hector passed by Zelin, giving a wink while wearing a huge grin. It seems the man is always in high spirits, it's nice to see. Suddenly two young boys ran down the stairs quickly, gone as fast as they came, they were out the door. As the door opened a pleasant breeze rolled it, refreshing the room's seemingly stagnant air. Many of the patrons stopped to get a feel for it, closing their eyes and sighing happily. This was all so strange to Zelin, it was like a whole new world. No guards...no paper work...no lessons. He thought, looking down at the floor. With his left hand he reached up and felt the bandage on his eye again, lost in thought. Is this what it feels like...to be at peace?
Yamina entered the dining hall of the castle in her other light armor that Charles liked the most. Her hair was in a loose bun and she had no weapon on her. She got word that the prince and his lady friend were safe and not harmed as much. She was happy to hear that. She thinks of the prince as her little brothe, she watched him grow and he would always want to come and see the other soldiers train. Once inside the dining hall she saw a long table of food and smiled. If there was once thing she loved other than Charles it was food. She quickly walked over and grabbed herself a plate and she didn't care. She was second in command and captain of the mercenaries. Also she was Charles lover...the relationship they have is totally different from others relationships. They are complete opposites and opposites do attract.
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"Ah! You are awake! I am glad to see you in good health, dear!" The innkeeper, Idna, exclaimed while coming out of a large kitchen in the back. She had a metal pot in her hands with hot steam rising above it. As she passed Evangelina, the elf got a whiff of venison stew, making her stomach growl hungrily. The elderly woman walked up to the dining table and poured the hot stew into several bowls a family had in front of them. The family was quite large, with men and women and children alike sitting at the table. They began eating the stew happily, thanking Idna in a boisterous manner as she padded back over to Evangelina.

" You two must be starving after all you've been through. I'll be right back!" She called before disappearing into the back kitchen. The elf smiled a bit and began to walk towards Zelin from behind. He seemed to be watching the busyness of the dining hall.

"Idna is getting us some food. Do you want to find a place to sit?" Evangelina asked, appearing next to him suddenly. She glanced over at him with a smile plastered onto her face. The dining hall was filled with people, laughing happily and chattering with one another. She admired them for a second. She almost had forgotten what it was like to be surrounded by people. Especially since the dungeon, with...

Evangelina shivered at the thought, quickly disposing it into the back of her mind.

@Stoked911 Zelin and Evangelina aren't back home yet, my friend x3 They're both staying in an inn far away from Dominion. Nowhere near the castle yet :3
"Move it you bafoons! The prince's life must be coming to an end soon! If you don't hurry yourself, his life won't be the only one done!" The menacing roaring could be heard from afar.

"Oh," Kyro breathed as one of his eyebrows raised, "seems the army of hell is here..." The dark soldier shut the book quickly and looked towards the setting sun. "Mmm perfect timing. City has gone dark for some bloody reason, dragons came and caused a skirmish, and now the sun is setting. Oh it seems to be my lucky day," he murmured to himself as he put away his cards.

Eager for action to finally occur, Kyro smoothly stood up on the branch and elegantly flew down from the branch with a single movement of a jump. Squatting as his legs made contact to the ground, he straightened himself and his clothing, wanting to look presentable. He pulled down the mask to cover his face and hid the book back into one of the many mysterious pockets he had in his clothing. A steady breeze flew onto his mask sending chills of excitement down his back. There the dark soldier stood observing as masses of grotesque creatures approached him.

The light of the sun was soon blocked by the many shadows of the depraved creatures of the dark guild, all varying in size and species. Kyro could feel his eyes watering from the horrid stench at which they emitted, causing a slight cough from him in order to retrieve some oxygen. Trembles shook his feet as the earth vibrated under the feet of the creatures. Kyro's eyes narrowed through the mask as the minuscule figures increased to tremendous heights. A sly smile crept up behind his mask.

One particular creature stepped forward. He held the demeanor of death, hatred, fury, and much more. Some would say he held all the bad qualities that left Pandora's Box. Where he should have eyes were just holes of a miserable abyss, his form was one that contained exposed bones in some regions and in others some decaying muscle and scaly skin. Horns that glinted darkness rose from his head that held the form of a terrifying orc. Shadows danced around him, indulging on the being, feeding the death off of him for no life existed on the beast. One leg of the creature was a hoof while the other was a foot with claws. He had a broad upper body with nothing but dry blood covering him. The lower half of his body was dark and dirty from all the tortuous work that the beast was put onto.

Kyro was a dove compared to the raven. His eyes rose up to look into the abysses of eyes. "Greetings, Noktok," Kyro bowed.

The smoldered face expressed irritation, but not at Kyro but at his army. The dying skin on his face wrinkled to form a growl from his mouth. This was how the beast, Noktok, spoke. "What are we here for? I received nothing from the leader but the order to meet up with you here with my army."

Kyro straightened up and turned towards the devastated city in front of him, "Here before you is your playground. All I ask of you is that you save the prince for our lovely assassin, C."

Noktok breathed out and shifted in his balance. "That is all?"

Kyro smiled, but one that Noktok couldn't see, "You could do as you please, just as long as you spare the prince. Go and let the creatures of hell experience true agony and despair from the vulnerable citizens of Dominion."

Noktok stood there taking in the information before turning towards his army. "You will break down the barriers of the city and castle first! Then break the spirits of the guard before you can run wild to do as you please! Bring down the spirits of the people! Destroy the buildings of the city! Leave no mercy!" As soon as he finished those words, the army behind him roared and stampeded. Noktok stayed behind slightly and turned back to Kyro, "Is that all?"

"For now. I shall contact you if I need more," Kyro answered.

Noktok nodded and then followed after his feral army.

Kyro stood there in the same spot he was after jumping off the tree staring after the army. A laughter erupted through him as he saw the spark of fires beginning at the walls of the city. Some demons were already crawling across the walls, orcs crashing through the walls, and Noktok...well he walked right through the measly wall. His eyes glinted with envy though for he wish that he held such physical power to do what Noktok could do, but he held a superior mind in which can help him even more. Kyro's envy was interrupted though from the slight shift of wind right next to him.

His eyes turned towards the corner to find the outline of a hooded female standing right beside him. "Long time, no see, C" Kyro murmured. The woman did not respond, for she was physical disable to due to the species she was, Dullahan. She didn't want to respond though, for she had nothing to say.

"Do tell me...what plans did the leader have for you?" Kyro asked.

The woman stood there for a moment longer before she pointed a finger in the air and then illuminated a light from the tip of her finger from magic. Then she wrote in the air her message, 'All he has said was to dispose of the prince.' She rested her arm back down once she finished writing.

Kyro nodded, "I see..."
Ayah would greet Cordelia, and tell her of the battle. She would then look around at all of the wounded, and back at the girl. "We need potions, cures, things like that, anything to mend the wounds these people have suffered..", Ayah would plead, and as if in acknowledgement, a wounded man was being dragged past the two, screaming in agony as a strange black material spread underneath his skin. He was bitten, and likely to turn very soon.


A large boom was sounded after Ayah spoke, simply hinting at the commotion going on outside of the Inner Wall. Ayah simply began shaking in fear, shaking her head.



Charles gritted his teeth as he ran his blade through an orc. He was on his way to eat, and luckily had not taken his armor off yet. Charles' blade quickly impaled the orc, and was yanked from the orc's miserable chest to find itself slicing the necks of three other orcs, flanking Charles. A demon rushed the Captain, who was quick to counter his blows and decapitate the creature.

His guards were being heavily hit, and were doing their best to keep the creatures from breaching the Inner Wall. Evacuations began on the conjured Light Hawks (opposite of Shadow Hawks, who generally serve as messengers for the gods), the size of houses, which carried twenty people each.

They were evacuating at their fastest speed, yet everyone knew that there would not be enough room for all. People were going to have to be sacrificed, left behind to suffer.

Charles screamed in rage as he thought about such a thought, and rushed to slay many more creatures surrounding him. Scratches and cuts began to appear on his armor, caked in black and red blood.


"We're all mad here."

"I see you!", he'd yell as he ran his blade through another orc, it's black blood spraying on surrounding guards and other creatures of hell, painting Arch, the enchanted bastard-sword of Charles, easily ten feet long.


Aura and Erin were about to charge into battle alongside their Uncle, as they always had, facing bandits, creatures of Darkness, all kinds of enemies of their Uncle Charles. However...

"If I do not return, someone needs to replace me. You got that?", Charles would ask with a devious smile, the same calm, insane, and charming smile he had always worn in both humoring and serious situations.

Aura and Erin had agreed, and were presently within the Inner Wall, organizing the people who got on the Light Hawks.
(And thus kyro is back yaay! haha @LifeNovel )

Cordelia Lovette

Cordelia listened on as Ayah explained to her what was needed. The sounds of battle surrounding them both as they did. In truth she was afraid and felt suddenly thrusted in the middle of something she could have possibly avoided. But seeing the man who was near his own death, and the screams of pain that rang in her ears called to her. She needed to help these people and she had to do it quickly. She grabbed Ayah's hands in hers and locked eyes with her, "I will do whatever I can..ill make as many potions and resources that I can. If anyone needs immediate attention please bring them to me." Cordelia could see the fear in her eyes and decided to bite her tongue and keep her own fear to herself for once. She put her bag on a table, it was hexed with a spell her grandmother taught her to store many items at once but only to a certain limit. She started pulling out small bottles of pre-mixed potions for when she was making runs to a nearby home and materials to start on new elixirs and double check old spells.
A pair of glowing red eyes throbbed eerily in the darkness of the forest. He watched the city of Dominion fall to ruins as orcs and demons alike rushed in, killing all defenseless townsfolk in their way. Battle cries and the sound of sword clashing against sword echoed through the air. He crept out of the shadows, each step causing a soft screech as his long claws dragged across the cobblestone. A sickening smile was plastered onto his fanged mouth with black ooze dripping down to the ground below. Sithis licked his lips and let a deep growl emit from his throat.

"Finally... FINALLY! The city of Dominion... It will be ours." The Archdemon spat viciously, leaping into battle with his spiked tail swinging around wildly. Pushing off his hind legs, Sithis landed straight on top of one of the mercenaries and pinned him down. With a screaming roar, the demon opened his mouth wide and completely devoured the mercenary's head in a swift snap of his jaws. The man's skull crushed against his teeth, cracking and breaking into pieces. The Archdemon spat out the shattered skull onto the ground, a strand of flesh dangling in between his sharpened teeth.

Four guards ran at him, swords armed and ready. Sithis ran straight towards them to their surprise. Swinging his tail from behind him, he smacked the armored men. The thorns sticking off his tail pierced each of them accurately through the chest. The men began choking and spurting up blood, and soon fell still. The demon growled in disgust as he hovered them above the ground. He flicked their dead bodies onto the street, and began slicing his way towards the castle.
Most of the Light Hawks had taken off, and the evacuation was nearly completed. Half of the remaining Magi were flown off with the Light Hawks, and concealed their appearance from the enemy. The other half were still violently bombarding the enemy with their volatile magic, as the Guard taught either magic and basic void to their students, or advanced combat training and tactics. Charles had received both, because he had the time, and the pursuit of his goal of becoming Captain.

This made Charles very dangerous.

"Vala'dash dey frey'aael morr'fahl!", Charles would scream as he manipulated the Flameis and Void energies that emitted from the magical pentagram beneath him, which seemed to shadow him wherever he went. The tiny stars and triangles on the pentagram would glow as the energies smashed together, forming a star.

An eye opened from the center of the star, and a large beam of energy shot down, blasting countless enemy forces, but when many were wiped out, even more came to replace them. If anything, the most damage it did was to the enemy's moral, which was still very high.

Charles would flap his wings, and gaze down at the battle, casting basic Flameis magic down at his foes. The Guard were still doing well, but their numbers were decreasing one by one, and soon enough the Inner Wall would be under siege.

(Vala'dash dey frey'aael morr'fahl - Smite ye fiends of Shadow - A reciting of the legendary magi Magus, who had come up with the spell, Darkfire, which Charles had just casted.)


Ayah would nod at Cordelia, and was quick to search around the wounded. She immediately brought a wounded man to Cordelia, one rolled on a sort of wagon. He was stripped of clothing, except for his undergarments, and the veins that were once blue beneath his flesh now were glowing green. It was a lethal poison, named after the flower it was extracted from, Elefeyneel. The known cure for it was complex, but would probably seem child's play to Cordelia.

The only threat to Cordelia was not the complexity of the cure, but the time she had to do it. The man would die in at least two minutes, and Ayah were searching for more patients. Time was against the cure, the evacuation, and the Guard. Time was against Dominion, against Venesia.

They'd have to manipulate the clock.


Elefeyneel (Ele-fay-nee-yil) is a plant native to the forests of Venesia, usually within the deeper and darker parts of it. They first appear like this, strange stalks that grow out of the ground. Many transparent orbs filled with a green liquid and tiny black seeds litter the Elefeyneel, until it matures, and the orbs sprout into beautiful radiant flowers. These flowers are formed as the green liquid is later enriched by the nutrients gathered by the Elefeyneel over the years, and is absorbed by the seeds, which open and connect together to create the flower seed. The flower seed would float towards the wall of the orb, and the orb would suddenly explode into a puddle of the gooey, poisonous substance that it is made of, which serves as the first nutrients for the flower.

(The Elefeyneel Flower, used many times in Venesian culture. They glow at night, and aren't covered in the same sticky lighter poison that the orbs and normal plant are.)

The flower contains two main liquids of the Elefeyneel. There is the sap, which is a by-product of photosynthesis, and also consumption of insects that land on the sticky plant's leaves, (it can also catch people, depending on size). Then there is the notorious highly-lethal poison, Eleforoxitidus, or Eleneel, for short. The Eleneel will cause a burning sensation on the skin if it touches it, but will cause paralysis within the first minute of entering the body, then the internal organs would begin to fail, until the Eleneel would reach the stomach, which upon contact to it's acids, will combust in a large ball of flames. (Manipulated extracts of Eleneel prevent this for stealthier operations)
(Oh boy, looks like people are getting into it now. *Single tear* It's like a dream come true.~)

The prince continued to rub the bandage, a bit agitated at it. When the hell can I take this off? Without looking at Evangelina, he responded a bit indifferently. "I'll sit anywhere you'd like. Long as I'm near you." A sly smile began to span across his face, betraying his indifference. He shook his head, still smiling. "Sorry, I think the little adventure we had...made me a little weird." He himself didn't know what he was talking about, and obviously Evangelina had no idea either, the look on her face was priceless. He laughed happily, barely understanding why. "I hope you don't feel uncomfortable around me." He moved away from the wall he was leaning on and walked over to an empty table. He looked back at the elf and motioned for her to sit with him, pulling a seat out for her to sit.
A slightly red blush became apparent on her face for a moment, and she found herself beginning to laugh. She grinned and followed him towards the empty table. A soft expression appeared on her face as Zelin pulled out a seat for her. Evangelina smiled, settling herself down into the chair.

"I'm not uncomfortable at all. Don't worry." She murmured, locking her gaze with his. She flashed him a smirk before turning her attention towards Idna. The elderly woman padded towards the table they sat at. Sliding two bowls onto the table, she set a plate filled with freshly baked bread onto the table along with the pot of steaming stew. She dipped the ladle into the soup and poured it into each of their bowls. Evangelina stood in a daze, her stomach growling hungrily as the delectable scent of warm bread and stew wafted towards her. Idna then slid another plate onto the table, filled with fresh fruits.

"T-thank you so much, Idna. I don't know what to say." Evangelina whispered. The old woman let out a shrill laugh, shaking her head at the elf.

"You don't have to say anything, dear! Just eat! You two must be starving!" Idna said loudly before walking towards another table. She happily began chatting with them.

Outstretching her hand slowly, the elf swooped up a roll of bread and took a bite. In an instant, Evangelina's eyes widened and she closed her eyes. It seemed like an eternity since she's had food as good as this. Reopening her eyes, she began to eat the roll of bread faster and faster. Evangelina was beginning to realize how hungry she really was.
Watching Evangelina eat so happily it made Zelin want to try to bread himself. He sat down slowly, watching his elf accomplice devour her food. She's eating like this is the first time she's tasted food. He reached out for a piece himself and brought it to his mouth for a bite. The first taste of the food made his mouth water unexpectedly. His exposed eye widened, taking larger bites each time. It was then that he realized that he was just as hungry as her. Zelin coughed a bit and closed his eye embarrassed. He began to chew it slower, trying to keep up his appearances. He heard some of the innkeepers chuckle, watching the prince eat. Great, now I have an audience. "GAHAHAHA~ Enjoyin' yer food there aye? The soup 'ere is a specialty of ours! Tha pride an' joy of our fine establishment!" Hector boomed, laughing happily. He rested his hand on the table, leaning in to watch the prince and Evangelina closely.
With each bite from the soft bread, Evangelina felt her body begin to regain its strength. Like some sort of curse had been lifted away. It was overwhelming, but felt relaxing at the same time. Finishing the first roll, she quickly reached for another. Her fingers gripped the delicate crust, small cracks developing underneath because of the pressure. She ripped a piece off and dipped the fluffy roll into the hot stew. Evangelina lifted it away, watching the tiny droplets of the soup drip off from the end of the bread. Taking a bite of it, the elf made a small 'Mhmm' noise as the taste of fresh bread and venison stew hit her in a delicious wave. In several more bites, Evangelina had eaten her second roll. She scooped the warm soup into the spoon next to the bowl, and began to drain it until there was no more left.

Sipping the last droplet off of the spoon, the elf glanced up, realizing Zelin wasn't even halfway done with his food yet. Her face became beet red. The booming voice of Hector distracted her from the embarrassment she felt. Evangelina turned her attention towards him and forced a smile. Almost immediately soon after, the two twin boys burst through the doors, yelling and running in circles around the inn.

"Monster! Monster!" They both screamed, rolling around on the floor and laughing loudly. Evangelina swiveled around a bit in her chair with wide eyes as the boys jumped on top of her. They hugged her tightly.

"There's a monster out in the woods! Wanna come see it?" One of them asked Evangelina, his face inches away from hers. She opened her mouth to respond, but was cut off.

"It was HUGE!"

"And hairy!"
The brother of the twin added, both of them bursting into a fit of laughter. Idna happened to be passing by just as the boys pounced. With a stern expression, the innkeeper pulled the boys off the elf by their ear.

"OW! Grandma!" They yelled in unison. She released their ears and watched as they hid behind Evangelina's chair.

"Don't be filling their heads with nonsense now. Let them eat."

"Oh... I don't mind. I'm full now." The elf added politely. The twin boys smiled mischievously. One of them began pulling Evangelina out the door, while the other grabbed Zelin and yanked him from his chair. The innkeeper barely had time to respond before the prince and the elf were gone.
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A loud roar came from over the forests, going out for miles. It would pierce many ears, and it could be heard from even within the establishment Evangelina and Zelin had rested in. Shadow Hawks had tracked the Light Hawks down, and a massive sky battle took place above the forest, many hawks crashing into the grounds below.

The Shadow Hawk Murder was averted, but many Light Hawks, including civilians, had crashed near villages within the forests. The other Hawks continued on towards the bunker within the Venesian Mountains.


Aura and Erin would blink, and find themselves on the forest floor. A dead Light Hawk rested next to them, and many wounded civilians were being healed and helped up by surrounding Guards. The two would rise, and looked around them.

They were in the forest, lost, yet the Darkness would not seem close. Luckily, the Light Hawks had crashed down in the safe zones of the forest, while the Corrupted zones were to the east and north.

Great. Just great.

"Search for a nearby village!", Aura would yell out.

Cordelia Lovette

She frowned when they suddenly brought in a man with sickly green veins, "Oh dear.." She knew what it was and what she had to do and she had to do it quick. She summoned materials from her bag and started quickly placing them over a small table, with haste and worry. "Im glad I keep these things handy or else this man would probably die.." She had some of the plants extract in a jar and she started mixing that with other herbs she had at hand and some black powder from a leather pouch. As she mixed and mash the ingredients, she chanted. Her eyes glowing brighter as they did. She took a glance at the man and cursed, she was running out of time to save him and she still needed to get the potion into his bloodstream. She pulled out her silver knife and went over to the man, making a small incision near his heart. She quickly grabbed up the mortar and took the mush in her fingers spreading it over the open wound and working its way in. She then pushed hard against his chest and chanted more with her eyes closed. She could feel the mans heart beat slowing and she started to tingle as the sap form the plant made its way into her skin. After a few moments she had to let go and gasped. "Thats all I can do for now..we just need to see how his body reacts now..." She looked on at the man and bit her lip, his veins now clearing up to a pale blue. But the man wasnt moving and that worried her. After another few minutes she sighed and turned away, putting her materials back into an organised order and taking the mush she made and putting it into an empty jar. When she heard and gasp and a groan she quickly turned around, yelping a bit. The man was trembling and he was bleeding form the incision she made, "Oh thank the gods! Hold on sir I know its probably not the most pleasant thing in the world but your going to survive this next part" She grabbed silk thread and an old silver needle her family used for enchanted healing. She started sewing up the wound and smiling at the man as she did, keeping him calm. When she was done she started washing the potion off and grabbed a flask like bottle, helping him take a drink, "This well help clean out any other problems that my spell couldn't reach, such as your fatigue and hopefully keep you on track for a good healing"
The small boy pulled Zelin farther and farther away from the inn, following the second twin and Evangelina, trapped in the same situation as him. She looked back at him, a amused grin on her face. The prince couldn't help but smile back, and glanced down at the child. "H-hey, calm down a bit. You'll tear my arm!" The boy laughed indifferently, chanting something about a hairy beast. Must be some large bear or something. He thought, shaking his head. "Eh boys! Don't pull our guests on wild chases! They jus' got out of bed ya know!" Hector beckoned, grinning all the while. It was apparent he wanted them to go anyway. Zelin went with it and sighed, looking back at Hector standing in the doorway, surprisingly enough, he barely fit in it. "I-it's fine Hector! We'll be back in a little while...I hope."
"Come on! Run faster!" The little boy pulling Evangelina yelled ahead of her. His hand was gripped tightly around hers. He burst into a fast sprint, dragging the elf along with him. She stumbled for a second before joining the little boy in running. The twin boys pulled both Zelin and Evangelina further and further into the dark forest. The hustle and bustle of the village began growing quieter and quieter behind them.

The boys stopped in their tracks suddenly, still gripping both their hands. Engraved in the ground in front of them was a large clawed footprint. Evangelina studied it carefully and leaned down, rubbing her finger against the mud.

"It's fresh... The mud hasn't dried yet." She murmured, straightening her back to a normal stance. The boys had a huge smile plastered on their faces.

"THAT'S SO COOL!" They gasped in awe, leaning down as well and poking the muddy footprint with a stick. Evangelina stood next to Zelin, studying the pattern of the twigs in front of them. There was a trail of tiny snapped twigs, if you looked close enough. Something large had wandered through here.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." She said quietly, watching the boys burst into a run through the forest. Evangelina's eyes widened as they began to disappear into the distance.

"W-wait!" She called loudly. The elf chased after the boys, weaving around rocks and fallen tree branches.

She heard the boy's heavy footsteps suddenly grow silent. Evangelina pushed herself faster and leaped through the thick undergrowth. She appeared on the other side in some sort of field. The boys stood in front of her, looking at several fallen birds in the middle of the clearing . A shocked expression appeared on the elf's face.

"What are light hawks doing here..." She murmured to herself, stepping towards one of the dead bodies and running a hand down its soft white wing. It was still warm.

@MrMopp Your cue my friend xD
(Is waiting for the giant doggy to appear. Just imagine Zelin followed Evangelina...and maybe tripped on a log. Shhh)
It's a comin'

Trina walked through the woods in her four legged form, hungry an exhausted after an unsuccessful hunt. And by unsuccessful I mean, she had the deer on the run when the stupid thing ran off a cliff into rapids (with Trina following right after it. Needless to say, she went for quite the ride). Now she was sulking her way back home, her luxurious brown fur damp and with no kill to show for her efforts. Not even the usual half-eaten one.

Looks like 'nother empty handed pantry raid fer me, she thought glumly. Ah well, least ah got a good story t' tell 'bout it.

This month had been a pretty lousy for big game in these parts. A little disturbing, actually. I mean, if she couldn't live off the land, what was she going to do for food. She couldn't just join society and rely on butchers and bakers for her daily meal. I mean, have you seen the grocery bill for a hybrid were-wolf/were-grizzly? Eek! No. She was made for the wild.

Trina reckoned the game shortage had something to do with an aggressive invasive species that had been moving in (the shadow monsters) killing animals, and even humans, left and right. Not even EATING what they killed half the time, just for the HECK of it! (Gosh! Their worse than humans!) Not that Trina just sat back and idly watched them. Nah. this was HER territory, and if these trespassers weren't gonna play by the rules, then they were gonna pay one hell of a rent.

Incidentally, there might be a new market for monster-skin rugs. Heh heh.

Trina continued to walk. The clouds had rolled away from the moon like an opening eye to let it gaze upon the forrest, bathing the woods in its pale light. From where she stood on the mountain side, Trina could see the wave of dim, white light wash over the dark wood, setting the rocks and snowy mountains aglow. The lake to the east took the moons reflection and shattered it, sprinkling it across the wavy surface. And off in the distance a pack of wolves- her pack- sang out a long, eerie drone that sounded melodious to her ears.

Trina took in the beauty around her, letting it wash away the days disappointment. She heaved a sigh. Mm... Gorgeous. Trina like all wolves, loved The moonlit nights. Funny, when most people thought of a werewolf's relationship the moon they thought, "Oh no! The full mooooon! I'm changing! Stay away from me! Gah! Kill! Kill! Kill!" But it wasn't anything like that. To a wolf, the moonlight brought a deep, serene, even spiritual sensation. Granted there was some truth to the "involuntary transformation" thing, but it wasn't a horrible, grotesque struggle like the story's portray. The moonlight simply calls out to the wolf within, as cheesy as it sounds. Beckoning it to surface, sweetly, irresistibly, until you leave you're senses and embrace it with open arms.

Trina listened to her brethren sing their tribute to night until she felt sufficiently soothed and decided to take up the baritone line. She tilted back her head, stretching out her larynx, and let out a deep, low howl. "AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooROWoRAOOOOOOoooo awwoOOOOOOO-"


Trina stopped and opened her eyes. What the-


Trina scanned the sky for whatever bird made that noise, annoyed at having been interrupted so ru- HOLY-! Behind her, up in the sky, four, maybe six gigantic birds were flying above, having what looked like some kind of bird war, white vs black.

Her jaw dropped. Holy COW! She thought. Am I SEEING this?! This's AWSOME!!! She squinted. Hey, are those... People on its back? Man that's gotta be HUGE!

She didn't realize just HOW huge, until one of them- a white one- came fluttering down right above the tree tops, kicking up a gale with its frantic flapping, and went crashing into the pass bellow.

Trina stared for a moment. Woah... She thought. I gotta check it out!

And with that she made her way down to the crash site.
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Evangelina and the children ran from out of his sight, travelling deeper into the dense foliage. At first Zelin attempted to follow, but something grabbed at his attention. He stopped mid sprint, slowing down until he reached a slow walk. The prince could hear Evangelina still chase the kids, calling for them to wait. If she's there they'll be fine. He turned his head, trying to look into the trees around him. He couldn't identify what caused him to feel uneasy, a sense of...dread filled the air. It was silent, there we no sounds in the forest. The prince glanced around himself warily, his one exposed eye trying to locate what could cause the unease, the pressure. He hasn't been outside of Dominion much...but he knows that forest are usually lively. Bugs buzzing, birds chirp , wild animals run about, running water, leaves creak and crumble, trees sway, at the very least the wind blows. But there was nothing. No wind. No birds. It was empty. "...What's going on?" A cold chill, dense and slow, ran down his back, as if alerting him of danger. It reminded him of something, it felt familiar. He simply couldn't tell what.

The prince looked back in the direction the children ran, suddenly nervous, growing into full blown fear. He started walking in the direction, picking up his slow pace to catch up. I don't like this. Something's wrong here. Zelin continued to chase after his friends, watching the forest around him. Darkness sat at the edge of the treeline, shadowing all that would be stalking him. Any predator could follow the prince, concealed in a veil of void. I've got to find Evangelina befor- GWAH. The prince fell into a somersault after tripping on a tree's root, rolling into a large rock. Pain spread through his already wounded body, as well as frustration. Fuck...


The heavy sounds of marching continued to echo throughout the air, it was steady and vibrant, strong enough to increase one's heartbeat. Armored men riding war horse rode in unison, striding in straightened lines. The men clad in full body armor sat proudly atop their mounts, the clanking of metal nearly muffling the heavy echo. They rode in darkness, their helmets concealing the knights faces, protecting their identity. But one look at the crest upon their chest could expose whom they are. The knight leading the battalion of men suddenly puts his fist up, signalling the entourage of soldiers to come to a halt. Without a word they all cease movement, cancelling out the loud and metallic march. A dark-haired man wearing no helm and with shining green eyes glanced throughout the darkness, searching the road he had taken expectantly. His eyes pierced straight into the darkness, glinting slightly. "Douglas, come forth." He commanded back, and sure enough a knight rode his horse forward, standing it next to his. The man pulled back his visor, exposing his face slightly, a slim eye patch covering the right side of his face. "Something wrong Milord? Can you see something?" The man named Douglas asked, his voice rough and stern. The green eyed man looked onto the road, squinting when his eye caught something. "There are bodies here. Corpses lie in the dirt and grass. But not of soldiers, of village folk."

He whispered, skimming the area around him. "This is not the work of men..but of...a creature." He quickly turned toward Douglas, frowing unhappily. "Tell the men to keep an eye out for danger, this got a lot more dangerous. Douglas nodded, and without a word began walking back to the other knights, barking orders at them. The green eyed man still looked into the dark void, trying to see something that he couldn't. Just what was hiding from him? What couldn't he see? I have a bad feeling about this.

Aura and Erin had sworn they heard some kind of howl during the aerial fight, and so their first impression was that it had to be dire wolves. "It's too dangerous to move, we have to defend ourselves for the night! It might be some kind of Shadow Pack!", Erin would yell out commandingly, the Guards following her orders.

Life began emerging from around the Light Hawk corpses as the unconscious and weary had picked themselves up. They were all re-locating to Aura and Erin's crash-site. That's when the Shadow Hawks would split up, half going for the remaining Light Hawks, and the others going for the crashed Light Hawks and their passengers.

The Guards began launching arrows, firing magi-tech weaponry, anything they could collect from the wreckage. The wounded Light Hawks were being healed, but due to their complexity, the Magi were taking a longer time healing them.

Even if their wounds were sealed, it would take a while for the spell to fully heal their wing bones, about two days. Two days to hold out against the Darkness, and perhaps the orcs.

"Hold them off! Ranged, shoot them down!", Aura would yell, diving away from the charge of a Shadow Hawk, who was just shot down.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-11_17-49-1.jpeg.3811058535ceccf0fa36d6e09691bbd4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36669" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-11_17-49-1.jpeg.3811058535ceccf0fa36d6e09691bbd4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The common Magi-Tech weapon used by Guards, the Sterben is a type of weapon crafted by only the greatest of magismiths. The handle is made of reinforced orocnicite, a hard metal found within the Venesian Mountains. Not only this, but arcanite, a notorious and very valuable ore, known for spell immunity and increase of magic potential, forms the shape of the blade. When the orocnicite handle is gripped by a person, the magical potential of that person, and the energy that may be drawn from that potential, is siphoned into the blade to create a sword of arcane energy around the arcanite. The Sterben, like most Magi-Tech weapons, are extremely valuable, efficient, and hard to make. Only the most elite receive such weapons, which implies why the Venesian Guard's Elite would carry such. However, these weapons are not always used for good, as most assassins carry them, the same going for Shadow Hunters, the officers of the Darkness.

(Tell me if this is okay, it's not meant to be futuristic, even if it looks like it, but simply steampunk tech mixed with magic.)



  • upload_2014-12-11_17-49-1.jpeg
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SirFlabberghaspy said:
Aura and Erin had sworn they heard some kind of howl during the aerial fight, and so their first impression was that it had to be dire wolves. "It's too dangerous to move, we have to defend ourselves for the night! It might be some kind of Shadow Pack!", Erin would yell out commandingly, the Guards following her orders.
Life began emerging from around the Light Hawk corpses as the unconscious and weary had picked themselves up. They were all re-locating to Aura and Erin's crash-site. That's when the Shadow Hawks would split up, half going for the remaining Light Hawks, and the others going for the crashed Light Hawks and their passengers.

The Guards began launching arrows, firing magi-tech weaponry, anything they could collect from the wreckage. The wounded Light Hawks were being healed, but due to their complexity, the Magi were taking a longer time healing them.

Even if their wounds were sealed, it would take a while for the spell to fully heal their wing bones, about two days. Two days to hold out against the Darkness, and perhaps the orcs.

"Hold them off! Ranged, shoot them down!", Aura would yell, diving away from the charge of a Shadow Hawk, who was just shot down.

View attachment 91024

The common Magi-Tech weapon used by Guards, the Sterben is a type of weapon crafted by only the greatest of magismiths. The handle is made of reinforced orocnicite, a hard metal found within the Venesian Mountains. Not only this, but arcanite, a notorious and very valuable ore, known for spell immunity and increase of magic potential, forms the shape of the blade. When the orocnicite handle is gripped by a person, the magical potential of that person, and the energy that may be drawn from that potential, is siphoned into the blade to create a sword of arcane energy around the arcanite. The Sterben, like most Magi-Tech weapons, are extremely valuable, efficient, and hard to make. Only the most elite receive such weapons, which implies why the Venesian Guard's Elite would carry such. However, these weapons are not always used for good, as most assassins carry them, the same going for Shadow Hunters, the officers of the Darkness.

(Tell me if this is okay, it's not meant to be futuristic, even if it looks like it, but simply steampunk tech mixed with magic.)

The idea is fine with me, I don't mind at all. It does look futuristic, well, it IS from Halo. xD But hell, it fits what we need so go for it.
Galgori sat in his quarters in the tunnels of Kaekuma, contemplating the dream he just woke up from...the images still fresh in his mind. This week's piece of the Puzzle was an oblong piece of bone, with mana-conduits of copper inlaid along its length is angular patterns and a trio of golden prongs at each end. On its own, he knew it would be useless for anything, but it would fit. It would fit, but he has no idea where or with what. None of the pieces he'd build before fit with this one, but he got the idea that they would start to after a certain threshold, revealing the whole to him in a moment of inspiration...but he has no idea when that might be, even after spending half of his life in this endeavor.

For now, he would gather the materials for this new piece, putting himself further in debt with his contacts, and hopefully getting enough money together to pay them off before they would come to...collect.

Galgori stood from his bed, lightly kicking a few Puzzle pieces to the side as he strode to his workbech...
The noonday sun beat down upon Kaekuma as voices echoed throughout the bazaar.

"...Only three denar to the pound! Hello sir, might I interest you..."

"...Yessir one-hundred-per-cent church-backed indulgences here, sins bought an' sold! You 'ere, you look like the sinnin' type..."

"...Yes, it is none other than Johnathan Marlowe's all-natural snake oil, sure to cure what ails you! You there, in the striped pantaloons, you seem like a fellow who..."

Salid waddled through the market, a thick, wide-brimmed hat shading his eyes from the sun, heavy leather coinpouches girding his stomach. His stocky frame carried the weight comfortably, as a poorer man should wear a belt. Upon his face, he wore a wide, toothless grin. Anywhere else upon the surface, he would be an outsider, shunned by common folk; the Bazaar, though? This was his workshop, his arena; this was his home.

Salid strolled into a nearby tavern, tossing the barman a handful of coinage. "A round of Garkian stout, if you please!"

A cheer went up among the drunks and layabouts

"Mind me asking the occasion, milord?", the barman asked as he poured mugs for each man standing.

"The occasion?", Salid let out a deep, croaking laugh, "The occasion, as you put it, is that I've been stuck on a wagon with naught but a pack of Burmen for company- you ever play dice with a Burman? Terrible bluffs, can't keep a straight face to save their lives- ah, but I'm rambling again..."
Hammer smashed against metal, with specks of yellow sparks flying in every direction after each thud. A man pinned down a newly shaped sword against an anvil. The middle of the sword glowed a throbbing orange as heat enveloped itself into the blade. His face was caked with black soot and a few lingering beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. Grabbing the hot sword, he dipped it into a pot of ice cold water, listening to the metal begin to sizzle at the touch of the liquid. A burst of steam arose, adding more heat to the forge. He placed the sword onto the workbench and let out a deep sigh. The man grabbed a cloth from off a table and began wiping away the black ash from his face. Throwing the dirty cloth back onto the table, he ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair while stepping out into the eerie light of nighttime. The crescent shape of the moon hung in the sky, sending milky waves of white down to the earth.

For a split second, the moon vanished and the sky went completely black. Only the stars were twinkling. Everything became shadowed. The man furrowed his brows in confusion and glanced upwards. He caught the glimpse of a huge white bird speeding just about the treetops and disappearing over the horizon. The bird was beginning to descend, and fast. A pounding thud rumbled through the earth, causing the man to take a step back. The lingering village folk on the streets ducked low to the ground in fear. When they saw nothing, a rush of whispers was heard. More people began to appear out of their homes in confusion of the shaking. The man grimaced and began making his way into the middle of the street.

"What is going on, Julian? Are we being attacked?" An elderly man asked, stepping out of his home. Julian scanned the sky and shook his head in question.

"I'm not sure. Wait here." He said in a low voice, before running down the street and into the darkened forest. His boots pounded against the dirt rapidly, each step increasing his speed. Julian heard a yelp in the distance, and it sounded human. He directed himself in that direction. Appearing a few feet in front of him, was a man with white hair sitting on the ground. He seemed to be in pain. Julian stopped beside him and stooped low.

"Hey! Are you alright?" He asked worriedly, a frown dawning on his expression. Julian studied him for a moment, seeing a bandage wrapped around his eye and left hand. His amber gaze looked behind the stranger, seeing a broken root sticking out not far behind. This man must have tripped.

"Here... Let's get you to your feet." The blacksmith raised himself from off the dirt and outstretched a hand to him.


The white haired elf lowered her hand from the fallen bird. The two twin boys were poking the bodies with a stick, and were laughing softly a few feet away. She glanced behind her with a worried expression. Zelin had not shown up yet. She could have sworn he was right behind them. Her blue eyes trailed over to the two kids.

I can't leave them here alone... but what if Zelin is in danger. Evangelina flicked her attention away from Zelin for now, and to the boys, who were now distracting themselves by clambering on top of the dead bird. She sighed and began wandering towards them.

"It's so soft!"

"And warm! How do you think it died, elf lady?"
A twin asked her while picking out a long white feather from its plumage. The elf smiled a bit and ran her hand over the top of his messy brown hair. The boy giggled.

"Perhaps it was shot down..." She murmured. The twins gasped in shock, exchanging glances with each other.

"AWESOME!" They exclaimed in unison, bursting into a fit of laughter.

Evangelina smiled in amusement. The feeling soon ended, however, when she heard a large twig snap from somewhere in the thick undergrowth. The two boys didn't seem to notice, as they were too busy messing with the bird. At first, her mind leaped to the thought of Zelin. But it came in the opposite direction from which they had came. It couldn't have been him.

Summoning her void magic, the elf's eyes glowed a throbbing purple as she scanned the area. The twins stopped their playing and gasped in awe at the magic wavering off from her palms. Stepping down from the bird, they crouched low behind her and looked around as well.

Something was wrong. She could feel it.
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