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Fantasy Zephyr (Accepting)

Lionel continued digging the unmarked grave as he hummed. He glanced at the old man's corpse and gave a kick, to confirm. Yeah, old man's dead. He continued digging, as he started up again in song, "Another buddy got wrecked, but it's no surprise. Everyone was shocked because..." Lionel paused in his tune as he just spoke "the man didn't die of old age sooner."

Lionel glanced back as he remembered, exactly where his Free-lance Grave-digging took him. "Ah right, Dominion, closest taverns oughta be there." He continued digging, and as the hole was big enough he stopped. Lionel lugged his shovel over his head, as he walked around to the old man and pushed the corpse in the hole. Then began the process of returning dirt to the hole.
As Zelin was in the process to argue with the elf a low growl stripped him of all pleasant thoughts, the bliss of love quickly dissipated. He turned behind himself, to be standing face to face with a large black beast, snarling wildly. Darkness obstructed his vision of the creature, especially with only having one eye. Slowly however, the moon crept out of the clouds, bringing a faint glow unto the forest, exposing large sharp fangs, and easily recognized eyes. It's snarl reverberated throughout the dark forest, an echo that traveled far. The prince watched this creature, his body frozen in fear. Evangelina herself spun around confused on why Zelin had grown silent, spotting the same creature. He watched as it changed it's glare toward her, eyeing her angrily. Don't you dare think about it. She's...She's...Without looking away, Zelin forced his body to move, slowly inching in the direction of Evangelina, his arm extended out protectively. "...You...can't have her." He whispered, his fear turning to rage.

Once again, the moon retreated into the cover of clouds, dimming the light the dark forest used to glimmer. His sight on the creature darkened and he could no longer make out its form. Eyes pierced him through the dark forest, and his heart beat hastened again. He took a few more steps toward Evangelina, close enough she was at his back. "...Can...you see it?" He asked, looking around himself. "With my eye...I can't..."


Darkness filled the man's heart, unbridled rage, an insatiable hunger for war. His desires met the requirement's that Myst looked for, and for that, he would be rewarded. A ghostly hiss echoed throughout the ruins it resided, consuming darkness to increase it's power. In a large room that used to function as a stadium, a large black sphere sat, floating, suspended in the air. Black currents of magic flowed in a out, and ominous fog rolled off into the sky. The stadium itself was tattered and destroyed, large holes in the walls, allowing darkness to seep out like a black river. The sky was shrouded in black, no hope of allowing light to be seen again. Smog encompassed all, leaving no traces of anything from before behind. Pools of lava churned and rumbled under the earth, shooting up streams of fire, seemingly dancing in the darkness. It was the only thing that could be considered 'alive' in the area, the only thing that moved at all.

Shadows condensed near the large black sphere, swirling into a tall shape. It condensed and spread, slowly forming an empty cloak, 7 ft tall looking into the dark orb. It spoke slowly, almost in a hissed whisper. "The darkness within you...it is true. One such as yourself deserves...power...power to overthrow even kings. Gods..." It spoke to itself, dark red eyes looking into the black sphere. Ominous energy seeped out onto the ground, increasing in size as Myst speaks. "Your desires reach me...and I shall answer..." It raises a dark appendage, pointing at the orb, black electricity starting to spark around it. "You will hear me in your mind...Find my followers...one who wears a mask...another without a head to speak. Find them, and receive power you truly deserve." Myst hissed, it's red eyes illuminating the ruins.

(Nearly forgot to add the picture.)
The ordeal in the mind of the Shadow Man shook his already shattered brain, his lust for power clouding all rational thoughts as ideas of grandeur filled his broken mind. The hunger, it could not be tamed, it wanted, it needed. Unable to form a complete thought to send back to this being of darkness, he merely nodded mentally, distantly hearing the sound of crimson rain still bombarding the cobblestone ground as he tried to focus his thoughts of the two beings he has been sent to find.

Power.. It was what he wanted, and he now knew where to get it. Instantly semi-formed ideas and scenes began to take hold, kill the two servants. Gain all the power, it was not to be shared, only he could rise as a god.
As soon as the low growl split through the silence of the night air, Evangelina's senses sped up. Whatever it was, was directly behind them. Zelin stood in front of her, slowly creeping more and more near the elf as he stuck out an arm protectively. Evangelina was so close to him she nearly was pressed up against his back. They were both unarmed. No weapons, no glory. But... Evangelina did have one thing.

A glowing purple aura began beaming from the elf's hands, wavering off like smoke. Her eyes became the same color, illuminating the darkness around them with a hazy purple light. She stared at the beast in front of her with an emotionless expression.

Okto Minatra.

As soon as those words appeared in her mind, the white haired elf flicked her wrist. In seconds, glowing tentacle-like strands appeared next to the beast. They wrapped themselves around its ankles with extreme force, binding the animal to the ground. The wolf was pinned face first into the dirt. Evangelina brushed past Zelin, not a single speck of emotion in her purple gaze. She stopped right in front of the beast and stooped low to its face. She stuck out a finger and slowly motioned it upwards, levitating the wolf's head at the same time. Their gazes locked.

It's eyes looked... human.

Almost immediately, Evangelina rose and swiped a single arm over the beast. The tentacles vanished into a purple smoke and evaporated. The elf's eyes became their normal color.

"Y-you're... a werewolf..." She murmured while studying the animal a bit longer. Not a single glimpse of fear shown in her gaze. Something wasn't right. This werewolf was too big.
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The Necromancer would laugh as the nearly dead man was dropped in front of him by his pet Shadow Hawk. With a flick of his wrist, the bird went flying off towards it's nest utop a charred peak, it's black feathers contrasting against the gleaming white snow.

He gazed down at Charles, who only smirked at him.

"What're you going to do to me now? Sacrifice me? Absorb my power? Perhaps transform me into a Shadow Creature?", Charles would speak out, coughing up blood by the end.

"You will become a champion of Darkness, an embodiment of Vengeance..", the Necromancer would mutter as he raised his hands, the darkness that was Void essence overtaking them, drifting around him like shadowy snakes. He would begin to laugh as more and more darkness appeared, and his eyes glowed red.

"Akar'zel makiir nata no haart, sanguistra na sanguistra!", The Necromancer chanted, the blood of Charles being stripped from his wounds. It ran into the tiny holes that littered the platform he laid on, smoke arising from each hole as blood entered it. The steam would drift towards the Void energies, and would be converted into such.

Soon enough, a cloud of void energy engulfed the rocky mountain that the platform rested on. It would become denser and denser, until the Necromancer would have the energy begin to enter Charles' mouth. The Captain's eyes would begin to glow blood-red as the shadow entered him, and corrupted him from within. His screams filled the air as memories of pain and suffering went through his mind, this was followed by a series of violent shakes, until a pitch black fog suddenly erupted from around Charles.

"Who is your master?", the Necromancer would mutter out into the dark fog, noticing a figure that rose from where Charles had laid. It began to approach him, and sweat ran down his cheeks.

"No one!", Charles would scream, rushing towards the Necromancer. With a solid punch, the Necromancer found himself on the ground, his staff tumbling down the steep angles of the mountain side.

"No, no!", the old man would yell once more, returning his gaze to Charles, only to find Charles' hand rested on his face. The Necromancer felt his soul burn, and Charles began to laugh.

"Feel agony, experience my anguish! You have made me a monstrosity of vengeance, all for your own gain! That is your last mistake, Necromancer, I will send you to burn in the Nine Hells, with all of your brothers of Darkness!", Charles would scream out with an insane smile as the Necromancer's eyes began to glow red, and his body shook violently while it sat on it's knees, under the hand of Charles.

Akar'zel makiir nata no haart, sanguistra na sanguistra*

(Rise, shadowed soul and heart, blood for blood!)

P.S. Will update Appearance soon.
"...Sunset, I finally get alone with that girl. As a soothing breeze brushes by.." The man sang out as he continued walking down his path. Yet again on another journey he was alone yet his spirits were raised. That is until he came across a man with a shovel and site of freshly disturbed earth signifying that he was digging graves. As such he decided to cut his verse short out of respect and said something to him, " I'm sorry to bother you with your personal business but eh... what are you doing burying a man so far out of town?"
"Don't care for people." Lionel stated as he patted down the dirt on the unmarked grave, "Coin the family paid got them an unmarked grave in the middle of the woods."
MechaGhoul said:
"Don't care for people." Lionel stated as he patted down the dirt on the unmarked grave, "Coin the family paid got them an unmarked grave in the middle of the woods."
Gotta have a bit more than just that friend, need at least a small paragraph. ^-^ 3-5 sentences.
Where? Where were the followers of the dream man? Hate bubbled inside him, the inconvenience of having to find them himself gained his wrath beyond what it should to a man. Digging deep into his tainted soul, The Shadow Man wished to free himself from the hazy and erratic workings of his own mind to continue on with his task.
"I see." the man said as he fidgeted with his long brimmed hat. Staring at the mound and then back at the man his mind wandered. At the very least there was a good enough excuse of him not being some grave robber. However he wasn't stupid and the grave being so far out of some settlement was still suspicious. He then said to him, "Can't you just make it a little bit more prettier? Just outta respect for those who knew him? "
Trina had to give the prince some credit, most of couples she scared would have left their date in the dust rather than staying to protect her (even if his display was pathetic with a capital P). But it was the dainty little elf that REALLY caught her off guard. Oh, there was fear in her eyes when she turned around, but only for a moment before it was replaced with an etherial glow that seemed familiar somehow. Where had Trina OH SON OF A-!!!

Next thing, four glowing strands of magic popped up on ether side of Trina, and before she knew it, they had wrapped around her legs and snapped them together. "YIPE!!!" She yelped in surprise, and with her legs bound tightly, Trina toppled forward and landed with her face at the Elfs feet. Oooooh, ah hate mages.

There Trina sat, her feet bound and tail tucked, looking and feeling quite pathetic. The elf used her magic to effortlessly lift Trina into the into the air like a cub by it scruff, no doubt wanting to examine her prisoner. At this point Trina wasn't sure whether to feel indignant or frightened, but as soon as the elf began to study her in the eyes, she went right past indignant and straight to pissed. You see to stare a wolf in the eye is to insult it. To challenge it. And All at once Trina forgot that she had been fairly beaten and snarled at the insolent, twiggy little elf who DARED to think herself better then the most BADASS werewolf in the WORLD.

And then the elf said. "Y-You're... a werewolf..." and Trina's heart skipped a beat.

Oh $&@#. She knows.

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Lionel glanced at the freshly packed dirt as he slammed his shovel on-top, evening it up. He peered down a bit more, "... Still a bit uneven." Lionel began smoothing down the surface with his shovel. He glanced at the man, "Yeah, I can make it prettier." Lionel said clearly unamused. "Surely wouldn't be the first grave-stone I set up." He flapped his wings as he glanced at the man, "But they didn't pay much for the digging. Damn shame, could use more coin." He bent down as he smoothed the dirt some more. "Need to find a decent rock I suppose, mark it up, possibly."

Lionel paused again as he stared at his craftsmanship. Yeah, decent grave for the price he was given to dig it up.
"Perhaps you could let me help?" The man said as he produced a handful of coinage in a brown sack to the grave digger. Standing there his magical energies flowed through him; the sensation of it going through him ceasing as he produced a perfect stone with trivial ease.

"So he got a name?" he asked as he plopped the stone down on the grave. Moments later the issue having resolved itself he then asked, " So where's the nearest settlement here?"
Lionel didn't utter a word as the man ask to help him, however he eagerly eyed the coins summoned in a brown sack. He immediately swung his shovel over his right side, and began jangling the coins with the left. He glanced at the stone summoned before him at the burial sight. Lionel gave a small flap of his wings, "Yeah, old man was named Gregory." He paused for a moment reflecting on the rest of the man's name."Surname was Jacobson." He glanced at the man as he scratched his left cheek.

"Nearest Settlement, think it's called Dominion or something like that?"
Nodding his head in understanding he then asked the man, "Care to show me the way to Dominion?" He had not heard of this place but hopefully it would be sufficient to his needs. Already he had his usual routine in mind: First he would buy some supplies, then he'd find a tavern, and then he'd start playing for money which would help for his stay and continued expenditures elsewhere.
Before I could notice, my head was between my arms, my elbows firmly fixed on the table. Proving or disproving this hypothesis was going to be a tough task, maybe even more than the last, and it didn't help that last client broke my flow.

I leaned back and let out a deep sigh. Staring at the ceiling I realized I wouldn't be able to do a damn thing if I didn't clear my mind of distractions and worries. Although reluctant, I searched my shelves for something that could help me. Most of them were full of books and scrolls, but one of them was dedicated to storing goodies.

My finger quickly passed through all kinds of candies and other sweets until it reached a big, square, dark green crystal bottle. I grabbed it up by the neck and opened one of the drawers to pick up a small glass where I could pour the contents of the bottle. But as I tilted the bottle, I quickly realized it was completely dry.

I swiftly grabbed some coins from my table and headed towards the street. Seems like the local tavern is going to get a taste of me.
The Dark Rider, with a blackened heart and mind consumed by greed, would remount his onyx coated horse of war. His robes flapped aimlessly in the mind, as for once in his life, he moved with a purpose. Cracking the reins, his steed burst to life as he set off out of the city to find the hidden followers of the Dream Demon, his thoughts overwhelmed by vision of power and clouded by his own ideals of tyranny.

As a hunter of men, The Rider had grew to learn how to predict normal human reactions, and proceeded to head off to find the places surrounding the falling city that were both fairly unlikely to draw attention and would allow view of the siege. He knew this was where he would find those he was looing for.
Lionel continued to jangle the coin sack a bit more. "Yeah, helped me out with the grave. ...Basic courtesy would be to show." Lionel grumbled a bit, but then remembered, he had a bag of coins from this man and grinned a bit. Keeping his shovel over his right shoulder, he flapped his wings as he floated up a bit above the ground. He cocked his head back as he glanced at the mysterious stranger, "This way." He said as he began flying towards the City of Dominion.
The werewolf's eyes grew from frightened, to angered, to shocked all in a few moments as the elf stared down at her. Evangelina leaned low to the ground once more, staring not into the werewolf's eyes, but around it. Her icy gaze lingered throughout the animal's pelt, embedding each tiny detail into her brain. There was no doubt about it. It was a werewolf.

"May I ask why you tried to attack us..." The white haired elf asked the animal softly. Evangelina noticed the werewolf grow hostile upon looking into its eyes. She had studied them in school, but only for a little while. Werewolves usually had some sort of territory marked throughout the land, and when someone entered it, like any normal animal, they attacked. But this one, was unique in a way.

Much large than the others. Perhaps mixed with another breed. The elf pushed the thoughts into the back of her mind, refocusing on the situation. She stole a glance back at Zelin, who seemed to still be standing there as if stuck in a state of shock. She grinned slightly, before turning back to the werewolf and awaiting an answer of some sort.


Tumbling down hills, running into branches, avoiding spider webs... Mazumi fluttered his way rapidly through the moonlit forest. His eardrums rang with the sounds of croaking frogs and thousands of crickets hiding in the berry bushes. The blue satchel he carried slipped from his grasp a few times, but he would always zip down just in time and snatch it back up. His small legs ached from the strength he had lost from the journey. The poor little creature was almost to the point of giving up.

Shaking his head, the hybrid began clicking to himself in a proud tone.

"Click click CLICK click click. Click, click Click! (Don't give up now. Just a little longer)."

With a satisfied look, Mazumi began pumping his brown wings harder, floating higher into the air. He seemed to be following a small overgrown path with prickly branches and mushroom covered logs blocking his way. The hybrid swooped under a rotting log and dove further down the trail. Streaks of moonlight lit his way, not that he needed it anyway. He could thank his owl genes for that.

In the distance, there stood a huge tree trunk covered in dripping green moss. The top was missing, with a hole peeking in through the ceiling. At first, it looked like a normal tree trunk. Abandoned, and surprisingly healthy. But as the hybrid neared it, a pillar of black smoke arose from the top. A birchwood door carved with strange patterns and symbols came into view, along with two small windows on either side glowing a golden light.

Mazumi's eyes lit up instantly and he swooped down to a small opening at the top of the door. It seemed to be a personal entrance for some sort of animal. The hybrid managed to get himself through, but not the satchel. It slammed against the door, causing Mazumi to let out a surprised squeak and fall to the floor. He landed on his feathery brown side, blinking away the shock as he rose to his feet.

"WHAT'S WITH ALL THE RUCKUS! ANZU! ARE YOU GETTIN' INTO MY POTIONS AGAIN!" A hoarse voice boomed from upstairs. The hybrid gulped and quickly perched himself on top of a shelf filled with hundreds of different berries, mushrooms, leaves, and other things. Below the creature, sat an alchemy table bubbling loudly. Someone began to stomp down the stairs, clacking noisily with each step.

"If I find even ONE of my potions missin', I'll beat ye to a bloody pulp! You hear me ye damned crow!" A troll appeared at the bottom of the stairs holding a hand-carved cane. His face was raw with age and had a few overly large teeth sticking out above his lip. The troll had a long white beard and a fluff of white hair behind the top of his bald head. Along his back, sat a few toadstool mushrooms bright with the colors of red and speckled dots of white.

He squinted around the room, limping over to the many shelves aligning the walls. The cane pounded loudly against the wooden floor. He checked the variety of bottles quickly while letting out raspy grunts with each breath. Mazumi watched with caution, but soon stepped out into the open for the old troll to see. Seeing the flicker of movement, the troll turned his worn-out gaze in the direction of the creature. He waddled closer to the hybrid, until he was directly in front of Mazumi's face.

"What are ye doing here? Where's Evangelina?" He growled, an unwelcoming tone in his voice. There was a flapping of wings suddenly. A huge crow had flown in from one of the back windows, and had perched itself on top of a wooden stick hanging from the ceiling. It looked like a normal crow, until the hybrid looked a bit closer. It had three beady eyes. One on its forehead, the others in their normal places. It was strange really.

The black bird nodded at the hybrid. Mazumi swallowed hard and began clicking slowly.

"Evangelina kidnapped by demon. Dominion destroyed. Came here for safety." The crow squawked in a cackling voice. The toadstool troll muttered something under his breath angrily before turning back to the hybrid.

"Fine. Stay here, bug. But don't be expectin' me to go out and look fer the elf. She's on 'er own." He spat irritably. The troll began to make his way upstairs, going up each step one at a time with the help of his cane.

"If I wake up one more time and it ain't the ass crack of dawn, I'll beat both ye're feathered asses with the end of my cane. You here me, birds?!" Mazumi heard Kuroji yell down in a loud voice. When the animals did not respond, he simply grunted and continued his way to the second floor. The crow named Anzu shook his wings, a few loose feathers falling out into the makeshift garden below. Mazumi crumpled on top of the shelf, curling into a ball and falling asleep instantly.

The satchel would have to wait until morning.


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She knows. Ohhhh crud, she knows. Ah really screwed up. Trina, thought. The elf leaned forward to examine her and Trina slowly got up and backed away, knowing that turning around to run would leave her open for attack. Assuming she didn't get her legs magicked together again. She gonna try an' kill me now, juss lahk they killed Pa. Or if ah git away, they gonna hunt me down fer sure. Ok, juss keep cool, Trina. Don't show her ya scared. She stood up straight, and put on a brave face.

After a moment of uncomfortable examination, the elf asked in a pleasant tone, "May I ask why you tried to attack us..."

Trina scowled, looked around awkwardly and back at her as if to say, "how am I SUPPOSED to answers that?" and then went "mrrRUFF" just to make a point that she didn't have human vocal cords
The wind continued to blow softly around the forest. The moon continuing to rise basking the burning city before them. Even from afar screams of terror, fear, and shock could be heard. The screeches of delight from the hell army contrasted the horrid screams that entered the wicked man observing the chaos from nearby. A smile was plastered on his face that was covered with a mask. He stood erect with pride and power flowing out of him, feelings began rushing to him. Never has he felt so...alive. Kyro then understood the joys of chaos that his dark guild are filled with once tainted with the factors of chaos. There he turned over to the Dullahan beside him, "I shall be going ahead and seeking the prince."

But before he could take another step, the silent Dullahan rose a hand signalling him to wait. "C-C? Wait for what? Darling...the fun has already started. I wish to not miss it," Kyro muttered. The Dullahan just sagged her hand back down and walked over to the tree and leaned against it, her mask tilting slightly as it was pushed against the tree. Kyro could feel the urge of destruction calling him but knowing C, she didn't stop him without reason. Reluctantly he took a few steps back to where he originally stood and surveyed the party from afar. The wind continued to stir up the forest once more as they waited.

His eyes turned over to the assassin and he asked, "Would you care to enlighten me as to why we must wait?"

For a moment it seemed as those she wouldn't answer until she rose one finger up and with her magic wrote into the air, 'Myst is sending us a recruit this way.'

Kyro's eyes widened, "A recruit?"

Again it seemed as though she didn't want to answer, 'One who can help us find the prince.'

Kyro gave a single laugh, "I don't need no other recruit for that. The demons are already looking for him. Why the bloody hell would I nee-"

C cut him off by writing, 'Myst recruited him.'

This silenced Kyro. He gritted his teeth and then leaned next to C. He then asked, "How shall he find us?"

C shoved herself off the tree and then aimed one arm towards the sky, then with a single shot she blasted the air with a rather beautiful light of magic. It was white like the morning light, shining even more beautifully than the moon, but it only lasted for a few seconds. Kyro commented, "Well I must say I am always fascinated to see your light. Quite scorching if I must say. One of the most fascinating lights I have ever seen. It has the absence of everything."

If C wanted to express any type of emotion, she didn't. C just walked back over to the tree once more and leaned against it.

"You sure take everything seriously," Kyro whispered as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, awaiting for the recruit. And feeling the wind pick up as the moon continued to linger above.
The panorama inside the tavern wasn't very welcoming when I arrived. A girl with... wolf ears? Was threatening one of the customers to give her his drink, and one of the guys sitting at the bar looked like an amorphous blob of skin and fat. He had a huge crowd of people cheering around him, so I guess he at least was a good guy.

After looking at each dark, dirty corner of the room and counting the number of people that passed out and now rested their heads in their tables at least three times, I finally gathered the courage to ask the bartender for a drink. With some luck, nobody would notice I was there.

"One glass of Semperpurpura liquor, please", I asked while putting aside one of the stools to reach the counter. The bartender gave me a weird look before nodding and leaving for the cellar. Couldn't blame him, I bet not many women come here, and no wonder why. Maybe they were simply wiser than me, but I just wanted to drink and relax for a while.

The bartender came back with a bottle in his hands. He put a glass in front of me and poured the liquor inside it until it was full. Before I was able to search my purse for some coins to pay, the bartender lifted his hand in the air. "No, no! Dis one is on da house, m'lady! Dun menshuun it!", he cheerfully said. I wasn't sure what to say, should I have taken it as a compliment? "Wow, t-thanks!" was all I could mutter, still shocked for that act of kindness. I gave a smile to the bartender, who smiled back and waved at me as I grabbed my glass of liquor and headed towards some nearby table.

I left my glass in a table and adjusted the chair to sit on it while I looked at the enigmatic Vulkaharnan blob. What was a guy like that doing here? As I was starting to fall into my own thoughts again, I grabbed the glass and took a small sip. However, after leaving the glass on the table again, I noticed I sat in an already occupied table. I jumped a bit from my chair. The man looked like a homeless Magus in his thirties. "I'm sorry, I didn't notice you here!", I quickly apologized.
Moments after the light source was cast into the air, the sounds of clopping could be heard rapidly approaching. The Rider had been riding along the tree-line when the burst of light in the near distance caught his attention, and without hesitation he cracked the reins and sent his coal colored mount galloping to his first and only lead. His body was stiff with anticipation, his mind void of thought other than obtaining the power he deserved, even the dream man knew he deserved these gifts. Everyone knew he deserved to be in a category above the rest, he was humanity's predator and they were his prey.

Coming atop a hill, the two dark guild members could see a dark rider arriving over the bend, a massive black horse under him. The robed figured turned it's gaze and peered down at the two, one with a mask and one with no head. He had spotted them, quite sure there were no other similar pairs of people like them around. Raising his sword into the air, he slashed through the air and pointed the tip towards them, his horse bursting forward at the silent command. Approaching quickly, he was near enough for one to spot the large amount of gold and silver adorning his otherwise pitch black form as his loose robes flapped in the wind like the wings of a fallen angel.


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