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Fantasy Zephyr (Accepting)

For several moments only the cries of the townspeople could be heard flowing through the chilly wind until Kyro heard the clopping of horses hooves. He didn't want to express his curiosity so instead he calmly lifted his head, not facing the rider, to indicate his acknowledgement of his presence. C removed her mask from her absent head. She turned slightly towards Kyro wanting him to do the same, and Kyro knew. He just waved his hand dismissively, "I'll wait to reveal my face once I know how this man is."

C just turned back towards the direction of where the Rider was arriving from. Kyro felt a slight annoyance as he felt the presence approaching. There Kyro felt the wave of arrogance and desperation, desperation for power. Kyro could relate and because of this manner he already disliked the man, although it is not like Kyro likes any of his fellow members, besides C. He took a glimpse at the approaching figure. The moon glistened off bright colors of gold and silver from the man and the wind lifted up his robe behind him making it appear as though he was the savior angel.

"Psh, dramatic type I see," Kyro murmured as he finally pushed himself off the tree and looked forward at the figure and steed with mask still on.

C stepped forward towards the sword pointed at them.

"Well isn't he the welcoming type. Someone who is in need of powers come crawling with us, but instead of respect we receive a blade tip," Kyro mumbled. He examined the robed figure, nothing in particular stood out of him. He was of the typical dark recruit. Dreary, gray, arrogant, ruthless, desperate for power, etc.

C then raised a finger and wrote in the air, 'You must be the Rider at which Myst requested for. Do please inform me what Myst had promised before you? He had failed to pass on extra information besides your appearance.'

Kyro watched as the elegant Dullahan addressed the Rider. He knew that if there was anyone who is strict and right to the point, it's C.
The Rider and horse, now stopped, remained silent as the man stared deep at the two. Slowly, he tilted his head to the side, his breathing rasp and heavy yet no word escaped his lips. Brooding, his mind began to try and decipher the inner-workings of the 'lackies' who stood before him. Despite his face being shrouded in darkness, it was not hard to guess a scowl sat on his face.

As the silence dragged on, he finally cracked apart his lips to speak.. "The gift..." He hissed out softly, steel encased hand twitching slightly as it held the steed's reins.
Kyro huffed a single laugh as he heard the man hiss his desires. "Gift you say..." he replied.

You better have good reasons as to recruit this brute Myst.

All Kyro felt was a slight headache in response. He reacted to this by rubbing the back of his head and giving a grim smile underneath the mask. C on the other hand responded formally to the Rider, 'I entrust that you will use this gift wisely for Myst has lent me this power for a temporary time.'

She stretched out her handle that had black misty smoke arising from it. But soon instead of smoke arising, it was a crimsom blood, fearsome aura that escaped the assassin's body. It was foreign to her body that it caused her to slightly cringe as it left her presence. Kyro watched with amazement as the power left from her. At first it seemed that the power would flow slowly like a slithering snake but instead it left C's body and formed into a ragged arrow. Them from an invisible bow did it launch itself from the air and piercing the man's heart. C sank to the ground as the power shot from the sky and struck the man with a sickening thud.

Kyro's eyes narrowed wanting to see the outcome for only once has he heard that Myst bestowed his power temporarily on another. And from the previous story once the man received it he went through such agony it seemed as if he died first then was reborn into the world. Eager to see a life die, Kyro watched with anticipated eyes.
The prince took a few moments of silence to gather his thoughts, watching as Evangelina tried to communicate with the creature. It seems, of what he heard from her, the creature is a werewolf. Try as he might, he had a bit of trouble wrapping his head around that fact. The beasts known as werewolves are known to only be in old stories, feared by many and all. The prince takes a few steps forward, approaching Evangelina's side. "...Sorry..." Zelin muttered quietly, looking away from his love. At least she could stop it. He glanced at the creature, starring into it's eyes cautiously, trying not to anger it. "...Can...you not speak to us?" He asked, a bit perplexed at it's heavy grunting sounds. Sighing, he began to rub the back of his head exasperated. "Look...I...don't know why you're here. If you want to fight so be it, but...I'm not in the greatest condition for that. I have somewhere important to be." Pain from the headache returned, the bliss of love finally disappearing. "Do you know the way back to the city Dominion? We're in a hurry." He asked, treating it like like a normal person. Oh. Wait. "You can't speak...right." He rubbed the bridge of his nose, shaking his head.

The prince turned toward Evangelina, his headache pounding hard. "Do...you know what to do here?"
Evangelina's eyes softened a bit as the prince stood by her side, apologizing in a quiet voice. She smiled slightly, before turning back to the werewolf in front of her. It had grunted a response before, unable to speak. The elf found herself staring up at the full moon. The milky light shining down caused her to close her eyes for a moment.

"It's because of the moon, isn't it?" She asked softly, not looking away from the bright eerie light. Blinking, Evangelina snapped out of her trance. She rose to her feet, standing next to Zelin closely. He was becoming fatigued, and weaker by the second. His back wound needed treatment, or he could easily pass out again. Her light blue eyes immediately became worried.

"I'm not sure," Evangelina murmured in response to his question. The elf's gaze darted from the werewolf, back to Zelin. She seemed to be in deep thought on what to do.

"We need to get you back to the village... That's my first priority." Evangelina looked back over to the animal, flashing it a warm but hesitant smile.

"I know you cannot speak... and I don't even know if you desire company, but if you'd like, we can come back in the morning for you..." The elf quickly supported Zelin, standing by his side. She flashed the werewolf an apologetic look. Knowing the werewolf could not speak, she began to lead Zelin away at a rather fast pace. When they were far away enough and out of sight from the animal, Evangelina let out a sigh.

"It seems lonely to me... Don't you think?"
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"Then continue showing me the way." the man said to the grave digger as he watched him float on ahead of him. As they trekked through thee woods en route to that settlement known as Dominion. Pisco kept letting his head tilt around getting a read off the forest. The last thing he'd want is to deal with getting robbed. Yet all he could see and hear was just of the forest as they silently walked. "So stranger, you wouldn't happen to have a name would ya?"

Eventually he'd light a torch and with it a nice mellow smelling cigarro which left a delicate trail of smoke as they passed through the forest. With the torch bringing light to where the moon got blocked when the vegetation got too thick. Their march would come to a halt. A sudden noise and some voices! Almost by instinct his hand was ready to draw his blade and cut any threat their way. Still he exercised better judgement and decided to investigate as he said, "Hey! You hear that?"
"Name's Lionel." He said stopping his silence during the venture. His wings continued flapping, "Yeah I hear that." Lionel heaved out his shovel over his shoulder as he approached the sound. It was there where he noticed the group and sounds were made by three strange looking individuals. Continuing to loudly flap his wings, Lionel just stared at them while grumbling, holding onto his shovel. "Oh great. Who died here?" Lionel inquired as he flew around the group.

"Sense of location? Cartographer? ... Sense of taste?" Holding out his shovel, he waved it a bit to illustrate his point. "GAH. Ack what's that smell?" Lionel's face scrunched up as made a coughing gesture. "Wait, yeah, something's dead here though."
"The name's Campari. Pisco Campari." he replied back to Lionel.

In the moments that followed the noise the managed to stumble on their would be assailants. And it turned out to be a pair of non-meddling kids and their dog? A rather large dog indeed but a dog none the less. Either these were a pair of travelers or a very incompetent bunch of thieves. "Let us... get to the point. You don't look like bandits, but bumping into people this isn't exactly a trustworthy situation. So what are you?" He said as a plume of smoke dappled in the moonlight while the cigarro smouldered with a cherry glow.

"We both knew this day would come, when we would be lost with no bearings. How many lanterns do we have to light? To get her attention? To know she's still alive? We don't understand yet, because we do not know her fate or ours. Every lantern has burned out, with the last flame of hope left. We used to know the truth. Our truth, and hers. But, I can't see anything now. Neither the past or the future. To know that our world is falling, does such a happiness exist. We were both strong people once, Isabella."

"What are we now?"

The thin paper began to vibrate and crumple around the edges. Delicate hands gripped tightly around the letter. Pit. Pat. Droplets splattered across the breakable sheet, soaking in and causing the black ink to run across the page. It destroyed the familiar print of the handwriting as the wetness crept downwards. She shook uncontrollably, a lump rising in her throat. Her icy blue hues were concealed by a clear wall of tears, staring down at the letter but refusing to read the words. Slowly, her hands began to loosen. The small paper slipped out and floated away on the windless air inside of the dark room. It settled on the floor silently.

In dry, heavy sobs, she began to cry. All emotions poured out like poison as she pressed her face into the palms of her hands. A single question repeated over and over again, taunting her.

What are we now.... What are we now... What are we now...

She dug her fingernails deep into her skull. Just a single lantern lit the room, flickering endlessly in the shadows. She found herself staring up at it with a waterfall of tears running down her pale cheeks. Reaching out, she brushed a finger against the light. The tip of her finger grew comfortably warm from the heat, and for a moment, her mind was silent. But as she took her hand away, the pain returned in a dangerous whirlwind. She bit her red lips until blood pooled. Undoing the lantern's latch and swinging the tiny door open, she leaned in close to the dancing flame. She pursed her lips into the shape of an O, and blew. The flame died out almost instantly and darkness began caving in.

(Muahahaaa mystery
xD )

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Beaurmont said:
"...Can...you not speak to us?"
Trina shook her head. Nope

[QUOTE="The Velveteen Rabbit]"It's because of the moon, isn't it?"

[/QUOTE] She nodded. Meh, thats basically right. She was starting to get the feeling that the elf had no intention of harming her.

Beaurmont said:
Sighing, he began to rub the back of his head exasperated. "Look...I...don't know why you're here. If you want to fight so be it, but...I'm not in the greatest condition for that. I have somewhere important to be." Pain from the headache returned, the bliss of love finally disappearing. "Do you know the way back to the city Dominion? We're in a hurry." He asked, treating it like like a normal person
Yeah sure, but why would ah tell...
Then It dawned on her. Heyyyyy waitaminuet. These two are at MAH mercy now. I bet ah could xtract sum payment outa them.

But before Trina could nod, the prince said "You can't speak...right." And as if Trina wasn't there, He turned to his girl friend and asked "Do...you know what to do here?" To which she responded, "I have no idea."

... Seriously?
Trina thought. You two have no imagination. Y'know what, fine. No deal. Yer loss. Pfft. Nobles.

[QUOTE="The Velveteen Rabbit]
Evangelina's eyes softened a bit as the prince stood by her side, apologizing in a quiet voice. She smiled slightly, before turning back to the werewolf in front of her. It had grunted a response before, unable to speak. The elf found herself staring up at the full moon. The milky light shining down caused her to close her eyes for a moment.
"It's because of the moon, isn't it?" She asked softly, not looking away from the bright eerie light. Blinking, Evangelina snapped out of her trance. She rose to her feet, standing next to Zelin closely. He was becoming fatigued, and weaker by the second. His back wound needed treatment, or he could easily pass out again. Her light blue eyes immediately became worried.

"I'm not sure," Evangelina murmured in response to his question. The elf's gaze darted from the werewolf, back to Zelin. She seemed to be in deep thought on what to do.

"We need to get you back to the village... That's my first priority." Evangelina looked back over to the animal, flashing it a warm but hesitant smile.

"I know you cannot speak... and I don't even know if you desire company, but if you'd like, we can come back in the morning for you..." The elf quickly supported Zelin, standing by his side. She flashed the werewolf an apologetic look. Knowing the werewolf could not speak, she began to lead Zelin away at a rather fast pace. When they were far away enough and out of sight from the animal, Evangelina let out a sigh.

"It seems lonely to me... Don't you think?"

Trina arched back her head and scrunched up her snout incredulously. ExCUSE me? Yer company?? She snorted. Ah'd rather eat dirt. PISS OFF.

The couple started to walk down the path and Trina was turning around to leave herself when she heard some one say "Let us... get to the point." Trina glanced back. Heh-eh. Looks like the royal lovebirds were getting mugged.

"You don't look like bandits," the man said "but bumping into people this isn't exactly a trustworthy situation. So what are you."

...well darn, Trina thought. Ah thought ah'd git ta see 'er beat em up.
The sounds of a voice behind the white haired elf and the prince caused her to come to a full stop. At first, she thought the man behind her was Julian. But why would he be out here, especially at this time of night?

Slowly pivoting to look behind her, Evangelina's gaze settled on a man wearing a fancy looking uniform and a flying man next to him... with a dirty shovel. The light from the moon was blocked by a few wavering pine trees. She couldn't exactly see what the two men looked like, but she could see their outline and clothing just slightly. Her instincts flared with precaution. Anyone wandering around in the middle of the night was a bit suspicious to her. However, she showed no signs of alarm towards them. She nodded curtly in response to the man in the uniform.

"We're not bandits... We live in a village near by here called Halkreath. This is my husband... I'm afraid he's injured, and I need to get him home... Would you care to join us?" Evangelina flashed the two men a warm smile, motioning for them to follow. She did not know these men personally, but by the looks of them, they didn't seem to be threats of any kind. Why they were out so late at night, she didn't know. She pushed the thoughts into the back of her mind for now, and waited for the two men to follow them into the small village.
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The Rider slowly made his descent from the atop his horse, as he stabbed his sword into the dirt beside him. He turned back to face the two, stepping forward as he watched the crimson blood coil its way out, soon he would be a wolf among sheep. The words of the assassin stuck in his mind as he gazed upon the power radiating stream of red with lust, to use his gift wisely.. Oh yes, he would use it very wisely.

For a single moment, the sinister grin of the man underneath the dark robes was visible, yet it recoiled back to the safety of the hooded shadows as the crimson began to take the form of a twisted arrow. Tilting his head at an angle, he watched with a solemn curiosity as it began to target his chest yet he made no move to stop the upcoming events. In a blood red flash, The Black Rider felt a sharp sensation collide with his torso, the impact sending him several footsteps backwards. Turning his head down to stare at the arrow which poked out of his chest like an oversized toothpick, a dark and slow chuckled escaped his lips, his body forcing itself to try and walk forward, managing one step on wobbly legs before The Rider knew the end was near.. Though the end was upon him, it was simply the dawn of a new beginning.

As the robed figure laughed vilely, a bolt of true, dark power slammed itself into his form. Contorting violently, his legs buckled and sent him to his knees, as pain engulfed his body. When madness meets agony, is it a curse or a blessing? The rasp, yet calm breathing escaping from the hood began to dim as his body shook like electricity was pulsing through him, silent in his ending moments as darkness washed over. The body stopped shaking, the ring covered hand of the Shadow Man feebly grabbing ahold of the magical arrow before teetering backwards onto the grass, and the body remained still upon crumbling onto the ground.
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Zelin nearly did a double take, when Evangelina called him her husband. To avoid alarming the men, he coughed heavily, to further prove a point on his health. "Pardon me, I'm rather...unstable at the moment." He mentioned, his voice a bit raspy. The prince looked up at his 'wife', raising at eyebrow questioningly. "We shouldn't bother random strangers love." Gently grasping her hand in his lovingly. "I feel as if I already cause you to be troubled." Zelin's headache is getting to him, making him feel grouchy and aggravated. We don't need these two with us anyway...they seem rather shady. He glanced with his exposed eye at one of the men, evaluating him accordingly. Just what are they doing out here anyway?
"Course, now then should tell about the services, you'll need it soon... Professional Mourning will cost you extra." Lionel stated plainly as he flew a bit back, choosing a more bare spot of ground to land. He delved his shovel deep into the ground, "I also offer Funeral Dirges. That also costs you extra." He moved a portion of dirt back and placed it to the right. "Headstone is extra." The shovel returned back into the ground as he dug some more. "... Shallow or deep? Deep is extra." Lionel asked as he continued to dig.
(Sorry I haven't been active I've been busy with school and applying to colleges. If some of you know the struggle then cool, and the rest of you who don't, don't ask me that i should be more active...if you need yamina just tag me later)
Trina lifted a furry eyebrow at the gravedigger and opened her mouth in a silent dog laugh. Y'know, she thought with amusement, Ah can't tell if he's an optimist or pessimist. Speaking of undertaking, she had a dead bird to deal with so she turned around and started to walk away. (Last chance to interact with her)

(That was an an appropriate sized post right?)
MrMopp said:
Trina lifted a furry eyebrow at the gravedigger and opened her mouth in a silent dog laugh. Y'know, she thought with amusement, Ah can't tell if he's an optimist or pessimist. Speaking of undertaking, she had a dead bird to deal with so she turned around and started to walk away. (Last chance to interact with her)
(That was an an appropriate sized post right?)
The white haired elf met his cool blue gaze with a loving expression, squeezing his hand back lightly. She could tell by the look on his face, and from the tone in his voice that he was becoming far more worse. And fast. Evangelina broke her eyes away from his and stared back at the two men. She looked a bit panicked now.

"If you choose not to come with us, please feel free to stop by the inn. We have friends who live there that can provide food and a bed if needed. Just travel north from here and you will reach the road. Turn left and walk up a ways, and the village is just up ahead. I hope you can excuse us. I must get my husband home..." The elf bowed apologetically to the men. She turned to leave, gripping Zelin's hand in hers. But then she stopped and looked back at them.

"My name is Evangelina by the way... I hope we can meet again sometime." She murmured, a warm expression on her face.
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His headache continued to throb, annoying him to no end. The faster he got back to the inn, the better. He too, in an act of courtesy and kindness, turned toward the two men and bowed his head. "It was a...pleasure to meet you two." Rubbing the back of his head and wincing, he forced a smile. "The name is...Zel as well. I'm not much of a fancy man." He could feel Evangelina's gentle grip, guiding him a bit forward. Aether bless this woman...she is too kind. The thought of her smile warmed his heart, and dimmed the headache. A goofy grin on his face once again. Zelin turned toward the two men, now smiling truly, waving as they began to disappear in the distance.

Opposed to before, the sounds of the forest had returned once again. A soft breeze blew, cooling the prince a bit. Within a few minutes they had returned to a dirt road, which Zelin expected to lead towards the small village. Still, in the back of the prince's thoughts, the death of the light hawk bothered him greatly. For what reason would they...? He asked himself, trying hard to think, only to tire himself out further. Dominion...what's...happening? He shook his head a bit, blurring his thought process. He knew he shouldn't concern himself with it, but it was there. Scratching at his conscious. Zelin glanced at Evangelina, smiling softly, perhaps even weakly. "Evangelina. Can you...teach me magic?" He asked, no longer embarrassed around his elf love. "I'm really a pathetic prince. Unable to protect those he cares about. I know I can't do it now with my." He looks down at himself frowning. "Current condition." They continued to walk along the dirt road, the small village appearing the distance, torches illuminating the dark. "But if I am unable to protect even one person from harm...how can I protect a city?"

"Aye, a man must be able to protect those he loves 'ight? It's common nature, the valu' ov' a man." A voice boomed, surprising Zelin, though he didn't have the energy to jump. Along the dirt path a silhouette holding a small torch slowly approached. He was large a bulky, striding with a heavy thud with every step. "Sorry ta listen in on ya conversations, I jus' so happened to be in the area at ta time." The longer Zelin squinted into the darkness, he began to discern familiar facial features he remembered. Hector laughed like always, holding his side whilst doing so. "I was thinkin' ya two were never comin' back. The children returned with that one lad, I fergit 'is name. Charmin' fellow, but they never mentioned nothin' about ya two!"
"Typical," was all Kyro commented as he watched the man's body fall to the ground. His eyes then shifted over to the crumpled C. Smoothly she was getting up and brushing off the dirt from her robe. She took a few steps over to the corpse of the Rider. Then she lifted a foot and prodded him with the end of her foot. "Mmm I wouldn't do that if I were you," Kyro warned as he stepped forward from where he stood and walked over to C and the man. He too approached him closer but at a safe distance. "I heard it gets rather grotesque after the transformation, but seeing as how Myst entrusted you with the raw power in the first place, you may be able to handle him. But I advise you give him instructions first then send him off," he paused as his eyes narrowed, "He is going to become a feral man." And with that he walked away without another word.

C just watched the back of Kyro's back shrink as he continued towards the city. She took a few steps back from the Rider but pulled out a reaper out of her dark smoke. Wisps of black tentacles too danced around the weapon. C placed her mask back onto where her head would be and pulled the hood of her robe back on top of also in the place where her head would be. She turned away from the man but stayed close by.

The limp body of the Rider lay sprawled on the soft grass, wisps of smoke still rising off him. Though the robed figure lay still and peaceful, the darkness that had washed over his mind had long since passed and the man found himself truly fighting his own madness.


A dark shadow weaved silently through the twisted, blackened forest, moving like a panther. Swift, focused, and ready to pounce, the quiet haze lurked through the black, gnarly roots of misshapen trees with only one goal in mind. To hunt. Passing through a small amount of light, the figure was revealed to be The Shadow Man.

Days. Days it had been and still onward he trooped, chasing the great beast. Across vile marshes and fiery pits, through chasms darker than humanly possible he pursued this monstrous creature. The world he awoke in was warped and uninhabitable, with only him and the evil creature were there. Why was he here you ask? Well, the man could not guess himself, merely having awakened without a thought in his mind except that he must kill the enemy. Upon rising many days ago in this hellish landscape, he could see only a massive, gruesome monster and he knew that it was this beast he must slay. These thoughts stuck to his mind, as he knew the distance between them had closed severely, and the sheer point of snapping was soon for the man and thus onward he slinked like a cat.

The great beast began to come into view as he crept closer from the safety of the darkness.. It had been nearly 10 hours since he last caught glimpse, relying on some unknown natural hunting prowess to continue chase. The Beast's body was muscular, covered in dark black fur with multiple patches of blood red skin visible like blotches. It was around the size of a dragon, maybe two, and simply radiated hate and power.. Why it had ran from him, and ran so far, he did not know for it easily dwarfed him in size and physical ability. Approaching closer and closer to the monster, as it stared up at the purplish sky that accompanied this world in a large clearing, the man grinned a feral smile. That clearing would mark the place where a great battle would soon be fought he thought to himself as he ran his tongue over his teeth, the hunt had driven him to near-madness.

Bursting into the clearing, he raised his self-made spear and let loose a primal roar of rage and began to rush across the open landscape at the beast. Turning it's massive, terrifying head it made no effort to fight or escape, simply staring at the charging man and in those fiery eyes the Shadow Man did not see rage nor fear, simply... Regret? Slowing, the ragged form of the man came to a stop in front of the unholy terror that he had been chasing all these long and treacherous days. Lowering his weapon, he stared deep into the eyes of his enemy as confusion swarmed his mind. He knew this creature, in a spritual sort of way, but his blank memory could not help him here and it was all of a sudden he began to put the pieces and hazy recollections of the past on a world much different from this one started rushing into his thoughts.

This great beast he stared at, this vile creature he had been hunting.. This monster was and always had been him. Sudden flashes of death and pain gripped at him, causing him to stumble back several paces as he struggled to understand. Death. He had died. This was no reality, he was within his own mind. He had not been the hunter, he was the prey.

Spinning around as the puzzle finally fit together, he slammed the shoddily crafted spear forward blindly and heard the sickening squish as it connected with flesh. Staring forward, he locked eyes with the man who had been hunting him, tall and handsome with flowing blonde hair and a long golden cape. Raised above his hands were a golden sword, ready to strike down on him earlier, now dropped to the barren wasteland below as a gasp escaped the attackers lips. Falling to the ground, spear lodged deep within his abdomen stared up at the dirt covered figure of The Shadow Man who watched in silently in turn. As color left the heroic mans features, the last of the plantlife began to die and the blue faded from the sky leaving only a crimson hue. The Shadow Man watched as life drained from his hunter, as he fought for his final few breaths. As the blood exited his body, and the great beast roared merrily in background, darkness began to overtake The Rider once again.

It was in this moment, as the noble hero died he took with him the last of the humanity within The Shadow Man.


The Assassin had only been waiting five or ten minutes before in one sudden burst, the once lifeless corpse of The Rider shot upward into a sitting position.


[incase anyone didnt know (it was hard to hint at without actually stating), the monster and the hero represented the riders good and bad and the land his own dark twisted mind. here the rider truly lost the last of his conscience and humanity, like if a man had an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other and you permanently removed the angel]
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"Evangelina. Can you... teach me magic?"

The elf heard him say, a soft smile beginning to linger across her lips. She glanced down at the ground for a moment, recalling a few old memories that brought warmth to her heart. The wind continued to blow steadily.

"You're not pathetic... I can teach you. I used to help my father teach the students at his school." She murmured in response. Evangelina saw the distant lessening of trees, leading them directly towards the dirt road ahead. There was a gentle white light sent down by the moon, causing the road to glow just slightly. Her feet pressed against the compacted dirt as they stepped out of the dark forest.

"I know how to teach other magic as well, such as flameis, aquareis, and frost. But, I don't know them as well. I'm best at void." She flashed the prince a small, loving smile. The feeling dispersed when a booming voice echoed ahead of them. Evangelina jolted, almost dropping Zelin's hand from hers. A torch with dancing flames floated in the darkness, gripped by a large burly hand. She could tell who was it was just by the sound of his voice. It was Hector, with his boisterous and jolly personalty. The elf immediately smiled. He spoke of Julian and the two twins returning to the inn.

"I'm glad Julian returned them safely. I would have done it myself, but..." Evangelina locked her blue gaze with Zelin's, refusing to look away for a long moment that seemed like an eternity.

"I had other things to take care of..." She whispered with a smirk, finally breaking eye contact and focusing on Hector. An owl hooted in the treeline, traveling across the air eerily.

We need to get Zelin to the inn... He reopened the wound on his back." Evangelina told Hector. The tone in her voice changed from calm, to amused, to panicked in seconds. Without even knowing it, the elf began gripping the prince's hand tighter.
The Inner Wall Gate then fell as the orc armada sent forth a single orc, an abnormally huge one, dragging a large package of barrels. All the while, the orc was aflame as he sprinted towards the gate, screaming in terror and honor. With one mighty leap, he sent himself crashing against the gate, and the barrels slammed into his burning body.


Chunks of rock flew from the explosion, decimating the Inner Wall Gate. The debris flew across the courtyards of the Castle, smashing civilians and Guards alike. Screams filled the air, and people were quickly being hauled into the Castle. Orcs overflowed into the courtyard, like a tsunami rushing down a valley. They slaughtered anything in their way, dogs, cats, guards, civilians, anything living and squirming that wasn't another demon or orc.

Ayah's eyes widened as she watched countless cut down, injured, sickly, or simply scared. That was when she knew what she had to do, and she bit her lip in regret. "Close the doors!", Ayah would yell out to the guards, who had fearful expressions wearing down on their faces.

They nodded, and pushed the Castle doors closed, locking them. Countless died and were slamming against the doors, screaming for safety, only to be run through by the freezing terror that was a metal blade.

"Why?", a civilian cried out, a poor boy, obviously with no family. He was dressed in dirtied rags, drenched in the blood of orcs and men-folk alike, painted scarlet and coal-black.

"Do you think we could hold out for so long with so many? If we let them in, many orcs would have slipped through!"

"You could have killed the orcs!"

"Then what!? We get ourselves stuck in here due to such a large crowd? Sacrifices are made in war, boy, this world, our world, is nothing close to a fairy tale, and it will never be an inch closer, understand!?"

The boy simply nodded, and would bite his lip as he fought back tears. All of them were scared, frustrated, and had tinges of guilt for whatever or whoever they might have lost in the battle.

"Get that portal open, Magi, we'll hold for at least a minute.. A minute will be enough."

A minute.

The castle doors would shake violently as a horned demon continued to batter against it. Loud bangs filled the Castle, and the Guards were preparing to take the beasts from above, below, and head-on.


"Aka barao nahi kolaath!", the hooded man would scream, left with only thirty peasants, armed with your standard bastard swords. The dirty and blood-caked men surrounded and defended the mysterious man, for whatever reason that was left within their damaged minds, ones experienced to too much trauma, too much bloodshed.

A fireball erupted from an Orcish Magi's hand, and incinerated three of the men holding around the stranger. Orcs broke into the circle, and the stranger was quick to cast his spell.

He smashed his hand into the face of the first orc, and he would turn into crystal, exploding into various lengths of spikes. These flying gems pierced and cut, spreading the crystallization even further.

With this, the hooded man simply waved his arm to sound a retreat, and fled into the dark forests, away from the evil forces before them.


Ayah and Erin would calm themselves down after the close encounter with the Shadow Hawk Murder, thanking the Gods as the last of them were clawed down by a sudden reinforcement of Light Hawks. The survivors were quick to recover, and tents were being set up, along with plans to contact the nearby villages. The Light Hawks would begin evacuating the civilians, bringing them to the Venesian Mountain Hideout.

A horn was blown, playing a unique sound. It was the horn of calling, one that any Venesian Leader would know. If any village elders were close enough, they would know to come.

A few Orcish patrols had managed to reach the campsite, along with a few groups of Corrupted, but they were all quickly dealt with. With broken minds and shattered spirits, the survivors wondered what was of Dominion by then.


(Simple Update)

The Venesian Refugee Camp set within the caverns of the mountain were quickly fortified, and were yet to be discovered. Hundreds of thousands found themselves without food or homes, and the game was scarce around the mountains.

They would have to spend a night starving, and search for game further down the mountain at dawn. It was tough, but it wasn't as bad as death at the hands of a filthy orc or demon.

(Charles has no move to make.. yet.)
The sound of rustling grass hinted to C that the Rider has awakened. She turned around and saw him upright. A change was apparent on the man. His aura flowed with darkness it felt similar to Myst's but with less intensity. C could see a glazing of death over his eyes that were soon lighting up with power. From this current moment she saw glimpses of her past. She remembered how she felt whenever Myst granted her stronger abilities to add to her original. Remembering Kyro's words C lifted up one of her fingers and began writing into the air instructions for the man.

'Your mission is to track down the prince, but not to kill him. Even with your newfound abilities you cannot win against the prince. For immediate execution, I shall take his life by my weapons. And it is not my abilities that help me to kill the prince it is the curse bestowed on my weapons that grant me the power to kill guardians. And the only being who can curse my weapon is Myst. So follow his orders and find the prince. Report to Kyro his location and he will take care of providing me the information. And then from there I shall take care of the rest,' C quickly wrote.

As the light of the magic faded away she summoned out from her shadows an intimidating, radiating of dark powers cross bow loaded with an arrow that glistened with Myst's own blood. Even by holding the weapon did it send shivers down C's spine. It was by the power of Myst's blood could she eliminate guardians of such power. She tugged onto her robe to conceal her from the surroundings and from their she disappeared away into the darkening skies as clouds of huge sizes began covering the bright moon.

Some ways away was the soldier of the dark guild, Kyro, walking steadily towards the doomed city of Dominion. Feeling the enjoyment from the miseries and cries from the denizens of the town he even summoned a baton to mock as if the destruction of the town was a melody. But to Kyro it was. The strum of the cellos matched the bellows of large beasts. The light pitches of violas mirrored the screeches of terror. The beauty of the violins sounded from the laughter of demons. And Kyro was their conductor.

His walking pace began to change into rhythmic steps. "Oh the beauty of death itself," he whispered. His eyes closed as darkness began falling all over the living souls as the clouds concealed the bright light of the moon. The wind even enhanced the chills at which were flowing through Kyro's veins. A smile was plastered on his face. But his bliss was soon interrupted by a slight shift from his wind.

His eyes slowly opened to greet his visitor with a glare. But his annoyance soon changed to his facade of bliss when he saw that it was the shadow of C right beside him. "Mmm so our lovely dark hound has arisen?" Kyro asked.

No sound came from C but soon she wrote in the air, 'Yes.'

"My lovely C...soon the main show shall start," Kyro mumbled. But once he turned back in the space where C was, she was gone. He gave a slight smirk and continued his waltz down to the city where terror reigned upon the hearts of light. Kyro felt the dark forces of the army rising as each light soul is taken. Invincible is what he felt at this moment. He felt like a god.

So this is what greed feels like...even with this war satisfying me it isn't enough.

Kyro stopped in his tracks and pondered on that thought for a moment, but the harsh winds began to shove him towards the city as if something major was about to happen and that he was a special guest needed to attend it. With some excitement he continued to walk through the trees of the forest.

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