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Fantasy Zephyr (Accepting)

Charles thought about it, then spoke. "Your personality, skill, and probably how confident you are when you boss me around...", he'd say with a smile, looking at the taffy that was taken from him.

Contain the flaming anger inside you, don't let it break through....

Charles took a deep breath. She was probably right, but... Charles then found a counter-attack! "Sure they may cause cavities, but I have magic, therefore it doesn't matter!"

Charles quickly inserted another piece of taffy into his mouth, and chewed in savory.


Ayah smiled, and nodded, turning to go to the nearest sho-

It struck her.

Ayah then widened her eyes, and fell to the ground, grinding her teeth. She suddenly looked up at Zelin, a look of desperation, as if something really bad was about to happen.

"Gods damnit, we forgot to train!", she screamed, shaking. Ayah didn't want to disappoint Charles, she really didn't, she wanted to show him that she deserved to be an officer, to take a seat at the Blood Guard's table.
Ayah's outburst surprised Zelin, caught him off-guard. They forgot to train. His eyes widened and he quickly face-palmed. "Shit." He looked down at Ayah, the desperation in her eyes making him slightly uncomfortable. "What exactly were we supposed to do today?
"Something athletic, just take my hand!", Ayah would say rather quickly, in a hurry. She would run up to the Prince, extending her hand towards the man. As a half-breed of Torren and Magus, Ayah could use magic, and that was how she'd get them to their destination.

"I'll get us to the Training Grounds!"
Yamina just looked at him with a serious look before leaning forward and kissing him softly on the lips. She smiled and took the taffy out of his mouth and resumed walking hand behind her back chewing on the taffy. She knew he was watching her and just continued to walk then swayed her hips a little bit just to amuse him.

No matter how flat you make a pancake it's still got two sides
Zelin looked at her outstretched hand, a bit confused. "...I can trust you...I think." He said, extending his hand warily to Ayah's. Her hand seemed to be shaken slightly, she was really worried. "You've...done this before?" He was rather ignorant of magic, which was the reason he wanted runes. He needed to study them. His father always spoke of magic being dangerous and explosive. Zelin would like to keep his head together.
Ayah's eyes began to glow, and she held unto Zelin's hand tightly, closing her eyes as the spell began. A loud hiss followed the flashes of blue from where they stood, and in an instant...

They were at the training grounds.

Ayah then glared at Zelin. "Beat me up, then do a bunch of jumping jacks. Don't question it, just do it!", she'd yell at him. Ayah hoped he wouldn't hold back, or it wouldn't look genuine.


Charles bit his lip, watching Yamina. "You're much more flirtatious then I would have expected...", Charles said with a grin, watching as she swayed her hips.

He had wondered what he was doing at that moment, with another guard especially.

Then again, he didn't care, he was Charles, the Magnificent Bastard, the Captain of the Guard.

Charles returned to reality with a wider grin, and looked forwards. "We'd better hurry to the training grounds, they're probably nearly finished there.", he'd say as the distant flags of the grounds entered his vision. He would have teleported within the grounds, but walking with Yamina was much more relaxing, and amusing.
Yamina sensed something and looked up in the sky where there was a bright light. It was coming from the training grounds...she didn't think about it until it snapped and her eyes widened. That was the light of a teleportation spell. "They did not..." She silently growled and took off running towards the training ground. Those kids think they are slick but I will catch them.

No matter how flat you make a pancake it's still got two sides
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(Ooohhh my goodness not getting alerts!)

Cordelia nodded when he complimented her name, "Thank you.." When she held the small book in her hands she examined it. It really wasnt like a book she had seen before and it was not the way he imagined it either. "Maybe its enchanted or something..keeping it small and easy to keep on you. Its fairly old so its a little hard to tell." She picked the box of runes up as well and walked past him to head back to the front. She rarely ever sold anything from the back unless they were a powerful mage, so prices were a little worn out from anything saved back there. "Well..im not to sure really. I mean the runes i'd assume would be at least 1000 coin for the pouch and the book..." She clicked her tongue and looked it over, flipping through the pages, "Its hard to say..im sure this book hasnt been used in ages. But your being a good customer and I would like to help your grandfather out. So how about 800? Seem like a fair deal?" She filled a pouch with runes and placed the book next to them.
Good customer. Oh the irony. If only she knew.

Kyro's hand grasped around the pouch of coins that was tied to his belt. "800? Oh no no no. I musn't rob you of such a deal. Let me give you 1000. That seems more of what the price ought to be. My grandfather would not be proud of me if he knew that I robbed such a nice woman of business," Kyro insisted. He brought the pouch up to the counter and poured out 1000 gold coins. His hands then moved over to the book and pouch of runes. "Think of the 200 as a tip," he smiled, "For your wonderful service." His eye shined with a chilling light, one that can either be perceived as admiration or satisfaction.

He pulled the book and pouch of runes up to him and he attached the pouch to his belt while he held onto the book.
"Well, Ms. Cordelia, I do grant you the deepest of my gratitude towards you. I do hope to see your beautiful face again," he bowed down with some effort before rising up and walking out of the shop, eager to see how the runes and book worked out. Although for some odd reason, he felt an absence inside of him as he left the store. His head glanced back once behind him.

Move Kyro. It doesn't matter what happens to her. Go.

He shook his head from the conflict and walked on towards the city of Dominion.
Cordelia looked at him, her bright eyes sparkling, "Are you sure? I dont wish to take money you could use on your travels" She watched as the coins spread out on the table, her slim fingers touching them gently. This would be the most she ever made in one purchase since working there. She looked up at him when he brought up the tip, "No ones ever left a tip before..thank you very kindly Zero. Please if you ever come through again let me treat you with some extra supplies. It would be my pleasure" She smiled at him and gathered the money into a pouch attached to her hip. When he bowed she only saw it necessary that she curtsy back to him, "Please have a safe journey..thank you for choosing our humble business" She waved to him from the shop window as he left, looking at the pouch after he left, "Mother should be pleased with this..she cant look at me as a failure anymore" She looked at the spell book she had been using, "Now where were we" She started flipping through it and messed with the water to form it once more.
Zelin listened to Ayah's words with even more confusion. "I-I'm not just gonna beat you up! Where's the honor in that?" He began rustling his hair furiously. "Arghh, can't you just explain what happened to Charles?"
Charles spotted the blue light as well, and sighed heavily, following Yamina. His imagination went wild, what were they doing the entire time? Hopefully not what he and his second in command were doing...

Charles bit down on his lip.

"This is quite the situation...", he'd mutter as he ran.


Ayah had to get Zelin to beat her up, that way there might be a chance to convince Yamina and Charles. "No no, it's not him, it's us! If Charles gets back and finds out we haven't been training...", she began, only to think about the situation.

Zelin needed to do it.

Ayah quickly looked up at Zelin. "It's either you beat me up, or there's a higher likelihood that we get in trouble."
Yamina continues running and once she makes it to the entrance of the training grounds she jumps up onto a wall and starts climbing up it to get to the roof. Once on top she stops and looks at Zelin and Ayah frantically try to come up with something to show that they were "Training". Yamina just shook her head and jumped down the roof doing a flip and landing in front of them unsheathing her sword pointing it in their face before striking at them. This should teach them a lesson since they weren't training and instead lollygagged the entire time. "Let's see how much you've trained today" She told them still striking at them.
Kyro glanced around to make sure no soul was near him. He even summoned a few shadows from the forest the check his perimeter. Luckily no one was in site. With a slight break in time, Kyro lifted the eyepatch off his face. He sighed out a huge breath as his body transformed into a taller, more formal man, with white hair and a devilish face. Even though Kyro changed forms he still took extra precautions. Reaching behind him, attached to his belt was a pure white mask. Slowly he placed it on. His absent blue eyes looked around once again. The shadows continued reporting that no activity was around.

With that in mind Kyro laid down on the branch he camped on and closed his eyes allowing the shadows to envelope him. He could feel his mind floating away into the dark abyss.

Master! Master! I have retrieved the Book of Demenation!

Good. Now we have access to stronger spells. Kyro I want you to infiltrate the city.

With commotion?

No. This time you go in solo and silent. I need you to stay in your disguised form. We need to gain intel on the current situation of the city. Make sure no guards detect who you are and how you got in.

But sir I suggest a horde of our army to enter the city's premises. They are barricaded at the current moment.

Barricaded you say? Those cowards. Fine. I shall be sending troops to you soon.

Thank you sire.

Do not disappoint me Kyro.

Have I ever sir?

The darkness just grumbled as Kyro woke up. He blinked several times adjusting to the light. Never has Kyro understood why he talked to his dark guild troops through dreams and dreams only. No one is aware of what he looks like, not even his second-in-command. Kyro sighed as he dangled one leg off the branch as he waited for the creepy reinforcements coming to help him infiltrate the city.
Cordelia would glance at the book, then back at the frozen wings she had suspended in the air, "I always get stumped on this part!" She huffed in frustration and leaned back in her seat, looking as she held the pretty things. "Grandma..you said anything was possible..but sadly this isnt looking to be true.." She gently laid down the ice and sighed. It was looking hopeless. Even if she could find a way to use them how could she keep them from breaking? Or melting? She ran her hands through her dark hair and her eyes grew hazy with tears. This was becoming a bad habit and she knew it, but she couldnt help how she felt about it.
Great. He thought to himself, inching himself slightly away from the drawn blade. He glanced at Ayah apologetically, smiling slightly. "H-hey Yamina, no need to get aggressive now." The prince stated, putting his arms up as if trying to calm her. "We simply got a bit distracted. A-all in all we did do a bit of work!" He looked back at Ayah for some help.
Ayah glared at Yamina, and drew out her ax. "You may be my superior, but I'm older then you, and age means experience!!", the girl screamed, running up next to the Prince. She jammed her head with negative thoughts about her opponent.

She took second in command from you!

Ayah looked over at the Prince. "Don't be a wimp, draw your sword too, unless you want to be a meat-shield for me!", the girl yelled. Even if he was the Prince, Ayah wouldn't get let that stop her.

Her rage against Yamina overrided her instinctual mother-like protection for the prince.


Charles summoned a chair, and sat in it. The man crossed his legs as he looked down at the figures below him, floating at least twenty meters above the fighters. "This is going to be interesting...", he muttered.

"En garde!", he yelled down at them, keeping himself from laughing.

Fantastic! His own arena!
Zelin sighed heavily, not exactly in the mood for this type of spar, but he had no choice. He drew the blade on his back slowly, keeping Yamina in his sight. His eyes began to sparkle and shine as anticipation and excitement took hold. "Fine. I'll show you what I've learned!" He muttered, drawing the sword completely. Zelin watched Ayah charge towards Yamina with hateful spite, none like he's seen before. She's always seemed so calm and serene around him.

"You won't leave me behind." He yelled charging toward Yamina, bent on showing his skill.
"Don't hold back you two!!" Draws another sword from her holster and continues striking them. Dodging some but not all of them. She some blows kicking Ayah in her stomach and flipping Zelin on his back. She put both her swords back in holsters and for the first time in forever (see what I did there xD ) uses her magic slamming her fist into the ground making it rumble and break. The stands up straight dusting off her uniform cuts on her face, arms and stomach area from Ayah's axe and Zelin's blade.

No matter how flat you make a pancake it's still got two sides
Ayah smirked as she landed back, flipping her axe so it slammed into the ground. She held her stance as the ground broke around her, keeping her eyes on her target.

With a quick motion of her left hand, she prepared a fireball for launching, the Flameis energy circulating around her. She felt it charging, but if she held it too long, the energy would be too much.

"Zelin, keep her still!", Ayah would yell, glaring at Yamina.
Yamina just stood in the circle watching the spell was sucking the energy out of Ayah slowly. She didn't have the patients anymore and growled her temper taking over. And when Yamina's temper controls her it's not pretty. Her eyes turned red as she walked out of the ring of fire (lol I did it again xD ) there were now singed parts on her armor but she did not care. She cracked her neck and the pain was about to happen. Grabbing her sword she slid her hand across it then lightning formed around the sword. "Make your move Ayah and your move only" She said smiling. One thing she knew was that she did not want the prince to be harmed by her rage. She didn't want anyone to be harmed except for the enemies but it is becoming harder and harder for her to control it and she needed help fast.

No matter how flat you make a pancake it's still got two sides
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The library was quiet. Almost too quiet.

The librarian walked into the room towering with books, glancing around like he had just seen a ghost. Scratching his head in confusion, he mumbled something under his breath before climbing one of the shelf ladders. Reaching the top step, he shoved a book into an empty slot. Pushing the ladder to the right, the wheels at the bottom rolled to the side he had directed. The librarian stopped the moving ladder with one hand, shoving two more books into the tall shelves.

It was just then, when he heard someone burst through the door.

"LIONEL! Lionel! I have made an amazing discovery! You wouldn't believe it!" A woman exclaimed, dropping her bag on the floor with a loud CLUNK. The librarian let out a hearty chuckle as he descended down the wooden ladder.

"I swear, my girl. You have way too much energy for someone you're age." The old man shook his head and chuckled. A small creature sped into the room after the woman, doing loop-de-loops and spins around the library. She zipped open her bag in a flash, and pulled out a red journal. Flipping through the pages rapidly, the woman let out a laugh of happiness as she landed on the right page.

"Ha! Here we are." She began pacing back and forth, one of her hands holding open the book. The owl-moth hybrid landed on a table, beginning to chirp wildly out of excitement.

"The Nymphaloids have only one species discovered so far, right? The Lumians (Or Lumia for short), which are the ones who activate electricity from an area around the crown of their chest. When disturbed or frightened, it intensifies the electricity, therefore making a Lumia's leaf-like body become an electric bolt as a defense mechanism. BUT! Here's the thing. You won't believe this, Lionel!" The woman exclaimed, almost swinging the journal across the room as she spun on the tip of her toe. The librarian chuckled hysterically, watching her from behind his desk.

"Go on, Evangelina." He urged, beginning to grow quite curious. The beautiful elf in front of him stopped her twirling, and slammed her hands on the edge of his desk.

"There are more! More species! Instead of electricity, I found a Nymphaloid species that can generate fire! Can you believe that?! Oh my, Lionel. They were beautiful! Their petals were glowing orange and red, and OH! Their eyes! A bright golden!" She skipped away from his desk, laughing happily. Mazumi joined in on her mini celebration, and began making rapid clicking noises that formed into a song. The old librarian barely had time to respond to this woman. About to say something to her, Lionel quickly closed his mouth as Evangelina let out a small gasp.

"There could be more... Lionel, there could be more!" She quickly snatched up her journal, picked up the bag on the floor, and sped out the door. Mazumi was hot on her trail, clicking noisily.

"I'll be back in a few hours! I'm on the verge of discovering an entire species!" The librarian heard Evangelina call out, before the silence of the library returned.

Shaking his head and laughing loudly, he slipped on his glasses.

"What am I going to do with that girl..."


"I can't believe this, Mazumi! I've waited months and months for this!" The elf with flowing white hair exclaimed happily, rushing past townsfolk and greeting people quickly along the way. Letting out a shrill noise, Mazumi began to make rapid clicking noises at her as if he was speaking (which he was).

"Yes, yes. I know. I have a fresh caterpillar waiting for you in my bag. But we have to hurry, Mazumi! The Nymphaloids could have disappeared by now!" Evangelina said, bursting out of the small town and down the dirt road. Making a sharp turn, the elf pivoted into the dense forest with Mazumi flapping his delicate wings beside her.

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Cordelia had enough of the stuffy cabin, no one had been coming around for weeks now. Zero was the first to stop by in gods knows how long! She stood up and grabbed a book she had near her. Pulling her fur lined hood over her head she walked out locking the door behind her. She had hobbies of course though they were mocked constantly by her family, bird watching being one of them. She held the book tightly and looked around the forest for any sounds..sights or smells. When she thought she heard a tree branch snap she quickly looked over to a large oak, its branches swaying from a sudden movement, "There now...be still" She crouched and opened the book looking up into the trees, squinting form the light. She popped a stick of graphite form her pocket and started smudging it onto the page.
Zelin held his stomach slightly as the air had been knocked out of him. He had a knee on the ground, trying to regain himself. Yamina and Ayah starred each other down like arch-enemies fighting over a prize. This was getting a bit too serious as Yamina began unlocking her full potentials. If Ayah does the same this could get a bit problematic. Zelin stuck his sword in the ground and stood up, still holding his gut. "That's it. Enough! Stop now!"
Seeking to help the Prince, Charles leaped from his floating chair with a smile, landing expertly between Ayah and Yamina. "This fight is over;"

The tall man was at first hunch-backed, but then he had straightened himself after the large fall. His hand began to be engulfed by a swirl of colors, until he snapped his fingers.

Ayah's flameis aura around her hand disappeared, gone in a quick poof of smoke.

"Unless you want me involved...", he'd mutter, followed by a chuckle. Charles looked over at the Prince, staring deep into his eyes, his devilish face putting on his best 'look-at-what-you-caused' face.

When Charles fought, shit usually hit the fan.


Ayah quickly sheathed her weapon, and ran next to Zelin. Her eyes were stilled locked on Yamina, glaring down as she stared at her enemy. Ayah would side-eye Zelin, and she quickly sighed.

The prepared girl took a more calm stance, and looked the other way from Yamina.

"Sorry about that, Zelin...", she'd say in a low tone.

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