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Fantasy Yin Yang academy

Should the dorms allow roommates

  • Yes but only same gender

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes coed please

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like having my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but DM picks

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The axe dissapears from the mans hands as he swings it, reappearing in Nathans hands and he slams a mega powerchord right in the guy's face. @Alphaius
Council member Steele isn't really effected by the cord...

That being said it's hard to stand when the ground is torn from under you he falls flat on his face curseing

You see null just kinda watching amused...and standing upside down on the roof?!?

Micky puts a finger over Jacey's lips "stop"he says "you don't need to explain or apologize I should've caught the needle...and she shouldn't have thrown it,you can only do so much Jacey and controlling people isn't in the list as far as I know about you"With that he hugs her (pulling her down to his level)

"Listen up tomato,I'm good,alright you got my back and I've got yours so quit stressing,we are in probably the craziest place in the world it's gonna throw a curveball at us from time to time,but as far as I know there's no one who hits like us so it's no sweat"he smiles (again)

And falls asleep holding her as his body wears itself out metabolizing the poison.

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Steele weaves the axe as it comes down and grabs Nathan by the crotch and the face hurling him through several stone walls

*Professor alt sitting at his desk reading a book casually lifts his coffee as Nathan flies through the desk*

He eventually comes to a stop on the other side of the academy

"Ow, my balls." He growls, as he gets up, now in zombie form.

He becomes a shadow and zooms back to Steele, reforming with a "F$#@ YOU!" And zapping him with purple lightning.

"Um...I think I should...stay back."

Trebuchet said forming a dome of rock around himself. He wasn't keen on getting in the middle of a battle between two people he hardly knew, and the Mary girl seemed to be in a fit of abysmal rage, so Trebuchet naturally didn't want to get hurt in the crossfire.
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Steele takes the bolt like a champ sizzling he smiles "yer pretty tough punk"he cackles"brutal as hell"

"Enough games though you can transform as well huh that's good wouldn't want this to get boring"

With that he transforms into the biggest and most horrifying beast ever witnessed in the school <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.b2f6488f7be9e8f514a8198192b5079e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120594" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.b2f6488f7be9e8f514a8198192b5079e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>"welcome to hell population...you"

He lets out a roar that lights the very air on fire



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Jacey becomes surprised at his actions and relaxes hearing his speech. "Micky..." She mutters placing a hand on his cheek and nods. She throws the covers over them and nestles her face against his chest. Maybe she should just relax. She was glad he didn't leave her for something like that. Maybe she should put more trust into him instead of mothering him. She notes to herself to relax, enjoy life, whatever happens happens. Life is too short to worry on crap. She should know better. "Thank you." She kisses his forehead and watches him sleep before drifting off to bed herself. The last thing in her mind and muttering under her breath was a nickname for Micky. "Hot shot."


(Good night. I'm going mimis ;{ )
(It's one punch Micky) @XXXIwolf

Nathan played a solo that caused the very air to freeze, coating the hallway in a sheet of ice quickly. He concentrated the freeze into a cone and blasted Steele with it. @Alphaius
"Yeah keep it coming" he says the ice shattering as quickly as it forms as he runs towards Nathan

The zombie and the demon collide heads in a savagely

It is the second most brutal sight known to man (the first was the duel between humans death)

the shockwave evaporated the hall way

Jin looks up from his desk

"Damn it Steele"he grumbles his eyes locked on the battle

As the embodiments of death and destruction collide he stands

"Time to put an end to this before these idiots destroy my school"

Nathan's teeth were clenched and his eyes locked on the beast, forehead to forehead he savagely played his guitar, only stopping at the divine aura entering the vicinity.

Jin arrives at the scene of the ruble watching the two with golden eyes

"This battle ends now otherwise I am inclined to get involved"as he says this he lets some is his divine Ki pour out the walls and ground vibrate and the air sparks around him crackling (can be felt all around the school)

"And honestly I'm not in the best of moods"his face tells this more than the words

@akumashioni @Aaron775
Jason's eyes widen." Calm down man the fight is almost over anyways atleast it seems that way." He backs away a little just incase Jin decides to attack
Nathan looks at him angrily before flickering a bit and returning to his human form.

"You.. I hate you.." He growls at Jin before desummoning his guitar and eyeing Steele.

"I hate you to, but you.. You got balls..."

Hazel looks at the students. "Ah, everyone has their partners? Good." She smiled. "Now all number ones, please kil-" The watch on her wrist buzzed. "Oh my." She said as she looked at it. "I'm sorry class, we need to continue next time." She smiled and then frowned. "Your homework is to try to defend some attacks from the simulations in the gym." She nodded. "If you have any questions, I'll be in the library." She gathered up he stuff and began to walk out. "Class dismissed." She said before leaving.

@SleepyBuddha @Quark @Entarriance @Mister Veeeee
@Entarriance @SleepyBuddha

Qi frowned as the teacher suddenly announced that class was over. Getting out of bed after... being injured... and then only for nothing left a sliver of irritation within her. Grumbling a little, she looked up to the girl to see if what she was going to do before her body froze in feeling the presence of the ki. She turned around a little to look around at the classroom. It didn't seem to belong to anyone around the room. Whoever it belonged to, it can be known that they were the opposite of weak. "Do you feel that... " she asked looking nervously between Mr Hiroshi and the girl.

As the teacher had left the class, with her face completely unfazed, Qi blinked a little. It was as if Ms.Connor didn't feel it at all. Was it just Qi's hallucination? Not realising that perhaps the teacher had gotten used to a situation like this, she mouthed to Mr Hiroshi that she was going to take a short nap, pointing vertically upwards, indicating that she was going to the roof. It was a habit of hers sometimes, to just lay on her back on the roof, and falling sleeping in the middle of staring at the sky.

(I will be away for most of day, since I have class.I suppose after a while, she might move back to the dorm. )
Hazel walked out and over to Jin. "Come on, Darling." She said sweetly to him. "No need to get involved in stuff like this." She looked at the two fighting. "You're too important to be bothering yourself with this petty little scramble." She smiled. "Come now, it's almost lunch time."

Ashley begins to walk in the hallways heading for her new office inside the staff room. She looks like a ten or maybe eight year old with her long frilly dress as she hops across the place cheerfully. She is eating a popsicle as she goes. Little do people knew that she was 23 years old and a teacher at the school. Her ability was possible the biggest shenanigan possible in existance. As she skipped around, she bumped onto a student.
Hazel smiled at Jin. "We can have lunch later on." She nodded and walked away, eventually wandering the halls. "There are some interesting students here...." She muttered to her self. "Illusion, Kami, Regeneration, Chaos. And then there is that other power." She shuddered slightly, almost like a cold chill went up her spine. She shook her head. "Never mind that." She said aloud as she kept walking.

@Sombra Arcana
Ash excused herself and kept on walking, until she found herself close to a girl with white hair and blue eyes. She stopped in the middle of the path she was following and stared at her, making a small Chii~~~ sound. She smiled at her and licker lolipop as she looked at the womanly figure. I'm sorry, but...you're very beautiful. She said without making any facial expression as she was just looking at her. Deep inside her train of thought was the image of she wanting to be lazy, rolling on the ground and drinking a tamarind martini.
Hazel smiled as this girl called her beautiful. "Why thank you." She giggled as she inspected this girl. She appeared to be about 9 years old but her eyes said different. They were older, more experienced. "Ah, you must be that new teacher I heard about." She smiled again, showing off her white teeth. "Recreation, right?" She asked whilst she lightly tilted her head to the side.

@Sombra Arcana
Ash was surprised that she managed to uncover her disguise. This girl was sharp.She moved her hand to her pocket and drew a green card which she raised as high as she could (which is not very high, cause she is very short). Ding Dong! She said as she gave her a whole smile, while licking her candy. Ashley Bloodstone to the service! She said with a bright smile, while her body seemed to be wanting to doze off somewhere.
Hazel giggled at the girl's antics. "Yes, one of my jobs is to do a background check on all applicants, staff or student." She smiled again. "You have an interesting power. Just don't go using it irresponsibly. Although I'm not in charge of the discipline department, I have....high influence." She chuckled lightly. "I personally didn't like the old Recreational teacher so I'm glad you're here." She gave a thumbs up.

@Sombra Arcana
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