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Fantasy Yin Yang academy

Should the dorms allow roommates

  • Yes but only same gender

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes coed please

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like having my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but DM picks

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Qi Yi looked between the smiling floating Kami and at Mr Hiroshi, noting how they had very similar expressions. She scratched her head a little with her left hand, not realising that there were no scars anymore. Before she could answer him, the speaker in their room turned on and a female voice announced that class was about to begin. Shuffling out of bed, she seemed to be able to walk just fine. "I think I can go to class." She said with a small smile, recovering rather too quickly from the ordeal earlier of dying.

(I checked with Alphaius earlier, the scars did disappear. That won't be the end of it though... especially how Qi Yi got them)
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Amadaeus gasped. "Hey, what the hell!" He yelled before beginning to stammer. "L-let me go!" He began to squirm. "We have class." He said in a very whiny voice. I warned her. Couldn't she just have read his CS?

Hiroshi was glad to hear that Qi was well enough to go to class, " Then shall we go?" Hiroshi asked as he offered his hand to help her up. He wondered how well he would do in a class about magical defense. Surely with his relationship with Kami he would be fine.



Name: "Mariko Barton"

Appearance: Normal

Interaction: Amadeus/Primal(GarRRRRYYY), Hazel

Tags: @NeoClassical

"What'cha complainin' abou- heeey stop squirming or I'll toss ya!"

She managed to maintain her balance as she ran, though it's not like that made it any easier for her. She tottered as she ran, though it didn't stop her forward charge. Kicking the door open to the school, considering how they were outside. But it didn't seem like Mariko had an ounce of shame as she merrily jogged over towards Room 247, still holding Amadeus horizontal to the ground.

"Aren't you a baby, Mr.Chaos was right. Oh well, at least you're kinda human."

Once they made it outside of the classroom, she roughly dropped him on the ground without any ounce of gentleness. Either way, she didn't appear extremely tired for carrying someone considerably taller than her all the way to a classroom right above her head, and she looked down on him on the ground, sticking her tongue out. Walking over him, she waved her hand to the teacher, as if none of the earlier had happened.

"Good mornin' Ms. Connors! Or, evenin', whatever works~."
She took her offer of his hand to stand up straight, but let go immediately to try test walking on her own. The Nurse had really fixed her up, as she could now move. As if her body wasn't her own. After quickly washing her face, she headed out of the door to get to their classroom as quick as possible, not wanting to be almost late like the day before. On her way out, she then realised how many Kami there were in the room. "Did you call all of them, Mr Hiroshi?" she asked." How much food do you have to give them?
Amadaeus groaned on the ground before getting up and sulking in the classroom. There were no desks but simply some benches that line the wall. He crossed his arms and plopped down on a bench.

Hazel smiled at the girl who approached her. "Why hello." She looked her up and down. "Ah, you must Mariko." She waved her hand around, motioning the classroom. "Just have a seat on the benches." She insisted as she rummaged through some papers on her desk before grabbing a clipboard and checking off Mariko and the boy, Amadaeus.

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Hiroshi followed right beside her, " I didn't call them. They were.... concerned about me. I was pretty upset when I saw what had happened to you. So the Kami comforted me. They assured me that offerings were not necessary." Hiroshi explained as they went. Hiroshi stayed silent as they went until they made it to the classroom. Hiroshi was happy that they didn't seem to be late.@Quark @NeoClassical
Shit, where the hell is that? And did that voice even come from the speakers?

Backtracking through the corridors, Seo-yun quietly grumbled as she began to scan ahead of her pace to find the correct room number. This place is too huge.
Hearing the announcement made him stop for a moment and think where the room might be. He looks the number of a nearby room and at the detailed map he had gotten apon arrival. He was surprised to see he was only around the corner from the room he had to report to. How convenient I guess I get to meet more students, hope they are just as intriguing. As he rounded the corner then entered the classroom to find the guy he faced off against just a few moments ago, three girls he hasn't met before along with a male he hadn't seen before. "Well hello party people!" he spoke with his typical mischievous grin. He was curious to how they will react to his appearance since he didn't even look very human at all.

@NeoClassical @Entarriance @SleepyBuddha @Quark
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"So, you're friends with the Kami?" she asked curiously as they approached the classroom. "That's really cool, Mr Hiroshi." She didn't say anything more as they entered the classroom. "Good morning, Ms Connor," the young girl said with a very small nod. In the classroom, Amadaeus was there and with another girl. She didn't look very feminine but Qi's instincts told her this was a girl. There was something about her aura that piqued her interest and she walked over. "Hello," she said politely, not exactly sure what she wanted to get out of the interaction. All she knew was that curiousity was getting to her again.

@SleepyBuddha @Entarriance
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"Whooo!" Trebuchet whooped as he surfaced from a hole in the ground. He followed the right address and here he was, at the...er...Yin-Yang Academy! He hoped to accomplish as much work here as possible, making sure he get's a full fill of a timely work ethnic and responsibility. He walked forward, head held high as he entered through the front doors of this strange school. It was roomier than normal, cavernous almost. It was seemingly cathedral-like in it's structure and design, but he paid no heed to the appearance mostly. Trebuchet just wanted to get settled in as quickly and diligently as possible. If he was going to aspire into a world of scholars, he had to take this seriously.
She walked up to Academy dressed in her favorite red and black dress, frills running down the back of her legs and sides. A butler walked a few feet behind her, his face showing no expression or signs of exhaustion. Her heels echoed off the cement before stopping to asses the area and people. It seemed mostly empty and she was glad for it. She hated having to deal with unnecessary people and trivial matters. It wasn't long before she came to the hall and stopped, motioning for the butler to take her bag up to her room where her other stuff that had been shipped weeks earlier was already waiting.
Hazel smiled at all the students. "I am Ms. Connors." She nodded and looked back down at the clipboard. A check appeared next to the names of the students who arrived. "Everyone please sit. Welcome to Defense Against Magical Arts." Her voice was soft, yet powerful. Melodic. "First things first, this class will not only cover simple defense but also counters and it will also teach you that sometimes the best defense is a good offense." She smiled again, a row of perfect white teeth against a smooth, unblemished face.
Jacey on the other hand Rose up early leaving Micky to rest. So much crap has got her sort of pissed. She was wearing only a black training bra, jeans, and some converse while punching the bag. She was panting and sweating at the moment taking all of her rage and thoughts on the bag. She used jabs with her right then a left as she moves around, her chain on her jeans jingling as she moves. She sighs and grabs a towel to rub some of the sweat and drink her water bottle. Her back turned against the door.

Hiroshi confirmed that his relationship with the Kami could be seen as friendship though he saw the Kami as what they were. Gods without who our world wouldn't exist. Taking his seat Hiroshi waited for class to start.

Hiroshi heard the voice of the person who had asked him about the explosion yesterday and turned to look at him. With a smile like that he knew this person was a miscreant.
Hazel stood up from her desk and looked around. "Okay, class." She said with a smile. "You're going to need partners." She walked to the center. "Partner up with whoever you like and assign the both of you a number. 1 or 2." She made the numbers with her fingers just for emphasis.

@SleepyBuddha @Quark @Entarriance @Mister Veeeee
Hiroshi immediately looked to Qi Yi as Ms. Conner said a partner would be needed. She was the person he knew the most and unless forced he didn't feel like pairing with a Westener. They were typically very load, boisterous, and obnoxious. Hiroshi wasn't going to spend an entire class stuck with that unless he absolutely had to. Getting up Hiroshi approached Qi, " Would you care to be my partner in this exercise? I would rather avoid paring with westerners." He explained.


Name: "Mariko Barton"

Appearance: Normal

Interaction: Amadeus/Primal(GarRRRRYYY) [mentioned], Hiroshi, Qi

Tags: @NeoClassical @SleepyBuddha @Quark

"Hm... who oughtta be fun.."

Looking back and forth among the room, the first obvious choice would have been Amadeus, considering how they have kind of talked before. While against the bench, Mariko leaned back a little, knitting her brow as she looked from face to face. There wasn't a whole lot of people here, but everyone here was definitely some sort of deranged freak in there own, unique, special way. And if she's going to be imprisoned in a hell like this, might as well make the best of it! There was someone with an awfully harsh expression, looking towards the man who was in the battle earlier. Huh, at least that guy didn't catch onto Mariko's little act from earlier. But she's never met the other man before, so maybe have some fun with that! Perhaps someone not such an Overpowered Oliv-...?


Mariko heard a, timid voice next to her. Turning her head, she saw a girl with fairly traditional clothing standing beside her, a curious look in her eyes. Covering her mouth, the first thing that Mariko wanted to do was laugh. That type of clothing in a place like this? You might as well have been wearing ropes tightly around you as a fashion statement. No way in hell you'd be able to move super fluently in those things! Then again, she shouldn't underestimate people. Personal experience.

"... yo! You have some really cute clothing on ya', I mean, looking at the kid with dyed hair and the kid without a shirt here, I am proud to see someone who actually appears relatively normal!"

Grabbing her hand, Mariko shook it quickly up and down, as if excited. There was a wide smile on her face, and she briefly took the time to analyze anything about the girl.

She's kind of around my height... she's probably super fast or something. Or maybe her ability focuses strictly on magic, since no one would wear that attire if they had a more physical power. It would be something more casual. So she's probably more of a magic user, and possibly a flier and not a fighter...

Another voice would ring out beside her, and someone significantly taller than her would walk over, preferably to Qi as it seems, as he requested to be her partner.

"Ohoho, sorry for bein' a Westerner, pal."

Can this even be considered racism, or?!

Qi's face was a little pink when she had her hand shaken. It was flattering rather, since nobody had done that with her before. "You look very cool in your clothing, too," she said with an equally wide grin, her Asian accent evident in her English words as she observed how warm the other girl's clothes looked. As Ms.Connor had instructed them to be forming into pairs, she gave a grin to Mr Hiroshi who was walking towards her. Before he even said anything, she had the feeling he was going to ask her to pair up.

At his latter statement about Westerners, she tilted her head in slight confusion about what was wrong with pairing with them. The tension in the air seemed to rose when the girl beside her suddenly interjected. She looked nervously between the two elder people before waving her hand at the teacher. "Ms. Connor, can you choose the pairs for us?" she asked politely. In her previous year, after being a class monitor for a term, she had learnt that some things were just better to leave to the teacher to deal with to avoid unnecessary conflict.

@Entarriance @SleepyBuddha @NeoClassical
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Hazel tilted her head to the side. "Me choose partners?" She shrugged and then smiled. "I could but this assignment will be a little personal." She stood up. "But okay....." She glanced down at her clipboard. "Um....Qi and Mariko. Hiroshi and Amadaeus." She nodded. "There."

Amadaeus frowned even more. He was being pared with the chain guy? Great....

@SleepyBuddha @Entarriance @Quark
Hiroshi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as Conner said he was being paired with Amadeus. This was just wonder if all the people he was paired with him. Hiroshi didn't want to be anywhere near Amadeus because of the Oni that had taken up residence within him. Hiroshi could tell the Oni was the source of Amadeus' power, and the source of all his misdeeds. Nevertheless Hiroshi accepted the assignment and approached Amadeus. Bowing respectfully Hiroshi introduced himself properly to Amadeus.

Zeltron decided to stand in a corner and just watch since everyone seemed to have ignored him completely. He also didn't want to participate due to his inability to use magic period. He was highly annoyed but decided it probable be best to watch and observe his classmate abilities. Well lets see how things progress.

Amadaeus watched him bow. At least he's trying to be respectful. "Hey man, no hard feelings?" He extended his hand. "Pardon my...uh...Western greeting but I don't want to accidentally insult your traditions." He gave a slight smile.


"You can be my partner, child." Hazel said to Zeltron before turning to the rest of the class. "Please assign numbers." She turned back to her partner. "I'll be number one."

@Mister Veeeee


Name: "Mariko Barton"

Appearance: Normal

Interaction: Qi


Seeing how Ms.Conner organized the pairs herself, Mariko's shoulders dropped a little after hearing her paired up with Qi. That's good. I don't have to face Gary straight on. I never really digged arrogance anyway... though then again...

Mariko brought her gaze back towards Qi. Letting go of her hands after shaking them, Mariko stuffed them back into her pockets, the light tinker of loose change hitting together ringing out. She always had lie, 20 dollars worth of coins in her pockets. It always was a bit of a habit of hers to pick up coins from the ground.

"... sweeto! Aye, is that black-haired dude your friend? He's an awfully calm fellow. Not like that's bad or anything! But, huh, I'm assuming you and him aren't from around these... parts?"

With the term Westerner seemingly used as an insult, Mariko awkwardly pointed to herself, than to Amadeus, than to Zeltron, and then to the ground. Then an awkward circle of the room, well, it meant something. Back at home, Mariko did have many connections, but she never met anyone from the East who particularily kept their traditional ways when coming over. Perhaps it's just the fact this is an academy? And maybe moreso the girl appeared young. She looked to be a teenager, but at the same time, pretty young for a teenager. Possibly around 14-15 years of age?
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