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Fantasy Yin Yang academy

Should the dorms allow roommates

  • Yes but only same gender

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  • Yes coed please

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  • No I like my own room

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  • No I like having my own room

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  • Yes but DM picks

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She collapsed onto her knees and palms, unable to speak. Someone landed next to her, and it took immense energy for her to turn to Mr Hiroshi.

"It's going to be okay, Qi." He seemed to be saying, his face trying to be reassuring like a grown-up. It was at that instant, fear came to her grey eyes. Fear of the reality what was happening.

"Mi..cky..."she barely choked out, while trying to search in Mr Hiroshi's eyes for an answer to a silent question. "Mr. Hiro-" in the second attempt to talk she coughed violently and blood was splattered onto the pavement.

Overwhelmed by fear, she could barely think anymore as her head was getting dizzier. Losing her strength the upper half of her body collided to the ground unceremoniously like a doll. "Mama..."mumbled from the feeble voice. The ki from the young girl was weakening rapidly. Mama...I want to see you...

"I dont... want to d-" Her words were suddenly cut as a sharp pain entered her mind and Zhang Qi Yi saw nothing but black.

The young girl's body didn't move, even if she didn't finish her sentence. Just like many others who have died, the world continues to move on and the arrow of time does not stop.
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Hiroshi tried so hard to keep his reassuring smile as Qi began to leave this world. Towards the end though he just couldn't do and clutched Qi's body close to his own sobbing uncontrollably. She was his roommate, his friend. She was the one person he felt he could be at ease with and talk to even though she was younger than him. In response to Hiroshi's grief all of his talisman overflowed with Ki and several Kami manifested through them, surrounding Hiroshi as they tried to comfort him. Hiroshi could feel the warmth of their divine presence but he couldn't leave Qi alone to regard the multiple Kami around him. Tearfully Hiroshi gently picked up Qi's body and carried her bridal style through the school to the Nurse with Kami in tow.

(That got me right in the feels. Here are some of the Kami that manifested to comfort Hiroshi.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/spirit-innocencekami.jpg.a164f5d8e6504fcd3b0943c2910303a6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120310" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/spirit-innocencekami.jpg.a164f5d8e6504fcd3b0943c2910303a6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/spirit-kamiofthehonoreddead.jpg.cce14616a411dc86c5b5464dc9be5ccc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120311" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/spirit-kamiofthehonoreddead.jpg.cce14616a411dc86c5b5464dc9be5ccc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Kami_of_the_Palace_Fields.jpg.4478cb69d5c790c921e6f1ed8f07bd5b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120312" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Kami_of_the_Palace_Fields.jpg.4478cb69d5c790c921e6f1ed8f07bd5b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Zeltron started wondering around the school shortly after his arrival looking bout the place. They were placing him in sophomore year due to his lack of proper education. After a few minutes of wandering he heard and explosion somewhere close by. Curious to what the explosion was he headed towards the direction in which heard come from, hoping here might be more fun than just a single explosion. As Soon as he turns around the corner he spots a girl that seems to be dead in some guys arms that was surrounded my weird creatures he had never seen before. Then, without thinking as usual, the first thing he ask the guy "what was that explosion and why you carrying a dead girl around for?"

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She scoffs and adjusts her cuffs loosening them before picking up the lad and throwing him over her shoulder like a damsel before walking back to her room since she had no clue where his room is. She tucks the man in with her black comforter, bed sheets and walks away. Her stomach growls remembering she skipped breakfast. She figured she should fetch some food for the both of them. She does just that heading to the cafeteria and eats her lunch alone before grabbing a tray of food just for Micky if he ever woke up. After entering back to her room, she places the plate of food down along with something to drink. She hums to herself in thought. 'Where is my bag?' She goes pale and gasps. "Terry!" She quickly rushes out of the bedroom and searches for her bag back in class. No sign of the critter or bag. She searches through the halls for a hopping black messanger bag while calling the name, "Terry."

The dark red blood continued to spread from her wounds, staining the white and green Chinese traditional clothes that Qi Yi wore. Some of the blood trickled down her hands forming a thin, red trail behind Hiroshi who was heading to the infirmary with the Kami.

(Edit: I have permission to play as the nurse o/)
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It seems that Hiroshi didn't hear the person at first ask the questions. He was too wrapped up in his own thoughts to notice pretty much anymore.

The Kami around him take the opportunity to shew Zeltron away before he had the opportunity to ask such insensitive questions again, but in a very dazed manner Hiroshi responded, " The explosion killed her... must make that man pay." Hiroshi began muttering incoherently under his breath as he passed Zeltron. Hiroshi never realized how deep his friendship was with Qi until the moment she died right before him. This wasn't the first time Hiroshi had witnessed a death and just like then depression was taking it's hold on Hiroshi.

The first time Hiroshi had experienced death was when he was a boy, no older than ten. He had been playing with his mother that day and didn't understand the importance of the rituals he had been memorizing. So when his mother refused to play with him because she was performing such a ritual to Amaterasu Hiroshi got angry and threw a tantrum which not only interrupted the ritual but in his angry the young Hiroshi destroyed the offering meant for Amaterasu. The angered Kami was going to curse the child but his mother pleaded with the Kami and took on the curse in his stead. Over the course of a week Hiroshi was forced by Amaterasu to watch as his mother suffered under the curse literally burning up from the inside until the final day were he watched his mother turn to ash.

Watching Qi die not only traumatized Hiroshi but brought back those painful memories. Hiroshi showed up in the nurses office looking dazed and confused as he cradled Qi like she were his child. The Kami as surrounded him, touching him gently as they tried to comfort Hiroshi.

(@Alphaius tagging so you can check I'm RPing her right).


At the sound of footsteps, an elderly lady known as Nurse Mayiko looked up from where she was sitting to see a raven-haired young man, carrying a girl. Seeing his face and the bloodied figure, she didn't even need much of an explanation. Sighing she stood up and walked towards him, not really fazed as if she had witnessed this many times. "Another one, huh?" she commented grimly, as if just talking to herself. "We just had one this morning." She gestured to Hiroshi on the infirmary bed in the adjacent room. "Take her there, and tell me what happened."
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Hiroshi complied with the Nurse's order and gently placed Qi on the bed before taking a seat next to the bed. The Kami clustered around him comforting him the best they could. The humanoid Kami held him while the none humanoid Kami gently nestled against him.

Not really looking at the Nurse Hiroshi explained the sniper shots that then turned into an explosion. Hiroshi didn't even notice the blood on his robes nor did he care at this point. Cradling his head in his hands Hiroshi began muttering to himself about how much blood there was and how he was going to find the sniper and kill him.
Nurse Mayiko didn't say anything as she brought over a toolbox, and some slightly damp towels. Walking over, she held the towels to Hiroshi when he had finished explaining. "Wipe that blood off," she said, with a slightly firm edge, showing that she preferred he would just take it. She didn't comment on it, but it was evident that she wasn't impressed by what had happened. Turning to the bed where the young girl was laid, she brought up a hand to her neck. It was confirmed that she was dead.

Within the quiet atmosphere of the infirmary, even a small muttering could be heard. "Your head is in a mess, you need to rest." she said noting his leg wound, in the same grumpy and strict tone. "You won't achieve much if you don't take proper recovery." She opened the box before turning back to him. "I'm afraid I can't have another person here while I am going to do the soul extraction. If you could wait outside, I'll be out soon to treat your wounds."

She began to roll up the sleeves while looking at the cauldron in the corner that would be put to use soon.

(I'm not completely sure of the mechanics of soul extraction... so I'm just going to treat it like a mystery box and avoid describing it if possible :'D)
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Jacey finally finds her bag in the hallway and sighs seeing her pet safe. She gasps seeing bullet holes on the ground and the smell of after smoke explosion. 'What the hell?' She told herself. She takes in the sight feeling worried. 'This place just keeps getting dangerous by the day.' She mutters before shaking it off and heading to her room. Thought the night she worked on some lyrics while her pet ate and slept content in her closet. She runs a hand through her long black hair wearing her pajamas. She knew it was getting late but couldn't help but worry over Micky. She heads over to the bed and sits beside her bed where Micky continues to sleep. Jacey takes his hand and strokes his back hand with her thumb. She wasn't wearing her gloves when going to bed. She carried a wrist tattoo, some rings and painted black nails. She sighs resting her head on the bedside and sleeping there with her head on her arm while the rest of her body on the floor.
Hiroshi did as he was instructed and wiped the blood away. When he was told to leave he simply walked out and rested outside. When the Kami heard soul extraction they became very angry and was going to stop the Nurse, but they realized that her soul would be sent to exact copy of her current body much like reincarnation process her soul would have gone through if allowed to leave anyway. The Kami were upset about the complete perversion and lack of respect for the natural order of things, but they were more concerned about Hiroshi. The Kami could come back and destroy this perversion of their laws later.

Hiroshi looked down at the injured leg and wondered why he didn't feel any pain. Was it adrenaline? KI? Was a Kami helping him? Hiroshi didn't know anyone and simply hung his head and waited. The Kami resumed trying to help Hiroshi through this hard time.
Amadaeus sat underneath a tree. He had his eyes closed, resting. This is boring. Let's do something. Like what? There's nothing going on. I don't know. Let's make someone disintegrate. No.
For several minutes no sound came out from the closed room. Then the door was opened, and Nurse Mayiko walked out. With another soft click, the door was closed again, hiding Qi's body and the state of the room. The Nurse headed to where Hiroshi was sitting, in one of her hand was a jar. Inside was a small glowing orb, almost the size of the light of a firefly and with soft radiating blue light. She looked over at the Japanese Deities crowding around her current. "Can you tell them to give me some space to treat that?" she asked, taking out some tools, and unrolling some clean bandages.
Hiroshi spoke to the Kami in Japanese and though reluctantly they backed away. Hiroshi seemed to be better, coming to terms with Qi's death. Hiroshi had all but forgotten that the school had the capability to bring back the dead. The Kami however did not forget and instead inspected the Jar as Hiroshi was being treated. The Kami of the honored dead took a special interest in the Jar and floated around it trying to figure out how it could contain the soul.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/spirit-kamiofthehonoreddead.jpg.8a162ac288c77cd0ea23275b100ade61.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/spirit-kamiofthehonoreddead.jpg.8a162ac288c77cd0ea23275b100ade61.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Bringing up a stool and placing a basin of salinated water. Mayiko used a pair of tweezers to pinch out the few fragments of the bullets. When all of the fragments were all removed, they were placed onto a small, transparent bag. She gave a stern look at the Kami that was floating around it. "Careful with that, "she said, with a polite but firm voice. The elderly lady didn't seemed that fazed by the Kami in the room."Please don't break that jar. That soul is still quite fragile." She turned back into disinfecting the wound with the water and gauze, and didn't really turn to see if the young man found it painful. He seemed like he was taking it rather well. After bandaging it professionally like any nurse, she stepped back to wash her hands. "Try and see if you can stand and move." she said as she handed him a small box of painkillers in case he needed any.

She walked back to the counter and picked up the jar containing Qi Yi's soul. "You need to rest, go back to your dorm," she advised and tapped lightly onto the jar. "The process is going to take a while anyway for this one."
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Hiroshi nodded and got up, testing the injury by putting a little weight on it. Hiroshi almost fell when he did but the Kami caught him and helped him slowly but surely to the room he shared with Qi Yi. Hiroshi played down in his bed and smiled at the Kami, thanking them for all the support they had given him. He then assured the Kami he would give each of them proper offering for their trouble bit they shushed him and the humanoid Kami assured him it wouldn't be necessary. Tired Hiroshi fell asleep.

(Gtg be back soon.)
(@everyone Can someone check the summary I did for Aaron775? I'm not sure if the details are correct for the other characters. And I lost track of Joe and Anna...

Yin Yang academy )

The nurse watched Hiroshi walk out, before giving another sigh and opened the door. The light from the soul flickered a little just for the mere fraction of a second as the door closed as she continued the procedure. A while later, the door was opened, revealing the room to be as like the normal state. Rather than lying there lifelessly, Qi Yi seemed to be breathing now. The Nurse had also changed the patients clothes to a long sleeved shirt and white shorts. As she placed the blood-soaked clothes into a bag, she gave one more glance at the young girl before keeping herself busy with other things on her agenda.

(Going to bed now. I now return the role back to you @Alphaius)
Nurse may

Stepped back to admire her handiwork she had been doing this for many years though not at this academy and she found that the younger a soul was the better she felt working with them

Being a soul weaver is tiring

Felling their emotions,mostly pain and fear,but children still cling to hope even as they die and that feeling is what keeps her from breaking down the hope that it'll be ok she thought she had become immune to the death but seeing two children die in one day was still a bit excessive.granted Mickys souls was very pleasant to deal with since he had died full of astonishment and wasn't even aware that he had died.something catches her eye...movement.she looks up in time to see a man standing in the doorway with a smg

"There will be no more rising from the dead witch"the man says in a strange voice

"Your not the voice you are the puppet"the nurse says "I take it you are responsible for this hmmm"

Her voice is calm but filled with a seething fury

The man makes no reply instead firing a generous burst at the nurse

Who responds quickly.she inflates the sphere of her own soul causing the bullets to evaporate befor hitting her she then pushes that bubble forward doing the same to the "puppet"

The puppet exploded in much the same way the sniper did

But the nurses soul is powerful not a shread of shrapnel got through.

"Hmmmm"she thinks as she retracts her soul into herself

Pressing a button on the intercom she asks jins secretary to schedule a meeting with the man.

"This could be an attempt on the entire academy" she mutters to herself as she orders the two assistants of hers to shuffle Qi back to her dorm

"Guard the child well To and Po someone wants her dead"the two nod and go out of the office with Qi on a stretcher shouting

Amadaeus wandered around the school, looking for some mischief to get it. "This place is so boring." He shook his head. "The loudest this place gets is when someone gets injured. Who the hell cares?" Come on. Show some respect. Why? These people should've known the dangers of coming to a school like this. It's still sad. Nah. I laughed whenever Sandy Hook happened. This stuff doesn't phase me. "IS THERE ANYONE WHO DOESNT LIKE LIVING?!" He shouted.
Joe got up and walked to the cafe, having woke up just a bit late. (It's 4:30 right now xD ) He took a puff from his cigarette, and looked around him to for any anomalies. He didn't see anything in articular, and continued walking around leisurely towards the cafe.

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