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Fantasy Yin Yang academy

Should the dorms allow roommates

  • Yes but only same gender

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes coed please

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like having my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but DM picks

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Nathan saw the kid in bedsheets step in and his lip curled angrily. "This is my fight douchebag!" "If I ain't satisfied afterwards, you're next!" He screams over his guitar solo.

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The purple lightening carves sparks into muscle mans body and the talisman hits him but rather than either doing damage he just swells up bigger
Hiroshi sighed he thought as much. Making a gesture the talisman returned to his hand mid flight, " I hope your fight is enjoyable my friend." Hiroshi tells the death metal guy before leaving the area. As he walked he saw Qi and that she seemed to be quite melancholy as he suspected she would be. He approached concerned about her, " How are you feeling Qi?"

Nathan flips his axe over, grabbing it by the neck and throws it into the council members

face, it reappears in Nathans hands. @Alphaius
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Council member Steele screams as his wound starts to regenerate

"Ahhhhh your gonna die bitch" he screams incoherently
When her name was called, she turned to look up at Mr Hiroshi. She scratched her head a little. "Hello Mr Hiroshi," she said, giving a forced smile. "I'm ok. How are you?" And honestly, she was fine. The twitching sensation from her arm had long disappeared. What was once Micky on the other hand couldn't even feel anything.
"Despite some pain from the burns I am doing well. If it is alright with you I want to go over what happened in professor Alt's room. I know it brought back some unpleasant memories for me and I wanted to make sure you were okay." Hiroshi said gesturing to the shady spot he had been meditating under.

the mysterious figure crouched low on the roof the rifle was very accurate and the range wasn't to far away either like shooting fish in a barrel he narrowed his eyes and held his breath


Five silenced sniper rounds fire into the two below these are high caliber anti personel rounds limb takers heavy shots and he aimed in the center of them they'd have to split for cover

@SleepyBuddha @Quark
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Jacey holds her head and shrinks a bit from the lady. Yep she was just like her grandma. She felt calm though as if getting her senses smacked. "Owe!" She yelps and rubs her head. " Yes ma'am." She murmurs before getting hit with a tissue box. She settles down on the chair holding the box with a frown. She then sees the door ajar. She peers in curious as to what was in there. She sees the culdron and such and goes pale. 'Dios mio. I've stumbled upon a cartel school. She's boiling a body. Don't tell me they serve human meat?' She thought and panics silently until she feels something warm and different. She turns hearing and seeing an orb in the nurse's hand explaining. All she could do was nod. Then she mentions the professor and grumbles not wanting to thank that prick.

Allured, Jacey walks toward the orb. 'So warm.' She thinks. "That orb is a soul? Micky's?" She asks dazed.

The nurse nods holding it out and putting in Jaceys hand

"He can hear you,he won't remember the words in his new body which should be done in a few more minutes"

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The offer of some input from an adult was probably something she might want. Nodding silently, Qi Yi was about to follow to listen what Mr Hiroshi had to say.

Until her shoulders suddenly tensed. Her ears barely heard the sound as her eyes shifted by a fraction. On raw instincts, she pushed against Mr Hiroshi's arm to separate the two of them. One of bullets collided onto the ground, but another pierced into her arm. There was a choked gasp of pain and her feet scrapped along the ground, before she whipped up her head to see the figure on the roof.

By an impulse to attack back for wounding her, she bent her legs and her body disappeared. It reappeared near a pillar on the first floor before she bounced up to another. From exploring in the past few days her body could almost map out a shortcut towards the rooftops and corners of the school. It seemed the exercise in class didn't tire her as she continued to flash even quicker up towards the roof.
The giant screams louder catching the throw he knew was coming with it

His wound healing a second time

But now he charges Nathan with his own axe guitar raised high above his head to smash him

Hiroshi didn't even understand what was going on when Qi pushed away from him. Then he heard the impact of the bullet both on her and the floor. He even got the please of feeling a bullet enter his leg as he fell down. Out of instinct from the pain his talisman were charged with Ki moved to protect him, creating a shield of some sort that blocked the next two shots. Hiroshi scrambled behind cover and took his talisman that had shielded him into his hand. Cursing in Japanese he tried finding the sniper. If he could see the sniper he could do something, but he didn't want to stick his head out to be shot.
Seeing the girl move the shadowy figure counts one...two...three

And explodes as soon as she gets close launching shrapnel and sharp wires

In all directions

Joe runs out of the building and see's the sniper. He get's out a silenced Beretta 92FS, but explodes, hurting someone in the process before he can pull the trigger. Joe sighed, walking back into the cafe, seeing as someone else was there to help her.
Jacey holds the orb and in her hands and saddens. She drops a few tears on it. "You're so warm just like your heart and kindness you've showed me." She chuckles sniffling and trying to stop the tears. "You scared the crap out of me. I thought I lost my first and only friend. Jerk, I can tell you what kind of pain you gave me. It hurt like hell." She laughs starting to feel at ease as if getting closure. "When you said we might die here I didn't think you'd be the first and I didn't expect it to happen right away. I'm glad I said yes to you." She sighs and hands the soul back to the nurse. "I'm glad he won't remember me telling him this. It's extremely exhausting and embarrassing. Thank you also. For letting me be here."

Matter over mind. There was no thoughts of suspicion why he wasn't continuing to fire at her even though she was quickly advancing towards him. As she took the last leap onto the roof, the air current suddenly changed, and her shadows swirled around her like a shield. The spikes came from all directions, and pierced through the barrier of dark mass. Just like during initiation, Qi Yi could never block attacks from most of the students.

An unearthly scream resonated through the air near the roof, and the mass of shadows reverted back to their rightful place on the flat surface of the roof. Qi Yi, who had spikes punctured into her abdomen, chest and right upper arm, lifted her head shakily.
"Eh I may be ancient now but I was young once as well"as she says this she fiddles with some dials on the machine which beeps loudly she takes the soul from

"Now he's gonna be exhausted so he needs to rest not wander around and be a stubborn ass like he seems to usually be."she smiles as she shoves the soul into Micky who jolts awake.

"You have my permission to use force if he doesn't comply"the nurse says

Hiroshi heard the scream and immediately forgot all about his safety as he rushed out to Qi Yi summoning all of his talisman at once the Ki infused papers began orbiting the two of them as Hiroshi knelt down with a smile not even noticing the tear in his eye as he shaking took Qi's hand, " It's going to be okay Qi. After this we're going to have a wonderful talk about the day." He reassured her though in truth he was morified at what he was seeing.
Jacey nods. "I intend to." She grins. 'Whatever it takes even if it costs me my dignity.' She sighs in thought then walks up to Micky once she's finished. She stood there silently not sure what to say. All she knew is to be by his side. She was hesitant at first but manages to touch his blonde hair and stroke it. It was soft like a furry animal. @Alphaius
Micky opens his eyes

"You..know...that...wall..tasted pretty clean"Micky says weakly but with his usual half smile

"I'm...really...sleepy"he whines And passes out

Snoring softly his face is relaxed and his smile is still perpetually stuck on his face


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