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Fantasy Yin Yang academy

Should the dorms allow roommates

  • Yes but only same gender

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes coed please

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like having my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but DM picks

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Hazel Connors sat in her room, silently making a checklist of all the things she needed. After going through her mental list, she nodded and stood up, heading towards her new classroom. Although she had been teaching for a few years, this was the first year that she had been moved to another room. She walked to the classroom she was assigned and unlocked the door with the key that every teacher got, walking in and closing it behind her. It was a pretty large room. It had to be. Defense Against Supernatural Attacks would require space. She would probably have to make use of the outside courtyard as well. She looked around and smiled. No desks. It's not like the students would need them. There were benches lining the walls though, probably there for the students to rest in between lessons. "Ah, another year, another class, another lesson plan." She spoke aloud as she waved her hand, causing the room to be decorated by posters and rules and what not.
He decided to leave the guy alone considering he wasn't going to very much responsive. So Zeltron wondered about the school forgetting about the explosion till he heard some yell "IS THERE ANYONE WHO DOESNT LIKE LIVING?!" Zeltron looked over the person that asked, very intrigued by the question. "Well I wouldn't mind being dead, if it we're possible for me," he responded casually with a smile on face. "So if you would like to try and kill me take your best shot" he said with a smug grin. This school may be more fun then I thought, Zeltron thought to himself.

Amadaeus turned to the kid who answered his question. "It was actually more of a rhetorical question...." He muttered before shaking his head. "But I've killed before so I can do it again." Wait, is there a rule against killing? Wait, no, he said I couldn't fight outside of the school. We are on school grounds....He smiled. "If you're looking for a fight." He laughed. "Here I am."

@Mister Veeeee
Micky wakes up and the first thing he notices is that he isn't in his bed

"Hmmm weird last thing I remember was"

*Flash to him as an orb in Jaceys hand her lips move but he can't hear it*

"Whatever" he gets up and stretches

Not leaving the bed just yet it was softer than his

Laying back down he says

"Might as well milk the clock a little"

He smiles and naps a little more...

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Zeltron just laughed "Well I was just offering you a free shot to see if you could kill me but if you would rather fight that will work to I guess, HA! this school is getting better by the second!" He couldn't stop laughing as he swung his fist t the ground. When his fist hit the ground, it formed a spider web crack in the ground in a 100ft radius and can caused strong seismic wave to go through the ground and violently shake the area. The he dashed towards his opponent swing his fist towards his torso.

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Name: "Mariko Barton"

Appearance: Invisible

Interaction: Amadeus/Primal, Zeltron (Both mentioned)

Tags: @NeoClassical @Mister Veeeee


Was the first thing that came into Mariko's head as she walked around the school grounds. She's paced around a couple hours now, talking to herself, trying to imitate the voices of the few that she walked by, but nothing really interesting. She did hear a loud boom somewhere not so far away, though hey, if she wasn't involved, let's keep it that way. As long as it doesn't effect her, that means she isn't involved in it. Though at the same time, she was incredibly bored, her hands in the pocket of her jacket as she strolled around. Pouting, nightfall was already approaching, but there still wasn't a cloud in the sky. Talk about boring weather, with birds tweeting and flowers blooming. Moving her sleeve over to cover her mouth, a timid yawn coming out of it. Mariko's voice was that of a young boy's, almost. It sounded rather androgynous, which was the perfect word for her in general. Pouting and throwing a piece of gum in her mouth, she continued her pace, before hearing something loud.


... the fuck? This is a school, I'm not sure that's the wisest thing to say straight out of the blue. Then again, this might as well have been a correctrional school, and Mariko sure as hell thought of it that way. They say "the strongest" are sent here, but really, it's just the worst of the worst being sent here so they can control their powers and not commit mass genocide. But she looked towards the noise, and saw a man with red tinged hair shouting out. How suicidal is this kid?! But someone appeared to answer to his call, and he responded. Staying back, the air around her would seem to
glitch out for a second along with Mariko, before Mariko's image would seem to shatter like glass.

Hooh boy, this is going to be fun. A school full of overpowered jocks who're just looking to murder someone any day. One hell of a school.

She wasn't very surprised when she felt something shake for a second, before a large crack would begin to form rapidly where it was hit. Spreading to her direction rapidly, she kicked the ground hard at the crack coming her way. With her foot firmly placed where the kick landed, the crack that came to her direction seemed to miraculously stop, as the supernatural strength that caused it to part had been equally countered by another force, causing it to stop. Raising her gaze, it was not in her intention at all to interrupt the fight between two insanely overpowered students, after all, she'd lose in a heartbeat if it were a head on match. And she needed to keep the facade of someone weak as long as she could.

I wonder who's dying first.
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Amadaeus giggled at the shockwave. "Tee hee. It tickles." He only laughed harder when the boy came to hit him as he did allow himself to be hit and knocked to the ground. "Wow. Quite an arm you got there." He grinned and stood up. "Too bad I'm going to have to tear it off of you." He focused on the bonds holding his right arm to his torso, disconnecting them.

@Mister Veeeee
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Zelton laughed as his arm came off, Cause right after it came off the 'Black Matter in the arm attached itself back to the main part of the body and the arm reattached itself in 7seconds like it was never taken off in the first place. "Your going to have to do a whole lot more than that if you want to stop me pal!" he gave his opponent a wicked grin. He laughed even more as he charged the guy, swing another punch though at full force this time. "Now lets see how ya handle this!" he yelled laughing. He had never had this much fun before because usually no one has yet to survive his first punch till now.

Amadaeus grinned wildly. "So much chaotic energy you have." He used it to his advantage. The energy is the air gave him the power to convert all of the kid's kinetic energy into potential, stopping him in his tracks. This guy can regenerate. Are you sure you can beat him? Of course I can. I had a crossover with Deadpool once. He giggled as the particles in the air slowed down. Almost to a complete stop. The temperature began to steadily drop to Absolute Zero.

@Mister Veeeee


Name: "Mariko Barton"

Appearance: Invisible

Interaction: Amadeus/Primal, Zeltron

Tags: @NeoClassical @Mister Veeeee

"... hm.."

Luckily, the both of them seemed so invested in killing each other that they didn't notice her presence. Mariko decided that with the current events, they're both just going to have it end at a stalemate. Taking a few more steps back, she decided to lean back against a tree, sitting down with a good view of the fight happening in front of her. Of course, she was still invisible. No way in hell being visible would be a good time now, it might as well just be throwing herself directly in the middle of the fight. Instead, though, the area that they were fighting in was rather large, but there were only 2 people, and taking investiation on her side, it helped her here.

Snapping her fingers together, the weather around Primal and Zeltron would appear... to... snow... ashes? A very dark, soot-like substance would begin to rain down on their battlefield. But even without the presence of wind, the soot-like substance appeared to increase in a blizzard-like fashion, making it harder for anyone to see. Almost like a black sandstorm, soon enough the area appeared to be in a reverse whiteout. Not exactly, a black out, so to say, but everywhere you looked was hazy with soot and black..

Hey, it would make battle interesting.
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Zeltron Suddenly felt the air go cold and started getting colder, the chill sent his mind into a overdrive as he knew he had to avoid cold. So he quickly launched himself backwards and started rapidly moving away from the area that was being affected. The ground cracked and shook with each leap. he barely escaped the perimeter of the chilled area. Damn that was close, how the hell did he drop the temperature like that. He was slightly panting as he kept moving away now noticing the black cloud that covered the area he was just in. He had never seen or experienced any of this before, and it excited him. So there beings that can take me on. This is awesome! though I know might have to worry about actually being killed. The thought made him chuckle. Well better retreat for now, till things calm down some. That guy will probably prove a useful ally in the future. I wonder what other things lurk around this school. He then took off around the corner to get out of sight before the other guy could come out of the ash cloud and spot him.

@NeoClassical @Entarriance
Amadaeus growled when the black haze began to obscure his vision. He tried to remove the soot particles but....there were none. How is that possible. Cmon Primal, you're supposed to be smart. If you can't feel a particle then....it's not real. Of course. He rubbed his eyes and the illusion began to fade, revealing that the man had ran. "Smart." He tried to mark the man's path but something blocked him. Another person. He turned and looked directly ahead, seeing nothing but noticing a slight variation in one spot. "So you're the one who caused the haze." He said aloud.

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Name: "Mariko Barton"

Appearance: Normal

Interaction: Amadeus/Primal

Tags: @NeoClassical

"Ding ding!"

Chiming out in a bell-like voice, Mariko stood up from under the tree. The haze would seem to start to swirl harder, though the black of it would begin to turn into multiple colours. In fact, it seemed to be turning into colourful ribbons of confetti, raining from the sky as it lands on the ground, seeming to dissolve into sparkles melodramatically. Outstretching her hands, through that colourful haze, it appeared that she became visible again, clapping her hands together with a well entertained expression on her face. It was rather unfortunate that the other man appeared to have fled amidst the blur, though what can you do about it?

Mariko, didn't appear like an awfully intimidating figure. Short (5'1), a bit more on the skinny side than anything with muscle, and with a voice that sounded like a happy little flute. The only menacing thing might be her smile, which appeared to stretch across her face in a Cheshire-Cat like appearance, though her eyes were shut as she grinned, making it impossible to tell if she was smiling with her eyes or not. Her toothy grin would drop to a typical smile as she hopped down from where she was staying, waving her hand back and forth in a wave.

"Bravo, Sir Edgy, you found me! Ish, there's no prize though. That'd be waaaayyy too easy~"

Unlike her previous demeanor and thoughts from earlier, her words and personality seemed to counter it completely, speaking eccentrically with a bit of a bounce in every word.

"You aren't gonna hunt down Overpowered Oliver, or.... I mean, it'd be ten times funner if the game's a chase, right? You're the cat, he's the mouse... all that schmazzle. "

Amadaeus couldn't help but laugh at this peculiar person. "Me? A cat?" He laughed harder. "No. No. I'm more of a...." He put his hand on his chin in a thinking manner. "....a liger." He giggled before making a pouty face. "You ruined my fight though...." He shrugged. "I was just about to turn him into a little Popsicle. Dark matter flavor. But ah well. It is what it is I guess." He took a step closer to the person and took a big sniff. "Wow....you're a girl? I thought you were a guy." He raised his eyebrows. "Interesting." He got real close to this girl. "And what is your name, child?" He asked.

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Hiroshi was woken by the rhythmic sound of two people going 'ONE TWO ONE TWO' quickly making sure he was clothed Hiroshi opened the door to find two very large, very buff male nurses running down the hall and into the room. Hiroshi thanked the male nurses and assured them he would take over watching over Qi. Once the nurses left Hiroshi silently sat next to Qi and meditated, waiting on her to wake. Several Kami manifested randomly within the room. Curious about the girl. They floated around her and Hiroshi.



Name: "Mariko Barton"

Appearance: Normal > Invisible > Cat

Interaction: Amadeus/Primal

Tags: @NeoClassical

"Woah woah woah, back off Mr.Gary Stu."

As he was getting a bit too close for average comfort, Mariko spat out the gum she was chewing into his hair, ah, the joys of destroying someone's hair first time you meet them. Always a refreshing thing. Skipping back a few steps to gain distance, she raised her arms in front of her as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Mmhm, my name? Who's to say. And don't call me child. Let's see here..."

Scanning the man up and down, from the way he was standing and general physical features, Mariko placed her chin in between her index finger and her thumb, as if in a melodramatic analysis.

"Well, from your waist-to-hip ratio, broadness of your shoulders along with your height and your general facial structure, you're definitely around your teenage years? Whatsabout... 18? 17? Somewhere around that age, rigghtt!"

Having to have worked with disguises for so long, Mariko had a very good sense when it came to guessing people's ages, personality, and occasionally even voices through solely physical traits that she could see. From what she could tell, this guy appeared to be the same age that she was, or very close to her own age, unfortunately. But where's the fun in just saying that right out of the blue, why not exaggerate just a little bit?

"And if you diiidddn'ttt figure out yet, your fight was pretty much heading to a Catch 22. But hey, I'm not the one who rolls the dice, you could'ave chased after the guy if you really wanted to continue. But hey, look what you drew up your cards as!"

Waving up her hand as if shrugging off his question, she appeared to vanish completely for a second, a sound of what might have been broken glass ringing out. While it seemed like she had teleported, on the ground appeared to be a black cat, a green collar around it's neck and bright yellow eyes. Looking up to Primal, it appeared to climb up on his shoulder, though it's claws didn't seem to dig into skin, and neither did the cat weigh anything. Though as it opened it's mouth as if to meow, words came out.

"Sooo, what are you gonna do now Gary? And maybe a name to call you would do better than just Gary."
Amadaeus waved his hand, causing the particles of the gum to break apart until there was nothing left. "It is true that my host body is just a child, but I am older than the universe itself. For, I am Chaos." He giggled whenever the girl became a cat and climbed on his shoulder. "Another illusion? Please, see through one and you can see through them all." He yawned loudly. "Well my host's name is Amadaeus. Mine is Primal." He shrugged his shoulders. "Honestly, I couldn't care less what you call me."

Mama...I want to see you...

Mama...I don't ...want to die...

Qi Yi's fingers in her left hand twitched a little, showing signs that she was regaining consciousness in her new body for the first time. After a while, her eyes opened with a rather blank expression. They blinked in surprise at the sight of something strange floating above her, though she had no energy to sit up or move away. Her grey pupils moved around, trying to find her bearings, and at the same time trying to recall what had happened. It felt as if she had woken from a very long dream.
The Kami began whispering in Japanese as Qi Yi awoke. Hiroshi heard this and moved into Qi Yi's line of sight. He didn't want to move her head in case it would injure her. " Welcome back Qi Yi. I hope you have recovered well." Hiroshi said with a soft smile as he looked her over. The Kami began whispering to Qi Yi about how sad Hiroshi had been at the event of her death. Hiroshi blushed a bit and asked the Kami not to bring that up also in Japanese. " Can you move?" Hiroshi asked waiting to see movement.
Someone spoke to her. Qi Yi. He knew her name. There was a short silence while she was looking at his face before recognition came to her face. "Mr Hiroshi...." Her head turned a little as the strange presence of the Kami moved near her, and was evidently confused by the Japanese that the Kami was telling her. "I can try..." she said, oddly calm as she remembered that she had been wounded rather badly. She had thought she was going to die. Squeezing her eyes shut, she slowly sat up. "Did you bring me to the nurse? Thank you, Mr Hiroshi."


Name: "Mariko Barton"

Appearance: Cat

Interaction: Amadeus/Primal(GarRRRRYYY)

Tags: @NeoClassical

"Correction, Gary. See through one, you're only aware of them all. That doesn't mean you see through them~"

At least, that's what the cat said. It's paw would lick it's paws and rub it's own head, eyes shut as it's ears folded, as if grooming itself. For an illusion, it was awfully impressive. Despite the fact that it couldn't effect anything around it due to it not being real, it was an exceedingly realistic(at least whatever is considered realistic) cat. At the word of "host", the cat seemed to flinch. Pushing itself off of Primal's shoulder, it walked just a little bit ahead of Primal.

"Host, huh? Is this like a whole Divided Mind concept? You know, one voice one control, sometime the other is in control and your the voice? Doesn't that sound awfully nifty and dandy, you're never gonna feel lonely! Though that does make every other relationship insanely difficult, but hey you'll find something, righto?"

Despite her words, she spoke happily, as if having a grand time even with the conversation being slightly more on her part than his.

"I wanna see this Amad kid or somethin'. Is he a nerd? Is he a playboy? Is he consumed by corruption due to the embodiment of Chaos which extends as far as the universe's age itself is taking him as an either parasitic or commensalistic relationship to benefit you? I wonder I wonder~!"
Amadaeus giggled again. "Well, Amadaeus is a loser who hates to have fun. He follows school rules and everything. He used to be interesting, but he said he left that life behind." I did. Yeah? Remember when you killed that kid with his hamster. Oh, his face turned so blue and bloated. Stop. He shook his head. "Now anyway, I don't like cats." He turned on his heels and began to walk away.

Hiroshi smiled and the Kami also smiled. They were happy that Hiroshi was better. " You are very welcome. You had me very worried you know.... Scared me to death." Hiroshi said sitting next to Qi Yi. " I hear that classes are going to be starting soon. Do you think you will attend or will you rest?" Hiroshi asked as he set to work crafting some talisman.
Hazel glanced over at the clock on the wall. "It's pretty close to class time." She smiled. The loudspeaker was supposed to announce it but it seemed that it was malfunctioning. She shrugged and cupped her hands around her mouth. When she spoke, it could be heard around the entire school. "Class begins in ten minutes. Please do not be late. I repeat, all able bodies, please report to room 247 for Defense Against Magical Attacks. Thank you, Lovelies." She pulled her hands away and giggled. "Now we wait."

@Entarriance @SleepyBuddha @Quark @Mister Veeeee @Anyone else I missed.


Name: "Mariko Barton"

Appearance: Normal

Interaction: Amadeus/Primal(GarRRRRYYY)

Tags: @NeoClassical

"Aren't you boring, not even gonna let the kiddo out? Hahaha~"

Walking ahead of her, the moment that he passed, the cat would seem to contort and break down. Mariko would yawn tiredly, half-jogging to follow after Primal's fast pace. She didn't like the guy, he was awfully narcissstic of his own skills. Something in him reminded her of herself, and that was already a big no to her. Quite the buzzkill too, only into violence and fighting and the likes of it. Yep, she solidly didn't like the guy, not one bit. Then again, there wasn't anyone she could genuinely find herself liking in this crap of a place anyway.

"I like ya' Gary, you're a pretty laid-back lackadaisical guy, you know? Ooh, look at that, we got class! Time for Mr.Chaos to go and blow up a bunch of children instead of actually defending himself because he's oh so mighty heave-ho!"

Rushing forward, she picked Primal straight off the ground from where he stood, holding him parallel to the ground. The odder part about that situation is that from her body size, in no way should it have been possible for her to carry someone of his height. While she liked to keep her strength low-key, she used it mainly when her life was in danger, or maybe to have a bit of fun. After all, it's not like you can come to somene's fighting ability just because they used their power. That in itself was a whole other act.

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