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Realistic or Modern YD&B OOC

I probably should have asked this earlier, but better late then never. Since my character is having a baby, would the baby count as a second character?
Entropy Entropy
Entropy Entropy I’m done with Emilia. I have one question, is it okay to apply for a bunch of roles or can I just go for the one I have now?

1. Emilia is very scarred by the event in her childhood where her father sold her to an older man, and physical contact is a huge issue for her. So I would love to see how she would react to feelings of attraction towards another person, especially if she liked them back. The relationship would be strained from the beginning because intimacy of the innocent kind is very hard for her. I think this would be a seriously interesting plot for her to develop in.

2. I’d love for her to apply and be offered a real job by someone. Something that could give her future potential. However something goes wrong. Her boss is a creep, maybe, or people start targeting her out of jealousy, or it distances her from her family. I’d also like to see the effects of her addiction to alcohol will have on her coping with the stress of a real job and test how she can persevere through all this.
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~Hey guys! If you have a finished character, Doubt and I have gone over it and made a decision. The character roles have been updated to tag everyone who got in. If you have a finished character and you weren't tagged/you don't see your name on the updated list, unfortunately we decided against accepting your character. If you'd like a reason as to why, message either of us for constructive criticism.

~If your character isn't finished yet, we haven't judged it and you've got plenty of time to complete it. If someone was accepted for the role you were applying for but you didn't get your character finished, feel free to change the information around and apply for a different character.

Heim Heim yes, you're free to apply for another role. I actually encourage it, Emilia is extraordinary.
Entropy Entropy

I’m done with Bianka

1. I was hoping that Bianka and Cricket could help each other out with their goals. We’ve got one social and pleasant sister with self esteem issues, and another sister who is socially awkward and has an unpleasant personality who is self confident with her looks

2. I’d quite like to see her go though some big upheaval where she is no longer able to remain calm and collected. I wanna see a bit of a decline in her mental state and how she and those around her cope with the mood swings, anger and uncharacteristic emotional outbursts.
Doubt Doubt and I have decided that following the acceptance of Bianka, female roles are now closed for submissions. We will still be accepting male characters through Thursday, March 16th. If you're applying for a male role and there's no way you can pump out your character before then, let us now and I'm sure something can be arranged.
what if I was applying for a sullivan but that role became closed so I switched to a rosario girl open role? Can I still submit for that character even tho she is female?
Aio Aio animegirl20 animegirl20 sorry dolls, but we're only looking for male roles right now.

r e i r e i the only way we could really consider accepting her is if you also double as a male, but even then I'm not sure we want to wait long enough for the characters to be finished, given that yesterday was the deadline. So if you're interested in doubling and they're accepted, you might have to jump in after the story has already began. (That's some beautiful bbcode, yo. Props!)

btw to whom it may concern (mostly Heim Heim and any other future players lol), @tiedyed unicorn has decided to also co-gm and help control the parents, so if your characters are wonderfully suffering, it's 1/3 her fault, too.

More news: due to ratio problems, I've dropped the Rosario daughter and picked up Julian, who isn't part of any families. If Cricket was involved in your cs, don't feel the need to change it, she still exists within the roleplay she'll just be an npc.

I think that about covers it. Things should be kicking off pretty soon, now that we're finding ways to deal with the gender ratio.
Aio Aio animegirl20 animegirl20 sorry dolls, but we're only looking for male roles right now.

r e i r e i the only way we could really consider accepting her is if you also double as a male, but even then I'm not sure we want to wait long enough for the characters to be finished, given that yesterday was the deadline. So if you're interested in doubling and they're accepted, you might have to jump in after the story has already began. (That's some beautiful bbcode, yo. Props!)

btw to whom it may concern (mostly Heim Heim and any other future players lol), @tiedyed unicorn has decided to also co-gm and help control the parents, so if your characters are wonderfully suffering, it's 1/3 her fault, too.

More news: due to ratio problems, I've dropped the Rosario daughter and picked up Julian, who isn't part of any families. If Cricket was involved in your cs, don't feel the need to change it, she still exists within the roleplay she'll just be an npc.

I think that about covers it. Things should be kicking off pretty soon, now that we're finding ways to deal with the gender ratio.

I could double as a male. I don't mind doing both and I also don't mind jumping in after the rp has after started.

( thanks! )
Alright, I should have a starter put together tonight or tomorrow, so I figured we could start planning our characters relationships with each other. We'll have to remember that the Brancati's and Mr. Vargas have only lived on Roosevelt for a year-ish, and Zola has been around for 3-ish years but everyone else grew up there.

Heim Heim since Em and Julian are both on the alcoholic spectrum, I think they could get along really well? Julian would have moved to town around the same time that Xavier was arrested, so maybe that sent her into a spiral, and they met at a liquor store or something when she was especially vulnerable? Julian's a people person, so he probably would have picked up that something was wrong with her, and would have tried to brighten her situation a bit. I feel like they could end up best friends, maybe more down the line.

As far as Em and Xavier go, we know they're ride or die. Em and their little brother are his whole world, so they're the closest bonds he has right now. While his mindset towards Em is definitely a protective one, he also feels like she can hold her own now and doesn't need constant watching, which has most likely mellowed their relationship out a lot. Xavier has probably spent his entire time in jail worrying about her, so I'm sure their reunion will be a heartfelt one. More than anything else in this roleplay, I'm excited to expand on the Sullivan relationships. I'm definitely a fan girl of this particular family.

For Julian and Bianka, I definitely think as soon as he moved in down the street and saw her for the first time, he would have been intrigued. Maybe he noticed a bunch of kids running around her yard, and decided to start packing up all of the untouched leftovers from TJ's and bring them over after his shifts to feed the kids for free instead of her having to scrape together grocery money. At first, he would have been doing this mostly to try to get into her pants, but after he hit on her several times and she finally got the nerve to tell him she swings for the other team, he resolved to being her friend, and still stops by after every shift to visit and feed the kiddos?

And then Xavier and Bianka: while I don't know if they would be particularly close, this is Roosevelt avenue and he loves his hood so they're definitely friends in some way. They're the same age so perhaps they were close in elementary school? Maybe they were always each other's Valentine and they lived close so they met up to play together occasionally? Eventually Xavier would have found criminal activity and the drug business and Bianka was too busy watching after her siblings so they could have drifted apart during middle school, and now they mostly just see each other at parties and outside but don't particularly go out of their way to hang out alone or anything?

@tiedyed unicorn I know we discussed an angsty 'arranged marriage' sort of dynamic for Zay and Zola, I'm just wondering how far you'd like to take it? Have they given in to Q's fantasies and started going out, or are they friends with benefits? Or maybe they're just really close friends and they tried to make it work once but it didn't work out and now Q's all bitter about it and refuses to let either of them date anyone else? Either one of these could be pretty dramatic, and as much as I ship Zaygo, half of me thinks they would be adorable, too. She's the exact kind of personality Xavier usually finds attractive in a woman, so I'm sure he'll always be even a little bit interested in her regardless of what we decide.

And then with Zola and Julian, they will have only known each other for a year, and Julian tries pretty hard to stay away from the drug scene, so he would probably be hesitant to befriend one of Q's kids out of fear of the man and his recovering addiction, but they move with the same crowd, and there's really no way they haven't crossed paths here and there, so I'm sure he's been rather friendly towards her and anytime the whole gang hangs out they're both involved. I don't really have any brilliant ideas for the two of them, so perhaps we could build on this in the story and develop a closer relationship later if you don't have any schemes either.

I think we've got Xavier and Nathan mostly figured out: they're bro's for the most part until it comes to messing with Virgo. But I'm pretty excited to see how Julian and Nathan interact. Julian's very out of the closet and very flirty regardless of anyone else's sexual orientation, and that could either make Nate uncomfortable while he's still trying to find himself, or even intrigue him a little? I don't want to smush two out of the only three males in the roleplay together immediately, but I do think they could be really cute for a while, maybe on and off? Oooh maybe they agree to pretend to date for a while, to bother Nate's mom and take some of the heat off of Virgo's forbidden love story, and Julian develops actual feelings through their fake-ationship?
That really only leaves Julian and Virgo for me Doubt Doubt and I'm sure they don't really know each other at this point, given that Penny probably keeps her cooped up in the house. When Zay starts bringing her around to the crew get together's and such they'll meet and probably be friendly for the most part. Jules will definitely ship Zaygo when he sees how happy they are, and that's probably how he decides to help cover for her by pretending to date Nathan, if we end up going with that storyline.

Entropy Entropy

I am done with both Gabby and Mal

1. I was hoping that we could dive into the fact that Gabby has been hiding that she wasn't mentally ok. Maybe make that be a drama point for their family. Also, the fact that Gabby sells drugs to makes end neat and her sisters have no idea. I mean I'm up for love for her, but she leans more towards women like her sister so...whatever we can do with that but I would if I'm accepted be more focusing on her siblings' relationship and her mental problems

2. Now for Malik, I'm literally up for whatever with him. I mean his anger issues are a plot thing and so is the fact he kinda ended a man so I'm up for whatever you want. He's like my little free soul character, he can be cool with anything.

1. I'm Prince and you all can call me that but I also go by Lia. You can call me whatever, but cutie [ only Doubt Doubt can call me that ]

2. I don't talk much in OOC, I'm really quiet so...if you want to talk to me either get Doubt to make me talk which she usually does. Or tag me, I'll try to respond.

3. Oh and i like Chunky Monkey Ice Cream

I saw everyone was doing this so...
Aio Aio animegirl20 animegirl20 sorry dolls, but we're only looking for male roles right now.

r e i r e i the only way we could really consider accepting her is if you also double as a male, but even then I'm not sure we want to wait long enough for the characters to be finished, given that yesterday was the deadline. So if you're interested in doubling and they're accepted, you might have to jump in after the story has already began. (That's some beautiful bbcode, yo. Props!)

btw to whom it may concern (mostly Heim Heim and any other future players lol), @tiedyed unicorn has decided to also co-gm and help control the parents, so if your characters are wonderfully suffering, it's 1/3 her fault, too.

More news: due to ratio problems, I've dropped the Rosario daughter and picked up Julian, who isn't part of any families. If Cricket was involved in your cs, don't feel the need to change it, she still exists within the roleplay she'll just be an npc.

I think that about covers it. Things should be kicking off pretty soon, now that we're finding ways to deal with the gender ratio.
well i don't play males so if you get enough males and still need someone to play the roommate let me know.

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