• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern YD&B OOC


Junior Member

Important! Please Read:

South Side Rules
Not rules, just important things to know:
1. The parental profiles include pictures to encourage diversity. Please make sure your characters faceclaim portrays the correct race. If you're not comfortable with portraying any of the available races, (why?) there are two 'other roles' open to your creative freedom. These roles must live together as lovers or roommates, it's up to you, and can not be in any of the families. When creating a family role, be sure to read through the appropriate parents profile for an idea of how their childhood would have gone.

2. There are eleven open roles, but that is more of a cap on number of characters than a necessity. All roles do not need to be filled, therefore being the only player to submit a character for a certain role does not guarantee you the spot. We still need to see work put into the character. By submitting a character, you are giving us the right to fairly judge your work. When your character is finished tag Doubt Doubt and myself in ooc and we will discuss acceptance. If your character is not accepted and you need an explanation, PM either of us and we will be happy to provide a polite critique to better your skills. Please do not complain about not being accepted in the ooc, it's rude and you signed up knowing that it was a possibility.

3. I usually hate doing hidden passwords, but this is some crucial information that we need to make sure you've read. After your character is finished, introduce yourself in the ooc thread. In a spoiler under your introduction, discreetly list some storyline ideas you'd like to see for your character. Examples would be nice. I'll post one of my own to give you a better idea of what we're looking for. Doubt Doubt and I will go through the ideas of accepted characters, and implement selected suggestions, as well as recruit other characters to take part in them for you. You're free to also do this among yourselves of course with other stories. The ideas in the spoiler are simply for bigger plots that would require many characters to participate in.

4. If gender ratio's get out of hand, be willing to double. No one will be forced to do so, but you'll be a hero to us all. Maximum amount of characters per player is two unless we need to correct the gender ratio. Acceptance of one character does not mean acceptance of both.



In Character
Character Submissions
Soon to Come: NPC Info
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Hey Guys! So I go by Ci in real life, but feel free to just call me entropy. There was a ton of interest for this roleplay so I'm excited to see what you guys come up with for characters! I guess I'll throw out three random facts about myself for introductions sake?

1. I have two cats named Friend and Crash. Friend was a dying stray that I rescued, she's 5-ish years old, and I got Crash from a friend whose dogs tried to rip her head off. She's about 9 months old. I care about them more than most family members.
2. My mbti is ISTP and every part of it fits me to a terrifyingly perfect T. (If you're unfamiliar with mbti I recommend taking the quiz here to learn a ton of things about yourself.
3. My body is probably 75% sweet tea.

1. I'd really like to see how Cricket would handle herself during extreme embarrassment and pain. Preferably, Cricket's friend thinks she would be perfect for *insert male characters name here* and her friend tries her best to set them up. The two go out on a bunch of dates and he's very nice. She has a wonderful time and starts to get her hopes up that they are in a relationship, but when she finally gathers the nerve to ask, he reveals that he's in love with her friend, and just wanted to make her happy by making Cricket happy. Maybe this hurts Cricket so much that she breaks off her friendship, or maybe because he was so nice about it, she talks him up to her friend and tries to hook them up instead.

2. I'm also considering a darker plot for her. I'm not quite sure if I want to take a self-harm route or an eating disorder route, but either one could fit the character. Perhaps she finally has a love interest by this point, and said love interest rallies the neighbors and collects money to get Cricket help, but it makes her feel betrayed by him and she blows the money on an expensive television to get back at him, angering everyone that pitched in to raise the money, but she still desperately needs their help to get better.
I have a character sheet ready to go, I looked into the family and built the sheet accordingly.
I did not use the BB Code offered I hope its alright.

To follow the trend some facts about me

1) I hail from Ireland, so any questions about Game of thrones im happy to answer :P, its all legit it totally happened :D

2) A random fact is that im sure my blood is mostly milk :P, nothing beats milk with some oreos :3

Anyone want to know anything else do ask :)
NightQueen NightQueen great! Check the quick Links up above and you can go ahead and post your character in the Character Submissions Thread. (I adore Game of Thrones! That made me giggle.)
Hello guys! my name is kennedy or Doubt if you prefer. I can't wait to see what you guys come up with! If you need help with coding please let me know, I'm always here to help!
Well, character is posted. I'm glad there was so much interest for this, it gained a lot of momentum. I look forward to RPing with everyone here. Oh, I'm Light by the way. Anywho, here are some 'Random Facts about me'

1. I'm just a kid from the West Coast, not gonna say where.
2. I can play any gender when it comes to RPing, have no preference really
3. My favorite music genre is Kpop
4. I love Videogames

If you have any questions, I'll try my best to answer! But that doesn't mean I'll answer every question, there are some that I just straight up won't answer, but I promise I will be polite about it.

1. Now I did try to make my character close to a goodie two-shoes, but then I remembered that its not supposed to be easy give the circumstances, so that explains the Marijuana Sales. Not to mention she decided to have unprotected sex (WORST AND MOST IRRESPONSIBLE DECISION EVER). But I do want to see her make up for that like she has been trying since learning about crappy Dad. Despite having made irresponsible decisions and in turn contradicting herself on several instances, she will have to learn what it truly means to be a Responsible Adult, because if she can't be responsible for her siblings and herself, how will she be responsible for her baby? And yes I do want her to be set on that 'Good Big Sister' Path...

2nd. She's pregnant, so she may not be as nice as she normally is because of hormones and mood swings, so I hope her younger siblings will be patient with her. She's carrying an extra 30 pounds and she has a watermelon for a belly, cut her some slack! Oh and since she wants to take that responsibility path as well, everyday will be a fight to live an honest life. So that means at some point she's gonna have to get her family out of South Side ((Eventually)) Oh and stop selling weed.

Doubt Doubt Entropy Entropy
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I'll hopefully post my character soon! Guess I'll try and think up some facts about me for y'all...

1. I'm a li'l British girl
2. I'm ridiculously stubborn.
3. Ummmm... ooh I love Cadbury's Mini Eggs!

^.^ I like to think I'm friendly... feel free to ask me any questions, looking forward to (hopefully) rping with y'all!
I'll try to have my character up sometime tomorrow. Here's some facts about me... I'm not very good at these types of things but...

1. I love food... like a lot...

2. I've been rping since I was twelve

3. My real name is Nicole but you can call me whatever you like as long as it isn't mean

4. I love to travel.

If you have any questions feel free to ask! I don't bite.
Heim Heim hey darling, just letting you know that we aren't taking reservations for the roleplay, it's on a quality based system. (If you get a chance, maybe read the information in the first post of this thread, it should make things clearer. We look forward to seeing your character though.

BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27 would you mind placing all of your pictures in spoilers with the exception of the two at the bottom? They're pretty large and distracting. Also, if you're finished with your character, be sure to read the information in the first post of this thread.

bwi bwi I'm super sorry I didn't get online sooner to let you know, I hope you didn't get too much written up, but Doubt Doubt has reserved the Brancati daughter.

NightQueen NightQueen damn that's a beautiful faceclaim. Props. If he's finished up, make sure you read the information in the first post of this thread.

And for whom it may concern, I previously had the nineteen year old female from the Washington family reserved, but I've changed my mind, and I'm reserving the 19 year old male from the Sullivan's. So The Washington daughter is now open.

Heim Heim hey darling, just letting you know that we aren't taking reservations for the roleplay, it's on a quality based system. (If you get a chance, maybe read the information in the first post of this thread, it should make things clearer. We look forward to seeing your character though.

BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27 would you mind placing all of your pictures in spoilers with the exception of the two at the bottom? They're pretty large and distracting. Also, if you're finished with your character, be sure to read the information in the first post of this thread.

bwi bwi I'm super sorry I didn't get online sooner to let you know, I hope you didn't get too much written up, but Doubt Doubt has reserved the Brancati daughter.

NightQueen NightQueen damn that's a beautiful faceclaim. Props. If he's finished up, make sure you read the information in the first post of this thread.

And for whom it may concern, I previously had the nineteen year old female from the Washington family reserved, but I've changed my mind, and I'm reserving the 19 year old male from the Sullivan's. So The Washington daughter is now open.

Okay. I have made requested adjustments to both my character and intro posts. If there is anything else you need, please do not hesitate to let me know! Also, I look forward to hearing your review!
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@Christian Novelli
Hey dolls! Glad you've joined us! I'm going to delete your reply to the main thread, because that's where in-character happens, but it's totally my fault because I didn't state that there lmao. There are quick links in the first post here for character submissions and all that jazz, I hope some of the roles tickle your fancy!
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Darth Gangsta Darth Gangsta we're not really doing first come first serve, the characters are going to be chosen based on quality but you have plenty of time to get your character together so don't fret.

All of the characters and facecaims are far exceeding my expectations right now, man.
Also, for everyone here because of Shameless, I found this thing. It's such a good thing.
Heim Heim hey darling, just letting you know that we aren't taking reservations for the roleplay, it's on a quality based system. (If you get a chance, maybe read the information in the first post of this thread, it should make things clearer. We look forward to seeing your character though.

BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27 would you mind placing all of your pictures in spoilers with the exception of the two at the bottom? They're pretty large and distracting. Also, if you're finished with your character, be sure to read the information in the first post of this thread.

bwi bwi I'm super sorry I didn't get online sooner to let you know, I hope you didn't get too much written up, but Doubt Doubt has reserved the Brancati daughter.

NightQueen NightQueen damn that's a beautiful faceclaim. Props. If he's finished up, make sure you read the information in the first post of this thread.

And for whom it may concern, I previously had the nineteen year old female from the Washington family reserved, but I've changed my mind, and I'm reserving the 19 year old male from the Sullivan's. So The Washington daughter is now open.

No worries. Just give me a little more time to finish the cs.
Doubt Doubt Entropy Entropy

1. I'm from Oakland, California
2. I really love Pitbulls
3. My favorite food has to be pasta

If someone else decides to make a character who's a gang member, I would like to see some tension between our characters. Perhaps a physical fight or even a shoot out.
Doubt Doubt and I have gone over the completed (and nearly completed) characters so if you've finished a character you should hear something soon-ish. That doesn't mean anyone needs to rush, we don't mind waiting for completed character sheets.

Skylark Skylark I'm just wondering what role you're applying for? If it's a family member, we need to know which one (check the information in the first post of the character submissions thread for available roles.) If it's not a family member, and it's supposed to be one of the people living on their own, she definitely wouldn't be seventeen.
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Doubt Doubt and I have gone over the completed (and nearly completed) characters so if you've finished a character you should hear something soon-ish. That doesn't mean anyone needs to rush, we don't mind waiting for completed character sheets.

Skylark Skylark I'm just wondering what role you're applying for? If it's a family member, we need to know which one (check the information in the first thread of the character submissions thread for available roles. If it's not a family member, and it's supposed to be one of the people living on their own, she definitely wouldn't be seventeen.
that would make more sense. I think i just got confused while writing it sorry... I will make her 17 :) is there anything else i need to add?
that would make more sense. I think i just got confused while writing it sorry... I will make her 17 :) is there anything else i need to add?
what Entropy is saying is that she wouldn't be seventeen and living by herself because she's underage.
Hey sorry I'm not sure if I created the person right... Sorry about that. Do they need to be a part of the family. I also saw something about 2 other characters. Sorry once again Entropy Entropy
Hey sorry I'm not sure if I created the person right... Sorry about that. Do they need to be a part of the family. I also saw something about 2 other characters. Sorry once again Entropy Entropy

She doesn't have to be part of a family, but if she's not, she has to be old enough to live on her own (18+ years old.) Otherwise, you need to pick one of the available roles in the families. You can find the roles in the same thread you posted her in, at the top. Look through the parents and decide where she fits, though you'll probably need to change your faceclaim because her ethnicity doesn't match any of the parents.
She doesn't have to be part of a family, but if she's not, she has to be old enough to live on her own (18+ years old.) Otherwise, you need to pick one of the available roles in the families. You can find the roles in the same thread you posted her in, at the top. Look through the parents and decide where she fits, though you'll probably need to change your faceclaim because her ethnicity doesn't match any of the parents.
Is it ok if I don't choose a family or would you rather me choose one. Sorry for all these questions...

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