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Fantasy Worlds of Adventure


One Thousand Club
Adventure awaits you....

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Adventurers begin here, Alto, City of Modern Technology. A vast Tokyo-like place filled with wondrous secrets.

"Mark! Wait up!" yelled Rise as she tried to catch up with her brother, Mark. "You could get lost here, y'know!" Rise lectured to Mark "C'mon Rise! We can't find our father's amulet in this pace!" said Mark Mark and Rise were looking for they're dad's amulet, this amulet was to supposed key to immortality.
Nicoli was running away from her home as she felt the anxiety building onto her quicker than it should be. She does't feel that confident as she clutches her hands into a fist and continued running as tears swelled up, blocking some of her vision. I...I'm sorry.... She repeated in her head as she abandoned her parents just because of the bullies in her past. She only has a few bread beside her and enough money that would keep her alive for a week. She stopped at the end of the block and looked behind her, side to side and then slouched forward, catching her breath. She didn't know where she was now. And now she's planning on creating a new future for herself that's brighter and m ore happier than before.
Rex was walking while looking up into the sky. "I need to get some cash soon or ill be staying on the streets soon" Rex said to himself with a sigh. "Maybe I should sell a coin or two..." Rex said grabbing a good coin from his pouch. The coin had a tear drop on one side and a crstal on the other. "It like they change every time I take one out" Rex said not paying attachen were he was walking.
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Nicoli found herself being bumped into someone else. She couldn't tell if she was in the way or if wasn't watching, either way she apologized. "O-Oh! I'm sorry... W-Was I in your way?" She frowned and lifted her glasses up a bit as she noticed the beautiful coin in his hand. She didn't want to stare but she did take a good glance at it. "Are.. are you okay?"

"Huh?" Rex said when somone bumped into him. He looked at who it was and noticed it was just a girl. "I'm ok. Are you kid?" Rex asked closing his hand to hide the coin from view. Before he did close his hand words appeared on coin saying something in a strange and demonic looking language. "I should of paid more attention to were I was walking" Rex added.

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Kid...? Sure looked down to her feet and then back up to the man. She didn't really think she looked this young. The man did look about early 20's... Maybe that's why he called me kid. "Sir... I'm only... 16...?" She looked over at the golden coin that's language was obviously not from this world. So.. he's not human? She looked back up at the brunette male, trying her best to examine him. She shook her head. "It's fine... at least we understand we're both sorry." She smiled delicately

"Well your still in school, I'm geussing, so you are still kid in my book. But good to hear your ok" Rex said smileing before opening his hand and looked at the coin. "I wish I knew what these ment..." Rex said under his breath before putting the coin back in the pouch. "By a wild chance do you know anyone in town that sell things they think are of a... Supernatural origin" Rex asked hoping to save the trouble of looking for the crazy shops himself.

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Nicole frowned and shook her head no. Sadly she couldn't help the man and sighed. "I'd love to help you but I am lost in this town myself," she chuckled weakly and scratched back of her head. She pulled her glasses back up one again and looked around. "Now that I think about it... I don't know which way I came from.." She froze for a bit to remember but couldn't at all. She looked back up at the male and apologized. "Sorry I couldn't help you... If I could I would sir."

"..." A little gate opened on top of a building. It looks like a Crack. Out of the Crack comes a hand. The Crack opens wider. Finally, a leg stepped out of the Crack. "..." As the person finally completely stepped out of the Crack, he sighed. A big Sword is on his back. "...where am I...?" Shinja asked himself. "That's not Ishgar..." he said and sighed. "I think I should get down first..." Shinja said as he opens a gate down on the street. He suddenly came out of the gate and it vanished. He walks down the thread. "Many buildings..." Shinja said while walking. A few people started to look at him. "These people wear awkward clothes..."

@ anyone
"It's no problem kid, but it sounds like your in more trouble then me. How about ae stick together for now sense we both don't know how to get to were we are going?" Rex said relizing he was lost to now. "The names Rex by the way. Rex Devil." Rex said with a kind smile.

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Nicoli was enjoying the thought of having someone to stand beside her. She nodded and smiled thought the name Rex Devil seemed a bit suspicious to her, but saying something might be rude. "My name's Nicoli. Nicoli Swaine but the name Nikki is fine as well." She nodded slightly and looked around. "The first question is, where do we start?"

Rex thought for a momment before his stomach growled. "I'd say we could look for a place to eat. I'm getting hungry" Rex said beganing to look around for a restraunt. "Know any good place that maybe easy to find?" Rex asked.

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Nicoli shook her head no and looked around. "None that I know of... Comeon let's roam.... Maybe we'll find something and then we'll eat of there. I have a few cash on me. I'm pretty sure I can pay for the two of us." She turned around and headed down the streets, deeper into the city they were lost in, looking a place for those two to dine in.

@ChazGhost @Anyone Else Who Wants To Join
"You lead Nikki and ill follow" Rex said following right behind deeper into the city. "So are you new to town or just get lost regularly?" Rex asked as they walked. "I myself just got here today. I heard some tales of the city and hoped I'd find something I'm looking for here."
Nikki stopped and tried to retrace her steps on how she got here. The place didn't look familiar though places never look familiar to her. She sighed and shrugged. "I don't remember... All I know I was running... But I don't know from what." She pushed her glasses up and walked around to find a good restaurant to eat at. She found one that looked pretty decent and affordable. She turned around and pointed at it. "How's this place?"

"Looks ok to me but it really up to you sense your paying" Rex said giving a thumbs up. "Also if we find or whatever it is finds us that made you run ill take care of it." Rex said with a hopful smile on his face. But lets hope what ever it is is nothing ill have to fight seriously, Rex thought to himself.
Nicoli shook her head and walked towards the restaurant. "No need to be worried about me... because I don't remember why I was running..." She opened the door and waited for Rex to pass by. "But if I remember... I'd tell you... But honestly I doubt I would remember sadly." She smiled. "Thanks for worrying though."

"Your welcome but I do work sometimes to stop people who make other run. So it not a big deal for me to take care of" Rex said entering the restraunt. Rex began looking around the restraunt. Rex unknowingly grabbed a gold coin out of his pocket.

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Nicoli took a step inside the restaurant as someone guided them to a table. She looked at Rex and noticed something shiny and golden in his hand. Her curious mind got the best of her as she asked, "What's what?"

"What are you..." Rex said before he noticed he had a coin in hand. On one side there was a sword and other there was a peace sign. "Well to tell the truth I don't know" Rex said sitting down. "I lost my memory a year ago and these were in a pouch next to me. "

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"Intriguing..." She smiled and looked down at the menu. Some were affordable.. some were... scary. She didn't mind it though. Depending on what the guy would order, maybe she'll just stick with her bread. "What am I...? What do you mean what am I Rex?" She looked back up to the male as she drank some of her water from the glass.

Cairo, away from the rest of the civilians in the city. In what seemed to be a different world above the roof tops, a world he thought no one might see because of the intense smog that infested the city. He had just finished harvesting his previous crops before planting a brand new batch of seeds. "All done" he pronounced proudly in his thick British accent.
"I was asking about what you were asking about before I noticed I had the coin in my hand so I didn't continue the question." Rex said simply and shrugging. Rex began looking through the menu, mostly the more cheaper things. "I think ill just get a burger and fries." Rex said once he decide on his food.
As the waitress walked up and took their orders, she looked at the two of us. "How may I help you guys today?" She grinned brightly as she took down Rex's order. "And how am I help you?"

Nicoli looked down at the menu. "I'll just have the grilled hummus and veggie wrap please."

The waitress nodded and took their menus as she walked away.

"Well... since we're asking questions... Let me as... Where are you from? Those coins look very foreign so maybe you're from a different place?"


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