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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

Aimlori said:
Razul sighed seeing no one. He shrugged slightly before turning around. He noticed someone staring at him. He gave a friendly smile. "Heya!" He called out giving a little energetic wave as he floated off the ground a bit, his dragon eye flashing a friendly blue.
"Hey there!" He waved back with a big grin. "Didn't mean to disturb you or anything, just don't see many people with luggage walking the halls unless they're moving in. Soooo I wanted to see if you needed any help finding someone... or I guess more likely somewhere?"
Dir looked to AJ and smiled "Demonic and Undead. This is my room. I'm pretty sure she does telekinesis." Dironus picked up a book and read ahead a bit. "Ah! Bed- This is some easy Demonic stuff. Dir handed the book to Bex and these words could be seen on the paper:

Page CCI Caput XL : De servis daemonum primum motus et iterum modicum manum verba , per "terram in gehennam ignis accendit . Ambulandum daemoniorum superficiei. Ad me veniant . Adiuvetis me in proelium " et arma , tardius suscitate et consurgent .

@NightSky @Yappi<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-18_19-40-40.png.5820078572d12870ba4c78df16e1ec10.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126434" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-18_19-40-40.png.5820078572d12870ba4c78df16e1ec10.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • upload_2016-5-18_19-40-40.png
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Spotsvannia said:
"Hey there!" He waved back with a big grin. "Didn't mean to disturb you or anything, just don't see many people with luggage walking the halls unless they're moving in. Soooo I wanted to see if you needed any help finding someone... or I guess more likely somewhere?"
Razul gave a slight chuckle, floating over to the boy. "Ey, yeah- I am moving back into this o'l place." He kept his friendly smile. "I just forgot where the devil the office is- I think they moved it. Do't ya hate when things like that happen? Honestly... They should put a big o'l sign up that reads "Hey, we moved the office, you dingaling!' and then everyone would be all like 'ok' and confusion would be a thing of the past. Also-" Razul paused realizing her was talking too much. He cleared his throat. "S-sorry-" He scratched the back of his neck a little.
"Ah, schooling." A young girl yawned out as she walked into the building. Her long blonde hair swayed from side to side as her reddened eyes glances around the place. Eyes fell onto a group of laughing people. She had a solemn expression on her face. She was not frowning nor was she smiling. Her cat, Piccolo sat on her shoulder as she sat on a bench. She then closed her eyes as she strummed a soft tune on her guitar. People stopped as she did so, they all turned to her as she started playing a melody. Soft words slipped out of her mouth as she sang.


He stumbled into faith and thought,

"God, this is all there is."

The pictures in his mind arose

And began to breathe

And all the gods and all the worlds

Began colliding on a backdrop of blue

Blue lips, blue veins

He took a step but then felt tired

He said, "I'll rest a little while"

But when he tried to walk again

He wasn't a child

And all the people hurried fast, real fast

And no one ever smiled

Blue lips, blue veins

Blue, the color of our planet

From far, far away

Blue lips, blue veins

Blue, the color of our planet

From far, far away

He stumbled into faith and thought,

"God, this is all there is."

The pictures in his mind arose

And began to breathe

And no one saw and no one heard

They just followed the lead

The pictures in his mind awoke

And began to breed

They started off beneath the knowledge tree

And they chopped it down to make a picket fence

And marching along the railroad tracks

They smiled real wide for the camera lenses

As they made it past the enemy lines

Just to become enslaved in the assembly lines

Blue lips, blue veins

Blue, the color of our planet

From far, far away

Blue lips, blue veins

Blue, the color of our planet

From far, far away

Blue, the most human color

Blue lips, blue veins

Blue, the color of our planet

From far, far away"

De servis daemonum primum motus et iterum modicum manum verba , per "terram in gehennam ignis accendit . Ambulandum daemoniorum superficiei. Ad me veniant . Adiuvetis me in proelium " et arma , tardius suscitate et consurgent .

Bex read the passage in the book and raised her eyebrow in slight confusion. "So how does this work? And what happens?" She asked, her face unusually serious.

"It says to raise your arms slowly and say the words in speech marks. It raises a Demon Soul." He smiled, moved his eyebrows as if giving her a challenge playfully.

A wide grin spread across Bex's face.

"Alright! I got this." She said mostly to herself while putting the book on Dir's bed.

As she began to speak she slowly raised her arms;

"terram in gehennam ignis accendit .Ambulandum daemoniorum superficiei. Ad me veniant . Adiuvetis me in proelium "

When she finished she looked around, unsure if it had worked.

Aimlori said:
Razul gave a slight chuckle, floating over to the boy. "Ey, yeah- I am moving back into this o'l place." He kept his friendly smile. "I just forgot where the devil the office is- I think they moved it. Do't ya hate when things like that happen? Honestly... They should put a big o'l sign up that reads "Hey, we moved the office, you dingaling!' and then everyone would be all like 'ok' and confusion would be a thing of the past. Also-" Razul paused realizing her was talking too much. He cleared his throat. "S-sorry-" He scratched the back of his neck a little.
He shook his head with a small laugh, "No no, that's perfectly understandable. It sometimes feels like this whole school has like a maze vibe about it sometimes, so when they do move stuff around if you don't know where it'll be you'd better have a lot of free time on your hands for looking for it." Even trying to follow the school maps around he felt like it wasn't too hard to end up more lost than when you started. "But I'm heading that way now actually, since I'm needing to drop by to the teacher's offices building, which unless they moved it again recently it should still be near there. If you'd like I can show you where it is?"
"Holy crap it's huge!" Dir said, amazed. Then, a large black and red mist came from the floor, floated in the air then evaporated "Wow." He looked at the now empty air. "That was amazing!" Dir smiled at Bex, kindly but in a wierd way-

Spotsvannia said:
He shook his head with a small laugh, "No no, that's perfectly understandable. It sometimes feels like this whole school has like a maze vibe about it sometimes, so when they do move stuff around if you don't know where it'll be you'd better have a lot of free time on your hands for looking for it." Even trying to follow the school maps around he felt like it wasn't too hard to end up more lost than when you started. "But I'm heading that way now actually, since I'm needing to drop by to the teacher's offices building, which unless they moved it again recently it should still be near there. If you'd like I can show you where it is?"
"Ey, darling. That'd be delightful-" He replies with a nod. He figured he made a new friend. A nice one at that- He was happy this boy did not mind his obsessive talking at times. He wondered what room he was in- Maybe there was a chance they shared the same room- He was not sure. He would not mind it. Not at all- "So what room are ya?" Razul asks as he stands next to the boy. He glanced up realizing someone was singing down in the main hall- The voice sounded familiar.
Bex's smile faded as she watched in shock. As the mist faded her face was revealed, her eyes were rapidly looking side to side.

"That..that.." She stumbled over her words, for a second she looked like she was about to faint.

"THAT WAS FREAKING AWESOME!" She said as her usually grin was back on her face as she spun around in circles excitedly.

May woke up a after a horrible nightmare. She looked down to see her hand wasn't bleeding anymore and was wrapped up. "Must have been the girl." She said to herself as she shook her head. "No. Magic users are bad." She told herself as she took off the wrap and went to the bathroom to run her hand under the water. When she walked out she noticed her door was open. She looked around the room to see no one. "Who just leaves a door open?" She asked as she stuck her head out of the room and looked around. She heard some music but tried to ignore it.
Ash was in a daze as she wondered the halls. Not quite sure where she was going. But before she knew it she had tripped over someone's outstretched foot right into a girl. The girl had a lovely voice, and seemed to be singing before Ash fell over her. "I am so sorry!" She says standing up. Her bag of cloths still lay at her side, "are you alright, ma'am?"

"HmmMmm..." Bex hummed in a tune. Her face then became shocked. "You know what I've forgotten!" She said her face genuinely looking like she was in pain. "Food." She turned to the door. "I forgot to eat! Do you wanna come?" She looked back at Dir and raised an eyebrow.

Betweengoodandevil said:
Ash was in a daze as she wondered the halls. Not quite sure where she was going. But before she knew it she had tripped over someone's outstretched foot right into a girl. The girl had a lovely voice, and seemed to be singing before Ash fell over her. "I am so sorry!" She says standing up. Her bag of cloths still lay at her side, "are you alright, ma'am?"
Roxy, the singing girl was surprised. She did not know how to respond to the accident as this girl fell onto her. She looked at her guitar which fell off of her lap and to Piccolo who jumped off her shoulder.

"I-it's-" Roxy stumbled for words. She just stared at the girl and attempted a short smile. "I-i'm fine-" She breathed out a little. She wondered if this girl was fine. She looked around seeing the watching people leave to their dorms.
Aimlori said:
"Ey, darling. That'd be delightful-" He replies with a nod. He figured he made a new friend. A nice one at that- He was happy this boy did not mind his obsessive talking at times. He wondered what room he was in- Maybe there was a chance they shared the same room- He was not sure. He would not mind it. Not at all- "So what room are ya?" Razul asks as he stands next to the boy. He glanced up realizing someone was singing down in the main hall- The voice sounded familiar.
"Right this way then." Ver smiled as he made a motion to point back in the general direction he had come from. "Oh, I'm in 21. It's a nice little dorm, good neighbors, great view of one of the courtyards from it, and it's not too high up." He admitted the last bit with a slight laugh before shaking his head. "Aaaaanyway though, do you know your room assignment, or is that part of what the office trip is abou-" He paused his chatter to listen to the faint sounds of singing that had started to drift down the hall. "I wonder if that's coming from near by...?"
Spotsvannia said:
"Right this way then." Ver smiled as he made a motion to point back in the general direction he had come from. "Oh, I'm in 21. It's a nice little dorm, good neighbors, great view of one of the courtyards from it, and it's not too high up." He admitted the last bit with a slight laugh before shaking his head. "Aaaaanyway though, do you know your room assignment, or is that part of what the office trip is abou-" He paused his chatter to listen to the faint sounds of singing that had started to drift down the hall. "I wonder if that's coming from near by...?"
Razul nodded at his question as he listened to a little crash and the singing stop. He wondered what happened but did not pay much mind to it. "Yeah- I want to find my room number. I did not get notified of that-" He was thinking the same thing about if the singing voice was ahead of them. The voice was indeed very lovely- Almost... mesmerizing.
Betweengoodandevil said:
Ash held her hand out for the girl. Her ankle hurt but she did want to show it. "I am so very sorry that foot came out of no where."
Roxy nodded, taking the girls hand with a bit of a stuttering motion as she slowly stood up. She nodded softly. She sensed the girl was hurt- But where? "Uhm- C-come to... my dorm and I can- h-help with your hurt...." She did not know what else to say. She forgve the girl for falling onto her. Roxy bent down and picked up her guitar. The string was broken. She bit her bottom lip staring at it as Piccolo jumped onto the girls shoulder. "Piccolo... You don't know if she is a-alergic to cats..."
Aimlori said:
Razul nodded at his question as he listened to a little crash and the singing stop. He wondered what happened but did not pay much mind to it. "Yeah- I want to find my room number. I did not get notified of that-" He was thinking the same thing about if the singing voice was ahead of them. The voice was indeed very lovely- Almost... mesmerizing.
He blinked in surprise at the sudden stop in the melody. It was a shame to hear it cut off like that, but maybe whoever was behind it would continue in a bit. At least he hoped so anyway. "Well, I doubt it'll take them too long to figure out which it's supposed to be. They're normally pretty on the ball when it comes to handling things like that."
May walked over to the railing wondering why the music suddenly stopped. She looked down to see people crowding two girls and was glad that it wasn't her. She looked around again noticing everyone around her but none of them noticed her. She was glad, last she needed was to deal with magic users more then she has too. Her stomach grumbled a bit so she took the stairs dawn and maneuvered around everyone and into the cafeteria. "Safe." She whispered to herself as she walked into the doors and noticed it was rather empty.
I watch the summoning and I comment "I've never been one for demon magic and such, always seemed immoral but hey" I say twirling a little Arcane orb
"That was the first I've ever done it." Bex said. "I know pretty much nothing about it. Telekenisis is rather boring." She commented and shrugged slightly. "What's your speciality?" She asked with a smile.

Spotsvannia said:
He blinked in surprise at the sudden stop in the melody. It was a shame to hear it cut off like that, but maybe whoever was behind it would continue in a bit. At least he hoped so anyway. "Well, I doubt it'll take them too long to figure out which it's supposed to be. They're normally pretty on the ball when it comes to handling things like that."
Razul gave a soft smile wanting the singing to continue as well. "Hey- Maybe after we do what we need to do... perhaps we should go see who was singing. I know both of us thought the same thing- Damn what a lovely voice!" He gave a soft chuckle as they neared the office. "I'll find out my room number- Who knows. Might be close to YOUR room." He nods walking. "Thanks, bud!"

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