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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

"Sorry to burst your bubble May but.. I don't think that's a dream." Bex said as gently as she could. "Are you feeling okay?" Bex tilted her head looking at the girl, not fazed by how close she was. "You kinda passed out for a few seconds."

May heard her words but wished she didn't. "How could my parents do this to me." She whispers as she backed away slowly hitting the wall and cowering a bit, reaching around to find her dagger. "I hate magic, and I hate all of you." She said with pure venom as she found her dagger but grabbed the blade to hard cutting herself. @NightSky
"Hey.. Hey calm down it's okay." Bex said as she moved closer slowly, trying not to set her off or frighten her. "If it makes you feel better I won't use my magic." She offered, moving her hand towards May to try see her wound. "Did you hurt yourself?" She asked worried.

May dropped the dagger some blood going with it as she clenched her hand. "It doesn't matter if you say you won't. All magic users are horrible!" She yelled as she held her hand. She way crying and hyperventilating at this point. "I will just run away. My parents don't need to know. Maybe they will find me dead here and it will prove that magic users are evil." She said aloud to herself. She frantically looked around for an escape but couldn't so she closed her eyes and just cried. "Just kill me now." She begged. @NightSky
"No.." Bex shook her head. "Not all of us are evil." She said softly. "I mean I wouldn't even hurt a fly." She said with a faint smile.

She watched May break down and sighed. "Everything is going to be okay." She said as she pulled May into a loose hug. "Don't worry."

Dironus was walking back to class and he heard crying- So maybe his first act as a Good Citizen he walked in and asked "What's wrong?" He smiled, feeling quite- he didn't know the word.. Bad for her?

@NightSky @Dkingow
Bex looked up at Dir pulling back from May slightly. "Oh, she's just a little upset." She said with a half smile. "I think being at a school full of magic is bit much for her."

"Ah. Your not gonna get hurt here- Unless you run in the corridors." Dir gave himself a little laugh at that. "Listen. Why don't you be our friend? That way your ready for. Class. --- Talking about class, Bex you missed one." He smiled again.

@NightSky @Dkingow
May sniveled in Bex's arms. "I d-d-don't want to b-b-be around the same k-k-kind of people who almost k-k-killed me." She sobbed out but wouldn't let go. "I just wish I d-d-died that night." She ended up crying herself to sleep on Bex. @NightSky @xScreaminGhostx
"Wow." Dir said, looking at the sleeping girl. "Good luck? Ima head to my room to study..." Dironus then opened the door and headed to Room 13, quickly getting inside and opening his book.

@NightSky @Dkingow
Bex looked at May, her eyes sparkling with tears. "It's okay." She stroked her head slowly. "We'll look after you." She said looking at Dir with a smile before he left. She noticed May felt heavier. She looked down to see her tear stained face was peaceful and her breathing was even. Oh.. She fell asleep.. Bex carefully led her down on her bed and stood up. I'll leave her in peace. She decided before getting her school books and walking to room 13 and knocking on the door.

@xScreaminGhostx @Dkingow
"Who is it?" Dironus yelled over slight crackling. He then went to the door and opened it, seeing Bex. Behind him laid flames all over the room. "Don't worry. They won't hurt you, come in and sit." He then widened the door, then closing it after Bex got in. Dir say on a couch, on the burning side. "It's not 3 yet, why you here?" He said, happily.

"Hey." She smiled as he opened the door, the flames startled her a bit but after being reassured she walked in. "Well, May fell asleep and I can be quite clumsy so I didn't want to wake her, and I was also wondering if I could copy your notes from the class I missed." She giggled. "That is if you actually took notes or had your head buried in a book the entire time."

Betweengoodandevil said:
(WOW! you guys posted alot What is happening??)
((Quite a lot has happened xD , a quick summary; Bex and Dir have become close friends. May, a human, doesn't want to be here and that ended up with a lot of people being in Mag and Bex's dorm (room 7). Things have calmed down now and May is asleep in room 7. I think I covered most of it))
Bex laughed assuringly. "No worries. It must've not been an important lesson then." She said while looking around Dir's room. "You have a very dark colour scheme." She noted, unknowingly out loud.

NightSky said:
((Quite a lot has happened xD , a quick summary; Bex and Dir have become close friends. May, a human, doesn't want to be here and that ended up with a lot of people being in Mag and Bex's dorm (room 7). Things have calmed down now and May is asleep in room 7. I think I covered most of it))

((I'm not sure what the time is but the last lessons for the day have just finished))
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