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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

Berk wandered onto around aimlessly, his sword sheathed on his his left and dagger on his right. "Dios mío, dónde puedo encontrar ayuda?" He spoke fluently, being from Spain. He noticed a fight, "Eh? Qué? Why is there a fight? Razón sin sentido?" His english was near perfect, he sighed and went about his business.
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May didn't lower her dagger and just watched the boy. "You still know magic so you are a threat. I knew I shouldn't have come here. Curse my parents for making me try to live with magic users." She said as she side stepped back into her dorm room. "Leave me be!" she yelled slamming the door and sitting on the bed rocking her self trying not to cry.
As the door slammed in his face, Ver stared at it in surprise for a moment before letting out a small sigh. "That could have gone better." Just as he was about to turn to leave when he caught sight of another guy not too far away. "Oh... I'm guessing you probably saw all of that?" He called over with a slightly embarrassed laugh. Nothing like meeting new people after getting in a fight with a stranger. @Dkingow @Crysalisis
Dalamus walked down the hallway, manservent in tow. He saw the littke scuffle between the two in the hall, but ignored it. "Come along, Jeeves." the handsone young man said. "Yes, master Ulom, sir," the manservent said
Upon hearing anothers word called out he stopped, "Eh? Uh, yes I did... well some of it." He walked toward the man, "Why do you ask?" He put a hand in his left pocket, staring at the man, waiting his response. @Spotsvannia
"Eh, sometimes it's not bad to get a neutral party's input on things I guess?" Shrugging slightly, he glanced back at the door. "I mean it's arguably a much smarter idea to just be on my way and forget any of it ever happened... buuuuuuut I feel kind of bad for surprising her, at least I think that's what happened there."

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"Honestly I only saw the end the of it." He shrugged. "Es como sea. The name's Berk." He looked at him, "I would be much more willing if I knew yours." He said with a slight smile. @Spotsvannia
Razul yawned as he trudged his heavy luggage into the front entrance. He missed some of the lessons but he was fine with it.

"Back at this lovely place!" He shouted out, as he entered the door. He gave a wide smile as people walked by. "Oh lovely being's I am back!" He jumped into the air but did not come back down. He leaned back, floating in the air in a casual manner. "Ey cuties." He winked at a couple of females walking by. They giggled and waved.

"Heeeey Razzy!" They say together as Razul winks.

"Yep, I am back again. I just can't get enough of winterfall." He nods before floating into a statue. THis actuan makes him fall to the floor. As he lays there, he stares at the snickering females.

"I uh-" HE shrugged, sitting up. "I meant to do that-" He gave a soft chuckle as the girls rolled their eyes giving him a wave goodbye as they trotted to their dorms.

"Oh right," The thought of introductions had completely slipped his mind after all of that. "Here I am asking for advice and you don't even know my name, it's Enver. Nice to meet ya Berk." He added with a small grin. @Crysalisis
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Berk smiled, "You go here, si?" He questioned, taking out his hand from his pocket, "You see, I am new here. Foreign, from a country called Spain. I am unfamiliar with this place, can you help me out, por favor?" He seemed distraught and confused. @Spotsvannia
Razul stood up fastly and picked up his luggage, walking on. He flicked off some dirt from his jacket and eyed the society. He glanced at two people talking. One seemed foreign. "Ey!" He spoke out, giving a wave as he walked up to them. "I just love seeing new faces around here, ya know! People are so fascinating. Warlocks, wizards, witches, humans even. All wonderful in this world!" Razul pauses wondering if he should stop talking. He could not stop more words from slipping out as he floated, leaning back like before. "I mean, i'm no tree hugger but life is great!" His dragon eye flashed a bright purple at the statement. Deep down he knew what he said was false.
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Hector turned to the newcomer, "Qué? Who are you?" Curious to this newcomer, he eyed them up and a down before noticing the dragon, "A dragón? This is new for me indeed." He examined the creature, cautious not to upset it, "Does it have a nombre? A name?" He was fasincated by this creature.

Razul paused a bit as he was thought to be a dragon. Yes, he had dragon in him due to his dragon eye. He kept his friendly smile. "Not going to miss an introduction! Thy name is Razul. Feel free to name me Razzy, Raz or whatever shoots you fantsy!" He nods as his dragon eye goes to the normal red colour. "What is your name, sir?"
(Ah hell, sorry I thought you had an actual dragon for a pet ._. I should really read CS's.)

"Oh, Berk." He said, noticing the eye change to a red color. "What... are you exactly? You are neither human nor any creature i've seen." He asked, curiously, interested to here Razul's answer. @Aimlori
Crysalisis said:
(Ah hell, sorry I thought you had an actual dragon for a pet ._. I should really read CS's.)
"Oh, Berk." He said, noticing the eye change to a red color. "What... are you exactly? You are neither human nor any creature i've seen." He asked, curiously, interested to here Razul's answer. @Aimlori
(It's 'aight)

Razul lets out a shrug as he crosses his arms. He thought of a way to reply. He was normal- At least he thought he was normal. "Well- I am a warlock." He states simply. "I know I know... Not many warlocks have a dragon eye. It's a long story- " He glances at his watch. "I am not sure on how much time we've got till the next ring a ding ding." He stuck out his tongue.
(Last Post for the night)

Berk looked confused, "The next... ring a ding ding?" He scratched his head, "Wha.... what does that even mean?" He questioned him. Despite all this, this caught his eye. It was like he was speaking in riddles. @Aimlori
Razul got taken aback by this question. "Uhm-" He let out a little laugh. He could understand the confusment. Often, he enjoys twisting words and such to his liking. It comes out without him realizing it fully. He puts his pointer finger to his lips and eyed the boy. "I meant bell. You know- It rings. The noise it makes- Uhm- Hey, where are you from? I am from-" He decided not to say. "Oh nevermind." He stood on his feet and yawned.

(Same here. Night-)
Dalamus and his servent continued forward. He had noticed what sounded like an idiot had approached the two that were in the hall. He began towards the three people.
May wanted to just leave, but needed to wait till it was night and everyone was asleep. "I will run away. My parents can think I'm still here." She said to herself rocking back and forth on her bed holding the dagger to her chest. "I really hope the other tenant of this dorm is a human. If he or she is a magic user then I will surely be dead by morning." She said trying not to cry and watching the door to the dorm. @NightSky
[[Oh sorry guys! I left the chat and completely forgot to mention anything. Hopefully it's ok to jump back in?]]

Walking out of a classroom, Ver let out a yawn. Classes can be boring enough on their own, but sitting through a lecture with the most monotone sounding teacher ever? That just made staying awake during class even harder to manage. But at least it was over and done with and he had a little while until the next class. He started to make his way towards the dorms to swing by his room to grab the things for his next class. Also, maaaaybe grab something quick to snack on.
Dalamus and his servent would head to room 7, and enter. After the servent set Dalamus's stuff down, he said, "Thank you, Jeeves. You may head home now,".

"Very good, sir" the manservent said, and he would seem to wane out of existence. Only the best servent for a great Warlock. That's what his father said, at least.
May was stunned at what she just watched. This man did not seem to be the one to have made the color change in the room. He must have been the 3rd roommate, and he was a magic user. She quickly got up and tried to stab the man hoping to land a hit. @Dalamus Ulom
Dkingow said:
May was stunned at what she just watched. This man did not seem to be the one to have made the color change in the room. He must have been the 3rd roommate, and he was a magic user. She quickly got up and tried to stab the man hoping to land a hit. @Dalamus Ulom
The dagger would fly out of her hand before she could land a blow, lodging itself up to the hilt into the wall. "Be a dear, and try not to touch my things, thank you," Dalamus said, having apparently ignored the attempted murder
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As he made his way down one of the halls, a faint sound of commotion caught his attention, but it seemed to end just as quickly as it had started. "Huh... wonder what that was- wait..." Remembering what happened last time he let curiosity get the better of him, Ver shook his head. Maybe he'd let whatever was going on just run its course.
Dironus seen the wierd things outside 7 and decided to go through into the room. "I'm sorry. But why is this guy in a dorm for two? Hm?" Dir was so confused why 2 strange people were in Bex's room. Very strange.

@Dalamus Ulom @Dkingow
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