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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

"Red and black sounds cool, suits you." Bex nodded as she imagined it.

"Hmm twenty minutes.." Bex stepped back and looked at the wall. "We can finish this wall easily." She said walking back to the wall and starting to paint again making the paint pallet follow he as she walked back and forth along the wall.

Dironus painted too, splashing the colours against the wall

"This wall is quite a master piece. I like your ideas and colour schemes. And your hair."

Dir blushes slightly, stopped painting for a second then continued.

"Thanks." Bex smiled as she continued to paint. "So, what's your ability or powers? If you don't mind me asking." Bex sat on the floor and started to paint different types of flowers along the bottom of the wall.

"Hehe. Ima master at Demonic Magic and a Learner at Undead. I enjoy researching these things: I also have quite good agility. I can talk to Demons from different dimensions." He then smiled, still painting but softer now.

"Sure- I'd be honored." Dir smirked slightly and got back to painting- only to hear the bell ring. "We better head to class!" Dir got his stuff ready, just realising something "I've lost my book!"

Bex sighs. "We can finish off later." She says throwing her paintbrush onto her bed and picking up her rucksack before leaving her room.

"I've lost my book!"

Bex turned to Dir. "Well.. Where did you last have it?" She asked looking at the floor behind them wondering if he had dropped it.

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"Dunno!? Umm... Underneath the bed maybe? Or cupboards?"

Dir then looked under the bed: Nope then under the Cupboards: There! he grabbed it and put it in his bag.

"Thanks. I've had an amazing time."

He then turned to walk out but swirled back round "and about me teaching you some magic... Is that a - Date?" He asked, Blushing obviously.

"A date?" Bex laughed then shook her head. "No, just a friendly thing." She said as she spun around to walk away. "I'm not into all that relationship stuff."

She turned around the corner her pink hair bouncing behind her and she walked into her next lesson.

"Few." Dironus walked off, heading in to the next class and reading his book, like usual. "Hey- sorry for a minute ago. I didn't mean to be awkward." Dir whispered to Bex

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Bex had carved a detailed rose in her desk by the end of the lesson. She got up and left the room heading straight for her dorm, she was exhausted. She threw her bag on the floor and moved her paints next to it before climbing into bed and falling asleep soon after.

(I've got to go now but I'll probably be on tomorrow or later today if I can)

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May came late to school. Like she cared about coming anyway. She walked in with a piece of paper she got when she started. "Room 7?" She said to herself. "My dorm?" She walked up the stairs and saw the room number. "Right by the stairs, good way to escape if I need too." She said to herself as she opened the door. The walls were freshly painted and she could smell it. All the colors. 'That is too much color.' She thought as she put her bag on the second bed and pulled out a white drape placing it against the window. "A bit better." She said to herself as she heard the dismissal bell ring.
May answered the door saw the boy and slammed it shut. "Go away!" She yelled as she backed away form the door. "Don't come in." She pulled out a dagger and held it waiting for someone to walk in. @xScreaminGhostx
"I'm coming in... Urm..." In his mind he hoped it wasn't an intruder...

Dironus opened the door and quickly blasted the Dagger out her hand. "Who are you and what are you doing in Bex's dorm?" He said, calmly.

May backed as best she could and landed on the floor. "T-t-this i-i-is m-m-my r-r-room." She stuttered scared. "I-i-i k-k-know w-w-we m-m-may ha-ha-have room-room-roommates." She coward in the corner. "Please go away!" She yelled. @xScreaminGhostx
Enver stretched his arms as he walked on his way back to the dorm. Maybe he'd finally get around to organizing some of those books that he had been putting off. His attention was quickly drawn from the plans of cleaning by the sounds of a door shutting followed by some yelling. "Huh... well that doesn't sound good?" He mumbled to himself as he went to investigate. @xScreaminGhostx @Dkingow
"Listen- I know I seem harmful but I'm not- met me a few days ago that would be a different story. Okay- your roommates. I'll leave you..." Dir closed the door and let out a heavy breath in the doorway. Geez. What was that? Hmm. He did- As he was thinking the bell went, and Dir rushed to the next class, grabbing his book from the doorframe and heading fast.

@Spotsvannia @Dkingow
May stayed inside even though the bell rang. "I can't do this." She said to herself as she repacked her bag. "I can't be around magic users. I can't." She called as she zipped up her bag.
As he turned the corner, Ver caught sight of the other boy rushing off to... well possibly a class. He was about to call out to ask what happened when he noticed that the door was still a bit open. 'Weeeell... I could call him back and keep him from his class, or I could just be nosey...' The thought crossed his mind for just long enough for him to decide on the latter. Opening the door slightly more, he called out "Anyone still in here...?" @xScreaminGhostx

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"Oh! Woah!" Ver barely had time to sidestep the charge. "Hey, I promise I'm pretty much useless right now as far as magic goes." He said with a slightly shaky laugh, double checking for any mirrors juuust to be sure. "So maybe let's put down the dagger and use words instead?" @Dkingow

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