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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

As Bex walked out the toilets she heard a loud thud, she looked over to see a guy from her last class. She walked over to try and help him up but he had already rushed off. She followed him to their class. Using her mind she lifted his book up and floated it to him.

"You alright? That was a nasty fall." She said while leaning on the wall by the door.

"Ughh- Yea?" Dironus blushed a bit. "I'm fine. I better be going to my room now- I- gotta read this." Dironus rushed off a bit, embaressed to Room 13. He opened the door and the light of flames were against his face, he took a deep breath and went in.

Bex shook her head as he walked past her. She didn't know what was up with him but she didn't want to make him uncomfortable so she let him go. She turned and made her way up the stairs to her room and chucked her bag on the floor, pulling up her sleeves. Time for a bit of colour. She smiled while taking out some paint from her bag and starting to paint on the wall while making the paint levitate next to her.


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"Geez that was- Wierd?" He said- Quickly getting stuck in his book.

"What was that? Why did my cheeks go- Hmm." He then opened the door just to the sound of a ringing bell

"Crap." He ended up walking, reading his book meandering through the corridors, and resulted in him getting to class. He head to the back of class, then putting down his stuff and sitting. Where's the colourful girl? He thought- quickly dispersing his sight over the class. He shrugged, and got back into his book.
Bex walked down the empty corridor, a good ten minutes late. She walked into the classroom wearing a bright smile not fazed she was the last person there. Her hands and arms were covered in brightly coloured paints.

"Sorry," she said to the teacher "I got lost." Her smile, however, told a different story.

She sat down near the window and saw the boy from earlier, she tucked a stray blue hair behind her ear.

"Sorry I didn't catch your name earlier. I'm Bexley but call me Bex." She smiled warmly.

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"Oh- I'm Dironus. Or Dir." He said, head still in the book, hood up, trying not to blush- he didn't like being directly spoke to.

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"Nice to meet you." Bex continued to smile but realised Dir didn't look very interested so she turned around and used a pair of scissors to start carving a picture into the table, letting her hair fall over her face.

"Hm?" Bex looked up at Dir then back down and the wooden table. "Well.. I tried to draw a tree.." She frowned slightly, the carving looked oddly shaped.

"Wait!" She smiled brightly, as the table began to lift and turn around.

"If you look now," she blew on the carving causing little chips of wood to fly onto the floor "it looks like a turtle."

"I guess it does..." Dironus put down his hood to show his Raven hair. Dironus then did it again! He smiled! Goddamnit Dir! Why do you keep doing this!? It's- wierd...

Dironus then slowly put down the smile, then looked at her

"Thanks for being so kind to me. I don't know how to act to this."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.png.babb423dc759fbac4bdf0fead11df23b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126179" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.png.babb423dc759fbac4bdf0fead11df23b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bex tilted her head. "You're welcome?" She responded a little confused. "Just act yourself, you don't need to be any different to who you really are." She smiled. "I mean just look at my hair." She giggled pulling her hair in front of her face.




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"Yeah. Nice. Haha." Dir looked at her for a second, then snapped back to reality. "Um, was that the bell? I think it's lunch." Dir then got up and smiled again, "See you later."
"Bye!" She waved at him as he walked out, she got up and picked up her bag walking out of the classroom and down the corridor towards the canteen. She slipped in and quickly got herself a sandwich which she took with her back up to her room where she started to paint the walls again whilst humming to herself.

Dironus started to walk towards the cafeteria, got himself some Sushi and walked off, passing Room 7, hearing Bex humming. He walked past and headed into his room, firey glaze striking off his face as he walked in, shutting the door behind him. He ate his food whilst reading his book again, now having time to practise the spells. He quickly casted a spell full of hand motions, it didn't work.

After Finishing his lunch, he walked past Room 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, ah 7! He knocked on the door and waited.
Bex heard a knock at the door and turned around from her painting, at the flick of her wrist the door opened.

"Oh, hi." She smiled at the familiar face. "Come in." She gestured for him to come in before turning back to her painting. "What's up?"

"I remember in class, you coming in all- Painty. I was wondering if you need any help?" He said, happily (<- Strange :/ )
Bex smiled, she noticed Dironus sound a little happier. "Of course! Help yourself." She pointed to her bed which did have white sheets but was covered in different paints and paintbrushes. "I just didn't like how plain everything was." She said looking at the rest of the colourless room.

"Hmm. Well- My rooms red and black- you could say. I've never experienced paint. Let's try this."

Dir then got a paint brush and tried to copy Bex's motion. Slightly worse and slower- but at least not one colour.

"Hey, we have class in 20 Minutes. How much will we get done?"

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