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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

Betweengoodandevil said:
(Sounds good, where is everyone?)
((May is asleep in room 7, Bex and Dir are in room 13 but are going to be doing magic so they might be noticeable))

I walk back to my new dorm from a uneventful first day, I bump into someone in the hall. I don't want to but I ask for directions "Hiya, names AJ", seems to be no one who wants to talk. I find dorm 14, I hear people talking. I sigh and walk in, I start to study my 'new' classes
Razul was walking through the halls. More floating- He was dragging his luggage behind him still as he looked around. He gave a few winks to some passing gals as they giggled. What could he say? He was just a friendly guy. He decided to sing to his favorite songs as he put his headphones in. He did not mind the commentary from the people going by as he floated backwards to the office.

Bored of studying I go over to meet the dorms next to me. I knock on dorm 13 seeing who was there. I sway back and forth while waiting, twirling a little ball of liquid arcane magic in my hand.
Shutting his dorm's door behind him, Ver quickly darted down the hall with a few papers under his arm. Sure skipping a class earlier seemed fine and dandy at the time, until he remembered the essay that was supposed to be due by the end of that class. Now he was in a rush to try to find the teacher and try to convince them that a later paper is still totally acceptable.
Razul, not remembering where the office resides, turns into a random room. He did not think it to be too rude as he does so. He glances around noticing a ton of colours. He loved it- He liked the happy feel to it. He looked around for someone-
@NightSky "Demonic, but Undead is easier." He said, smiling. He sat next to her with his two books.


"Whats that's?" Dir said to Bex and answered the door.

"Hey." Dironus said, his Raven hair and black hoodie making a silhouette in the flames of his room.
"Hia, apparently I'm your Neighbor. Nice setup, this ain't my style though" I say crushing the orb in my hand "Anyways names AJ, your welcome to come over to my place any time. Mind if I come in or no...." I say laid back, trying to socialize with the people at this school. @xScreaminGhostx
"Hmm.. Then I'll give demonic a go." She said with an excited smile.


Bex watches Dir walk up to the door and open it revealing someone stood outside. She couldn't hear what they were saying so she peaked over Dir's shoulder.

"Who is it?" She asked and smiled brightly her blue and pink curls bouncing slightly.

Turning a corner he glanced over towards the hall that the (soon to be famous) dorm 7 was on, it never hurt to see if something new was going on there anyway. As he did, Ver spotted yet another new face showing up there, this time with luggage though? 'I wonder if they're lost...?' He thought before glancing down at his papers, then back at the person. Well... late was late when it came to assignments, what could another 5 mins or so hurt. He slowed down and turned down the hall to see what was going on.
@Yappi "Yea sure, come in." Dironus moved out the way and opened the door slightly "Welcome, AJ." He said, smiling.


As Dironus heard her question he looked to AJ "You can introduce yourself." He said, happily.
Spotsvannia said:
Turning a corner he glanced over towards the hall that the (soon to be famous) dorm 7 was on, it never hurt to see if something new was going on there anyway. As he did, Ver spotted yet another new face showing up there, this time with luggage though? 'I wonder if they're lost...?' He thought before glancing down at his papers, then back at the person. Well... late was late when it came to assignments, what could another 5 mins or so hurt. He slowed down and turned down the hall to see what was going on.
Razul sighed seeing no one. He shrugged slightly before turning around. He noticed someone staring at him. He gave a friendly smile. "Heya!" He called out giving a little energetic wave as he floated off the ground a bit, his dragon eye flashing a friendly blue.
"Okay!" Bex stood up straight and exaggeratively cleared her throat. "I'm Bexley Valentine but call me Bex. Nice to meet you." She smiled and held her hand out to shake the new person's hand. She was very excitable, almost like a puppy.


"Names AJ everyone" I see the girl. "Nice to meet ya" I walk in and loo around "what kind of magic y'all soon here?" I see books layed around.

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