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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

Aimlori said:
Razul glanced at Ver. "It's comfy, man! Come join me." He pats the area next to him. He did not want to admit that it was an accident even though he knew that the boy knew it was. Razul looks up and see's the little singer. His eyes widen a bit as he quickly stands up. The girl was actually a real looker.
Roxy noticed Razul's actions and gave a soft gigle. She approched the duo. "Uh- Hi... Why were you on the ground?" She tilts her head at the boy. She did not expect an honest answer. Honestly she just wanted to get to her room. She was in the mood to play with her instruments. "O-oh, nevermind- I got to uhm..." She shakes her head and walks past them, walking into her dorm room. The room closes.
The whole exchange happened before he could even manage to get a 'hey' or anything like that out, and he definitely couldn't say he wasn't a bit disappointed at that. But! They had managed to find the singer it looked like, and that was at least something. "That had to be her right? I mean her voice sounded exactly as cute as the singing, /and/ she had a guitar with her."
Bex heard what Dir said, her face turned cloudy and her smile disappeared. She looked down at her pizza.

"Um-" she kept her eyes down. "That's probably not a good idea.." She said quietly before standing up. "I'm, I'm not hungry anymore.. You can have my pizza.." She mumbled before rushing out of the canteen and back to her room. She walked into her room locking her door behind her and sitting on her bed with her head in her hands.
I... can't...

May was able to make it out of the cafeteria without anyone seeing her. She took a little walk around the school to see how it looked. "I don't want to leave, but I can't stay." She said to herself as she walked back to her room. She went to open the door and found it was locked. "Huh." She pulled her key that they gave her and unlocked the door and walked in. "I do't remember locking the door when I left." She said as she looked around and saw Bex. She thought to walk out, but turned back around and sat down on her bed. "Are you okay?" She asked. @NightSky
Bex heard a key in the door and slowly lifted her head, she knew it could only be May as no one else had a key. She half smiled at her as she sat down on her bed. "Hm? Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired." She said nodding her head. Her eyes sparkled with the trapped tears in her eyes she refused to let out.

May didn't know what caused it to happen but she went over and hugged her. "Tell me what is wrong Bex. You helped me some, let me return the favor." She said as she sat on the bed holding Bex in her arms. "If you need to let something out please let me be your shoulder." She smiled a bit. @NightSky
Bex sighed into May's shoulder. "Thank you.." She whispered letting a few tears escape. "I got asked.. out." she started as she thought about it she felt silly for getting emotional over such a small thing. "But.. Something has happened before I came here and I promised myself I couldn't do something like that." She explained, struggling to keep a steady voice. She pulled away from May and looked at her top which now had tear droplets on it. "Whoops, I'm sorry."

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Dir sat in the canteen, head in his hands. What the hell did he just do? Idiot. He was an Idiot. Dir, you just lost yourself a friend. This is why you are Lonely! Dironus got up and headed to his room, eventually opening his book and talking to Demons. He was an idiot... At least it was the end of School Time- Maybe. He didn't know since his Clock burnt.


(And it's okay xD I was just kinda like "Hellooo?")
May patted her back and held her close. "So may I ask what you promised before you came here? And why it is so important?" She asked. "If you don't want to tell me that is okay, I am just trying to understand why it is a bad thing" She felt her move away and laughed. "Well, it's not like it hasn't had enough tears and snot on it." She said remembering that she cried earlier. She giggled a bit. "I'm sorry, I'm a nut job when it comes to this." She stated. @NightSky
xScreaminGhostx said:
Dir sat in the canteen, head in his hands. What the hell did he just do? Idiot. He was an Idiot. Dir, you just lost yourself a friend. This is why you are Lonely! Dironus got up and headed to his room, eventually opening his book and talking to Demons. He was an idiot... At least it was the end of School Time- Maybe. He didn't know since his Clock burnt.

(And it's okay xD I was just kinda like "Hellooo?")
((Yeah sorry I should've let you know xD I was watching final destination with my parents))
"I promised.. I promised I wouldn't let anyone get too close to me." She said, she had put it simply.

She looked back at her top and giggled. "Yeah you might want to get that washed." She smiled again, back to her usual self. "No you're not a nut job, you have a very nice shoulder to cry on."

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May was shocked. "Why?" She asked knowing that she might not answer. "Why would you not want to have someone get close? I know why I don't want to, but that's a complicated past that has made me very fragile. But why should someone like you not want to get close and find true love." She smiled softly. "I mean it's not like your not beautiful enough." She whispered and blushed. She took off her shirt and put a new one on and sat back on the bed. @NightSky
Bex became serious again.

"Sometimes, when you get hurt" she paused and held her stomach "physically. You don't want the same thing to happen to others. I know it's bad but I'm just looking out for them." She looked down at her paint splattered blanket. "And no one can change my mind."

Spotsvannia said:
The whole exchange happened before he could even manage to get a 'hey' or anything like that out, and he definitely couldn't say he wasn't a bit disappointed at that. But! They had managed to find the singer it looked like, and that was at least something. "That had to be her right? I mean her voice sounded exactly as cute as the singing, /and/ she had a guitar with her."
"Yes-That was most certainly her. Such a cute being indeed. Human though-" He could tell easily. Though it was as if she was a goddess the way she sang and played her guitar. He was about to sigh and walk to his dorm before he heard singing. He stopped at the door. The little singer was in her dorm singing in her room. Razul gave a soft smile and sat by the door, leaning into the wooden frame. He patted the area next to him for Ver to sit down and listen as well. "It is most definitely her-"

Roxy sat on her couch, strumming the guitar softly. Her eyes closed as she leaned back. Her voice as soft as a kittens fur. Her hands gentle on the well crafted instrument. Words with meaning as she sang in rhythm as wind blew through her golden locks. The window opened with the breeze brushing her with a gentle manner.

"Dear rabbit, my legs are getting weak... chasing you And

the snowfields... Wouldn't seem so big, if you knew

That this blood on my teeth, it is far beyond dry...

And I've captured you once, but it wasn't quite right...

So I'm tellin' you.. That you'll be safe with me.

Oh rabbit, my claws are down now so don't be afraid...

I can keep you warm, as long as you can just try... To be brave!

Yes I know I'm a wolf, and I've been known to bite,

But the rest of my pack... I've left them behind.

And my teeth may be sharp, and I've been raised to kill...

But the thought of fresh meat... It's making me ill!

So I'm telling you... That you'll be safe with...

So rabbit, please stop looking the other way...

It's cold out there... So why not stay here, under my tail...?"

May laughed. She didn't mean for it to be an insult but she laughed. "You think no one will change your mind?" She asked when she recovered. "Trust me when I say that someone out there will be the reason your mind gets changed." She giggled again. "If it is worth the pain, worth the suffering, then you will defy all odds to make things work. Whether it is a person, and idea, or even just a choice you want to follow." She smiled softly. "You changed my mind just now." She said then blushed really red. She couldn't take it back now, and she couldn't leave now. 'But to be here to help Bex, may be worth staying.' She thought as she smiled still red in the face. @NightSky
Dir was walking down the hallways, slightly more depressed than usual. And seen this unfamiliar guy hanging outside the Girls dorm. "Hey-" Dironus said, looking at Razul "Nice eye. What you listening to?" He asked, no emotion again

"Of course having friends is no problem." She couldn't help but laugh with May. "Just nothing more." She said with a dramatic, exaggerated wink.

She got up and walked to her suitcase which still wasn't unpacked and searched through it to try and find her pjs to change into.

"You should definitely stay, I mean your my roomie we need to do midnight feasts and finish painting our room and all the cliché things." She said giggling as she pulled out a white rabbit onesie.

xScreaminGhostx said:
Dir was walking down the hallways, slightly more depressed than usual. And seen this unfamiliar guy hanging outside the Girls dorm. "Hey-" Dironus said, looking at Razul "Nice eye. What you listening to?" He asked, no emotion again
Razul looked up at the stranger. His dragon eye flashed a green. He was feeling a little at ease. "Oh- Just... a lovely voice." He spoke out softly. He closed his eyes. The song was bringing back memories. Memories of his past. He breathed in then slowly stood up. "It's... nice to meet ya!" He said in his cheery tone, though there was a crack in his voice as he gave his usial wave. "Y-you should listen... it's pretty... hm?"
"Nah, I've got an apology to make. I thought everyone were in there dorms. It's like 10." Dir said, then walking off. He then half yelled his name down the hall "Dir." He said, then turning another corner to Room 7. He knocked on the door and awaited an answer...

@Aimlori @Dkingow @NightSky
Aimlori said:
"Yes-That was most certainly her. Such a cute being indeed. Human though-" He could tell easily. Though it was as if she was a goddess the way she sang and played her guitar. He was about to sigh and walk to his dorm before he heard singing. He stopped at the door. The little singer was in her dorm singing in her room. Razul gave a soft smile and sat by the door, leaning into the wooden frame. He patted the area next to him for Ver to sit down and listen as well. "It is most definitely her-"
Roxy sat on her couch, strumming the guitar softly. Her eyes closed as she leaned back. Her voice as soft as a kittens fur. Her hands gentle on the well crafted instrument. Words with meaning as she sang in rhythm as wind blew through her golden locks. The window opened with the breeze brushing her with a gentle manner.

"Dear rabbit, my legs are getting weak... chasing you And

the snowfields... Wouldn't seem so big, if you knew

That this blood on my teeth, it is far beyond dry...

And I've captured you once, but it wasn't quite right...

So I'm tellin' you.. That you'll be safe with me.

Oh rabbit, my claws are down now so don't be afraid...

I can keep you warm, as long as you can just try... To be brave!

Yes I know I'm a wolf, and I've been known to bite,

But the rest of my pack... I've left them behind.

And my teeth may be sharp, and I've been raised to kill...

But the thought of fresh meat... It's making me ill!

So I'm telling you... That you'll be safe with...

So rabbit, please stop looking the other way...

It's cold out there... So why not stay here, under my tail...?"
"Yep, no doubts." He said quietly in an effort to not talk over the music. Taking a seat on the floor next to Raz, he leaned back against the wall some as he closed his eyes; he was absolutely content to just sit there and listen.
May's eyes lit up when she saw the onesie. "Oh my god that's so CUTE!" She couldn't help but scream. She laughed again smiling. "Well, I still don't think I will enjoy it here. But why worry my parents more then they already are." She lied, that obviously not being the real reason she wanted to stay now. She had made her first friend in her whole life, and it was a magic user. She blushed again. "Can I call you my friend Bex?" She asked not wanted to sound desperate but failing at it. She blushed bright again. "I mean, if you are okay with it." She sad softly. @NightSky
Bex smiled brightly.

"Of course! I mean I'm already classing you as my friend whether you like it or not." She mumbled while searching through her suitcase. "Okay.. Now which do you prefer.. A panda, mouse or a cat?" She asked giggling knowingly.


Bex heard a knock at the door.

"Come in! It's open!" She called and went back to digging through her suitcase.


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