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Fandom Winged

Lillie giggles at Liza's agent name, deciding to keep quiet about her own dis-belief in the existence of dinosaurs - Alex said they weren't real, so they weren't - and quickly hugs her back, beaming that the other girl seems to like both Lillie's codename idea and her walky talky idea. When Liza declares the person to be a new kid and that they should go see them, Lillie nods, "Yeah come on!" She was getting tired of the big kids hiding things from her, if they went and saw the person before they left, then they wouldn't be able to hide it from her and Liza anymore.

So she grabbed the other girl's hand, tugging her out of the room. She stops as she sees a girl who looks a bit smaller than Brinley, and pauses as both Callie and Keanu speak. "Alex isn't here." "Why do you want him, anyways?" Lillie, as she and Liza are still out of sight of the big kids and the new girl, shushes her, speaking in a small whisper, "They're talking about Alex."

Time for their spy mission to begin.


April watches the reaction of the ironically named 'Flock'. The shy girl had now changed slightly, becoming bolder and even daring to take a step closer to April as she asks how she got here and how she knew Alex. Well, seems the shy one is actually the tough one of the group? Then blondie seems confused, and April wonders how damn hard it was to answer a simple question. All she wanted to know was where Alex was, couldn't they just answer her?

Blondie then snapped, declaring that Alex indeed wasn't here, and April barely heard the other boy's question as she narrowed her eyes. Alex wasn't here? Were they lying to her? This is when telepathy would come in handy. Unfortunately her extreme control over her wind power left room for nothing else. "He's not here?" She questioned, disbelieving. Then again, why would they lie? Wouldn't he have come out by now?

Dammit. Typical, just typical. She spends months and months searching, and when she finally thinks she's found him, she hasn't. She turned to Eliza, answering her simply and blandly; she has no time for these idiots if they couldn't tell her where her brother was. "I flew here and I don't." She knew this obviously wasn't the answer Eliza was looking for, but she didn't care. She then looked to Keanu - he seemed the politest and most controlled so far, so maybe she should do him the courtesy of answering his question. "I want to meet him. Do you have any idea where he is now? The military's records said he was here, with his 'Flock'" She quoted the silly term these bird kids used to describe their little group.

(Dragging this out xD )


Alex watched as the girl once again shifted in front of him - first to a half-dolphin, half-girl thing, then completely to a fish. He himself was moving the water to leave an air bubble in front of himself so he could breathe still. She sped up considerably when she shifted into a fish, but Alex just pushed the waves against himself faster, manipulating the currents to give himself the edge.

He had to admit, this chase did have his heart pounding pretty fast. It had been a while since he had been chasing something other than a tracker. And this was probably the first time he'd been chasing a hot girl.

Then, the girl-fish jumped out of the water, obviously realising that Alex had the advantage here, and he quickly followed suit. Landing with a small thud, he shook his hair out of his face and began to sprint after the Callie-look-alike. As he ran, the water particles on his clothes, skin and hair flew off, evaporating into the air. He chased the girl right into a clearing, then froze. She was gone. Completely gone. He looked around, confused for a minute before he decided he'd try and hear her thoughts. But before he could even try to do that two feet slammed into him and knocked him to the ground. He blinked up to see the shifter girl had him pinned - again - and was angrily demanded to know why he was chasing her.

He couldn't help but grin at her slightly. Damn his heart was beating way too fast, he guessed chasing a mysterious girl through a river and a forest could do that to a guy. "You're seriously asking me that? You're the one who jumped me." Unlike before, he wasn't making a move to throw her off or stop her from pinning him. He frowned lightly, brow furrowing, his voice quieter now, a confused murmur. "Who are you?" It was so weird. She looked just like Callie. It was like seeing Callie all over again, and that didn't seem to be so good for Alex right now. Not when all he wanted was to kiss her and never stop.

(Uh, not sure if [MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION] wants to carry on with this RP or not, they're not responding to my messages..)
Liza attempts to suppress her giggles as she follows Lillie down the hall, still holding her hand and doing all she can to move with what she considers to be stealthy spy moves. This, of course, translates to her walking on tiptoe with her shoulders hunched and her hands up almost like claws, except the one holding Lillie's. When Lillie indicates for her too, she hides out of sight with her, watching with wide-eyed interest as she takes in the appearance of the new girl, April.

"She's not too big," she whispers to Lillie. "We can play with her maybe. But we won't even tell her we are spies 'cause that's just for us and that's all. We can let her be our spy assistants and she won't even know what that means."

When she realizes that the older kids are talking about Alex, Liza immediately silences, squeezing Lillie's hand as she tilts her head, wanting very much to hear.

One thing Eliza is sure of, this April girl doesn't seem like a normal eleven-year-old. Her eyes narrow as she regards her. April, she notices, has not actually mentioned why she wants Alex or how she knows him, other than to say she wants to meet him and his name was at the lab. But so was all of their names. What made Alex so special?

If this girl wasn't sent by the lab, then she was very bold indeed, and not a little stupid in Eliza's opinion. But then again, if she was sent by the lab, she wasn't doing a very good job. No one trusted her now...she wasn't smooth at all in her interactions.

Eliza dropped her eyes, then looked at the others as though for support, before speaking up again, her tone soft. "April...why...well, why do you want to talk to him? Alex...if you never even met him..."
When April asks if Alex really isn't here, Keanu shakes his head. Clearly, being nice was the way to get answers. Too bad Callie hadn't realized this yet. Now she had gone quiet, letting the others take over for the time being. She crossed her arms over her chest, looking between the new girl and the floor. She occasionally chewed on her bottom lip.

As April asks if they knew where Alex was, Keanu shakes his head again. With a sigh, he starts talking again. "No. He...he left." He says simply, with a shrug. He can see Callie flinch out of the corner of his eye. If April was paying any attention to her, it was more than likely she could tell something about this conversation was bothering her. "We don't know where he is." Keanu decides that even if they did know where he was, and even though he still didn't like Alex, he probably wouldn't tell April where he was. Not without at least some kind of an explanation. "Why do you need him?" He asks again, repeating himself and Eliza.

((Hmmm. Well if they don't come back, I could probably make another character for Alex's flock so it's not just him and Grace if you want))
Grace blinked, expecting him to flip her again and argue with her or at least give her a reasonable explanation as to why he was following her. But his statement had caught her off guard. But the think was, she knew he was right. But she hated admitting that she was wrong. She opened her mouth to shout back some clever retort, but none came to mind. She was straddling him with her palms pressed into his shoulders. Why hadn't he thrown her off yet? Grace wasn't complaining however, she liked the view.

She saw confusion and something similar to fascination subtly pass through his rather hard-to-read expression. 'Who are you?' he asked. Grace almost wanted to answer that with the same question. She wanted to know herself. Grace was the clone of California Knight, her personal purpose in life still somewhat marred. Grace had done nothing but grown up and lived to fulfill as the 'original's' shadow. She didn't know what it was, but she had a weird feeling like she was compelled to share her thoughts with this boy like he had to know more about her. This boy obviously knew the original Callie, Grace wanted him to know that she was nothing like the other girl that she was better, but she was not in comparison to her. Her fingers coiled into fists and she looked at him, returning the look of fascination with a determined glare in her eyes. "Grace. My name is Grace Havoc."
(That would be cool, if you don't mind? :D )

April, as she is questioned, finds herself watching the blonde. She seems very uncomfortable with this topic, so April watches her with half-interest. Did Alex call her ugly or something? No. Maybe..maybe she just liked him and he didn't like her back. Yeah. Probably. She does pay attention to the dark-haired boy as he talks, telling April that Alex left. They don't know where he is? Well. That just sucks.

She glances to the bird kids in front of her. "Is there really any point in me telling you why I need him if you have no idea where he is?" She speaks blandly, as if the group are stupid. To her, it makes perfect sense. Why should she tell them anything if they had nothing to tell her? In fact, it makes so much sense, that she decides to speak this thought outloud. "Why should I tell you anything if you have nothing to tell me?" She shrugs then, beginning to walk away as if the previous conversation has not happened at all.


Lillie turns to Liza now, as the girl begins to leave, "Okay, now we gotta pretend like we didn't hear them. We have to just walk past and pretend we only just noticed the girl, okay? Otherwise they'll know we've been listening to them." Only giving this as an explanation, she runs out, giggling as if they were playing a game of 'it' "You're it!" She chants, then stops as she bashes straight into Keanu. She looks up at him, looking distracted, "Oh sorry Keanu, me and Liza were--" She trails off as she 'spots' April, then frowns, "Who is that girl? Is she another bird kid? She looks like one."

April, hearing a younger voice, turns around, only having seen older kids so far. When she does infact see a young girl, barely a kid even, she frowns. The military database hadn't mentioned anything about a kid, and she didn't recognize her picture. "Who are you?" She addresses Lillie now, also noticing another young kid run up as well, and Lillie smiles at her, running over and holding out her hand. "I'm Lillie Isabella Dawn, I'm five years old and I have a best friend called Liza and a big brother called Alex." This is typical of Lillie, to introduce herself in such a way, but April frowns now, her eyes even hardening a bit. "A big brother called Alex?" Lillie nods, "He's not my brother by blood though, but since he has no sisters or brothers we said that we would be each other brother and sister."

This stung April in ways she couldn't understand. An unfamiliar feeling gathered in the pit of her stomach, little did she know it was indeed jealously, and she shook her head at the little girl. "You're not Alex's sister. He already has a sister. He doesn't need you." Lillie grew her own glare now, how did this girl think she was to tell her Alex didn't need her? Lillie was already upset enough that Alex may have left because he didn't need her, now this stranger was saying it too? "Nuh uh, his sister was killed in a car crash inside his mummy's tummy when he was five years old, he told me!" April's volume increased, "She didn't die!" The door downstairs flew open suddenly, as if a gust of wind had hit it, but no-one was there and it was a wind-less day. Lillie didn't seem to notice as her own voice rose. "Yes she did! Alex told me! She died with his mummy and daddy! His sister died!"

"I'M NOT DEAD!" April shouted this, stamping her foot, and a sudden gust of wind knocked Lillie away from April, so the child landed on her butt in front of Blaire. April's chest heaved in and out, then she crossed her arms, not seeming to care that she had just knocked a child down with her power. "I'm Alex's little sister. His REAL sister. And I am NOT dead."

For an eleven year old girl, April had the temper of a five year old.


Alex watched as the girl took her time in responding, finally giving him a name. "Grace?" He spoke back quietly. Grace Havoc. So she wasn't Callie. What was she then? An identical twin? No...Callie would have mentioned that. He opened his own mouth to ask her why she looked identical to the girl Alex loved, but then closed it again, much as she had earlier. He remembered the way she had reacted earlier when he mentioned Callie, not to mention the 'don't question me' glare in her eyes. She obviously had some issues there.

Then again, if everywhere Alex went people kept calling him by the name of someone else, he'd get pretty pissed off too.

But still. She looked so much like Callie. There was silence for a moment, both bird kid staring at one another, before Alex decided to speak up. "I..I'm Alex, Alex Lozier." He seemed polite to give Grace his name, she had after all told him hers. He then frowned, "Are you from the school too?" He wondered why she hadn't got off of him yet, but then again, he didn't really mind, and it wasn't like he was exactly trying to push her off either.

He knew he hadn't given her a reason as to why he followed her yet, but he wasn't exactly sure why he did. If she asked, he'd just tell her it was because she attacked him, because she looks like a girl he used to know, oh and the whole shifting thing. But to be fair, he got attacked all the time, he was trying to avoid Callie, not follow her, and it wasn't exactly like he wasn't used to people around him having powers anyway.

So why had he followed her?
"Good idea Agent Cuddles!" Liza "whispered" in what was almost a normal speaking tone, and she chased Lillie out of the hallway and into sight with the other kids, immediately starting her own game up as well. "FREEZE!"

Her chosen game doesn't precisely jibe with Lillie's, but she doesn't realize this as she too stops beside Lillie, looking April over with unabashed curiosity as she too joins Lillie in questioning her. "Hi! I'm Liza. That's me, Lillie's best friend. And we're sisters too. Twins even. 'Cause we're both five. How old are you? You look littler than Callie and Blaire and Eliza."

When April informs Lillie that she can't be Alex's sister, Liza frowns, putting her hands on her hips as she corrects her. "Nuh uh. She is too his sister. Plus also I am too I think. Are so. Alex said."

Liza gasps, almost screaming, when April knocks Lillie down, and she runs to her, kneeling beside her and putting her arm around her before turning to give a fierce glower towards April. "I don't even like you!" she announced. "You hurted Lillie and you are telling lies!"

Turning to Eliza, she appealed to her, "M-Eliza, she is bad!"

Eliza has been watching the interaction between April and the little girls with interest, and attempts to think up on the spot what emotions would be most accepted and appreciated by the others for her to put on. She decides on a combination of fear, anger, and intrigue as she backs away from April, going over by Lillie too.

"How...how do we know that's true?" she asks, and she does wonder it genuinely. She trusts no one's story, least alone that of a little girl who can so easily throw another little girl.
Keanu turns his head as he hears giggles and laughs, coming from behind him. A few seconds later, he sees Lillie round the corner and before he can stop her, she runs into him. With a small 'oof' sound, he takes a step back. "Someone's had too much sugar..." he mumbles, ruffling her hair. When she asks if April is another bird kid, he nods his head. "Apparently." Soon, Liza appears, and stands near Lillie. He watches as April's attention turns to the two youngest members of the Flock. He, like everyone else, listens to Lillie and April's conversation.

When April says that Alex already has a sister, Callie and Keanu give each other confused looks. But, Callie knew that she knew more than most of the Flock. Back in New York, she had found out that Alex's parents and unborn sister we're killed in a car crash. And apparently he had told Lillie too, although that wasn't really shocking. She raises her eyebrows as the young girl seems to get angrier with every second. Soon the door flies open on it's own. She can only help but assume April must have done it with some kind of weird power she probably had. As Lillie is thrown down, Callie's confusion turns to anger as her normal temper flares up, probably evenly matching April's now. Although her anger doesn't cause doors to fly open unexpectedly.

"Who are you?" She asks loudly. "How are we supposed to know if your Alex's sister or not?" she questions, like Eliza had done. For all she knew, this was a trap. She had learned not to trust people easily, and she especially didn't trust this girl. "You're supposed to be dead." She states simply, not taking her eyes off the girl. "Your 'brother' isn't here. He doesn't even know you exist."

((Sure, I'll make one now))
((not sure how to introduce Nicco, unless you just want him to take Joseph's place or something similar to it?))

His name was Alex, huh? She remembered hearing about him before. The School had made her do research on all the Flock members. Though she only went into full detail on California for obvious reasons. But whoever he was, he seemed to be shocked that her name wasn't "Callie". When he asked about the School, she rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, I have a crazy fan club. Their obsessed with me." Grace said in a sarcastic tone, one eyebrow cocked. "Of course I'm from the School." She leaned down closer. "I think its pretty obvious we're both from the School. But you have that groomed-freedom kind of thing about you. What's your story, pretty boy?" Oh, and she certainly thought he was pretty. But it was more than that, the more she looked at him the more she decided how hot he was.

Before she inadvertently decided to do something stupid, Grace leaned away from him and moved in what was basically a roll, situating herself next to him about an arm's length away. Again she wondered why he hadn't thrown her off, how long would he have let her straddle him had she hadn't gotten off of him. She got to her feet, wanting to have an out. Grace had enough energy to turn into a small fast bird, which would actually conserve energy moreso than opening her own wings and flying away. She suddenly got caught by a dizzy spell. Yeah, she wasn't going anywhere. So she folded her legs and sunk to the ground again, her palm to her temple, but turned in such a way that she could watch him.

((Sorry this took so long, I'm taking a class to be a lifeguard. Getting my certification tomorrow!))
(Uhm, not sure how Nicco can be introduced. I'm assuming at some point Alex and Grace will go back to find Joseph, find he's gone, completely vanished with no sign of a note or anything, maybe a sign of struggle, dunno yet, so they decide to go it alone. I would suggest Nicco being at the cave when they go back to find Joseph, but then they may suspect him of doing something to Joseph, maybe they could just run into him afterwards? Or hey, if we really wanted to make this complex we could get Alex and Grace taken by the school, they break out (Alex should be an expert at it by now - he's done it at least twice) and see Nicco on their way out and get him out too. But that might be a bit too extravagant xD It's up to you guys)

April watched the Flock as they all reacted individually to her knocking down the annoying child. The other little one gasped, running over to the idiotic child 'Lillie' after announcing she was also Alex's 'little sister' Oh and she declared April was lying just to top it off. Her fists clenched even tighter as she glowered at Liza, "I'm not lying." Her voice was laced with anger. How dare this stupid little girl claim April was a lier. Sure, she lied sometimes, but she would never EVER lie about her big brother.

She tried to ignore the foolish little girls as one of the older ones asked her a question. She turned to look at the Liza-look-alike, her eyes dark. These people were all incompetent. Couldn't they just understand that she was Alex's sister? Why the hell did they need proof, why did it matter to them? Then blondie spoke up, rather loudly infact, and April turned to her, fists still clenched at the side as wind rattled against the sides of the house. Her words stabbed into the pre-teen like daggers. You're supposed to be dead. Your 'brother' isn't here. He doesn't even know you exist.

Yeah. She knew. She knew and guess what, she knew! But she's not dead. She will find her brother, and make sure he knows she exists.

April, of course, has never met any human besides the scientists, so she has no idea the others here could also have powers, and she certainly has no idea that could possibly be reading her mind. April stamps her foot now, flared up, and growls slightly, "Look! If you annoying idiots can't help me find my brother then why the hell should I waste my time on 'proving' to you that I'm his pre-mature, ripped-from-her-dead-mother's stomach little sister!" She flings her hands down in frustration with the last word, causing a nearby vase to be blown off the table and smashed onto the floor. She barely notices it, her voice slightly raised, "See! You made me mad and now I'm breaking things!"

It is clear April has been deprived of social contact with others anywhere near her age. She completely sees this whole thing as the Flock's fault.


Lillie, as she is knocked, lets out a small cry and remains on the floor as Liza runs over to her and puts her arm around her in an almost hug. She is now a bit too startled too be angry with the new bird girl infront of them, though anger is lingering, and she simply allows Liza to comfort her. She does however speak to the girl in a light whisper, "Do you think she's really Alex's little sister? Does this mean we can't be his little sisters anymore?"

She glances up as the vase smashes, only flinching slightly, but decides to remain where she is with Liza. Callie can handle this, right?


Alex grinned slightly as Grace joked with him. She certainly had Callie's sarcasm rolling off her tongue. Then the wild girl leant closer, still straddling Alex as she had been for a while now, and he could have sworn he felt his heart pick up a bit. What was she doing? Should he push her off? But no, she was only speaking to him, so why was his heart still pounding?

Had to be the chase. Yeah. That was it.

He chuckled as she rolled off of him after declaring he looked free yet groomed, oh and pretty, lets not forgot that one. His story? He propped himself up, watching as Grace stood up, looked around as if she was looking for an escape route, then seemed to pale a bit before practically dropping to the ground. He frowned slightly, worried as she seemed hurt for a moment, but then decided she seemed fine. Plus, if she was anything like Callie she probably wouldn't want him fussing over her. So he pulled himself up so he was sitting with his legs crossed, leaning forward a bit as he lightly teased her with a small curve to his lips. "You think I'm pretty?"

He then remembered she'd asked for his story, and he shrugged, usually he wouldn't give much up, but for some reason he wanted to tell Grace. She obviously wasn't a tracker, which he was glad for. He'd hate to hurt such a beautiful face. "My story? Uhm, broke out of the school a couple of months back, maybe a year I'm not too sure. Went on the run with this group of other bird kids, we called ourselves 'The Flock' and after some major trouble with a freaky guy who kidnapped some of our Flock, we rescued them and them some Doctor took us into her house." He shrugged, stretching slightly, "But I got bored of the cushy life and left, met some bird kid named Joseph and we've been camping in the woods for a while now." This is of course not at all the reason why Alex left, he would have loved enjoying the 'cushy life', but he wouldn't even tell Joseph why he had left his old Flock, let alone some hot girl he had just met.

Though the hot part was tempting him.

(Aw cool! :D Congrats!)
Liza kept her arm around Lillie, huddling even closer to her as she continued to look between Eliza and April with wide eyes, wanting Eliza to somehow take over everything for her and make it better. When Lillie whispered her question to her, Liza turned to face her, having never considered such a thing, and she frowned, worried now too even as she tried to reassure Lillie.

"I don't know...I hope she's lying. I hope she's just a big lying meanyhead. You know what though, I think we are still Alex's sisters no matter what. 'Cause you can have a whole lotta sisters. And anyway he said. So there to meanyhead April."

When April began to yell again, then threw the vase, Liza flinched, wrapping herself even more tightly around Lillie and flinching. She stared at April with her mouth open, saying to her accusingly, "You are being a bad girl, April! You are not supposed to even break things and it is not neither our fault 'cause you got mad all by yourself. Plus also we were standing here and we didn't even touch that vase."

Eliza, still observing and making judgments about the situation, now doubts that April did in fact come as a parallel mission to her own. She certainly doesn't trust the volatile little child, but children around her age are rarely good actors or to be trusted for long periods of time, and no child who was sincerely so out of control emotionally could handle what Eliza had been entrusted with. Having reassured herself, Eliza is now free to go to the little girls and put her hands on both their shoulders as she looked at April, biting her lip as she speaks softly.

"April...you're scaring them. Alex...he isn't here. So...maybe you should tell us what's going on...so we can help."

Or so Eliza could figure out how to add one more escaped bird kid to her list of people she can bring back to the lab.
((Yeah, I think I'll just add him in after they check the cave. That's probably the easiest.))

As the situation seems to get less and less civilized and louder by the second, Callie's temper continues to rise. Although she had to admit, this girls temper was impressive. Hell, she could open doors and knock things over without touching them. Even though there was Keanu, who could literally burn you from the inside out. But it seemed like the young girl was about to create some kind of tornado right in the living room with her anger alone.

While April continues to insist she is related to Alex, Callie studies the girl instead of getting more into a verbal argument like most of the Flock was. She compared April's physical appearance to that of Alex's. They both had brown hair, and those stunningly deep green eyes. Of course that could easily be a coincidence. Someone from the school could have gone out and found a young girl who had the physical characteristics of Alex, or they could have even scientifically made this girl. She didn't doubt either theory. She then started studying her facial structure more. Her and Alex did seem to have a similar bone structure. It would be harder to find or make someone that would have a similar bone structure as another person. Of course she also didn't know that their was literally an exact clone of her walking around.

She was just glad Eliza and Keanu seemed to be taking control over this. Callie was afraid she would just loose it if she started getting into it. As Eliza speaks more, Keanu takes a few steps forward so he's standing next to her and also in front of April.

"Try and calm down. Getting angry and throwing things wont help you get an answers," he said, even though most members of the Flock had learned that the hard way. "If we knew where Alex was, we would tell you. We'd probably even be looking for him ourselves." He silently wondered this to himself. Alex had made it pretty clear that he didn't want to be found. Of course his thoughts might have been changed if he found out his supposed little sister was looking for him

((By the way, happy one year guys! I really didn't expect this roleplay to last this long and thanks for all of you staying to make it last. Hope we can make it through another year! :D ))
Blaire had been watching and observing silently over the exchange. Her facial expression turning progressively into a frown. She didn't like were this was going. The girl, even for her age, was mistrusting and suspicious. Which was to be expected having been on her own and all, and she didn't think it need mention the trauma they all received from the school. But this girl was absolutely a loaded gun. Her voice easily spiking to a shouting range when the atmosphere became stressful.

Her wings shifted uneasily on her back when the gust of wind blew through the house, knocking open the door. From the way her hair floated around her shoulders from the residing gust, Blaire determined that this girl was an air elemental. That or she was telekinetic, further proved when Lillie was knocked down to the floor. That was when Blaire started to loose her cool. Seeing Demitri moving in her peripheral vision, Blaire stepped around Lillie and Liza protectively, finding Ethan had done the same simultaneously From there things further escalated.

The girl, April's, voice rose higher in anger. How easily she'd lost her composure. A vase flew off it's stand and shattered to the hard wood floor. That was making Blaire even more irritated with this girl, coming into Dr. Akana's home, making accusations and breaking personal property. Blaire already felt bad about putting an inconvenience on the good doctor, having taken a handful of out of sorts bird-kids into her home and letting them have run of the place. It was amazing she hadn't kicked them out. Blaire didn't want to take advantage of the woman's good will, and this was really pushing it, the girl wasn't apart of their Flock, but because they were here, she was here, meaning it was their responsibility.

Blaire was about to go over and pin the girl's wrists against the wall until she calmed down and gave them actual answers. Instead, Eliza stepped up and calmly took control of the situation. Blaire was a bit surprised how she handled it. She herself would have handled it a bit differently, but Blaire went to stand behind the girl as back up. In case April decided she'd pull a fast one. Though she stayed silent, feeling that Eliza had taken care of the diplomacy role well, and her own presence was warning enough.

Demitri had been hanging out towards the back of the room, taking a passive position in this argument as he saw no need for his personal intervention. The others were clearly handling it, though outright demanding answers didn't seem to be the best way to approach this, the girl seemed to only respond to rising tension and stress. And despite what Demitri saw was against her main motive when she walked in here, she got involved and she gave out more information than she originally planned. April was definitely hard on herself for, what did she say, and eleven-year-old girl? Experiencing much more stress than one child should ever face. And for that Demitri was sympathetic.

When she started to loose control of her powers, Demitri began to get leery. Not knowing what to expect from this girl with so much bent up emotions swirling inside her. It was simple to see how her powers so easily escaped her in times of stress. When Lillie hit the ground, Demitri was there. Blaire and Ethan standing defensively in front of them. He knelt down and swept Lillie up in his arms and holding her against his side with one arm so he could put the other around Liza. Both girls were obviously upset. Confused as to why this was all happening? Maybe. He'd seen their not-so-concealed mischievous grins when they'd come in, not as surprised as two small curious girls should be when confronting a mysterious new bird-kid who'd come to them.

Demitri wanted to comfort Lillie, with all these accusations being thrown around, Lillie would most likely be in a state of confusion and disarray, conflicted with her knowledge of Alex and this new evidence of Alex's blood sister. He could understand how that would be conflicting to the girl. Blaire and himself weren't blood-related, but they considered each other close family after growing up with each other in the lab and always acting the role, he'd never given it a second thought, Blaire was as good as his sister as far as he was concerned.

Grace couldn't help but laugh at his tease. "Ohhhh yeah. Very pretty. Just look at those cheekbones," Grace teased right back, leaning forward to pinch one of his cheeks affectionately. It felt good to be acting like this, so carefree. After never being allowed any freedom at the School, besides lashing out with her sharp tongue of hers, it felt good to joke around. She wanted to be like this all the time. This was the first time she felt she could be herself. She decided she could trust him for now, as he didn't seem to have any motive against her, didn't try to follow her when she stood up, more like he looked worried when she practically collapsed back on the ground. Grace found all of this strange. The practical side of her brain told her she should be getting on her way as soon as possible that she was better off on her own than around a guy from 'Callie's' Flock and who was potentially more powerful than she was. The risk-taking side of her kept finding things she liked about him, besides the obvious things like his calculating dark green eyes, but the spark of mystery in them, the way he responded to her gibes at him, the power and control he had behind his movements, power which was hard for her to rein a lot of the times as it comes and goes she'd feel it one time and it'd be gone the next.

Then there was a sense of comradery, of combining assets to form a team. Something that being alone she was vulnerable to. Grace didn't even have to think about it to know she wanted his company. After he told her his story, pieces of information she knew about him and the Flock fitting together, but she didn't let on. As for her own story, she'd just escaped, that part was spoken for. However she didn't care if he was expecting her to go into detail, because she wasn't. Despite the need she felt to tell him things about herself, she wasn't ready to go into detail about why she was at the School and what exactly she was doing there. She decided to test how far he felt on the matter. "Well, then. It was lucky you were a bird-kid, huh? I didn't plan on that. Originally you were just the bait." She smirked, she gestured to his shirt and opened her hands. There were there were rips in the shoulders and dark red-ish brown stains from the blood that had dried there when she'd attacked him. The river had washed away most of the dried blood on her own skin, her feet were still oozing a bit having been run on and all of that but that couldn't be helped. All that was left on her hands were the long thin scabs from getting all scratched up, she'd give it a day before they became all pink and healed up nicely. "All apart of my devious master plot for escape. Worked too, they all attacked you. Had it not been for those pretty "cheekbones" of yours, you'd have gotten sliced open or taken back to the School. And I couldn't have that." She leaned forward and rested her chin in her hand propped on her elbow. Grace was still a bit light-headed from the recession, silently cursing the unpredictable fluctuation of her power.


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Happy One Year Anniversary!

☞ This usually doesn't happen very often

April is ready to slap these damn idiots. The little girl she had thrown was no longer annoying her, as she was just being silent, but the other one, well she was tempted to crush her vocal chords, that's how annoying she was. A bad girl? Not supposed to break things? Got mad all by herself? How the hell can someone get mad by themselves? Someone else always had to cause them to become mad first! Plus, since when was she not allowed to break things? That was all she had ever been taught to do! Smash that glass, crush that toy, dent that table, create that mini-tornado. All she had ever done was break things. It's what she did best. They always told her she was a good girl when she broke things.

April's dark eyes snapped to look at Eliza as the girl spoke again, geesh, who was the leader here? Blondie or the quiet girl? Scaring them? April seemed to falter slightly then, squinting her eyes at the two children. Scaring them? Was she supposed to do that? Before she could think on that much more, the dark-haired guy spoke up, trying to calm April down. Well. He didn't say anything that offended her. Yet. So, slightly less mad now, she looked to Eliza as she thought over the older girl's question. Should she answer? What could April gain from this conversation?

The answer was simple. Nothing.

She quickly spun then, the brown backpack on her back spinning with her, as she took a step forward, about to speed off and leave when she was faced with one of the Flock female members, the brunette who had remained silent so far. She let out a sound of annoyance, "I don't need to tell you anything, and I don't need your help okay!" She spun back around to face Eliza with this declarative, "If you can't tell me where my brother is, then you're useless to me!" She turned back to Blaire, "Get out of my way!" Callie's thoughts were right; April was a loaded gun. She flung her hands back, about to use the wind circling them to slam Blaire down the stairs and out of her way - not caring that the girl would get hurt.


Lillie's head hurt. Liza was hugging her, trying to tell her April was probably lying, that they were still Alex's sisters. But if they were his sisters then why did he leave them? Lillie hated thinking about that. Alex left them, he just left. No reason. Just...gone. If he really, truly cared about Lillie and Liza, and the rest of the Flock, then how could he have just left them like that? It made no sense.

Did this mean Alex didn't want them to be his little sisters anymore?

Lillie was numbly aware of Eliza placing her hand on her shoulder, speaking to April, but she is still trying to figure out if she believes April or not. She notices both Blaire and Ethan move to protect them, then Blaire moves behind April and Demitri has suddenly swept up Lillie in his arms. Just like Alex would have. She snuggled against him, instinctively, glad for his comfort. Maybe it would be easier to think with him hugging her.


Alex grinned as Grace leant forward, pinching his cheek lightly, he didn't even stop to think about how he would have reacted if anyone else had just done that. Probably would have flipped them through the floor. Even if anyone in the Flock had done that, with the exception of Lillie or Liza, he wouldn't have reacted well. Alex was also having his own inner conflict, much as Grace was. He had also decided she wasn't much of a threat anymore, sure she had attacked him, but she had then in turn saved him, and even ran away from him. If she had wanted to kill him she would have let the trackers do it for her back by that waterfall. But still, should he really be getting close to ANOTHER bird kid? He had left his Flock for a reason, and then not even a month after he had ran into Joseph, who he had managed to befriend, and now this girl Grace too? Wasn't he just essentially making another Flock? And it would be even worse this time because he'd have to be the leader, which would make him even more responsible if something bad happened to any one of them.

Then there was the way her blue eyes seemed to catch the light at perfect moments. The perfect curve she had to her lips as she poked fun at him. Not only did he like the way her hair - darker than Callie's - was slightly messed up from their tussle, but also that red streak of individuality in her bangs. There had to be more to her story. His curiousity was beginning to get the better of him as the minutes passed; the more time he spent speaking to her, the more he wondered just how alike to Callie she was. Why did she even look like Callie? Were they twins? It seems the only logical explanation. But surely Callie would know? Plus, Keanu was Callie's twin, would that make them triplets?

Alex's brain was buzzing slightly from the complexity of his thoughts, trying to figure out something that was almost impossible. He decided to shut it up for now, maybe he could ask Grace, or get it out of her in some way or another. He wasn't entirely sure how he felt about her admittance to him just being bait. She hadn't known he was a bird kid? Did that mean she was planning on leaving some poor human for the Trackers to demolish? Before he could show much reaction to that, she motioned to his top and he looked down to see tears in the shoulders, and of course some dried blood. That must have been from where she threw him to the floor. He remembered thinking more about the fact that a hot Callie-look-alike was pinning him rather than the pain in his shoulder and back.

Speaking of which, his back just then decided to give off a violent sting and after reaching back and touching the open wound - suppressing a wince - he remembered he had indeed been slashed down the back by a talkative robo-Tracker. They always went for his damn back. He looked to Grace with a grin as she casually told him that his 'pretty cheekbones' had been the thing that got him saved, leaning closer as she did so. It was one of those slow, 'trying to hide it' grins, the one's that start out with a small tilt of the lips before disobediently blossoming out into a full smile and a small chuckle.

"Well then I'm damn glad I've got 'pretty cheekbones', the school's not exactly a fun house." He smirked lightly, "Though they have a terrible security system, broken out of there twice now and escaped with all my limbs." He mimicked Grace's 'pose' then, propping himself up as she has done with her hand on her chin and looking back at her, "Is this a staring competition? I bet you I'll win."

(You can either have someone stop April or let Blaire get hit by the wind, just thought I'd leave it open just in case xD Oh, thought I should throw in that brown backpack as a sort of proof, it would have her case file in it. April would have taken her case file from the school when she escaped so that she could show it to Alex and prove she was his little sister - in case he doubted her. You can make one of the Flock members take it from her or something if you want, I have no issues with the Flock seeing it xD It's just her case file inside, and a stash of money)
Well this isn't going at all the way she would like it to, and Eliza is beginning to feel more than irritation at the child's defiance. She can feel her pulse quickening even as she controls herself, continuing to watch the now threatening April, making no move towards her...yet. She allows time to lapse before speaking to her, still carefully choosing her words. Even if April will not trust her, the others must.

"April, we are concerned for you. We...we don't know where he is, but maybe we can help you...help you find him. Maybe...maybe you can help us. If you'll talk to us. If you'll calm down." She pauses, then adds, "You can't hurt us though. We can't let you do that. It isn't right. You're like us...we should be helping each other. We should be sticking together. It's what's best for everyone...if we help each other."

Liza is still staring at April with her mouth open, and she backs into Eliza's arms more fully, grateful when Eliza's arms close around her, holding her in a similar manner as to how Demitri held Lillie. Tugging her arm, she said to everyone at large in a loud whisper, "That April is gonna do the wind stuff I think! She's gonna try to hurt us! Are you sure she's not bad?"
Blaire was standing behind April when the girl spun around. Her lightning-fast reflexes allowed her to react quickly. As April's attach blasted her back, Blaire was pushed down the stairs, instinctually her wings extended so she was able to righten herself in the air and slow her fall so that she landed in a crouch midway down the staircase. Blaire stood and walked back up and took her place again behind the now frozen April. She wasn't really frozen, though Blaire could do that, literally freezing her would have killed the girl, and she couldn't have that. Rather, she was stuck with her arms held back in the position the instant when she'd threw the gust of air. No, she wasn't frozen as a popsicle, but human and bird-kid alike, majority of the body was made out of water and fluids. Hence she had control, though Blaire didn't have as much practice with this so she only trusted herself to hold the fluids still, she didn't have much practice using this technique on people, with time she knew she could harness more control over the body. Blaire liked that prospect, like mind-control only without asking.

"I wouldn't be so quick to action, buttercup." Blaire eased crossing her arms. April was facing her as she had been before she went on the offense. "You're a smart girl, you should have known you weren't the only one with powers here. You want to settle this, we can. But you need to calm down. I'm sure we can help each other."

Grace smirked wider. "I'm sure you'd love to sit and ogle at my gorgeous completion all day. But we should probably get going. These woods will be crawling with those creeps in a matter of time. We'll need the head start like this." She gestured between the two of them and their wounds. Grace didn't really know how the wound on his back would affect their flying, but she hoped he would be okay. It was sorta her fault that he was hurt, though she wouldn't admit to that out loud. In addition to that, she was hungry as all get-out, not having eaten for around 48 hours, as she'd been on the run for a day and hadn't been fed the day before that when she was at the school as a part of a punishment. She was paying for it now, but freedom was well worth spent. Now she had an ally to make matters better.

She pushed herself off the ground slowly, expecting the rush of blood to her head, the dizziness, which she really didn't need but happened anyway. Grace swayed a moment before regaining equilibrium and steadying herself. She took a moment to assess. They were both a bit torn up, her moreso from the fight she faced when escaping, the chase, nature itself, and the fight again. Grace would have to find something sturdier sooner than later. She held out her hand and helped pull him to his feet. "Lets get a move on."
Keanu looked at the younger girl as she faced him, like she might actually talk to him and answer some questions. But she quickly spun back around, so she was facing Blaire. He listened to her explode again, with a small inaudible sigh. He had hoped he might have at least gotten through to the girl who seemed to have numerous anger problems. As Blaire is thrown down the stairs, he sucks in a breathe of air, but lets it out as she lands in a crouch mid-way down. Of course he expect her to save herself, but the initial reaction still shone through. Even if she hadn't saved herself, they had all endured much worse than a fall down the stairs.

He realizes quickly that Blaire has used some kind of her power to freeze the girl in her spot. Not literally freezing her, because that would result in death, but probably keeping the fluids in her body from moving. Blaire had done it to him once or twice before when he had gotten on her nerves. Keanu could do something similar, where he could heat the body up to the point where they could move, but it would be painful and feel like they were on fire. He preferred not to do this.

"If you have proof, all you have to do is show us," Callie says suddenly, speaking up again. She had continued to silently watch, up until Blaire was thrown. She, like Blaire, crossed her arms over her chest. "But you need to cool it. Otherwise, things might get a little ugly." Her eyes flickered to Keanu's, who caught her stare and gave a very slight nod. Callie had more of an open, straight out approach to things. It was her attitude talking.


The leaves crunched and cracked under his feet as Nicco raced across the forest floor. He had a smirk plastered on his face, his dirty blonde hair flying away from his face. Behind him was a small group of trackers, no more than maybe six. He hadn't thought to count. Even though he could essentially be running for his life, the smirk never faded. He loved a good chase. He was a great runner, too.

He had been sitting on a branch of a large tree, eating a cheeseburger had picked up from some fast food restaurant when he had first heard the trackers. They had been maybe a mile away at the time, and they seemed to be preoccupied with something else. Although he was sure they had come for the sole purpose of catching him and bringing him back to that damn school. He had been on his own for nine days now and this would be his first encounter with the trackers. He didn't know there was two more winged kids only a few miles away from him. He just thought the trackers had picked up on a scent trail from him that he might have left earlier and that's why they were going the wrong direction. It was about twenty minutes before he could sense them coming in his direction.

As soon as he saw the trackers, he had the smirk on his face. They had quickly circled his tree, growling and shouting up at him. Although they had wings, they we're surprisingly smart enough to realize that they wouldn't be able to get him from his position in the tree. "Boys, didn't your mothers tell you it was rude to disturb a poor, hungry bird kid eating his breakfast in a tree? No? Well, she should have." He had told them, with his normal happy attitude. Even though these trackers could porbably kill him given the chance, his mood didn't change in the slightest. With a light chuckle, he jumped straight down from his branch, and landed on his feet about ten feet away from the nearest tracker. They jumped on him instantly, but he was too quick for them. As soon as his feet touch the ground he was pouring on speed. He would have snapped his wings out and taken to the air, but the forest was too thick and he wouldn't be able to pull it off.

He continued to run, weaving in and out of trees and jumping over rocks and logs. One log in particular he jumped over, turned while in the air, and landed so he was now facing the trackers. Smirk still in place, he raised his arms up, palms facing the sky, and watched as the good-sized log lifted off the ground. The trackers were about twenty feet from him by this point. Once they got a little closer, he lifted his hands behind his neck and then threw them forward, the log flying through the air and colliding with two of the trackers. He pumped his fist in satisfaction as it hit both of them square in the chest, knocking them over. Wasting no time, he moved his hand in the direction of a small boulder, lifting it up with his arm. He positioned it to throw it at the next tracker.
Liza's eyes widened considerably as she stared first at the frozen form of April, then at Blaire, her mouth falling open. She gave a slight hop, her indignation gone now with her amazement as she says with awe, "Whooooa! She is a ICEGIRL! She's all cold and won't even move!!! Blaire can you teach me to do that? That is soooo cool!"

Then she frowns as a new thought strikes her. "Is she gonna get freezed to death now? Is she gonna stay that way? And be not moving never? Blaire I think maybe that was bad...she's just a little girl even if she's mean and bad."

Eliza too was impressed by Blaire's power, which she had not been aware existed. Was this a new power, or one that she had managed to hide from the scientists? They had not informed Eliza of it. It was useful to have this knowledge, for Eliza would not want to have it used against her. Definitely manipulation rather than force would have to be her own strength against the others.

Eliza observed April's still form, noting carefully in her mind exactly how it seemed to be working to hold the girl, and then looked down at Liza, squeezing her shoulders.

"She isn't hurting her. She'll let her go soon, she just...needs to make sure April won't be so angry and hurt people."
April panicked immediately when she found she couldn't move, she tried to, oh yes she tried to, fighting furiously against Blaire's power, but to no avail. She was stuck. She blew a bit of hair of her face, clearly annoyed as she reluctantly listened to Blaire talk. She glared at her, voice raised now, she was angry, "Why would I know you have powers? I didn't read your files, only Alex's, I don't care about any of you idiots!" She did infact know about their powers, she was just trying to make a point, the school had told her of their powers - as they originally planned to send her after the Flock and bring her back, but that plan failed.

She listened to Callie now, but instead of calming she was just still getting madder and madder. Proof? Why the HELL did she need to show these fools PROOF. Why did it matter to them! SHE JUST WANTED TO GO! Her chest was rising and dropping quite quickly now, as though she was running or out of breath, and her eyes narrowed into almost slits as she spoke through gritted teeth, speaking to Blaire, "Let. Me. Go." She growled at the end of her sentence, and it was at this point that Lillie noted the weather outside.


Lillie had been watching silently, letting the grown-up kids handle the new girl, claiming to be Alex's little sister, but then, as April began to yell and growl she heard the rush of wind outside, and she glanced to the window as her eyes widened. A tornado. It was small, very small, but still scary as hell. And it was heading this way. It was small, but large enough to certainly do some damage not only to the house but to the kids inside as well. And the humans.

Lillie didn't want to think about it.

"She's making a tornada!" She pronounced the word wrong, but pointed at the window to get her point across. She glanced to April, who was still breathing quickly, looking like she was about to murder someone - which she was if someone didn't stop her. But she was already being stopped by the grown-up kids! What else could stop her straight away? That was it. Lillie knew. She leapt down from Demitri, and headed over to April in a quick run, stopping before she got to the girl and closing her eyes as she stop a breathe. Her eyes shot open as her mouth did, staring straight at April as a high-pitched scream left her mouth, to the other bird kids, it would be mildly irritating, but to April, it was excruciatingly painful.

April, as the scream entered her ears, turned pale and her eyes widened, all traces of anger leaving as it was replaced by immense pain. She let out her own scream of pain, her brain felt like it was simultaneously freezing, being melted and cut up all at the same time. If Blaire were to release hold of April, she would drop to her knees from the pain. Once Lillie was sure the tornado had stopped completely, vanished, she closed her mouth and stared at April still. "You need to stop being mad and listen to the big kids! If you really are Alex's little sister then you should be smart like him and know that he wouldn't be happy if you hurt any of us! Even if he's gone now, Alex was a part of our family and that means he loves every one of us, so if you hurt anybody in this house then he'll be really mad at you and if you love him you don't want that!" She stamped her foot to reiterate her point before stepping back and glancing up at Callie, as if she was telling her it was her turn now.


Alex was glad he didn't blush easily - or maybe he just didn't have any blood left to rise to his cheeks anymore - because he would have done so when she teased him lightly about staring at her. He nodded as she reminded him of their wounds and the head start they would need. "Oh yeah." He chuckled, stretching slightly, "You get so used to it after a while you kinda just forget that there's a gaping wound on your back." He wasn't kidding, he was so used to being on the run, being injured and on the run, that he sort of was used to the pains by now.

When he was helped to his feet Alex tried his best to get up without putting too much strain on Grace, he nodded, "Yeah, we could try and find some food maybe? I mean, if you've only just escaped from the school I'm guessing you're running on an empty stomach?" That was mainly an excuse for Alex to get some food too; bird kids were always hungry.

He glanced to the direction that seemed the best way to head for food, as there was a small town in the far distance, nodding towards it, "We could head into the town area quickly and grab some food? It's so early that no-one would have crept out of their comfy little beds yet, and anyone who has would just see us and think they were hallucinating from lack of sleep." He of course had no idea there was a bird kid fighting Trackers in the direction he had nodded in.

(Thought Eliza should see Lillie's rarely used power too
xD The sonic scream, causes immense pain to any person she chooses to use it on. Unless their ears are plugged of course xD Oh, also, I know I made April extremely powerful with her wind, but I did give her the large downfall of her bad temper and easily manipulated ways. It's very easy to control the girl if you know how to blackmail her. Like Lillie just did then, she won't hurt the Flock if she knows it will upset Alex)
Liza is still worried as April remains frozen, her hands creeping to cover Eliza's as she pulls the older girl's arms more tightly across her. She watches April with a furrowed brow, saying with continued worry, "It's okay April. They'll let you go if you won't even be bad no more. I think-"

But this reassurance is interrupted by the storm that begins to form with ominous force outside, and as Lillie connects the dots for her about its cause, Liza's mouth drops open. "You are being so mean April! You shouldn't oughtta do that, you're gonna hurt us and you will be hurt too plus also what about the animals who got homes outside?!"

She tugs at Eliza, wanting her to drop down to the ground beside her to protect themselves, but when Eliza doesn't follow her immediately, and Lillie begins her shrieking scream, Liza drops down herself, covering her ears. "OH NO WE ARE GONNA GET HURTED BAD!!! LILLIE STOP!!!"

But the storm is dying down, and Lillie stops screaming in time without the building crumbling around them, as Liza had feared. Heart racing, she cautiously removed her hands from her ears, then looked up, sticking her thumb in her mouth and muttering around it. "You scareded me. I wanna go play. No one is being nice at all."

She scampers back to her bedroom and pulls a blanket around her head and shoulders, continuing to suck her thumb as she hopes that Eliza will follow her. But the older girl has barely noticed her departure. She looks between Lillie and April, astounded...is there no end to what these girls can do, what Eliza has not been told? Can she, herself, perhaps do things of this nature that she has not tested or been informed of?

For a moment a flicker of mistrust at the scientists moves within her, and then she pushes it back. They have told her what she needs to know, and what they themselves know. This is all explainable. She can use it, and she will make them proud of her and what she has learned that even they have not.

"You should stop," she says to April quietly. "There are more of us than you, we are larger and just as powerful, and you have been very rude and harmful towards us. We don't want to hurt you. We just want to know more about who you are and what information you have about Alex."
As Lillie mentions a "tornada" outside, Callie looks over towards the window. Even though she messed up the pronunciation it was still pretty obvious what she was talking about. Fearing the worse, she gets to the window in two quick strides and moves the curtains out of the way. Near the shoreline is in fact a small tornado. Sucking in a breath, she took in the size of the tornado. It was very small, but she knew even a tornado of that size could do a good amount of damage. That could easily cause damage to the house. And it was heading right their way.

Right as she was about to tell Blaire to let her go, Lillie's excruciatingly high pitched scream rang out throughout the living room. She gritted her teeth and winced at the sound. She knew about Lillie's "Sonic Scream" and it only hurt the person it was directed at, but still caused some discomfort to anyone around. As the scream died down, she glanced out the window again and saw that the tornado was gone. She's about to talk, but Lillie beats it to her as soon as she stops screaming. She listens to the girl, impressed about how spot-on she was. She had clearly been listening to her and the other teens. Once Lillie is done, she decides to speak up again.

"We don't want to hurt you. We're only trying to help. But if you try and hurt us, we won't. You might think you don't need our help, but honey, you really do. We know a lot more about Alex than you do." She looked over at Lillie for a second. "And Lillie's right. If you hurt any of us, Alex won't be very happy. No matter who you are." She paused and took a breath, rubbing her arm. She then looked over at Blaire. "Let her go." She said simply. If this girl didn't want there help, so be it. And if she tried anything, they could take her.


With a flick of his wrist, Nicco threw the boulder. He watched it fly through the air and collide with one of the trackers, hitting them right in the head. The head snapped back, completely falling off the body. Nicco was expecting some kind of bloody mess, but was momentarily shocked at what he was seeing. At the top of the trackers shoulders where the head should have been, was silver looking metal with numerous wires sticking out of it. He made a confused face, and watched the head roll away, noticing that there too was wires sticking out of them. Regardless, the headless body sunk to it's knees and then finally fell over. He was only slightly disappointing at the lack of blood.

This distraction had also given the Trackers an advantage. While he was busy observing these new robot trackers, the few that were left had advanced on him and right as he snapped back into reality one of the few remain trackers flung his big beefy hand out, hitting Nicco right in the stomach. Naturally, Nicco groaned inwardly and bent over, the salty taste of blood in his mouth already. These punches hurt even more now since their hand was made of metal. He turned his head to the side and spit onto the ground, staining it red. Quickly after, he grabbed the trackers arm and twisted it. Even though it was metal, he still heard the satisfying crack of a break. The tracker let out a robotic sounding yelp, and pulled away from Nicco's grasp while holding his arm.

As another tracker approached, he looked around for something else to throw. He spotted another small rock and moved his hand in its direction, lifting his arm up while the rock followed. He quickly spun around and threw it full speed and force at the next tracker. It hit him in the lower stomach, knocking it off its feet. Although Nicco was pretty well rested and fed, he was getting tired. He was very new to this whole telekinesis thing. He had known he had the skill since he was young but he wasn't able to exercise it in the school. Since he was new to it, he wasn't all that great at controlling it which resulted in it tiring him out. There were still a few more trackers and Nicco was only continuing to slow down.
At the word tornado, Ethan's attention whipped to the the window, were outside wind was churning into a funnel and wreaking havoc over Dr. Akana's property. Rage pulsed in his veins. How dare this child trespass into his home and address them with so much disrespect. The girl had already broken one item. Ethan was about ready to step in his self and drop kick the kid down the flight of stair and out the front door. Who cared if this girl might be Alex's sister, it looked like the pompous sense of misathourity ran in the family. By the time Blaire stepped in, Ethan was ready for action, hand outstretched. The girl was frozen but she could still use her power over the wind. And so the tornado was created, that is until Lillie literally screamed at the girl to the point where it shattered the girl's resolve. They were talking to her still. Usually Ethan was a bit more diplomatic, but in this circumstance, this girl recklessly destroying his home, he wasn't so forgiving. He would appreciate being in a more open area but didn't want to sacrifice the exorbitantly decorated living room space or any others around the house to the rather barren hallway.

The others seemed to be having an effect on the girl, but nonetheless, he wouldn't take any more chances and put a hand on the girl's shoulder, ready to take up any energy. A girl her size, he could easily knock her out if he took enough. If he did do that, that would be the first time he reveled any of his powers in front of the others.


When Alex was in his feet, Grace didn't really bother to take a step back. She rustled her creamy-tan wings on her back, shaking them out. They were dirty, covered in a layer of dried dust and oil, from the run and escape that she'd have to wash out by hand later. Thy didn't look very impressive. They were like any other pair of wings she'd ever seen. Plus she'd never had the time to discover where her 2% of avian genes really came from.

Grace was about to take a running leap into the air, she was poised to start into her run when a noise made her freeze. A faint sound in the woods had sent her enhanced senses in an alert. A crashing sound that's she would know a where, a fight. "Did you hear that?" Grace said, taking an unconscious step closer to Alex while her eyes scanned the woods. Her wings rustled restlessly against the torn and dirty linen tunic she wore, while the dirt had washed out from her excursion in the water, the blood stains had not and we're still drying. Grace shivered slightly, even in the late autumn months, California had a chill to the air.

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