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Fandom Winged

Lillie giggles as Liza pulls her through the hallway, looking like a hurricane of chaos as they leave behind them knocked over tables and almost-knocked over people. But she then frowns at the lack of toys as they enter hers and Liza's room, she opens her mouth to say something in an upset tone, already her mood has dampened, but then Liza has somehow found a way to make fun of this clean little room, and drags Lillie up onto a bed and Lillie watches for a moment as Liza jumps up and down.

A slow smile finds it way back onto her face and she also begins to jump up and down with her, still holding her hand as she begins to laugh. "Come on! Let's see if we can reach the ceiling!" Lillie suggests this almost impossible task with a massive grin on her face, letting go off Liza for a moment to jump and try to touch the ceiling with her fingers. "So close!" She calls out, even though she was miles away from touching it.

She looks to Liza, still jumping excitedly, "You try!!"


Alex had fallen silent when Callie came up, not explaining himself or his question as Callie took the lead. He found himself subtly watching the blonde as she spoke to Eliza then watched Keanu and Blaire, it would be hard to leave, especially now that he and Callie had finally kissed.

It was for the best though. He was just a danger to them all. They were safe now, he should leave before he brought them more trouble. Plus, maybe it would make it easier for Callie to hate him afterwards, as much as the thought upset him, maybe she would think he had just gotten what he wanted from her - a kiss - and then ditched. Plus, Cuddles was happy, she had Liza to play with now, and she seemed to like Demitri a lot more than she ever had before.

She'd be fine.

He then watched with a slight frown as Eliza moved away, way too slowly to be natural. Before she looked up, then wings came from her back. Alex's eyes widened and he nudged Callie lightly, "Uh. Am I hallucinating or did Eliza just FLY."

Maybe they put something in his drink.
Liza jumps as hard as she can, bending her knees with each attempt and then springing up as fast and high as she can, stretching her body tall and reaching with all her might, but despite her height, which is rather tall for five, she cannot reach the ceiling. She tries several more times, then leaps over to Lillie's bed, jumping back and forth between the two, giggling so much she nearly misses and falls a few times.

"Wheeeee!" she shouts, grabbing Lillie's hand and jumping up and down with her, before letting go and clapping her hands, dimples digging into her cheeks with this new idea. "I know I know!!! I can do it, I can touch like THIS!"

Still jumping, she allows her wings to unfold from her back, stretching out far and actually hitting Lillie's chest, though gently. They take up most of the length of the bed, and Liza flaps them carefully, squealing with delight when she lifts up enough to scrape her fingers at the ceiling.

"I did it!!! Look!!!"

Making sure that she can be clearly seen, Eliza continues to drift low in the sky, flapping her wings slowly, enjoying the feel of the air moving through her feathers, ruffling her hair. She is not facing those left behind, but rather searching for Blaire and Keanu. She does not intend to catch up with them, nor to speak with them, but she does hope they will see her eventually, perhaps when they head back. Certainly Callie and Alex will, and hopefully the scientists would too. It would save her some trouble, if she didn't have to explain herself multiple times.
Lillie giggles at Liza attempts, thinking she looked rather funny when she jumped like that. Then she has the superb idea of jumping from bed to bed, and Lillie exclaims exictedly, her face turning pink from the energy being used from jumping and giggling at the same time - which is actually more strenuous than one would think. "I wanna try!" She then copies Liza, following her lead as she leaps bed to bed with her. She lands back on Liza's bed just as Liza grabs her and then lets go to clap. She watches with awe as Liza unspreads her wings, barely noticing the edge of the wing pushing her back slightly, and keeps her eyes on Liza's fingers as they scrape the ceiling.

"You're so clever Liza! That's a great idea!" Lillie herself then unfolds her own wings, standing so that they are either side of the bed, rather than up and down the bed, and flaps them herself, hovering so that she touches the ceiling. She then grins down at Liza, "Watch this!" Carefully flapping her wings, she does a mini-flip, so that her feet are resting on the ceiling, and her wings flap continously to keep her up as she walks on the roof of the room. "Look at me Liza!" Lillie looks at her friend from an upside down view, her long hair draping down comically as her cheeks begin to fill with colour, "You try!!!"

Lillie is clearly thrilled with her idea of walking on the ceiling and sits down, her wings keeping up up as she prods the light from where she is sitting next to it.

(Oh dear. Could imagine one of the grown-ups checking up on the girls and seeing them sitting upside down on the ceiling xD 'Twould be hilarious)
Callie had been focused on watching Keanu and Blaire fly, and when Eliza moved away she didn't think anything of it. She was probably just going back inside. She sighed, running a hand through her still slightly damp long blonde hair. She could get used to staying in Hawaii for a little longer. She was brought out of her thoughts by Alex's strange words. She made a confused face and looked at him. He had to be hallucinating. Maybe he had already been bitten by some poisonous fish or something. Eliza didn't have wings...She looked up at the sky. She didn't see Eliza flying. She then looked over the side of the railing. She then let out a little gasp. Sure enough, there was Eliza, wings and all. She watched her fly low to the ground for a few moments before looking back up at Alex. "No, you're right. She's really flying." She blinked a few times, making sure she wasn't hallucinating too. "What do we do? Do you think she's a threat?"Keanu smirked, recognizing Blaire challenge. He made a small 'oof' sound as Blaire pushed off of him, and watched as she dove down and then spiraled up. Grining, he quickly chased after her. Even though they were close to the next Hawaiian island, he looked back to Dr. Akanas house to see if everyone else was flying as well. He could see Alex and Callie standing on the porch with his raptor vision, and someone else flying low to the ground. He squinted to try and make out who it was. It wasn't one of the kids. He was still facing the other way when he slammed into the tree. It wouldn't have been a problem if he had been watching. The tree hit him square on the shoulder, and he was so surprised that he dropped from the sky. Luckily he had been losing altitude the whole time, so it wasn't that bad of a fall. Although when he did hit the ground, he got the wind knocked out of him. While he was trying to get air circulating back into his lungs, he laid frozen on the ground before the pain came. He ground and rolled over onto his good side while his hand held his shoulder. It was a pretty good amount of pain, but he would probably be fine in a few minutes. He rolled back and fourth between his side and back. Landing on his back didn't really feel too good on the wings, either. He knew if Blaire saw him wipeout, he would never hear the end of it. She was gunna tease him forever. ((It would be. xD One of Dr. Alana's workers walking and being like... O.o ))

Sorry about that being a whole huge paragraph thing. I'm on my iPod and it won't let me fix it >.<
Blaire was still flying, reveling at the beautiful feeling of freedom, skimming along the treetops, every now and again a palm frond brushing her foot. She glanced around, looking for Keanu. Surely he hadn't fallen behind. Blaire to see him behind but looking back at something in the distance. Blaire squinted back at the island, she could see Callie and Alex standing on the terrace but another shape falling. With her head turned back she heard a hard thump as something collided with something else. She immediately swung into an arc and doubled back before carefully dropping down through the trees so as to not get her wings tangled. When she landed on the ground she folded her wings and ran over to Keanu who was laying on the ground. "Oh my god, are you okay?" she demanded to know, sitting down beside him and touched his arm. She gave a quick glance and determined nothing was broken. Though they healed quickly, the bones in their wings were the most brittle since they were so fine, in fact most of the bones in their bodies were hollow like birds, that was mostly why they didn't weight as much as a human. Once Blaire decided that he was okay and that there was nothing broken, she gave a strained laugh. "Geez, Its no fun to race if you're just going to faceplant some tree when you know I'm going to outfly your skinny butt!" she teased. "What were you thinking anyway?"
Alex watched as Callie confirmed his suspicions.

Good. He wasn't hallucinating then, and nobody had spiked his drink. ....Unless someone had spiked Callie's drink too! No...they would have noticed. So yeah. Eliza was a bird kid.

When Callie spoke of Eliza maybe being a threat, he looked to her and grinned boyishly, in a way he never had before, before speaking almost playfully, "Only one way to find out." He then grabbed her hand with a warning of: "Wings out!" Before letting his own magnificent wings unfold as he flew straight after Eliza, catching up to her in a matter of seconds before letting go of Callie's hand and flying so that he was blocking Eliza's path, stopping her from flying anymore as he hovered infront of her, silently for a moment, before he spoke.

"May I ask where you got those wings from? Just curious of course." He crossed his arms, sending a mental message to Callie with an unserious tone, 'Good cop, bad cop? You wanna be the bad one or shall I?'
Liza was delighted and very much amused by Lillie's new trick, and she clapped with wild enthusiasm, giving a loud squeal as well and jumping with great excitement on the bed, letting her wings continue to propel her.

"Wowwww! Wowwww Lillie that is so funny! I wanna do it too!"

She jumped again, then used her wings to flip herself over and upside down, also now walking on the ceiling. Thrilled at her accomplishment, she started to walk back and forth, beating her wings to balance herself, and laughing uproariously.

"Lillie this is so fun!!!! Everyone oughtta do it I think!!! We could sleep up here like bats I think!!!"

Eliza had, of course, expected to be confronted about her wings and her flying, but not in the manner that Alex had. He had now blocked her path, and was in fact nearly colliding with her. She could, of course, fly above him or beneath him, but now is as good a time as any to get her start in.

She bites her lip deliberately and looks away, saying softly, "Let's...talk about it on solid ground...it's kind of nice to stretch them out though. They get very cramped."

She flaps a few more times, for this much of what she had said was true, and then lands smoothly, walking up to the porch where Callie remains. She stands a good distance from her, averting her face as she waits for Alex to return.
Callie smiled at his boyish grin. It was something she had never seen before. Soon, he was flying after Liza and blocking her path. When Liza landed back on the porch, Callie crossed her arms over her chest and leaned casually against the railing. Upon hear Alex's thought, she stopped to think. 'We can switch off.' She sent back. "And I wouldn't try anything if I were you right now, either. I'd hate to make such an awful impression on Dr. Akana and her staff so soon." She threw in. Sure she was being nice to Eliza only minutes before, but now she could be a potential threat. And protecting her flock came before anything.

Keanu groaned again, before laying still. They had all banged into trees before, most on more than one occasion. "Yeah, I'm fine." He mumbled, pulling himself up in to a sitting position. He rolled his shoulders and arched his back, trying to pinpoint the damage. He decided nothing was broken, but his wings would probably be sore for a day or two. His shoulder would probably be sensitive. "I looked back at the house and was trying to figure out who was flying near Alex and Callie. I thought it might have been Demitri at first, but it was a chick." He shrugged, and winced at the small amount of pain that it caused.
Blaire listened to what he said then looked in the direction of the island, though she obviously couldn't see it through all the foliage, she tried to remember what she saw. Her lips pressed into the grim line as she thought back, "Yeah, I definitely saw a shape. Though I didn't see very much of it, I kind of got distracted when you, you know, collided with the tree. You had me worried there, you are okay, aren't you?" She placed a hand on his shoulder and helped him sit up." Blaire'd had her fair share of skrew-ups and accidents, enough to know that running into trees sucked and you could get seriously injured. She was just glad he hadn't skrewed up his wing or anything, it would of been hell trying to get him back to the island. Her attention drifted back to their mystery flyer. "A girl...It couldn't have been Brinley, could it?"

One of Dr. Akana's work staff came shuffling up the stairs. When she came to the top landing she stopped and grabbed the railing, a cautious frown etched into her face as she looked down the hallway. Every so many feet a painting would be off kilter, a rug scuffled up, or a small end-table would be out of place or overturned. A curious mixture of sounds floated down towards her, the delighted squealing of small children and the muffled sound of a straining mattress. Valencia Martinez slowly approached the the open door at the end of the hallways where the sounds seemed to be originating from. When she came upon it she stopped in the doorway. Dr. Martinez's eyes widdened as she took in the two small girls bouncing up and down in the air, and getting much more height than what would be physically possible. Then she noticed the wings pop out from their backs and flap so that they reached the ceiling. A moment later one of the girls was sitting on the ceiling. Unaware that her jaw had dropped, she snapped it back into place with a click, Dr. Martinez shook her head and marched away rubbing her eyes, trying to convince herself she had not actually seen what she had just seen...
(Eliza= teen. Liza= child. Also, was Callie talking to Eliza or to Alex?)

Eliza remains still as she waits for Alex to land on the porch, only occasionally looking at Callie out the corner of her eye. The girl is slightly taller than she is, approximately the same age, and appears to be thinking hard, which Eliza cannot blame her for. Or perhaps she is speaking to some of the others in the flock. About Eliza? Eliza wonders what she is saying, but does not attempt to listen in or to address her nonverbally. She does, however, speak aloud.

"I guess you're...surprised."

From where she is dangling upside down from the ceiling, her pigtails sticking straight out from her head, her face flushed with the blood rushing to it, Liza continues to giggle and flap her wings lightly to balance herself. Seeing a person standing in the doorway out the corner of her eye, her face stunned and unbelieving, Liza twists her head and waves cheerfully as the woman backs away.

"Hi! We like this house! It's a lot of fun!"
Lillie nodded, her long hair still draping down, "Yeah! We should." She frowns, "I don't think Alex would want to though, he probably wouldn't let me either incase I fall down in the middle of the night" When Dr. Martinez appears, looking bewildered by their actions, Lillie can't help but giggle and look to Liza as the girl speaks, but now her head feels a bit funny, so she drops down and sits back on the bed, but on her way down she notices something a bit odd out the window and frowns.

She jumps from the bed and runs over to the window, her eyes widening as she looks back to Liza, "Liza! That girl from dinner is flying!!! The one with the name almost the same as yours!" Looking back out the window, she can confirm her words. That is clearly Eliza, Alex and Callie, all three in the air, and Lillie watches as they land. "Liza! Look!"


Alex nodded, following Eliza as she landed, when she spoke of being surprised, Alex nodded, "Just a bit." He wasn't used to this, whole, talking to new people thing. And yet here he was, confronting Eliza about having wings. Shouldn't it be Callie and Keanu doing this? Maybe he'd just let Callie take the lead on this interrogation thing. "So, how'd you get those wings? They're sorta limited edition."

Even though the girl was acting shy, Alex wasn't quite buying it yet. The wings, plus the resemblance to Liza added up to be a bit suspicious. Infact, so much so that he sent a small thought to Callie, 'Think her wings have got any thing to do with her looking so similar to Liza?'
"No, no we wouldn't," Liza says decisively, shaking her head. "I would hold on real good. And not even fall. Plus if I did I would just fall on the bed so it wouldn't even hurt."

But as she shakes her head it makes her head feel funny too, just like Lillie, and she somersaults backwards in the air back down to the bed, giving another bounce, before Lillie calls her attention to the window. Jumping up, she runs to join Lillie at the window, standing shoulder to shoulder with her eyes wide, face almost pressed against the glass as she stares out at the other three. "Wow...she's a bird kid! How come she didn't even say so?"

Eliza looks up at Alex only briefly, then back down again. By now her wings have resumed their usual place, tightly coiled between her shoulder blades, and she bites her lip as she appears to struggle for a response.

"I...was given them. By...there was a lab, and people who...hurt me. They put them on me. I thought...it was just me...but when I was here...and I heard Dr. Akana talking...and I saw you today...I thought...maybe it was okay. That I could...be safe if I told. But it's hard to say...so I showed you."

She pauses, looking at Callie quickly, before looking down again. "I never told anyone."

That much of it was true. She had never told anyone who didn't already know about what precisely she was. It was not within the time frame she deemed right. Until now.
(She was talking to Eliza)

Callie leaned back, trying to look as least intimidating as possible. Maybe if she looked more friendly, Eliza would be willing to spill more. Even though Callie could easily turn deadly in seconds, if it had to come to the that. She really hopped it wouldn't though. She let Alex question Eliza, and listened closely to what she had to say, trying to pick up if she started to falter or if something sounded like a lie. Everything sounded believable so far.

"How did you escape?" She asks, speaking up now. When Callie and the rest of the Flock left, they had to fight to the death to get out of the school. Eliza probably would have had to do the same thing. Upon getting Alex's thought, she pauses to look over Eliza's face. The resemblance between the two was pretty crazy. 'Could be. Sisters maybe?' She sent back.

Keanu nodded, sitting up a little more. "Yeah I'll be fine." It hadn't been his first time running into a tree, and it most likely would not be his last. When Blaire mentioned it being Brinley, he thought for a minute, and then shook his head. "No, I don't think so. It was too big to be her, and the wings were a different color." He explained. He remained sitting for a few more minutes, before getting on his feet. "Wanna go check it out?" He asked Blaire, holding his hand out to help her out since she was still on the ground.

((Oh yeah, I changed Keanu's looks. He looks like this now))

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As Eliza lands again and begins walking up to the porch, Liza, still watching her out the window, gives another short squeal of excitement. Jostling Lillie, she grabs her hand and tugs her away. "Let's go tell her hi and we're glad she's a bird kid! Come on let's go see her!"

The girl questioning Eliza does not sound either friendly nor hostile, nor can Eliza tell yet if she is believing her story. It is likely that she is skeptical, and Eliza supposes she cannot fault her for that. She makes sure to tell the truth in her rendition, though of course with far fewer details than is necessary to really know the full story- which is that she was ordered and instructed to go, rather than escaping at all.

"I can read thoughts and sense emotion, to a small extent," she said softly, her eyes still downcast, though she lifts them very briefly to look at Callie before returning to her hunched posture. "I grew to know the people who were around me fairly well. I was isolated...and I waited until I could see, in their minds, all the possible ways out. Then, when it was particularly late, and I was more loosely guarded than usual...I took the chance."

She paused, then slowly rolled up her sleeve, displaying a badly scarred wrist and forearm, and then lifted the hem of her shirt as well, revealing scarring at her torso too. It appears to be bitemarks.

"Their guard dogs bit me. But I...wanted out."

This was true as well. They had of course arranged with her to make it appear as though she were escaping as realistically as possible, for they could not let her simply walk out. She had not expected the dogs, but she understood it was necessary. Pain often was.

It was what she knew best in life.
Blaire nodded and took his hand. She pulled herself up. The sky over the horizon was turning a magenta-violet colour now. "Guess we should get back now," she shrugged in reply. She spread her wings and with a heavy stroke or two was up and over the tree tops once again.
Lillie frowns as she watches Eliza, Callie and Alex. Something doesn't seem right to her, not at all, and as Lillie squeals, tugging her and speaking about saying hello, Lillie nods half-heartedly and lets Liza lead her outside. She is deeply thinking, confused and untrusting of Eliza even more than before, and as she and Liza come to a stop, she remains silent, staring at the others though she is thinking intently. Should she...?

She is considering breaking into the older girl's mind, seeing what's going on up there. And as she stands, she is considering it.


Alex frowns as the girl speaks, leaning back and unintentionally letting his dark hair flop over his even darker green eyes, he of course looked intimidating, whether it was on purpose or not, he tended to always look threatening. Her story sounded right so far, and she didn't seem to be a threat in any way, shape or form.

Anyway. Callie could handle it, right? Yeah. Once he was gone, they'd be fine. Keanu, Blaire, Callie, Demitri, they could handle anything; they didn't need him.

So why did he feel like he had to do this? Why wasn't he leaving Callie to this? Why wasn't Keanu here instead of him? He frowned lightly, looking down as this thought occurred to him. He looked up and spoke quietly, but not softly, "How did you get out of your room? They always keep the doors locked." This had been a particular annoyance for Alex, so much that he remembered it distinctively.

Besides that, Eliza seemed like just another bird kid, perhaps a bit more docile than the others, but what else did they expect? She hadn't been out as long as them, or so he assumed.
Again, truth or partial truth was the best way to go, Eliza knew. This Alex was quite irritating...he seemed to be doubting her every step of the way. But then, she had anticipated this, and she took in a deep breath, her shoulders dropping, and allowed a slight stammer to come into her voice, a blush to her cheeks, as she answered almost inaudibly.

"I...they...did things to me. Things...I'm not sure...they do to boys. They...wanted to see...if I would procreate...if I was with another person...in that way....if my child would be born with wings...or with the ability to grow them. If...it could become part of my genetic bloodline. So they...used me. For that. And when they were...doing this with me...they didn't always take precautions...they got distracted. So...one day....I was able to use a scalpel to hurt one of them...and I got out."

She took a deep breath, then said even more softly, "Please...I don't...want to talk about this for long."

She was grateful then when the little girls burst out onto the porch, for surely they would not force her to further describe her escape, which centered around sexual assault, in front of them. Liza, dragging Lillie, almost danced around her, beaming as she greeted her.


"Yes," Eliza told her, looking her in the eye, and she gave her a small smile. "Yes. Just like you."
Callie listened intently to Eliza's story, listening for the tiniest thing that might sound incorrect and mess her whole story up. It all sounded correct. Obviously, she must of been in the school, or someplace like that, to even get her wings. That part couldn't be a lie. It wasn't something you could get on a normal basis, like plastic surgery or something. When Eliza shows her arm with the dog bites, she thinks of her own arm. She had encounter them more than once in her time spent at the lovely School.

She tilts her head to the side as she listens to Eliza's explanation as to how she got out. She understood what she was saying. It sounded awful. Sure, there had been a few scientist at the School who had tried to take advantage of her on more than one occasion but she had never let it go far. She opened her mouth to ask her more questions, but Lillie and Liza came running in. Besides, Eliza didn't seem to be bad. So far. Once Eliza and Liza were together though, she looked closely at them. She was pretty blown away by it. They looked almost exactly alike. She then looked back up at Alex, giving him a questioning look.

Keanu nodded and took a few steps back so he would have enough room to stretch his wings out. Even with the amount of space on the floor of the woods, the tips of his wings hit the tree trunks. There was a slight amount of pain in them from the fall, but he knew it would be gone probably by tomorrow. "Ready?" He asked, but didn't wait for an answer while he just sprang into the sky, not even taking a running take off. Jumping was always harder, but a few big strokes later and he was soaring 800 feet in the air in the direction of Dr. Akana's home.
Blaire nodded once Keanu joined her in the air. From there they headed back to the doctor's house. The wind rushed against Blaire's cheeks and sent her hair rippling as she sped across the sky. She had to admit, it was much easier flying over water than it was land. The warm and cold gusts of air churning off the ocean made for wonderful air currents. From there it just took a pro flyer like any of the flock to feel currents and glide with them. A simple stroke of her wings pushed her along a good long ways, Blaire hardly needed to flap. It was blissful.

Before long the two of them arrived at the blue-roofed abode, with the rest of their flock standing out on the terrace gathering around Dr. Akana's young personal assistant. Blaire lifted a brow in curiosity and wheeled into tighter and tighter circles as she descended before finally swinging her legs down and landing lightly on the open terrace. She walked over to the group and stood besides Callie and Alex. There was obvious tention in the air. Blaire reacted unconsciously, folded her arms across her chest and giving an appraising glance around the flock before finally landing on Eliza. "So." She cleared her throat. "What's going on?"
From what Eliza can tell, Callie, at least, seems to be accepting her story without too much trouble. And why shouldn't she? It is nearly entirely true. She tries to give the girl a shy smile before dropping her eyes again, hugging her elbows against herself.

Of course, the little girls should be no problem. The pigtailed one, Liza, appears to be very easily fooled and open to everyone, including her, and does not yet appear to notice or think much of their similar appearance. Lillie is hanging back more, but then, if she has recently rejoined the group after having been with others, it is possible that she simply does not yet feel as though she fits in with them well.

When Keanu and Blaire land with them, Blaire asking what is going on, it is not Eliza but Liza who provides an explanation. Grinning, she points at Eliza dramatically. "She's a bird kid! She was flying!"
Blaire was sprawled out on her stomach across her bed in a tee-shirt and a pair of borrowed shorts. The fluffy white comforter was laying on the floor, and Blaire was tangled up in what was left of the sheets. Her breathing was slow and even, the down feathers of her wings wavering in the light breeze blowing through the open windows in her bedroom. Down the hall Demitri was asleep as well, sometime in the evening he had woken up and flopped on the bed. The blades of the ceiling fan over his head rotated slowly, echoing the heavy stillness in the night. Now he was in a deep sleep, there wasn't much that could wake him up.

A pair of heavy wings flapped soundlessly in the dark night above the house with the blue roof. A figure slowly circled down from the sky and landed on the wide-open terrace less-than-gracefully with a muffled thud. He walked to the large sliding doors leading to the kitchen and pulled it open carefully so it wouldn't make a noise. He gave a long sigh and tossed a navy blazer on the granite island countertop, then closed his wings so that he could remove a large back-pack from his shoulders, he set that down on the countertop too. Without all the weight on his back he let his wings out loosely, he ran a hand through his carefully combed hair, and stretched his arms over his head in such a way so that he didn't tear the seams of his white dress shirt. He had been running errands all day for Dr. Akana, going to meetings and such, and for that she had him dress up in this monkey suit. He sliced slits in the back of the white shirt for his wings, then hid his wings with the blazer when he wasn't flying, the whole effort was annoying. He undid the tie around his neck and unbuttoned the front of his shirt. Glancing at the clock on the stove he realized it was a little past one in the morning. That meant that everyone was asleep, it also meant he hadn't eaten in eight hours. He was very starving. Kicking off the uncomfortable dress shoes and socks Akana had picked out for him earlier the now-previous day, he padded barefoot over to the fridge and started rummaging as quietly as he could.

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