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Fandom Winged

Blaire felt heat rush to her face as her temperature in her body rose. For a moment she thought it might have been the sun or that she might have been blushing, but then she thought back to the rescue when it was below freezing cold. Blaire shifted uncomfortably and pulled at the collar of her shirt. She saw the smirk on his face. So that's what he meant.

"You might like the heat, but I think you need to cool down," she told him as she took another step or two, the tide followed her, rolling farther forward than it had before. The spray from the water cooling the back of her legs. Blaire felt the tide grow with every step as it licked at her ankles now. She stopped and the water tumbled over itself, parting around her. Blaire flicked her hand. Water lurched across the space between them and drenched Keanu.

Blaire could hardly contain her laughter. He looked as cute as a drowned puppy--that is, figuratively put--like after you gave a bath to a puppy and they stand there all wet not really knowing what to do. She finally cleared her throat with a sheepish grin, not able to keep from eying his wet tee-shirt. Blaire closed the distance between them, she reached up and brushed his dark wet hair out of his eyes, "So are we even?"

[[OoC: Faith and I discussed and came to the conclusion that the best time for Eliza to reveal herself to the flock would be the first time she sees the flock flying. She works on Dr. Akana's staff, but so far, the doctor has no clue that she is another bird-kid. I think I'll have Ethan come back in the middle of the night, after Alex leaves or something. If you want to, Jo, they can bump into each other and have a short conversation or something where he decided Ethan isn't a threat?]]
Alex's eyes widened slightly as she caught his thought. If she heard that one, has she been hearing the others?

Well, that would suck.

He knew Callie was right, that Lillie wouldn't drop Alex for Demitri, but he sure wished she would. It would make leaving a LOT easier. He nodded at her words, with a mutter of, "I won't." He slowly looked to her, beginning to speak, "She's just too young to have gone through all----" His sentence ended early as his eyes locked with hers, she was biting her lower lip and her big blue eyes were staring up into his. He completely forgot what he had been saying.

He wanted to kiss her so badly. He leaned a little bit closer, eyes still on hers, their dark green colour seeming to be just that tad brighter. "Ca-Callie.." He didn't know how to finish that sentence, and he couldn't seem to think enough to either kiss her or move away.

(Hey guys, just had an idea. What do you guys think of Alex's little sister (real little sister) showing up to either one of the flocks - it'll be after he's left. It is possible, since Alex's mum was heavily pregnant in the crash, the school could have done an emergency c-section and Alex was just told that the baby died in the crash. She'd be about 10/11 now.)

Also, what's happening about Alex's flock? Do any of you guys wanna make a member to join his flock?)

(And sure, they can bump into each-other :) )
Keanu's eyes widened as he realized what she was getting at. He was about to snap his wings out, when he felt the water first splash over his head and then rolled all the way over him. After the water washed over him, he stood there, his long hair covering most of his face and his drenched clothes sticking to his body. He spit a little water out of his mouth, and opened his eyes to look at Blaire.

He looked down at her, allowing Blaire to push his hair out of eyes. He smirked. "Well.." He lent down and grabbed her legs, gently throwing her over his shoulder. He made sure to hold onto her tightly, as he walked deeper into the water. He went until he was about waist deep, before throwing her in. He waited for her to come back up, swallowing his laughs. "Now we are."

Callie listened to him talk, looking up at him the whole time. When he looked back down at her, she smiled a tiny bit. As he said her name, she rose her eyebrows slightly. "Yeah?" She asked, in a voice just above a whisper. She noticed Alex lean closer to her, and she did the same. Was he about to kiss her?

((That sounds good. And if you want you could have Alex's sister find Callie's flock, and when Alex comes back he realizes it's his sister. Or she just joins his flock and they figure it out. Either way))
"Hey!" Blaire protested, though it came out more of a startled laugh. She squirmed around in a futile effort to get free, but he held on tight before tossing her in. She pushed off the bottom easily and stood up, trying to glare at him but the laughter was contagious and she couldn't help but join in. "I guess we're even now," Blaire told him, grinning, she pushed his shoulder playfully. "But this is retaliation." Before he had time to react, the water at his feet swirled and pulled him down. All it basically did was make him loose his footing and essentially slip. But it did make up for the whole 'throwing' thing.
Liza has been on the verge of dozing off, the warm sun overhead lolling her into relaxation as she cuddles close to Lillie, their limbs overlapping in the sand. Hearing the others playing around, she sits up, squinting her eyes somewhat groggily. As she takes in their play, she jumps up and runs into the water, lifting her knees high to try to keep from falling in the water.

"Me too! I wanna play too!"

She splashes out as best as she can, but because she didn't cup her hands right, no one else is wet.

"This is fun!" she calls out, smiling widely. "Everyone is playing and Demitri and Lillie are gonna be better soon and the bad guys will stop probably and we can live with nice Dr. Akana and it's all okay! Yay!"

(bit too early for such optimism lol)
(Magic, would you mind making a Maya then? :D And yeah, I was thinking with Alex's sister that she already knows about Alex, she infact heard the scientists talking about sending her to get Alex but she escaped before they could and went to find Alex on her own.)

Alex barely heard her whispered "Yeah?" As his thought process seemed to jam. All of the 'don't kiss her! it will mess up your friendship' thoughts didn't reach his brain as thoughts of how beautiful she looked blocked their way.

Then he had closed the distance between them and pressed his lips to hers gently, and now all thoughts left his head as it felt like electricity had just shot through his veins. The sounds of Liza, Keanu and Blaire playing in the water left him. It was just him and Callie. And the command to pull away from Callie because he shouldn't be kissing her right now hadn't yet come and didn't seem to be arriving any time soon.
Callie was slightly startled when Alex's lips were pressed to hers. Sure she thought he was going to kiss her, but a part of her didn't think he would actually do it. She quickly kissed him back, even putting her arms loosely around his neck to pull herself closer. She didn't know if the rest of the flock was watching them, but at the same time she didn't really care. She had been waiting too long to do this.

Keanu felt the water start to push his feet out from under him, and he instinctively threw his hands out behind hum to catch him. He came back up a few seconds later, shaking his head to get his hair out of his eyes. He nodded and chuckled a little. "Yeah, guess were even. For now." He teased. He smirked, and then used one of his hands to splash Liza lightly.
(Put up April's - Alex's sister - form on the sign-up, lemme know what you think :) Oh dear, Keanu's not gonna be happy. Alex goes and kisses his sister then leaves her on the same night, ouch.)

Alex is actually surprised himself when Callie fully accepts his kiss and even wraps her arms around the back of his neck. She didn't push him away. The only thoughts rushing through his head now is that Callie kissed him back, Callie!! She actually didn't push him away! She didn't run away from him!

Sh*t he was kissing Callie. Taking full advantage of this moment, having wanted to kiss her for SO long now, he wrapped his own arms around her waist, pulling her a bit closer to him aswell as his tongue explored her mouth.

Sh*t. He was kissing Callie.

Lillie had actually fallen asleep for a few moments, drifting off to the sound of Liza's story as it got crazier and crazier. But she shifted slightly in her sleep as Liza yells about wanting to play too. She blinks open her eyes as Liza calls out the word fun, sitting up on her elbows as she blinks a few times. Then her eyes widen as she first notices Alex and Callie, kissing. Like, really proper kissing. She knows it's proper kissing 'cause Alex has his arms around Callie and Callie has her arms around Alex. She blinks a few more times, then seeming to find her feet, she gets up and manages to run over to Liza and the others in the water - bird kids heal fast right? She tugs on Liza's arm, eyes wide - not from fear - "Liza! Liza!" She half-whispers, not loud enough for Callie and Alex to hear but loud enough for Blaire and Keanu to hear. "Look! Look at Alex and Callie!" She points to the pair, "They're proper kissing!" She keeps hold of Liza's arm as she looks at the two again. She then grins, "I knew they loved each-other, I knew it ages ago!"
((Looks good. I like her power with the whole wind thing, that sounds really cool :D And I know, he's gunna be pissed xD ))

Callie sighed contently into the kiss. After a few more seconds, she moved her fingers to the back of his head, entangling her fingers in his hair. There were tons of thoughts going through her mind, but she ignored them all and pushed them aside as she played with his tongue with hers. She didn't even pay any attention to the fact that most likely the whole flock was watching them now.

Keanu was continuing to splash Liza and Blaire, when he heard Lillie start running in yelling frantically. His first thought was something was wrong, they were under attack. He quickly stood up straight and got ready to fight, when he heard the rest of what Lillie was yelling about. His eyes widened a little, and he looked over to see Callie and Alex in full on makeout mood. He frowned. He was never a big fan of Alex to begin with.
Blaire ran a hand through her hair and giggled lightly. She held up her hand as Keanu tried to splash her, but it was like it hit an invisible shield before it dropped back down to the ocean. She looked up and shielded her eyes from the sun which had inched a little ways across the sky during their time at the beach. Blaire assumed dinner would be done soon. She was starving, having not eaten since their breakfast at the hospital. All of them had been so distracted with Demitri and Lillie's hospital discharge that they hadn't had time to get lunch. And everyone they had ever met before could tell you just how important meals were to bird-kids. Even the kids in the flock ate more than an human man. Anyhow, Blaire thought it would be a bit rude to trudge in to the good doctor's home to meet her friends and eat their food while dripping lakes of water over her floor.

"Hey, guys, I think we should dry out before we go inside. Dinner should be done soon from what Dr. Akana said earlier." she told Keanu and now Liza who was wet also after coming to join them. That was when Lillie ran up to them reporting that Callie and Alex were both "kissing properly". Blaire craned her neck to see that down the beach, the two of them were indeed locked lipped. She laughed as she now knew what Lillie meant. They did make a nice couple, she thought as she waded out of the waist-deep water and up the sand to where her boots lay tossed aside in the sand. Blaire sat down a few feet beside them and started running her fingers through her hair to untangle it. Then she laid back in the sand and let the sun do it's thing and dry out her clothes.

[[Just had an idea, what if they went to London after they left Hawaii and totally crashed the Olympics and dominated. Compete for the Independent nation team. And that where they maybe use it to reveal what horrible thing the government is doing behind the people's backs because the Olympics is politically where all the countries set aside their differences for peace to compete or whatever?]]
Liza is enthusiastic now, giggling in high-pitched tones as she slaps her hands down in the water, splashing herself more effectively than either Keanu or Blaire, but having a good time trying all the same. She is oblivious to anything else going on around her, and neither notices Callie and Alex nor hears Lillie approaching her, trying to get her attention, until she tugs on her arm. At first she merely thinks Lillie is deciding to join her in play after all and turns to her, grinning, ready to splash her. But as Lillie tugs at her, pointing out Callie and Alex excitedly, Liza turns, then widens her eyes as she too observes their behavior.

"Whoooooa!" she stage whispers, much louder than she thinks, pointing directly at them in a very non subtle manner. "They're KISSING!!! I never saw people do that when it wasn't on TV!!!"

She continues to gawk, then giggles, holding Lillie's arm, before concern suddenly pinches her features as she looks back at Blaire and Keanu. "Is that bad?"
(Gahhhh, I no like the Olympics. Everybody I know is freaking out about it 'cause we're holding the Olympics this year. I mean, I have country pride and all, but it's a tad annoying when it's everywhere on TV and all your family are constantly talking 'bout it. But yes, bird kids crashing the Olympics and owning grown-up butt would be fun to RP :D Relay race should be fun xD )

Lillie shakes her head as Liza asks if it is bad, "Of course not! Alex and Callie love eachother lots and lots! Plus, they could be the mummy and daddy of the flock, especially if they had a baby." Her face lights up at the idea of their baby, "Oooooo! That would be so cute!!! It would be like a little baby with tiny fairy wings, it wouldn't be that cute if it was a boy though, because little boys are noisy and smelly." Lillie grinned at Dallas and Brinley who were also playing in the water, "Like Dally, he's REALLY smelly."

Alex was so getting lost in the moment, suppressing a moan as she ran her fingers through his hair, kissing her back with just as much ferocity and passion as she was showing him. Then voices slowly drifted back, hearing Lillie's voice first, but unable to make out the words, then hearing Liza. "They're KISSING!!!"

Oh sh*t. Alex knew they should stop, yet it was like his body refused to stop kissing Callie. But then, he realized he had to breathe at some point, Callie probably did too. And he had to stop kissing her to breathe. Resting his forehead lightly on hers and trying to remember how to breathe as he murmured, his voice sounding starved of oxygen, "The, others, are watching." He didn't care of course, that the rest of the Flock just watched them make out, but she might.
Keanu followed Blaire out of the water, wringing out his shirt in the process. He groaned and rolled his eyes at Lillies words. "Ugh, don't even talk about babies. The last thing we need is another mouth to feed." He mumbled, dropping down on to the sand next to Blaire. He peeled his shirt off, figuring it would dry faster that way. He then laid back against the warm sand, sighing contently.

Callie pulled back when Alex did, but she didn't go far. She kept her forehead pressed to his, looking up into his dark green eyes. She let out a little smile, breathing heavily as she tried to get oxygen back in her lungs. "Who cares?" She asked with a giggle. Maybe he did, but she didn't. She quickly kissed his lips, before pulling away from his grip. "Come on, I think the others are getting ready to go." She called over her shoulder as she walked back up the sand. She knew she was being a tease, but that was the best part.

((I think that would be awesome :D The only part I really pay mich attention to is gymnastics, since I used to do it >.<))
Liza's face lights up at Lillie's mention of babies, and she jumps up and down in the water, clapping her hands. "Yes! Yess! A baby! A cute little fairy girl baby! And we can braid her hair. And we can name her...Pixie Wings! Yes, yes! Callie and Alex, you should have a baby and be married and me and Lillie can be the ones who bring flowers and wear dresses for you! I saw that on TV one time and there was a white dress and there was cake and people all over and it was so pretty...have a baby so you can get married!"

She giggles, then splashes Lillie, happy that she's come out to join her. "You have good ideas Lillie!"
Blaire nodded in agreement and rubbed her temple. "God, we so don't need a baby," she scoffed when Keanu sat beside her. "They cry, they barf, they drool, not to mention what comes out the back end. Nope, forget it. We're all way too young. I couldn't imagine a baby with us, nonetheless the thing belonging to one of us." Blaire shuddered at the thought, obviously not the biggest fan of parenthood. Blaire leaned back into the warm sand and stuck her arms behind her head and crossed her ankles. She closed her eyes against the glaring sun. It was very peaceful laying there and after a few minutes she could feel the difference on her skin as the sun evaporated the water.

Dr. Akana leaned against the white stone railing that wrapped around the terrace. "It's time for dinner, kids!" she called out over the beach. She smiled as she watched the younger kids romping around in the ocean splashing each other and the older kids lounging together. Though when she spied Callie and Alex close together the doctor found a frown of disappointment grow on her face. "My, my, this is a mess," she murmured to herself, far too softly for any of them to hear. She wiped the expression from her face and turned around and headed back into the house to the dinning room where all the food was laid out in large piles.

Demitri stirred from his sleep, as he was getting stronger his sleep was no longer deep and catatonic like it had in the hospital, and he now slept lightly like he had before, going back to his normal habits. He sighed and rubbed his eyes, then sat up and rolled onto his feet. Eat. He was quite hungry. So eating sounded like a good plan. Demitri turned and went for the stair that wound their way up the outer support beams to the terrace. And he walked into the house, not really noticing the others.
Liza is still lost in her fantasy of babies, which she views as being similar to dolls or puppies, having had no experience whatsoever in actually encountering one outside of TV. As she helps Lillie out of the water, holding her hand and ready to support Lillie if she is tired, she is still planning with her happily.

"And it's gotta be a girl. No more boys. 'Cause I already got a boyfriend and that's Alex. Only I don't even mind if he kisses Callie, 'cause that's okay. I don't even like kisses, I don't think, plus also I think you gotta be a big kid for that stuff. I just want a girl baby and that's all. Dr. Akana, do you gotta be a big kid to kiss and stuff? If they get married will you get them a cute little girl baby?" she asks her, smiling expectantly, the ends of her pigtails dripping down her back, her bangs plastered against her forehead.

Inside the kitchen, a tall, thin teenager of around fifteen or sixteen is setting the table, appearing to be concentrating intently on her work. As she hears the flock entering the house, a slight tension comes over her features before her face smooths out again. She is brunette, with long thick hair flowing down her back, and dark eyes the same shade as Liza's. When the first person enters the house, she looks up and gives a brief smile, then quickly looks down again, apparently shy or self-conscious.

But inwardly she is thrumming with anticipation, for this is one of the first tests, one of the first steps in her mission- coming face to face with the flock, and most especially Liza. She cannot afford to make a misstep now.
Alex smiles as Callie announces she doesn't care what they may think of them kissing, that it doesn't matter to her. Looking into her beautiful blue eyes the smile remains on his face, and for the first time in 11 years - he feels genuinely thrilled. His eyes lighting up with the smile and their dark green going a bit lighter. Her giggle was so adorable.

Alex grinned as she quickly kissed him then pulled away. Oh god did he want to kiss her again, so badly. He quickly caught up with her, feeling like he had to be beside her or else he'd feel incomplete. He reluctantly took her hand, hoping she wouldn't push his hand away as they walked into the house together.

Lillie giggles as Liza rambles on about having a wedding, and naming the baby Pixie Wings and braiding her hair. Her eyes light up with happiness at the mention of wearing a dress and having flowers, "Yeah! And we can put the baby in a dress too and she can have a flower aswell!" She then frowns, "As long as she doesn't eat it, we'll have to tell her not to eat flowers"

When Liza splashes her, Lillie giggles once more and splashes her back, then turning to look as Dr. Akana - who she doesn't really know at all - announces dinner. Her tummy - as if it also heard the thought - grumbled to remind Lillie how hungry she was. She shakes her head, glad that Liza is helping her because her legs feel tired again, as she speaks to Liza, "Alex can't be your boyfriend silly! Alex has to be Callie's boyfriend! Alex can be your big brother, he's like my big brother too." She then grins at Liza, "And then we could be sisters, I've always wanted a sister because Alex doesn't like doing girly things"

Lillie's own hair is only slighty wet at the ends - where Liza had splashed her - and it only drips slightly as she falls silent in the presence of Dr. Akana and the other girl. She looks back to see Alex walking with Callie, obviously not liking being around strangers as she nervously bites her bottom lip.
Keanu nodded at Blaire's words. "Yeah, and a wedding isn't happening either. We're too young for that too, and we don't really have time to pan a whole wedding." He points out. Once Dr. Akana yells to them, he stands up, throwing his still damp shirt over his shoulder. "Plus, can you see all of us actually walking around in nice dresses and suits? Maybe you guys can," He points to Liza and Lillie. "But I can't see Callie or Blaire doing that." Keanu concluded that they were most likely not girly enough for that kind of stuff. "And I also can't see Callie trying to save the world or whatever with a baby on her hip."

Callie smiles as Alex takes her hand, and she quickly intertwines her fingers with his. She catches up with the others, already confused by all of the wedding and baby talk. She raises an eyebrow and looks at the two youngest members of the flock, since they were the ones who seemed to be the ones talking the most about it. "Who's getting married? And who's having a baby?" She asks, obviously having missed a lot when she was off with Alex. Brinley tries to hold in a giggle, but failed. "Well...you." Callie looks at her like she's crazy, and then shakes her head. "Well babies are cute I guess, but they're a lot of work. So I think I'll pass for now." She smirks, and then looks at the table. It's long and narrow, and completely filled with food. She was glad Dr. Akana had learned so quickly, or else there could have been an issue.
Blaire frowned and her shoulders tightened at the thought of dresses. "Oh, don't get me started. And I totally cannot see you in a tux, being all formal..." She turned to glance at him and pursed her lips, "You're just too...I don't know, you... Anyways, dresses are totally impractical. You can't move in them, nonetheless fight. And unless I'm doing some kind of undercover op for MI6 in, like, Belarus with my partner, James Bond. Only then, under those circumstances do I think I would ever consider it." Her frown started to disappear and her eyes began to light up with the prospect. "Now that I think about it, that sounds really awesome. I want to do that now."

She opened the sliding door and walked into the dinning room which was beautifully bright, open, and modern with a huge fish tank instead of a wall that lead into the living room. Blaire raised her eyebrows in awe taking the room in. As she took her seat, she eyed the strange girl at the table. She seemed very young to be working for Dr. Akana's firm. By the way she was absorbed in her work, Blaire just assume she was very studious and involved in her work and that was what attracted the doctor's eye. Blaire shrugged to herself and sat down. "So," she said still pumped about the idea, even if it was just a fantasy it was fun to joke around, "You think we could talk Callie into it?"
"Ohhhh okay, big brother...he can be my big brother. 'Cause he is big," Liza agrees to Lillie's correction, keeping her arm around her as she follows the others inside. Dimples deepen in her cheeks at Lillie's suggestion of their becoming sisters, and she nods excitedly, giving her a spontaneous hug. "Yes, yes! I wanna be your sister. I never never had a sister and we should be I think. And best friends too. Sisters and best friends AND a baby Pixie Wings!"

When the older kids shoot the ideas down, Liza's shoulders droop, and she pouts briefly as she continues to walk. "Awwww you aren't even any fun at all, I think. 'Cause weddings are fun and babies are fun and you don't even want none." She brightens quickly though with her next idea. "That's okay, I can just get married and have a baby then! Dally, do you wanna get married? We can just get married and have the baby and that's all. We don't even gotta kiss or nothing like that."

She comes up behind the others, following them inside the dining room. As the teenage girl finishes at the table, then backs away, looking to Dr. Akana as if asking for permission or instructions, Liza's eyes turn to her with her usual friendly interest, and she waves with the arm not around Lillie. "Hi. I'm Liza. I've five. Lillie is too. She's my sister and my best friend and maybe will share a baby with me too. What's your name?"

The girl remains subdued, nodding a slight acknowledgement to Liza and glancing briefly at the others before looking down again, speaking her name quietly. "Eliza."

"Ohhhh Liza? Like me? Wow, we got the same name!" Liza announces, tugging Lillie's arm excitedly, but Eliza shakes her head, correcting her softly but firmly.

"Eliza. With an E."

"Oh, well that's close, though," Liza observes before sitting down, pulling Lillie after her. "Is Eliza your little girl?" she asks Dr. Akana, turning her head towards her. "Is she eating with us?"
Demitri slid down in his chair and leaned his head back to rest, his hand over what felt like a descended stomach. He sighed loudly, "Now that's what I call a meal. I haven't felt this well fed in a long time. I would say that I don't think I could ever eat again after that meal, but I'd be lying. I'm pretty sure its, like, against my religion to refuse dessert--whatever religion that may be." Demitri shrugged, he wasn't even sure that the Flock even had a religion, after the unholy things they had seen and experienced, it was hard to believe there was a god. He shook his head, this wasn't the time to be thinking about all that serious stuff.

Blaire nodded in agreement, there was more than enough food for the flock to treat themselves to thirds and fourths as they pleased, and even enough for Dr. Akana and her colleagues to take seconds, though it didn't look like there would be much leftovers. "Complaining about being stuffed instead of not having enough is a nice change."

"Oh, we know about your appetites, it's pretty easy to judge now." Dr. Akana told the flock, some of the older colleagues around the long table nodded and chuckled. "Oh, perhaps I should have introduced you all earlier. Kids, these are my colleagues, and close friends; Dr. John Willkins, we've know each other for a good thirty-five years now, he's in charge of a research base down in Antartica; Dr. Valencia Martinez, a life-long friend, she runs the rehabilitation and recovery division here; and Professor Patrick Bauer, he's been on the team for twenty years, he is the head technition and scientist down at the labs and also teaches our advanced training courses here . And this is my personal assistant, Eliza Lehane, she came to us about two months ago, in a hard time, I gave her a chance on my team here, and I don't regret it. She's a dedicated worker if I've ever seen one. And I believe she's about your age, if I'm not mistaken, dear?" She looked at the girl warmly in confirmation.** The doctor stood and checked her watch, a frown flashed across it for just a second before taking a breath and putting on a smile again, "I guess I should bring out dessert then, hm?"

It wasn't the first time Blaire had observed her doing this, checking her watch, in fact, she had done it althroughout dinner. Every couple of minutes she would glance down at her watch or her gaze would flicker over to the clock on the wall. "Um, Doctor?" Dr. Akana turned her attention on her. "Are you waiting on someone?"

Dr. Akana studied her a moment before saying, "Yes, actually I am. A boy that's been working for me, came to us about two and a half years ago, we consider him family now. Anyways, I sent him off this morning to do some errands around the island, you see. Dropping off some borrowed equipment at the navy base in Pearl Harbor, taking notes in on a conference in Hawaii, collect some data in the reefs north of the island, stopping by the research base in the volcano region on the regeneration in local waters, and finding a root in the Honolulu forests--I like cooking from raw ingredients, healthier for the soul, but its so expensive at the local markets I harvest it organically myself. Hm…" She looked at her watch again. "I was expecting him by dinner, but he's still getting the hang of things." She laughed pleasantly as if it were an inside joke. "Hopefully he'll be back tonight. I'd love for you to meet him, I believe he's about your age." She said the last bit at the older kids, but it was more aimed at Callie. The doctor swiveled on her heal, tossing her long colorful dress around her, and she bustled off into the kitchen.

Blaire looked over at Demitri, he met her gaze with a raised eyebrow. They were evidently thinking the same thing. Blaire didn't know too-too much about the Hawaii chain of islands, but she did know that that was some errand list she spouted off there. The idea of it sounded impossible if the doctor ran it off in chronological order. But she didn't have much time to think about it, because Dr. Akana reappeared from the kitchen with a large yellow cake in her arms covered in pineapples and cherries and other fruits. She would leave thinking time for later, now it was dessert time and that cake looked delicious.
Callie dropped her fork onto her plate, and leaned back like Demitri. She sighed, relieved at the feeling of actually being full for once. "I don't think we have a religion. What kind of religion would want us?" She asked, shrugging. It wasn't like they prayed or went to church every Sunday or something. She shrugged again, sitting up a little. The Flock had openly taken several servings of food, and the people who had joined them for dinner that weren't with them for the US training or for the underwater rescue seemed to be genuinely surprised by how much they ate. Even after Dr. Akana had used a bunch of hard to understand scientifically words to describe them.

Keanu shoved the last spoonful of his food into his mouth, and then dropped his utensil as well. "Cal, can we just stay here forever? They have really nice food. And if they didn't, I could tell you it would be better then going to bed with an empty stomach again or going dumpster diving." He asked his sister, saying what he was sure everyone else was thinking. "Yeah, and it's really pretty here! Can we ride dolphins tomorrow? They do have dolphins here right?" Brinley asked.

Callie listened as Dr. Akana introduced all of them, and she let out a small smile and wave when she was done. They all seemed like nice enough people. When she mentioned the new boy working for her, she looked at her with some interest. The errand list he had seemed pretty strenuous for a newbie who was only about 16 or 17. She guessed he was just a hard worker. When the doctor explained that the boy was more of the older kids age, she caught that it seemed to be more directed at her. She wasn't sure why though, since all of the teens were generally in the same age group. She shook her head and watched her go to the kitchen. She came back moments later with a good sized colorful cake.

"Yeah, CAKE!" Dally yelled, pumping his fist in the air excitedly. Even after five plates full of food, he was still acting like he was running on empty. Callie just rolled her eyes, but did have a smirk on her face.

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