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Fandom Winged

((Alright, that sounds fine. And I'm assuming Demitri and Lillie will already be awake when they get to Dr. Akana's house? Or are we waiting until they get there?))
[[Hey, I can do the first post, I've been looking up location and I have a good idea on what Im going to do. I'll post when I get home]]

Blaire shook Demitri's arm slightly, "We're here." it had taken what seemed like forever to reach the place the doctor was talking about--well, it only took nearly a total of two hours to cross Oahu, which in actuality wasn't so long. Demitri sighed tiredly beside her. After getting in the car that would be leaving Pearl Harbor and taking them to Dr. Akana's house, he had crashed in the car and had barely woken up when they switched vehicles from the car to a boat. The boat, that had in fact belonged to Dr. Akana's station, had taken them across the Kane'ohe Bay and landed at an decent-sized island taken up by salt water pools and facilities. Dr. Akana owned the only private residence on the island, as she was the president and founder and all of that business.

Now the flock was stepping out of one of those elongated golf carts that trafficked faculty and etc around the island, with what little luggage they had. They had left the hospital around three-ish and it was now somewhere after five. It was hot and humid in the afternoon sun, but the autumn breeze was beautifully comfortable. Blaire felt at peace as she looked across at the cerrielian blue waves and the foggy forested peaks of Hawaii's terrain in the skyline. Demitri slung his arm around Blaire's shoulders as she helped him out. He felt sick of what the doctors described him before they left "in a current state of weak constitution". While that also meant lying around and taking it easy on the wonderful beaches of Hawaii, that also meant not doing anything too strenuous--translation, he was changed to the ground gravity forced him to walk on. That was especially hard to do when he had the desperate urge to relinquish his chains and spread his wings and essentially flip the ground and all of its inhabitants the bird. Two weeks of no flying. At least he was here instead of laying comatose in a hospital bed. "So. . .Where the hell are we again?" Demitri croaked, only half awake.

Blaire rolled her eyes, she must have told him a dozen times, of course he'd always been half asleep, but he seemed more awake this time. "Dr. Akana's house on her research base." They started walking towards the white stucco house with a blue tile roof. It sat on the end of the island and had a 180 degree view of the bay, the city of Kane'ohe, the ridges of mountain around it, and the bay.

Dr. Akana hopped off the cart and made her way to the front of the congregation of the flock. She was smiling hugely, "We are finally here! I am so glad you could join us! Should we start with a tour first? Or should I leave you kids to explore? Dinner will be done soon, my colleagues are making it as we speak--and I know how much you kids eat so I called ahead, don't worry!"
Callie, like the others, was itching to hurry up and leave the hospital. Once they were on the boat she was relatively quiet, mostly just sitting and looking out at the water. She would talk occasionally, usually just responding to Brinley since she of course never stopped talking. Once they got off the boat, she silently followed everyone else to the golf cart. When it stopped, she climbed out of the cart and stretched her muscles. What she really wanted to do was fly, but she felt kind of bad doing it infront of Demitri and Lillie. Maybe she would just wait until dark. She always preferred night flying.

"Can we explor? I wanna look around." Dally said excitedly. Callie smirked a little and turned her head to look at him. "By exploring she means looking around, not finding new places to blow stuff up or whatever." Callie explained, putting a hand on her hip and sighing. Dally just shrugged. "I'm so hungry!" Brinley whined dramatically. "I want chicken. And pasta. Some cake would be nice too, and maybe a-" "I guess we'll just explore until dinner." Callie said, cutting Brinley off.
"Ooooh me too. I want chicken and pasta and cake too. Can we have that after we explore? Please please?" Liza asks hopefully, reaching up and tugging on Callie's arm.

She smiled back at Dr. Akana, telling her cheerfully, "You got a nice place. I think it's better than that submarine. Plus also we can fly here and stuff...can I fly now? Can I?"

Her smile falters when her eyes come to rest on first Demitri in his weakened state, then to Lillie, and she walks to Lillie, putting her arm around her shoulders and leaning her head against the other little girl's. "Don't worry Lillie. If I fly I'll take you with me. Okay? Plus also you can have lots of food too and you'll feel better, okay?"

(I'll bring Eliza once they've settled in a little, maybe at night when they sleep?)
Alex hadn't spoken a word until Lillie had woken up. She didn't wake up in the car, but had stirred half-way through the boat journey and woken up FINALLY. Alex had been so worried and thrilled at the same time, asking her if she was okay, did she need anything, she was alright wasn't she? Was anything broken, did she feel okay? Callie had to shut him up by smacking the back of his head lightly, telling him to give the girl a chance to breathe.

Lillie had managed to stay awake for all of about ten minutes before going back to sleep again, her and poor Demitri had been sleeping non-stop since they rescued them. Who could blame them though.

Alex stepped of the golf cart - last to get off as usual - with Lillie asleep in his arms. As he jumped down from the vehicle, she stirred and blinked open her tired eyes, mumbling as she stretched slightly, "Where are we Alex?" He looked down at her, worry in his eyes, "We're at Dr Akana's house on the island Cuddles." Lillie yawned and opened her eyes properly now, looking ahead at the others, "There's no bad guys here right Alex? 'Cause I'm too tired to fight any bad guys." Alex shook his head, looking around, "Nope, no bad guys here Cuddles, and I'd kick their butt for you, don't worry." She then struggled slightly, "Put me down Alex, I can walk!" He frowned, "Okay..." He slowly set the girl down, kneeling just in case she fell, she stumbled slightly, but he caught her.

Then Liza ran over and Lillie looked up at her with a small smile, nodding at her words. "Yeah, that would be fun if we could fly together, I really want some cake too." Lillie then looks up at Alex, "Can I have some cake aswell Alex?" Alex nodded, "Of course you can Lillie" He looked up to the house, following them inside and helping Lillie inside.
Dr. Akana nodded, "It seems that cake is in popular demand! Perhaps I should go to check on my friends and leave you kids to it. And I'll see what I can whip up in the dessert department." She winked and turned towards the house, wearing another long colourful sundress that danced around her legs when she moved.

Blaire glanced at Demitri as they trudged along towards the house, "How are you feeling?"

He shrugged but otherwiswe didn't anwser. "Let's not go inside yet. They have a beach here right?" Blaire nodded. She could understand why he wouldn't want to go in right away, he had been indoor for practically two weeks straight. After several days in the hospital they were finally released today. Demitri had woken up a couple days ago and was still recovering. He would wake up and would only be awake for about an hour or so before falling back to sleep again. The bruises were fading away for slowly than usual, which was expected, but faster so than a regular human so it somewhat stunned the doctors. The deep gash across his cheekbone was heeling as well, the stitches were taken out and the new skin was turning from angry pink to white and would moreso stay white until it would eventually fade when it caught up with the amount of sun the rest of his skin had with his tan.

Blaire looked at the others in the flock and told them, "We're going down the to beach and explore down there, Demitri doesn't want to go in just yet. Join us if you like," With that, they headed for a brick path that looked like it wound around the house down to the beach. As they walked along the sid eof the house, Blaire found that the house was bigger than it looked from the front, as it was built into the slope of the hill down into the beach so that the first floor extended into a terrace that stretched partially over the beach to form a shaded lounge area with a set of doors in the back that lead to the basement of the house. They went over to the water's edge where the clear blue water lapped up against the brilliant white fine sand beach. Demitri let go of Blaire's shoulder and plopped down, pulled off his shoes, and laid spread-eagle in the warm sand. "I think I'm just going to sleep here tonight..." he mused.

Blaire frowned and rolled her eyes, "Like hell, who knows what kind of creepy crawlies come out at night. Plus I don't want you being snatched by any pirates." She crossed her arms and stood over him, casting a shadow over his face.

He peeked up and a smile twisted onto his lips, "Last time I asked, we were in Hawaii, not the Carribean. Unless you used some crazy-voodoo teleporting powers," he wiggled his fingers at her like magic sparks were shooting from them, "That I don't know about, to transport us from the Pacific to the Atlantic...?" he waited for her to say something before finishing, "I think I'll be fine. Now instead of badgering this sick mutant bird kid, why don't you go talk to your 'boyfriend' or something?" He watched Blaire's face get pink at that, "Don't think I hadn't noticed. You've been acting weird."

"I have not!" she nudged him in the ribs with the toe of her boot then walked away down the beach.

Demitri sighed, a smirk on his face, "Ah, sleep in peace." He folded his arms behind his head and closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the waves lapping against the sand at his feet.

[[OOC: Oh I forgot]]

Callie smiled and held her hands up. "Yes, we can all have cake!" She said, to answer everyone who was asking her about it. This earned her a lot of cheers of excitement, mostly from the younger members. When Blaire said her and Demitri were going down to the beach, she looked over at Keanu. "You wanna go too?" He shrugged. "Why not?" Callie nodded, and followed the other two down to the beach.

She was surprised by how big the house was. She figured it would be on the larger side if she was willing to take them all in, but she wasn't expecting this. She walked along the white sand, looking out at the water. Before they had come to Hawaii, Callie had always thought that the pictures of the white snow tinged with yellow, and the clear blue ocean were photo shopped. She giggled and shook her head at Blaire and Demitri's arguing. It really hadn't been the same without him, or Lillie. Callie took a minute to just relax, but it was soon ruined with a high pitched scream. Her head automatically snapped to the side and her hands balled up at her fist, but she quickly relaxed at what she saw. Brinley was the one screaming, while Dally chased her around with a rather large crab. She sighed and shook her head, looking at her brother. "If they start fighting, you're breaking them up this time. I did it on the boat."
Liza is one of the main cheerers at the promise of cake, and she runs ahead of several of the others to the beach, letting out her energy. She attempts a few awkward cartwheels, but the weight of her wings and her lack of coordination only cause her to tumble over. She stands up, giggling, and then runs back to Lillie.

"Want me to fly you? I can carry you! I'm strong!"

She has no proof or way of knowing this claim, but she certainly intends to try.

When she sees Brinley screaming as Dally chases her with a crab, Liza lets out a giggling squeal and takes off after them, shouting "Let me see, let me see!" as her pigtails fly out behind her. Passing Demitri, she abruptly comes to a stop as she sees him lying down, her eyes closed, and drops beside him in the sand, concern radiating from her expression. She shakes his shoulder lightly.

"Demitri? Demitri are you hurt? Are you sick? Demitri?"
Lillie looked at Demitri and Blaire as they walked off, tugging on Alex's hand, he looks down at her, "Alex?" "Yeah Cuddles?" "Can I go with Demitri and Blaire?" Alex frowned for a moment, "Okay, but I'm coming with you." Lillie nodded and they headed down to the beach, Lillie telling Liza she could come aswell if she wanted.

Once there, Lillie looked over to see Demitri lying down on the sand, she smiled lightly and went over to him, laying down beside him and mimicking his position. She murmured, "This is really comfy." Her voice sounding already on the lulls of sleep. When Lillie was locked up in that tiny, scary room under the sea Demitri had been the only one she could talk to, and they had chatted a lot - when they weren't being hurt or sleeping. She felt a lot closer to Demitri than she had before. She didn't realise she may be disturbing Demitri's 'peace' as she spoke again, "Do you think that bad Mr Chu will leave us alone now Demitri?"

Alex looked over as Lillie lay beside Demitri, a part of him sad that she didn't want to hang out with him right now, but the other part glad. At least she'd have someone when he left. He sighed and walked further down the beach, kicking his shoes off and standing slightly in the water so that the waves lapped at his feet. Lifting his head up slightly so that his hair blew back a bit, closing his eyes as he thought of his depressing plans to leave. Keeping his mind guarded.

Lillie looks up at Liza as she runs over, asking Demitri if he is sick, she giggles and opens her eyes, looking at Liza, "He's not sick silly billy, he's just tired." She yawns lightly then, proving she is also tired, she then closes her eyes again, murmuring, "This sand is really soft...."
Liza continues to frown at Demitri, not quite trusting Lillie's judgment, but then lies down beside her, though from her roaming eyes and continual restless movements of her hands and legs, she is certainly not as inclined to lie down as Lillie is. Scooting closer to her, she flings an arm around her shoulders and snuggles in close in impulsive affection.

"I am so so glad you're back Lillie. 'Cause you were my friend and I love you even though I only met you that one time I think. And I didn't like you being hurt. I don't want no one else getting hurt."
Lillie snuggles back tiredly, allowing Liza to hug her as she rests her own head against Liza's. "I'm glad I'm back too, Mr Chu wasn't very nice at all. He was about as mean as the school people." Lillie is murmuring, obviously tired as she snuggles into Liza. "I think we should be best friends, because there's no other little kids like us who we can play with." Lillie also doesn't want anyone else to get hurt, but what with the gentle sound of the waves, the warm sun and the comfortable sand, well Lillie is finding it harder and harder to turn her thoughts into words and resist the lull of sleep. "But...but now I'm tired all the time, I don't...I don't think I can play just yet, sorry"
He hears Lillie come over and lie next to him. He's happy she's safe, that they're safe together. In that underwater fortress it was easy to forget the important things; what mattered, who he cared about. It was easy to get lost in the desperation and hopelessness. In a way he was selfish, he was glad that he had Lillie there to talk to, they comforted each other, it gave him strength. Demitri wondered how things would have been different if he was alone in isolation that entire time. Even though he was laying in the warm sand with the sun reigning down on him, Demitri couldn't help but shudder at that cold thought. At her question, Demitri wasn't sure how to anwser, but he tries and he reached over to squeeze her hand reassuringly, "I don't know what to think, Lillie. It's an aweful thought to think that he might come back for us. But we can't be scared and we can't get sloppy relying on hope that he won't come after us again. I have faith in the flock. The only reason that coward separated us, because he knew it would cause tension and make us sloppy, making it easier to him to achieve his goals. Together we're strong, we'll be able to fight off whatever baddies he throws at us. And next time--if or when he comes--we'll be ready for him. The flock is here for you, Lillie. We won't let them hurt you ever again."

He then hears another voice. Demitri squints his eyes through the glare of the setting sun. His muscles protest as he sits up. "It's okay, I'm fine....I just need a lot of rest to get better before I'm back to normal again," he tells the girl, "I don't think we've officially met yet, I'm Demitri. You must be Liza, right? I heard you helped out our flock loads of times, healing us up and all. That takes a lot of bravery and courage for a kid your age. I want to thank you."

Blaire was walking down the beach. She glanced back over her shoulder for the flock, they were a ways away now. She nodded to herself and watched the water. Blaire unlaced her boots and tossed them aside behind her then stepped until she was ankle deep in the water. She breathed in evenly and watched as a large wave came rolling in. Just before it hit her, Blaire shoved out her hand. The wave hesitated but then tumbled backwards over itself and lurched ten feet in the air and climbed until it was twenty feet and the wall of wave drove on into the bay until it collapsed when it was out of sight. Blaire grinned and spun in a circle on her toe. She laughed to herself and ran a hand through her hair. She looked over towards the flock and wondered if any of them noticed, she didn't really care, though. "Must've been some kind of mental block. Stupid pychological mess. Ugh." Blaire held her hand over the water, it didn't hesitate this time, it flew up and levitated above her hand in a perfect sphere.
Liza continues to snuggle Lillie, reaching with one hand to rub the other child's hair between her fingers almost in the manner a child might fondle a security blanket as she listens to Lillie. More relaxed now that she is hugging up to her, her limbs finally stopping their restless pursuit, she smiles back at her as Lillie's eyes droop.

"That's okay Lillie. You can go to sleep. Maybe I can tell you a story even. A nice one where the bad guys decide to be good guys after all and we're all friends. That would be nice, okay? Then maybe we can play later. And have some cake. 'Cause I still want some cake, that's why."

As Demitri speaks to her, Liza lifts her head, relieved that he is in fact still seemingly okay, and smiles at him. "Uh huh I'm Liza. Remember I talked in your head? And I told everyone about the bad man?"

But when he thanks her she frowns, biting her lower lip, and detangles herself slightly from Lillie as she sits up enough to face him. "Nuh uh I didn't even make you or Lillie better. I tried and tried and you just didn't get better for forever. I didn't do a good job at all."
Callie pulled her sneakers off and tossed them to the side, letting her toes sink into the sand. She let out a long sigh, running a hand through her hair. She looked up and down the beach, seeing her flock spread out. She slowly made her way over to Alex. "You know you'll always be her favorite." She stated simply, talking about Lillie and Demitri, almost like she read his mind. Except the funny part was that was one thing she couldn't do. She looked from the blue water, back up to him.

Keanu eventually found himself alone. His sister had gone to talk to Alex, and Brinley and Dally were now having a water fight. He started walking, and after a few minutes, he could easily make out Blaire's figure. A smirk played on his lips as she watched her keep the wave from hitting her. "Ya know, you should have let that wave hit you. It would have been pretty funny." He called out, putting his hands in his pocket and tracing patterns in the sand with the tip of his toe.
Alex kept his eyes closed as he heard Callie approach, he resisted a chuckle at her words. Not so sure about that one Callie, once I leave she could do with a new favourite. Of course he kept this thought from her. However, he did let his eyes open and he gave her a side glance.

Her honey blonde hair sat around her face carelessly and some even stuck out in different directions. And yet Alex couldn't help himself from thinking she was incredibly beautiful.

Ignoring his stupid thoughts, he managed to grin slightly, "You so sure about that? Her and Demitri did just suffer through a bunch of shit together." Not to mention I failed her. He murmured in his head afterwards. It was best if he left as soon as possible, Lillie would be fine, she had Demitri now, she had the Flock. He just got her into trouble, he just brought his stupid curse around the Flock and endangered their lives. He needed to leave before someone else got hurt, before Callie got hurt.
Callie nodded and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She crossed her arms over her chest, the sea breeze sending a chill through her body. "They might have suffered through a lot, but I don't think as much as you and her have. And I don't think she would just drop your for Demitri, either." She shrugged, digging her toes into the warm sand. She looked up when she caught his thought. "And you didn't fail her. Please don't blame yourself for all of those, it would break her heart if you beat yourself up over it." She said quietly, tilting her head and looking up into his eyes. She chewed on her bottom lip, remembering that they still hadn't talked about what happened during the whole rescue mission. And honestly, if they did talk about it, she didn't think she was looking forward to it.
Blaire turned at the sound of Keanu's voice. She tilted her head, a mischievous smirk forming on her lips to match his. "So funny," she agreed then dipped down to splash water at him. "I can get downright hilarious if you want me to," She and took a step towards him, her grin widening. "I would love to see you get wet." She took a quick glance and decided that she would be able to hit him with a decent sized wave that could potentially knock his socks off--figuratively speaking because he wasn't wearing any socks. Blaire stuck her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts and cocked an eyebrow.
Keanu kept the smirk on his face, tilting his head to the side, some of his hair covering one of his eyes. "Yeeeah, I don't really know about that," He shrugged, walking a little closer to her. "That water's probably kinda cold. I don't really like cold. I like heat." He explained mischievously, and then focused on her. Soon, he made it so her body temperature was risen, making her feel a little hot. Nothing that would hurt her though, probably just bother her and get under her skin. Of course, he could easily use this to kill trackers by crancking it way up, or just use it to annoy members of the flock when they were annoying him. Which was usually how he used it.
Liza, still curled up against Lillie, twining her fingers through her hair, begins to tell her a rather mixed up version of several different stories mixed together, in her effort to put Lillie to sleep. She tries to keep her voice low, but for Liza this is a difficult task to accomplish.

"Once upon a time there was a little girl who had a red hood. And she had to go bring a basket to her grandma, so she was going through the woods and a witch had a house made of candy and wanted to eat her up. And the little girl lost her shoe and was running because she'd turn into a pumpkin if it got dark out. So she was running real real fast, and..."

As she continues to tell her story, she keeps her eyes half closed, her face tilted back towards the sky. She herself is getting sleepy, her voice softer and slower as she continues her tale.
[[OoC: For the sake of convienence--whatever spelling--let's just make it that Dr. Akana has her own sorta kinda ranshambled--whatever--flock that she took in and now work for her in a weird kind of family. So Ethan and Eliza know each other. That cool? Or, that is, if you wanted Eliza to be already working for Dr. Akana?]]

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