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Fandom Winged

Blaire hovered in the water, taking a precautionary stride through the water to be further away from teh electric force field. She watched the telepathic conversation beween Brinly and the sea monsters with wary curiosity. "They're going to help us," was basically was she had told them all, however Blaire doubted that. No matter, they had no other way to get in and the big oozing monster's frienship was their only chance. . .

[[OoC: sorry for weenie posting. :I ]]
Brinley shrugged at Alex and Callie's question, probably answering what everyone else wanted to know as well.'I don't know, he didn't tell me.' She sent back. Callie stayed quiet, waiting for the sea monsters to make a move. Suddenly she felt a swell of icy water push against her,and then the largest sea monster surged past them, almost tumbling them head over heels. It neared the dome, got zapped over and over again, but steamrollered right through the force field. 'Follow it!' Brinley commanded. 'It's shorted out the electric net!' Callie rushed after it, trying to trace its exact path. She braced herself for the horrible electrocution, but nothing happened. She followed the sea monster to the dome, and gasped as he stopped right in front of a window. It was big, and she could clearly see Demitri and Lillie. There seemed to be a wall separating them, but the window showed both rooms.

The monster pressed itself against the glass, and Callie could only imagine what it looked like from the inside. Someone inside the dome noticed and started screaming. She saw people start to race around. But still, Demitri and Lillie stayed motionless. (Sorry if they aren't supposed to be unconscious right now, I just figured they probably would be.) Her stomach got a cold, clenched feeling. Maybe, after all this, they were too late. People were still staring up at the enormous creature pressed against the glass, and now she noticed a thick slime seeping out from under its body.

'Watch' Brinley sent. Where the slime was touching the glass, wisps of smoke were twisting away into the water. 'Oh, my god,' Callie sent out. 'It's melting the glass with its...uh, body snot.' The glass continued to melt, and then something clicked and she realized what would happen when the glass failed: water would seep in, and then it would flood in, then it would crush the dome, and everything inside with its unimaginable weight. If Lillie and Demitri hadn't developed their 'gills,' or weren't dead yet, they would be, really soon.
Demitri was lying on the floor, sleeping again. When you're trapped below billions of gallons of water in an underwater fortress with nothing to do, you sleep--a lot. Meals were seldom, they came once a day, and his high maintainence body had somewhat learned to cope especially when all he did was sleep. Demitri had given up a long time ago on finding a way out. His strength had failed him with malnutritrion. He had looked forward to chats with Lillie, they both took comfort in each other when they weren't busy sleeping. Sleeping helped him healed, but from the lack of food, his body was slowing down. Demitri was weak and he had only partially healed. It seemed every time that his body healed a cut extraordinarily fast, one of Chu's goons would come down and knock him around with their buddies just for fun and give him twice as more wounds--it would be worse if he fought back, he knew that lesson well. It didn't seem as though they were doing the same to Lillie, he thanked the heavens for that. But the underwater fortress's scientists-slash-doctors made numerous trips down to see them while they were there, to draw blood, take tests, and such. An animal would recieve more respect than the way the two bird kids were treated. This more than anything brought back more bad memories than anything else. It made it harder to sleep, but the reality while he was awake made him long for sleep.

Demitri happened to be deep in sleep when the back of his neck prickled. He reached up a heavy hand to rub his neck uncomfortably. It only did that when there was someone coming, he thought it was the vibrations in the floor that told him that someone was closing in or passing by. But it didn't stop, Demitri's skin started to tingle all over his body. Lillie, watch out! he warned her in his mind as he scrambled to his feet only to collapse heavily to the foor when the whole undersea fortress shook violently, like something slammed into it. The air seemed to be charged with electricity. Demitri scooted back along the cold hard metal floor to the wall farthest back. He slide up it on his feet, his eyes trained on the single window in the aweful room. His heart thudded in his chest, he was breathing hard, black spot formed across his vision as he grew light-headed from the effort of moving so much, he was already weak. The amber light turned to flashing red as claxon sounded and the alarm was raised. The sound pieced the air and the sudden chance in light made his head thrum. LILLIE! INCOMING! Demitri grasped his head and watched as the window melted away.

The coldest water he had ever felt flooded in the small window. He could hear the sound of the metal of the fortress all around him groaning and protesting under the immense weight. He was knocked back into the wall by the force. He hit his head, more spots floated in his vision and Demitri struggled for consciousness as wave after wave pushed him up toward the ceiling. Before he knew it, he was pressed against the ceiling for breath. It wasn't enough, his lungs already had water in them, he was weak. It was too hard to hang on. The water was too heavy as it tried to rip apart the rest of the fortress. Demitri let out the rest of his breath. Ice cold water rushed into his mouth, he struggled. His lungs burned. But suddenly, he let out his breath again, the water seemed to evaporate from lungs and throat. It felt like he just took a breath of fresh air. So I can breathe underwater-- he thought to himself, but it didn't seem to matter, the frozen cold water gushing in around, seemed to press in at all side. It felt as thick as mollasse. He felt like he should have been spontainiously combusting or something or imploding or whatever, but nothing really happened. Just emmesly uncomfortably pressure at all times that didn't go away.

[[Gosh, haven't rped him for such a long time. Hope that makes up for crappy post. Now for Blaire le sigh]]
As the glass begins to melt, Liza watches, growing excited. It looks to her like soon, Demitri and Lillie will be out with the rest of them, and they can all swim back up and be together again. She can take off this dumb suit that's squashing her wings, and she can get some food, and she can play with Lillie and it will all be so much better than down here where she can't even hardly move around and it feels like she's being squashed really slowly.

When she sees Lillie and Demitri, so still inside the dome, she thinks that they are sleeping and giggles to herself, tugging on Alex. "They don't even know we're here, look, they're sleeping." She tries to yell into their minds, still giggling. "LILLIE DEMITRI WAKE UP WE'RE GONNA SAVE YOU NOW! WAKE UP!!! Sleepyheads!"
Blaire could now see Demitri now, after waiting so long to see him, to find him and rescuse him. Her heart sank. Demitri was laying on the floor, almost completely curled up on his side with a scratchy looking blancket wrapped around him. He wasn't moving, and Blaire couldn't help but think of the possiblity that he may be dead. His face pale and gaunt with dark circles under his eyes, one of them bruised. His cheek bones were bruised and there was a deep gash striking through one of his eyebrows. His hair was flat and dull. He was much skinnier than the last time she saw him, bird kids were in general skinny, but Demitri looked downright boney. Bird kids need lots of food every single day, of course, without food, one's body goes on starvation mode. She really hoped they had treated Lillie better, she was just a little girl. She thought she might be sick right there, disgusted with herself for getting to them after a week's time, making them suffer that long.

Blaire felt guiltly and scared. What if they weren't alive!? Suddenly, she thought she saw him twitch, but her view was immediately cut off by the sea monster smashing through the electric field and sticking to the window. Blaire realized that it's "ooze" was melting the glass, and she felt her stomach leap into her throat, half out of disgust, but also in worry as it dawned on her that Demitri may not have developed gills yet.

When the monster cleared away and the "ooze" had dissipated away, Blaire glanced at Alex and told him to go after Lillie before she dispeared into the side of the porthole that would take her to Demitri.
Lillie felt like she had spent years in this tiny, cut off room. Her only friend being the sound of Demitri's voice in her head. They had brought little food for both her and Demitri, and Lillie knew that was a bad thing, a really bad thing. Unlike Demitri, Lillie hadn't been beaten up for the fun of it, but the first few times Mr. Chu and his men came into her room, she fought and kicked and cried, trying to get away from them as they jabbed needles into her arm. They of course responded with violence and Lillie found herself quickly earning some blue and purple bruises and and various pains and aches all over her body. She soon learnt to stop fighting though, and she never really knew if the needles contained a special liquid that made her sleep more, or if it was a needle that took away her blood.

Lillie missed both of Demitri's warnings, having been knocked out by one of the sleeping needles. And she still lay motionless as the water began pouring into her small room, swamping her now stick thin body. Of course Mr. Chu didn't realize Bird Kids needed more food, or else Lillie hoped he would have fed her more - right?

Alex watched silently as the beasts broke the electrocution barrier, wasting no time in following them. Then his eyes landed on Lillie's small, sleeping figure. Wrapped in a blanket that swamped her tiny body and her brown locks of hair laying loosely around her, like she had been dumped onto the floor without care. His fists clenched and he felt the water around him swerve slightly. She looked dead. He couldn't see the rising or fall of her chest from here, so he assumed the worst. He had failed Lillie. But then the sharks broke the dome, and water rushed in. His eyes widened and he managed to let out a yell in the water. Alex didn't even seem to notice Blaire's words as he sped over to the dome, the water helping him considerably. 'Don't be dead, don't be dead Cuddles!' He got into the room as the water was up to his neck. He couldn't see Lillie. He growled as the water passed his head and he slammed his hands together, looking frantically for Lillie as all the water in the room pressed up against the walls and a barrier stopped anymore from coming in. He dropped back to the floor and rushed over to a small, soaked form that lay on the now wet floor. He swept Lillie up into his arms and all the water fell back into the room as a bubble of air surrounded Lillie's body, allowing her to breathe. 'S**t, she feels so small, so breakable.' He sent this thought to Callie as he swum back out to them, clutching the unconscious Lillie to his chest. He allowed himself to glance down at her face, instantly regretting it. She had a blue bruise on her chin and another one on her cheek, clearly where she had been hit and her cheekbones stuck out slightly from the rest of her face. He glanced back to the dome. 'This can't be it. Surely Chu won't let them go without a fight.' Alex wanted to tear Chu apart for what he had done to Lillie. But now he was conflicted. He needed to get her to safety, preferably somewhere less filled with water.
Liza watches as Alex retrieves Lillie, drawing closer, eager to come help him, to wake Lillie up. But as Alex struggles with her, the water crashing through the dome, Liza realizes with shock that Lillie does not seem to be sleeping, that Alex has not awakened her. Lillie looks very wrong and bad to Liza, like she's sick, and she looks very, very skinny, much skinnier than Liza. There are blue marks on her face that Liza doesn't like, marks that look like she got hurt.

Lillie looks little and sick and hurt, and she wont' wake up. And Liza doesn't like it at all.

"Lilliiiiiiie!" she calls out as she struggles to swim over to Alex, her eyes huge as she reaches for her, wanting to take hold of her. "Wake up! Alex how come she won't wake up...did they hurt her bad? They were bad to her? Alex can I heal her? Can I heal underwater? Lillieeee!"
Callie unnecissarily held her breath as the glass continued to melt away. The forceful pull if the water pulled Callie towards the opening several inches once the glass had shattered. She used all of her strength to keep from being sucked in, since the dome already looked like it was going to collapse. She breathed a sigh of relief when Demitri started to move around, and it even looked like he could breathe underwater. But she quickly lost all of her joy when she saw Lillie had yet to move.

From what little Callie could see, the two bird kids looked awful. They all needed to eat every few hours to satisfy their high metabolism, and even more if they were doing a lot of flying. Lillie and Demitri looked like they had been eating maybe once a day, and she could tell they weren't proper meals either. They could all heal cuts, bruises and even broken bones extraordinarily fast, but the two looked worse than ever. Callie noticed that Demitri was struggling greatly, and she knew he wouldn't be able to go much longer before completely collapsing. 'Keanu, go help Blaire with Demitri!' She sent out, and Keanu did as he was told, slipping through the hole in the side of the dome.

Callie watched as Alex brought Lillie out of the dome, still bot moving. She didn't think she was dead though, but not far from it. Callie looked around frantically, trying to figure out what to do when a loud horn-like noise sounded behind her. She swiveled around to see their submarine opening the water safe hatch. Thisbwas their que to get in the sub so they could get the hell out of there. 'Bring her over to the sub and get her in, it's the best we can do right now,' She sent to Alex, and then sent a similar one to Blaire and Keanu. She looked back to the dome, and realized that it seemed to be shaking and slowly caving in. Right before the thing collapsed, she saw a smaller sub leave and take off in the opposite direction they were in. It no doubt was holding Chu and some of his closest thugs. So the coward had run away. 'I think we won, for now.' She sent Alex before turning and heading for the water safe hatchet of the sub.
Alex cradled Lillie close to him still, trying to give her some of his warmth as her small, soaked body shook lightly. She was still unconscious. He looked up as Liza swum over, his heart almost shattering as she began firing questions at him, trying to get Lillie to wake up. He could thankfully feel her heart beating, so he knew she was alive. 'I think she's been knocked out by the bad men. We need to get her safe and warm and then she should wake up in a little while.' He replied quickly to Liza. When the submarine opened up, and Callie said they needed to get back there, Alex grabbed Liza's hand with his free hand and held Lillie with the other arm, 'Come on Liza, let's get her inside quickly' He swum with Liza to the submarine, glancing back to make sure the others were following. Usually Alex would hang back and make sure everyone else got in first before him. But right now getting the two youngest members of the Flock to safety was his priority. He made sure Liza dropped down into the submarine first before clambering in with Lillie himself, waiting for Callie and the others to get in too. He glanced to Lillie and focused as all the water droplets left her clothes and hair before flying back out into the ocean, leaving her dry. He did the same for Liza and then stepped back to let the others in.
For once, Liza does not mind returning to the cramped quarters of the submarine. In fact, she is eager to get inside where there is no more heavy water whipping her about and keeping her cold, where Lillie can maybe wake up, where Demitri can wake up, where they can eat and give them food and make them all better.

But in the lighting of the submarine, Liza can see even more clearly how bad Demitri and Lillie look, how sick and hurt they really are, and she covers her mouth with both hands, trying not to cry.

"I want to heal them," she whispers, a sob catching her her throat. "Bad mean people, I wanna kick their ass. I wanna heal them. Can I?"

She reaches out and very lightly touches Lillie's hair, not trying to heal her yet, just touching her. "Lillie...you oughtta wake up now," she whispers again.

(would some time after they get out of the submarine and are a bit more settled be a good time for Liza's mother to join as we discussed?)
Callie waited for the others to all get in the submarine before she climbed in. The water safe hatch closed behind her. As soon as she got in, she took a deep breath. The water pressure was immediately gone once she entered the sub and it was probably one of the best feeling in the word to Callie. She heard the captain come near them. "Here's a few towels. Dry off, and then come get something to eat. If those kids need something, call me. Your dry clothes are in your rooms. We should be surfacing in about half an hour." Callie nodded and grabbed a towel to herself, and then passed them around the room. She wrapped a towel around herself, and then scooted over closer to Alex and Lillie. "How is she?" She asked, reaching out and brushing a strand of Lillie's hair out of her face. She did look so fragile and tiny that she was afraid only touching her would hurt her.

Keanu took a towel for himself and wrapped it around his body. The water was cold, but going in the sub didn't help much since his clothes were wet too. He sat down next to Blaire and Demitri. "We should probably get them in to clean clothes and get them some food." He said to no one in particular.

((Yeah I think when Alex leaves and we introduce Ethan would probably be a good time.))
Together Blaire and Keanu got Demitri into the Navy's sub. Blaire felt overwhelming anger welling up in her gut as she realized they wouldn't get to deal Chu's long coming justice. The coward just ran away. She let Keanu take Demitri into the bay before she looked back at the underwater fortress. Her face twisted in rage. No one should ever be able to use this place again, she yelled in her head. Blaire slashed her hand across the water much swifter than what was possible in the pressure. The metal dome that was slowly contorting among itself suddenly sliced apart, like a huge clawed hand had raked across the surface. Immediately the dome crumpled into a heap as the metal stuts that gave it support finally failed. Blaire finally turned back around and swam into the bay.

Demitri was unconsious again and she couldn't blame him, he was in horrible shape. But Demitri was strong, Lillie on the other hand, was just a little girl. From what Blaire could see, she hadn't woken up yet and she was in bad condition. What they needed was a doctor and a miracle.

Blaire didn't feel cold any more, just a strange combination of hatred and worry. She wrapped her towel around him the best she could. He was laying on the floor, she propped his head up with a life jacket. "Com'mon, Demitri, I know you, you're strong. You can pull through this, I know it," she said quietly, more of a reassurance to herself than anything. Blaire ran her hand across his skin, he was cold from the intensely icy water in the depths of the ocean. She looked up at Keanu, eyes wild with fear, "Maybe you can, you know, heat it up in here? Everyone's going to get hypothermia at this rate." She had one of her hands around Demitri's wrist, monitering his heart rate, it disturbed her how low it was. He was so dehydrated it was hard to get a reading on his veins. Blaire truely hated to admit it, but she was scared. . . .scared that their flock wouldn't make it.
Alex stared down at Lillie with worry etched into his features. One thought running through his head; this was his fault. Entirely his fault. He couldn't really respond to anyone for a moment or two, he just nodded. He grabbed two towels, wrapped one around Liza and then one around Lillie. Like a blanket. He then heard Callie's question - about two minutes after she had spoken it - and he shrugged. "I have no idea. I can feel her heartbeat." He murmurs, "But it's way too slow. She needs food, and water." He then looks to Liza, noticing how she is trying not to sob. Alex feels numb. He doesn't know how to answer Liza. He looks down at Lillie's fragile face, still scared that she hasn't woken up. "Come on Cuddles, you gotta wake up. You're out of the bad place now." Nothing. But her heartbeat was still there. Alex looks up to Callie, his face full of anxiety, "Do you think they knocked her out with sedatives or something?" He asks before looking back down to Lillie. He lifts her left arm up from the blanket and he grits his teeth, a row of red dots lined her arm. You could easily tell they were injection wounds. Fresh aswell. Fury flashed in his eyes. I'm going to kill that bast**d. He hid that thought from Liza.
Liza doesn't try to dry herself, her hair dripping down her back, leaving a small pool of water forming at her feet. The towel around her shoulders helps still her shivers, but she does not notice either her dampness or her cold as her eyes shift between Lillie and Demitri, her chest heaving with her continued effort not to cry. She bites her lip, tugging on Alex again as her eyes rest on the dots on Liza's arm. She does not know what caused them, but like the marks on Lillie's face, she doesn't like them. She knows that something had hurt her.

"I'm gonna try to heal her," she tells him again, sniffling, and then she reaches out to lay her hand very carefully against the bruise on Lillie's face, squeezing her eyes shut and concentrating hard, attempting to pour her energy into her in the form of healing. Tears drip out of her closed eyelids and her body tenses as she tries.
Keanu nodded at Blaires question. He concentrated on the rooms temperature, and heated it to the point of where it would be good for all of them. Callie shrugged, absentmindedly stroking Lillie's hair in some attempt to get her to come around. When Alex lifted her arm and exposed the injection wounds, she flinched and looked down. Like everyone else, Callie had injection wound scars lining her whole body, especially on her arms. She subconsciously rubbed her own arm while talking. "Maybe she was trying to fight them, so they knocked her out with a sedative...they used to do that to me, anyways." She said somewhat quietly, thinking back to her days at the school. Not that she really wanted to.

Keanu silently watched Liza try to heal Lillie. He didn't know how good it would work, though. He cleared his throat, getting Callie's attention. "Uhm, well I might be wrong, but maybe we should bring them to a hospital.." As soon as the words left his mouth, several heads whipped around to give him a death stare. He put his hands up in defense. "I'm just saying. Even if Liza can heal them, they'll probably still be dehydrated. And what if Liza can't heal them?" Callie shook her head, looking back at Lillie and Liza. "No, they'll wake up soon, and then we can-" Keanu interrupted her. "And what if they don't wake up, Callie?" He shot back, his voice rising a little. "What if we're too late?" He lowered his voice again, and Callie sighed deeply. She knew her flock was in horrible condition, and they might not have any other choice. She looked around her Flock, trying to get their opinion on it.
As the temperature in the room rose, Blaire nodded at Keanu, "Thanks," She tried to force a smile, but the atmosphere was too grim, she couldn't bring herself to it. Blaire listened to the conversation in silence staring down at Demitri, injured, unconscious, and unmoving on the floor. Deep down her stomach was still burning, protesting, demanding for revenge at the sight of her broken brother. When the converstation came to hospitals, Blaire stood, frowning deeply. "We have no choice but to go to the hospital." she argued, backing up Keanu. "Our flock is in bad shape. I know we hate being reliant on the Navy, but they're the only ones who can help us get Lillie and Demitri the attention they need. This is beyond us. . . .Face it--we can't fix this by ourself." Speach time over, she sat back down.
Alex sat silently, watching as Liza tried to heal Lillie. He watched and could tell it had worked slightly, Lillie's bruises on her face paled and became more like the colour of her skin, but there was still a small tinge, and her face even seemed to fill out a bit more, not enough to make her look healthy again, but at least she looked more...alive now. Alex looked at Liza, seeing her tears and how she was straining herself. He wrapped his free arm around her and hugged her - a bit awkwardly because he was holding Lillie - but it was still a hug. "Sshh, calm down Liza." He whispered soothingly, "It's okay, she'll be fine." He noticed Liza's sniffling, "You need to rest too Liza."

Alex then looked over at the others as they talked of Hospitals. "And what if they don't wake up, Callie?" His eyes shot back to Lillie's small, frail body. She has to wake up. She has to. 'Come on Cuddles, open your eyes!' He felt his eyes water. "What if we're too late?" A tear dropped from his eye, and he wiped it fiercely with his wrist, "S**t." He growled out. 'Wake up Lillie!' He glanced to Callie, his eyes watery yet no more tears were being allowed out, Keanu's annoying words still running through his head, "She's gonna wake up, right?" He hated looking so weak. Being so weak. But he couldn't think properly, Lillie couldn't die. He'd never be able to forgive himself. "This is all my fault." He murmured to himself.
Liza is shaking with her extended efforts and emotion, her own face growing pale, but she shakes her head determinedly, her lips thinned, and pulls away from Alex, stumbling towards Demitri. Putting her hand on his arm, she tries with renewed determination to stimulate his healing as well. This time is much harder for her to gather the reserves to begin to do so, and she sways on her feet, taking in slightly uncontrolled breaths as she tries. She can see when she opens her tightly clinched eyes that Lillie is not yet awake, and she can see no signs of Demitri waking up either, and more tears stream down her cheeks, further distracting her from her efforts.

"They're not up yet...why won't they get up?"
Callie sighed in defeat. "Fine, we'll go." As much as she and the rest of the flock hated hospitals, she knew this was what had to be done. She moved her eyes up to look up at Alex, whose eyes seemed to be watering. She didn't see the tear fall, though. "She'll wake up," She said nodding. "They both will." She thought back to what had happened between her and Alex near the dome. They still had to talk about that. A few minutes after she said this, the captains voice came over the intercom. "We will be surfacing in approximately three minutes." Callie chewed on her upper lip, wondering what would happen once they got to the hospital. She knew the flocks condition was out of their hands, but that doesn't mean she was okay with going.
Ah guys, just to let you know, I'm going away for a few days, on holiday, and I'm not sure if I'll get internet where I'm going - most likely not. I'm sorry! I know it sucks, but there's nothing I can do. I'll be back on the 6th and will post ASAIGH. (As Soon As I Get Home) I'll try my best to post while I'm away, but I can't promise anything :(

Again, I'm sorry! You guys can either put the RP on hold for a few days - a lot to ask, don't worry about that if it's going to annoy people - or just subtly acknowledge my characters in your posts, such as just noticing they are there or doing something. As long as you don't make them do anything out of character or create dialogue for them that they wouldn't say.

(I'm posting this on every RP I'm in by the way, just to save you reading it again and again)

Blaire had competely lost track of time since the moment they had first jumped off the side of that research ship and descended into the depths of the ocean. How long were they underwater? How long had it taken to get to the hospital? How long has she been sitting in this room? They were questions. Not neccisarily important now. It was finally over . . . for the most part.

Blaire was sitting hunched over, in a armchair she dragged next to the bedside, her palms over her eyes, her hair parting between her fingers. The dim moonlight from the window cast shadows up the walls. It must be two in the morning. It was quiet. This whole night--or the day, whichever--just seemed to go to hell. The room was filled with the hollow sounds of breathing, the quiet tick from the second hand of a clock placed on the wall, the low hum of the equipment, and the steady audible drip of the two saline bags from the two respective bed frames. Because of her spliced recombinant DNA, her hearing was sharper, and in the utter silence in the room, it seemed impossible to drone out the sound. It seemed like she was the only person awake. Suddenly everything was too overwhelming. Worry, Fear, Grief, Regret, Guilt, Despair, and finally Relief. The significance of all the events in the day seemed to crash down on her in torrents of emotion. It was all too much to handle. Blaire had a brief moment to make sure everyone was really asleep before her emotions overran her. At last, silent tears streamed down her cheeks. She rests her head on the edge of the bed closest to her and picks up the hand in her. It seems sallow and brittle, but it is warm and for that she is grateful. The thought causes more tears to roll down her face, they leave dark spots in the white linens.

She wakes several times, though, not remembering when she fell asleep. The first she remembers, pale grey light is spilling through the wide plate glass window at the south wall of the room. The sun is going up slowly somewhere soon in the east. It must be somewhere between four and five AM. There are a few birds chirping and somewhere Blaire can hear the faint sound of a horn being blown at the barracks, identifying that it was time for the soldiers to wake up. With a nearly sleepless night twenty four hours before and a physically and mentally exhausting day behind her, she has had worse days, but she is tired beyond belief, and at this point, she is nearly incapable of logical thought. Blaire is leaning back in her arm chair, somehow she had moved back earlier but she cannot remember when. Instead, she reajusts and falls back asleep.

Blaire stirred in her sleep. Sun was pouring through the window and the clock on the wall informed that is was a little past nine in the morning. There was a rap at the door again, the source that had interupted her slumber. She twisted slowly in her chair, hoping the obnoxious noise would go away. There was a third rap at the door, and then a fourth. Blaire finally blinked her eyes open and rolled out of the chair. Her limbs seemed sore as she moved, her eyes were red and puffy, and her hair was sticking up in odd directions. Blaire smoothed her hair down as best she could as she padded across the room towards the door. She was wearing some clothes the nurses had brought her and the flock the night before--taking pity on the bruised and battered and somber children--her set of clothing consisted of a white tee-shirt two times too big and pair of black yoga capris, these were also too big for her and hung a bit baggy around her hips and legs, but the fabric was so soft and comfortable, and they smelled clean of fabric softener, she just tied the drawstring tight and didn't pay it another thought.

She was rubbing her eyes when she opened the door to the cheery always-happy face of marine biologist, Dr. Akana. The woman's smile flickered slightly at the sight of the battered group, but she compensated by grabbing Blaire's shoulders and pulling the bird-girl into a hug. "Oh, I'm so glad you are all alright!" she cried. If it were any other person than Dr. Akana, Blaire would have poppped their shoulder out of it's socket; but there was something about the woman, the genuine concern flooding her voice, the way that the only wrinkles on her face she seemed have formed from smiling so much and spending so much time in the sun. During their time in the sub, they had gotten to know the Doctor and appreciate the time they spent with her, she always seemed to have a thrilling story to tell, helpful advice to give. Blaire let out a breath and did the natural thing that came to mind and put her arms around the small Hawaiian woman for a moment before Dr. Akana broke the hug and smiled at her kindly. Blaire held out her hand and invited her in the hospital room.

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