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Fandom Winged

Liza immediately wraps her arms around Alex's neck as he picks her up, burying her face in the crook of his neck and shoulder, her heart still thumping wildly as she tries to calm down, to listen to his words. She can feel his heart beating against hers, much more steadily and calmly, and along with his words and hug, this soothes her somewhat. She gulps, daring finally to peek up, though she is still shaking slightly.

"What is that?"
Callie was also thrown about when the sub shook, managing to grasp onto the rails of her bunk before crashing down onto the floor. She heard the younger kids scream, and the alarm blaring in the halls and in their room. She didn't have time to ask Alex where he had been, but instead made her way to the door. To try and keep some kind of order, she started doing what she did best. Barking orders. "Let's go up front, by the main hatch," She commanded. "If we have to abandon ship, that's where we'll escape from." They waited for a break in the line of running sailors, then threw themselves into the passageway and started rushing forward. It seemes to take forever, with them running and jumping over the raised thresholds. Around them, sailors were sealing off compartments with their little wheel things.

Finally, they made it up front. Callie stopped and looked onto the black and white television screens that displayed what was happening all around them. She sucked in a breathe. Coming at the sub from all angles, were tons of...people? She couldn't tell. They kind of looked like ninjas, dressed in all black. But they didn't have any breathing equipment on. Mutants? Maybe. That wasn't the worst part though. They all had medium sized power drills, and were working on literally destroying the sub. "What do we do?" Callie asked the flock, biting her lip. She would fight anything on the surface, or in the air, but underwater? That was pretty out of her element. Finally she got an idea. "I'll get the Triton. Blaire and Alex, come with me. Keanu, stay here and watch the others." She said firmly. "Does it have weapons?" Dally asked. "No. But it has big claw arms," She answered. "Maybe I can whack them or knock them off or something." She hopped she could do that, anyways.
Alex followed Callie as she started taking control, doing just one of the things that she does best. When she told him and Blaire to go with her, he glanced down at Liza - who was still clinging to him - and then looked at Keanu. He gently moved Liza and gave her to Keanu, he glanced at him, "Look after her Night." He then ruffled Liza's hair a little bit, "Stick with Keanu, alright? We'll be fine." He then turned around to face Callie and followed her along with Blaire. He guessed she had picked them 'cause of their affinity with water and he knew he could breathe under the water - could Blaire?

(I find it so funny that the boys call each-other by their last names xD Although Alex's is a bit harder to remember - Lozier. Keanu could just call him Alexius, that would annoy him a lot ^.^)
Even as one arm winds around Keanu automatically, Liza reaches out for Alex with her other arm, her eyes still large with her alarm as she shakes her head emphatically.

"No, no! We gotta come too! We gotta stay together! They're gonna get you guys, we gotta help...we gotta stay together! I'm gonna come too!"

When they ignore her and move on, her eyes return to the television screen, growing even wider as she continues to watch the strange figures coming at their sub. Swallowing, she presses into Keanu, going silent, then suddenly jumps off his lap and runs after where Alex and Blaire had disappeared with Callie, shouting behind her to the others.

"Come with me, we gotta help them!"
Blaire ran along, right behind Callie and Alex. Moving aside when a sailor or someone came along the passage--which was often with the high alert on and the ship being attacked and all. She followed, wondering what tricks Callie had up her sleeves as they headed down to the airlock and the minisub, the Triton.
Keanu rolled his eyes at Alex, but it didn't really have the same affect it used to. He had actually lost some of his hate towards Alex. It was still there though, and he could go right back to hating him if he wanted to. "As long as you promise not to turn my sister over to the sharks, Alexius." As he said this, Liza wiggled out of his grasp and was running towards Callie, Blaire and Alex. Callie heard Liza and spun around. "No!" She yelled to Liza, but then felt bad for yelling. She sighed, before crouching down to her level. "I know you want to come and help, but...we can't have everyone in the sub. It's too small. Blaire and Alex get to go because they were on the Triton with me, and saw how the crew members ran the mini-sub. I need their help." She let this sink in. "We'll be fine, I promise. Just please stay with Keanu. We'll be right back." She left it at that, turning and making her way to the mini-sub. She didn't have time to argue over this.

Callie had hot-wired quite a few cars and driven all kinds of weird vehicles. She had never stolen a Triton, but she had watched the crewman steer it around, and she thought she could do it. No one had even stopped them when they raced down the corridor and entered the pressure chamber. The Triton was sitting there waiting for them. Luckily there wasn't a key, only a button. She dropped down onto one of the seats and started flicking switches, hoping she was doing it in the right order. She'd only seen it done once. "Let me know if I'm doing something wrong," She said over her shoulder to Blaire and Alex. There was three of them, which meant there was a better chance of one of them getting it right. She told Blaire to seal the hatch, and once it was all the panels lit up inside. Callie sighed in relief, but she was no happier about doing this than the first time. "Let's get this show on the road." She mumbled, grabbing the remote that would open the chamber doors, dropping them into the ocean.
Blaire jumped in the Triton after Callie and did as she instructed to secure the hatches. She went back over to the control panel and watched Callie's hands over the buttons and switches. Only once did she stick out her hand and grab Callie's before she hit a wrong button--the action was mostly instinct, as she only remembered which was the correct sequence. It was way dark, and Blaire peered out through the plexiglas bubble, not wanting to suggest they turn on the headlights. Stealth was the key here, and they would be as stealthy as a bright yellow, three-ton, bubble-trailing baby sub could be. "I can't tell where the noise is coming from," said Blaire. "We'll have to check the whole sub."
Liza scowls, stamping her foot and crossing her arms, and considers defying Callie to follow her anyway. But in the end she trudges back to Keanu, her head down, anxiety returning to her features as she sidles up to him, her eyes glued to the screens. She lets her thumb linger near her mouth as she speaks.

"Can't we do NOTHING to help out?"
(Sorry for the absent-ness guys, had some stuff going on but I should be able to post more often now. Also, just to let you know, I have NO idea what the heck a Triton is or anything else to do with submarine's, so sorry if I say something that is wrong or impossible xD Just ignore it if I do)

Alex also follows both girls into the Triton, sticking close behind Callie as she hits the buttons, he moves to correct her once, but Blaire beats him to it. He then watches as they slide through the water in the Triton, his dark green eyes searching the sea ahead of them. He keeps on looking before he breaks the silence, "Where did you guys go anyway?" He was referring to earlier when he had fallen asleep and woken up to them being gone. His tone was casual, but his eyes were steely set on the ocean, looking out for ANYTHING that could be another submarine where Lillie and Demitri were, or some Tracker type robots that were attacking the sub-marine. As long as it wasn't those shark beasts again, they were gross and annoying strong. Plus, he was pretty sure that he had an allergic reaction to that bite on his arm.
((The Triton is just the name of the mini-sub))

Callie nodded at Blaire's words, jerkily moving the sub forward. "What do you mean where did we go? You were there the whole time. We looked around a little and then went back into the main sub after Brinley's little performance. Didn't you see?" She asked Alex, trying to talk while concentrating on driving the Triton. They started sinking fast, and she frantically worked the lever to make them rise up and stabilize. She hated this. Hated it with a whole new kind of hate that she should probably have reserved for Mr. Chu. "One of you try maneuvering the arms around, since we're probably going to have to use those to whack the...things off." She tossed the remote control that was used to control the metal arms over her shoulder, knowing one of them would catch it.

Keanu frowned in concentration, trying to figure out what to do that could be of some help. He looked around at the screen, and all the switches on the wall. Something caught his attention. There was a walkie-talkie on the wall, with the label 'Triton" under it. He grabbed it, pressing a bottom and talking into it. "Callie?" He waited for a few seconds, listening to static before her voice came over. "Keanu?" She asked. "Yeah. Look, the robot things seem to be staying all in one spot, that I can see. But I can't tell where on the sub they are." He told her, keeping his eyes glued on the screen.
Blaire caught the controls and began to fumble with them. It wasn't long before she caught on to the simple hand controls and began to move the arms around experimentally. "Do you see anything?" Blaire asked too late. Tap, tap! Blaire almost screamed when something knocked against the plexiglass above their heads. If the dumb-bots got ahold of the Triton....
Callie kept listening to Keanu, following his instructions. Even then it was hard to pin-point where exactly the stupid robots were hiding. She stifled a shriek when she heard the tap of the plexiglass, and slowly looked up. Her fear was instantly turned to anger as she saw a ring of golden blond curls. Brinley, of course, had once again not listened to her. Her smiling face looked down on them. Callie started yelling at her, but sh ignored her, pointing to the back of the Minnesota. Callie pushed the joystick forward, and in a couple more seconds she saw the clump of dumb-bots. Her grip tightened around the control. Looked like it was time for a fight.

((Okay, this next part in the book pretty much drags by slowly. So we're just going to skip ahead a little. Basically what happens is Brinley talks to the robots in their mind, and convinces them to leave them alone, which they do. But the robots have damaged the sub too badly, so they have to go back up to the surface again to change submarines. That isn't exactly what happens in the book, but this way is just easier. Oh and also if I use Blaire in this part, I have Magic's permission. xD Oh, and we're gunna introduce Ethan pretty soon as well :D ))

"I like boats better than subs," Callie commented. They were on the marine research station's biggest boat, a forty-five-foot tri-hull that sliced neatly through the water. The scientist had talked with the Flock, and thought that the huge mountain thing and weird sea monsters were caused by some kind of radiation. Now they just had to find out where the radiation was. "We're setting up the radiation-detecting equipment right now," said Dr. Akana. Half an hour later they were far out into the ocean and could barely see land, even with their raptor vision. Callie looked up at the clear blue sky, her wings itching to fly. It had been days, and she wanted nothing else to fly at the moment. And get Lillie and Demitri back.

((Sorry it's kind starting out slow, I'm trying to figure out how to work this out))
After several days of being stuck in the submarine, unable to fly, go outside of it, or do much of anything to help the others, Liza is restless and cranky. It seems to her that they'll never get to Lillie and Demitri, and that she'll never be able to help or allowed to do anything she wants at all. Watching Callie with a dark scowl on her face, crossing her arms, she gives her most irritable look in the general direction of all.

"I think you oughtta let me help and I think I can do stuff just as good as all the rest of you, probably. And I wanna do it," she declares.

(not sure what exactly I can do with her)
They were on Dr. Akana's marine reaserch station's biggest boat. A month ago, the flock had flown just about every day, for hours. It had been their main mode of transportation. Blaire's wings had felt strong, tireless. Somedays it had actually felt weird to walk. Lately it seemed like she spent a lot of time in planes, on boats and subs, and in cars.

The boat's engines stopped, but the water there was too deep to anchor. It seemed like too long since she was last able to fly carefree--and especially long after being on that crumpled little tin can. Blaire couldn't help it--she ran down the de of the boat, then leaped off the end, into the air. Snapping out her wings, she rose on the ocean's thermal wind, climbing in lazy spirals towards the sun. It wasn't long before the rest of the flock joined her. For now, Blaire just wanted to fly; today she could fly and enjoy the sun and excersises making heat radiate off her feathers. Every now and again, the flock would hang out with other flocks--flocks of birds that is--like the hawks or sometimes with bats. They'd taught them all kinds of maneuvers, and Blaire always felt a burst of joy when she recognized them in the air. Those were the times when she didn't feel so human, and could let go of some of her human problems.

Finally, Blaire swooped lower and lower, face flushed, hair windblown, eyes bloodshot from he breeze, and cheeks hurting from smiling so much. On the boats deck, several researchers were holding up binoculars, watching the flock as they flew back towards them. Though, Dr. Akana seemed to be the only exception. She was sitting on a bench on the deck outside of the main cabin, watching thoughtfully with her hands folded neatly in her lap, instead of watching eagerly with her colleagues. Blaire thought that was slightly odd.
Liza had been delighted for a chance to get off of the boat, and especially the submarine, which seemed smaller and more cramped and undesirable to her with every passing day. As soon as Blaire took off from the deck, and it seemed that the others wouldn't mind if she left too, she spread her wings wide, grinning even before she flew just at the ability to stretch her wings out far without having to worry about knocking them into another person or the wall. It seems entirely too long since she's been able to feel the air ruffling through her feathers and streaming back her hair, since she could yell out loud and hear it echo to the clouds. Staying with the others, she flaps her wings with gusto, enjoying the way her cramped and stiff wings are stretching in glorious flaps. Dimples dig into her cheeks with her wide smile as she makes bird calls and war whoops, just to take pleasure from their echo. When they land back on the deck, she bounces on her toes, still grinning.

"More? Can we do more? This is a way long missile trip."
((Sorry for lack of postage. I should be on more now though))

Callie watched Blaire throw herself into the air, and she was only a few seconds behind her. She jumped over the edge of the railing, letting her shoes graze the water before snapping her wings out. She sighed oat the feeling of her wings finally stretching, shaking off the stiffness. She wasn't surprised to see all of the others joining them. After a while of chasing each other around and just goofing off in general, Calllie landed back on the dock reluctantly. She looked over at some of the scientist, who motioned for her to go over. She pulled her wings back in, still radiating heat from the exercise. "Whats up?" She asked the scientists, clearly in a better mood now. "We're getting signals from directly below us. Not radiation, but like satellite signals. Which is very unlikely to happen around here. We want to check it out. We hypothesized that Mr. Chu might have been keeping your family hostage underwater, and this could be them." Callie tilted her head to the side, biting her lip. "But if it is them, wouldn't it have to be really far down?" The scientist nodded. "Yes, but you guys don't seem to be very bothered by the water pressure. We're thinking all of you could swim down and look, and the rest of us could get back on a submarine. Unless you want to go on the sub, too." "No!" Callie yelled quickly, making most of the people around her jump. "We can swim."
Blaire frowned, not sure what to make of the words that were sinking into her ears. However, before she could think of a reasonable, logistical response, she blurted, "Let's do it. When do we leave?" She folded her arms tightly across her chest. Her own words were making her uneasy and worries began to nag at her. Blaire's frown deepened. Rescuing their family would be no simply task--it would be one of the hardest things they ever did in their lives. Blaire hid her nervousness behind her confident, go-to, nonchalant.
(Sorry if it seems like I just missed a WHOLE bunch of stuff outta my post. I just had no idea what to post up until now and thought it would be better to re-include Alex in it before I got too far behind.)

Alex soared behind all the others as they flew through the air; dipping down and grazing his body just above the surface of the water as he closed his eyes and felt the cool breeze on his face. It felt good to just fly once more. Bird kids didn't do good in small spaces; especially lab raised bird kids. He landed just behind Callie as they returned to the dock, listening to the conversation and smirking lightly as Callie protested about going back in the sub again. He turned to her once all had fallen silent and spoke up, shocking a few of the crew who hadn't actually heard him speak more than a word yet - if that. "Are we all going? I know some of the Flock can't breathe underwater yet, but me and Blaire could hold up some air bubbles for them." His dark green eyes were filled with determination now - they had a good idea where Demitri and Lillie were being kept, and they were GOING to find them. No matter what it took.
The scientist was joined by a few more, most of them carrying clipboards. "Well, you should all be ready to go in about an hour or so. We still want you to wear wet suits since it will get colder the farther down you go. We also want to sail out a little farther, since we want to be as close to the signals as possible." Callie nodded, already walking towards the room on the boat that would contain the wet suites. "Okay. Let's get going then. But do we have to wear wet suites? If we have to fight, which I know we will, we'll need to be able to move as much as possible." Callie asked, figuring that wet suites could slow them down some. The scientists seemed to think about this. "I guess not. But you should all keep in mind that this isn't for sure them. It's unlikely, but it could a be a false alarm." Callie could tell the scientist was saying this as nicely as possible. She had probably heard about what happened when the flock got angry from the navy. At least they had been warned. "Trust me, we're used to being let down, disappointed, and hurt. Among many other things. But I think this is them. I think we should all go get them. We'll be more intimidating, powerful, and I have a feeling Chu isn't going down easily." She mumbled, answering Alex.
Blaire said hesitantly, "Erm, I think I'm going to go with a wetsuit anyways, it gets pretty cold down there." She ran a hand through her hair. "Anyways, I think we'll be okay otherwise. Alex is right, we can make some kind of bubble or something is something goes wrong."
Alex nodded, he then looked at the wet suits, really? He had to wear one of those disgusting things? He was about to open his mouth and ask this exact same question when Callie asked it for him. When it was confirmed that they didn't have to wear them he nodded. Glancing around them silently, before he looked over to Liza, "Hey Liza, you gotta put a wet suit on." He nodded in the direction of them; even if no-one else wore them, he didn't want Liza to get cold down in the sea's depths.

([MENTION=1402]Faith Eliza Cord[/MENTION])

Liza frowns doubtfully at the wetsuit. She has never seen anything like it before, even on the few TV shows she's watched, and reaches to touch it with one finger.

"It looks like a fish."

She pauses, then says seriously, "I think it's too small. Plus also I think I don't know how to put it on 'cause it don't got a zipper and I can't pull it over my head. Plus also no one else is wearing one you said so how come I do? I can swim and stuff."
(No need to apologize, I just mentioned you 'cause I know I always forget to check this RP since it got moved to Fandom xD )

Alex frowns at Liza, she has a good point about the size and how to get it on....but still. "I know you can swim Liza, it's just to protect you from getting a cold." He frowns still, in thought as he glances to Callie, "Do you think she'll be alright without one? She is smaller than the rest of us.." He trailed off, assuming Callie knew that the smaller you are, the faster you get cold. His hands twitch slightly; he really cannot wait to go and get Lillie and Demitri. Every second that they waste is every second that Lillie could be alone, hurt and scared. He couldn't handle that.
Callie thought for a second about whether or not Liza should have a wet suit. She tilted her head to the side. "I guess not...but she would get colder a lot faster. I personally think you should wear one, Liza." She nodded, itching to just jump in the water already. She didn't care how cold it was, she just wanted her family back. And with all the adrenaline already working its way through her body, she didn't think it would bother her anyway. She leaned from side to side anxiously, waiting for everyone to be ready. "So uhh...what are we supposed to do if we actually find them?" Keanu asked. Callie hadn't really thought about that part. "I guess we kick some serious butt and get Lillie and Demitri back. We'll work details out later."
Blaire nodded. "Sounds like a good idea to me. Planning never works out anyway--look at the military for example, see where it got us? Back to doing things for ourselves." She said a little bit restentful, though glad none of those Navy-types were on the vessel to hear her. She went below deck to fetch herself a wetsuit, ignoring the complaints of the rest of the flock. Once she found one and was changed she padded back up to the deck barefooted--since it was virtually impossible to swim with shoes on and it defeated the purpose of wearing shoes if you were in the water.

Once back on deck, she put her hands on her hips, her hair was tied back and she was ready to depart. "If everyone's good and done here, it's best we leave now before we start having doubts." She nodded. Then a thought struck her, she walked over to Keanu and pulled him aside. "Hey," she said softly and lowered her voice, "What're you going to do about the whole-breathing-under-water thing?" Blaire herself wasn't too keen on it either, but she figured she gained enough power to pull pockets of air to her mouth while she was swimming if she found she hadn't developed the trait.

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