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Fandom Winged

(Sorry, Liza had to climb in either Dallys or Brinley's bed, since Alex is top bunk and all xD Oh and how are we going to introduce 'Maya' and who's going to RP as her?)

Alex lay on his side, his eyes open. He had awoken a while after Blaire, but still before the others, got changed into his spare uniform and then lay back down in bed, not falling asleep with his eyes wide open. They were leaving to get on the USS Minnesota today, to find Demitri and Lillie. Right now his mind was open to the Flock - although he wasn't aware of it - and he was currently thinking of various plans and back-up plans about what was going to happen when they found the two missing Flock members, each plan involving him...and Blaire, somehow delimbing Chu. Although most of his emotions right now were rage, fury etc. He did have fear. But not for himself, for Lillie. He feared what had happened to her, what they had done, if she was still even alive...He just hoped he could control himself enough to not blow up the entire submarine when he saw Chu. That would be awkward.

As everyone began to get up he sighed and swung himself down from the bunk/cot, whatever it is you call them, and looked around, he was as eager as Blaire to not be late, but not so adamant with the navy's stupid rules. He noticed Liza re-hiding under the duvet and frowned, weren't kids supposed to be the ones jumping around the room at 5 in the morning? He walked over and tugged the blanket away, "Wake up sleepy head, we're all going on a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine!" He did a mickey take of the Beatles 'yellow submarine' song, vaguely remembering his dad playing it a lot when he was younger.
Liza emerges frowning; though she doesn't appear overly sleepy, her face is drawn, and she pulls the blanket around herself, hunching her shoulders as she squints back up at Alex. Her dreams have sobered her initial excitement of their rescue mission meant for today, because now she is considering for the first time what it might mean...namely, hurting people.

"I think I'll just stay here maybe and talk to Lillie so she don't get scared. 'Cause I don't even want to go hurt people. I just want to get Demitri and Lillie and that's all."
[[Well, Dance already has four characters, and since she's a clone of Callie and their personalities are different, it would be slightly strange. And it is definitely no fun rping with yourself. I can RP her if no one else wants to? As for introducing her...that's a tad more difficult. Maybe something happens and Alex is obscurely cast in the news, Maya recognizes it as another bird kid and finds him? Or they could run into each other. I've no idea since Alex doesn't have the blog or whatever, so they can't find each other that way, cuz if he did he would have to 'find' a computer first...If you're not sure what I'm talking about, I can explain in more detail. Lol, I would send you my copies, the books are so good, but that would be a bit weird xD ]]

Blaire circled over the actual Pearl Harbor naval field, searching for the submarine with her razor sharp raptor vision. She just hoped no one mistook her for a surveillance plane or something and started firing missiles at her. It was a very real possibility. Blaire swooped down for a closed look before finally deciding to land on the docks and ask one of the ensigns or someone.
((Yeah I don't think I could really handle five characters well xD ))

Callie sat on the dusty old couch, lacing up her combat boots. "So when do you guys want to head to the dock? I think Blaire's already down there," She said to no one in particular, standing up and stretching out her protesting muscles. She hadn't flied since early yesterday morning, and she was eager to. Once they got in that submarine, it might be a little while before she could fly again. Even a short fly to the dock would do her good, even though she would prefer a longer one to help her fried nerves. She heard Brinley roll over in her bed, who had cuddled up to Liza once she had crawled into her bed. "Can't we just sleep a little longer?" She protested at both Alex and Callie. Brinley was always a big fan of sleep, and was slow to wake up. She reaced around for the blanket, but frowned when she saw that Alex had taken it away.
As Brinley sits up, Liza seizes the opportunity to climb into her lap and arrange Brinley's arms around herself, snuggling herself under her chin as she looks across to Alex. "Brinley can stay with me I think."

(Is Maya an established character, I take it? I just wouldn't want to play her wrong)
[[ xD looks like I'll rp Maya then. Now the issue of how to introduce her when the time comes?]]

Blaire landed down on the dock. Giving an ensign a startle. "I'm appointed to board the USS Minnesota at approximately six o' clock. Would you please be so kind to point me in the right direction." she asked, irritation tricking into her voice. He lifted a hesitant finger pointing due South-South East. Blaire clicked her heals together and gave him a crude salute, then jumped over the side of the concrete dock, popping her wings and flying back up into the air. Now that she knew what direction to be looking in, it was much easier to pick out the top of the submarine with a dozen crewmen bustling about. She swooped down and leaned against a pillar with her arms crossed, waiting for the Flock.
(Uhh, does Callie want to comment on Liza staying? I'm not sure Alex has the authority to tell her no or yes)
(lol you guys should make her go, I want to be part of the rescue. She's just bucking the system because she's nervous and doesn't like violence)
Callie smiled at Brinley and Liza who were still wrapped around each other. She mad her way over to the bottom bunk they were sharing. "Sorry guys, but everyone's coming. I can't risk leaving you guys if the trackers come back. Plus, I don't think Brinley would be the best babysitter." Brinley frowned at her, and Callie stuck her tongue out. "Now get ready, we have a big day. we have to get going soon." She said, finishing up packing her backpack. She hopped the navy didn't plan on them cleaning up their hut, because she wasn't going to.
Liza's lower lip is stuck out in a childish pout as she gets off of Brinley moodily, but as she dawdles, dressing and then letting Brinley fix her hair, her lip quivers in genuine emotion before she squares her small shoulders and lifts her chin, seeming to gather herself. She latches onto Brinley's hand and follows her out of the dorm when she is ready, her stomach tightening.

She just hopes that it won't be too bad when they get Demitri and Lillie. Maybe she can just be really nice to the bad guys and they'll realize how bad they are and let them go. That would be good.

(sorry...but how do you spell Dmitri/Demitri/Dimitri?!)
(Demitri xD )

Alex looks around at everyone, they were all ready. He walked over to the window, simply not wanting to take the long way. He opened up the window and without another word, leapt out of it and snapped his wings out. Falling until he almost hit the floor - shocking a few cadets - then lifting right up again, looking out for the submarine and spotting Blaire against a pillar. He flew until he was directly above the spot next to her, then just dropped, landing beside her with a nice 'thud'

He looked over the bustling crewman as he spoke to Blaire lightly, his arms crossed, "Know what the time is?"
Blaire looked over at Alex causually when he landed on the dock. She fought the urge to reply with a popular saying from a tv show, so instead she said sarcastically, "Ass-kicking time?" She cracked her knuckles.
While Alex jumped out the window, Callie decided to be a bit more traditional and use the door. Not that Callie liked to do things the normal way. She waited for the others, before taking to the air. She wondered why Alex was acting weird again. For a while there he had been talking, and not nearly as quiet and distant as he had been. Callie brushed it off, finally settling on the fact that Alex was just thinking about getting Lillie and Demitri back and he would be fine. She landed next to Blaire and Alex, still getting a kick out of the ensigns shock. Keanu landed after her. "I was going to say time to go on a submarine, but ass-kicking time works too." He shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets. "How much longer do we have?" Brinley asked, still not fully awake.
As Liza lands beside the others, folding her wings back, she looks at the submarine with interest; it is the first time she's ever seen or heard of one, and she asks solemnly, "Does it know how to breathe like we do? Plus also, can we fly underwater?"
Alex nodded in reply to Blaire, "Sounds good to me." His eyes were dark and shrouded in mystery as he glanced over at the submarine and the men bustling around it, one caught his eye, gulped and worked even faster. They had heard how he had broken a cadet's arm without even trying. He chuckled lightly, a very ominous sound. He looks at Liza as she lands and asks very solemnly if the submarine can breathe underwater, he grinned now, "Uh, it's a machine Liza, it's like a boat or an aeroplane, but it works underwater." He frowned, "And I'm pretty sure we can't fly underwater" He watched the men as they bustled around, they looked pretty much done.
Blaire was now staring down at the open hatch of the submarine with its narrow ladder leading straight down. She knew that boat interiors were small and compact. But hadn't really thought about how much more compact a submarine would be. The USS Minnesota was a really big submarin, by sub standards, but it was still smaller than, say, Disney World. Or a wide-open beach. Or a desert. Or, hey, the entire freaking sky. "Um, ma'am, are you going to go?" said one of the Midshipmen. There were two officers waiting for them. "Um..." Blaire said hesitantly, "We're waiting for the others," She glanced at one of the officer's watch, with her vision, she could see precisely where the hands where positioned, and they had about ten minutes left. Blaire hoped Callie was getting the kids along or at most on her way there. She glanced up in the sky but returned her gaze back to the metal hole on the top most part of giant submarine that actually emerged from the water--knowing there was much more to it below like an iceberg.

The thing was, after spending most of your life in dog crates in the School getting experimented on, the Flock were about the most claustrophobic life-forms one would ever meet. A hole that small would mean and even smaller and cramped environment inside, no room to even stretch out your wings. And with how many thousand tons of pressure and metal all around you, there's no chance of, say, popping your wings out and flying off; just forget about it. Blaire's mind thought back to what happened on Pearl Harbor, people were trapped under, what was it, like 50 feet of water or so? Without realizing it, Blaire took a small hesitant step back, her chest felt tight and her head dizzy, she reached out and grabbed Keanu's arm. "This is not good," she murmured, barely audible, "Goddammit," She closed her eyes and made herself remember she was doing this for Demitri who had saved her life so many times she had lost count. She remembered that he was being held captive in a sub or something probably not half that nice as this one. part and not the crumpled tin can that would take them there.
Liza looks apprehensively at the sub, then at Blaire, who appears to be showing even more nerves than Liza herself is about getting inside. She doesn't move, giving herself a hug and swaying side to side as she watches Blaire sway, then swear, her concern mounting. She is beginning to feel as though her impatient desire to "get Demitri and Lillie," which had, of course, seemed simple and straightforward in her own mind, might not be so easy after all.

"I'm not going in first," she announces. "Is it gonna be dark and scary in there? It looks like we're gonna be in a big cage. I think I'm gonna let everyone else go first, probably."
Keanu looked down at Blaire, who was holding onto his arm for support. "It'll be fine, I promise. These guys know what they're doing. Just think, the sooner we do this, the sooner we get Demitri and Lillie back." He hoped this would help somewhat in calming her down. But secretly, he was freaking out himself. He was just doing a good job at hiding it. He heard Callie move behind him. "I'll go first." She finally said quietly, gaining the courage to move around Blaire and Keanu. Callie stood at the entrance of the sub, and leaned over about an inch, looking down the narrow hatch of the submarine. She understood why Blaire was so nervous now. She could feel a cold sweat break out on the back of her neck. Her chest felt tight. She had an image of water pouring into the sub, and her clawing frantically to get out. She swallowed hard and tried to drag in a breath. She took a big step forward, and gripped the handle bars as she quickly climed down the metal ladder. She heard Brinley, and then Dally come down, and knew the others weren't far behind.

Callie took a minute to absorb the new surroundings. Normally when they got to new places, Callie would take note of all the exits. Except of course now, they were about to be thousands of feet underwater, and the only exit if opened would be the death of most of them. If there was nothing inside the submarine, it might not be so bad. It was pretty big. On the outside. On the inside, it was crammed chock-full of people, walls of instruments, panels of light and switches, huge pipes and bundles of thick cables -- basically, there was hardly any room to walk. And bird kids are skinny. Once the whole flock was on board, two officers zipped down the ladder, and one of them shouted to seal the hatch. Then he looked at them, the group of weird, mostly tall, somewhat ungroomed children who had permission to be on a naval submarine. "Come with me," he said. "The birds are working again."
Alex watched as Callie went down first, looking around at the others and making his way over, climbing down right after Brinley and Dallas. Of course he didn't like it either, but oh well, it was his way to get Lillie back. He dropped down beside Callie, looking around silently and frowning at the officer who spoke, "The birds are working?" He remembered hearing that on the recording, "What does that mean exactly?" He asked, almost supiciously, his green eyes darkening as his hair flopped over his eyes slightly, he had perfected the 'mess-with-me-and-I'll-rip-out-your-insides' look and was giving it to the officer right now, unintentionally of course.
Blaire inclined her head at Keanu's reassuring words, she glanced at him, "Thanks" she whispered. She swallowed and watched the others descend the ladder. What was fear anyways? Fear of tight-spaces or just fear itself was illogical, however the fear of being crushed if or when this tin can crumpled was totally sane. Liza seemed to be getting frightened by the older bird kid's reactions. Finally they were the last two to go down. Blaire stroked Liza's hair, she was freaking out just as much as the girl was, if not more. Blaire forced herself to smooth her face and voice of emotion with a deep breath, "It'll be okay Liza. You go down, I'll be down right after you I promise." She encouraged her to go down the ladder before taking a shaky breath and taking a big step forward, off the dock and onto the metal walkway that led to the top of the sub, not the sticking-up part of the sub, but the topside of it's nose. She didn't know the technical 'nautical' term for it. She began to climb down the ladder trying to keep abject fear from showing on her face--though, there was nothing she could hide in her thoughts.

Walking through the narrow corridors of the sub was like being inside someone's intestines. Blaire absolutely refused to think about the face that they were sealed inside this thing, sinking below the surface of the water. She kept repeating, We're saving Demitri and Lillie, over and over inside her head. The officer stopped outside a door. All the doorways on a sub are shaped like Lady Finger cookies, kink of oblong. Each door has a sill about six inches high so that if the sub springs a leak and water gets in, each room can be sealed off. The Flock stepped over the threshold and found themselves in a small conference room. A tall man with short silver hair and dark brown eyes stood up and smiled. "I'm Captain Joshua Perry," he said, coming to shake hands with all of the Flock. "I understand we have a mission to accomplish." This wasn't what Blaire was expecting. "We haven't had any direct word about your missing family members. However, late last night, the following surveillance film was taken in the same general area as the first on that you saw. It looks strange because it was taken with a night-vision camera."

Someone dimmed the lights, and an image flickered on a white screen at one end of the room. It looked like daytime, except darker and kind of greenish. It was, like before, a huge expanse of featureless ocean. Covered with the shiny sides of dead, floating fish, as fare as the eye could see. And attacking the seafood buffet were thousands of seabirds, who had clearly heard about the hundred-for-the-price-of-one special. "We don't know what killed these fish," said the captain. "Several were recovered and tested. they were negative for traumatic injury, bacteria, parasites, starvation, fungal illnesses, cancer, enzyme imbalances, and gas bubble disease. They're simply dead, and we don't know why.

"Then, look at this," said Captain Perry, pointing with a laser pen. The image pulled back; the camera was clearly attached to a rising helicopter. When the copter was quite hight, it changed direction, as if heading back to land. All of a sudden, in one tiny corner of the image, an enormous dark thing burst out of the water, sending dead fish flying everywhere and making the birds scatter. The copter started dropping altitude, but within moments the dark thin was gone without a trace. "We've watched this film a hundred times now," said Captain Perry, "and we still can't tell what that was. It was almost like a mountain suddenly emerged from the ocean, then disappeared just as quickl. But sonar images show no large masses in that area whatsoever."

[[omg...too much. and lol, my 1,111 post...creepy]]
Callie followed Captain Perry and the others into the conference room. She waited patently as Captain Perry put on the film, and then explained how they had no idea what the huge mass was. Keanu stole a glance at Blaire quickly. "We saw that," Keanu said, getting the attention of the captain. "When we were swimming. Me and Blaire got too close, and it was so powerful it threw us into the air. They talked about it on the news too." Callie nodded, agreeing with what he said. She hadn't been close enough to be thrown into the air when it happened, but she had seen it, and watched them go airborne. "Also, we still aren't clear with what exactly 'the birds are working means'." Perry clarified. "What does this have to do with getting Demitri and Lillie back?" She asked. Captain Perry looked frustrated.

"We don't know. In the earlier video, we saw part of the wrecked fishing boat in the background of the picture of Dr. Martinez being held hostage. This happened in the same area. The two instances of the dead fish, the enormous flock of birds, the huge thing rising out of the ocean -- they're connected somehow. We just don't know how." Captain Perry explained. "It's all got to be connected somehow," Callie said out loud. "Are we headed there now?" Captain Perry nodded. "We're keeping on code-red alert status, with full radar and sonar surveillance. We don't want that mountain cutting us in half." Callie's eyes went wide. Was that even a possibility? Why hadn't someone told her this? Why was she even on this sub? If there's anything guaranteed to make Callie hyperventilate, it's being stuck in a place she can't punch her way out. Callie knew that if the sub completely filled with water or something, she could breathe underwater, along with Brinley, Dallas, and Alex. (Can't remember if Liza can breathe underwater. xD ) They would make it okay. But then there was Keanu and Blaire, who so far hadn't developed their gills. If they even were going to. And if they had Demitri and Lillie at this point, she still didn't know how far their powers had altered since they had been taken. Not that any of them needed more powers as it was.
Alex followed the others - once again silent as he took in everything. He remembered when he was younger, chattering away to his parents non-stop, blissfully unaware of how scary and big the real world was, his Dad once said to him, 'The quieter you become, the more you can hear' He never really understood him - I mean of course he wouldn't, he was like four. But he especially saw it now. When people talk, you focus on what they are saying, you don't notice chatter in the background, and often many people fail to notice the body language and subconscious cues that even the person they are directly talking to are making. Because you're silent, your attention is fully on others and you're focusing on the outside world. You hear what people are saying. You see their movements. You see their expressions and might interpret what they're feeling or thinking. It actually gives Alex quite the advantage sometimes, he knew almost what every subtle movement of each Flock member meant by now. He could tell when they were about to snap, cry, or freak out.

Speaking of which, he caught Callie's thoughts and frowned lightly, sending her a quick message, 'If the sub filled with water, somehow, which it probably wont, I'm pretty sure me and Blaire could make air pockets for those who can't breathe underwater.' He then paused, his tone softer, 'Stop worrying, we'll be fine. We'll get back Demitri and Lillie, kick some Chu butt and get back to dry land safely. Okay?' Even as he said this, he managed to shut of any thoughts of what would happen afterwards, about how he was planning to leave. Those thoughts were not in his head and he planned to keep it that way...if the Flock knew...
(yes she can)

Liza goes nervously ahead of Blaire as directed, continuously looking back at her on the ladder to make sure she's just behind her and not leaving her alone. As they are seated in the conference room and observe the film, Liza twirls her hair around one finger, biting her lip. As usual she doesn't understand everything she is hearing and being shown, but she does know enough to know it's not good, and to wonder why they're making them go in the middle of all of that to get to Lillie and Demitri. Does that mean that all that...stuff...is all around them?

"Are we gonna have to fight?" she says with some anxiety, looking first at the captain, then the others.

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