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Fandom Winged

Lieutenant Colonel Palmer, still looking tense from the demoralizing covert ops training, stood at the front of the classroom. He opened a case on the desk and took out a James Bond-like handgun. "This is a Beretta M9, a semiautomatic pistol," he said, being careful not to point it at anyone. "Its one of the safest and best-designed handguns in the world and is standard issue for several branches of the U.S. military." Blaire raised her hand. The lieutenant colonel seemed to go a little pale but ignored her. "Capable of handling fifteen-round magazines, this weapon has proved to be one of the most reliable and accurate--" Blaire waved her hand back and forth. Impossible to ignore. Palmer tried looking stern, "This had better be good," he said, gritting his teeth. Blaire was unfazed. "The Beretta is great and ll," she said earnestly, "but I've heard the military-issued model tends to jam something awful. People thing it's the weird finish on the barrels. Plus, it's supposedly really heavy, bowling ball heavy. Kind of like the all-steel M1911 model. And then the trigger's too far away for most people...So I've heard." Blaire had rattled it off almost exactly from memory, she found it fascinating how humans used the things to kill each other...what ever happened to a good old-fashion fist fight, or a sword duel. Now you just pick up a gun and shoot someone. But she liked to read magazines and things when she got the chance, they were actually interesting to her--not that she would ever need to use a gun to kill someone...what a cheap-shot death, she would prefer to deal it with skill.

Lieutenant Colonel Palmer was nonplussed. Again. Blaire blinked. "Um, it's still a really neat gun, though," she said. "Fun fact: Jam the spring from a clothespin right under the safety when it's in the left-hand mode, then pull the trigger, and it'll explode about two-point-nine seconds later. I mean, throw it first." Blaire grinned proudly, so much for "safest and best-designed in the world". About a minute later, the lieutenant colonel rubbed his eyes. "Class dismissed."


Khaki Lady, whose name was actually Lieutenant Morgan, sat at her desk, reading Lieutenant Colonel Palmer's report. Every once in a while she looked up at the Flock sharply, as if she were having trouble believing it. Finally she put it down and laced her fingers together. "So you're saying these children can easily run for four miles carrying heavy packs?" The lieutenant colonel was looking straight ahead, "Yes, ma'am." The Flock was lined up against one wall. "They out performed the rest of the cadets in every way?" Morgan said. "Yes, ma'am." "The nine-year-old beat your best cadet in hand-to-hand combat?" "Yes, ma'am, he beat the instructor also."

Blaire tried not to grin, but somewhat failed. The self-defense instructor had given them all a pass, but the hand-to-hand combat instructor had been more stubborn. For a while. Blaire made sure to dish out she wasn't able to give to the self-defense teacher--without breaking the poor guy, he really did try hard, they were all just too good for any human to keep up. "So, like, we want to thank you for this great experience..." she began, shifting from foot to foot. "But now that we've gone through all your BS, can we go rescue my brother and Lillie?" The lieutenant looked between the older Flock members, "Yes," she said finally. Blaire heart lept. "Tomorrow." "What?!" "We're putting you on the USS Minnesota," she went on smoothly. "Which is a state-of-the-art, Virginia-class nuclear submarine with many enhanced offensive and defensive capabilities. It's on its way here now from San Diego. It will arrive here at oh-three-hundred hours tomorrow, will refuel, and be ready to deploy at oh-six-hundred hours. You will be waiting on the dock at that time. If you are two minutes late, it will leave without you. In addition, while on board the USS Minnesota, you will obey every senior officer without question, you will comport yourself with decorum and maturity, and you will do nothing to endanger the ship, its cargo, or its personnel." Blaire opened her mouth to say something, but the lieutenant plowed on. "Failure to follow these rules to the letter ill result in your being disembarked at the closest possible location, and the mission will be scrubbed. Do I make myself perfectly clear?" Her icy blue eyes raked each of the Flock one by one. "Oh-six-hundred hours then," she said curtly. "Dismissed,"
(are we down to only four rpers in this? seems like it...)

Liza was rather disappointed that the weapons lesson was cut short; she had badly wanted to "play" with some weapons, especially the ninja nunchucks if they had any. She had never even seen nunchucks outside of tv but thought they looked "wicked cool." Now, as Lieutenant Morgan declares them able, with reservations, to rescue Dmitri and Lillie, most of the words she uses are too sophisticated for Liza to understand, and go straight over her head. However, she gets the gist of it and whoops, jumping up and down.

"We're gonna go get Dmitri and Lillie! Yayyyy! Can I bring some of the weapons since I didn't get to play with them?"

Somehow it doesn't seem to connect in her mind that her desire to "play" with weapons and her horror at hurting even a "bad guy" during battle don't quite go together well.
(Dammit, wish I read the books so I could do a cool bit xD )

Alex had basically been mute all morning, besides telling Blaire that they had Covert Ops next. Overall, he had kept up the appearance of being the "silent yet deadly" bird kid. He had actually held in a chuckle when he heard a few officers whispering that to each other. What was he, a fart?

Alex stood with the others up against the wall as the idiot Lieutenant's spoke to each-other, the Khaki Lady was speaking so sternly and briskly that Alex guessed she might have heard about him breaking one of the cadet's arms, he didn't mean to.....ok maybe a bit, but the guy was pissing him off. When the Lieutnant looked at him and said Yes, he almost felt a smile, almost. But then she carried on with a load of bulls**t and Alex's fists clenched and his eyes grew dark again, he leaned back against the wall and silently glared at Lieutenant Colonel Palmer, watching with hidden amusement as the man paled and squirmed under his gaze, even managing to shift on his feet slightly as Alex stared him down. Alex switched his vision to the stupid Khaki Lady as she tried to be imitdating, but he looked back with strong hate in his own deep green eyes, sure she was just doing her job, but did she have to be such a bi**h about it?

Once she dismissed them he sighed - the first sound he had made in almost an hour - and left quickly, desperate to leave. Once outside Khaki Lady's office he walked over and leant against another wall, watching as the Flock trailed out. He glanced over and saw some cadets walk by, their straighten's backs faltered slightly as they noticed the bird-kids and Alex actually grinned for the first time today as he recognized one of them as the cadet who's arm he broke. He couldn't resist and sent a small thought into the guy's head, 'Sorry 'bout your arm. Didn't mean to twist it so hard.' The poor man let out a gasp and jumped, staring at Alex with widened eyes full of fear, of course there had been rumours about these bird kids having 'powers' but to actually have one used on you freaked out the poor cadet so much that he dropped, there and then. His friend helped him up and hurried him of to Infirmiary or whatever you call it.

Alex simply shrugged, glancing at the others, "You think that as a cadet he'd have a better tolerance for not fainting. That could be awkward in the middle of a battlefield."
While Lieutenant Khaki explained their plan, Callie leaned against the wall looking like a complete bad ass. One of the sleeves from her uniform was torn from getting snagged on a thorn bush during Covert Ops. She was also covered in dirt and dried mud, and her hair had fallen out of the french braid she had it in, flowing in tangles down her back. It was a look she pulled off well, and often. Once the meeting was over and they were given their orders, she slid out of the room with the rest of the flock. She took a look at the clock, seeing it was just before four. They were right on schedule. While walking down the hall, she watched the cadet with the broken arm faint. Callie had actually giggled when Alex had broken his arm, unintentionally. She felt somewhat bad for the guy, but the look of surprise on all of the cadet's face when Alex broke his arm was priceless. Maybe they didn't think they were capable of breaking bones so easily. Or maybe they thought Alex was weak or something since he was the quietest and didn't talk most of the day. Callie knew better though. It was always the quiet ones. "He'll snap out of it soon. He might be a little different when he wakes up though. Probably go a little crazy for a few weeks." The last part wasn't true, but she just loved watching these guys freak out. They were so gullible. "So what do you guys want to do? We still have a few hours until dinner." She asked, rolling her sleeves up more to where the rip was. "By the way, I wouldn't recommend bringing the weapons Liza. That might be considered as "endangering the ship, its cargo, or its personnel."" Callie said lowering her voice, mimicking Khaki Morgan word for word.
Blaire grinned as they passed the cadets, including the one who got his arm broken by Alex. She quirked an eyebrow at them and snickered as she caught pieces of their hushed conversation. However, when Callie question on what they should do came up, Blaire found herself frowning. "Not swimming," she mumbled. She had had her fair share of near drowning and hypothermia yesterday and unpleasant encounters. Blaire shook off the thought. They came to a long set of staircase that led outside. She vaulted over the railing and landed on the sidewalk. She pivoted to look up at the Flock, "There's lots of things to do here." Blaire stated, brushing off some dirt on her uniform and wiping dirt off across her cheeks with the back of her hand, "I'm sure as hell not going back to the hut." She gestured widely with her arms. "I heard there's a volcano on one of the islands. Can't be too far away. Dunno about you, cats, but I'm going sightseeing." She ran a few steps before opening her wings with a "whoosh". Within a few moments she was airbourne and soaring a hundred feet in the air and counting.
"Awww but that's no fair, I didn't get to play with them," Liza pouted, disappointed, and crossed her arms, giving a big sigh as though she were very ill privileged indeed.

Something about Alex's demeanor catches her attention, however, and she looks over at him, frowning, attempting to enter his thoughts. Though she cannot get past his shield, she is able to dig at the surface just enough to catch a few random words and emotions, that all together give her a concern that is rather close to the truth. What Liza suspects is on his mind intuitively scares her, and she hugs his arm with both of hers, looking up at him.

"Alex...you're not gonna go away, are you? You're gonna stay here with us? 'Cause I would be really really sad if you left. 'Cause you're my boyfriend. And Lillie will be sad if we go get her and then you go away. We'll both be sad and miss you and I think I'll cry. So you're not gonna do that are you? Are you?"
Callie followed Blaire outside. "Dont worry, you'll probably have more chances." She called to Liza over her shoulder. Callie looked at Keanu, who just shrugged. Well hey, they probably wouldn't be taking many trips to Hawaii in their lives, so why not make the best of their time here? Callie took a running start down the grass, snapping her wings put a few seconds after Blaire. She flew below her, making sure not to accidentally whack her with her wings. She looked at the scenery below her, taking it all in. It was an endless stretch of sand and water, with the occasional patch of palm trees. This definitely got filed under The Prettiest Places The Flock Has Been To. It wasn't a very long list. After a few minutes of flying, Callie could make out the tip of The volcano. It was still about five minutes away, but her perfect eyesight let Callie make out every detail.

((Oh and if Alex really does leave, I kinda have a little mini idea. Magic you'll know what I mean: You know how when Fang leaves Max turns towards Dylan and stuff? Well if Alex leaves, than I was going to say Callie could start turning to Demitri and everything and then if Alex came back he would be all "What O.o " xD just an idea))
[[That would be awesome xD Go for it!]

As they got closer, the air grew heavier and hotter. She felt herself begin to drift upwards. Getting up to the top of the volcano, she drifted in a wide circle, passing around the edge. She was blasted by hot air billowing off of the red hot magma drifting lazily. The thermals so close where thick and powerful and pushed her up suddenly. She was caught off guard, but she adjusted her wings minutely and straightened out and flew up into fresher air--being careful, not sure if the air coming off the volcano was toxic or not. "Guys," she shouted to the Flock, "Watch out for the heavy currents,"

--- Merged Double Post ---

Callie swerved hearing Blaire's comment just in time. If she hadn't, she would have also hit the air current and probably banged right into her. She flew around in a few small circles waiting for Blaire to regain her balance and the others to catch up. Once everyone was in hearing distance, she spoke up. "Do you guys want to land and maybe walk around the volcano? Look for some wildlife or something? That's what normal tourists do right?" She asked, tilting her head. She wasn't used to this. Usually they were too busy being chased through states to really stop and look.

((Oooh yeah, that would be cool. Like make another Dylan, designed to be Callie's "perfect other half" and like perfect and general and everything. xD But if you just want to stick with Demitri that's fine too. But if you do make another guy, we should introduce him before Alex leaves (I don't even know if Jo actually plans on making him leave for real or not xD ) to like cause more tension and everything))
[[so, like, maybe. . .Demitri's brother or something, that way, Blaire might feel weird about him or something, adds tension? - I feel like Demitri's kinda kiddish...idk. Fresh slate might be best.]]
Blaire swung in a tight arc and flew back down to Callie. "That might be a good idea," Blaire laughed humorlessly, glancing back at the volcano and it's heat billowing off the surface in waves, mixing into harsh currents of wind. She hovered as she talked but soon was sailing away from the volcano where she spotted a tourist center the stone board-walks. Blaire landed and grabbed a brouchure on the park. She went over to a railing and leaned against it as she skimmed the flyer's information. She looked over the top of the paper to see red-hot magma oozing and cooling as it came out. It was amazing how hot it was here, even so far away--though up close it had been instant sweating bullets.

[[alright, Ethan's already to go!]]
(Anyone feel like making a 'Maya'? - Haven't read the books, but did some research the other day - want to read them SO bad now xD It's just that if someone makes a Maya that way I can still RP as Alex but just in another scene? And Fang returns to the Flock in the book because of something called a Doomsday group right? He and his own 'mini gang' help the Flock or something? Maybe Alex could return for the same reason? Or am I getting ahead of myself here? xD )

Alex looks down with sudden surprise as Liza hugs his arm, spurting out a bundle of upset words and catching the general idea that she was asking him

if he was going to leave. He frowned a bit, how did she know? He was sure to block his thoughts, but instead of having a look of shock he bent down and gave her a hug, "Of course I'm not, you think I would leave you and Lillie and the others? I was actually thinking about that evil man Chu and making sure that next time I don't leave Lillie alone..." His tone is extremely convincing and he has an idea that she somehow managed to pull a bit away from his barrier, but he wasn't sure entirely how much, but he guessed she had felt bad feelings (Chu) and heard the word alone.

When the others began to take off, heading for a volcano - why? He grabbed Liza's hand to help her and they flew up, following the others until being a 'normal tourist' was suggested - yeah, right, like a freaky mutant kid with bird wings implanted into their backs who could break a cadet's arm without even trying could ever be a 'normal tourist' But he just kept his mouth shut - which had managed to slip nicely back into the habit of doing - and followed Blaire, still holding onto Liza until they landed safely on the ground.
()Yeah, that's basically why. He leaves the Flock because he feels like he's endangering the Flock with his presence and distracting Max from being a leader. He makes his own mini gang of other kids with special talents, and yeah, Fang brings his gang and the flock together to help fight the doomsday group. At the end of Angel though, after the doomsday group his stopped, he leaves again with his gang. I think that would be a good idea though. And Maya is literally like a copy of Max, so we could make one of Callie or something too. And how should we introduce Ethan?))

Callie landed behind Blaire, grabbing a brochure as well. If they were going to be looking, might as well try and learn something. Not that Callie liked to learn anyways. She looked back and fourth between the volcano and the brochure, wishing the magma wasn't so hot. It was hot enough in Hawaii without all this added heat. "And before you ask, I forbid you to take some of this lava and use it for experiments Dally." She said, staring straight ahead. Even thought she wasn't capable of reading minds, she knew that was exactly what he wanted to do. She heard him let out a sigh. "I don't know what would want to live around this heat. Like, talk about uncomfortable." She complained, using the brochure to fan herself.

[[[Maybe he could have already been on the island. He went there to get away from the School a couple months ago, and he found that one marine biologist woman and lives with her???]]]
((Yeah, I think now would be fine. We could say something like the Marine Biologist he's with came to study how the volcanoes affect the water life or something. And he see's Callie and knows it's her and everything, since he's basically engineered to love her))
((Might as well))

The next morning, Callie started stirring at around ten in the morning. She continued to lay in her bunk, stretching her arms up over her head and staring at the ceiling. She yawned a few times, trying to wake herself up. She noticed that a few other flock members were up. "When are we leaving again?" She asked no one in particular, still looking at the plain metal ceiling of the bunker while running a hand through her tangled hair. She wasn't really looking forward to being thousands of feet underwater in a metal death trap, but she definitely didn't want to stay here either. So both ways she was loosing.
"Oh-five-hundred-thirty." Blaire stated grimly, walking out of the small kitchenette, folding and unfolding her sleeves, fussing over perfection in her nervousness. "We should get their early." She of people did not want to be late, even if it meant indulging in the Navy's uptight precision. Blaire had, in fact, gotten up around the four in the morning, gone for a run to calm her jitters, only for the feeling to return again. In that time, she had taken a shower, gotten dressed to perfect military code--she wasn't going to give the Navy anything to gripe about--made her cot, and started fussing with her uniform again as Callie began to wake up.
Callie groaned as she swung her legs over the side of the bunk, landing silently. Even though she had stayed in bed until ten, she had barely slept at all. She had spent most of the night sprawled out in her stomach, staring at the wall. The flock wasn't very big on sleeping on their backs for obvious reasons. She had gotten only a few hours of sleep in total. The navy had given them each a spare uniform, and Callie disappeared into the bathroom, changing into the clean, non-torn khaki uniform. "Do you guys want to go down to the dock early, eat some brunch down their or something?" She suggested, while finishing up her French braid. The bunker was anything but fun, and if they were at the dock there would be no way for them to be late.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((Yeah he did, it's on the last page))
(ah, sorry, didn't see)

Liza has not had a good night. Despite Alex's reassurance, she had remained solemn and concerned for the rest of the day, because despite his words, she cannot help but remain vaguely sure that he is lying, though she cannot put her finger on why. Between that and nerves about seeing the Bad Man and trying to get Dmitri and Lillie, she had a difficult time getting to sleep and awakened several times, on the verge of tears from nightmares of drowning teenagers, bloodied water, wounded skin, and Bad Men who were cutting into her back. Eventually she had climbed into a bunk with one of the others and curled up against them, wanting them close while she slept.

Now, as before, she is slow to awaken, squinty, disheveled, and sleepy, and she attempts to go back to sleep, pulling a blanket over her head.
Blaire was in a mood. She should have been excited that they were finally going to get Demitri back...and Lillie. But Blaire found herself overwhelmed with all the worries and doubts she had pushed away since that night in New York. The ocean was a huge place...what if the couldn't--didn't--find him in time or at all. The bunker felt too crowded and loud now that everyone was waking up, she couldn't think. "I'm...uh, gonna head on down to breakfast and stake out the dock." she said quietly, rubbing her arm, sure no one had heard her from her spot in the corner near the door. Blaire slipped out the door. Outside she popped out her wings and took a running start. Her flight was fairly short now that she knew where she was going and familiar with the area. She landed outside the mess' doors, in front of a few cadets, Ensigns, and Petty Officers, giving them absolute heart attacks and making them jump back in shock of her sudden appearance. Blaire turned around as she heard their exclaimations and saw that one of them had fallen over another and was starring at her from the ground. She pulled her wings in tight underneath her shirt uniform and smiled smugly at them, "Morning, boys," she said with a wiggle of her fingers. The cadet sitting on the floor rubbed at his exhausted looking eyes--it was after all, five-something in the morning. Blaire turned away and strode off for the mess. She heard whispers of, "the rumors are true", "did I just see that", "were those for real?", and someone answering, "No sh*t Sherlock, where the hell else do you think she came from?" Blaire scoffed humorlessly, the emotions sliding off her face as she walked off, her moment of fun over. She got her tray of food and sat down at an empty table. She noticed a group of guys arguing in hushed voices a few tables away, a couple of the Navy guys from outside we're in the conversation too. She heard a voice say slightly louder than the rest, "Cowards! You're suppose to be in the goddamn Navy and you, pansies, are afraid of some girl!" There was a muffled discontentment before going quiet as a chair scrapped the ground as someone got up.

Blaire looked up and watched as a burly looking guy with a buzz cut and khaki fatigues pulled the chair out from the across the table from her and sat down. Blaire lifted an eyebow and gave him a steely glare. He set his tray down with him and for a few moments there was an awkward silence as they starred each other down. The Navy guy finally squirmed, so Blaire broke the silence. She leaned for war and put and elbow on the table, "Nice hat, we're can I get one of those,"

He ignored her, "Petty Officer Calloway," he introduced himself.

Blaire leaned back casually in her chair, "May I help you...Petty Officer Calloway?" Blaire said with soft intimidation.

"Aren't you suppose to introduce yourself when someone takes the courtesy of introducing them self to you?" he asked rhetorically with indignanty.

Blaire narrowed her eyes and draped her arm over the back of her plastic chair, well aware of the several dozen pairs of eyes watching her, "Aren't you suppose to remove your hat when inside a building, Petty Officer Calloway?"

He grunted and made quick to pull his hat off and set it on the table. Blaire smirked pleasantly. "Touche," he muttered.

That made her laugh, "You can call me Blaire."

He nodded and folded his arms, "So is it true?" Calloway asked quietly.

Blaire scoffed and started eating her food while they talked, "You're gonna have to be a little more specific than that, Muscles."

"Your friend breaking Cadet Decker's arm? The people after you? The wings? That the Navy is using children as secret weapons?" He said straightforward.

"Yep." she told him simply.

He raised his eyebrows out of agitation, "About what?" he implied impatiently.

Blaire leaned forward and swallowed, she had the upmost and undivided attention--she would do something with that. She took a dramatic moment's pause looking around in turn at every single person watching and listening intently around them. She quirked an eyebrow. "...All of it." She observed the Navy personel's various reactions before saying, "Except...the part about working for the government as elite humanoid weapons...I may be making that up, or I might not be..." Blaire looked away and rubbed her fingertips together. There was a rushed panic as the soldiers scrambled around in the pockets of their uniforms. "I'm kidding!" she shouted, "I don't want your money."

They put their wallets away, looking confused. "Take a joke. I wanted to see if you were listening." Blaire rolled her eyes. Damn military types are so serious. But it looked like Muscles didn't like jokes. He stood up so fast, the chair behind him flew out across the floor; her reflexes sharp as a tack, Blaire was on her feet too.

Calloway's face was turning red with anger. "Who the hell do you think you are, coming in here acting like some military brat!?" He demanded.

This guy was seriously starting to piss Blaire off. She had just come in here for breakfast, she didn't need some hot-shot human getting in her face. Blaire grimaced and in a second she was in the air, jumping over the table, spinning, and snapping her foot out to slam the heal of her combat boot into the side of Muscle's jaw. He was thrown off his feet and landed with a thud on his back. Blaire landed on her feet like a practiced bird kid. She glared at the Petty Officer who was sitting up and holding his jaw, with utter shock on his face and pure rage in his eyes. "But--youre a girl!" he hissed. A drop of water fell on his face. The sprinkler system of plumbing over their heads was rumbling violently, with water dripping now and then.

"I told you," Blaire said a new kind of steel and hardness to her voice. "My name is Blaire. And you should be damn afraid." She picked up her tray, which was empty and went to put it in the bin. When she left, the pipes stopped rumbling. Outside the door, she opened her wings and took off for the naval yard to look for the USS Minnesota.

[[sorry...i was bored... XP]]

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