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Fandom Winged

Her heart pounding and trembling all over, Blaire is overwhelmed with an array of emotion she wasn't aware she was capable of. Waves of guilt and fear wash over her. He can't be dead, theres no way. There's no way. Her eyes grow hot and Blaire presses her palms over them in attempt to get the image of her brother out of her head. It feels like she is about to cry, but she knows she can't. Her throat catches and turns into a sob. "It--" she stammers after a moment and moves her hands from her eyes to look at Keanu, they are red but dry, more than anything, they are scared, "It's Demitri," Her mind goes back to that single image looking through the porthole. Her hands clamp over her eyes again, the image burned into her mind, nothing helped to relieve it. Blaire took solace in Keanu's grip, it gave her the courage to take a shaky breath and hesitantly explain her dream. She kept it vague and left out the part where the creatures turned into the Flock, she couldn't bring herself to say it, she didn't even know what it meant, it was disturbing and she didn't want to alarm them. Blaire hoped any of them, telepaths as they were, hadn't listened in. She huddle forward, closer to him, hands still over her eyes, she didn't want to see the other's faces and see what they thought of her emotional breakdown.
Liza's eyes grow wider and wider as she listens, and she stops herself from touching Blaire, slowly standing. She says nothing for several moments, just regarding her with huge, barely blinking eyes, her breath shallow. Finally she says, "Is that really gonna happen?"
Keanu Listened to Blaire explain her nightmare, frowning. He hated to see her so upset about it, but he knew how she felt. He had had his fair share of nightmares, mostly while they were in the school. He had them everynight, and they almost always ended in him screaming, and more than once he had awoken with tears in his eyes. He knew the same thing happened to his sister, and apparently the rest of the flock too. He kept his hold on Blaire, speaking gently to her. "It's alright, Demitri's...alright." He hesitated in saying this, since he couldn't promise her that. "Ot was just a bad dream." He kept himself from saying nightmare, since most of their lives could be explained using that word.

Callie had also woken up completely by now, and had listened on while Blaire explained her nightmare. She didn't say anything about Alex's absence, but she noticed it. She also kind of had a feeling he had to do with the sudden wether change. Eager to change the subject of nightmares, and clears her throat and sits up a little. "I guess it stopped raining. We should get going soon." She suggested, fixing her shirt that had dried at awkward angles.
Blaire listened to Keanu speak and finally nodded weakly. She didn't have an empathy link with her brother...there was no way she would know what was happening to him. It was a nightmare that did nothing but torture her mind while she was vulnerable in sleep by showing her worse fears. But...that didn't explain the feeling she had in her dream. Everything was so real. Blaire shuddered thinking about the arctic cold of the water and the crushing from all sides, that had to be real, right? But for all she knew, she couldn't breath underwater and it wasn't like she left the hut an dove down into the ocean while she was sleeping. Blaire decided she couldn't trust her subconsciousness. She didn't wait for the Flock. If it wasn't raining anymore, she wanted to get away from this place. Blaire crawled out and stood up, glad to be able to stretch her back out finally. Mud gushed between her bare toes as she stepped. Blaire didn't have the patience for a running take off, she was too sore and stiff for that, she jumped into the air, her wings shooting out and stroking down hard to get her aloft in the moist air. She wheeled in circles about three hundred feet above, watching the sky and the sun sink below the calming ocean.
When no one replies to her Liza's face pales, and she bites her lip. She says nothing else. their silence speaks volumes, in her mind. She does not cry now but instead remains still, watching Blaire leave the shelter to circle in the air.
Callie silently followed Blaire out of the hut, breathing in the rain-scented air. Once outside, her eyes widened a little at her surroundings. She wasn't even in the air yet, and she could already see the damage done from the storm. Huge tree branches and trash littered the beach, and the waves had brought in a bunch of seaweed. She sighed deeply, before taking a wobbly running start. She would have just jumped into the air, but she didn't think she had enough energy for even that. With a few hard down strokes, she was a good six hundred feet in the air within seconds. She circled above Blaire, waiting patiently for the others. This high up, she could see the full damage of the storm. Most of the streets had some flooding, tons of tree's were down, and she could see some damaged houses. She couldn't help but think that this was in some way their fault.

Keanu got up as well since everyone else did. He was about to exit, when he noticed that Liza was still in the hut. Silently, he held his hand out for her. Once she took it, he walked out of the hut, spoting Alex on the floor, Raising his eyebrow, he walked over to him. "How's the weather down there?" He joked, tilting his head to the side. As far as he could tell, Alex didn't look injured. He probably just over used his powers.
Taking Keanu's hand just as silently, Liza exits the hut with the rest. She notices the mud squishing between her toes outside dimly but does not react. Normally she would squeal and play in it, but she is unconcerned with most outside stimulation now. She continues to hold Keanu's hand, waiting for the others to tell her what to do. When she speaks her voice is soft.

"I think people weren't hurt as much back in the bad place, even."
Alex had been laying in the sand for a while, finally managing to get his eyes to open....kinda...when Keanu appeared in his foggy vision. He rolled his eyes, "Less rainy then it was before." He placed his hand on the sand/mud to push himself up, but only gets as far as inbetween sitting and standing when he falls back down again, groaning as his head hits the floor, "It's like learning to walk again!" He ignored the happy memories of his parents and pushed himself into a sitting position again, glancing to Keanu as he mutters, "Don't you dare laugh Night." His eyes narrow but it doesn't sound at all threatening like he hoped it would, not at all. Great, falling for Keanu's sister was turning him into a softie. His dark green wings snapped out from his back - almost jabbing Keanu in the process - and began moving, slowly at first since he was so tired, but then he found himself being lifted enough for him to stand up. He looked up and noticed everyone going up into the air, "Oh right, we're going." He then glanced down at Liza and frowned a little bit, she looked damn upset.

"Liza, you okay?"
He asks, even though he is exhausted and his arm kills, he is way more worried for Liza.
Liza nods but her expression doesn't change. "I wanna go. Are we gonna go somewhere better? Where no one gets hurt?" She looks up at Alex, biting her lip. "And then go get everyone. 'Cause I don't like them hurting neither."
Alex looks down at Liza, remembering Lillie's desperate and pained voice in his head when he managed to get hold of her earlier, before that thing emerged from the water, he frowned, running over various ideas in his head, that video they were shown with the thing emerging from the sea...what happened today was just like that. He nodded fiercely, "We're going to get the others, ok? And then go somewhere were no-one gets hurts..." He leaves out the little mention of how he might not be with them, to go to the wonderful place. People only got hurt when he was around. His wings flapped more, lifting him from the ground slightly, his legs aching, "Come on then, let's follow the others."
Keanu hold his hands up in defense, but he had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. He couldn't help but smirk though. Once Alex got up, he as well took to the air. He circled near Callie and Blaire, waiting for the others to join them. Callie waited for the others to join them too, and as soon as everyone was in the air she headed in the direction of their little camp. The sun was starting to set now, and she was hungry and tired. All she really wanted to do was fall asleep and wake up with the whole flock together and safe. She almost laughed out loud at this. She couldn't remember the last time both of those applied to the flock. Sighing, she landed softly on the dirt outside of the little bunker the army had provided to them. She thought they could at least go inside for a bit and wash up, since Mrs. Pitbull lady had told them a bell went off for dinner. As far as she could tell, the bell hadn't rung yet since there was still quiet a few people walking around. She pushed the door open, taking in the new surroundings. It contained a few sets of bunk beds, an old looking couch, with a small TV placed on a wooden table in front of it. There was door on the other side of the room leading to the bathroom. Classy. They had been nice enough to give them another room to stay in, and had even put their backpacks inside for them. She sighed once more, going over to her backpack looking for some new cloths to change in to.
As she took in her new surroundings, Liza smiled very faintly, happy to see beds and bathrooms. She runs one hand over the bottom bunk nearest her, saying hopefully, "I don't want top. I might fall and break something or else gotta go to the bathroom and not get down and pee the bed. So I want bottom okay?"

She looks around for the others, trying to determine from their expressions how they are feeling, before reaching out to touch their thoughts.
Alex followed Callie closely, looking around the room as they entered it, he took in the surroundings with a nod. It looked a helluva lot better than some of the other places the Flock stayed in before. Example: Cave. Without saying anything or even looking at anyone he pulled himself up to the top of one of the bunk bed's - since Liza already stated she wanted a bottom one, and plonked himself down on it. His eyes closing as he muttered to whoever was listening, "Wake me when life is normal." Not bothering to change out of his bloody clothes and not even bothering to check on his wound which was beginning to sting and throb annoyingly as he slowly began to drift off, still not asleep, but not awake either.
Callie nodded at Liza, letting her know it was okay to claim a bottom bunk. She had kind of figured she would anyways. Callie made a laughing noise at Alex, calling over her shoulder as she entered the bathroom. "I hope you like sleeping, than." She yelled, closing the door behind her. She came out seconds later, wearing sweatpants and a simple tank top. She looked over at her brother, who was sitting at the edge of the couch, staring intensely at the TV. Callie tilted her head, walking over to him. "What are you-" She was cut off by Keanu, holding his hand up and shushing her. Silently, he pointed to the fuzzy television. Callie rolled her eyes before settling down on the creaky couch next to him. This better be good.

On the television was a middle aged looking women, with too bright lipstick and hair cut at a weird angle. Callie felt her heart skip a beat as she noticed the background, which was the same beach that they had just come from. She heard a mans voice introduce the women in front of the camera as Susan, who smiled and put a microphone near her mouth. "I'm reporting here from the towns public beach, which has just suffered from multiple events. The first being a huge, and very unexpected storm," The camera moved away from her, showing the ruined beach and the high waves, before turning back to Susan. "No one saw this storm coming, but scientists and weathermen think it might have something to do with this." The screen faded for a second, before a clip of bad quality footage started playing. This was no doubt from a cell phone. Callie groaned inwardly as the footage played. There was the mountain coming out of the water, throwing both Blaire and Keanu up in to the air. Screams from the background. That video ended, rolling right into another one. Callie felt her heart sink as seven kid looking things flying out of the water. It was the flock. Callie leaned back, closing her eyes and rubbing her forehead. So much for laying low. She heard Susan come back on. "The last video has not been clarified, but it seems to be a video of multiple kids, looking to range anywhere from about five to eighteen, with wings. We still aren't sure if what we are seeing is real people, or something related to the mountain coming from the water. I'm Susan from channel eight news, with the latest breaking news."

Keanu quickly flicked the television off, setting the remote on the arm of the couch. "So..." He started awkwardly, biting his lip. He of course knew this wasn't good. He just hopped they could get out of here before they really got caught.
Blaire walked into their new little house/hut--housing facility--her head swiveling in intervals, looking over the place. When the attention in the room turned to the small tv in the sitting space, Blaire turned and went to stand behind the couch. As she watched her eyes widdened and her fingers gripped the back of the couch. When it was over she blew out a breath. "Well, lucky for us National Geographic decided not to film some documentary on freak Hawaiian storms and it was someones crappy phone camera. With all that rain not even some civilians would be able to recognized our faces. And on the bright side of this overly crappy day, they said we look eighteen--legal adults!--that's at least one good thing right?!" Deception would be a lot easier if they didn't look like a bunch of kid hooligans scrounging around on the streets making a fuss.
Liza has been changing her clothes as well and hears the sounds of the TV. Curious, she wanders over towards the couch still wrestling her shirt over her head, and briefly gets it stuck so she cannot see what's going on.

"What? What? What are they doing?" she demands, struggling, before she can pull the shirt right and look at the TV. She stands close, almost touching the screen, her eyes going wide before she looks back at the others.

"Are they gonna know all about us now?"
Alex had been half asleep when he tuned in his hearing sense to the TV, hearing every word of the reporter and every word of the Flock, they obviously had some tape of them showing on the television. He groaned and swung himself right off the top bunk, wincing briefly as his landed and his arm got a ripple of pain. What was he, allergic? That would suck. He goes over to the crowd at the television, shrugging lightly, "If we lay low we should be fine. The government will make up an excuse, aliens were passed off as helicopters and 'sci-fi film props'. So I'm guessing bird kids will be passed off as holographic illusions or something." Even though he brushes it off, he is slightly worried. Of course he couldn't tell the others that or even show it. He winces again, glaring at his arm, "What is wrong with this thing? I'm considering cutting my arm off." He notices a mirror across the room a little bit and walks over, taking off the soaked t-shirt that was wrapped around it and his eyes widen as he looks at the 'wound' Not only is it red and bloody, but it seems to have swollen up and has sores covering it, "Woh...that looks..." He pokes it and hides the wince, "Fun..."
Callie was chewing on her bottom lip, staring at the dusty floor. Blaire did have a point, the quality of the video of them was awful. "I'm sure the schools already got another group of trackers on their way, and probably some of Chu's people. If they aren't working together." She shrugged. "I don't think it will be very likely for someone native here to recognize us though. We probably shouldn't go much outside of the armies property until we leave anymore. Just to be safe." She said in reply to Blaire, while also answering Liza's questions. She looked over at Alex who was near the mirror. She got up from the couch, walking over to him and looking at his arm. She had to admit, it did not look comfortable. Or particularly healthy. She frowned, before walking back over to her bed, retrieving her backpack. She pulled out some disinfection stuff, and a white bandage. She set them down on the sink counter in the bathroom, motioning for Alex to come over. "You have to clean that. It'll get infected and seriously gross. Er." She added, since it obviously wasn't that attractive right now.

Keanu groaned and stretched out on the the smallish couch, his feet hanging off the side several inches. Oh the joys of being a six foot three bird kid. He lazily threw his arm over his eyes, closing them as well. "I'm so hungry. If that freaking bell doesn't ring soon, I'll probably start eating this couch. And maybe Liza too. She's small enough." He joked, sighing. They all got pretty cranky when they were hungry. So basically, they never stopped being cranky.
At Keanu's joke about eating her, Liza's eyes widened; she took this very seriously, after all the traumatic events that were occurring. Anything seems possible to her. She backs away from him, saying in a shocked and injured tone, "That's not nice Keanu. I helped you and I've never been mean to you. You shouldn't oughtta eat me."

Frowning as she sees Alex's arm, she comes closer, then very lightly lays her hand over it. "Can I try again? I know I didn't do good last time but maybe I can now 'cause I haven't tried in a while."
Blaire's mouth tugged at the corner, "I agree, but you'll have to fight me for the good cushion stuffing if I don't get food real soon here," She was reminded of the slightly damp, muddy, blood smeared, torn wetsuit she was still wearing. She turned with a heavy sigh and went off to pick up her backpack and then for the bathroom. She took a long and scaulding hot shower, taking her extra time for the fact that her hair had been so knotted up by the saltwater and it was a real chore trying to untangle it. Blaire got out of the shower feeling fresh and clean and new and relaxed. She pulled on a navy colour Navy sweatshirt over a tank-top and black track shorts. She padded out of the bathroom, toweling her freshly washed, short, currently black hair dry. Blaire perched on the arm of the couch and stared out one of the few small windows in their hut, rubbing her head with the towel absentmindedly, her thoughts elsewhere.
Alex looked at Callie doubtfully, it wasn't that he didn't trust her, he just knew it would hurt, like a bi**h. He sighed and walked over, glancing at the disinfection stuff, "Okay." He then grins lightly, "Hah, would have loved to see the look on that pit bull's face if she had ran into us on the way up here, we looked like hell." He looked at his clothes, still blood splattered from the shark's bite and what not. He then looked at little Liza as she came over, offering to try and heal him again, "If you want to, just...don't try too hard ok? Wouldn't want you to pass out or anything." He frowns lightly, watching her carefully, why did everyone keep trying to help him? It was his fault they were in this mess anyway, he suggested swimming, he didn't protect Lillie properly, he should have watched out for Demitri aswell. People just got hurt around him.
Very carefully taking hold of the injured part of his arm, touching it only with the tips of her fingers, Liza screwed her eyes shut, her entire body tensing with the effort of her second try at healing it. She actually trembles with concentration. And within a few moments a faint light emanates from her fingertips, spreading out over Alex's wound. Her eyes remain shut as the healing begins to manifest itself. After almost a full minute she gasps, then pulls her hand back, swaying slightly, her eyes opening wide, skin paling.

"Did it work?"

(up to you how much it healed him)
Keanu laughs, his eyes still shut. "I wouldn't actually eat you. You probably don't even taste that good anyways." He says back to Liza, opening one of his eyes for a second, and then closing them again. Callie rolls her eyes at her brother, and then looks back at Alex and Liza. She takes a step back to give Liza room, biting her lip while waiting to see if her healing would work. She tilts her head to the side, watching. It looks better, but she doesn't know if it feels any better. As far as she can see, the skin around the wound is still red and somewhat angry looking. But it did look better than before.
Alex watches as she heals him, he frowns and his good arm shoots out to grab hold of her just as her eyes open, he frowns at her, "Careful Liza." He looks at the wound and smiles lightly, glancing back up to her, it looks bad, but the constant stinging and aching is gone, so that must be a good thing. "Thank you, I can't feel it anymore, but you should go lie down before you pass out." He looks back at the wound, glad he can't feel the little bugger anymore, maybe he was allergic to it. He looks up to Callie, "I don't think I'll need all that stuff." He nods at the disinfectant and turns around to scurry away, hoping she'll fall for it.
"I don't wanna lay down," Liza says even as she leans into Alex's hand, her voice a mumble. "I wanna stay with you guys. I don't wanna be all alone."

She looks at Alex's wound and smiles slightly to see it's healing, but is not pleased that it's not perfectly so. "It's not all better."

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