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Fandom Winged

Callie shivered from the wind, the temperature having dropped considerably since the storm had started. She caught Alex's thought, and looked at him as she sent one back. "You aren't causing me trouble. Whats causing me trouble, is Chu." She sent back, managing a weak smile. What had happened to them today was nothing compared to all the other things they had gone through. She didn't want to think about to anymore, and concentrated only on getting back to the others safely.

Keanu leaned on Blaire slightly for support, but not too much since he didn't want to overwhelm her with his weight to. He carefully sat down under the bush, and watched Blaire try to make it a little safer. Even though it hadn't been more than a few minutes, Keanu was starting to worry about his sister and the others. Were they okay? He was snapped out of his thinking by Blaire. "Yeah, I'm alright. I'll be completely fine in a few days anyways." He shrugged and smiled at her slightly, trying to make things seem better then they were.
Blaire looked down at her knees, her black wetsuit covered in some places with mud, "Some surfing day that was," she sighed, "Damn seaweed brains, they should have told us down at the shop it was going to storm. Course we totally trashed their boards...but still. There wasn't a cloud in the sky when we went out, that storm front came in so fast--" She wondered silently whether it had been a set up somehow, a plot devised by Chu. The technology wasn't the part that surprised her, they had their mad scientists winking on all kinds of Frankenstiens lately. Blaire thought back to the horrific monstrous creatures, could they control the weather? "Those creatures that came up," she started, not knowing how to put her suspicions, "What in the world do you think they were?" She glanced at him.
Keanu nodded while listening to Blaire, but he was having the same thoughts as her. He thought in silence for a few seconds before talking. "I think the reason why they didn't warn us, is because they didn't know. I don't think anyone knew." He shifted his gaze from the ocean to Blaire. "Did you notice how the weather started getting bad right before that weird mountain, and then the monsters? I dont think it was a coincidence. I think they had something to do with it. As for the monsters..." Keanu shuddered, just the thought of the sea monsters almost making him gag. Yes they were huge, but they also had scaly green skin, or at least of what skin they had. The rest of their bodies were covered in large wounds, oozing blood and god knows what else. "I don't really know what they were. I'm pretty sure they were bigger than sharks, but maybe smaller than whales. They all looked like they had been attacked by something, but I don't know what would dare to attack one of those things..." He went quiet for a minute, before it occurred to him that the monster attacking him, had stopped because one of it's own kind had gone after the monster. "Except each other."
Blaire nodded as he confirmed her suspicions. "They're obviously discontented. We need to find out why hatchet is as well as what made them that way." She thought for a long moment, rolling possibility after possibility through her brain, but not finding a logical solution; deciding to take up a new angle she said after what had seemed a few minutes, "You remember that footage that fancy-boots naval guy in San Diego showed us? Something aboutthe birds and that gigantic mountainous thing that popped up and destroyed that boat? They said they were connected...I didn't beleive them at first--it seemed improbable. But what if it is--connected to Chu and these kidnappings somehow? None of this makes any sense." Blaire rubbed her forehead/temple anxiously.
Alex nodded, glad she didn't blame him as he blamed himself. He sent her back a small thought, "Chu will get all that he deserves....and more." He paused, holding Liza's hand and Callie's as the rain and wind battered them on their journey to the others, after a while he sent her another thought, a quiet, reserved one. "I think Callie, I think when I see Chu, I might do something stupid. I wouldn't think before trying to kill him." A pause. "Would you stop me?" He asked curiously, not quite sure himself if he would want to be stopped or not. If he wasn't stopped, he could end up hurting someone else or himself out of stupid blind rage. But if he was stopped, he may have missed a chance opportunity to kill Chu.
Callie had to think before answering Alex. She of course didn't want him to do anything stupid that would cost him. "If it got really bad, I think I would." She left out the part about how they all seemed stronger when they were angry, and she wasn't sure if she would be able to stop him by herself. She remembered how whenever she touched him it seemed to calm him though, but she wasn't sure how well it would work if he was really, really angry. "You're smart though. Even if you didn't think, it would work in the end." At least thats what she hoped would happen.

Keanu continued to think about Blaire was saying, frowning in concentration. Callie was always better at this then he was. "Yeah I think they're connected, but I'm not sure how. It said the birds are working. Technically, we are part bird. Could they have been talking about us?" He was really just thinking out loud now, seeing if it made more sense this way. "Maybe they've kidnapped some of us because they know we'll come and get Demitri and Lillie and we wont go down without a fight. Maybe Chu thinks he can convince us to join him in whatever he's doing if they have part of the Flock to bribe us." He shrugged, leaning his head back against the trunk of the bush. It didn't make sense to him either.
After a while of walking Alex looks up to see a bush with some make-shift leaves and wood around it, he frowns, his eyes zooming in to see Blair and Keanu's feet. He grins, "Hey, look, they made a shelter!" Their pace picks up slightly and before he can think much more about Chu or the Shark beast that attacked him and Keanu they are at the shelter and Alex makes sure both Liza and Callie clamber inside before he does. He plops down beside them, giving Blaire and Keanu a glance. "Hey guys, you alright?" Is the first thing he asks, also checking Brinley and Dallas are in the shelter before he relaxes slightly.
Callie's head snaps up when she hears Alex, and she has to keep herself from running into the little make shift shelter. She slips in carefully, making sure not to ruin it by accident. She takes a seat next to Keanu, already checking his leg. "Nice job with the shelter guys." She praises, and then turns to look at Alex. "He's okay, kind of." She informs the others. "He got bit too, on his arm." She motions to her shir that's still tightly wrapped around his arm, slightly stained with blood. She sighed, wrapping her arms around her. It was cold now, but at least they weren't stuck in the rain again. She hoped it stopped raining soon. It would be completely dark because of night fall soon, and it was only a matter of time before one of them complained about being hungry.
As the others pile in, Blaire is glad she made the shelter bigger, long bird children did not like being cooped up in small cramped places--such as the one she was sitting in. She nods at the comment on her craftsmanship but ignores the question about if she was alright, "It's not much, but it should block the wind and rain for now. I just hope this thing blows over quickly. I did the best I could," Blaire said thoughtfully. A drying lock of hair dropped in her face and she brushed it away, glad it was slowly drying at least. As the sat in a silence with only splattering rain over their heads and beating the ground outside, Blaire decided to fill Callie in on their side of 'adventures'--I.e. the creature attack--as well as their theories and suspicions, and Callie and Alex's opinion on the matter. "So what do we do? We need a plan. And we definetaly need to inform the Navy."((I admid, I must of read this book three times, and I still have no god damn clue what the point of "the birds are working" had to do with anything or why or how it was in the audio clip--since they never explained it and it wasnt exactly obvious--I could never figure it out.))
Glad to have some form of shelter from the rain, Liza huddles in with the others, now calmer, though still not happy, her forehead creased, mouth turned downward. She hugs her knees to her chest and looks around at everyone with her eyes wide and solemn, listening to their talk in silence. Finally she says to Alex again, "You can have my shirt if you want it. 'Cause you're hurt and stuff."
Alex looked at Liza when she offered her shirt with a half-grin, "I'm okay thanks kiddo." He frowned then, his words mirroring those that he had spoken to Lillie before. Was he ok? No. He was pretty much downright pi**ed off to be honest, he was soaking wet, his arm was causing him enough pain for him to seriously considering cutting it off and his legs actually felt as if they HAD been cut off. Not that he was complaining or anything, but he already had about 36 ways to kill Chu already by now, and anyone who got in his way. He fell silent now - just like he was before the turmoil that was the Flock's life intensified.

His eyes became dark and clouded over as he thought about how he was going to leave the Flock once they got Lillie back and once he knew she was safe with them. If someone were to try and peek inside his head now, they'd be met with a brick wall. His thoughts currently were private to the Flock, and he actually praised his ability to block the others from seeing inside his head. For once, being abnormal was working for him.
(Yup I'm sure. I'm actually looking for 'em on Ebay right now, seeing if I can get any in England xD But I read like a chapter of a Fan Fiction from Fang's POV, maybe that's helping? xD )
[[no and yes, but considering that i was speaking in terms that Alex is so like Fang it's uncanny, then yes. But you will understand what I mean when you read Fang--the book, and the one before it. No way will I spoil it. It totally caught me off guard.]]
Somewhat soothed by being warm and sheltered from the worst of the storm, and her security that at least most of the Flock is near and not about to die, at any rate, Liza leans her head against Alex and brings her thumb near her mouth, falling asleep. Her chest rises and falls steadily, her breath even and audible.
Blaire looked around the flock, her gazed settling on each one of them. They were her family, a family of powerful bird kids diven into this little hut to take refuge from something like rain. It sucked seeing them like this, especially when two of them were missing and several of the others were hurt or exhausted.

Blaire saw the subtle expression of distraught and pain on Alex's face, she'd come to read his minute expressions from his lack of exclamation. She didn't guess what was going on in his head, but took it as a general he was thinking about Lillie. She didn't ask him how he was feeling, he would blow that question off, of course, answering truthfully to such a question would be a mark against his pride or manhood or whatever. "Look, Alex," Blaire said to him quietly, "I won't tell you we're going to get her back, because you already know that, but I wanted to say, you're sure as hell not going to do this alone." Her eyes blazed darkly of the mutinous fury that had been growing inside her since that night back in New York, "Whatever happens, I'm not going to stop you. We can't let him get away after this. But don't think you're going to go in there and take him on yourself; because, powers or not, I want my piece of Chu."
Alex looked up as Blaire said his name, he listened silently, his eyes giving away nothing as he stared at her. After about several moments of silence, he nodded. He then spoke lightly, an emotion in his tone that even he couldn't place, "I think we ALL deserve a piece of Chu." He then speaks again, his tone darker than before, "So long as I get the head. See what goes on in his sick mind." He then falls silent once more and his expression goes back to it was before, his arm tightens around Liza slightly as he feels her breathing steady and it is obvious she is asleep. He looks down at her, frowning now as his thought barrier vanishes and he thinks about how sick it is. We're not even the legal driving age, but we've watched people die. We've killed people. Creatures.
(Sorry, just realized Lillie never replied to Demitri xD )

Lillie looked around her, she had slowly stood up and observed the room, every inch of it. She listened as he asked her if she was hurt, she nodded, her eyes watering, then remembered he couldn't see her. "Demitri!" All she wanted right now was a hug, she sniffled, she always wanted hugs, that's why Alex called her Cuddles. But right now, she REALLY needed a hug. "Demitri, it really hurts, everything hurts." Another sniffle, she looks around, "I, I don't know. Um, I'm in a room, and, and it has a little window, with metal walls and a small light, and a uh, thingy on the ceiling with holes in." Of course she had no idea what a vent was, so she described it instead. She walked over to one of the walls and sat down against it, wincing as her arms hurt, she looked to see some bruises on them. Her eyes watered and she let out a sob, trying not to cry, "Demitri, where are you?" She asked him quietly, she really wished someone was here with her right now, despite what Demitri told her, she was scared, really, really scared.
Callie could hear Alex and Blaire talking, but she wasn't paying much attention. She sat completely silent, listening to the rain hit the roof of their little hut and the sand outside. She could tell it was starting to slow down, but only slightly. Brinley and Dallas were both curled up next to each other, sound asleep along with Liza and Callie thought about how nice it would be to just go to sleep. She had a feeling she would have nightmares tonight, something that happened often. Usually if something bad happened to the flock, or if they did something really bad. So basically every night. Eventually, she shifts positions and leans her head against Keanu, trying to at least rest some. Rest before someone complains about being hungry, or cold, or even bored. She could tell it was coming.
Outside the little hut, the sky lite up again, though the resulting sound was more of a comforting rumble in the distance. Blaire shivered and slumped down, her back against the palm bush. Despite the situation, she felt oddly relaxed, her body egged her for sleep, and to her the pattering of rain on the leaves above sounded like a natural lullaby. Suddenly very tired, Blaire's heavy eyelids blinked slowly before closing. The others were around her, they would be the lookout, nothing dared stirring in such a storm, but for Blaire it was nice knowing someone was keeping watch anyways. Her breathing slowed and her tense shoulders visibly relaxed. Sleep came easily.

Soon Blaire was dreaming. She didn't know where she was exactly. It was bright, very bright, Blaire wanted to squint but for some reason it didn't hurt her eyes. It was a watery sort of place, was how she described it. Colours drifted oddly in a resemblance to the beach on a hot day when the heat rolled off the sand. She didn't feel away of her body as it moved itself closer to the water's edge. She stepped into the glass smooth water, her presence hardly stirring the surface. Blaire swept through the water as normally as walking on sand, the water seemed to have no drag on her. She continued walking, lowering herself deeper in the water. Alarms went off in her head as she was finally submerged underwater. She worried about her breath, but nothing seemed to happen, it felt as though she was neither breathing nor breathing water, bubbles did not escape her neck to show she was actually processing the water. Blaire pushed off from the bright white sand of the ocean floor and started swimming. Her strokes were easy and powerful and graceful. She could see through the clear blue water, though the salt didn't bother her in the least. Blaire pressed on, steadily going deeper, passing reefs of complicated colours. The water got darker and more opaque the deeper she went until visibility was at fifteen feet and the coldness started to seep into her bones. She could not shiver, her body felt disconnected from her mind and her mind felt disconnected from her awareness. Shape loomed out of the dark at her, the horrific abominations. They were larger than any of their natural creatures, they looked sick with oozing bloody bumpy wounds. There were too many to count, they were swarming her. Blaire wondered dimly why she was here and how she had gotten herself into this mess. Sunlight barely pieced through the dense water, but she could see her attackers come at her. They bit and nawed at her. She tried to shove them away to get away herself, but her movements were too slow and weak. Blaire could feel her power, it was brewing inside of her, churning in an uncontainable mass. Blaire could feel it but she couldn't grasp it, it wiggled out of her hands uncontrolably. The creatures were unaware of her struggle, they only thirst for blood. Blaire finally wrapped her being around the mass. It felt unnatural and strange, it was difficult to hold as it grew and fluxuated in power. It was unstable. The monsters kept attacking, there was no way to get away, to get free, they were crushing her, they would kill her. Blaire doubled in rage, she forced down her being around the power, commanding it to comply to her. She could control it, she used it to push away the creatures, but they came back, fighting harder for their prey, more savagely than ever. It was harder to find that hold, she couldn't control it. The water around her exploded. It became white hot and condensed. Pressure closed around Blaire's ears, she closed her eyes tight, the pressure suddenly let off and Blaire hesitantly opened her eyes. The Flock was laying around her, they were all dead, floating lifelessly in the water, skin torn in placed from the impact. The creatures were gone and had left her family instead. Blaire wanted to cry out in horror, but she couldn't utter a sound.

The image changed and she was in darker, deeper water. Much darker and deeper and colder than she could ever imagine. Pressure built in her head making her want to scream. It was a moment before she could realize there was something there. Lights in the distance. Slowly, very slowly she swam to them, it felt as though she was swimming in molassase. She realized it was an underwater station. Blaire swam closer, there were windows, small windows. She got closer, she could see through the windows now--but only one kept her attention. Blaire felt sick, the back of her throat lurched. In a small store room flooded by pale amber light, lay her brother, Demitri, crumpled and bloody on the metal floor.

Blaire awoke with a blood-curdling scream. Her back had slipped from the trunk of the bush and must have hit her head on the way down, since it throbbed painfully. She was laying on the ground curled into a ball. Blaire was shaking uncontrollably, her eyes clenched shut, her fingers clasping the sides of her head in desperation. "No. No, no," she was muttering, her voice fragile and her words breaking, "It can't be true."
Keanu had managed to stay awake, mostly to look out for danger. And because he was afraid to sleep. Now hearing Blaire's scream, his eyes fly open. He had them closed before, trying to atleast rest some. He quickly crawls over to her, trying not to wake the others even though the scream made most of them stir. He quickly reached her, putting his hands on her shoulders to try and calm her down. "Hey what's wrong? You're okay, I've got you." Since there was no trackers or anything, he could tell she must of had a nightmare. He looked into her eyes, trying to figure out what could have made her so upset. It could be anything, really.
Alex had been awake the whole time, and moved to go help when Keanu leapt over to her, he settled back down a bit, but watched with widened eyes, was she ok? He guessed she must have had a nightmare, so he probably wasn't as worried as anyone else. He used to have nightmares, horrible things they could be. He still had them now sometimes, but rarely. He looked over at them both, he listened outside and noticed the rain had let up, a lot. He looked down at Liza and gently moved her so that she was resting on the ground rather than him, he needed to try something. "One second." He muttered to Keanu and Blaire, in case they wondered what he was doing. He emerged from the little make-shift shelter and stepped outside, he looked up and noticed the sky had cleared a little bit, but the rain clouds were still overheard, the waves were much milder but still not quite normal yet. One thing was for sure though, he knew the Flock wouldn't be swimming in those waters again. He closed his eyes and his fists clenched where he was concentrating so hard, he felt the rain lighten and he smiled lightly. Guess 10 years of practicing helps. Once the rain had stopped he looked up to see clear skies, the sun even making a subtle appearance. He held his head as a wave of dizziness hit him, he felt so tired, why hadn't he slept back in the shelter? "Oh s**t." He felt his legs give out and his body hit the floor. Yup, he defiently overworked himself and his powers today. Fighting a bunch of trackers, fighting the sea and a creepy shark beast and then changing the weather defiently exhausted someone. Oh well, he'd be better tommorrow. Oddly enough once he hit the floor his eyes closed but he was still able to hear what was going on around him.
Liza jerks awake at Blaire's scream, scrambling up to her feet and hitting her head against a branch. Eyes wide, mouth open, she looks around frantically, seeing Keanu cradling Blaire and Blaire's still trembling form. When she does not see Alex, she cries out fearfully, "Where is Alex? What happened? Is she hurt? Let me heal her!"

She crawls over to Blaire and stretches out her hand, wanting Keanu to let her get to her.

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