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Fandom Winged

Blaire eyes closed slowly, she was very tired. Then she was yanked to the surface and she gasped. The air had dropped about five degrees and helped bring her back to the present. Realizing what had happened, she flared with anger. Blaire was so tired of this happening, expending all her energy and needing to be freaking rescued. She thought this phase had passed. She wanted to go back to when she would use her powers all day and still be able run a couple of miles at the end of it. Weakness was not a good colour on her.

She gritted her teeth. Feeling guilty and angry she couldn't support her own weight. At this rate they would be swept out to sea, with the waves fighting like this. Blaire clenched the sides of the board, all they needed was a single "nice" wave to push them. Large rain drops clattered against her surf board. She tried to focus on that, the power of the water. Blaire knew she hadn't used up all of her energy, she could feel her reserves. Blaire concentrated. A wave rocked underneath them, pushing them a little bit closer to shore. Then another, a bit bigger. Then another, and the coast was half a mile away. But something didn't feel right.

[[i don't know if there needs to be one more twist or something before they get back to shore or not xD ]]
Liza struggles in the choppy water to make her way over to the others, often getting a mouthful of water. She chokes and coughs, spitting out streams and trying to blow some out her nose, her hair sodden around her shoulders and face as she kicks hard, trying to reach the others.

"Blaire!!!" she calls out, getting another mouthful of water and coughing before she grabs on to her with one hand and the surfboard with the other, slightly overbalancing the weight. "Are you okay?"
Keanu was running out of energy faster and faster, and it didn't help that he was pulling Blaire as well. He felt the board start to move a little easier, and he looked behind him to see that Blaire was using the last of her energy to help push them along. He took a deep breathe, and concentrated on getting them back to the shore safely and preferably in one piece. He felt something bump against the bottom of his surfboard, but he dismissed it as just Blaire trying to speed them up. A few seconds later, the bump came again but harder. It knocked him off balance this time, but he managed to sit up before flipping over completely. He grasped the edges, looking back at Blaire. "Blaire, what are you doi-" He didn't get to finish his sentence. He felt a sharp tug on his leg, and then found himself completely under water. He held his breathe the best he could, and instinctivly start kicking at whatever was holding onto his leg. He opened his eyes to look down, seeing a massive shark-like creature holding onto him and dragging him deeper and deeper. But it wasn't a shark. He could make out the sickly brownish green skin, or what was left of it. The huge monsters body looked like it had gone through a blender and lived. It was red, with open sores and wounds covering it's whole body. He could feel himself getting light-headed from lack of air, and right as his eyes started to slip close, he felt his leg coming free. He opened his eyes and allowed to focus them long enough to see another monster had joined the first, and they seemed to fighting each other now. His leg was cut up, not too badly that he could tell, but enough so a steady stream of blood was flowing and clouding the water around his leg with red. His head was starting to pound, and he kicked with all of his might. He flinched from the pain in his leg, and he burst through the water gasping just as he was sure his lungs were about to burst. His arms searched for his board, but he couldn't find it in his dizzy and disoriented state. He tried to tread the water, sinking a few inches every time he forgot to paddle. "We need to do an up and away. Rip the suit with you're wings. We have to get out. Now." He insisted to Blaire, finally finding his board and gripping it with his hands. He could hear the screams from the shore now, people realizing that they were stuck out here with only surf boards to save them. He hadn't noticed until now that they were the only ones still in the water. And that could change really quickly if they didn't get out.

(Stole the whole monster fish from the book too. xD )

Callie's eyes widened as she watched everything happen. By the time Keanu went under, she had sprung out of the water with all of her might, and snapped her cream colored wings out. She didn't even pay attention to the screams, some from shock of the kids trapped at see, the others from her wings. She hovered above Blaire, Keanu, and Lisa, but she couldn't do too much. "Lisa, get away from them. It's not safe." She dipped a little lower, surveying the area. She flinched as she saw that the water was dyed red from Keanu's blood. "You guys need to get out. You won't make it back to shore in time, you need to take to the air." She yelled to them over the wind, stating the obvious.
"It isn't m--" she began to shout, but stopped as she saw what was going on. The dark shapes looming up beneath them. Blaire watched in horror as he was pulled off his board before her eyes. She racked her brain, only attack she would be able to manage would be brute force--she wasn't able to see anything to do anything delicate, if she could--it was too much of a risk of hitting him. But before she could react, the creatures had released him and he was at the surface again, his face tired and desperate.

She didn't waste time with words. Her back clenched and there was the sound of snapping as her powerful wings broke the fibers. Carefully and as quickly as she could, not trusting the water beneath her, she rose into a crouch, then jumped into the air. Her board toppled under her feet, and she dropped into the ocean a bit before pushing down hard with her wings, their white going gray in the rain, and finally lifted into the air. Luckily, year upon year of flying and hundreds of thousands of miles later, her wings felt impervious to fatigue, beating the air with long powerful strokes.

Blaire circled quickly, "Keanu!" she yelled over the roar, he was still halfway in the water. She reached out her hand as she swooped low then caught his. Her momentum pulled him out of the water quickly, enough so that he could get a good take off. It was just in time too, the water bubbled and churned. A smaller mountain covering in oozing bumps sprang from the surface, snapping at their legs, instead it broke their surf boards into pieces. "Get out of here!" She yelled to Callie and the others. Blaire shivered as the monster only brushed her foot, it was way too close for comfort. She let go of Keanu's arm, and soared higher into the relative safety of the air.

It was raining cats and dogs and Blaire's dark hair was plastered to her face and neck. She streaked towards land, making sure the two of them didn't get separated--she didn't think she could endure another rescue, she was exhausted beyond belief. Her landing: not so graceful. It was short of a crash landing, Blaire hit the ground hard and rolled like she had been taught to avoid breaking anything. She had landed in a thicket of trees--palms and whatnot. She came out of her roll sloppily and laid spread-eagle on her back watching the sky in the dark muddy soil. Rain hit her face, and pounded against the ground besides her, and she was covered in mud, and she didn't care. Blaire closed her eyes, breathing hard. They were safe unless a tree fell on them or something. But they made it to shore in relatvely one piece.

[[whoops, didn't see your edit. edited mine.]]
(gotta say...this is about the fourth time you've called her Lisa lol...it's Liza. pronounced Lye-za :) )

As the sea monster rises up, tearing Keanu's leg, Liza's eyes widen, and she lets out a piercing shriek, at first trying to drag Keanu to rip him away, then finally listening when the others instruct her to fly to shore and back away. On the shore she bursts into tears, screaming for Keanu and then Alex until everyone is safely on shore. Then she runs up to Blaire and Keanu, moving between them and grabbing their hands, still crying.

"Can you get healed? I wanna try to heal you. I can sometimes. You're hurt. Where did it go?"
Keanu took Blaire's hand, right as he heard the unmistakable clash of the monsters jaws coming together, and then the snapping of their boards. He shuddered, wasting no time in using his powerful wings to finish ripping the back of his suit. He let go of Blaire's hand, falling several inches, his feet hitting the water, before his huge black wings built up enough momentum. In one big downstroke, he rose a good ten feet. He followed Blaire, his flying off balanced and very ungraceful. His whole body hurt, and his torn leg was dripping blood into the water below them.

He barely made it to the shore, before his wings gave out and he dropped a few feet infront of Blaire. He landed off balance on his feet, but hissed in pain as his weight shifted to his injured leg. He dropped to the ground, breathing heavily and his eyes nearly opened. He heard Callie and what he assumed was the rest of the flock land beside him, but they sounded distant and far away. Callies voice also sounded muffled. "We need to get them back to camp where they can get looked at. Keanu's loosing a lot of blood, and if he loses his leg we're all screwed." Keanu mumbled, trying to talk, but he closed his eyes and let the world go quiet before Callie started barking orders.

Callie turned towards Liza as she announced that she could help them. "See what you can do, but Blaire's energy us low from her powers and I don't think that bleeding will stop without some stitches." She motioned to the passed out Keanu, who's blood was starting to stain the sand. She wasn't sure how they would get him back to camp yet.

--- Merged Double Post ---

[/color](Ugh, sorry! xD I always think it's Liza, but I think it's wrong so I change it...sorry again.)
Still crying, Liza very gingerly touches her hand over Keanu's leg. Her eyes close and she mumbles under her breath fervently for several moments before an odd shimmering light, tinted faintly yellow, emerges from her fingertips. It slowly covers the affected area of his leg, then begins to melt away some of the blood. After a few minutes the wound begins to close slightly. It is obviously still injured but the bleeding has stopped and it looks on the way to healing. Liza moves to Callie, wiping her nose on the back of her hand and trying to draw a deep breath before touching her shoulder, attempting to heal her too. After several minutes she falls back on the sand, tears running down her cheeks.
Blaire blinked slowly, hearing the commotion. Her vision blurred slightly as she tried to focus on the objects around her. She took a beating from the relentless ocean, she was tired, but she had come out better that Keanu. She groaned as she began to sit up, her wing all bent the wrong way from the less than graceful landing. Blaire dragged herself out of a crouch. She stood but her knees shook wobbly and she felt to her knees, splashing a few droplet of muddy soil that had been saturated by the plentiful rain. Blaire rolled onto her back again. "Please don't cry, Liza." she told her weakly, her throat sore from swallowing so much salt water, "It looks kinda bad now...I guess. But bird kids heal really fast, remember. All of us with be in tip-top shape in a matter of few days." Blaire earnestly wished her powers weren't acting up, she could heal cuts and things, but right now she'd end up making someone's radial arteries rupture or something... She was glad Liza was there, though.

She wished the rain would let up some. Damn Hawaii. A tropical storm like that would make anyone feel resentful of the place. However, it was cool against her clamy forehead, it made Blaire feel just a smidge better. She closed her eyes again.
Pulling herself up slowly, trying to snuffle back her tears but still not entirely successful, Liza crawls to Blaire and lays a hand on her wing, trying to heal her too. She can't put in as much effort as before and is shaking when she stops, leaning against her side and sticking her thumb in her mouth. She doesn't say anything more, just huddles against her both to keep warm, as she's still damp, and to give and receive comfort. Thumb still in her mouth, Liza coughs, the sound strange with her thumb in place, and wipes her sodden hair back with her other hand before trying to speak around her thumb.

"I wanted to get Dimitri and Lillie," she mumbles hoarsely.
She opens her eyes to a squint to avoid getting rain in her eyes and leans her head to look at Liza. Blaire reached over and rubbed Liza's arm reassuredly. It was a while before she got the words out. "I know," she told her girl quietly, "Me too." More than you could believe, she thought wearily to herself. Blaire hoped her eyes didn't show the sadness her heart was feeling at that moment. She wanted both of them back badl, back into the ranks of the safety and security of the Flock.

It does no good to lie here in self pity, Blaire thought blandly. But wanting isn't enough, it's the actions you take that get you where you want to be. Blaire laid there a moment longer then propped herself up on her elbow and rolled to sit on her knees. She gritted her teeth, everything was sore like she had been stretched out all wrong. Blaire leaned over, her hands sinking in the dark sandy soil. Light flashed bright through the small forest clearing with a thunder clap sounding shortly after. The sound rang in her ears, reminding her of the storm over their heads. "We need to bunker down, or get out of here while we still can." she said to Callie. Blaire looked at her and pointed up, "That doesn't look like a happy cloud to me." To emphasize her point, lighting arched across the sky and stuck a tree somewhere further down in the forest with a tremendous crack.
Keanu had re-opened his eyes by now, but was still laying on his back. He squinted, trying to keep the pouring rain out of his eyes. He saw Lisa crying and frowned, trying his best to go into a sitting position. "Don't cry, look, my leg looks much better already." It was true, between Liza's healing and their own quick healing, the wound had stopped bleeding. It still stung and didn't look too pretty, but he kept that part to himself. "And we're going to get them back soon." To Keanu, it didn't seem like soon enough.

Callie looked up to the sky, immediately regretting it as her eyeballs were attacked by the pelting rain. She lowered her head again, looking at her exhausted and banged up Flock. "I don't think we should fly in this. I know we've flown in worse, but not all of us are in the best condition." She was talking mainly about Keanu and Blaire of course, but she could tell that they were all tired. She sighed, rubbing her forehead as she tried to think. "Split up, look for something that would hold for a few hours at the least." She turned to Blaire and Keanu. "You guys can stay here, and we'll let you know when we find something." She would have let them help, but she didn't want to risk them getting any more hurt then they were.
(Wait up guys! xD Oh, just in case anyone posts while I'm making my post, Alex is still in the water/away from the Flock, so if someone notices his absence that would be awesome, I just missed a lot and don't wanna make it seem like Alex was just sitting idly by ^.^)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Alex had been half-trapped in his thoughts, half trying to think of what to say to Callie when all the commotion had begun to happen. The sky suddenly darkening and the waves becoming rougher and rougher. He had watched the rest of the Flock as they all struggled amongst the waves, before he was knocked underneath by a crashing pile of water on his own head. He sucked in a breath, but quickly decided against doing it again after realizing the storm had taken a lot of the oxygen out of the water and overwhelmed it with salt.

After being pushed around by the furious waves a bit, he found his eyes widening quickly as he saw Keanu get dragged under by some freaky looking shark beast, he noticed that he was quite a bit away from Keanu as he couldn't make out much about the beast except it's red open wounds and sores and it's huge size. He made a move to swim forward, to help, but another cruel wave slammed him backwards, as if purposely keeping him away from the others. He felt his lungs burning as he began to run out of oxygen but as he tried to kick upwards another wave slammed down ontop of his head, he glared at the water infront of him now, if he couldn't get to the air, the air would come to him. He clenched his fists tightly and slowly managed to drag an air bubble down from above and hover it infront of his face, managing to take a deep gulp of air before it vanished. He felt his arms and legs becoming heavier and he noticed the disgusting shark beast had lost Keanu and was fighting with another monster like itself. His eyes widened as one of them lost the fight, and the other looked around, for a target. If he didn't get out of this controlling ocean, he would be next.

His eyes darted around for an exit, looking up to the surface, seeing it was a distance away, and the waves only seemed to be getting worse. He heard the water around him moving and his mouth opened rapidly as he cursed aloud in the water, "S**T!" He quickly took another gulp of the deprived air and looked down to see blood streaming from his arm. He looked at the beast and kicked back in the water as his instincts kicked in and his foot slammed down quickly on the beast's 'nose' Alex's throat burned and he could almost feel his chest constricting with the lack of oxygen flowing around his body, he slammed his hands down on the water and it shot him up, out of the water. Yes! He snapped out his wings and ignored his tired body's protests and his bleeding arm's sting as he flew across the stormy air, the pellets of rain hitting his cold body harshly. His eyes half closed before he crashed down onto solid ground and they shot open as he winced, having fallen on his bad arm, "Double s**t!" He looked around to see no-one around him except the ruined sand and a few beaten trees. He groaned and pushed his body up with his good hand, looking around him for any Flock members at all. Was Callie alright? Panic rose inside his chest, was anyone still trapped in that sea? He didn't think so, he didn't see anyone else. But he had been pushed far from them.
As Blaire and Keanu reassure Liza, she continues to suck on her thumb for a few moments, sniffling in her attempt to pull herself together. Staying close to them both, she lets her eyes drift out, looking for Alex and quickly growing alarmed when she doesn't seem him joining them on the shore.

"Where's Alex? Alex!!!! I want Alex!"
Keanu opened his mouth to protest that he was okay to look, but Callie shushed him. She heard Liza's cries, and she felt her heart sink as her body filled with dread. "Did anyone see Alex?" She yelled over the wind. The last time she saw him was when she asked who he was talking to. Things just went downhill from there, and she had lost track of them. She immediately started thinking bad thoughts. If that Mr. Chu took another Flock member, especially Alex, things were going to get really bad, really quick. She could feel herself start to panic as she thought of the monsters. Had they gotten to Alex after they let go of Keanu? She pushed those thoughts out of her mind, and ran over to Liza. She crouched down to her level, so she could look her in the eyes. "Liza honey, I need you to stay here. Blaire and Keanu will stay with you. We're going to get Alex back, I promise." She felt herself wince at that last part. It was the same words she had been repeating for the past few days about Lillie and Demitri. She smoothed Liza's hair back, before standing back up.

"Brinley and Dally, I want you to fly over the ocean and see if you can find Alex in the water. Be careful though!" She warned, and they both took off silently. She then turned to Blaire and Keanu. "Stay here and watch Liza and watch for Alex the best you can. Stay safe." With that, she took a running start, and clumsily jumped into the air. It was hard to fly, and her vision was blurred from the wind in her face and the rain. "Alex!" She yelled, but not really expecting an answer. She store at the sand below her, hoping to see a figure that would represent Alex. After at least five more minutes, she was starting to panic again. She was about to turn around and see if the others had seen him, when a the outline of a body caught her attention. "Alex!" She yelled again, dropping quickly onto the sand and breaking right into a run.

She was running so fast that she had to dig her feet into the sand to keep from running right into Alex. She was breathing hard, but she felt a wave of reliefe roll over her as she saw that it was infact Alex, and he was in one piece. "Alex!" She repeated for the third time, her eyes flying down to his arm. "Oh no, you're bleeding." She gently picked up his arm, stating the obvious. "Did the monsters get you? Is anything else hurt?" Callie would have laughed at how ridiculous that sounded, if it was any other time then now. She was talking quickly, already peeling her soaked shirt off since she had a tank top on underneath. She wrapped the shirt around Alex's arm, trying to help stop the bleeding until Liza could try to heal him.
Liza had burst into tears again as soon as she realized that Alex was gone, feebly trying to speak to him in her mind, but because she is tired and upset her powers are not working very well and she cannot sense him or his voice. As Callie kneels down and talks to her she wipes at her cheeks, trying to stop crying again, but she is miserable, her chest hitching with her not quite successful efforts. She doesn't want to lose Alex. Alex is the nicest person in the whole flock and he was her boyfriend, and she didn't ever, ever want him to get hurt or taken.

She wraps her arms around Blaire and buries her face against her hip, not wanting to watch if something is wrong with Alex. It's not until she can hear Callie talking to him that she jerks away and runs over, shrieking. "Alex Alex Alex!!!" She stops short of giving him a hug, seeing his arm, but then drops beside him, touching his arm. Her healing power takes longer now to work this time and only works partly, because she is tired and upset, and her face creases. "It's no good!"
Blaire nods firmly to Callie before she streaked off to find Alex. She comforted Liza until she unexpectedly took off yelling for Alex. It had caught her off guard, "I would make an awful babysitter," she said, trying to joke. Blaire shook her head and shakily stood up. She shivered in her wetsuit, suddenly craving a long shower or a fire, anything to either get dry or get warm. Blaire crossed the clearing over to Keanu, "We should get out of the rain," Blaire said and pointed to some large palm bushes with large wide leaves, "I don't know about you, but Im turning into a rasin." She reached out a hand to help him to his feet. The skin recently healed on his leg would be softer and more vulnerable especially while it was still wet. That was often the case with stitches as the skin healed, like stitches, it wouldnt be good to put strain on it either. Blaire blew out a breath, glad they healed fast.
Alex had been slowly drifting off, falling into unconsciousness when he heard Callie's desperate voice, "Alex!" Callie. Almost like an electric shock, the sound of her voice brought his eyes open and he looked over at her, "Callie?" He frowned, then remembered what was happening as more rain fell on his face, "Oh c**p! Are you ok? Is Keanu alright? Is everyone safe?" He shot questions at her as she muttered something about monsters and bleeding, he noticed her wrap her top around his arm, he frowned, she sounded like she was whispering. Had he been under the water for that long?

He pushed himself up and winced slightly, looking at the arm that had hurt, he noticed the crimson colour and frowned. He remembered the monster, what had happened and switched to his good hand, holding himself up so he was now sitting instead of laying down. He looked back to Callie's worried face and his ears made a 'popping' sound. He noticed how louder things had gotten when he heard another voice, smaller, and feels a hand on his bad arm, he looked down to see a sobbing, soaked Liza. He ignores the sting of his arm and pulls her into a hug, wanting to keep the small girl warm in this rain, "Hey hey hey, calm down. I'm fine." He looked up to Callie, "I'm fine, it's just a cut. Is everyone else alright?" He looked around, "Where are they? We need to get out of this rain." As he spoke he tried to get up but fell back down on his butt again, his legs exhausted from trying to fight the waves for so long. He glared at his feet and looked to Callie for her answer.
Pressing herself against him, Liza takes a gulping breath, her hands gripping Alex's upper arm tightly as she tries to explain.

"They got hurt. There was a monster and it got them bloody. And I healed up Keanu and Blaire but I can't heal up you and I was trying, and it's not working. I'm sorry. I didn't make you better."

She takes another deep breath, shivering with the rain's damp cold, and sniffles again, muttering, "I don't even hear Dimitri no more. I thought it was gonna be all better finding you guys but everyone keeps getting hurt and took away."
Alex looks down at her, his grip tightening slightly as she shivers, although it hurts his arm, he ignores it. "Don't worry Liza, I gave that monster a good kick on the nose, no-one gets away with hurting anyone from our Flock." He frowned after he spoke. Our Flock. This was bad. He had gotten too close. Was this why everyone was getting hurt? Demitri, Lillie, now Blaire and Keanu. Who was next? Callie? He shook his head, his eyes lost in thought. He needed to leave. But he couldn't leave now, he needed to help them get Lillie back. He felt himself shiver violently and it shook him from his thoughts. He looked at Callie, "Lets get everyone and head to some shelter, before this rain gets any worse." He frowned, "I tried to stop it from raining, but it's too strong."
Callie nodded, her hand still keeping her shirt in place over his arm. Liza had helped the bleeding stop only slightly, but it was still bad. "I'm okay. Keanu got bit too, on his leg. Liza healed most of it and Blaie's powers are all fuzzy and stuff again." She explained quickly. She frowned as Alex tried to get up, just falling again. "I left Blaire and Keanu back where they landed, it's not too far from here." She glanced up at the sky again, seeing that the conditions of the storm were only getting worse. "I don't think we can fly back. Do you think you would be able to walk okay in a few minutes?" She asked Alex, concern filling her eyes. Nobody hurt her Flock, human or not. She knew walking back would take twice as long, especially in these conditions. And she hated leaving Blaire and Keanu alone longer than needed, especially in their conditions.

Keanu nodded, taking Blaire's hand and standing up with some effort. He winced as some of his weight went to his bad leg, and he lifted it, now barely touching the ground with his toes. "I'm sure everyone will be back soon, so we should try to find someplace before they get here." He started taking small step/hops, trailing Blaire while they tried to find some where to stay and keep safe. "I have a feeling Alex wont be in the best of shapes either..." He mumbled, thinking of his own bite marks.
Standing with the rest, Liza goes to Keanu and offers to let him lean on her, though because she is so much smaller it would be no help. Looking back at Alex she says anxiously, "You can have my shirt. I don't even got no boobies so it's okay. Do you need it? You can have it!"

Looking back towards Blaire and Keanu, she adds, "Are we gonna go to a hotel?"
Alex listens to Callie, he nodded, already knowing of Keanu's injuries. "Yeah, I know about Keanu, I was under the water when the shark beast thing attacked him, I tried to get over to him, but I couldn't." He felt shame fill him, he wasn't able to help, he should have been stronger. He nods, "Yeah, I can walk now." He didn't know if his words were true or not, but he wouldn't let exhaustion beat him, he wouldn't let anything beat him. His wings - which were already out - flapped slightly and gave him the push he needed to lift him up and place him on his feet. They were still frightening heavy, as if he was still struggling underwater, but that wouldn't stop him. His wings then folded back into place, hidden cleverly as he actually held out his good hand for Callie, giving her a small smile. His legs were exhausted and his injured arm stung like a bi**h, but he couldn't let anyone see that or act like it did.

(Oh Faith, Alex and Callie are quite a while away from the others, not within shouting distance. :sweat:)
Callie nodded and shrugged. "Don't worry about it, he's fine now. He'll be better by like tomorrow anyways." She shrugged again. She waited until he was on his feet and stable before walking in the general direction of where she had came from. The fly from Blaire and Keanu to Alex took about five minutes. Walking in normal conditions would take twice as long, so about ten minutes. In the storm, Callie figured it would take anywhere from fifteen to twenty minutes if not more. She didn't bring it up though, and silently squeezed Alex's hand before moving. She made sure Liza was near them, and she had to squint her eyes to try and keep herself from getting blinded by the rain. "Let me know if you need to stop and rest." She said to Alex, rather loudly, since the wind was picking up more and more. Even though he was acting as best as he could to be okay, Callie could tell he was in pain.
Alex followed her, simply nodding his head to her words. He also checked to make sure Liza was close by, and reached his hand down and held her hand, making sure the wind didn't knock her back. He would have picked her up, but he knew that he could barely hold his own weight, let alone hers aswell. Alex heard her yell, and since his throat was beginning to hurt a bit from the salt he took in, and since he didn't want to shout over the bad weather, he sent her a thought instead, "Don't worry, I won't need to stop, we just need to get to the others." He paused before adding a quick little, "I'm sorry for causing you trouble" He honestly saw it that, if he hadn't been so stupid as to get trapped under the water for so long, or if he had landed closer to the Flock, then they could have all been inside by now, warming up, rather than out in this brutal storm.
Blaire put her arm under Keanu's for support and helped him over to the bush that would have to act as their temporary shelter for now. She helped him sit then busied herself with the task of fortifying there shelter, squinting all the while through the cold pouring rain. She began to worry about hypothermia if they didnt get dried and warm, as collected and set up a few branches as a frame over the large bush--as tall as her with the fronds curving around the trunk like a great six foot umbrella. Blaire set a couple palm leaves over the top and sides of it to make it I little larger and so the water wouldnt have a drainage that didn't owed inside of their shelter.

Finally she crawled inside, dripping wet. If she wasn't soak led to the bone before, she certainly was now. Blaire huddled at the center, leaning against the trunk. She shivered and pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Blaire looked at Keanu, her eyebrows dented slightly, "Howre you feeling?"

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