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Fandom Winged

Demitri awoke with a start, his vision blurry, though, as it gradually cleared he found he wasn't missing much. Whatever room he was boarded in was illuminated only by weak amber light from a single fixture on the ceiling. It was musty and dank as well as filled with some old rotting cargo crates, as if they had been worthlessly dumped there years ago and forgotten ever since. A quick 360 of the room revealed, again, nothing special. The walls were oddly made of solid cold metal with a small lone porthole punctuating the wall opposite a roundish metal door set a few inches off of the ground in the wall. The porthole however was too small for any person to escape, it was maybe a total of ten inches in diameter and made with a type of fabricated glass over a foot thick, outside the impermeable glass was infinite blackness of the deepest and darkest depths of the ocean--what ocean, you say? Demitri honestly didn't know where the hell he was. There was a vent in the ceiling for air circulation, also too small for escape. His powers felt absolutely useless, here at what looked like the bottom of the damned ocean. Through all the metal and the lifeless beds of unruly rock at the ocean floor, there was nothing he could do--and that made him feel more alone than any of his eroding wood companions. They really don't want me out of here, huh...? Demitri thought to himself dismally in a bit of a delusional daze.

His mind reeled, trying to remember how he got here, laying on the floor with numerous welts on his head and a swollen face, and only an ancient scratchy wool blanket between his body, that would scream in agony at the slightest movements, and the frigid indifferent metal floor. He pushed himself up slowly and carefully, his muscles feeling utterly weak and fragile, quivering and stiff as he worked them after tolerating the beatings of being shipped around and lying still for so long. Demitri sat up and starred at the blank wall, thinking hard. Finally a dim memory came back to him, it wasn't more of the picture kind as it was the overwhelming emotions he was enduring--the outright fear for his own life came flooding back to him like the force of an arctic river slamming into his subconscious. An involuntary violent shiver rippled through his spine. The memory of the flash filled him. Demitri had seriously believed he was going to die that night. Had he just imagined the bang of gunfire that seemed to explode in his ears? Just thinking about it made his ears ring. But why hadn't they killed him yet...? Chu admitted himself that he wasn't worth much--Demitri clenched his fists at this, as tightly as he could through the protest of fatigue and malnourishment. His stomach groaned, reminding him he hadn't eaten in a while, and by the severity of the hunger panges, it had been a long hard while since he got any food at all--definitely not good for a bird kid.

Demitri started thinking about the Flock. He missed them so much. He couldn't stand being away from Blaire for so long, it felt like his right arm was gone. Absentmindedly he physically did check; flexing his right hand then rubbing his upper arm with his left hand--realizing what he was doing, he felt kind of stupid, but didn't drop his hand and instead crossed his right arm over his chest. His train of thought shifted back to the Flock, he wondered if anyone else had been captured as he did. Demitri ran a hand through his tussled dark blonde hair, finding it knotted and matted with blood. He wasn't good with telepathy like the others, not even his connection with Blaire--since they were so close for so long, they assumed they should of have developed some kind of link over the long grueling years, and being freaky bird kids, especially something like that should be possible--but they were not gifted with that particular power, like the others. He wonder if anyone could hear him though....

He dared to venture out though. Demitri tried to relax his body and mind, like he had seen work a dozen times on numerous TV shows and movies--it had to be based on some sort of truth, right? Images of the other members of the Flock flashed through his head, trying to pick any of them out, Chu was after anyone of them, and he was desperate to get them. Hello? Demitri asked cautiously, not knowing what to suspect.
Keanu smiled and nodded when Blaire asked if he wanted to go surfing. Giving the Flock's circumstances, he had never been able to have the experience of surfing. But now they were in Hawaii of all places, and it only seemed right. Maybe it would make them look a little more normal. Keanu actually almost laughed at this. Minus the wings making them look weird, they were all freakishly tall and skinny. Keanu himself was 6'3, and not much more then 120 pounds, if he even reached that. But he was pure muscle, like the rest of them. He followed Blaire, waiting behind her as she paid for their equipment. He examined the wetsuit, frowning a little. It was extremely tight, and there was no way to let the wings out in an emergency. Oh well. He went into one of the surf shops dressing rooms, coming out minutes later. "Whataya think? Stylish right?" He asked Blaire jokingly, spinning in a circle for her.
Blaire got her wetsuit, then went into the dressing rooms to zip into the one piece. It was basically a black leotard, with long sleeves and full legs going barefoot, with a blue stipe down the sides. After tying her short dark hair into a ponytail she watched as Keanu showed off his own skin-tight wetsuit. She lifted an eyebrow and looked him up and down then said with a grin, "Its a good look on you, bird-boy," she laughed lightly then sighed dramatically and continued in a sarcastic tone, "I only hope I can be as cool and trendy as you. Ah, alas, a girl can only dream," Blaire rolled her eyes playfully then picked out a surf board with a traditional Hawaiian design and said with a chuckle, "Let's go strut our stuff on the sand and hope we don't make fools of ourselves in the waves,"

She carried the board under one arm as she ran across the beach, hot sand under her feet. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure Keanu was following and laughed at the sheer joy of thought of being in the ocean and having some fun. The smell of salty sea water rolled off of the waves into the wonderfully pleasant breeze, mixed in with the smell of suntan lotion and the wood from the pier. Blaire splashed through the shallows, stopping only to clip her board to her ankle by a cord, then pushing her way through the waves until the water level was just above her waist. Blaire set her surf board floating on the waves then laid across it and started paddling out. "I've only gone surfing once or twice before," Blaire admitted, "It was basic stuff. Where I was at the waves sucked so I pretty much fell on my face. I started to get the hang of it towards the end, but it was dark by then, so we had to leave. You ever surf before?" she asked him.
As Liza comes to the surface of the water, taking a break, she keeps her head tilted back, soaking up the sun on her face. Closing her eyes, she smiles slightly, though the words of the man from before still bother her.

She wades through the water until it is only up to her waist, then splashes around just to enjoy making splashes, and that is when the words enter her mind. This is different from before, the person speaking is hesitant, in need, and obviously younger, and she goes still, then answers back cautiously to Dimitri.

"Are you that other guy that got took? Are you with Lillie?"
Demitri stiffened as a voice rang through his head, it was weaker like the message was being sent over a long distance, but he heard it nonetheless. It was a girl's voice, very young, and unfamiliar to him. Though whoever she was she seemed to have an understanding of the situation at hand. Other guy? Demitri thought, that must be him. "Yes, my name's Demitri," he introduced himself to the stranger. As he spoke, he turned over her other words.... "You mean they've captured Lillie too?!" he cried. Demitri's fists clenched tighter, he hadn't realized he was making a fist until his tattered knuckles started becoming sore at the strain.

Despite his protesting body, he pushed himself off the ground in his anger, how dare they. Like he wasn't enough, they have to insult his worthlessness to his face, now those mongrels kidnap a child?! How low could you possibly get?! "Lillie?!" He screamed into his head, he had to know for himself, the idea just seemed to horrible to believe--to think that she was in the same state as he was sent his stomach spiraling into grief and hate--he had to know if she was okay. Demitri spun around widely as if he could bore a hole in the wall with his glare to see where the girl was, "Lillie, where are you, are you alright?!"

He thought about the other small girl, she had to be with the others, they must have found her or something after he was taken--was he really gone so long? "Is the Flock alright?" he demanded, then proceeded with a volley of questions, "Are you in danger? Where are you guys, what's going on?"
Liza blinks, startled by the forcefulness of Demitri's emotions, and slowly sits in the water, letting it lap around her neck as she furrows her brow, concentrating hard to answer.

"Oh you are that other guy...are you okay? Are they hurting you bad? 'Cause he said he might...um, we're okay but that bad guy said he might get us. He talked in my head. Um, we're swimming right now though. 'Cause we can breathe underwater. Did you know that?"

She doesn't think to introduce herself or tell the others she's talking to him.
Keanu rolled his eyes at Blaire as the walked towards the beach, but he was smirking. "That would be hard to accomplish." He shot back, holding his surfboard under his arm. He quickened his pace so he was standing next to her now. "Surfing can't be much harder then flying, right?" He laughed after this, his feet hitting the water. Flying came naturally to them, so this would be interesting. After he was far enough in, he sprawled out on his stomach and started paddling farther. "Nope. Never really had the chance to try. Callie's always wanted us to, but somethings always gotten in the way. You know, like trackers and all." They were pretty far out now, so he sat up, straddling the board and gripping the edges so he didn't fall. "Seems easy enough though." He shrugged, watching a few small waves roll under them.

Callie continued to swim through the depths of the ocean, running her hands along brightly colored fish until they swam away. She did a quick 360, checking to make sure everyone minus Blaire and Keanu were with them. Her heart sank a little when she realized Lisa wasn't with them. She looked to Brinley for some kind of explanation, but she only shrugged. Callie swam upwards towards the surface, her head hitting the air a few seconds later. Her perfect eyesight quickly spotted Liza close to the shore, sitting in the water. She sent her a thought. Liza, are you ok?
Hearing Callie talking to her now, Liza turns her head and nods even as she thinks back to her. "Uh huh. That Dimitri is talking to me, he's asking me questions." Then after this perfectly calm statement she turns her head back towards the direction she had been facing and speaks to Dimitri again. "Can't you fly away?"
Blaire sat up as well, her board rocking in the waves. Her eyes squinted through the brightness and all with the sun glaring down at them then sparkling off the water, she smiled, "Surfing is a land-lubbers hobby, I guess," she shrugged, "You steer with front of the board. I'm not too good at it from what little experience I have, but most of your weight goes on your back leg and use you front leg to move the board around--thats how it was explained to me, at least. Fairly simple." She looked around and spotted an incoming wave. Blaire turned back to Keanu and grinned, "See if you can keep up,"

With that she dropped down on her board and swiftly paddled towards the wave coming at them. When it was near time, she turned her board around and started paddling in the other direction to build up momentum. Just when the wave was behind her, she rose into a crouch, to keep her balance. Finally the wave took her, pushing her forward, fast. Slowly she stood up, keeping her center close to the board, and began to steer the board along the direction of the wave. She started gaining speed and soon the was zipping along with he crest of the medium sized wave catching up behind her. The tunnel went over her head and Blaire glanced up once in awe at the power of the water, a pleasurable grin making her cheeks hurt while squinting through the glare. She got lower on her board, gaining still more speed and finally pulled out, the crest crashing behind her. She maneuvered the board for a turn around to slow down, and ended losing her balance. Blaire flailed for a moment and finally lost it, taking a quick breath before wiping out, and plunging into the warm salty clear blue water. The cord around her ankle tugged and she swam back up to her board, throwing her arms across it, and trying to catch her breath from the shock of the fall. Despite everything, she found herself smiling hard, "Not too bad for a first try in so many years," Blaire said to herself breathlessly, resting her head on the board.


Demitri ran a hand over his swollen face, "I'm as peachy as a tomato, they treat me good here," he said dismissively, not wanting the Flock to worry. He was more scared for Lillie than he was worried for himself. He blinked at what the girl said about breathing underwater. Obviously he had missed out on some Flock shenanigans, but he ignored it, it wasn't important right now, what was important was getting information.

Demitri glanced around the room at the heavy metal walls containing him, then his gaze shifted to the porthole in the wall, at the unforgiving bottom of the damn ocean that he was trapped under. He went over and touched the glass, even as thick as it was, it was ice cold from the millions of tons of water pressing in from the outside. "Nope, I don't think flying is an option at this point," Demitri shuddered at the thought of being crushed to death at this depth, it would be instantaneous, and he doubted he would feel a thing, say if he were to be shot out of the side of this underwater fortress into the darkest depths. "How are the others, hows the Flock, is everyone okay?" he asked again desperately.
Liza frowns, not liking the tone of Dimitri's voice even as she nods, though he wouldn't be able to see her. "Uh huh. Well Callie gets hurt sometimes though. And Lillie is getting hurt I think and she's scared. But they're nice. And we swim and get food. And Alex is my boyfriend. Can't we get you out? Are you really far away?"

He sounds to her like he's afraid...Liza knows she would be too, if the bad people had her again. She doesn't ever want that to happen, now that she's with the other wing people. They're so nice, after all, and they take care of her and let her stay with them...she doesnt' want any of them to be hurt.
Demitri frowns and begins pacing in the small place....they're hurting Lillie? He went over and slammed his fists into the wall resulting in a loud metallic thud that jars him to the bone. He swore loundly and began pacing again, letting out all of his bottled frustrations over the past days. Demitri wished Chu would walk in so he could pound that pudgy sneering face in himself. Thinking silently over what the little girl said; about Callie, thinking about food hurt him physically, then Alex--he was too tired and frustrated to find that bit amusing-- "I have no idea where I am, besides the bottom of the ocean," he said, trying to keep a level tone. "But you sound really far away, like your voice is watery in my head or something."
"Maybe 'cause I'm sitting in water," Liza tells him, trying to sound helpful. "It's the ocean. I never went to the ocean before these guys. Ooooh maybe you're in this ocean! We can get you out!"

She slogs through the water to the others as fast as she can, trying to run at first, then forced to swim awkwardly, yelling out loud and also using her mental abilities to talk to them.

"GUYS!!! Dimitri might be in this ocean!!!"
Keanu laid back down on his board, paddling after Blaire. He listened to her instructions, but he still had a feeling this wouldn't end well for him. He puddled in a circle, so that the nose of his surfboard was facing towards the beach like Blaire's. He watched her closely, figuring out just how to do this. He followed her lead, popping up onto his board at the same time as she did. He felt the rise him up, the top of the wave starting to curl over them. He was on his feet for a good two seconds, before loosing his balance. His arms flailed around for a second, before he fell off the side of his board. He made sure to take a deep breath, as the wave crashed over him. He was thrown around for a bit in the water, before he felt the water calm and he swam back to the surface. He felt the familiar tug on his ankle, and he pulled the string, his board coming back over to him. He threw his arms around it, like Blaire. "Okay, I could use some work." He admitted, shaking his head so his long wet hair moved out of his eyes.

Callie heard Liza, and she nodded not sure if Liza could see her or not. She sighed a little when she said she was talking to Demitri. At least he was alive. Is he ok? She sent to her, treading the water to stay afloat. She could just make out the heads and bodies of her flock below her in the water.
Lillie awoke tiredly, her head throbbed and her body hurt, really hurt. She slowly opened her eyes, not caring about the room she was in. She lifted her gaze enough to look at the harsh looking walls, she pulled herself up slowly, letting out a small cry as it hurt her arms. She felt like she had been tossed around inside of a hurricane or something, maybe even worse than the school. She pulled herself over to the walls and tapped on it. It felt like the sharp bit of a knife, metal! It felt like metal. Wet, salty tears escaped her eyes as she leaned her head back and looked up at the ceiling, noticing the dirty looking light and a vent. 'Alex, where are you?' She sent out a desperate voice, you could even hear the sobs in her thoughts. Her eyes opened as she heard someone else's voice, "Lillie, where are you, are you alright?!" It took her a while to respond, trying to find the words in her head to respond, every part of her body hurt and she was confused as to what had happened to her. She remembered the man who took her at the airport, and then...then she remembered something else. She had woken up in another place, and that evil man had been that, the one called Mr. Chu. But she couldn't remember what else had happened, or why she had blacked out again. She sent back a thought wearily, knowing Demitri was close because of the clearness of his voice in her mind, 'De-Demitri? Is th-that you?' She had to check, even as a thought her voice sounded feeble and scared, why was she here? What did they want? And where was Alex?

Alex had floated further down than all the others, finding himself lost in the serenity of the sea and its gentle blue waves that surrounded him. His eyes were closed and he had no idea of the communicating going on above him. His muscles relaxed, but still his mind was tense, he was still thinking of where Lillie and Demitri could be, and how to get them back. 'Alex, where are you? His eyes shot open in shock and he found himself bolting to the top of the ocean, resurfacing as he took a gulp of air, was that Lillie's voice? Half of him hoped it was, that he could finally reach her. But the other half wished it wasn't, because the voice sounded so scared, so confused. So hurt. 'Lillie? Lillie can you hear me? It's Alex!' He waited for a moment, oblivious to anything around him before he got a doubtful, confused reply, 'Are you really Alex? Are you a trick?' He frowned, he was going to kill Mr. Chu. Whatever he had done, Lillie had obviously been affected by it. 'It's me Lillie. Alex. My real name is Alexius Kane Lozier but I hate being called Alexius because it sounds really girly. I always call you Cuddles because you like to Cuddle' He sent her the speedy thought, hoping it would be enough to convince her, 'Everyone knows that about Alex! Why don't you like making friends?' Alex sighed, Lillie was the only one who knew this, 'I don't like making friends with people because I'm scared I'm going to hurt them.' He run his hand through his wet hair before he heard a small reply, 'Alex, I'm so scared.' He grimaced and clenched his fists underneath the water, a wave came right off of him and carried on down to the beach side's sand. 'What did they do to you?' 'I don't know, but everywhere hurts.' Her voice was on the edge from breaking into tears, 'Don't worry Lillie, we're coming for you and Demitri. Just hang in there, you're strong.' 'Okay Alex' That was the last he heard before their telepathy was switched off by both of them and Alex looked over at Callie, should he tell her? Would it help anything?
Callie still had her head above water, and was about to turn back towards shore to go to Lisa when she heard someone come up behind her. She turned around, coming face to face with Alex. She was going to ask if he was okay, since he seemed startled. She stopped though, since his face was covered in concentration. Callie took this as a sign that he was talking to someone, maybe Lillie or Demitri. She waited silently for a minute or so, while Alex concentrated. When he looked at her, she raised an eyebrow. "You okay?" She asked, giving him the 'don't lie to me' look.
Blaire coughed saltwater out of her mouth, the taste was so concentrated it was almost sickening at first until she began to get used to it. She rubbed at her eyes and blinked against the sun, seeing Keanu wiped out nearby. She laughed a bit, "Second time's the charm, right?" Blaire pulled her chest onto the center of the board some more before swinging her leg over the back, keeping her center of gravity low. The board rocked precariously in the water for a moment, then settled. Blaire leaned over, blowing out a breath, and calling over, "How 'bout another cliche: Practice makes perfect, Carpe diem, Don't get mad--get glad. I can't think of anymore, so you wanna try again or what," She took a second to catch her breath--well, not really, it was mostly her nerve, that wipe out had bummed her spirits. She was more of a get it right the first time kind of gal. And failing certainly didn't raise her spirits, but made her more determined to get it right the next time. She spotted a distantly approaching wave and paddled over to Keanu, "You okay to go? Pretty good for a first try, you know, with no lessons or anything." Blaire smiled, the waves were pushing around the board, rotating in slowly. She straightened it out and waited for him to get back on his board before paddling out to sea again, the wave rolling steadily closer.


"Lillie," Demitri breathed in relief, she was alive and scared. He hated thinking that she was here, but a wave of guilt washed over him when he felt glad that she was here--he tried to dismiss the feeling, it was selfish wanting her here for company--he wouldn't admit it out loud, but it scared him being alone, having Lillie here gave him some confidence. "Yes, it's Demitri, are you okay? Are you hurt? You're here, aren't you, on this station? Don't be scared, maybe I can find you. Do you know where you're at?" he asked her mentally, immediately looking around for a way out, despite knowing there was none, but determined to find one or make one.
Keanu pushed down on his board, helping him to get back up on it. He was a little dizzy from his wipe out, after being thrown around underwater for a few seconds. He straddled his board again, while they both caught their breathes. His board rocked slightly as it ran over the after math of the wave. He chuckled at her cliches, shaking his head. "I thought you were pretty good." He shrugged, laying back down on his stomach as they paddled back out to catch the next wave. "Definitely better than me. Even if you have had more practice." He smirked at her, readying himself on the board for the next wave. He was determined to do better on this one. What could he say, he was an over achieving bird-kid.
Blaire rubbed the back of her neck, took a deep breath, then followed after Keanu. The wave building seemed larger up close than it did from afar--of course--but as Blaire swung the tail of her board around, she must have misinterpreted the actual size of the wave. Definitely not a beginners wave, she thought hastily as it caught underneath, propelling her forward. She stood firm and weaved her way down the length of it. It was a rush, she had to admit, her heart beat faster as the wave behind her fought to ensnare her in the tunnel. Stupidly, Blaire glanced over her shoulder at the vortex of water closing in. Wrong move, it broke her concentration and she swayed. She stuck her arms out more and recovered, the result being a loss speed and a rush of water thundered overhead. Blaire clenched her teeth, this was a much bigger wave than she should be dealing with, but her best option was to ride it out without trying to injure herself.

She remembered watching the surfers when she was eating. They seemed to rocket out of the tunnel somehow, doing amazing tricks with the water's crest acting as a sort of ramp. Blaire got lower and swept the tip of the board over the water. She speed up until she was out of the tunnel and the wave fell behind her. She breathed out in relief, and the break of focus made her stray towards the wall and it flipped her over. So much for luck, she thought stubbornly as she climbed to the surface over to the shadow of her board. Blaire grabbed it and spluttered out the salt water that had gotten in her mouth.
Liza, still trying to swim to join the others awkwardly, doggy paddling, is still shouting, not noticing at first that they are hearing voices, nor tuning in to hear them herself. After a few moments she stops being so noisy, treading water in confusion, before the voices come to her too. Her eyes widen, and she is silent, just listening, excitement and fear flitting across her features.

"Can we go get them? Are they in the ocean?" she says out loud.
Keanu's eyes widened slightly at the size of the wave once it got more in his view. Sure it looked big from far away, but even with his raptor vision it still shocked him. He watched Blaire bravely take on the wave, before he realized she didn't really have a choice. He then realized that the wave was coming right for him. No way was he riding this one out, especially since it was only his second time. He had seen enough surfing movies and shows to know how to get out of this one. He turned himself back around, with a nice amount of difficulty from the oncoming wave, now facing the wave dead on. He silently swore to himself, hoping that this was as easy as it looked on the movies. He took the next second to take a deep breath, and then pushed down hard on the nose of the board, sending it diving under. Both of his hands grabbed the top of his board tightly, as he kicked strongly, sending himself right under the wave. He could feel it wash right over him, and he came back, nose of the board up, from the water. He shook his head, getting the hair out of his eyes. He scanned the choppy water, spotting blaire. He quickly paddled over to her, making sure she was okay. "That was freaking awsome." He said smirking, since he had been able to catch the end of her ride.

Callie was waiting for Alex to answer, when she heard Lisa's voice. She looked over her shoulder, to see her paddling towards them. "I think they're in the ocean, yeah. But we have no idea where exactly, and the water pressure's really high down there. If we swam, we would be squished like a bug." She said honestly, trying to describe this to the five year old the best she could.
Blaire grip slipped and she grabbed at the bobbling board again, threatening to overturn on her. She felt light headed after the ride and having less than adequate amount of air in her lungs. She pulled herself back on her board as quickly as possible and laid down on it, her cheek against the board, trying to calm her pulse. Blaire honestly didn't know if she could breath underwater, but she didn't want to put too much faith in the unknown. It would not be good to go down in a wave like that so close, currents tangle and she would be throw into them.

Something caught her notice, subtle changes on the surface of the water. The water was changing colour...never a good sign. Blaire sat up carefully, pushing up from the middle of the board. She stared at the sky. "We got to get out of here," she said, barely louder than a whisper, and hardly heard over the roaring of the rolling waves. The sky was overcast, with darker, grayer clouds pressing in from out further in the ocean. A wind coming off the sea tussled her hair. She sat up straiter and made use of her raptor vision to scan the horizon. White caps were forming on larger more ominous waves--that were, of course, headed towards shore--their way. Craning her neck around, she saw shore about a mile away. Blaire cursed, "If we don't get back there now, shit's gonna hit the fan." She told Keanu hastily. Peering at the sky one last time, she dropped down onto her stomach and started paddling.
Liza, not understanding this comparison, shakes her head, gesturing with one arm. "Water don't squish bugs, it drowns them, and we can breathe and stuff. Let's go get them! They need us to get them!"
Keanu noticed that she was kind of having a hard time containing her breathing, so he extended his hand out to help keep her surf board in place. One he heard her say they needed to go, he immediately started paddling without hesitation. When Callie said to move, you moved, and real quick. And he wasn't about to question Blaires judgement. He focused on paddling to shore, which now seemed incredibly far away. Blaire was slightly infront of him so he looked behind to make sure it was clear. He did a double take, his eyes focusing on a dark spot not too far behind him that was getting bigger, and closer. This didn't look good. "Blaire-" He started to warn her, but was cut off as the water literally started to shake, and then the spot he saw crashed through the surface with so much force that it throw Keanu straight out of the water, and at least 15 feet in the air. He wasn't sure if the same thing had happened to Blaire, since he was so fixated on the object. It literally looked like a mountain had just suddenly formed. Keanu realized this was the perfect time to snap out his wings. He tried, but forgot that he had the wetsuit on, so him trying to spred his wings only resulted in Him hearing and feeling the back of the wetsuit start to stretch and rip from the force of his wings. He was plummeting back towards the water now, and his mouth opened in complete shock as the mountain disappears just as quickly as it came. He could only watch for a second though, before crashing back into the water, his board following him. He came up a second later, breathing heavily and searching for a grip on his board. "What the hell was that?!" He yelled, already pulling himself up and starting to paddle. He wanted to get as far away from this water as possible.

Callie giggled at Lisa and shook her head. "No, it doesn't work like that. The-" She was cut off, once the water started shaking and screams from the shore could be heard. She whipped her head to the right, just in time to see - a mountain? - Crash through the water, and a body being tossed into the air. She squinted to make out the familiar figure. "Is that my brother?" She asked alarmed, already planning to get enough momentum to jump out of the water and do an up and away to get out of the water.

(Totally took the whole 'mountain' part from the book. xD )
Sheets of rain began to fall from the heavy clouds overhead, pounding against the surface of the water. Blaire threw a look over her shoulder as Keanu said her name, hearing it just over the roar of water, but was suddenly thrown into the air. Her automatic reaction was to unfurl her wings and shoot up into the air, but her wings only pushed against the stretchy material without give, and no time force it open before she crashed back into the ocean. Blaire was tossed around underwater by churning currents. Her lungs burned and the breath she had locked away escaped in a stream of bubbles. She opened her eyes and they immediately stung; however she blinked through it and though her vision was going dim and the water was foggy, she saw a great mass in the position they had been in just a few minutes ago.

Blaire's lungs ached like crazy, she needed to get to the surface, but it seemed so far away; her board, still attached to her ankle, pointed in the direction of the surface, and as she floated downwards, her stomach full of seawater, Blaire couldn't imagine getting up there in time. But...whatever that thing in the water was...it was going after them when it surfaced before. Blaire wouldn't let it win--not this way. Her irises glowed a faint florescent blue as power build up in her from her stomach. Her hand drifted lazily through the water toward the beast. Water swirled around her. Blaire felt heat rise through her and travel down her arm into her hand. A wide stream of white condensed water arched from her fingertips and blasted the mountain. A loud heavy groan echoed in the pulsing of the water in Blaire's ears as the thing was rocketed far out of sight. It was a large, abnormal burst of energy, the mountain thing surely wouldn't be back for a long while, Blaire thought, her lungs burning more than ever. She felt tired and suddenly heavy, but she had to get to the surface. The water acted almost simultaneously to her will, as she slowly made her ascent to the surface.
Keanu coughed up salty water as he struggled to stay afloat. The winds and rain were making the water dangerously choppy, and very hard to navigate through. He looked behind him, expecting to see Blaire, but only saw a long endless ocean stretching out. He silently cursed to himself, before leaning off of the side of his board, falling back into the water. He was out of fight and energy, but he wasn't leaving without Blaire. He took a deep breath before going under, feeling the tug from the string on his ankle letting him know that he was pushing his limits. His lungs were reminding him too. His hands found Blaire, who looked very worn out. She was still conscious though, but he helped to pull her to the surface and onto her board. Thinking quickly, he undid the strap on his ankle, and re-tied it around the string on Blaire's surfboard. It would be more work for him to pull, but he wasn't sure how long Blaire could go. "Just hold on tight, and let me know if you need help." He called back to her, having to raise his voice over the wind and water splashing all over and around him. With that, he took a deep breath and started paddling.

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