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Fandom Winged

Alex grinned at Liza as she sent her super long message into his head, glad she had telepathy. He liked communicating with people via their minds, it made it easier when they had telepathy themselves. He watched Callie jump away and then as Keanu's thought filled his head, he snapped his gaze in Keanu's direction and managed to glare at him before he got away; he decided it best not to respond. He'd kill him later. He looked to Liza, "Come on Liza, let's catch up." He glanced to Heather briefly and decided against smiling, he didn't need to get any nicer than he was already being. Being nice gives you friends. He was already risking way too much with Liza, Lillie and Callie. And look where being friends with Lillie had got her. It was all his fault. He dragged himself away from the dark thoughts and also leapt out the door into the air and flying up into the sky, making sure Liza was beside him before carrying on. "You hungry Liza?" He grinned at her, he actually liked the fact that she had a 'motor mouth' like Brinley, gave him less chance to talk and more opportunity to listen.
Callie was thousands of feet in the air within seconds. There was nothing she loved better than flying, not even ice cream. It always relaxed her, and cleared her mind. She made sure not to blank out completely at the moment since they still had to find somewhere to eat. After about ten more minutes of searching, they made it to what looked like a nice, not too crowded board walk with a few different restaurants and shops. She could also pick out a few ice cream stands even from thousands of feet in the air. Bonus. She stopped flying, and hovered in the air. She had to flap every few seconds to stay a float. "Wanna stop here?" She asked the flock, looking from face to face while waiting for an answer.
Liza had replied with an affirmative nod to Alex's question about hunger, still sticking close to him as they rose into the air. Right behind him, she launches into another mental dialogue as they scan below them.

I like you a whole lot Alex. I think you're my boyfriend even. 'Cause you're my friend and you're a boy. And I like Callie and I like Blaire and Heather and everyone else and you know what? I don't think we even need a mama or daddy 'cause we can be each other's mamas and daddies if we need them, right? Only I really wanna get Lillie back 'cause I liked her too and we were gonna be best friends. Plus also I think she's scared.

As Callie calls out about ice cream, Liza's monologue is halted, and she yells out loud, "Me me me!"
Blaire chuckles a bit at Liza's enthusiasm and lands covertly behind one of the small shack/shops before emerging on the boardwalk. She clopped down the wooden sidewalk as she took in their choices. Stopping outside of a building with open arching doorways across the front, leading into the seating venue. This close to the ocean, they might as well get a taste of some authentic Hawaiian cuisine--like eating crab in a restaurant right on the beach in Maryland. She waited for the Flock and raised her eyebrows in question at Callie as if to ask if they could eat there.

[[This reminds me a bit of Rocket Power on Nickelodeon, so I decided to roll with it. if you know what I'm talking about, the venue is the Surf Shack :o ]]
Callie giggled at Liza. She was kind of expecting that response. Brinley squealed in excitement and clapped her hands together. She dropped about fifteen feet, forgetting to flap for a moment because of her excitement. She quickly rose again, turning to Callie. "Ohmigod ohmigod, they had board walk games down there! Can we please please please play some games?! I want that huge gorilla!" She looked at Callie with pleading eyes. Callie rubbed her forehead and groaned. Sometimes she seriously wondered why she had taken it upon herself to become leader. "We'll see. But there is absolutely no big gorilla! I don't even want to think about how hard that would be to hold while flying, never mind fighting. Both in which we do a lot. Got it?" Brinley nodded, but Callie could tell she wasn't going to let this one go as easily. "Good. Now lets eat." She folded her wings in, letting herself drop a couple hundred feet. She founded it both safer and faster this way. Less of a chance for someone seeing you. When she was about ten feet away from landing, she snapped her wings back out to keep from splattering all gross and stuff on the ground. She made sure the coast was clear, and then walked out from behind the building where they had landed. She looked up at the little shack, that most definitely was only selling sea food and probably hot dogs and hamburgers. She shrugged. "Looks fine to me."
Blaire nodded and went inside. She passes table after table of groups of kids in bathing suits and wet suits with darkly tanned skin and sun bleached hair from being in the sun so long every day, they were laughing and relaxing in the shade eating their lunch. Blaire looked around back at the ocean and the surfers riding the rolling cerelian waves. It looked very fun, she'd find a way to go surfing later--but she was absolutely hunger, food came first.

She walked up to the counter and read over the menu. It had been a while since she had a full, gut-stuffing meal. So after some time of deliberation she ordered a native Hawaiin dish or two and a burger with fries. She knew Callie had money with her, so Blaire pulled out the bunchel she stole from the hotel room, and paid for her meal then went to sit down at a larger table for the flock near the front by the open doorways, closer to the ocean, waiting for the food to be ready.

--- Merged Double Post ---

[[sorry I haven't been posting so much lately, I've been super busy with school, I have the big PSAE testing this year and all the other tests. Im not dropping, ill just be posting less. I'll get back back into my norm around mid April. I'm really sorry bout this]]
Liza sits down with them, ordering the same thing that Blaire did because, as she announced, she likes the way it sounds. But she doesn't eat very much before she puts down her food, her face clouding over. She doesn't speak this time as she usually would but instead sits very still and quiet, her eyes slightly unfocused.
(Also sorry for the lack of postage ^.^ Been busy with School aswell, but I should be alright now. Just had a few important exams to study for but haven't got any more for a while now)

Alex has to hold himself back from laughing as Liza sends more talk into his mind, boyfriend? Her logic made sense, kinda. But the idea of him being her boyfriend creeped him out majorly. She was like, almost 12 years younger than him. (That reminds me, whatever happened to Alex's birthday? xD ) But the rest of her speech made him smile, but then she metioned Lillie being scared and his happy mood dropped considerly, he nodded as they went down to the ground, 'I think she's scared too Liza, and we're gonna get her back soon.'

He followed the others, his wings neatly hidden as they went up to the counter. He hung back until all the girls had chosen what they wanted, then once Callie was done he walked up and ordered something which he called 'steamed mahimahi laulau' and a Hawaiian turkey burger with pineapple-papaya sauce. Being Alex he felt bad about making Callie pay for him so he handed the guy at the counter money from his own pocket that he had obviously taken from somewhere else. Once his food was done he took it and sat down with the others, he started eating then glanced to Liza. He frowned lightly at her sudden silence and distant look, 'You alright Liza?' He sent a small thought into her head, telepathy was obviously his favourite way of communicating.
Liza is slow to answer, her words muffled, and her eyes don't focus as her eyebrows knit, her eyes downcast. "There's someone talking in my head."

She doesn't explain further, slumping down further in her seat, as though hoping to escape someone's notice.
(Wow, seems like everyone's been having exams lately. I have tests all of tomorrow and Wednesday during school. And I'm not really sure what happened to his birthday xD )

Callie waited for Blaire to order, and she didn't order herself until all of the younger kids had. She had got some kind of traditional Hawaiian dish, which consisted of a lot of fish. She held in a laugh at the face of bewilderment that their waiter had from the huge amount of food that had all ordered. It wasn't her fault that they needed like a bear minimum of 3,000 calories a day to stay energized. She didn't even question where Alex got his own money from, they all kind of had a problem with "borrowing". She had barely even taken a bite of her first fish sandwich when Brinley started talking. "How do you think the trackers always know where we are?" She asked in between bites of chicken strips. "They finds us every time." Keanu sat back on his chair, sipping a milkshake. "Maybe because it's the fact that you talk too much, and too loudly." He suggested, and Brinley shot him a look. He shrugged, and even Callie cracked a smirk at this.
Blaire scarfed down her food, not really caring about manners. After all, she had basically grown up in the outdoors, why bother with all that nonsense now. Lots of things to do in Hawaii, why waste her time. When she got to the bottom of the plate she looked up and forced a smile. "Well, I'm done," she said. She stood up and collected her empty plates, "I don't know what they say here...catch you on the flip side? Whatever, I'll meet up with you guys later." There was a twinge of sadness in her eyes as she turned away, suddenly the crowd felt crushing. Quickly, she dumped her plates away in the bins, then was out the door. She walked around the pier for a while, looking for what she wanted.

[[Jeeze, I've got the big tests this year, they don't start till mid-April or so, but my moms pushing me to study up and take classes and crap]]
As the others talk and move around her, Liza pays them no notice. She slides further down in her seat, almost under the table now, and her features tense more and more until she does not quite resemble herself any longer.
Alex listens to the others chatter, but is focused on Liza. He quickly finishes his own food and is mulling over what she said, someone talking in her head? Is someone sending her a telepathy message? Is it Lillie? He brings himself back from his thoughts to see she is nearly underneath the table and looks a bit odd. "Liza?" He speaks out loud this time, and as an instinct his arms wrap around her and pull her back up so she is sitting on his lap instead of almost under the table, he is frowning at her and glances up to meet Callie's eyes briefly before looking back down at Liza. "Liza, who is it?" He speaks softly, so that the humans can't hear.
It takes Liza a few minutes before her eyes clear a little, her face beginning to soften and look more like her usual self, and she shrinks back against Alex's chest, taking a deep breath before speaking softly.

"That bad man...he says...he says he's gonna hurt her. And he's gonna get me too. He's gonna get everyone." She turns her face into Alex's shoulder, a shiver running through her spine. "He talked in my head. I didn't even know he could do that."
Callie nodded silently at Blaire, giving her the okay to go. Her eyes never left Liza though, as her concern for her grew. She caught Alex's glance, and shot the same look back. Liza was the newest member of the group and they didn't know too much about her yet. Callie wasn't sure if this happened alot to Liza or if it was normal, which made her even more nervous. She listened carefully to what she had to say about what she was guessing Mr. Chu had said to her. She felt her stomach turn upside down. "Did he happen to give out any clues of where he might be?" She asked carefully, but she was sure he hadn't. She thought it was worth at least asking about. Keanu quietly watched everyone ask Liza questions. He didn't want to over crowd her, so he goes unnoticed to follow Blaire. He soon catches up to her, and notices that she seems to be looking for something. He stops a few inches behind her, leaning against a wooden pole holding up the ceiling of some store selling shirts. "Whatcha looking for?" He asked, and hoped he didn't scare her too much by not announcing his arrival.

(I have more next month, and another in May. -__-)
At Callie's question, Liza's brow furrows, and she thinks hard, still not looking up, her face against Alex's chest as she listens to his heartbeat before she shakes her head.

"He's gonna come I think and he's gonna get me I think. And he can find us I think 'cause he can go in my head. And he might see where we are. So maybe I oughtta close my eyes so he can't see." And she immediately closes her eyes tightly.
Alex listens, and as Liza speaks. He knows it is Mr.Chu. He knows. And as she mentions him hurting Lillie, and taking the rest of the Flock, he shakes his head, he manages to restrain himself from clenching his fists - because he is holding Liza - but his arm muscles tense and he glares. "He won't get you Liza. He won't get anyone of you guys." He doesn't mention himself, oddly enough. "He can come find us if he wants. But he sure as he--" He pauses, stopping himself from saying 'hell' for Liza's sake, "But he will defiently regret it if he does." His eyes turn dark as he finds about seventeen ways to kill Chu in a mere few seconds. Rather horrid ways. Each one involves a long period of Chu being alive while he kills him. He looks down to Liza and the darkness in his eyes clear up, slightly. "You can open your eyes Liza, if he comes to find us, it would be a good thing, saves us finding him." He looks around, realizing that Keanu and Blaire are gone. He glances to Callie, then the rest of the flock, "Who fancies going for an underwater swim?" He would prefer to go hide in the depths of the ocean alone, but he oddly enough now sees himself as the leader of the Flock alongside Callie since Keanu is gone. Maybe 'cause he's the oldest male left and he doesn't want to leave Callie to deal with the kids alone. His eyes flickered with concentration for a moment as he sent the same message into each of the Flock members - beside Blaire and Keanu's - head's. 'Don't worry, for those who can't breathe underwater, I can just give you an air bubble'
Doubtful, Liza keeps her eyes closed even as she tilts her face up towards him. "How do you know he's not gonna? How do you know he won't get us? Are you gonna have to hurt him? I don't like to have to hurt people...it makes my heart hurt."

All of this is said in the same mumble, her arm around his waist.
He looks down at her, frowning at her innocence. Hating that she had to go through all of this, he had the same issue with Lillie. Childhood shouldn't be like this. Shouldn't be like this at all. It should be full of happiness, small mistakes that don't matter much, like grazed knees, not bullets through their flesh. "I won't let him get you Liza" He glances up briefly at the others before he looks back down, "I won't let him get any of you." His jaw clenches, "I already failed Lillie, I'm not going to fail you too." His voice softened with his next words, "Sometimes you have to hurt people, or else they hurt others." He frowned, "It's better to hurt one person, so that they can't hurt a hundred people, see? That way, you're actually saving people by getting rid of bad people who could hurt them." He tried to make eye contact with Liza, looking at her, "Like Chu. If we don't hurt him, then he is going to hurt all of us, and probably more people aswell."
Callie listened quietly to Alex explain everything to Liza. Usually she would step in, but she could see that Alex had this mostly under control. She then did something that surprised even herself. She reached under the table, her hand finding Alex's, and held it tightly. She knew how hard this was for him, and it was just her way of showing that everything would be okay. "Liza if they want you, they'll have to go through me first. They'll have to go through all of us." She looked around at the remaining members, and gave Alex's hand a squeeze. The thought of going for an underwater swim seemed very nice right about now. "I think we could all use a nice swim."
Troubled, Liza bites her lip and then nods very slightly, finally opening her eyes. She doesn't smile though, her gaze remaining dark as she tries to process and accept their words.

"Okay. I just don't like it much I think."

As Callie suggests swimming she nods, though she still doesn't smile. "I like swimming I think."
Alex looks around at the Flock, his troubled gaze being hidden for now as he lifts Liza lightly off of his lap and to the ground, standing up with a stretch before his eyes landed on Callie, "Everyone ready then?" He walked over to the edge of the sea slowly - so they could all keep up, and glanced to check they were all beside him before he plunged himself into the water. Using his new-found ability to breathe underwater as he dropped down further into the deep blue and floated in a standing postion, watching the surface of the water to see when the others would drop down and to double check none of them - or if some of them - needed an 'air bubble'
Callie nodded silently, getting up herself. She waited for the others to get up, before following Alex. She made her way to the beginning of the clear blue water, the waves lapping at her feet. She made it a little past her waist, before getting ready to go under. Even though she could breathe under water now, she found herself taking in a deep breath of air before plunging her head in. She opened her eyes immediately, surprised to see that her eyesight underwater was also pretty perfect. She let go of the air she was holding in, letting her body system take over as she effortlessly started breathing. She noticed Brinley, who was now pointing to her open mouth excitedly. Callie smiled, and gave her a thumbs up. It looked like Brinley had enhanced to get her own underwater breathing skill. Dallas still seemed to be only an air-breathing kid, and she guessed Keanu was still like that too. Once everyone was under, she proceeded to go deeper into the water. Before she could breathe underwater, she had never really had the opportunity to see how beautiful it was under the sea. Hawaii's water was crystal clear, and the sand was almost white. Brightly colored plants and small fish covered the ground and folated around in the water. She never wanted to leave.
As Liza follows the others below the surface of the water, she kicks herself down deep, her hair swimming above her head, her toes kicking the bottom of the depths. She smiles to herself as she watches colored fish pass by, then snatches out a hand to catch them, failing to do so.

It's pretty down here, she thinks out loud to the others. I like it. Can we stay?
Blaire is startled slightly by the voice besides her, not expecting anyone to really follow her, though succedingly hides her subtle reaction. She immediately recognizes the voice as Keanu's, but doesn't turn, instead she continues walking down the pier, in which she has traveled a mile down already. Blaire turns her head slightly over her shoulder in his direction while she says lightly with a smile in her voice, "I was looking for a surf shop, catch some of those awesome waves while we're in Hawaii of all places. Since you're here," she began, her pace slowed gesturing out to the water sparkling in the noon-day sun, and she glanced at him over her shoulder with a bit of a playful smirk, "Care to join me?"

She finally stopped in from of what turned out to be a tasteful, locally owned surf shack nestled into a thick of landscaped palm fronds and hibiscus flower bushes with tall towering palms overhead. At their backs was the Pacific ocean in all it's glory, though a mile down from the crowded, over populated trendy beach where they had eaten earlier, the waves where just as clear crystal blue as they rolled and lapped against the fine white sandy shore. Blaire had plenty of money to get them the nessesary gear for them both, so there was nothing to worry about. Maybe having someone with her right now to get her mind off of things wouldnt be so bad, Blaire thought to herself with a smile tugging a the corners of her mouth.

[[Went on spring break to Florida, got to hit the beach and go to Harry Potter World--which I highly suggest, that place is wicked awesome. I think I'll put up the pic of me posing with Spiderman on the cover of a comic book there's fire and everything... -u- Oh, and an absolutely EPIC book i vowed to recomend to anyone possible, it the Leviathan trilogy--its about this really brave girl who dresses up as a boy to join his majesty's royal air navy because she wants to fly-the airships are actually fabricated living creatures-she's a Darwinist. And it's also about a prince who is the hypothetical son to archduke frans Ferdinand-he's a clanker-means he works with high tech mechaniks and whatnot. It's basically a retelling of another version of WWI, it's an awesome book, please check it out, it's just amazing, and it needs more recognition. Its like steampunk to the max, truly awesome]]

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