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Fandom Winged

Callie felt the muscles in Alex's arm relax, and watched his fists unclench. She wasn't sure how she always did that, but it seemed to work every time. She smiled at his words about how he wasn't sure what he would do without all of them. Well, not to ruin the whole family moment, but if they weren't all together, they would probably all be dead by now, Callie thought. But she kept that part to herself. She turned and looked up at the sky, seeing Blaire. She nodded at Alex's words, and sprang into the sky. She fell a few inches, until her creme colored wings snapped out and carried her upwards. She heard the rest of the flock follow her, and she flew over to where Blaire was. Keanu paused next to Blaire and Callie, hovering a few feet above them. "Where are we off to?" He asked, his eyes scanning the ground above them for things to do.
Blaire shrugged, "Whatever looks interesting, maybe?" She flew forwards a bit, looking over her shoulder, "We can check out the islands and see what we can find. Dunno much about the area, it'd be good to know the surroundings,"
Liza smiles at everyone, her mood cheered, and bounces on her toes slightly. "Can we get ice cream? Please? I never never had none and I saw a picture on time and it looked good. Can we? And can I see a dinosaur? They look fun."
Heather grinned at the idea of ice cream. "Good idea," she said, smiling big at Liza. What a smart girl. She circled in the air, happy to finally be happy. She knew they would face great danger ahead in the future. But right now, it was nice. She grinned and looked at the ground, taking in the sites.
Callie had to contain herself from screaming at the mention of ice cream. It was her favorite food, ever, and she ate it whenever possible. "Yes yes yes, we're getting ice cream." She stated, and flew in large circles, looking for places that might sell ice cream. Brinley looked over at Liza and giggled. "I don't think we'll see any dinosaurs, they all died a few years ago." She did a quick black flip in the air out of boredom. "Though it would be cool to ride one..." She thought out loud.
Liza bounces again, beaming, dimples popping up in her cheeks. "Yesss! Ice cream!!! And dinosaurs! I wanna ride one too...the long neck ones. They aren't dead, I just saw them on tv and that was only not too long ago so they're still okay. Can we see them please, please?"
Alex held back his laugh at Liza's exclamation of dinosaurs, still kept in during Callie's reaction, but as Brinley mentioned them only dying a few years ago. He couldn't help it. He burst out laughing, a proper laugh. For like the first time EVER infront of them. For the first time in a decade. He finally stopped and looked at Brinley and Liza, "Dinosaurs died AGES ago guys, like thousands and thousands of years!" He grinned at them, and then focused his mind in on Callie, sending her a message, 'Found any good ice cream places?'
Callie jumped when Alex laughed. It actually surprised her, she didn't think she had ever really heard Alex laugh for real. Brinley frowned at Alex's explanation. So they probably wouldn't be seeing any dinosaurs. "Well, crap." She said, folding her arms over her chest. Callie cracked a smile at the two girls, and at Alex's laughing. She always liked it the best when the flock was like this, all calm and acting like they don't care. She heard Alex's thought and shot one back. 'Not yet. But it's Hawaii, I'm sure they sell it everywhere.' ​She stopped doing circles, and came back over towards the flock. "I think we should just walk around town, I'm sure we can find ice cream pretty easy doing that."
"Good idea!" Heather said, giddy with whatever they were doing. Heather wasn't as suprized when Alex laughed. She hadn't known him long. Long enough though. She ran ideas of chocolate flavors through her head when she said, "wait! How are going to pay for it? Do we have money?"
Liza pouts, not accepting Alex's explanation, and tugs on his sleeve, looking around at the others and Brinley for support. "Nuh uh. They did not either 'cause I saw them on TV. Plus also I saw some little blue people with white hats called smurfs, one time. Those look like fun to see too. Where do they live?"

(lol she doesn't understand that tv isn't always real. the few times she watched it, no one explained that to her)
Callie smiled at Liza. No one had obviously explained to her that TV wasn't always the real deal. "TV sometimes makes stuff up." She explained simply. Dally had heard Callie and Alex say that dinosaurs were long gone, but he wasn't having it. "Callie, can we get a baby dinosaur? I promise I'll feed it whenever it's hungry and I'll take it out in the middle of the night and-" He planed on saying more, but silenced him. "Dally you're starting to sound more and more like Brinley. Do you know how big a baby dinosaur gets? Plus, it eats other huge dinosaurs and I'm pretty sure it's hard to potty train. Though it would be easy to destroy the school with one. Oh what am I even saying, dinosaurs aren't real!" She stated firmly. She watched as Dallas pouted, and she herself frowned as Heather asked if they had money. "All our cash is back at the base. We can swing by and pick some up." She didn't wait for anyone to answer, as she swung around and coasted off in the direction of where they were staying.
Blaire chuckled and flew over to hover above Liza and the others, "You can't believe a lot of things you see on TV, sunshine," she said softly, "They're companies who make movies and TV shows and such purely for the entertain, so people can have fun. Just like you thought dinosaurs are awesome, other thought so too; so they made a movie about it so people could have fun watching the amazing dinosaurs in action, since there arent any any more," Blaire explained gently. She didn't go into full detail about the money business behind it all--that would be a discussion for another day. "We can talk more over ice-cream," Blaire said as she angled downward for the street, landing lightly in an alley. She buttoned up her khaki shirt half way and tied her hair back in a loose ponytail while she waited for the rest of the Flock, then walked out to the street's sidewalk.
Disappointed, Liza frowns, tilting her head slightly as she considers the responses of the others before she shakes her head, mumbling somewhat resentfully, "Well how do we even know if it's real or not then? 'cause a lotta people don't even think people can have wings and we do. And how do you even know if anything is real 'cause you see it there and so it's gotta be real somewhere or how else would they even make it happen? I saw it with my very own eyes. And how could they even know what it looks like if it's not real?"

Nevertheless she follows after the others. "How come ice cream is real then?"
"Well, sometimes it's knowing, which comes with time, others it's common sense," she said, then briefly explained the concept of reality versus sitcom versus documentary-educational programs. "Ice cream is made out of milk and sugar,"
This does not entirely click in Liza's mind, but she shrugs it off and decides that until proven otherwise, she'll assume everything is real that she saw on tv. She takes Callie's hand as they move forward, looking up at her. "Do you feel better now?"
Callie wasn't really paying attention to Blaire and Liza as she flew over the stretch of ocean back towards their bunk. She jumped slightly as Liza's hand slipped into her's, snapping out of her thoughts. She smiled down at the little girl. "Much better." She nodded and kept her wings up higher, so they didn't bang into Liza's. She saw the outline of their building with her raptor vision, and within two minutes she landed on the green grass softly. She hoped that the lady in the khaki who resembled a pit bull wouldn't be waiting to chew their heads off for leaving unannounced or something else of that sort. She walked over to the large metal doors and put her hand on the handle. She didn't twist it yet though, as she dug in her pocket for the key. Even if she did have it when they left, it would have fallen out in the ocean. "Uh, did anyone happen to grab an extra key?" She asked, though she knew no one had. She was about to turn around and go face pit-bull, when an ice cold chill swept through her body that made her freeze. Her breathe caught in her throat as she immediately felt the danger, and heard the soothing voice. "Looking for this?" The voice purred, a voice that could belong to no other then a Tracker. Callie swallowed and without moving her head, only her eyes, she could see the large hairy arm, and the shine of a small key dangling from the clawed fingers. Well, this day was going fantastic. How had she not sensed them before they had landed. She slowly turned around, and to see there was about ten forming a semi-circle around the one holding the key. There's was probably more not far away, and she had a feeling this was going to end in a pretty bad fight.

(Decided to throw a quick fight in there xD )
Blaire landed behind Callie in front of their temporary home. SHe froze when the words of the trackers drifted to her ears. Soon there was a ring of trackers surrounding them. Her skin bristled and a small amused smile stretched across her lips. Blaire broke into a run and lept at the closest tracker, spinning mid-air then snapping her leg out and delivering a crack to tracker's jaw with the heal of her combat boot. "You guys sure chose a rotten time to show your ugly faces." she chuckled under her breath as she dropped into a roll and kicked the feet out from under one and quickly snapping his neck, then sprang up to grab another by the front and throw them down to knee them in the stomach hard before tossing the tracker aside. "Bunch of low-lifes...Cowards...Kidnapping a child!...As if my brother wasn't enough!" She growled between punches, "Resentment is an understatement." She kicked the knees out from behind another and stuck her knee out as he was falling and cracked the spine.

She was on a hot streak. No one could touch her. At least that's what she thought. Suddenly a hand enclosed around her neck from behind and lifted her off the ground. She tore at the thick clawed fingers, struggling for air. She inferred the tracker was holding her at arm's length since she couldnt hit him with the back of her head or kick him.
Liza stares, eyes wide, as Blaire attacks the tracker, astonished at the violence she is showing them. But as she reaches out with her mind, giving a quick scan of their thoughts, she narrows her eyes, quickly taking this in stride as she announces, "You are all really bad and you better give Lillie and that other guy back OR ELSE!"

Her eyes open, unlblinking, she stares at them, and a wind begins to form around them. It is light at first, but quickly strengthens until the trackers are barely able to remain on their feet- yet it somehow doesn't affect Blaire or the others at all. Lightning crackles, very close to hitting them, and it is clear she is controlling it.
(Yay! Fight! xD )

Alex follows the others with an amused expression; finding their talk of dinosaurs rather funny. That is until he hears the purring voice of the tracker and his fists clench. He turns to look at them and by this point Blaire had beaten the s**t out of a lot of them and is now struggling for breath. His eyes narrow to slits and a black, dangerous aura radiates from him immediently, "Put her down, right, now." He has to restrain himself from swearing for Liza's sake and barely notices her power because of his focus on the Tracker. The idiotic Tracker doesn't listen to him so he lifts his hand and clenches his fist, his eyes staring at the tracker like a plane locked onto a target. His fist shakes and the tracker's body begins to imitate it, the 60% percent of water in the body moving around and hitting against the tracker's inside, causing them to move. Alex then flicks up one finger and the Tracker's eyes widen as he ends up dropping Blaire and gripping his throat, trying to stop the water that is rising to the top of his body. All of it. He staggers back and Alex notices a tracker running at him from the corner of his eye, trying to distract him. With a quick swipe of his hand the struggling Tracker's lungs fill with water and he drowns, just in time for Alex to duck the blow to his head and shove his whole body at the Tracker's legs, rugby tackling him to the ground. He glares at him and slams his fist down onto the Tracker's tummy, he then hears more footsteps behind him and grabs the Tracker's neck, twists it sharply to the side - making a nice snapping sound of death - in time to jump up and slam his foot into the Tracker that tried to sneak up behind him. His annoyance at himself for not protecting Lillie properly was coming out now, a lot.
Heather almost fainted when she herd the trackers. She broke into a gymnastic routine of double whips and Arabians, her legs smashing into different parts if there body. She sprinted into an Arabian front punch and the heel of her shoe went threw one of there necks. Flexibility comes with advantages in combat and it defanitly helped Heather.
Callie smirked and nodded. "Yeah, that is what I was looking for, but I see you already found it." She growled, and in the next second she was in the air and landing a hard kick to the trackers chest. A kick like that could easily break a normal mans ribs. It could knock the air out of Keanu or Alex, but it barely phased the huge tracker. They were making them stronger and stronger. This didn't stop Callie though, and she only used it as a distraction. While the tracker regained his balance, Callie raised both of her hands and dropped them down where the trackers neck met his shoulder. He cried out in pain, sinking to his knees. She heard another tracker running up behind her, and as soon as he reached out to grab her she ducked down and swung her leg out, tripping the tracker. She watched that tracker fall onto the one holding his neck. She looked around while fighting off more trackers, to make sure her flock was ok. They all seemed to be holding their own, and most of the trackers were now dead, seriously injured, or had left before they fell into one of those categories. She was so busy watching the others that she fell with an audible 'oof' as a tracker knocked her onto her back. Callie struggled to get up, but in the next second, the huge tracker was sitting right on her stomach. All of the air in her lungs left with a woosh, and Callie started beating the tracker with her fists. It didn't do much. "Get...off...of...me...fatty!" She managed to yell, trying to breathe. Keanu grabbed a tracker from behind that was attacking Dally. He grabbed the trackers arm, twisted it, and pulled it up behind his back. He cringed at the audible popping noise of the trackers shoulder coming out of place. He lifted his boot, and easily kicked the tracker face down into the mud as he rolled around in pain.
Alex heard Callie and looked over to see a tracker SITTING on her. He growled inhumanly and in the next instant had rushed over behind him so that he didn't notice him, grabbed his head and twisted it sharply to the side so that it snapped his neck and killed him within a few seconds, he kicked the - now dead - Tracker's back so that he fell off of Callie and gripped her hand, pulling her up to see another Tracker running at them, he flicked his wrist and the Tracker stopped as a huge gush of water burst from his mouth and he flopped to the ground, having drownt from the water that filled his lungs, he grinned lightly at her, "May have made them stronger, but didn't make them waterproof"
Callie filled her lungs with air as soon as the huge weight was lifted off of her. The trackers had at least 100 pounds on her. She gladly took Alex's hand, and helped to pull herself up. She looked around, seeing the only remaining trackers fleeing into the woods. She had a feeling that wouldn't be the last they would see of them. "Report!" She yelled, and was happy to see that her flock members were at least all in one piece. Keanu raised his hand. "Here." Callie looked him over, noticing his black eye and the way he was limping. Dally and Brinley yelled 'here' at the same time. Dally's nose was bleeding and Brinley didn't even look like she was touched. Probably because she could see into the future and knew what the trackers moves were going to be even before the trackers knew themselves.
As the others had joined in on the attack, Liza had lessened the force of the lightning and took care to redirect it away from them; she smiled with triumph as she struck several of the Trackers, some dead, others not quite there, her face set determinedly. As the Flock retreats, Liza follows, the weather gradually returning to normal as she comes up alongside them. She whispers "here" as it sinks in that she just hurt the "bad guys;" even though she knows it was necessary that needed, and Liza is not opposed to doing so under those circumstances, she is thinking of the pain that had flashed through them in those final moments and her chin trembles, her eyes tearing. She rubs her eyes, hoping that she won't have to do that again.

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