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Fandom Winged

As the tracker released his grip when Alex took care of it, Blaire dropped to the ground, landing hard on her back, and twisting her wing awkwardly. She bit her lip through the pain and jack-knifed back onto her feet. Another stupidly approached her and she knocked him back with a roundhouse kick, but he stubbornly came back and threw a killer left-hook. Blaire dodged backwards just in time; it was close, only a claw swept across her cheek, leaving a bloody gash that ran down to the corner of her mouth. But it wasn't close enough, another tracker took the chance to grab her from behind in a bear hug when she backed away the the punch. "Dammit." Blaire cursed under her breath. The breath was squeezed out of her lungs. The tracker recovered, spiteful of the way she had taken out his comrades, and delivered a hard blow to her stomach. Blaire grunted then coughed out some blood on the ground. She looked up at the tracker with cold eyes of absolute rage, she wasn't going to let herself become trapped again. Her hands clenched and she swung her head back into the tracker's wolfish, very sensitive nose. The tracker howled in pain, his grip loosening, in which Blaire took the chance to break free. She stuck out her hand in front of her at the first tracker and wiped the blood from her mouth with the back of her hand. Her irises flashed with a glowing bright blue, gleaming with an unstable power. Blaire's hand closed into a tight fist and the tracker collapsed inwards in a crippled, shriveled ball as the water in his body was condensed and evaporated into the air in a single moment. Blaire turned to face the other tracker. "We're getting Demitri back. And there is nothing you can do to stop us." She said in a murderous growl. Blaire pointed behind her at the tracker lay crumpled in a heap on the ground, "Stay and end up like your 'poor friend' there. Tell Chu, Alex and I are coming for his life, because we will find him and we won't stop until he is dead." The tracker whimpered and scampered off in a flash.
Alex grinned, already standing beside her, "Here." He whispered lightly into her ear and then looked over to Blaire, hearing her words about Chu's life, he nodded determindly and walked over to her, and looked down at the man, "Nice work." He commented casually, as if she had just drawn a picture, although his voice had a strong hint of anger directed at the dead body, "I'll have to try that someday." He then looked up and noticed Liza with her watery eyes, he growled mentally, damn Trackers, ruining lifes of those so young. He went over to her and without another thought wrapped his arms around in a hug as he dropped down to her level, "It'll be fine Liza, I won't let the bad guys hurt you." His heart throbbed painfully as he released he had made that exact same promise to Lillie, and where was she now? God know's where with Chu and his hench men inflicting all sorts of torture on her.
Callie rolled her eyes playfully as Alex whispered here. "Wow, almost didn't see you." She smirked at him, as the Flock all came together again. She sighed and rubbed her sore arm, knowing they were expecting her to say something. "Well that was...unexpected." She kind of figured they wouldn't go much longer without being attacked, but she had at least hoped maybe they could wait it off a little longer. "Maybe we should skip ice cream and just eat here." She mumbled, against her will. But it was the safest thing to do and she wasn't risking loosing another member.
Heather rolled her neck and stretched her limbs as the group came together. She was limping slightly due to the fact that she kicked a tracker so hard her leg did a 360 degree, windmill. She looked at the others with a worried face. She wanted to get 'home' as quick as possible. She had only been in a few fights with the trackers before she meet the group and this was kinda scathe to her. She looked around paranoid even though the trackers had gone.
Liza hugs Alex back, sniffling; it wasn't them hurting her that was really bothering her, and she says so. "I don't really wanna hurt people. But they're so bad you just got to and I don't like it."

She looks over at Callie, disappointed. "Do we got food?"
Blaire smiled smugly for a moment at Alex before her face pulled back to neutral and controlled. She curled her fists and surveyed the damage; her knuckles were bloody and torn from punching tracker skulls, and her ribs definitely ached. She spat out the blood in her mouth and pulled off her khaki button up shirt, that was tucked in at her waistband, to dab at the gash across her cheekbone. She winced slightly as a bit of sand that was still left on her shirt from the beach stung at the gash, other than that she worked through the pain--it didn't help that her headache was coming back as well. "We should find Pit-bull woman and tell her what happened so we can change safe houses..." Blaire said, tossing the shirt aside. It was torn from were she had cut slits for her wings and now bloodied and dirty, like she was actually going to bother carrying the thing around. "--But I rather eat first. I'm starved."
Callie noticed the shine from the key that was now on the ground, near the door. It was still being clutched tightly in the clawed hand of the Tracker. She walked over to it slowly, and bent down. She carefully uncurled the huge fingers of the Tracker, retrieving the key. Her fingers lingered there for a second too long, and much to her surprise, the huge hand closed tightly against her wrist. She let out a surprised yelp, and out of instinct, she kicked the side of the trackers head hard with her heavy boots. She heard the tracker let out one last moan, and then slowly let go of Callie's wrist. Callie's heart was beating what felt like 100 times a second. She slowly walked back over to the rest of the flock, her fist covering the key. "Yeah, food. And a new safe house, yep that would be good too." She said quickly, and started walking towards the main building where she knew Lieutenant Khaki probably was.
Latching onto Alex's hand, then holding out her other hand hoping someone else will take it, Liza follows after Callie, glancing back at Blaire in particular and some of the other injured Flock with worry. She wishes she could heal them, and the other Trackers too, even if they are bad. She speaks out loud about this.

"Do you guys think if people were really really nice to the bad guys maybe they'd feel bad and act good?"
Alex looked down at Liza as she spoke, he smiled lightly and followed the others inside the building, she was too nice for her own good. "I don't think so Liza, they were programmed to be bad." He looked away numbly, "And some people are just twisted in the head." He spoke darkly and then realized how depressing it sounded, especially since he was talking to a child. He looked around, "Yeah let's find pit bull and eat, I'm starving." Alex spoke lightly, as if he was trying to cover something up. Let's just say, Alex knew something the others didn't. He heard a peed off voice behind him, "And who is 'pit bull'?" He turned to see the khaki woman glaring at him and he blinked, then his eyes hardened and his dangerous aura was immediently emitted as his guard was put up. He didn't answer and she spoke sharply, "I said, who is pit bull?" Still he didn't answer as his hands found their way to his pockets. He could see she was getting pi**ed off by him not answering.
Callie entered the main building, and looked around for some kind of food. She was busy peeking into different doors when she heard Khaki women's voice. She spun around, almost knocking into her. She pulled back, trying to cover up by smiling. "Pit bull is um...Keanu!" She said quickly. "We call him pit bull sometimes because ya know...he can be really mean and nasty. And he barks." She made a motion behind her back when she heard Keanu open his mouth to protest. "But hey, looks like we found him!" She grabbed her brothers arm, pulling him up next to her. "So how about that food?" Callie asked, using her very rare 'innocent' voice and batted her eyelashes. It was taking all of her power not to burst out laughing.
Blaire turned aside to cover her smile before she could laugh. Eventually she forced the amusement off her face and turned back to the khaki woman. "Um, so anyways." Blaire said and scratched the back of her neck, "We need a new safe house. Our current one has been...compromised." She explained briefly about the situation with trackers finding out about their location. The khaki woman nodded, "We will set up a new location immediately, and I will talk to the head of security about any more precautions we can take so we can avoid the issue in the future. Until that time, sit tight, enjoy the island."
Looking between everyone, Liza frowns. "I thought a pit bull is a dog. Keanu isn't a dog. Isn't it not nice to call someone a dog 'cause they aren't a dog really?"
Callie nodded a silently thank you to the khaki women. Usually she would laugh in the face of someone who thought they could provide them with protection. But this was the Army they were dealing with. And the army had like guns and bombs. Really big and powerful guns and bombs. But at the same time they didn't have a whole army of bird kids, only the flock. And bird kids seemed to be one of the few things that could successfully take down Trackers. She let go of the breath that she had found herself holding in. She addressed Liza first. "A pit-bull is a dog, and you're right, Keanu isn't. But sometimes you just have to... improvise. So you don't get your butt kicked for calling some army commander or whatever she is a dog." She explained simply and then clapped her hands together. "So how about we uh...clean up a little and then go get some food?" She looked around at her bleeding and battered flock. That little fight had been nothing compaired to some other fights they'd been through, but most of them were still bleeding here or there or had some kind of injury. Nothing new.
Blaire nodded and jumped into the air again, even though their temporary housing had been. Omprimised, they still had their stuff in there and they hadn't been set up with new housing. Blaire flew to their hut thing and landed outside the door, then realized she had no key. A well placed boot would fix that, but it was a bit of overkill. Instead, Blaire pulled a leatherman tool out of the side of her combat boot and flipped it open. Blaire opened it to a small tool that had once been a pair of tweezers, but she had modified to be a pick lock, and started jiggling it in the key hole. The was and audible click as the door unlocked. Blaire smirked and pushed the door open. She walked through it, scoping out the rooms to make sure nothing was hiding to ambush them.

She went into the bathroom and turned the faucet on cold and let it run, gripping the edge of the sink. She coughed and the sink basin became speckled with crimson flecks. "Dammit," she mumbled. That tracker must have pushed something around, she would be fine, they healed fast, so maybe about a couple hours and she would be fine. She washed her face, cleaned her cuts, and tapped the gash on her cheek together with thin facial bandages. Blaire left the bathroom and went and flopped on the couch, waiting for the Flock.
Alex had lost his serious glare when Callie covered up the pitbull thing by saying it was Keanu's nickname, he turned around with a small smirk on his face, "Maybe that should be your new nickname, eh Night?" He looked to Callie as she spoke about getting cleaned up, he had a bit of Tracker blood splattered on him so he nodded, though none of the blood on him was his own. He waited until all the others had taken off then jumped up into the air, speeding up slightly so that he was beside Liza, he looked down at the ground as they flew, thinking of Lillie once more. How long was it going to take to get her back? He couldn't just spend days doing nothing while she was being put through a hell she didn't deserve.
Callie giggled at Alexs comment about Keanu and nodded in agreement. Keanu just glared at him and Callie. "I blame you." He said to Callie, pointing to her. Callie rolled her eyes and took to the air, making her way back to the safe house. She used the bathroom after Blaire. She turned the faucet on cold, and worked on scrubbing the dried blood off. She noticed a small gash on her arm and frowned. She wet a cloth, and pressed it to the wound that was still bleeding. It would be healed very soon though. She also changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top, since they obviously werent working on the test at the moment. She put the uniform in her bag though just incase the khaki lady yelled at her for not wearing it.
In their new safe house Liza walks around slowly, taking everything in. She has never been inside a house of any kind, and she turns to the others, as usual, full of questions. "Are we gonna live here? How do we know it's safe? Aren't we gonna go get Lillie 'cause it's been a long time I think."
Blaire lofted her head in Liza's direction, "No, we won't be staying here long, the Navy lady said she will be giving us a new place to stay the night. And right now, they think they are holding Demitri and Lillie in a submarine or something under the ocean, so we're waiting for the Navy's submarine to get here so we can go and find them. Since the Navy is all stuffy and formal, it takes them a while to do something, even in when they're rushing--it all comes down to all the paperwork, I guess. Dunno why they have to waste their time with a paper trail...I just wish we could find them ourselves and avoid all this mess." Blaire sighed and shifted into a more comfortable position on the couch, staring at the ceiling with her arms folded behind her head.
Alex followed them all into the safe house, he noticed Callie's change of clothes when she re-entered and grinned lightly, "Nice idea." He got up and went over to his bag, pulled out some jeans and normal top and changed into them in the other room. He walked back into the other room and plonked himself down on the sofa beside Blaire, looking over as Liza spoke. He looked away however when she mentioned Lillie, glad Blaire answered for her. He noticed how everyone besides Blaire seemed to be leaving Demitri out, maybe it's because Lillie is younger and they think Demitri would be more able to defend himself. He sighed and leant his head back on the sofa, closing his eyes as his hands curled up into tight fists and his whole body tensed. He was sifting through millions of minds, trying to find Lillie's or Demitri's. His hands began to turn white as he clenched them. After a few good minutes, he sighed and his body relaxed slightly as he opened his eyes. Nothing. His telepathy could stretch for a few countries, so why couldn't he reach Lillie and Demitri? They were in the same country. He frowned, maybe water affected it?
Callie plopped herself down in the couch as well, waiting for all of the others to finish cleaning up. She noticed Alex's body tence up completely, and she frowned. Was he talking to Demitri or Lillie? She moved her knee so that it was touching Alex's. She knew that her touch usually seemed to calm him down, So she tried doing it that way as well. After she saw everyone else was done cleaning themselves up, she stood. "Who wants food?" It was a silly question, they were always hungry.
Liza nods. "I like food." But she is frowning, watching Alex. Sitting at his feet, looking up at him again, she closes her eyes, tensing her face, body, and fists in imitation of him. She isn't sure what he was doing but she figures she better repeat it too, if it's important. Finally she looks up and announces, "Nothing happened."
Alex smiles lightly as Callie's knee rested against him, just the gesture warming him up despite the extra subtle body heat. Was it possible for cold thoughts to make you cold? It sure felt like it right now. Thinking about Lillie, Demitri and that Mr. Chu was making him freezing cold. He looked over at Liza and noticed her copying him before she looks to him and tells him nothing happened. It feels like his heart clenches inside his chest and he responses rather stiffly, not in a mean way, just almost like a robotic way. "I know..." He blinks and looks down, "But I'm hoping it will soon." He looks back up at her and realizes she has no idea what he's on about, he gives a small smile, "I was looking for Lillie or Demitri's mind. I have telepathy Liza, I can read people's minds, if I want to.." He adds carefully, wanting her to know he couldn't hear her thoughts 24/7. "And I can make other people hear my thoughts." He grins lightly, "Like this." He then focuses in on Liza's mind and sends her a clear thought, sounding like he had just spoken in her mind, 'Hey Liza! It's me, Alex!' He found this a bit odd, explaining it. He never had to with Lillie since she had it too, and he never really told the others how it worked.
But Liza doesn't react with fear or surprise. Instead she grins, even giving a light bounce in her seat. She chooses to reply mentally, as he just did with her.

Oooh! I can do that too!!! 'cause that's how I finded you guys. 'Cause i had to stretch out really really far and then I finded out other people had wings, and then I finded out you got away, and then I had to find out how I could get away and I did it. Even though I got headaches bad for a while. And then I got out and I finded you and that was 'cause I did this thing in your heads!
Callie listened quietly to Alex explain to Liza about his telepathy. She could send thoughts into peoples minds and receive thoughts, but she couldn't read minds unlike her brother who had gotten the full package. She didn't really mind not being able to read peoples minds. She didn't think she wanted to know what some people were thinking sometimes. Seeing that everyone was basically ready to eat, she opened the door and took no time in getting a running start before jumping into the air, her powerful wings rising her quickly. Keanu followed Callie out the door, but before jumping into the air, he sent a thought to Alex since they were talking about telepathy and all. 'So when are you going to tell my sister you like her?' He smirked at him, and then jumped into the air quickly. He wasn't going to stick around for Alex to try and kill him for that.
Blaire rolled off the couch an followed the others out into the hot and humid Hawaiin air. She deliberated in jumping into the sky after the other. Her stomach swooned a bit, and her face paled. She stretched her wings out regardless and went to join the others. The wind against her balmy skin made her feel a little better. Blaire had to question why this was happening, or still happening. Over exertion? No, because she hadent done more than she would have in a day, and the sucker punch to her gut, well, she healed fast, no lasting damage, but it still didnt explain what was going on.

Hawaii was so beautiful, Blaire wanted to enjoy her time here as much as possible. So she swallowed back whatever was nagging at her and put on her poker face.

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