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Fandom Winged

As she notices then what is happening with Callie, and Blaire's panic and fear as she goes to her, holding her up, Liza freezes, wet hair half covering her face as she turns towards them, her mouth opening. She begins to shiver partly in cold, partly in fear as she puts wet, salty fingers in her mouth, calling out anxiously, "Callie?"
Callie was getting the hang of breathing underwater, when she was pulled up by Blaire. Her attack was over now, and she was glad it last only half the time as the first one. She looked around her, everyone in the flock staring with wide, worried eyes. She coughed a little, her throat sore from all of the salt. "Yeah, I'm fine," She squeaked out, getting her voice back. She pushed her hair back, since some of the pieces were starting to flop in front of her face. She smiled a little. "I can breathe underwater." She stated simply. Keanu rose his eyebrows and glanced at Blaire. "What do you mean by that exactly?"
Heather wraped her arms around Liza. "Look away! I don't want you to see this again!" She stepped in front of Liza and looked back at Callie, tears in her eyes. Hoping callie didn't swallow to much water. She realized it was over and she fell into the water, releaved.
Pressing against Heather, Liza keeps her eyes closed, covering her eyes with her hands for good measure, and presses herself against her chest, biting her lower lip,heart racing as she asks, "How come she keeps doing this?"
Blaire's eyes widened, she shrugged her shoulders slightly in response. She had manipulation over water, but she could never breathe it, regardless of the fact that she had never wanted to try. Besides, she had know too many times from playing around in water that breathing it was not compatible with her system, since coughing and choking, you know, isn't really pleasant. Anyhow, the concept of breathing water was unfamiliar, only thing she had tried was maneuvering an air pocket around her face for an air supply. "I don't know what to say," she murmured in awe, "Have you always been able to do that?"
Heather hugs Liza tight. "Its ok sweetie, shes fine now. I don't know why she keeps doing this. I wish I knew but I don't." She kissed lizas head and squeezed her tight.
Turning and hugging Heather back, her eyes still closed, Liza whispers, "She don't know either, I don't think. But it makes her feel bad and me too." She pauses, then asks quietly, "Is one of you gonna be my mama and daddy now....can I open my eyes up yet?"
Callie shrugged as she continued to sit in the sand, water droplets falling off the ends of her hair. "I don't know, right now was the only time I've ever tried. Well, I don't think I would have tried but I was kinda dying so." She shrugged again and looked at Keanu. "I opened my mouth to try and breath and then I kinda got a mouth full of water. So I tried to breathe through my nose, and when I breathed out, the water like, evaporated out of my mouth. And I was breathing." Keanu nodded slowly, and Dally jumped up. "I wanna try!" He yelled, and before Callie could stop him, he was leaning over in the water and taking a mouthful of water. And of course since Callie could breathe underwater, they all had to try. Brinley, Dally, and Keanu soon learned that they couldn't breathe underwater, and I'll spare you the details of the whole choke-feast. Let's just say Callie didn't plan on swimming in this part of Hawaii's ocean again for a while.
Heather was slightly shocked at the mom and dad question but she was also humbled. "Yes sweetie you can open your eyes." Heather continued to hug her though. The poor innocent girl. Why does she have to be exposed to this? She knew callie was fine but Liza got worried sick every time something happened to anyone. What a sweet girl.
Liza opens her eyes, watching the others with continued solemnity for a while and allowing Heather to hug her before she finally pulls away, tentatively ducking her face underwater to try as well. When she discover that she too can breathe, she returns to surface with a smile. "Ooh, that's wicked."
Heather shrugged. "Oh what the heck," she shoved her face in the water. She could only breath 2 or 3 breaths but it was a start. "Wow! How neat!" She did it again and again.
Blaire looks at the others inhaling water, some coughing it all back out, and shakes her head tenitively, backing away from the water and settling down in the warm sand, "I'm had my share of water up my nose, I'm not about try with salt water..." she said hesitantly. Blaire wrung out her hair and pulled off her khaki button down shirt for the tee-shirt underneath, and laid it out across the sand to dry.
Alex had noticed immediently as Callie fell under the water, since he had been watching her with a small smile, and as he ran to the water in a panic he once again peered into her head. He saw all the images that she did again but this time it distracted his brain and body so much that he found himself freezing and dropping to the sand on his knees. He clutched his head as the images ran through his brain, he was fighting an internal battle, his heart wanting to go to Callie, but his brain keeping him there. Once Callie's attack was over, he managed to get up and jump into the water, it parted for him and pushed him forward, causing him to literally glide through the sea. He stopped beside her and looked at her with worry in his eyes, not having heard the bit about her being able to breathe, "Callie, are you alright?" He focused on her solely, her little panic things were freaking her out, especially since he had seen both of the images they came with.
Callie giggled as some of the kids failed at breathing underwater, including her brother, while others also were surprised to see they could do it. Callie felt fine now, like nothing ever even happened. She looked up at Alex, and could tell that he had seen the images as well. She nodded, smiling. "Yeah, I got a new skill. I can breathe underwater. Try it." She motioned towards the water, expecting him to try like all the others. Unless he already knew, of course. Keanu walked back over to the rest of the flock, coughing. "Too," He started as he got a breath, but then went into a coughing fit again. "much water" he finished, trying to clear his throat.
Her short hair was coming loose from the braid as it began to dry in the hot beachy air, and drifted in strands across her face. Blaire sighed, observing the flock, "Welp, seeing as this section of the ocean is contaminated for a good few days. We should fly around until we're dry then hit some tourist spots," she suggested.
Alex grinned at seeing her smile, then shrugged, "Alright, don't reckon I can though." He dipped his whole head under the water and took in a deep gulp of water, trying to make it seem as if it were oxygen instead, He then reminded himself that water had oxygen in it anyway. While he was thinking about this he realized he had been breathing the water, he frowned and tugged his head back out of the water, his wet hair dripping over his eyes slightly as he grinned, "That's awesome." He smiled at Callie, glad that he was able to do it aswell.

He looked over at Blaire as she spoke and nodded, he then heard Keanu and chuckled lightly, speaking under his breath, "Nice one Night." He then looked at the others a bit hesitantly, even though he was getting more comfortable around them, he still didn't like talking so much, "Anyone want an insta-dry?" He spoke as he walked out of the water, demonstrating what he meant as the water on his clothes and hair just fell off of him and back into the water, leaving him dry.
Callie smiled brightly at Alex and nodded. She was kinda glad that she wasn't the only one who could do this. She heard Blaire, and quickly got out of the water. She wasn't really convinced that she wanted to stay in that water anymore. She took the hair elastic out of her hair, her messed up french braid coming undone. She looked over at Alex. "I do!" She yelled, and stood still, waiting for him to dry her. Brinley ran up next to Callie. "Oooh me too!"
Heather undid her hair, leaving it wavey. She ran over to Alex but tried to do it her self. She couldn't though. The idea of tourism was fun to her. She had never been on a vacation so it was new to her. "I hope I see dolphin's," she said to no one in particular. She had always loved dolphins. Heather put her hair back up into a much simpler, Japanese, side pony tail.
Liza runs over to Alex, smiling, and turns towards him. "Me too please?" She is relieved the others seem okay and happy now, and her body is noticeably more relaxed.
Blaire shook out her wings, normally she kept them tucked tight to her back, but the occasional water droplets would stick to the primaries because of surface tension. She pulled her wing out and around her so she could straighten out a few her white feathers sticking up the wrong way, or else toss aside the molted ones that hadn't fallen off yet. Blaire took a deep breath and relaxed her shoulders, 'Come on, Blaire, you can't let this get the best of you. Fight it.' She swept her hand through the air over her torso and then towards the ocean. The water followed, pulling off her skin, clothing, and hair, before splashing back into the ocean.

She smiled smugly and ruffled her wings out a bit, letting them relax against her back instead of pulling them back in tight.
Alex smiled at them all and quickly focused on the water on Callie, Brinley, Liza and Heather. He then with a wave of his hand made the water fly off of all of them at the same time, leaving their hair dry and their clothes dry, "There you go. Now the pit-bull won't bark at us for getting our clothes wet." He suddenly looked down painfully, imagining Lillie laughing and then giving him a big smile for talking to the others and being sociable. His fists clenched inside his pockets as he thought of what might be happening to her right now; he was going to kill each and every one of Chu's men, including Chu himself. His dark hair flopped over his eyes as he kept his gaze on the soft, silky sand, his willingness to socialize suddenly gone just like that.
Frowning up at Alex, Liza senses his feelings and wraps her arms around him, looking up at him with her chin rested against him in her effort to comfort.

"It's okay to be sad, Alex...and we're gonna get her back. Remember? You said so."
Callie smiled as the water flew off of her. Much better. She rolled her shoulders, feeling her wings loosen slightly. She looked back over at Alex, seeing that he suddenly looked very mad and upset again. She slowly walked over to him, and put her hand on his arm lightly. She had done this before, and had learned how quickly it seemed to calm him. She made sure to look into his eyes. "We'll get her back, I promise. We always do." She said encouragingly, giving him a reassuring smile. Callie was an awesome liar, but this time she wasn't lying. If they wanted to keep Lillie away from them, they would have to go through an angry flock of bird-kids first.
Blaire sighed, watching the others talking about the rescue, she was getting tired of them saying they would get them back. She knew they would get them back, she also knew why Alex was upset, because she was worrying for the same reason. The well-being of her brother and Lillie. Blaire ran a hand through her hair then jumped, her wings stretching and carrying her towards the sky. She circled over the beach, about 300 feet in the air.
Alex looked down at Liza and smiled lightly, then as Callie placed her hand on his arm he felt his fists unclench and his body relax, how did she do that? He looked up at Callie as she spoke and the sadness and anger cleared from his eyes, he nodded in a way as if he was trying to convince himself. He then looked down to Liza and dropped down to her level, he gave her a proper hug, he then stood back up and looked to the both of them, "I have no idea what I'd do without you guys" His eyes rested on Callie's for a while longer and then he looked around, implying that he meant the whole flock aswell. He then looked down briefly, then back to Callie, shrugging lightly, "Maybe being normal is overrated." He grins lightly, "I'd much rather be here with you guys any day." He ruffles Liza's hair and looks around at the rest of the Flock, "We ready to go be tourists guys?" Alex is smiling - kinda - now. The girl's words and his new realization seems to have brightened his mood slightly.

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