• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom Winged

Callie frowned slightly, looking at his red arm. It might not hurt anymore, but it still didn't look pleasant. "Fine. But if it hurts, you better tell me." She warned, throwing the bottle of disinfectant at him over her shoulder. She knew he would catch it before it hit him though, with their better than normal reflexes. She looked over at Liza. "You helped it a lot though. See, it's only red now. It'll probably be gone by tomorrow." She gave her a reassuring smile, while walking back over to the couch. Right as she sat down, the bell went off signaling dinner. Keanu jumped from the noise, throwing Callie off of him. "Finally!" He yelled, making his way to the door. Callie meanwhile was glaring at her brother. "I love you too!" She yelled at him, picking herself up.
Blaire sighed and stood up, glad it was finally time to eat. She slowly stretched her arms above her head and stretching on her tippy-toes for a second, still quite sore, brushing the ceiling with her fingertips. Though she was not wearing her standard issue Navy uniform, she hoped a Navy hoodie and a pair of combat boots over track shorts would suffice--Blaire didnt care otherwise. She grabbed her pocket knife and sliced slits down the back of her new hoodie, then attached it to her leg so it was hidden under her shorts. Blaire wasn't about to take any more chances with another attack.

She followed Keanu out the door. Out on the sandy grass Blaire thrust out her wings and shot into the air after a few steps running start. After a routine of spirals in the air waiting for the Flock to follow, Blaire headed off to the main building of the Navy compound. Once she found the Mess Hall she dove down quickly before billowing her wings to catch the air and swinging her legs out in front of her for a jog-in landing. Pulling her wings in, she winced, as pain spidered from her shoulder down to one of her wing joints. She clutched her shoulder, took a deep breath, and shook it off before she went over and sat down on the curb outside of the Mess Hall. Waiting, and watching the other Middies and Petty Officers and such march up the stairs for dinner.
Alex laughed at Callie and her brother, looking down to Liza, "I'm alright kiddo, don't worry. Thank you, you made it stop hurting." He grabbed her hand with his good arm and looked around, he was still wearing his army pants, but his khaki top had blood on the sleeve from the bite and was torn, he grinned lightly, they'll have to deal with it. Making sure the others were with him before he followed Blaire and sat down beside her silently, watching the stupid officers go past, "Idiots.." He muttered under his breath, pretty sure Blaire could hear.
A little reassured, Liza swings Alex's hand as they go, landing with Blaire and sitting too. She kicks her legs, impatient for food, having just now realized she is hungry. Twisting her head to look at everyone, making sure they've all joined, she says out loud, "What kinda food do you like best? I could eat all day I think probably."
Blaire chuckled at Alex's comment, her eyes trailed after a passing Navy guy. "What ever makes you say that?" she said sarcasically. Blaire watched the sky, the horizon turning slightly pink as the soon-to-be setting sun reflected off the dense clouds still hanging in the sky, though father off.
Callie and Keanu both took to the air, getting to the main building that was serving their dinner in seconds. Callie walked over to the steps where everyone seemed to be gathering, making sure they were all together. "Let's go in before these guys eat all the food." She jerked her thumb in the direction of the officers, some looking over at her. Keanu nodded, jumping into the line of soldiers. Callie actually had to bite her lip to keep from laughing about how out of place he was. The officers all had the same boring khaki outfit on, no expression, staring straight ahead, and had very short hair. Whereas Keanu was right in the middle in blood-splattered and torn clothing, long and shaggy hair, and was at least a few inches taller than most of the officers. Plus he was making faces at Callie, trying to make her laugh. Callie let a small giggle slip, before joining her brother in line with the rest of the flock. "Come on before they kick us out." She mumbled, trying to be as unnoticeable as possible as they were ushered through the door.
Liza looks up and down at the officers solemnly, feeling very small, and keeps hold of Alex's hand as she follows, whispering aloud to the others as they get in line.

"How come you know these are good guys? Did they say? You know I don't even know if any grown ups are good sometimes."
Blaire picked herself up and followed Callie into the Mess. Standing her turn in the line with the other lower class soldiers and officers, while watching the big navy whigs going into the Officer's Mess. No way would they let a bunch of dirty, bloody, mutant kids in there. It was her turn to get her food. She grabbed a tray and a couple of kitchen workers loaded her tray high, in the same proportion to all the other burly Navy cadets, though food quality wasn't exactly up to parr. Blaire grumbled incoherently as she thought how they would have the best food over in the Officer's Mess. Blaire went and sat at an empty table near the back of the Hall where the Flock wouldn't attract too much attention.

Though, even as the flock left the food line to go sit down, the rumbled of conversations dimmed and slowly, eyes shifted to the strange kids in the buidling filled with young men and women looking clean and crisp in their uniforms. Blaire caught a few murmurs of, "Lost homeless kids," and "They can't be recruits--the older ones maybe--but the kids..." and "What the hell happened to them," Blaire slowed under the weight of all the eyes until she finally stopped and starred at them with a steely eye. The room turned dead silent and gazes shifted from Blaire to the other older kids. "We are recruits, the Navy's new special weapon. Everything else is classified. We won't be here long." Her tone was dead serious, so it was easy for the other cadets to fall for her well conceived lie--it saved a lot of explaining and suspicious glances, and was also fun to see their reactions to "child weapons" and let the Navy cover this up. Blaire went to the empty table in the back, eyes still following her and the rest of the Flock, and began eating.

Blaire actually wondered what the other Navy people saw when they looked at them, all cut up, bruised, bleeding, dirty, with shirts all torn in the back from the wings they couldn't see. A mess of kids that looked like they just went through hell and back. And on top of that, to be told those same kids are being used by the government as "weapons". Blaire smothered her laughter, through her mouthful of food, at the thought of how the general public--not some government soldiers--would react to the news of the School's illegal, inhumane, gene-altering experiments on mostly children who had grown up for their entire life in a dog crate. The thought was also saddening...as the darkest nightmares people feared and shunned, was also a very real reality.

[[sorry for cruddy writing...my brit lit teacher would be so disappointed as we are learning all kinds of stupid grammar shit that no one uses anyway.]]
Alex kept hold of Liza's hand all the way through the line and into the mess hall itself, muttering back to her, "They're supposed to be good guys Liza, but I wouldn't trust them just yet anyway." He glances at her, "Don't worry, they won't try to hurt us and if they do they wouldn't be able to" He whispers now to her so no-one else will hear, "They haven't got powers like us." He stands back up tall again as they reach the area to get their food, the person eyes him suspiciously - what with all the blood splatters, intimdating stares and overall dangerous look - before dumping the food on his plate. He makes sure Liza gets some too before they go and sit beside the others, he chuckles very lightly when Blaire speaks and all the idiot soldiers shut up.

He quickly falls silent as he begins eating and his concentration drifts to the minds of the officers around them, hearing their every thoughts and not liking any of them. 'Kids? Why have the Navy recruited kids?' 'They wouldn't last a second out in the field' 'That one only looks about five, what the hell are the Navy doing?' Alex felt his fist clench around his fork as they thought more and more about how incapable the 'kids' look, without even meaning to, the jug full of water at the end of the table starts shaking slightly as the water moves around wildly inside of it, moving faster and whipping around harder until the water hits against the side of the glass and the jug tips right off the table, making a nice loud smashing sound that fills the now silent hall. Alex looks over distractedly and shoves another forkful of food in his mouth, muttering too quietly for the 'humans' to hear, "Oops."
Liza giggles when Alex's jug crashes, knowing he must have done it somehow. She grins over at him, her eyes skipping ahead towards the other soldiers as she listens in to their thoughts. It is more difficult for her to do so for them than with the rest of the Flock, and she only catches a few words.

"They don't like us much. They think you did that. I think they're scared."

Still she is more cheerful as she eats, just the act of doing so making her feel better.
Callie grabbed an empty tray, pushing it along with her as she went. She stopped so the cafeteria people could throw the suspicious looking mush on her tray, also receiving some suspicious looks. One worker stared for a little too long, and Callie mustered up the best smile she could manage before walking over to the flocks table.

She slammed her tray down on the table a little too loudly, earning her more looks and whispers. She rolled her eyes, before sliding into her seat. She poked the mush on her plate with her fork, before taking a few bites. She was glad Blaire had decided to make an announcement, since if she tried she would probably just start screaming and throwing some punches. She had to bite her lip to keep from giggling when Alex knocked his water over, and even more so when officers looked at them in a scared kind of way.

Keanu was sittin in silence while eating his mush, mostly just listening to the officers thoughts. He had to admit that he was pretty entertained by it. The thoughts ranged from "Poor homeless kids" to "They must be in some disciplinary program" and of course "They wouldn't last a day out with us." Keanu actually smirked at this. If only they knew.
[[so, um, should we time skip to the point in the book--the next day--when theyre sitting in the classroom? Since it's kinda already been a pretty long day in their time--if there's nothing more that has to happen.]]
(Sounds good)

Callie was sound asleep on her top bunk, when a loud bang on the metal door startled her. She quickly jumped up, rubbing her eyes in some attempt to wake herself. "Officer Brian White reporting for duty!" someone yelled. Callie groaned inwardly. She jumped off the side of the bunk, not bothering with the ladder. "I'll get it." She mumbled to the rest of the flock, who she could see were now starting to stir. On her way to the door, Callie sneaked a look at the clock. It was only five thirty in the morning. How lovely. She swung the door open, coming face to face with a young looking officer. "What." Callie asked coldly. The officer seemed startled, and he took a step back. "Uh, I'm supposed to lead some temporary recruits to the BSSTC grounds." Callie sighed and looked back into the dark hut. "Time for the BS guys!" She yelled, before walking back over to her bunk. She pulled out her plain khaki uniform, going to the bathroom and putting it on. A few minutes later, she came back out fully dressed and was in the middle of braiding her hair back.
Blaire was half asleep when someone pounded on the door. She frowned, her eyes still closed, and listened to their conversation. She didn't want to get up. After long hours lying in her cot getting less than decent sleep--being attacked twice in a single day would to that to you, especially if one of those attacks compromised the safe-house they were suppost to be "safe" in--she had finally found the most comfortable position, the blankets pleasantly warm and incredibly relaxing, she had even drifted off into some quality sleep. However, an hour later some stupid middie had to come honking with a bugle, telling them that five thirty in the morning was went their day started. "Gotta love how the government controls your life," she grumbled, even the humans had to get up at this hour every single morning--with the exception of Sunday, perhaps. They told you when to wake up, how to dress, how to act, when to go to the bathroom, and a healthy respect for hard physical labor--it was enough to drive anyone crazy, Blaire wondered why they didn't have a separate institution/asylum for those who should have gone insane already.

She reluctantly tossed her cozy covers off and literally rolled off her cot, one of the top bunks, grabbing the rails, and swinging her legs so she landed standing up. Blaire stretched her arms above her head and groaned at her stiff protesting muscles. She hauled herself off to the bathroom. Blaire splashed water on her face and leaned over the sink to comb out her hair so she could put it in a french braid. Most of her wounds had healed overnight; the gash she had across her cheek yesterday was now puckered and slightly pink, other then the bruise she had across her forehead, she looked decent enough. Her knuckles were covered in scrapes yesterday, but today they too were puckered pink with skinny dark scabs showing how far the healing process had advanced. Blaire changed into her khaki fatigues and combed out her hair to put in a french braid. She marched out and sat down on the sofa to lace up her boots over the pant legs, and fold up her sleeve around her bicep. "I need food." Blaire stated dryly to no one in particular. If they were going to do this "Basic Survival Skills Training-whatever" she would definitely need the energy to operate at full capacity and show these doofuses what a real genetically-altered soldier could do and that it was completely pointless to be wasting their time on this nonsense.

"Lets get this done an over with, shall we?" Blaire said, standing up and tucking her khaki shirt tails into her waistband. She went to her cot and pulled her knife from beneath the pillow, repeated the ritual of slicing new strips into the back of her new clothing, then slid it back into her boot.
Liza, confused and disoriented, is slow to wake on the bottom bunk. For several minutes she just burrows further into her blanket, squeezing her eyes shut, but when others nudge her awake, she comes up yawning, squinty-eyed, and grumbling, shuffling to get dressed. Her attempts to braid her hair back are sloppy and require another's help as she follows the others, yawning and rubbing her eyes.

"I wanna sleep more. How come we're up...what are we supposed to do?"
Alex - suprisingly enough - had managed to get a pretty good nights sleep, his arm had began to throb halfway through, but not enough for him to do more than notice it. When Callie got up, muttering that she would get the door, Alex yawned lightly and swung his legs around, jumping down from the top bunk. He stepped around the bunks slightly just to watch the door and check it was indeed a soldier and not some crazy, army tracker or something. Once sastified he changed into his army clothes, ignorning the fact that the sleeve still had some blood on it, and checked his sharky-beast bite, he nodded to himself. The wound had now turned a pinkish colour and just looked like a blotch of pink skin, like a burn mark or something, guess Liza's power helped a lot after all.

Where was Liza anyway? He glanced over to see her still in bed and gave her a light nudge to wake her up before he strapped on his shoes and looked up at the others, he kept the grin from his face - good, he was getting better - they all looked like walking zombies. He glanced around, checking Dallas and Brinley were ready aswell before walking over to the door, leaning beside it rather than exiting because as usual he was waiting for someone else to lead them down. He was pretty proud of his already beginning silence, if he kept it up all would be fine, they would find Lillie and Demitri, then Lillie would be safe with Callie and Alex could leave the Flock to keep them safe from his stupid curse thing. As usual, when thinking about leaving the Flock his thought barrier came up to stop any of them from seeing those particular thoughts - they would not be happy if they found out.
Callie was hopping up and down on one foot, while trying to tie the laces to the boot on her other foot. She could see the officer standing in the doorway staring at the dysfunctional group with wide eyes. He most likely thought he had gone to the wrong place on accident, there was no way the navy would want these kids for something. But no, this was the adress he was given. Callie personally felt bad for anyone that had to deal with them. Keanu was always quiet in the morning, especially when someone just decided to ruin his rare peaceful sleep. He had gotten half way dressed quietly, now taking out his own knife and grabbing his shirt. He was half way done with the first slit when the officer gasped. "What are you children doing?! That's Navy property!" Keanu sighed, already frustrated with the world. And it wasn't even six yet. "Gotta let the wings out man." While saying this, he slipped the freshly cut shirt on and extended his wings only halfway. He couldn't fully extend them without hitting someone. Keanu watched amusingly as the officer gasped again, his yes now the size of dinner plates. Keanu thought the poor guy might pass out for a second there. Callie finished tying both boots, and was now helping to braid Liza's hair, since it obviously wasn't going too well. Once it was done, Callie turned back to her flock that was mostly presentable now. She looked at the officer. "Alright, let's get this over with. I want to be done by four." She tapped her wrist where a watch would be if she had one to prove her point. The officer was still recovering from Keanu's wing flash. "O-Okay but the BSSTC takes much longer than a day." He said nervously, bur was baking out of the door. Callie sighed again, pushing her way around him and entering the cool morning air. "The BS the army has planned is for like normal people," Callie looked over her shoulder at him to grin devilishly. Something else she did well. "Incase you haven't noticed, we aren't normal." Proving her point, she moves her wings around, causing the feathers to make a rustling noise against the thin material of her shirt. "Now let's get moving, on a tight schedule here."
[[f*uck it, this'll be basically straight from the book.]]

Blaire was already seething as the Flock trooped through the doors into a small, linoleum-tiled classroom after they had all eaten breakfast. A classroom. "I can't believe I'm sitting at a freaking desk when my brother and Lillie are tied up under the ocean somewhere!" She exploded. "This is total crap!" The instructor glared sharply, "Sit down!" he snapped, pacing across the front of the classroom taking in the new student recruits. With great difficulty, Blaire forced herself to sit down. She was calculating how much force she'd need to hurl one of these desks through a window when several other students, male and female, dressed in khaki, looking young and impressionable, filed in silently and immediately took their seats. They tried hard to ignore us, already well on their way to the whole stiff-upper-lip thing, but Blaire felt them sneaking glances.

The instructor guys was writing on the whiteboard at the front of the classroom. "LTC Palmer." He dropped some files on the desk and turned to regard the class with loathing. Blaire spoke up, "Erm. What does LTC stand for?" she asked lamely, knowing she should probably know this, but realizing it was pointless really to know in the first place. *** Dally raised his hand hesitantly and suggested, "Loving Tender Care?" If the instructor had had lasers for eyes, he would have sliced Dally in half. Blaire broke out laughing and the instructor's gaze swiveled onto her. "Lieutenant colonel," he sputtered. "You're here to learn how to survive, kid. Why, I don't know. But it's my job to teach you. First lession: you speak only when spoken to. You got that?"

Blaire clapped a hand to her mouth to keep from laughing. It was down right hysterical when grown-ups got all bossy and thought they could actually tell her what to do. She forced herself to swallow and sat upright in her chair. "You got that?" he growled. It took a moment, but she nodded. The lieutenant colenel turned back to the whiteboard. He wrote, The Basics: Personal Defense. Weapons Use. Outdoor Survival. Covert Operations.

The Flock is, well, somewhat talented in the area of self-defense. Most weapons we were already pretty familiar with--though, granted, Blaire'd probably need some coaching in launching air missiles. Outdoor survival? Like what the Flock had been doing for the past...forever? And of course, covert operations. Blaire was looking especially forward to that one. Callie was totally right. They could knock this course off by about four o'clock in the afternoon, if they took a short lunch. Then they would go get on an official U.S. Navy vessel and go spring their long awaited Flock members at long last!

Then Alex would help Blaire take Chu apart, one piece at a time, and feed him to the weirdly enthusiastic seabirds and the monstrosities that seemed to hang around here.

***I'm real sorry Dance, I hope that was okay....I always loved that part, wanted to make it fit. :8D:
As she sits in her desk, Liza swings her legs restlessly, sighing out loud. She cannot read very many words yet, nor has she ever been in school, and so finds this activity completely pointless and puzzling as to why it is here. She catches the gist of Callie's and Blaire's thoughts and thinks back to the rest of the Flock loudly.

This is dumb. I can't even read much. I don't wanna be here. I think we oughtta get Lillie and Dmitri too. We already know this stuff I think except some of it but we don't even need it. This guy is acting mean...how long do we gotta be here? Can I take a nap?
(I love that part too. That's actually was what I was going to type next! xD It's fine that you did it though, I'm taking this part right from the book too.)

Not even an hour later, Callie found herself leaning over the instructor. "You okay? Sorry. Didn't mean to slam you against the wall that hard. Nose not broken? Good." The guy in the white karate gi, his black belt marked with eight level lines, was still trying to catch his breath. He already tried jackknifing to his feet, only to slide slowly sideways as his brain finally realized that his lungs didn't have any oxygen in them. They stood around watching, along with the rest of the class, which now stared at them as if they were freaks. Oh, wait-that's because they were.

So far in the class, there had been ten minutes of watching the instructor chop, flip, throw, kick, and punch just about everyone in the room. He'd ignored the Flock until Callie stepped right in front of him, ready to take her turn. "You can just watch for now," he'd said briskly. Callie shook her head. "Let's get this over with." So he'd explained what he was going to do and how she should block it or evade it, but Callie was already thinking about lunch and didn't really pay much attention. Then he'd come at her, and she dodged to one side, under his arm, then kicked his knee out from in back, making him sag. He started to spin, but Callie gave him a two-handed chop on the shoulder, trying not to break his collarbone , then jumped and did a spinning back kick, right into his chest. That's when he'd smacked up against the wall and slid down like a raindrop. He looked a little better now, wheezing and sitting up.

"I told the khaki lady that we had a pretty good handle on this, but I guess she didn't believe me." Callie said apologetically. His eyes narrowed as he slowly stood up, a good six inches taller than Callie, and she was almost five-nine. He probably outweighed her by about a hundred and forty pounds. "That was a fluke," he said. "I was going easy because you're a kid. But if you want a fight, I can fight." Callie guessed this got filed under the bulging folder of Callie's Nongirliness, but her heart gave a little jump. She had been worried about getting soft, losing her razor-sharp survival instincts. And what did she know, this nice navy guy was volunteering to help her brush up on them. "Yeah?" She said, trying not to look too excited. Behind her she heard Keanu snort, and see Dally and Brinley start to calculate odds and exchange money. "Don't hurt him too bad, Callie," said Keanu, smothering a grin as fury crossed the instructor's face. He rolled his shoulders, walked about ten paces away, and cracked his knuckles. The other students looked nervous and backed away from us, edging towards the door. He stared at her with cold, cut-me-no-slack determination, then got into a fighting stance, holding one hand out, beckoning her. "I saw that in a movie once!" Callie yelled. "It was like the coolest movie of all-" He launched himself at her.

That was when the day really went downhill. It didn't last that long-maybe four minutes. Which can feel like a long time when someone's whaling on you. Not to mention he didn't land a single blow on her. Maybe he was having an off day. Finally they resumed the earlier position; Callie leaning over him as he gasped on the floor. "It's not your fault," Callie said, not even breathing hard. "I'm genetically enhanced. And ya know, ruthless. Plus, of course, meaner than a rabid wolverine. Are you okay?" After a long pause, he nodded silently. She jerked a thumb at the rest of the flock. "Do you want to try it against any of them?" Callie almost started crying for the guy as she imagined him going up against Keanu or Alex. Everyone except Alex failed at not looking hopeful. The guy shook his head no. "Good choice. Then how about you give us a check mark saying we passed the self-defense part of the BS? Okay?" He nodded again. Callie looked at the others. "Is it lunchtime yet? I'm starving." Dally looked at the old analog clock on the wall. "It's a little past nine. I'n the morning." He clarified. Callie groaned loudly. "Okay, lets find some vending machines. I need, like, about a million Twinkies." It looked like they might be finished by four after all.

(Whole chapter straight from the book. xD )
Presented with a smooth-faced, eight-foot-high wooden wall. Your objective? Get over it. To, like, save comrades or something. How to accomplish this?

Answer: Take a running start, brace one foot against the wall, throw one hand to the top, try to hang on long enough for a comrade to either grab your hand at the top or for another comrade to push your butt over from below. It takes teamwork! Bird Kid Answer: Or, you could just, like, fly over it.

Obstacle: Twenty yards of dirt to craw across on your belly. The catch? Rows and rows of barbed wire, strung eigheen inched off the ground. how do you get across without being snagged? Answer: Do the "sniper" crawl. Be sure not to raise your butt or shoulders or head to high. Ouch. Bird Kid Answer: What can she say? They've been crawling like rats and slithering like snakes for years. how else to sneak up on each other, hiding beneath the bed frame to grab each other's ankles for a joke. Plus, they're really thing. If they kept their wings tucked in tight, no worries.

Challenge: Is there anything a bird kid can't do? Answer: No. Apparently not. Bird Kid Answer: Well, they still totally fall down in the table-manners department. Just sayin.

Rope swings over quicksand, wading through rivers while holding weapons above their heads, balancing on spinning logs, climbing ropes, running fast, crawling through tunnels--they were seriously starting to depress their fellow naval classmates, all of whom were older than us and had already been training for a while. Explaining that they'd been designed to be strong, fast, and light didn't really cheer them up. They just saw the Flock as kids beating the socks off em. They Flock was barely panting when their classmates were bent over at the knees, throwing up from the exertion. Heights didn't bother the Flock. (Duh.) They'd already been in awful, to-the-death fights. They've already been captured and held hostage, locked in dog crates, and experimented on. Been pushed to their extreme limits physically, psychologically, emotionally. All of the BS training was just kind of a picnic after that.

"This is fun!" Blaire exclaimed, shoveling down the food at lunchtime. "That obstacle course reminded me of that time when we were jacking a car from a chop shop, and we had to climb through all those piles of car parts without making a sound? Pass te ketchup." The Flock had had some pretty crazy adventures over the years. Someone pushed the ketchup over. Blaire slathered it over her french fries, "Really wish I could have taken my turn with Wanna-Be-Bruce-Lee, I've got some pent up angst I need to kill. When are the trackers when you need them, huh? I can't be jinxing myself 'cause they'll show up sooner or later. Anyways. When are we going to be done? Demitri's been captive for almost four day--Lillie almost three--and we need to get through all this crap and get down to that sub, so we can actually start looking for them." Blaire cut to one of the Flock, "What do we have next?" "Covert ops." Someone answered. Blaire couldn't help but break into a huge smirk. There weren't many things in the world she enjoyed more that a little Cov ops, she would ace this exam.

[[dammit, dance! You get the best freakin part! xD ]]
Liza too has been thoroughly enjoying herself, once she got out of the classroom lecture part of the day and into the active demonstrations. She had laughed and clapped when Callie basically kicked the instructor's butt, then grew concerned when she realized he was hurt.

"I can heal you Mr.! I can kick your ass too and then I can heal you...okay?"

She had been rather disappointed when for some odd reason, no one took her up on her offer.

The obstacle course had also been enough to distract her from her earlier worries and grouchiness. As Liza, much smaller and younger than the other children, just as easily navigated her way through the course, she emerges grinning and energetic, tugging on some of the others' arms in the Flock.

"Can we do that again? Can we also fight some maybe?"
(Hehehe > :)

Callie smirked as well when someone from the Flock mentioned that they had Covert Ops next. This would be a blast. The Flock had spent their whole lives sneaking up on each other and other people. This would be a piece of cake. She shoveled the rest of her food into her mouth, clapping her hands together. "Let's get going, then. I've been waiting to do something like this all day."


"Tag! You're it!" Dally tapped the navy guy on the shoulder, causing him to jump about a foot in the air and stifle a shriek. Callie had to admit, it was almost fun being set loose in a patch of heavy palm-treed terrain and then having to get past guards to get back to home base. Keanu pretty much just walked past the camouflaged guards, taking slow, quiet steps, and pacing his breathing. Callie had been forced into more stealthiness, actually ducking behind trees and the occasional huge volcanic boulder. She had worked by herself, and wasn't sure what way the others had decided to go about doing this. All the same, despite the wide-eyed alertness of the sailors on guard, it really wasn't too hard to slither past them in a big circle. Dally had relied on the element of surprise, as he often does. Keanu and Dally slapped high fives when they both met up at the exit.

Lieutenant Colonel Palmer, however, didn't seem as thrilled."Ensigns Barker and Kipowski!" Palmer barked. "All of these recruits exited the woods within four minutes! Did you see them?" Looking dazed, the ensigns tried to straighten up. One of them cleared his throat. "We didn't see the two older boys, or the two older girls, sir. We saw the younger boy, but he was too fast." Palmer just stared at them. "What about this one?" Palmer pointed his pen at Brinley, who gave him a sunny smile. The guards looked at her, and confusion crossed their face. Callie tried not groan. Not only could Brinley see the near future, but she could change it, to an extent. She knew Brinley had changed it before they had even started, so the guards wouldn't remember seeing her, if they did even catch a glimpse. "I think I saw her," sad the other guard, his eyes on the ground. "I just -- it's all -- I don't know." Callie stood up and brushed off her khaki butt. "I guess it's time for weapons class," she said pointedly.

Palmer was still staring at the two guards. Callie went over to him. "Lieutenant Colonel," she said. "Can I call you L? No? Well, look, it's not their fault. They probably would have caught anyone else. But we're good at this stuff. As I keep telling you." Palmer was so red from anger he was starting to resemble that of a tomato. "She's a child!" Palmer burst out, gesturing to Brinley. "She's a sneaky and devious child," Callie started to explain. "And probably the scariest twelve year old, like, ever. Plus, you know, I think she messed with the guards. With her mind. She can see the near future, and change it sometimes if she wants to. And control people's future. It's weird, it's scary, but there you go. Your guys never had a chance." The lieutenant colonel seemed less comforted by her explanation than she would have thought. Finally, he let his clipboard dangle by his side. "Weapons class." He said, but you could tell his heart wasn't really in it anymore.
Liza's small size and fast speed, combined with her ability to read thoughts to an extent, had lent her much advantage in Covert Ops, and she, like the others, had greatly enjoyed Covert Ops. She had punctuated each time she managed to sneak up on and pop out at the adults with shrill shrieks of glee that only a five year old could match in pitch, half deafening the unsuspecting adults in her vicinity. She had been having too much fun to care that she could tell they weren't very happy with her. Now as they announce weapons, she squeals happily again, bouncing on her toes.

"Ooooh! Can I play with a sword?! And a crossbow?! And a gun? And NUNCHUCKS LIKE A NINJA!!!"

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