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Fandom Winged

((You can, but we're pretty far along so it might take a while to catch on. You can try though. And she was saying that her character can breathe underwater. xD ))
Blaire looked at Liza, struggling for the right words to say, "...We have no choice but to, Liz," she told her. She really wished it was as easy as just fighting the bad-guys to get their family back. Instead they were on this sub.

It took twelve hours to go a distance that would have taken six minutes, had the Flock flown there. The sub went between the islands of Maui and Hawaii and then surfaced, right offshore from the Haleakala National Park. Of course, as soon as Blaire heard the sub-wide command of "Surfacing!" She dashed up to the ladder that led to the upper hatch.

[[>.< crappy post! figured that was the farthest I could go for the moment, since Callie's the leader. And lol, Dr Martinez]]
((This will probably sound stupid, but what exactly is a Hostile Masochistic Character? Just like a crazy person?))

Callie caught Alex's message to her, and she looked at him. She nodded, and sent him one back. 'Okay.' Usually she would say more, but she didn't feel like she had to.


When they surfaced, Callie made sure she was the third out, right after the Captain and Blaire who had gotten up the hatch before her. She gulped in lungfuls off fresh, balmy salt air as soon as the hatch was opened. She turned to Captain Perry, while the others all filled out. "So how come we're here?" She asked him. "We're picking up a marine biologist," He explained. "A colleague of ours," said one of the ensigns that had accompanied them on their trip. "She specializes in bony fish, which are what the dead groups have consisted of. Ah, here she comes now." Callie looked around, and she could make out a woman making her way down the dock. She was relieved to see that she didn't give out the whole 'I want to kill you' vibe they usually got.
[[violent, self-serving, takes pleasure in other's pain??]]

A short, tan woman with gray hair in a long braid came hurrying down the dock. "Hello!" the woman called cheefully. "Aloha!" "Aloha, Noelani, It's good to see you again," Captain Perry said respectfully. He turned to Callie. "Callie, this is Doctor Noelani Akana. She knows these waters like you kids know junk food, and she can help us."

Dr. Akana stared at Callie briefly in a mixture of wonder and shock before she broke into a huge sunny smile, seeming to shake off whatever had come over her as easily as turning a page in a book. "Ah, Callie,' she said, in a pretty, singsong voice. Blaire guessed she was a native Hawaiian. Her bright, black eyes looked over Callie shrewdly but not in an unfriendly way--however, she didn't seem surprised. "Callie, the miracle bird girl."
(he has the same character in another rp...it is a humanoid insect looking thing that yes, attacks people without warrant and enjoys pain...Honestly I cannot see it fitting into this world.

Also, I just started reading Maximum Ride, first book lol)

Liza frowns, not liking the response that she is given, but says nothing as Captain Perry and Dr. Akana speak to them. She watches Akana, liking her smile, and smiles back shyly, though Akana is looking at Callie.

"How come Callie is a miracle? Aren't we all miracle bird people?" she asks curiously.

Remembering Perry's mention of junk food, she turns back to him and gives him a cautious smile too. "I like junk food. Can we have some after we get our friends back?"
((Ohh gotcha. Yeah I'm not too sure where that would fit in))

Callie made her best attempt at making a smile smile. "Hi," she said to the woman, trying to decide whether to be offended by the junk-food comment. When Dr. Akana called her 'The miracle bird girl', she looked a little taken back. "Uh, that's one name for me." She said awkwardly. She had been called everything from arrogant to zippy, and was rarely called something like a miracle. She looked over at Captain Perry, who was getting ready to get the sub back under the water. "Can I just fly overhead and meet you there?" She asked, making her best "pretty please with a cherry on top" face. "Okay," the captain said easily, surprising her. "How far can you hover without landing on anything?" Callie thought about this. "Uh, I guess about eight hours." She knew it was a stretch, and she would be totally starving and exhausted by the end of it. Captain Perry waited. "Okay, fine." she said, heading towards the hatch. She hated it when a grown-up called her bluff. Of course, this was pretty much the first time, so she didn't have to deal with it too often. She stood by the opening of the hatch, waiting for it to be opened again so they could go on their way. With just another person to take up more space.
Dr. Akana was still smiling hugely looking from Callie to Blaire to Liza and giving the small girl friendly little wave. "I can't wait to see the others! All right, Captain, let's get this ship under water!" With quick, efficient movements, she tossed her duffel bag down the hatch, then slid down the ladder rails. Blaire smiled amusedly and followed after the others. The Middie on deck, closed the hatch behind them, sealing them in again.

Dr. Akana was waiting at the botom of the ldder, and she clapped her hands as if organizing a party game. "Okay! We're going closer to where the attacks took place, then stop at about sixty meters deep. Then we'll go on a field trip. Let me put my stuff down, and I'll get ready." She headed off to the quarters she'd share with the female crew members. Blaire felt a surge of excitement. At last, they were on our way. She had to get into battle mode, make sure she was ready for the traditional fight-to-the-death scenario. The navy wanted to make sure the Flock could defend themselves, but they'd never really seen them in action. For the first time ever, Blaire wondered if they had what it would take--Chu and his stupid cronies she was pretty sure they could handle. But sea monsters? Mountains that came out of the water to kill a hundred thousand fish? That was a completely different picture. They would need a plan B. Frowning, she made her way into the belly of the ship after the rest of what part of the Flock had assembled for the breath of fresh air and down to the rooms the Flock would be occupying for the journey.
Callie climbed the ladder down after Blaire Dr. Akana, right back into the crowded sub. She walked down the narrow hallways, stopping at the door where their rooms were assigned. They had gotten two different rooms. Like the naval base, they had bunk beds, but there was a room for the girls and the room for the boys. Of course, this room was small as well. She sighed, throwing her dirty backpack onto the top bunk. She already couldn't wait to get out of this thing, even if it did mean going through a fight-to-the-death for it.


"There's only room for five," Callie told Brinley, who was getting that mutinous look on her face. "I should go, in case someone tries to attack. Then I could change their minds." she told Callie, crossing her arms over her chest. "Callie." She looked at her, and Callie remembered that she also had the power to change her mind. Callie gave her a warning glare. "Look, the crewan has to go because he knows how to run the little sub, Dr. Akana has to go so we know what the hell we're looking at, Alex and Blaire get to go because of Lillie and Demitri." That was, if they wanted to go. She still hadn't gotten to ask them yet. The only reason Brinley knew was because she had overheard Callie and the captain talking about it. "And I get to go because I'm the leader and I said so. Okay?" Brinley tried to glare back at Callie, but Callie ultimately won in the end. The only reason Callie agreed to go was because the top of the mint submarine was all clear plexiglass. The submarine they were in had absolutely no windows at all. The crew members saw everything happening outside on black and white flat screens near the front of the sub. Even though the captain had pointed out that it was just mostly darkness this far down anyway, she would rather see that than just the plain metal walls of the U.S.S Minessota.
"Brinely, dear, you're only twelve," Dr. Adana said kindly. Blaire raised her eyebrows curiously but said nothing, interested more in the the mechanisms of the air-lock chamber that the small probing submarine craft was sitting in, waiting for them. Once they were all situated in the miniature submarine thing, that looked like a giant plexiglass bubble on top of a large pool float, the crewman and Dr. Akana worked on getting the thing up and running. So when, about ten minutes later, when everyone was situated in the craft, the air-lock filled with water--depressurizing the chamber--a bottom hatch slowly opened, and dropped the craft down into the deep ocean. Now they had a chance to be in a big bubble and see everything that was going on. Anything would have been better than being stuck in the sub.

Blaire rubbed her hands together, "Let's do this." There wasn't much light, but because the water around Hawaii is so clear, it wasn't totally pitch dark, even at sixty meters deep. Then the crewman turned on the headlights. It was amazing--their own underwater show. Above them was the enormous USS Minnesota. They were chugging out from under it. And the fish! There were fish everywhere, all sizes, moving slowl through the water. "Thats a yellowfin tuna," said Dr. Akana. "They can grow up to more than seven feet long." Blaire stared out the glass, "What's that one?" she said, pointing to a huge silver hubcap with orange fins. "Its an opah," said the crewman. "They're good eatin'." "Its almost as big as me," Blaire mumbled, watching it pass. "I'm sure it weighs more," Dr. Akana said with a smile. "Look! There's a turtle!"

[[holy f**king sh*t. OnO Call me crazy, but Portugese Man of War looks scary as f**k. http://www.google.com/search?q=opah&hl=en&prmd=imvnse&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=mV2fT4GOLeXg2QWVjonDAg&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0CBIQ_AUoAQ&biw=1556&bih=947#hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=uF2fT9WdCOTe2AW7qICxAg&ved=0CEAQvwUoAQ&q=portuguese+man+of+war&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=83bcac887d30d790&biw=1556&bih=947 ]]
As they begin to descend into the ocean, Liza grabs the hand of the person closest to her, squeezing hard, and shuts her eyes. She doesn't open them for almost a full minute, her body tensed. When she looks again, and sees the outside ocean on one of the flatscreens, her eyes widen. The further down they go, the more she can see of colorful fish passing before her. Liza watches with less fear, smiling, and even claps when she sees a large jellyfish moving its tentacles in and out.

"Are there any fish people too?"
(I don't think your type of character will fit in Powa, maybe try something else. Like a nice character. Since this RP is about a flock of bird kids, a family. Not people randomly attacking one and another. Oh gosh! Dance! I wanna introduce Alex's new power! It'd be hilarious!)

Alex slowly walks over to the screen, watching the fish with the others, silently standing behind them all. After a while, he looks around, a bit bored. Maybe he'd go lay down for a bit until they got to Lillie. But then again, he wanted to be here, in this area, so that he could see if there was anything on the screen that looked remotely like where Lillie and Demitri were being held. He looked around and spotted a space by the corner of this little, room, he grinned. He went and sat on the floor, leaning against the wall and tilting his head to look at his screen. He sat there for a quite a while, and slowly, very slowly, he began to almost fade. Like he was vanishing, until you could see him no longer. Of course he didn't know this.
Callie boarded the smaller sub, crowding around the glass window to watch the sea life outside of them. She watched the beautiful fish and turtle swim by. For a second, she wished she was out there swimming with them. Then she remembered the monster things and the mountain, and she forgot all about it. "Everything moves so slowly underwater," Callie said. In addition to the fish that caught there attention by being the size of a couch, they were surrounded by hundreds of thousand of smaller fish in every shape and color combinations one could imagine. "Not everything -- these fish can dart away in an instant if dangers near," said Dr. Akana. "Now, we're still about six miles away from where the fish kill was first spotted, but I wanted to check out--" Her words were swallowed by a gasp. "Oh, my god! What's that?!" Callie's head whipped to where she was staring, and she sucked in a fast breathe. No, she thought. Not this.

No more than ten feet from the mini-sub, Brinley was swimming towards them. Exactly what Callie had told her not to do. She turned to where she thought Alex was. "Alex, can you send her a thought saying I'll kick her ass if she doesn't--" She stopped, staring at the empty spot where Alex had last been seen. By this time, Alex was so faded out that he had literally disappeared, or at least to the eyes he had. "Great, no where's Alex?!" She asked in frustration, throwing her hands up. She did a 360, looking in all the obvious spots of where he might be. This was going from bad to worse.
"Contact the sub!" Dr. Akana commanded the crewman urgently. "Issue a Mayday!" "Don't bother," Blaire said, frowning out the plexiglass in thought. "Contact the sub!" the doctor cried. "She's drowning!" "She's swimming," Blaire corrected her. "And getting into major trouble." "She has no gear," said Dr. Akana weakly. "She'll run out of air." "She has gills," Blaire admitted. Sure she didn't have to worry about air, but there were a million other dangerous things in the ocean, including some huge, catastrophic mystery that might have something to do with their family being captured. For the record, as awesome as bird kids are, they weren't bulletproof or sharkproof or man-of-war proof! "Gi--" Dr. Akana sputtered. "Gills," Blaire repeated, crossing her arms.
Liza had watched as Brinley followed the others, against orders, out of the submarine, frowning and folding her arms over her chest with anxiety and some resentment both as she watched her on the screen. As she turns toward Dr. Akana and Blaire, listening to them with growing concern, she tugs on Blaire, attempting to climb into her lap.

"Is she gonna drown? Can't I go pull her in?"
Callie groaned in frustration, rubbing her head. She shook her head in response to Liza, but not removing her eyes from Brinley. "No, she isn't drowning. Just stay in the sub. And don't bother contacting anyone," she said to the doctor. "I'll deal with her myself." She frowned at Brinley, who was maybe ten feet away now, smiling and waving at them. 'You are in deep sneakers,' She thought hard to her, and her smile faltered. Then she grinned again, doing loop-de-loops in front of them. She went after the big turtle, actually stroking its shell a few times before coming back and clinging to the clear dome. While Callie gave her every fierce look in her repertoire, she pressed her mouth against the plexiglass and blew her cheeks out. Then she pulled off and laughed hard, doubling over and emitting a stream of bubbles. "Is she not affected by the water pressure?" she heard Dr. Akana ask. Callie shrugged in response. "Guess not." Staying in the headlights of the sub, Brinley preformed an underwater ballet, first following the turtle again, then a sting ray, then a mahimahi. She imitated their swimming styles, embellishing them with flourishes, spins, and somersaults. She kept her wings tight against her back, like they all did when swimming. She was having a great time. Callie was going to kill her. "Besides the swimming child with gills, I don't see anything unusual here," said Dr. Akana humorously. "The marine life looks healthy and undisturbed. I see no evidence of algae blooms or coral reef die-off. I don't see huge amounts of dead fish." "But we're still far away, right?" Callie asked. "Yes. I thought we should start taking stock of things this far away and continue to check periodically as we get closer to the site." she explained. She then looked back at Brinley swimming around, clearly not struggling at all by the water pressure or lack of air. She watched in complete awe. "Do things just develop like that on you?" Dr. Akana sounded fascinated. Callie nodded.

"I mean, not all the time, you know," Sge said, trying not to be embarrassed by the crewman, who was obviously trying not to look shocked. "But every so often, something new happens or changes on one or more of us. Like we are programmed to keep evolving." "This is so amazing," said Dr. Akana softly. "You are truly special and unique, Callie." She felt her cheeks grow warm, as the "circus sideshow freak" factor rose by the second. A quick movement caught our eyes. She swiveled to see an enormous shark making it's way toward them. It's tail was slicing back and fourth, it's head wagging like it was looking for prey. "Uh-oh," said the crewman. "Better get that little girl out of there." Callie nodded slowly, nearly frozen in place. That shark was like three times the size of Brinley, and looked like it could swallow at least half of her in one bite. "Brin? Big shark alert. Move very slowly towards the USS Minnesota, and get in as soon as possible." Since Callie wasn't telepathic, she couldn't send direct thoughts, but Brinley could read minds like most of the others and usually listened in on her surroundings. They watched as she paused to look at the shark. They spotted each other at the same time. The shark took only a second to sum up Brinley as being snack worth, and immediately began a fast, efficient approach. Callie held her breathe and flinched, not wanting to watch this. "Crewman!" yelled Dr. Akana. "Put the Triton between Brinley and the shark!" The crewman immediatley began to maneuver our small vehicle, even as he said, "Not sure the Triton can withstand an attack from a shark of that size. The USS Minnesota maybe, but not this one." Brinley faced the shark, with a confused look. She held up one hand as Dr. Akana as Dr. Akana flinched as well, bracing for the worst. Callie was still frozen. The shark paused. Very slowly, Brinley swam up to it.

Callie heard the crewman suck in a breath, heard Dr. Akana praying softly. The shark stayed still, and even slower, Brinley ran her hand gently along the shark's head. It rubbed against her like a huge, toothy dog. She turned to smile at us. Callie's jaw dropped, and she kept her eyes glued on the two. "Speaking of evolving," she said softly. "I think one of us just gained a new skill."

((I decided to give Brinley a new 'power.' Magic you know what it is, and Faith might too since she's reading the books now but I'm not sure when Angel gets this. But Brinley's new skill is talking to animals.))
"Okay, folks. Show's over," Blaire said, putting Liza on her lap and wrapping her arms around her to soothe her nerves. "Let's get back to the Minnesota."

The way back to the big sub, Blaire remained quiet and lost in thought--now uninterested in what was going on outside the plexiglass dome through the spotlights. Her eyebrows crumpled together and she began to chew on her lip. Their little trip into the ocean had, in the long run, taught them nothing they didn't already know, showed no conclusive results, just basically wasting their time.

Back in their quarters in the USS Minnesota, Blaire pushed herself up on the top row of the narrow racks. Her feet dangling off the side, she leaned over with her elbows on her knees, and pushed the hair out of her face, trying to figure out what to say. Since their joyride on the Triton, doubts had been gnawing at her. Blaire rubbed her forehead with her palm and let it fall into her lap impatiently. "Guys," she began. "I feel like we've gotten off track." She didn't wait for an answer. "We've been hanging with the navy for days now, and we're not any closer to rescuing Demitri and Lillie. It made sense to hook up with them, at first, but now I wonder if they have any real plans. Feels like they're just keeping us around, pacifying us, to keep an eye on us. I'm thinking--well, I'm thinking that we should give them another twelve hours. And if we haven't made real progress, if we're not any closer to rescuing Demitri and Lillie, then I think we should ditch 'em and head out on our own. Go back to being practical, resourceful, and independent." Her throat felt tight as she waited.
Liza is sleepy, and had arranged herself in Brinley's lap as soon as the others had filed in with Blaire to their sleeping quarters in the sub, pestering her with questions about the shark and what it said to her and can Brinley teach her how to talk to sharks too, and asking her if stuffed animals also talked too. Now that Liza has grown used to being around the others, and receiving affectionate touch from them, she feels rather entitled to simply demand it with her actions as suits her. Before getting with the other bird kids, her only touch received, from what she can remember, had been in the course of experiments and surgeries done upon her, and the simple action of getting a hug or sitting in someone's lap is still new and very comforting to her.

When Blaire addresses them, Liza looks up, listening closely. To her, twelve hours seems like a very long time, and she raises her hand, as if waiting for Blaire to call on her, before she speaks up. "I wanna do that. I think we oughtta do that right now. Let's just go get them. 'Cause these people aren't even doing anything, I don't think."
(Hey, would it be odd if Alex was still in that other little sub bit? Or is that impossible. I'm planning that he didn't respond to Callie 'cause he kinda fell asleep down there xD )
((Yeah, he can still be down there.))

After Brinley was attacked by questions from both crew members and the Flock, they moved into the girls room and sprawled out across beds for their little family gathering. Callie listened carefully to Blaire, nodding every so often. Once Blaire was done talking, she looked up to see five pairs of eyes fixed on her. They were all waiting for her to say something, since she always had the final say. She bit her lip, twirling a piece of hair on her finger. Then Keanu put his right fist out. Brinley put hers on top, and then Dally. The stacking of fists was what they always did when making a big decision, or when having a family moment or whatever else seemed upsetting to them. Once everyone else put their fists up, Callie put hers on top. She smiled, looking at the fists. Then she frowned. Their was only seven fists. There should be eight. Well, technically eleven, but she knew Lillie and Demitri couldn't join this time. Where was Alex? "Uh, have you guys seen Alex?" She asked, starting to backtrack and think about when she saw him last. When they first got on the mini-sub.
Alex had managed to fall asleep before the whole Brinley shark incident thing, propped up against the wall with his knees up, of course, he was invisible so no-one could see what he looked like, and it didn't help that he didn't snore either. He didn't notice the lack of sound - spending ten years in a closed off cell with no noise - duh.

(Don't really know what else to post, just keeping up xD )
Blaire smiled a bit and joined the fist stacking. When Callie asked if anyone had seen Alex, she shook her head. And of couse it was at that very moment that they felt a huge crunch and were jolted so hard they fell out of racks, and the lights went out. "That didn't sound good," Blaire said lamely, trying to remain calm, after it had finally gone quiet. Emergency amber lights flickered on and glowed a dim amber. A Klaxon alarm sounded, just like in all the old submarine movies. Like the one you hear right before the sub goes belly-up. Because metal and water conduct sound well, the Flock could hear pounding and knocking against the hull of the sub. Blaire pushed herself off the floor and opened the door, she saw sailors rushing past, each knowing what their job was, where they had to be. Out in the corridor, the alarm was louder. The most horrible thing about this whole experience was that Blaire didn't know what to do. Claustrophobic, paranoid bird kid as she was, trapped on a jam-packed navy sardine can of death, submerged under hundreds of feet of water, with imminent threat crashing over their heads.
When the sub shook, hard enough to cause her to fall out of her bunk, Liza screamed, her voice loud, shrill, and panicked as she struggled to get to her feet and grab for the first person she could feel close. When the alarm sounded and the shaking began anew, Liza covered her head with one hand, her other hand digging its nails hard into the other bird kid's arm as she pressed against, her heart hammering wildly, rising to her throat to nearly choke her. She is too frightened to scream or cry, and she reaches out with her mind, catching the others' thoughts.
When the sub is shaken Alex is awoken with a start, jumping up and causing his invisible illusion to fall. He glances around, his brow furrowed in confusion, "What the hell? Where'd everyone go?" He glances around and heads for the exit back up to the rest of the Flock.

Once he is up with the others once more, he heads right for the girl's room, pushing past stupid sailors in order to get to his family. He spots Blaire by the door and nods at her, "Any idea what the hell is going on?" He asks as he lightly brushes past her, no explaniation for where he has been. Of course to him, he hadn't been anywhere, just napping. Upon passing Blaire and the door, he sees the rest of the flock there and little Liza looking freakin' scared out of her life. He guessed that something was going wrong with the sub, of course. But he found himself being oddly calm, he knew he wouldn't let anything happen to the Flock even if he had to exhaust his powers doing so. He moved over to Liza - who was clinging to someone else like her life depended on it - and picked her up swiftly, holding her close as he tried to calm her down; he could hear her panicked thoughts. 'Calm down Liza, it's going to be fine. Nothing's going to get you.' He carried on sending reassuring thoughts into her head, it was odd, he was perfectly calm when things like this happen. But if a tracker was to attack directly then he would lose calm and go straight for rage.

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