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Fandom Winged

Keanu followed Blaire over to the side easily, since the rest of the Flock were listening to instructions by the sailors and captain. With their excellent hearing Keanu could tell what they were talking about, so not being there wasn't all that important. He bit his lip and shrugged. "I guess I should probably see if I developed the skill. If not, well..." He trailed off, and shrugged again. He really wasn't sure what he would do. He really didn't want one of those stupid air tanks, it would only get in the way. He jumped down a few stairs on the deck, leading down to a platform right above the water. He dropped to his knees, clutched the side of the deck, and then submerged his head. It would be helpful to learn if he developed the trait or not before they started searching. He took a deep breathe, preparing for either another choking fit, or natural breathing.
Blaire followed Keanu down to the platform, glad that the boat's engine was off so the prop didn't churn up the water before she got down to her knees next to Keanu. She eyes where squeezed shut and gripped the edge of the platform as she dunked her head in the water.

It took all her will-power to go against instinct and inhale the water through her nose. In a flash she bolted upright and bent over and began coughing. Her nose burned from the dense salty water of the ocean so far out. It felt like she couldn't breath properly.

But then, something must have clicked, because the salt didn't quite burn as much down her throat, and the skin on her neck tickled. Blaire stopped coughing and hiccuped. She blinked and touched her neck. It felt different from the rest of the skin on her body. She could breath easier now. Blaire stared at the water lapping against the platform then shifted her glance at Keanu.
Keanu had heard Blaire go into a coughing fit while he was underwater, but he didn't come up. He was too focused on his newly discovered power. When he first inhaled, he was immediately expecting himself to start choking and coughing like the first time. But once he swallowed, the water seemed to disappear and he spent the next few seconds perfecting the technique.

Soon, he came back up and face to face with Blaire. He smirked, his long wet hair now flopping over his eyes. Droplets of water rolled off the tips. "Just call me flying shark boy." He teased, flipping his hair from his face.
Blaire looked at Keanu and laughed in awe and then in pride. She threw her arms around his neck. Overcome by amusement that she had been anxious in the first place, it seemed so simple, but glad that they did it together. She laughed again. "Looks like we had nothing to worry about--though I would have appreciated magical gills before the whole surfing-attack-catastrophe," she grinned playfully, "Now we're both preditors to small household pets and water dwelling creatures alike."
Liza, having struggled into the wetsuit with deep unethusiasm, having to finally resort to having one of the girls help her, clomps awkwardly towards the group, looking around to see if they are going to let her come with them. Part of her resistance to the wetsuit had been because she had suspected they were distracting her away from them by asking her to put one on. She had feared that the moment she went off and fought to get into the suit, they would all jump in the water and leave without her, thinking she was too little to go. But here they were, waiting for her, and Liza smiled in relief as she joined them.

"I'm gonna jump in, okay?"
Keanu grinned, having to wrap his arms around Blaire to keep from falling over. He chuckled, pulling back to look at her. "Because all we need is more things being afraid of us...actually that's exactly what we need." He laughed again, shaking his head quickly. This sent water flying everywhere, including on Blaire.

Callie looked over at Liza walking awkwardly back into the group. It had taken her and Brinley a good ten minutes to help her get into it, her wings being the toughest part. She nodded in agreement, looking at the captain. "I think we're all ready to go now." She looked the flock over, frowning at the absence of two of their members. She quickly spotted Keanu and Blaire out on the small ledge in some hugging embrace. "Yo lovebirds!" She yelled, hands on her hips. "Let's get going!"
Blaire laughed and leaned away as water flew everywhere. She elbowed him in the side, "Thanks, we totally need your..." she struggled for the word, "Hair wetness...to get us all soaked before we jump into the ocean to swim around for a couple hours." She laughed, teasing at how long his hair was.

When Callie called them, Blaire jumped to her feet, her face flushed. "Guess it's badass time," She held out her hand and helped him up then joined the others on the deck. It was finally time to start their week-long mission to finally rescue Demitri and Lilly. Blaire nodded to Callie. She then ran and did a swan dive off of the side of the boat, gaining the most momentum as she sailed over the water. She enjoyed her last moment in the air, taking an involuntary breath before she plunged below the waves with minimal splash on the surface.

Blaire shot down a good thirty feet, willing the water to push her down before she stopped to wait for the others. Her ears popped slightly, but for some reason it wasn't as bad as any other time in a pool where they had popped at sixteen feet. Blaire took a cautious breath--nothing happened, it felt different from breathing air, but the harsh burn of salt water was gone. Within a few breaths, she became accostom with it and was feeling her neck where there where small bubbles of water were streaming from. Even underwater, her eyesight was clearer and not blurry, and with their bird-kid raptor vision, she was even able to see the darker depths below in clarity.
Liza jumps after the others with her arms and legs stretched wide, rather resembling the stance of a flying squirrel. She lets out a loud whoop just before she hits the water, sinking fast and kicking her legs downward to speed up her descent. Her ears pop slightly as she puts out her arms, circling them to gain control, before looking up for the others. The wetsuit clings tightly to her skin, and Liza does not like the uncomfortable feeling of her wings pressed in so close against her back, unable to aid her movements. She is clumsy and awkward in her swimming due to the constriction of her wings, but she is able to breathe easily, and the suit is insulation, keeping her warm as she rejoins the others. She puts up one hand in a shrugging gesture, as though to ask where to go from here.
Keanu smirked, taking her hand and pulling himself onto his feet. "I'm just helping you guys get used to the water is all." He said, pretending to sound innocent. He ignored Callie, and simply jumped in the water after Blaire. He started holding his breathe for a few seconds, before remembering that was no longer necessary.

Callie waited until all the others went under, before she stood on the railing on the side of the boat. He sighed deeply, before jumping into the air. She snapped her wings out, the ocean's wind pushing her back several inches. She flew a few feet out, before closing her wings in and dropping several feet into the water. The coldness ran over her, but she was used to the temperature within a few seconds. She does an underwater 360, taking note of her surroundings, before motioning downwards. She didn't really like not being able to communicate with the others all that well, but she had learned how to silently communicate in the school. She thought of this as only brushing up those skills. She turned upside down, her head facing the darker depths of the water. She hesitated momentarily, beofre kicking at the water. It was time to get her family back.
Determination pushed her farther as they got deeper and deeper down. Blaire used her power to manipulate the currents and push them downwards so they weren't straining their muscles, it also sped up their decent. She twisted her body and the water twisted with her, creating a sort of vortex that shot them down deeper.

Despite how deep they were going, Blaire could still see around her in the dark. But the pressure around her was very slowly affecting them, it wasn't really pushing in as it was making it harder to move. Blaire came to rely more on the water to move them than her limbs. It was also become progressively colder, she could feel it in her fingertips and toes, but overall her wetsuit kept her warm.
Alex followed the others quickly, snapping out his wings and diving head-first into the water just before Callie. As his head broke through the skin of the water, he took in a breathe, he was so focused on the amazement of being able to breathe underwater and the various ways to kill Chu that he had to stop suddenly, for he had almost gone too deep for the others. The bubbles swooshed around him as he floated in the water, he glanced up slightly to see Blaire had almost reached him. The darkness of the water surprised him; had he really gone that deep while day-dreaming? He could feel the pressure of the water around him and he found it hard to move, much harder than it had been during his descent. He looked to the approaching members of the Flock, everyone was there. Still floating in the water, he focused and sent what he called a 'group message' into every single one of their heads, thinking a bit of communication might lighten the impending death-like feeling. 'How is everyone holding up?' He then glanced to Callie and Blaire, sending only them both an extra message, 'How much further do you reckon we have to go? The pressure is increasing.'
Sticking close to the others, Liza is uncomfortable the further down they sink into the darkened waters. It is so dark it is difficult for her to see everything as clearly as she would like, and though the wetsuit is helping considerably in conserving her heat, she can still feet the coldness of the water on her hands, face, and neck. She is beginning to feel heavy and strained, as though something is pressing against her body, and she moves closer to the others, nearly bumping into them with each stroke of her hands and kick of her feet.

It feels like she's in a small room with the walls too close for comfort, and Liza fights the temptation to break through her wetsuit to let her wings stretch out. Their cramped proximity to her back is not helpign matters.

Lillie, Demitri, think of them...Lillie, we're gonna get Lillie, she tells herself repeatedly, not realizing she's accidentally speaking into the others minds. Lillllliiiiiie....
Blaire frowned and looked at Liza when Alex asked how everyone was doing. But she seemed to be doing well for herself. The cold didn't seem too bad since they had adjusted to it slowly, but it was still a killer on her fingers--she almost couldn't feel them.

"I hope it's close." Blaire shivered, not from the chill of the ocean but the prospect of when they got there, if they would be on time. She looked at Callie, "Does you tracking work underwater?" She didn't know how it worked in the first place, but she hoped it was some kind of innate ability to know where they were at.
Alex looks at Liza as he hears her thoughts about Lillie. His hands tightened together into little balls at his own dreaded thoughts - what if they were too late? What if Lillie was....No. He couldn't think like that. He promised her that he would keep her safe. If she died he couldn't live with himself. He looks to Liza as she swims, noticing after a few moments that she was struggling a bit. Obviously the pressure was getting to her. He smiled lightly and unclenched his right hand before making a slash with it through the water. He watched as a gust of massive water picked up behind Liza and then rocketed her forward, giving her a speed boost. He made sure it wasn't too big - so that it didn't hurt her or consume her - and grinned as she speed along now, looking like she was flying through the water. 'Getting tired yet Liza?' He sends her the thought once she has slowed down a bit, the impact from the water boost slowly wearing off.
Liza smiles as the wave helps her forward, immediately shaking her head at Alex's question as she renews her efforts.

"Nuh uh. I just don't like it down here much, is all. It's dark and heavy and stuff and I don't wanna have my wings in here no more. Are we gonna be there soon? Do you think Lillie and Demetri know we're coming?"

Without waiting for an answer from Alex or any of the others, she yelled in her head, letting it echo through the water towards any who might be within the range of hearing.

Callie tried to ignore the fact that it was getting harder to swim the further down they went, and it only continued to get darker and darker. She just wished the bottom would show up soon. Even if Lillie and Demitri weren't here, the sooner they got to the bottom the sooner they could get the hell out of the water. 'I sure hope it's close' She sent back, even though she knew getting there would either mean huge disappointment, or a huge fight. Hearing Blaire's question, she tried to focus on her surroundings. Her tracking ability had always been very faint and shaky, something she didn't really know how to control. She didn't even know if it was considered a 'skill.' She just knew that one day about a year ago the whole Flock was playing an intense game of hide and seek in the woods and she was it. All of a sudden, she just knew where they were all hiding. Like she could smell them. She tried this now, but nothing seemed to happen. 'I'm not picking anything up,' She answered, and right after that, a light flashed past her.

Callie felt her heart skip a beat, and she whirled as fast as she could to see what was causing it. She calmed down when she realized it was only the submarine that was supposed to be following them. She could see the captain waving, and she was in mid-wave back when she felt Keanu nudge her ribs lightly. She turned back around, fearing the worst, and her shoulders slumped and she sighed out bubbles at the sight. Now illuminated by the sub's headlights, a metal dome with plexiglass windows sat on the bottom of the dark ocean. 'Let's check it out, swim around the whole thing,' She sent everyone, and then sent a separate one to just Alex. 'Don't do anything stupid yet, okay?' In any other occasion, she would have said this sternly. She sent this to Alex because she knew how violent he could get when he was angry, along with the rest of him. But this was practically his little sister trapped in the dome, and the last thing she needed was him getting hurt. Or worse, killed.
Alex chuckles lightly in his head when Liza yells out. But then the metal dome was lit up and revealed; hiding like it was ashamed of its purpose. Alex felt his hands clench and the water around him rippled lightly as he pictured Lillie inside, beaten, upset, crying, maybe even dead. The water around him jolted. He caught Callie's first thought and thought silently to himself, way ahead of you. He sped past the others, but then he heard Callie's next thought, intended for him only. He stopped for a moment and looked straight up, unable to see the surface of the water. Don't do anything stupid? 'Would breaking through the glass, making sure Chu drowns and getting Lillie and Demitri the hell out of there be classed as stupid? What about finding a safe way in and then tearing Chu's head off? Or getting Lillie and Demitri out then blowing the whole damn place up?' He looked back down, his fists turning white with the effort he was challenging through them. Calm Alex. Calm. He couldn't, he really couldn't. He had froze in the water, watching some of the others swim down to the dome. But he needed to relax or else he WOULD go smashing through that glass. The water surrounding his body was moving more dominantly than the rest of the water, not enough to be dangerous, it was just...obvious. He closed his eyes. Calm Alex. Calm.
Blaire swam--or, more appropriately, she was pushed along by the currents she was forcing. As she neared the large metal dome her heart started racing with anticipation, but she also felt something different. The water around her was churning thickly. Something she hadnt realized as she came down, was the gradual absence of currents. At the ocean floor, it was too heavy to have any kind of current--impossible except for if said waves were implemented by supernatural forces.

Blaire floated up next to Alex at the wall of metal that had obviously been coated in something so it did not rust. She hovered both of her hands over surface. A tingling charged her fingers and palms. Blaire frowned. "It's electrocuted for security." she thought out loud, knowing someone would hear her. As she thought it, she observed one of the few deep-sea life creatures of the deep swim towards the dome and brush its side. The fish squirmed as a jot of electricity pulsed through its small body before it finally lay limp and slowly float to the bottom of the ocean. A shove rolled down Blaire's spine. She thought more about how they would approach the situation. After a long time she thought, "Well. The dome is only built to take so much pressure. However, it would be futile to attack the windows. They are, like, ten feet thick, and built not to break. It's like safety glass in windshields and the stuf they use for bullet proof glass--which is actually aluminum--it's probably got some kind of protecting. So if we break it, it gets stronger and were still not getting through. Our best chance is to rip the metal open. Like I said it and it's bolts are only built to support so much pressure before they fail. What do say, Alex? We just this thing together?"
Kicking downward to join the others at the dome, Liza frowns at the strange metal surrounding it, still kicking her legs in her effort to fight the current. It is very strongly pressing against her, and she scowls, speaking to it aloud as she opens and closes her fists, trying to keep them warm and agile.

"Bad water...stop it!!!"

She reaches out to touch the metal, intending to just push at it in hopes it would somehow move aside, but backs away when Blaire tells them it is electrocuted. Treading water, hanging close to the others, Liza is momentarily distracted as a fish swims between her legs, kicking and giggling. "Don't bite! Don't bite!"

When she begins to pay attention again she is still keeping herself in constant motion, partly to keep warm and anchored against the waves, partly to bleed off some of her growing anxiety. Is Lillie and Demitri in there? What if they can't get them out?

"Can I help? I wanna help!" she says, then calls out to the captive two again mentally. "LILLIE! DEMITRI! WE ARE GONNA GET YOU!!!"
Callie watched as the fish swam a little to close the barrier and fried itself. Even though it made her body tingle, she was much more glade it was a stupid fish then one of them. She went in the opposite direction of Alex, catching his thought to her. 'No, I guess those aren't classified as stupid.' She sent back, getting to the spot where Alex was. Just by the way he was just floating there, Callie could tell he was trying his hardest not to loose it. She moved closer to him, gently laying a hand on his arm. This had always seemed to work in the past. This time it seemed Yo have a smaller affect, he was way too angry. Callie bit down on her lip, and closed her eyes for a second, thinking about what she was about to do. She moved both of her hands up to Alex's face, so they were even. She took an innecciasary deep breathe, before lightly pressing her lips to his. She could feel his body tense up even more for a second, but then he seemed to relax. Callie pulled away a few seconds later, dropping her hands back to her side. She had no idea what was about to happen, but she knew that if something went wrong she couldn't die without doing that at least once. Plus it was the only way she could think to calm him down. (I just thought it was perfect timing to do that. xD )

Her seconds of peacefulness was quickly interrupted when she heard the unmistakeable shriek of Brinley. She snapped her head up, just in time to make out the outline of those ugly seamonsters. She frowned, instantly balling her hands up into fists. This was the last thing she needed. She was an awesome fighter on land and even in the air, but underwater? She hadn't exactly practiced that. Guess it was time to learn. She clenched her jaw as the monsters got closer with notable speed.
Alex was still stoic as Blaire drifted up beside him, he was still motionless as she sent him thoughts about ways to get in. He needed to calm. Like, right now. He couldn't even respond to Callie as she sent back about his ideas not being stupid. Did they mean he could do them? His fists clenched a bit harder; very dark thoughts in his head, blocked off to the rest of the Flock. He had broken his promise to Lillie. If she was still alive, and that was a big if, she would defiently not be in a good condition, at all. She'd probably never trust him ever again. She probably hated him. He knew he did. Alex was so stuck in these depressing thoughts that he didn't really notice Callie swim up beside him, neither did he notice her arm rest on his. But then his thoughts came to a halt as he felt her soft hands on his face, he blinked at her for a moment before her gentle lips were on his. His body tensed further as he freaked out for a moment. Callie was kissing him? Why was she kissing him? Did she like him? Of course she likes you idiot, why else would she kiss you? His fists unclenched and his shoulders fell down as he found himself kissing her back - until she pulled away. He looked at her, his brow furrowed in confusion. He opened his mind to send a thought, but then Brinley's undeniable high-pitched scream interrupted everything and he watched as Callie looked up, following her gaze. His eyes narrowed. One of those things had given him a messed up, ***** wound. Lovely. 'Oh shit, not these things again. I don't particularly want another infected bite.' He left that thought open for everyone, but blocked the swearing part from Liza. The pressure was NOT going to help their situation at all. He glanced back to Callie, they needed to talk, later. He glared at the beasts, he slammed his hands upwards in the sea, directed at the monsters. A huge gust of water left his hands and zoomed up towards the hideous creatures, like a tidal wave. It knocked them a nice distance backwards, enough to give the Flock some time to think, or plan, or something. However, it also riled the seamonsters up, one letting out a horrific cry of anger. 'Anyone got any ideas?' Alex sent out his thought freely, glaring at the creatures sullenly with his arms crossed and his loose hair covering his eyes slightly as the water moved it around.
Liza had been watching as Callie approached Alex. When the older girl kissed him, Liza had grinned, finding this very amusing and interesting, then started to choke as salt water entered her mouth. She tried to spit it out, but this only succeeded in bringing in more before she figured out to close her mouth. Her mouth was still puckered when Brinley screamed.

Liza struggled to turn herself in the water, wanting to face her fully to see what was going on. Her eyes almost bulged as she took in the sea monsters' approach, and frantically she swam to Brinley's side, yelling out to her in her mind. "Brinley!!!! Are you hurt? Did they bite? Brinley!!!"

As Alex knocks them back temporarily with the gust of water, Liza grabs Brinley's hand and holds it tightly for a moment, then, letting go, starts to swim directly towards the sea monsters, attempting to shout into their minds too.

Callie was ready to go beat the crap out of one of those monsters, since she had a lot of anger right now, but Alex beat her to it. She was kind of glad that he pushed them back, since she didn't really think these things would go down easily. Keanu wasn't too happy about the appearance of the sea monsters, either. Him and Alex had both experienced a bite from them, and it wasn't enjoyable. Once Alex had pushed them back, he store at the monsters hard. The water around a single sea monster was soon boiling, at unbelievably high temperatures. It let out a roar, before swimming away. Its speed was much slower now.

Keanu started to target the next one, when he felt something bang into him. It knocked him to the side, and he lost his concentration before he could start heating the water around the next monster. He quickly re-balanced himself, and saw that it was Brinley who had knocked into him, on purpose. 'Stop!' Brinley sent to everyone. She turned to face the monsters, who were keeping their distance now, but roaring occasionally. Brinley went silent, as she started talking to the huge fish.

After several seconds, she turned back around. Callie tensed, since the monsters were coming back. But they were calm now, and didn't seem to want to kill them, or even hurt them anymore. 'It isn't their fault. They're genetic freaks, just like us. And they're smart.They've been attacking fishing boats because the long nets have been damaging their eggs and babies. They didn't mean to hurt Blaire, Alex, and Keanu. They thought they were a threat. They were swimming right above on of their nests.' She sent this to everyone. Callie's jaw had dropped, but she closed it once some tiny transparent shrimp tried to swim in. Brinley continued. 'All the radiation created them, but it's also making them sick. They're really mad at the Chu corporation. I told them we were too. So now we're on the same team! Plus, they know how to get into the dome.' Brinley smiled, proud of herself. Callie looked at her blankly, trying to grab hold of what she just heard. But she wasn't about to question it any further. 'Let's do this then. What can they do?'
Alex stood by the side as Keanu began heating the water around the beasts, he frowned lightly as Blaire stopped him, but then she sent the explaination thought to them all and he listened. His frown deepened before it was discovered they were on their side. He shrugged, glancing back to Callie again. He resisted the urge to touch his fingers to his still shocked lips and swum back over to the dome. He glanced back over to Brinley, sending an open thought, 'They know that the dome electrocutes, right?' He glanced back, trying to see if he could see any weakness to get in. Damn. Nothing. He needed to find Lillie. And soon. He kept his back to the others for a moment, hovering his hand just inches away from the metal. Inches away from being electrocuted. But then he pulled back with a mental sigh. He turned back to face the others, eyes closed, rubbing the middle of his forehead as his head pounded slightly. He blinked open his eyes and looked at the others, eyes grazing them all as he wondered if they'd feel any different about life if they hadn't been test tube babies. Sure he only have five years of a normal life, but he had managed to sort memories so that he could remember almost everything possible from those first five years. He could still remember so much from his 'human' life and how it was different to being a genetically messed up freak. He shook himself from the cold and folded his arms, clearing his thoughts as he looked to Brinley again, 'Yeah, how can they get us inside the dome Brinley?'
Liza listens to Brinley's explanation frowning at first, not appreciating that she can't try to fight back, but when she realizes that the monster-things were actually kids too, she relaxes. In fact, she even tries to talk to them in their heads, whether or not they can understand English- or more importantly, Liza's version of English.

"Oh you're good! That's good. 'Cause I don't like when things aren't good. I'm not mean to people so they shouldn't oughtta be mean to me either. I don't like the bad science guys 'cause they were bad to me and my friends and we didn't even do anything bad to them first. Plus also they took Lillie and Demitri and Lillie was so nice and Demitri sounds nice when I talked in his head and stuff. Are you gonna let us in? And not get us hurt? And not eat us probably?"

She treads water, then adding to her dialogue, "I'm cold. My hands and feet and stuff. I don't even like this suit that's wet thing but it means my other body don't get cold."

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