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Fandom Winged

Liza has been sleeping, restless and fitful, since the Flock was brought into the hospital room with Demitri and Lillie, sitting in Brinley's lap. Her head is against Brinley's shoulder, her body slumped back against her, and her eyes are twitching under her eyelids, as she settles into a dream that looks very unrestful.

When it had been made apparent that her attempts to heal Lillie and Demitri had not resulted in their awakening and speaking to her, Liza had been devastated, convinced that they were on the brink of death- and though no one had said as much to her, it appeared to be possible. She had collapsed onto the floor, bursting into tears, and was very difficult to comfort. Now she lies against Brinley, her thumb partly in her mouth, exhausted and pale as she sleeps.

The others are so silent that when the door opens, Liza begins to stir, her eyes slowly opening partway. She keeps her thumb in her mouth for the moment as she shifts her eyes towards first the hospital beds, then the door.
((Okay, thanks for letting us know. Have fun!))

Callie, like most of the others, was sitting in one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs. The hospital staff had been sweet enough to switch the hard wooden chairs for some better padded ones. She wasn’t about to complain, they had slept in much much worse. She was sitting sideways, with most of her legs hanging over one arm of the chair. Most people wouldn’t mind, if they weren’t abnormally tall, or didn’t have wings. But again, she wasn’t complaining. It wasn’t like she got a lot of sleep anyway. There was one small couch in the room, and the Flock had all agreed to let Brinley, Liza and Dally sleep on it. Everyone else was scattered around the room in their own chairs.

Callie doesn’t get much sleep. She sleeps maybe two hours at the most, and not all at once. Most of the times she wakes up she walks around the room a little to stretch her legs and check on the others. If Keanu’s up at the same time as her, they would talk for a few minutes before going back to silence. One of the times, around the time the sun is starting to rise, she actually goes for a fly. It doesn’t last longer then ten minutes and she’s not sure anyone notices her absence. Although she isn't awake while Blaire is crying.

When Dr. Akana comes in, her eyes are closed but she's mostly awake. Once Blaire invites her in, she opens her eyes and stretches, trying to look as lively as possible. She spins around in her chair so she's sitting normally. The rest of the Flock mostly does the same. She works up a faint smile and waves at the doctor, but she knows she must look awful. She had barely slept in two days, and the sleep that she did get was rough and uncomfortable. She checks on the Flock, especially Lillie and Demitri. She knows the doctors came in time and time again during the night to check in on them, take blood and whatever else they did, but nothing seems to have changed much.

The Doctor smiled at them with encouragement. Her skirt, dyed with light greens and blues, fluttering lightly around her legs as she rushes over the room to hug them all in turn, ending with the flock's leader, "How are you holding up, Callie? If there is anything, anything you--or the flock--needs at all; please, don't be afraid to ask, dear."

[[sorry for crappy post :I]]
When Dr. Akana came around to her, Liza had hugged her back as long as the woman would allow, though she barely knows her. At this point, Liza is open and accepting of any and all hugs, and she clings to the woman with surprising strength before she pulls back. Huddling back against Brinley, Liza looks up at Dr. Akana and her concerned expression solemnly, speaking from behind her fingers in reply to her emphatic statement.

"We need Lillie and Demitri to wake up and be better, okay? And we need to not feel bad. And not have bad guys after us. Plus also, I'm hungry."

(yeah, sorry for my crap post too :/ )
Callie forced another smile and awkwardly hugged the Doctor back. Usually if someone hugged her, her first instinct would be twist their arm and flip them over her back. She didn't really think that would be appropriate though, and probably not necessary. She let Lillie talk before nodding. "Yeah that would be nice. Breakfast sounds good. Maybe a nice shower, and not being hunted down by crazy wolf people would be awesome." She replied only somewhat joking. Basically she wanted and needed all of that.
Alex hadn't spoken a word since the submarine. Not even one word. He had nodded or shook his head if that was needed. But besides that he had been slowly focused on Lillie. And on Lillie waking up. He had taken a chair beside Lillie's bed, silently watching her tiny, frail body heave up and down with each breath, her pale eyelids still closed - as they had seemed to have been for an eternity now. He, much like the two older girls, hadn't slept much. He had however, been asleep during Blaire's crys and Callie's flights - although he had woken up briefly as she was leaving, but thought nothing of it and fell asleep again. He had woken up before Blaire, and was silently watching Lillie, her tiny hand in his massive one as the rapping at the door began. He didn't pay any attention to it. But then Blaire got up, answered the door and the crazy doctor lady flung herself in the room and began a hugging fest. Alex didn't move. But then the doctor lady was brave enough to fling her arms around him and his eyes widened slightly as her perfumed scent hit him like a wave of memories. He slowly, very slowly, reached his own arms up and hugged her back. He felt her breath a sigh of relief and she hugged him back tighter before she let go and moved on to hug the others. He frowned slightly at her retreating form. He hadn't been hugged properly - or at all - by a grown-up for 11 years now. He looked back to Lillie as Liza began to speak about getting them to wake up. Lillie needs to wake up. Why won't she wake up? He still remained deadly silent, his eyes on Lillie solely. She needs to wake up.

(I'm back! :D )
Dr. Akana surveyed the group, listening to the flock. She went over and stroked Liza's head and told her, "I'll go speak to the nurses about breakfast, how about that?" the doctor smiled at the young girl then glanced around the room at the flock, "And, if I'm not mistaken, there's a shower in the bathroom. I can speak to the nurses about you children using the bathrooms in some of the other unoccupied rooms to wash up in as well." Dr. Akana nodded to herself, turned, and disappeared out of the door for a moment to reappear a moment later. "I've cleared it with the nurses, the rooms to either side are vacant, feel free to use them. Breakfast will also be down in roughly twenty minutes."

Blaire was slightly stunned how on top of things Dr. Akana was in the few minutes she was here. She stood up and stretched her hands above her head and yawned. Blaire padded over to the door, running a hand through her dark hair though it had dried long ago, it still had that distinct smell of sea water, "Thanks, doc, I've been killing for a shower," she commented as she past. Blaire headed out the door and straight for the next room where she found the bathroom in the room, stripped down, and took the longest hottest shower she could--which she decided to be about little over twenty minutes. After last night in the frigid depths of the ocean, they all deserved the longest hotest shower ever.

The doctor looked back at Callie, "Could I talk to you a moment, dear, in the hallway?" Doctor Akana asked.
Liza nods in response to the doctor's words of breakfast, and nuzzles her head into her stroking hand almost like a cat, half closing her eyes. She is disappointed when Dr. Akana pulls away and looks over to Alex, her frown deepening as she observes his silent behavior. Quietly she walks over to him and hugs him around the middle, burying her face in the small of his back so her words come out muffled.

"I love you Alex."
Callie nodded a thanks to Dr. Alana for getting them showers. They could all really use one. She told everyone to go take one. "The faster you shower, the faster you eat." It wasn't like she planned on taking a super short shower herself though. Callie nodded, and followed the doctor out of the room. She wondered what was so important that she couldn't tell the others. Oh god, was it something about Lillie or Demitri? Did the doctor suddenly turn evil, or was evil the whole time, and now a bunch of nurses who were actually Trackers about to cone out and attack them? Of course the last one was a little out there, but she tensed anyway. She crossed her arms over her chest. "What's up?" She asked.
Alex was so focused on Lillie, on somehow willing her to wake up just by staring at her, that he didn't notice Liza's approach until her arms were around him. His fist instinct was to grab the person's arm and flip them over his shoulder. But then he realized the hands' were small, and that Liza's voice accompanied them.

Her words hit him like a train.

So simple, so small, yet so significant. I love you. Only, in a brief moment he found himself wishing that Callie had said those words. Of course it was different, Liza was like a little sister, but still....

Someone loved him. Half of him was fighting desperately to accept that love, to kindle it to grow and to gladly return it. But the other half was pushing it away just as strongly, telling Alex that he didn't deserve love, that he was the reason his parents died, the reason his unborn sister died...the reason Lillie may be dying. Telling him that he was leaving soon anyway, to avoid hurting anyone else, and that he shouldn't give Liza false hope. But still...

He found himself relaxing, his muscles untensing as he answered back in a small, quiet voice, "I love you too Liza. I just want Lillie to wake up."
Liza continues to hug Alex strongly, her grip gradually tightening, and she turns her face so that her ear is pressed against his back, letting out a slow sigh. Her heartbeat slows, and after a moment she smiles faintly.

"I feel your wings," she announces. "I bet they'd make me sneeze if you didn't got clothes on."

After a few more moments she adds, "Your back feels nicer now. That's better....Alex? Lillie is gonna wake up...right? She's gonna soon and she'll be okay...right? And be all healed up? Someone can heal her up even though I didn't do good?"
Once out in the hall, the doctor gestured to a pair of chair sitting across from them. Dr. Akana sat down lightly and waited for Callie to sit before nodding.

"So, dear, I wanted to speatk to you first and foremost in a private audience--so to speak." she began and laid her hand on top of Callie's, "Callie, I've enjoed you and your family's company so much. You're all so young, yet forced to struggle through all this trouble. My heart goes out to all of you, I know you children deserve so much better. I wanted to offer you a place at my home to rest and recover--of course, after Lillie and Demitri are discharged from the hospital," the doctor said the last part with no sense of doubt, they would be released for sure. "My home, which functions as our marine biology base for myself and a carefully selected few of my colleagues, is on the coast of one of Hawaii's state parks. I assure you, it has a failry remote location, it is about five miles or so from the closest village. I think you all deserve a chance to enjoy the quiet and peaceful side of the island. A place to stay while Lillie and Demitri regain their strength before you move on again." Dr. Akana nodded earnestly, "I would love so much to have you join us at my home."
Callie hesitantly sat down. She leaned back a little, getting comfortable. When Dr. Akana put her hand on top of hers, she bit her lip to keep from pulling away. She listened carefully, taking it all in. It did sound great, but she was just so used to moving around all the time. Not to mention she wasn't about to say yes without talking to the Flock first. "Wow, that's a really nice offer. But I really need to talk to the rest of the flock before I say anything. It's not just my choice." She shrugged, staring at the wall in front of her.
Dr. Akana nodded, "It is perfectly understandable, I just wanted to get your opinion first. Perhaps we should go talk to the other children?" The doctor stood and walked to the doorway into the hospital room. She opened the door and gestured for Callie to walk through first before entering after. In the room she addressed the flock and explained the situation similarly as before. "So, what do you all think," Dr. Akana said, finishing her short speech, "Would you care to join me at my home? You're welcome to stay, relax and recover."

Blaire finished her shower. She didn't take very long, for fear of draining the hospitals water tank or whatever of hot water. It was long enough for her to shampoo and condition her hair with the cheap products the hospital provided and scrub her face clean. It took a total of less than ten minutes. She was reluctant to get out, but she didn't know when Demitri would wake up, so she didn't want to stay away long. Blaire dressed in her clothes and rubbed her towel over her head to absorb most of the moisture so the water didn't drip down on her shoulders. She hung her towel up to dry and left the room for the one the flock occupied.

She walked in just in time to hear the majority of the end of Dr. Akana's speech. Blaire took her seat on the end of Demitri's bed. When the doctor mentioned the part where all of them could rest and recover, Blaire turned her head to look at Demitri, her eyebrows drawing together. In the week that they had kidnapped Demitri, the guy looked like he lost ten pounds, and considering how bird-kids where already generally skinny, that wasn't a good thing. When he woke up, there was no way he would be in any sort of shape for long-distance flying.

Blaire sighed, "I think we should do it." She was still looking at Demitri. Blaire knew he liked the city, but they had both fantasized over the tropical island life. She knew he would like it here, would like to see it before they had to move on again. All things considered, Blaire liked it here too--especially now that they didn't have to deal with freakish mutant man-eating monster things, and now Chu was gone. Maybe they could relax in peace for a while.
Still hugging Alex from behind, Liza looks up as Dr. Akana enters the room. Listening to her proposal, she takes all of two minutes to consider the offer, before nodding and smiling, giving her approval.

"Uh huh I wanna go to your house! 'Cause you're nice. And there won't be bad guys there. And we can eat and stuff. And sleep. And play. And watch TV...can we watch TV? Can we jump on the bed? Can we live there? And you can be our mama maybe 'cause we don't got mamas I don't think. And you seem nice. Okay?"
Callie silently reentered the room following Dr. Akana. She stood quietly next to her as she explained her offer to the others. Most of them seemed to like the idea. If her flock was okay with it and wanted to go, it was fine with her. "So we're going then?" She asked to no one in particular. It sounded like they were. Callie herself was kind of excited to go. They would get to rest up, and just kind of relax for a while. It sounded pretty good to her.
Dr. Akana laughed. "Thank you, dear. We will keep you as safe as we can so that you all can recover in peace," she smiled at Liza. "I have some errands to run in the city. I'm going to speak to the nurses before I go and I'll come and check up on you kids later tonight." She patted Callie on the shoulder, kissed the top of Liza's head, and waved goodbye to the others.

"Well," Blaire sighed, "I don't see any danger in relaxing for a few days....or a few weeks--you know, give or take." She stood and paced around the room for she had nothing better to do. There was a slight sound from Demitri's bed. Blaire flinched and trained her eyes on the bed in hops that Demitri was finally waking up. But nothing else came, he had just sighed in his sleep. At some point in the night he had switched from unconsciousness to sleep. Something that the docter said was a good sign that he was recovering well. And, well, what could they expect from a bunch of mutant bird-kids? They healed explictly fast. Even now, Lillie and Demitri were coming--though slower than usual--back into their health. The bruises on Demitri's face were purple but they were beginning to fade, and his cuts were puckered and angry pink. But at least they were healing.

A few minutes later after Dr. Akana had swept through the doorway, a nurse bustled into the room with a cart of covered trays of food. The nurse began to uncover them and stack the lids together. Blaire walked over and picked up a plate and started munching thoughtfully on a peice of celery.

[[OOC: so i was thinking that we could do a time skip to a little later in the day where Lillie and Demitri wake up. Then Jo can timeskip into the night for Alex's leaving. Maybe later when they wake up and see that he's gone. Then again when they're pulling up to the doctor's house.]]
(Ah sorry! Now that Winged has been moved to Fandom it's hard to keep up, I'm used to just checking the Fantasy section xD Would it be alright if Alex left after they arrived at the house, he'd wanna check that Lillie got there safely first and then he'd probably leave in the nighttime of their first day at the house)

Alex barely heard Liza as she spoke, hearing muffled words about Lillie and healing and waking up. But he didn't find it in him to respond.

When Dr. Akana entered and began speaking however, it peaked his interest and he listened, though not looking away from Lillie. When she spoke about all of them recovering, Alex's eyes flicked to Lillie's face, her softly closed eyelids and the blue bruises that still lay on her face. His eyes widened slightly, were they healing? Weren't they? He couldn't tell, he couldn't remember how the bruises had looked when he first found her, so he had nothing to compare it to now.

Lillie needed to get better. If she woke--WHEN she woke up, she wouldn't have enough energy to be flying for long distances and running from trackers. She needed to be staying somewhere safe, somewhere where she could maybe be a normal kid for a while - ignoring that she had wings and no parents of course.

Alex didn't need to voice his approval, since it was already there anyway and Dr. Akana had already said goodbye and left. When the food entered, Alex looked over, then looked at Lillie. If she dies, it's your fault.
[[Cool with me, I was just expecting that if Alex met Ethan that he wouldn't want to leave because of Callie xD You know you guys can subscribe to threads? Its what I do and it keeps them all together. Its the option under Thread Tools. Then you can just go to settings at the top of your screen and view all of them together. Side Note: if it ever says No New Posts or something to that nature, click to view them anyways, the thing has a sort of 'new-ness' type of timer, so after a couple of hours its not considered a new post and they dissapear.]]
[[Maybe he's out running errands across the islands. Maybe Akana should tell multiple things across the various hawaii islands that would seem impossible to travel around in the time that she estimates he gets back in? I don't know how else to explain it.]]

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