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Fandom Winged

Eliza has been awake for nearly an hour now. She has never slept very long or well. She had never been allowed to, back in the labs, and it has become habit for her to never sleep more than two or three hours in one stretch. It does not bother her; it simply gives her more time to do what is needed, to think through the day and her plan of action.

Lying in bed, in the room small room she has to herself as Akana's assistant, Eliza reflected on the day, thinking of each of the other bird kids and what she had observed of their personalities and estimated intelligence. This will be something of a challenge, for them to fully accept her, but she believes she has already forged a tentative "understanding" with at least a few.

And certainly with Liza. The child will be the key to everything, and she is more than eager to welcome Eliza.

Thinking of Liza, Eliza chooses then to test a theory. She concentrates, honing in on Liza's mind alone, and whispers softly into her unconscious thoughts.

"Liza. Liza, wake up."

She repeats this several times until she is aware of the child stirring, her thoughts drowsy and confused, but no longer sleeping. When she is certain the child has heard and is awake, Eliza speaks to her again.

"It is Eliza...I need to talk to you. I have a secret. Shhh...come into my room, four doors down. But don't tell anyone, and don't let them know why...this is a secret just for us."

She was sure that this would pique the little girl's curiosity. As she waited for Liza to make her way to her, Eliza's face was blank. She felt nothing, but then, this was usually the case.
Alex had gone to the room assigned for him once the older kids began going to bed, he had acted normal, as if he would be there in the morning, and said goodnight to Lillie as he usually did, though this time was a bit different.

Lillie smiled up at Alex as he tucked her into bed, Liza already snoring in the bed across from them. Alex was glad Lillie had Liza now, and that he and Lillie weren't sharing a room tonight; it would make it that much harder to leave if they had been. "Alex?" The boy looked at Lillie as she spoke sleepily, "Yeah Cuddles?" "Do you think we can stay here from now on? With no bad trackers or scientists?" Alex nodded, "Of course Cuddles, no trackers or scientists can get you anymore." Lillie nodded, tired as she let her eyes close. Alex wasn't done yet though, and he pushed her hair out of her face as he spoke softly, "Lillie?" "Yeah Alex?" She spoke with a drowsy tone, eyes still closed, "You know you're the best little sister I've ever had right? And I'll always love you, no matter where I am." Lillie opened her eyes, smiling at Alex, "Of course Alex, I love you too. You're the bestest big brother I ever had." She reached her hands up behind his neck and hugged him as he chuckled, "Thanks Cuddles." She let go and laid back down, eyes closing again as she murmured, "You're the best big brother I'll ever have, even if I get another brother one day you'll still be my bestest one ever. I'll always love you Alex." Alex nodded, waiting until her breathing had steadied out, sure she was asleep before he let a tear fall onto her pillow. Getting up, he whispered softly before closing her door, "I'll always love you too Cuddles."

Alex then, before leaving, took one last trip to see Callie. He opened the door silently, "Callie?" He spoke softly, making sure she was really asleep. No response. He deftly leaned down to her, and kissed her forehead just barely, so it wouldn't wake her. "I love you" He whispered, dropping his pre-made note on her bedside table, then exited her room, making sure he had no tear reminiscents on his face, he slung his bag over his shoulder, and headed downstairs, ready to leave.

But then he heard rummaging, and as he came to stand in the kitchen, he frowned. There was some dude in a monkey suit, going through the fridge. He didn't look like a tracker. But still, those dang scientists made tracking sharks nowadays, so they could make a tracking monkey-suit teenage boy, right? "Uh, what the heck are you doing here? Who are you?" He finally decided to speak to the guy, who comically had a piece of bread hanging right out of his mouth.
The boy's eyes widened at the sound of the new voice that materialized from the other end of the kitchen, he hadn't heard the footsteps. He stood up straight and turned to face the voice, gnawing on his bread, not so much out of hunger now, the thought had completely left him, it was more tense kind of reaction. He paused and looked the other boy over. The kitchen was fairly dark with the blueish moonlight from the large windows bathing the features of the other boy's face white; However, his eyes remained dark. "I should be asking you that question. This is my house." The boy growled, crossing his arms over his chest, his fancy white-collared shirt still unbuttoned.

He probably looked like a zombie, showing up in the middle of the night looking looking like a mess, half-dressed, hair wind-streaked, bags under his eyes. Then he realize it wouldn't matter, because the moonlight was to his back, his face cast in mostly shadow, for the exception of the dim glow of the fridge to his side. He idly wondered what this other boy's reaction would be to the massive tears in the back of his shirt, if he could have seen them, or all seventeen feet of brown feathered glory. Kid would probably loose his marbles. At that thought he instinctively retracted his wings loosely against his back. No doubt the other boy already saw them, and if he didn't, he would have saw the shadow on the floor--a dead giveaway.
Alex rose an eyebrow, also crossing his arms and giving the guy a dark look. Then he noticed the large wings spread out behind his back before the boy quickly retracted them. He couldn't see much of him - for shadows were coating his face. "Your house? I thought this was Dr. Akana's house?" He looked to the guys back again, but the wings were 'hidden'

Did this boy not know Alex was a bird kid?

"You better not be a tracker sent by the school, 'cause if you are I will have to drop kick your ass across this kitchen." Yup, Alex sure knew how to start friendly conversations. With his arms still crossed, and eyes still narrowed, Alex stepped just a tad closer, "Are you a tracker? Or just another bird kid? I thought we were limited edition, but recently there's been a few of us showing up." This was true, first Liza, then Eliza, and now this boy - if he was one. The school sure had been busy.

If he was a tracker though, Alex might have to stick around 'till morning to apologize for the damage that would be caused to the kitchen.

(Gah sorry, lazy post)
Callie, along with almost everyone else in the house, was asleep in her room. After the whole conflict with Eliza was resolved, the Flock had hung out for a few hours before everyone slowly started to become tired, and eventually just went to sleep. Most nights, Callie was a very light sleeper, or only slept three or four hours. She had learned these ways when she was very young and still in the school. Everyone in the school knew to not be a heavy sleeper. It was basically a death wish. But tonight was different. Minutes after her head hit the pillow, she was out cold. It had been a very long day, and all she really wanted to do was sleep.

So when Ethan landed on the roof, she didn't hear it. If she was still awake, she might have. This also meant she didn't hear him in the kitchen rummaging around for food. She didn't hear Alex come into her room, or feel him kiss her forehead. And she slept right through whatever was happening between the new arrival and Alex down in the kitchen. She was basically oblivious to anything that was happening.
Liza rolls out of bed carefully, yawning, and rubs her eyes sleepily, her small face scrunched with sleep. As carefully as she can she makes her way towards the door of their bedroom, shuffling and reaching out towards it with an outstretched hand. Grasping the doorknob and pulling it open, she blinks, her eyes sensitive to the lamp shining in the hallway, and slowly stumbles down the hall towards Eliza's bedroom. She is curious what the older girl wants, what sort of secret she would trust only Liza with, but she is also still tired and barely alert.

As she enters Eliza's room, Eliza is sitting up in bed in her pajamas, waiting for her, and gives her a slight smile. Yawning again, Liza climbs up onto bed beside her and rubs her eyes.

"What's the secret?" she asked in a loud whisper, and Eliza looks about her, as though to make sure no one is listening, though clearly no one else is in the room. Then she leans towards Liza, her voice soft.

"I suppose you have noticed how we sort of look alike, right? And you yourself said how we have almost the same name."

Liza nodded again, rubbing her eyes a third time, and Eliza leaned closer, waiting until she was looking at her, was paying attention.

"That's because I'm your mother, Liza. And you're my daughter."
The boy narrowed his eyes. "I've lived here long enough." It had been about two years since he found himself drawn to the islands and ran into the good doctor. She gave him a place to live and something to do in a time where even he wasn't so sure about himself let alone trying to find food and shelter. In his mind he would always be in debt to Dr. Akana's generosity, she adopted him like a grandson, and in that state of mind he felt like it was his place to provide for her anyway he could, it was his responsibility to protect her. And right now he certainly saw the boy in front of him as an unknown trespassing in his territory.

"You better not be a tracker sent by the School, 'cause if you are I will have to drop kick you ass across this kitchen." The boy said.

He almost scoffed. 'Me. A tracker.' he thought to himself, his fists clenched as a suspicious thought occurred to him. 'What does this kid know about the School.' But right now, that didn't matter. He straightened his back to stand at his full height, stepped closer, and lowered his voice.They were roughly the same height, but he wasn't built like a regular bird-kid; bird-kids were in general skinny, their bones hollow, muscles leaner and densely packed, with tiny air pockets throughout their body to reduce weight so they were lighter. This boy wasn't exactly made the 'traditional' way, he was stockier with more muscle mass, though his bones were lighter--heavier than a average bird-kid but lighter than a human. Of course, he didn't know this because he had never know any other bird-kids, he couldn't tell any difference in the other boy, he just looked like any other tall-skinny human. And the thought that this complete stranger thought he could toss him around. "I'd like to see you throw me across this room, bean post."He unfolded his arms. "You have exactly ten seconds to tell me who you are and what the hell you're doing here before your face gets plastered on the side of milk cartons."

[[Well, I think I'm going to try out the whole dialog thing.
Blaire will be turquoise, Demitri will be green, and Ethan will be teal.]]

When the other guy straightened up, dropping his voice and stepping closer to Alex, as though he thought he could intimidate HIM. Well, Alex rose an eyebrow. He also straightened up, matching the guy's height - if not a bit taller - and he honestly didn't care about the fact that the guy looked a bit larger boned. That made him even more supicious. Regular bird kids didn't have that much 'meat' on them; so he must not be a regular bird kid.

But yet he was saying he lived here.

Alex glared at the boy, lowering his chin slightly so that his eyes appeared even darker, and his hair flopped just above his eyes, giving him the dangerous 'I-could-kill-you-without-blinking' look that Alex had mastered so well. "You'd like to see it?" He growled his words out, his tone extremely similar to the guy in front of him, "I'm sure you wouldn't be conscious, let alone able to see."

"Shouldn't I be asking you that question, chubby. You're the one with the wings that only me and my Flock have." With a pain in his chest Alex reminded himself that very soon, in minutes even, they wouldn't be his Flock anymore. Then, to explain himself further he let his own magnificent dark wings unfold from the slits in his top, they stretched out across the room, and looked black in the light they were in. He didn't flap them, as he was worried they would break something, but his eyes narrowed. He had made his point. They then folded back in and he glared at the guy still, "I'm a Bird Kid, me and my Flock are staying with Dr. Akana for a while. They don't know how long. And like I said earlier, if you're a tracker I will evaporate your eyeball juice until they pop out like pinballs."

Yeah, Alex wasn't one for playing when it came to Trackers, or anything really.
Liza's eyes widened, and mid-yawn, her mouth remained open in astonishment at Eliza's words. She gawked at her, forgetting her sleepiness now as the older girl regarded her calmly. Liza waited for her to tell her that she was kidding, but the girl remained as serious as usual, and appeared to be simply waiting for her response.

"You are not either," Liza declared, shaking her head, and even giggled. "You're not old enough, silly. You gotta be old to be a mama. Like, twenty."

"I am sixteen," Eliza told her patiently, not smiling back at her. "And I am your mother."

Liza frowns, still not really believing her, and starts to count on her fingers, struggling to figure out how old Eliza would have been to have had her, if she is sixteen now. Finally she gives up.

"You're too young," she says decisively, shaking her head again. "You're just being silly I think. Plus also I don't even have a mama I think. I was just born at the lab and that's all."

"You were born because of me," Eliza said firmly, looking Liza directly in the eyes. "I did not give birth to you. But you came from me. Out of my mind."

Liza frowned, trying to think about this, and her expression began to take on some uncertainty. Eliza continued quietly, not looking away from her for a moment.

"The similarity of our names, how similar we look...you came from me, Liza. You were a person inside my mind, and they...the scientists...they took out out from me and put you in the body of a dead bird kid. A bird kid like us. Once you had that person's body you began to look more like yourself in the face, more like me, because your own personality was shining through. But your body is not yours, and it never will be. You will never be able to grow, they told me...did they tell you that?"

Liza is still staring at her, her eyes wide again as she tries to understand what Eliza is telling her. In the end all she can grasp is one part of it. "You're my mama? For real?"

And Eliza finally makes herself smile. "Yes...yes, I am."
He was getting irritated. Here it was this guy who was claiming to be a bird-kid was standing in his kitchen threatening him trying to push him around his own home, on top of that he was falsely accusing him of being a Tracker. One day he was gone and this is what he comes back to find. All he wanted to do was crash in his nice comfortable bed, but instead he had to deal with this idiot. He certainly wasn't in the mood to be friendly. It was laughable how full of himself this kid was, making himself look scary and intimidating, he didn't look like one to boast so he must have some kind of skill, but the raw fact at how easily he was to misjudge an opponent was more than foolish. Little did he know that the second he laid a hand on him, he could make him drop to the floor like a rock, he had no chance.

The wings on the kid's back were legitimate, no way to fake those, there was no doubt in his mind he was a bird-kid. He had wondered when the School would come for him. But the kid in front of him certainly didn't look like a Tracker, he didn't dismiss the thought of the white-coats back at the School concocting up a new generation of Trackers, but he couldn't dismiss the suspicion that this kid could be something else sent from the School. He had never met another bird-kid before, so this boy didn't look like a regular bird-kid to him. He couldn't picture himself looking anything like a Tracker--though he was sure neither did the other kid.

As he listened he noticed several odd things, the first of which being that he hadn't completely answered his question avoiding the explanation as to who exactly he was. The second was how he referred to himself and this "flock" he was here with--which seemed to be a humorous way to simply identify their group of bird-kids in the plural form, he found it rather shocking to find out there were more of them here--using words interchangeably as "me", "my", and "they". It was confusing, like this kid wasn't quite sure where he belonged to for himself. That of course made him all the more suspicious.

He ignored the threats. "You're gonna have to do more talking than that if you want anything from me." He could feel that this boy had some kind of telepathy. Threatening seemed to do no good, so de decided to take a different approach. "You would know if I was a Tracker, wouldn't you? Are you implying that you mistake me for a mindless meat bag? Because that would also imply that you are too blinded by your emotions you are incapable of a rational strain of thought. At one point we all came from the School...the ones who get out. I'm not about to stand here and deliver my testimony to you; this is my home, and to the extent of my knowledge, you are trespassing on my property. You are in no position to make demands. And you still haven't answered my question. I'm done playing silly games," he growled. "Who are you."
Alex remained stoic as the other boy spoke, insulting him and implying he was blinded by emotions.

Well, he was leaving the Flock he was so attached to not to mention he had encountered a strange guy in the kitchen stuffing his face. Didn't that count for anything?

The guy did make a valid statement though, but Alex hadn't thought to prod in his brain yet, he tended not to do it as a habit anyway. At least the guy had stopped threatening him. Maybe he should show him the same courtesy. He spoke of the School, but continued to irritate Alex by reminding him of the fact that this other guy appeared to have the upper hand in this situation.

He glanced to the window then, as if checking he still had plenty of time before the sun hit the sky and Lillie woke up, before looking back to other guy. He hated having to give up his name first, but the guy seemed legitimate. And, well, if he wasn't, Alex would have to just take out the trash and then leave. So, he gave. He still had his eyes narrowed though, body language tense as hell, as he spoke, "I'm Alex Lozeir, like I said I'm a bird kid here with my Flock. Dr. Akana said we could stay here with her since we had no other place to go to." He paused, before actually asking a question and restraining himself from saying it bitterly or from threatening the guy. "What's your name?"

This felt so odd, speaking so casually with someone who could be a potential threat. Heck, it had taken him long enough to even speak to the Flock when they first got together.
Liza continues to stare at Eliza, her brown eyes wide, and then she blinks several times, seeming to be thinking over what she has been told, struggling to process. Her brow is still furrowed, her shoulders slightly slouched as she mouths Eliza's sentence to herself several times before looking up at her, speaking it aloud.

"You're my mama?"

When Eliza nods, forcing herself to be patient, for her expression to remain reasonably gentle in how Liza might interpret it at least, Liza repeats herself. "You're my mama?"

"Yes," Eliza says yet again, still softly, and she is unsurprised when Liza slowly breaks out into a grin. She gives a little whoop of excitement, much to Eliza's consternation, and the older girl shushes her softly, shaking her head.

"Shhh, you don't want to wake anyone up, Liza. Shhh..."

"My mama? I got a mama? Wowww!" Liza says more softly, her voice still a loud whisper, and without warning she threw herself across Eliza's lap, locking her arms around her neck and cuddling against her chest. "You're my mama! I didn't even know I had a mama! I'm gonna love you a whole whole lot!"

Eliza gritted her teeth, glad that the little girl couldn't see her eyes harden with her face buried in her neck, and endured her touch as best as she could, patting her back gingerly. Liza did not seem to notice her reluctance to cuddle her back as Eliza continued to speak to her softly.

"This is something private, Liza, something secret. Something just for us to know. You can't tell anyone, okay? Not Alex, not even Lillie...it's a special secret just for us, so I'll know I can trust you and love you most. We can tell each other anything, Liza, and we'll know that it's true and right. We'll know that it's just for us and no one else, because I'm your mother. And you're my daughter...right?"

Liza nodded then without hesitation, and though Eliza did not feel pleasure, for she could not, she marked this as success.
It seemed like they were actually getting somewhere now, since they were past the whole "standoff" thing. He listened carefully as the other boy, Alex, spoke briefly about himself. Could they really hold an actual conversation now without prodding each other with insults? There seemed to be a silent-slash-invisible flag of truce flying between them, now that they had both decided the other wasn't a threat.

"Ethan Furling." he said shortly, then added with a slight tone of sarcasm, "The pleasure is mine." Now that they were cool, Ethan leaned against the countertop and undid the knot in his loosened tie, tossed it onto the counter with his blazer, then proceeded to fumble with the small button on his cuff link. It was easy to believe that the doctor would invite them to stay, he just wished she would have warned him or something. But now what they were here, he guessed he wasn't surprised. He didn't think Alex was going to give up anything more than he had to, so Ethan decided to give more than was asked. "Sorry for jumping your shit earlier, but you are some random dude standing in my kitchen in the middle of night, kinda hard not to get suspicious. I haven't really met another bird-kid before. After I escaped I flew and flew, not caring where I was going, just trying to put some distance between myself and the school. I didn't realize how tired I was getting and I passed out while I was flying. You could say that Dr. Akana adopted me into her family. I didn't know what happened or where I was, but I thought it was a dream. She told me she found me one day when she was driving along an old highway that ran parallel to the ocean out on some errand, she said she thought she thought she saw a body. When she went to investigate and was stunned to find me still breathing. And, you know, with the wings and all she brought me back to her place and I've been living her since. She makes me go do her errands for her now...kind've our inside joke. She makes me dress up in this monkey suit for it." Ethan gestured down to his, now, disassembled assortment of clothing, standing in slacks, his white collared shirt open in the front revealing a well-defined chest of muscles, and bare feet with his dress shoes kicked into the corner, blazer and neck-tie laying on the kitchen counter.
( Ah sorry, didn't get a notification for your tag for some reason, been doing course work all day - it sucks D: )

Alex was glad the two seemed to be over the whole 'I'm gonna kick your ass' phrase, letting his guard down just the slightest as the boy, Ethan, began to speak of who he was and why he was here. His story seemed legit; so Alex decided to believe what he was saying. And now that the issue of some guy standing in the middle of the kitchen was solved, another came to mind. How was he gonna leave with this guy just standing here? He'd already shown how protective he was of his flock, so for Ethan just to stand by and watch Alex leave without saying anything seemed a bit unlikely, and confusing.

Could he just wait until Ethan left? He didn't know how long the boy would be sticking around though, and sure the window over there looked tempting enough to just jump out of, but he didn't think Ethan would leave Alex alone in the kitchen without wondering why he wasn't going to bed either. He was probably also wondering why Alex had a bag slung across his shoulder, but then again it was pretty dark, he probably hadn't seen it yet.

Wait a minute...he could just jump out of his bedroom window, right? Yeah. Why hadn't he thought of that before? He nodded to Ethan, "Well, sorry about the earlier threats, didn't know Dr. Akana had other people staying here already." As much as Alex hated apologizing, he had sorta jumped the gun. A trait he was well known for when it came to the safety of his Flock. Or former Flock.

"I'm gonna head back to bed, I just heard some noises and grabbed the closest thing next to me."
He gave him a mutual look before turning back around and heading to his room before Ethan could ask any more questions. He simply called back as he walked off, "You can meet the rest of the Flock in the morning" He then headed back to his room, being extra silent, and shut the door behind him. He was being extra careful not to wake up anyone as he tip-toed over to the window. Glancing back one final time, he mentally sighed and pushed open the window. It was better this way. The Flock would be safer without him and his curse in it. Lillie would be safer. Callie, Callie would be safer. They all would. So he edged out the window, onto the small ledge that was there, softly shut the window behind him and then took a leap of faith.

His wings snapped out before he hit the ground and he soared off, quickly gaining distance from the house. He was finding it hard to remind himself that it was for the better.

(Thought I'd hurry it along since I took so long to respond - sorry! Oh, and I was thinking it might be a bit unrealistic if each Flock member had their own room; they still can if that's how you planned it. But if not you could say that either one or two of the boys share with Alex.)
(sorry this is so short, time skip now?)

Liza, still awed at the idea of having a mother, let alone of having Eliza as her mother, continues to stare at the older girl with wide eyes as she pulls back a little, taking in each detail of her face as though she is finally recognizing herself in it. Although Eliza is not exactly cuddling her and showing overt affection, she is also not denying Liza access to herself, and the little girl snuggles in close to her again, attempting to climb into her lap.

"You're my mama," she repeats, a soft joy in her tone. "You're my mama. I got a mama now."

Eliza allows this for a few more moments before gently but firmly setting her off of her, standing and then reaching for her hand as she leads her to the door. Liza follows willingly as Eliza stops just short of easing it open.

"You must go back to your own room now and sleep, okay, Liza? And remember...this is a secret with just you and me."

Liza nods, smiling, and slips out the door and down the hallway to her and Lillie's room, scrambling into her bed and lying down still beaming in the darkness, covers drawn up to her chin. As Eliza retreats to her own bed, it is some time before she will sleep. She listens to all the noises in the house, knowing that it will not be long until she can continue in her plot as intended.
((I guess I'll just time skip))

By the time late morning rolled around, Callie was still fast asleep. It wasn't until a loud thump that came from the window that she woke up. With a small gasp, her eyes flew open and she sat up a little, putting her hands behind her to keep her up. Her eyes quickly scanned the room, trying to find the source of the noise. She looked over at her window to see a bird clumsily flying away. She let out a sigh, and flopped back down onto her bed. It was just a dumb bird flying into the window. Not that she could judge, everyone in the Flock had run into things numerous times. Keanu even did it yesterday.

She stretched her arms over her head with a yawn. That was probably one of the best night's sleep she had ever had. She could get used to that. With a long sigh, she looked over at the nightstand to see what time it was. Ten thirty already?! Letting out another sigh, she looked up at her ceiling. She just laid like that for a few more seconds, before kicking the blankets off of her and rolling out of the large bed. She made her way to the door of her room, and she had her hand on the door knob before she realized something. She slowly took a few steps backwards, back over to her nightstand. She picked up the white folded over piece of paper, turning it over in her hands a few times.

She was afraid to open it. A part of her really didn't want to open it. What if the trackers or someone from the school had snuck in during the night and put it there? No, she would have at least woken up for that. And they probably would have killed her, not just left a note. Slowly, she flipped the top of the note up and started reading. By the second line, she could tell this wasn't good news. She continued to slowly read it. By the time she was finished with it, she was sitting on the edge of her bed, finding it kinda hard to breathe. Alex was...gone? No, she knew he wasn't. This was just some joke he was playing on her. He couldn't be gone. She grabbed the letter and stormed out of her room and towards Alex's room to yell at him.

Keanu woke a little before Callie did, but not to a bird running into his window. Across the room from him, Dally was snoring up a storm. Why did he have to share a room with him? He had been snoring all night, and Keanu had barely gotten any sleep. With a sigh, he grabbed one of the pillows off his bed and threw it, the pillow hitting Dally over on his bed. He watched Dally flail around, bolting up. "Huh, what?!" Dally asked, looking around the room wildly. Keanu rolled his eyes and got out of his bed. "You snore. A lot." He grumbled.

He decided to go see if the rest of the Flock was awake. He opened the door of his and Dally's room, and almost got knocked over by Callie. He flattened himself against the wall so he didn't. Geez, what was wrong with her? Well whatever it was, it probably had to do with Alex since thats the room where she was heading. He rolled his eyes and sighed, continuing on his way. He wasn't about to ask any questions.
Ethan nodded towards Alex as he left the kitchen, but he couldn't help but draw his eyebrows together in a mix of confusion and suspicion. It was an awefully strange encounter. He shrugged inwardly. Ethan didn't feel as hungry anymore so he grabbed his stuff and padded upstairs a few minutes later. Walking down the hallway he turned into the nearest room off the stairs. He stood in the doorway for a second rubbing the back of his head in wonder, gazing at the scene inside. A girl sprawled across his bed on her stomach, her legs tangled in the white comforter, her hair spread around her head looking especially dark in constrast to the white linens. He noticed splotches of black across the blankets and it took him to realize that she had wings, the moonlight from the window and all of the white blankets around her made it hard to tell that they were in fact wings. The girl rolled over as if aware there was another person in the room.

Ethan sighed lightly, this must have been one of the girls from the group of bird-kids Alex humorously refered to as 'the flock'. There was no need to wake her so he turned and closed the door quietly behind him. He found the last unoccupied guest room in the massive house and went in, swinging the door shut behind him. It floated shut and stayed opened at a crack. He tossed his dress pants and shit onto the dresser, since he had no pajamas to change into he decided to sleep in his boxers. He ran a tired hand through his brown hair, he would have preferred his own bed, but whatever, he could make due for one night. The shadow of the large whispy palm fronds outside the window cast shadows across the floor of his bedroom, constantly shifting in a melodious rythm. He walked himself to the center of the bed and flopped onto his stomach, letting his wings spread at their own will to relax. His eyelids closed and he took a deep breath, then very slowly released it, falling into a much deserved sleep.

Blaire awoke slowly the next morning. She sat up and carefully stretched her muscles, then ran a hand through her hair. She had had the most bizzare dream last night; at first she was flying high in mountains of purples and green her arms stretched wide, when she looked from either side she saw nothing but the long and brilliant striped wings of a falcon. Which was strange, because she didn't have wings like that, her wings were that of an albatrose, nor where they Demitri's though they were similar, his were a bird of prey, nor was it anyone else's in the flock. While she was flying she wasn't herself, looking down her nose she saw dark brow and yellow beak, and her body wasn't her own either but an actual falcon's. As she wheeled in circles over the vast peaks and canyons of the strange mountain range she had the bizzare feeling she was being watched. After that she couldn't remember anything.

She kicked off her blankets and stood up. Then got dressed for the day in new clean pair of shorts and a tee-shirt. Blaire stretched again and got up. Going out into the hallway she saw Callie fly into Alex's room. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Keanu, she walked over to him with a quizical look on her face, "What was that all about?"
Eliza, despite her restless night previously, was awake earlier than most of the others in the Flock. She was very used to a lack of sleep, as she rarely had been given the opportunity to have rest while still in the lab, and she feels little need for it most of the time. She does not let the others know she is awake, however, but rather lies in bed until a more reasonable hour to emerge, simply waiting with a patience that she has developed very well by this point.

When she can hear others moving about she rises as well, fully dressing before entering the kitchen. She must first pass through the living room to get to it, and when she sees Ethan lying on the couch, she stops, surprised he isn't in a bed, and then looks down the hallway towards where some of the others are going in and out of rooms, wanting to ask, but knowing better than to blow her shy role. Instead she continues into the kitchen.

Liza sleeps on steadily, worn out from her late night with Eliza the night before, and doesn't stir for another hour or so after the others have awakened. But when she does open her eyes, she's wide awake and ready to go, bursting out of bed and down the hall looking for the others.

"Hey! Is Alex up yet?! Is my- is Eliza?"

She stops herself just in time from saying "my mom," remembering their secret.
Keanu saw Blaire come down the hall, and he leaned against the wall and sighed. Crossing his arms over his chest, he looked over at her and shrugged. "Who knows. Doesn't look good, though." He tried his best to tame his unruly bedhead hair. "Did ya sleep good?" He asked, stretching his arms over his head with a yawn. He would have slept good himself, if Dally's snoring hadn't kept him up most of the night. Maybe he'd sleep in the living room tonight.

Callie swung the door of Alex's room open, fully intent on yelling at him, but she stopped when she saw he wasn't there. In fact, the room looked untouched. None of his stuff even seemed to be there. Okay...this was a well made joke, she would give him that. Backing out of his room, she made her way back over to Keanu and the others. When Liza asked if Alex was up yet, she tilted her head to the side. "Yeah, have you guys seen him?" She asked, the note still in her hand. Of course, he was probably sitting downstairs somewhere, waiting for them all to come down to say "gotcha" and have a nice laugh. Yeah, that's what he had to be doing.
Blaire shrugged, who knew what in the world was going on with those two. She stretched her arms over her head again and smiled, in a good mood. "Oh, it was great, haven't slept like that in a long time. Other than some strange dreams, I slept like a baby." It had been a long time since she was able to feel safe enough to have a full nights sleep. She was bound to have a good day. Blaire watched as he attempted to tame his hair and couldn't help but laugh, she reached up and touseled it again. She smirked playfully. "It looks cute that way," She winked and brushed past him, on her way to Demitri's room.

Demitri stirred in his sleep, on the verge of waking up. All the noise in the hall would guarantee that. He rolled over, pulling the soft white blankets with him. He still wasn't ready to wake up just yet. Despite the fact that he had been sleeping for almost over twelve hours. There was a soft knock at his door. Demitri groaned and pulled his pillow over his head this time. Without a call of invitation the door opened. He waited a few seconds and the door didn't close, whoever it was wasn't just checking in on him.

A moment later he felt someone plop down on the mattress beside him. Demitri didn't move, hoping they would go away. Another moment and the person started prodding him with a finger. He groaned again. If he reserved his suspicions before, he was fairly sure now that it was Blaire.

"Mornin'," she said, he could hear a smile. What got her in such a good mood? He wondered. "I know you're up. Come on, we have a full day ahead."

Demitri gave up trying to go to sleep. Looked like he had no choice now. He breathed out a sigh. "Oh, yeah?" Demitri said, "Like what?"

He felt her shrug. Blaire went on to say casually, "I don't know, I was thinking we could go into town and get some new clothes. Found most of mine are all gross and stuff. Figured we could go con some rich tourists out of their money."

Demitri pulled the pillow off his head and started to get up, slowly of course, his muscles still hurt. "'Should go with your boy-toy." He suggested almost inaudibly, scooting to the edge of the mattress and stood up. But of course she caught it.

"Oh, shut up. It's not like that." She said defensibly, though it was more of a question. Demitri turned around and raised his eyebrows. She was sitting on a corner of his bed cross-legged leaning forward with her hands at her ankles. Her wavy dark hair looked purplish in the sunlight as it was pulled together into a sloppy pony-tail at the nape of her neck. He looked at her another second and she tried to add in a more genuine tone, "Really." then resulting to something more of a frown when he didn't look convinced.

Demitri rolled his eyes without another word. "Now, if you would please leave me a moment of privacy while I change clothes, I would appreciate that. Especially since you're forcing me awake so early."

Blaire stood with a laugh, "Its after ten in the morning, and you slept practically all day long yesterday." Nevertheless she walked out of the room, leaving him some time to himself. He did look better after all that sleep, his cheeks were regaining substance and colour. At least he was getting better.

((Im going to move Ethan's position and edit my last post, he will be in a spare bedroom.))
When no one seems to know where Alex is, Liza is unbothered, simply taking it upon herself to find him on her own. She skips through the house towards the hallway where the children are sharing bedrooms, and since she doesn't know which room Alex had been assigned, simply opened all the rooms herself, regardless of whether someone was sleeping in them or not.

"Ooops, no Alex, good morningggg! It's time to wake up I think 'cause everyone else is...not here either...or here....or here...oops that's my room, hey Lillie get up! Help me find Alex!"

Without waiting to see if Lillie would comply, Liza peeked into the bathroom, then behind the shower curtain for good measure. Several other rooms later there is still no Alex, so she goes to look outside, calling for him and scanning the sky with her hand shielding her eyes.


There is no reply, of course, and when she goes inside, she is frowning, slightly worried, and comes to stand close to Eliza, which Eliza notes but does not respond to.

"I think Alex is hiding maybe. Or else he doesn't hear me. Or maybe he is taking a really long flying time. But I can't even find him."
Lillie had infact managed to sleep throughout all of the hustle and bustle outside her room, and had only stirred when Liza actually burst into their room - again - and told her to get up and help her find Alex. She sat up, yawning sleepily as she pushed her long dark hair off her face. She jumped from the bed, not caring about hair or being in her pink princess pyjama's - as a little girl often wouldn't - and follows after Liza, half-asleep still as she questions the other little girl.

She follows her as she searches, remaining silent as she she wakes herself up, then, when Liza stands beside Eliza and speaks of Alex 'hiding' Lillie frowns, "Alex doesn't like playing hide and seek, maybe he's out flying?" She tugs at her nightie, before looking around again. She spots Callie, and sprints over to her, "Hey Callie! Have you seen Alex? We can't find him and it's breakfast time, do you think he's out flying maybe?" She is frowning lightly, a bit worried now.

Alex usually always wakes her up in the morning, or at least is there for her to wake him up. There wasn't a day that had passed where they hadn't woken each other up - apart from when she was captured by the bad guy Chu, but that was different, right?

Her eyes widened, and she grabbed Callie's wrist, tugging worriedly, "Callie! Callie! Do you think Mr. Chu got him?" Her voice breaks at the end of her sentence, and she is on the verge of crying. She opens her mind, sending out worried thoughts, 'Alex? Alex! Where are you? Are you flying or did Mr. Chu get you? Alexxx!!'
Liza herself is also clad in a nightgown, though hers is long-sleeved and white with pink ribbons rather than fully pink, and she smiles as Lillie emerges dressed in her own. Her pigtails are half undone and tangled down her back as she points to Lillie's nightgown.

"I like it. It's pretty. We're almost twins except we're in different colors and our eyes are different colors and we don't look much alike I guess. Except for that."

When Lillie doesn't respond, instead growing visibly upset and asking Callie about Mr. Chu and the possibility of him having taken Alex, Liza quickly sobers, beginning to look worried as well. She takes the hand of Lillie's that isn't tugging on Callie, listening for Callie's reply even as she tries to reassure Lillie.

"Lillie I don't think mean Mr. Chu would do that no more. I think Alex would beat him up or fly away probably. Plus also I don't even think that he would just take Alex and that's all...right? Right?" she looks to Callie worriedly, wanting her to back her up.

She doesn't wait for a reply before she joins Lillie in trying to shout into Alex's head. "ALEX WHERE ARE YOU? LILLIE IS SCARED!"

Eliza watches all this without comment, simply taking in the information as added knowledge. It appears that Lillie and Alex are very close, and perhaps Liza and Alex too. If that is the case she is glad he is gone, though she is sorry that it will be more difficult to capture him as an individual.

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