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Wild Cards

"I was born out of wedlock to a man who was not her husband... they came to kill me and she stood in the way," Shania said "the two people that meant the most to me both died protecting me," Shania said. "it was the first time i had blood on me," she said it was obvious that even such an old wond still hurt her.
Rhea glanced up from the picture wondering if she should reach out to her again, "How old were you?" She asked, standing up to face the girl.
"I was five," Shania said "i was really little... but i understood what was going on, Kurama was devistated after mother died I thought he was going to hate me... instead he stood up for me refusing to go anywhere without me ... eventually his father disowned him for refusing to leave me in an orphanage," She said "and when he turned 16 he got amancipated and took care of me, he's six years older then i am,"
Rhea smiled, her brother was much older then her. "He loved you very much. Your whole family did..." Rhea felt herself tear up again. She wished she could be loved by her family like that, "I am sorry." She said, handing Shania back her photos. Getting back on the ground Rhea bit her bottom lip and started to place photos back into the box.
Shanai knelt down and pulled Rhea into a hug "I was blessed with a mother and a brother that loved me, I've lost them now but life goes on." she squeezed Rhea softly "You have your brother and i saw he loves you," she knew well the feelings that flashed through Rhea's eyes.
Rhea shucked in a short breath, she had just been trying not to think about anything. "Life will still go on." Rhea repeated quietly, wrapping her own arms around Shania. "I am sorry, I must seem really selfish...." Rhea felt her chest drop with worry, she tired to pull away from Shania to go back to work.
Shania didn't let her go "you let me sob like a child, you are not selfish." Shania said "This just goes to show that like really is a b!tch, mind telling me about it?" Shania asked her.
"Mm.." Rhea took a shallow breath, she felt a bit safer... talking to Shania then Kai. "My brother and I were raised.... to take over the family business. My brother mostly... my family is really into old traditions. Well when it came ready for my brother to marry... they arranged for his marriage. He was so mad... he wanted to find his own way. I watched him break slowly... reaching limits. I would see him fight with my dad and mother often. One day he just up and left. I did not hear from him for a few years, my parent's loss for my brother got completely reflected on me... I had to take up for everything my brother left behind. I had to get married and bring in someone who can help run the company. I was taught how to be... don't speak, don't make noise, stay out of the way, hide your flaws..." Rhea shrugged at this point. "My parents often get angry at me for my brother. A few years ago... he reappeared. He was in college, living alone and doing very well in school. He graduated not long after words... I am sorry this is such a long story... " Rhea said, rubbing her scarred arm.
"I don't mind listening," she said rubbing Rhea's back. Shania couldn't imagine what Rhea has been through to have something can be as hard as losing it. "as for flaws they make us human and unique, your parents were stupid not to see what they had in front of them,"
Rhea shook her head, "Mm... maybe..." Rhea teared up a bit, "When he came back he tried to talk to our family but they had disowned him... I was not allowed to speak to him or see him. My parents were so afraid I would leave too. My brother asked me to start sneaking out to see him... and I did. He kept asking me to let him take out parents to court to get custody of me... but I knew if that happened I would be disowned as well."

Rhea started to actually cry, covering her eyes to stop the tears,
"I did not want to choose between my parents or my brother... I tried so hard so I would not have too... but I knew I would have to get married soon to someone I was not even sure I would like. My brother did not want this... Then the accident happened. My arms, Levi did not heal my arm... It shamed my parents because it made me displeasing to the eyes... I can't marry like that. Things started to get worse... Kai made it better... for a while. But then the kidnapping, when I got back they told me I was getting taken out of school, that I was going to have to leave everything and I had no choice. Home school, I was going on complete lock down."

Rhea took a deep breath,
"When Kai showed up I knew that I really would loose all of you, my friends... So today... before we came here, Kai took me to go talk to my brother's lawyer. I testified for my parent's of verbal abuse and a few other things... Now I will have to go through several court hearing... I will most likely get picked up by some kind of child serveries... Oh everything is a mess... and it was my fault.. I selfishly chose not to choose..."
Shania held her and let her talk "Rhea it's not your fault none of this is your fault," she wiped rhea's tear streaked face and gently moved to wher they were both sistng instead oh her kneeling. "I don't think anychild could choose between parents or siblings it's wrong of them to force that choice on you. As for this scar it is not what makes you," Shania touched it softly "I have scars too not all mine are visable but they don't make me ugly, and you my dear Rhea are very pretty with or without scares." she tilted Rhea's face up so she could see her face. "We wont let anyone take youbetween the five of us you will be safe but we need you to tell us what you want. I have yet to master mindreading,"
Rhea sniffed brushed her scar that went down her arm again with her fingers, It felt weird when others touched it, but not in a bad way. "Perhaps Levi will give you mind-reading as a skill when you get your power." Rhea said jokingly through teary breaths. "Everything is already done... everything is almost decided... I just... wish my family could get along. That is what I want..."
"Well I can't help with that but I can make hot chocolate with marshmellows in it and we can put in a movie till we get tiered enough to sleep, we've both had a trying day," Shania said. "and Rhea I might be the fight obsessed moron of the group but I also happen to be a good listener... if you can get me to sit still." she smiled at Rhea.
Rhea smiled, "I don't think you are... I don't think any of you are. Everyone had their reasons to fight... and as far as I've seen... they have all changed. I know... a lot about you guys. I watch everyone." Rhea laughed a bit, "That sounds a bit creepy... But I am a good listener too, and I don't gossip. Lets finish working... then perhaps some tea would be nice." Rhea stood up and flashed Shania a smiled, "Maybe... we can read a book together... just like we said a while back..."
Shania nodded and smiled back to Rhea. "ah all this smiling is gonna make my face crack," she joked picking up the rest of the pictures before closing the box.
The next week went by with Rhea hiding out at Shania's house. Occasionally she would be there and times she would not. Rhea could not attend school because she was still withdrawn, but as she predicted, her brother won the fight, she was disowned from her family and her brother was not her legal guardian. Rhea choose however with permission from Shania to stay at her house until 'club activities' were over the following weekend. Rhea had sadly over the week read every book in Shania's house and was in the process of rereading them again.

Lucifer enjoyed Rhea's company, also getting to know the quiet girl better. Rhea often spoke to Lucifer quietly and would teach him things about the human world. Rhea found great joy in teaching him things.

Staerday came by quicker then expected and Rhea had a veg idea of what she was going to make the group do, which would probably surprise them a bit. Rhea was a bad cook... she burnt everything she tried to cook or help out with in the kitchen, the only thing she could do was make tea.
Shania would be lieing if she said she hadn't enjoyed Rheas company. Through the week she had seen the quiet gorl open up to and talk to Lucifer and she had helpped Shania trough the storing of her brothers things. Lucifer now had his own room and bed and Shania had her room back well Rhea had her room she i nsisted oh Rhea taking her bed. Kai came over to bring clothes for Rhea he seemed a bit too relaxed for his normal bouncy flamboyant self. "Rhea, you ok?" shania asked seeing her read the same book again. "sorry my libary isn't very big," she appologized. Kai was on his way to see Rhea and shania for club activities With

ebony in the passanger seat. he couldn't help but feel odd without Rhea there. He had not done anything too horrible to Rhea's father, yet; so he had been good for the most part.
Rhea smiled at Shania when she spoke to her, "Yes I am fine, thank you for asking... I am sorry I read so fast. But I don't mind, the books here are interesting." Rhea was sure things were going to be diffren't from now on. "Thank you for letting me stay here for so long... I feel like a burden... but my want to be away from my family and with the new one surpasses that feeling." Rhea cried often, specially when she was alone, the last week had been very tough for her, specially the day the court of deiced and her father and mother both turned their backs to her. Rhea was far from OK... but thanks for Shania and Lucifer she thinks she will make it.

Sage was walking quietly to Shanias, Yawning loudly.

Lucifer was in the new room, he was very skeptical about sleeping there at first because the first day Shania brought him there she head seriously threaten death if he even looked at the room wrong. But when it turned out it was fine he was fine. Lucifer never slept with the door closed, he always left it open.
Shania smiled at Rhea "If you want I'm amanicipated you could become amancipated to I'll let you live here, Lucy loves the company and i quite like haveing a girl around... it's a new feeling for me," she made a face "next you'll have us painting each others nails and fixing our hair up,"

Kai went into Shania's house with Ebony who nearly takled Rhea "We've missed seeing you at school," she said.

"I have quite missed you too my princess," Kai smiled charmingly at her.
Rhea smiled at Shania and laughed "I don't think we have to do that."

When Kai and Ebony came in, she tried to smile at them. Shes been trying hard to be normal,
"I miss you guys too. The court hears are over, I am now in the custody of my brother. We already started reapplying for the school. I should be back Monday. Thank you Kai for bringing me cloths." She said, closing the book in her hand.

At this point, Sage invited herself in like usual. No one ever knocks for Shania's house, they just go in.
"Who is ready for what our Princess has to throw at us?" Sage said with a laugh.

Ebony smiled and hugged Rhea tightly "I am," she said.

"I'll get Luce," Shania walked into his room to get him.

"I never knew that door was open," Ebony said she'd never remembered it to be open before.
Rhea smiled and hug the girl back standing up to go put the book up. "It is open now... Lucy sleeps there."

Sage went into the kitchen, her usual routine of setting up to make lunch and tea, she had also missed the quiet girl, but the people Kai and Shania knew she would never admit it.

Lucifer laid quietly on the floor, much like he always looks when he is communicating with someone.
Shania didn't want to disterb him so she just came back out "he's talking to someone I think," she said softly.

Kai nodded "So princess how is the secret life of Shania teating you?"

Ebony stuck her tongue out at kai still not forgiving him from last weeks antics.

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