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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

"Psh I when it's needed, to much worrying is called an anxiety disorder even I know that." He waved him off with a scoff.

"It sounds like he might be a good person to turn to then...if I may ask, what exactly makes you nervous about it? " she questioned hoping that she wasn't being too pushy.
Jay smiled gently watching Chester instead. “I guess that's true.” He laughed softly.

Bolt frowned. “Ah… I kinda dropped off the face of the earth… nobody knows what happened to me after Jay died… I couldn't handle everything on top of ghost work… and just left.”
Chester stuck out his tongue doing little floating flips in the air.
"See, besides what's the use of worry it doesn't change anything. "

Ivory tilted her head letting out a sympathetic hum.
"Ah...I get that....I think if it helps they'll likely be more relieved that you're okay then anything...if you're worried about them being upset that is." She offered taking a seat once more in the plush chair she had pulled up earlier.
"And if you really don't want to interact or see him, I won't mention you at all, and I can handle any interactions by myself....it could be good for you to reconnect however. "
“Well it could prepare you…” He mused thoughtfully as he smiled. Sipping at the coffee since he was still near enough to Bolt to stay corporal.

He shook his head gently. “I don’t know… plus I could put them in danger should Everett find out I’ve gone to them… I don’t want her having that kind of power over me.”
"Preparation smecharation, it's a lot more fun to improvise and go with the flow." Chester pointed switching to floating around him and occasionally direct through people.

"Ah...I suppose that makes sense, perhaps we should just stick to me asking Eel about it for now then..." she said hesitantly after a moment, looking a little less then thrilled about the prospect but still willing.
"It might take a while since for all I know the next time I'll see him will be Halloween next week." She said shaking her wrist slightly so her bracelets fell back into place.
Jay shook his head slightly before finishing off the coffee. “I don't think improve is the best way every single time.”

Bolt gave her an encouraging smile. “Want me to come here Halloween just in case? I could hang out outside and Jay could watch over you in case you need any help…” He offered gently.
Chester shrugged spinning around in the air around him.
"Eh, that's debatable, it does certainly make things a lot more interesting however."

"Maybe....I should be fine though I'm participating in a downtown shops costume and decoration contest and will be handing out candy until 10 so I should be safe enough. I am headed out afterwards however to try and help any possibly lost or visiting spirits and make sure they're not causing any trouble if you would like to join me then." She said getting up from her chair to continue sweeping.
“Always have to have things a little spicy in your death ey?” Jay teased as he headed his way back inside the store. Humming happily.

Bolt grinned. “I would love to. I'll see you after ten on Halloween then? And probably throughout the week… I need to get better about interacting with people in town… as long as I'm safe about it anyways.”
Chester finger gunned him with a smirk as he floated in after
"Exactly, exactly otherwise things would just become mundane over a couple hundred years." He agreed sticking his tongue out over at the living two.
"You get it."

Ivory gave him a warm smile as she carefully swept underneath the display tables.
"That would be a good place to start, and you're always welcome here if you start to feel unsafe. Meet me here at say 10:05 so I have time to lock up?" She asked waving over to Jay.
Jay moved and set the mug on her counter before leaning on Bolt’s side happily. “Yeah, that works! Thanks, Ivory for everything you're doing for me.” He smiled moving his arm to wrap around Jay as he used his free hand to tidy up his mess he had made on her counter. Muttering a loose apology about it.
Ivory waved him off with a soft laugh moving to collect his and Shade's mugs alike setting them just out of sight before turning to go unlock the doors again.
"It's really not a problem, and thank you for helping me out with patrolling on Halloween. Us Conduits have to stick together after all. And don't sweat the mess, Chester has done worse."
"On purpose!" The ghost chimed in floating around the shop.
Bolt sighed gently before getting up. “Alright, I need to head out. Thanks for letting me hang out for a bit. Is there anything I need to get or do? Or any questions I can try to find answers to?” He pulled his bag over his shoulder smiling as Jay snuggled close to him. The ghost letting go after a moment and saluting him before floating out of the shop.
"It's not a problem really, I'm just glad you two managed to get away....actually you've lived here far longer then I. Do you know anything about the curse making it more difficult to pass on?" She asked as she stepped back from the door double checking to ensure the sign was flipped around right. She waved goodbye to Jay as he floated out letting out a soft aww at the two's affection for each other.
"That's really the only thing that comes to mind for questions."
“I have noticed it makes it harder for people… I think the curse holds them to this place. That's why it's really common for there to be a lot of ghosts in town. Most of it has to do with the keyholder bond anchoring them here. It takes a few months before it lets them go… like anchoring them here in case their boss brings them back? I'm not completely certain.” He smiled giving a wave and heading out of the door. “I’ll see you later Ivory!” He called as he hurried to keep up with Jay who had wandered off.
Ivory waved goodbye to the couple quickly jotting down the information given about the curse making note to let Natasha know that she could likely move on within a couple months. She let out a sigh moving to start decorations as she waited for customers.

One week later
October 31st

Ivory hummed closing her shop door once more setting down the bowl of candy on her shop counter once more after waving goodbye to the group of supervised trick- or-treaters as they hurried off to their next location with a smile. She stretched out adjusting the iridescent wings of her fairy costume to lay right and glanced over to the clock. 3 hours left until she would head on out. Maybe (fingers crossed) Eel wouldn't be coming, that would be one less thing to worry about tonight.
As if beckoned by her pleading to keep him away said man came very flashy through the door with Shade just behind him. Neither particularly dressed up for the occasion expect that Eel had a dark cloak around his frame looking similar to a death eater from possibly the Harry Potter series. Yanking his hood down and looking around. “Sup shortie.” He greeted offhandedly as Shade gave her a more friendly wave and slightly nudged Eel’s ribs. The assassin unphased by this as he went to snooping around. Not even asking where Chester was and seeming to be trying to not interact with Ivory.
“I love your costume!” Shade complimented as he watched Eel slink off. A small frown on his face.
Ivory gave Shade a warm smile grabbing the candy bowl to offer some to him.
"Hi! Welcome in, and why thank you, it took a couple different trips to the thrift store to get it all together. Would either you like some candy?" She said with a soft laugh doing a small spin to show off the full thing, ignoring Eel's less then polite entrance or greeting. After a beat she glanced over to the costume man and let out a quiet sigh not wanting to be a poor host.
"Or you? Chester is upstairs making Caramel apples by the way." She added despite him not asking, she was not comfortable with him snooping around her shape and home.
She turned back to Shade noticing his lack of costume.
"Are you not dressing up as anything?" She asked curiously, in a non-judgemental tone.
Shade beamed and took a piece thanking her profusely. Eel gave a glance her way looking a little surprised that she was talking to him before nodding. “Thanks.” He moved back over to her and grabbed a piece before handing it to Shade who cupped it in his hand as Eel then moved and hurried upstairs. “Chess!! I'm here buddy!!” He called as he vanished from her sight.
Shade gave a smile at her question and shook his head. “I couldn't think of anything to dress as. Plus I don't have the biggest selection of wardrobe for that sort of thing. And it was the only way to not cause any suspicions from my brother.” He explained.
"Ah! Its not a problem, its meant be given out after all." She said rubbing the back of her neck as she set the bowl back down and glancing over to Shade.
"Ah, that makes sense I suppose...you could add some whiskers and a little cat nose with an eyeliner to your face and go as a black cat that way you're not the only one without a costume." She suggested with a warm smile.

Chester grinned spinning around in the kitchen some caramel visible on his face and an apple on a stick in his hand.
"Hey! You're here! I was starting to think you might be standing me up."
A bark sounded from down the hallway and a large what looked like a dog came running down the hallway sliding to a stop by his feet and started to sniff at him curiously little spouts of harmless flames occasionally coming from her paws.
“Ooh, that sounds great! Thanks, Ivory.” He grinned tucking his and Eel’s candy in his pocket. He moved to her side. “Anything I can help with?” He offered sweetly.

Eel absentmindedly pet the dog chuckling. “Stand you up! Never!!” He grinned and looked down at the puppy smiling. “That’d be dishonest of me.” He shrugged and walked over to assist Chester with the caramel apples. Humming happily as he reached and pushed up the sleeves of his cloak.
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Ivory shook her head no making her way towards the staircase.
"Ah, no, I have everything handled, plus you're guests. I'm going to grab you some eyeliner and see what I can I do in terms of cat ears and a tail. If you want that is. Oh! And can I get you anything to drink or eat?" She offered adjusting one of the flowers she had woven into her hair.

The dog trotted after him with a soft bark and sat on the kitchenette's floor patiently waiting for food to drop.
Chester grinned hitting him with his tail and pushed over a bowl of sprinkles and some already dipped apples.
"Aha, a man of his word I see. Wanna roll this in these?" He asked making some space and ignoring the dripping caramel on the stove top.
“I'm not hungry thanks though! A bottle of water would be great though. Here want we to pass out candy while you do that?” He asked giving her a smile.

Eel eyed him a moment. “Are you not?” He took the sprinkles and apples watching Chester closely. “Empty threats and promises mean nothing… it's no use to make them if nobody would believe when you speak truth.” He moved and dipped the apples a little aggressively. Glancing at the dog as he set the first apple aside and then dig through his pocket pulling out some oatmeal cookies. Holding out his hand to the dog gently.
Ivory hesitated at the steps of her stairs
"If you would like to, you can, I have everything in control though. It is fun to see everyone's costumes though. You by no means have to however. I'll be right back with the eyeliner and a water." She said shooting him a smile before hurrying up the stairs past the two in the kitchen and down the hall to the bathroom. Once there she opened up the makeup drawer in there and pulled out a white and black eyeliner and a small hand mirror so Shade could see what he was doing as he applied it. She ran back out making a quick pitstop in the kitchen weaving between those in there to reach the corner cupboard opening it and crouched down pulling out four bottles of water.

Chester barely spared Ivory a glance used to her rushing around as he took a plate of finished apples and put them in the fridge while Eel fed the dog.
"I typically try to avoid giving my word on things in general since I'm bound to it. Being half-demon and all, live or I suppose be dead as long as I have and you find most people don't though. It was a compliment. " He shrugged as Vanilla eagerly ate the offering licking his hand in thanks before trotting over to Ivory, bumping into Eel along the way, resting her head on her ownere causing the costumed woman to lose her balance. Chester crossed back from the fridge and over to Eel flicking him with his tail.
"Glad that you're one of the ones that does keep theirs though." He teased.
Shade nodded thanking her as she vanished out of his sight and made himself comfortable near the door.

Eel watched as Ivory came in frowning a little. Grunting as the dog bumped him into the counter and going back to the apples. Letting out a snicker as the dog knocked Ivory off balance as he faced Chester again. “There’s always some things people white lie about… actually everyone at some point makes a lie. Meaningful or not. Anyway, I prefer to try my best to be an honest man… well. As honest as a murderer can be. Obviously, I can't walk around and spew everything to the cops or something.” He finished the third apple and then moved to help Ivory still facing Chester. “How many of these apples are we making?” He asked as he held out a hand to Ivory using the other to pick up two of the waters she had grabbed. “I'm gonna get a sore wrist swirling them in the sprinkles after enough time.”
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Chester violently stabbed a skewer through another apple dipping it in the caramel and setting it next to the other non-sprinkled ones.
"Obviously, plus breaking a promise is far, far different then lying to spread chaos. And some people just need to lie for their own safety. " He commented. Ivory hesitated staring at as his hand for a solid second before accepting it. She half-expected him to pull it away the moment she reached for it. She got up releasing his hand and collecting the other two waterbottles.
"....ah thank you." She said setting the two on the counter momentarily along with the makeup items so she could pet her dog. Who was just standing there wagging her tail eager for attention.
Chester looked over into large pot where the apples were being kept.
"Just five more. " He said glancing back over to him.

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