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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

Ivory looked up a flicker of guilt dancing across her eyes.
"Oh ah, there's really no need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." She promised setting the ears to the side to let them dry and picked up the clips trying to determine the best way to attach the pieces.

Chester grinned walking right beside him occasionally tipping his hat to passerbyers.
"I do as well. I actually really like it here. We probably will still be unless....things come up." He settled on as he glanced about.
Shade was quiet for a while before smiling. “That's alright. I felt like you needed it.” He smiled bright still kinda eyeing her in a concerned way.

Eel huffed itching at his freckled face. “I hope nothing does… plus having someone who actually gets me is rare. Even if you're dead.” He shrugged and moved along to scout out a few good houses. Managing to pin down what he could tell would be parties later on and setting sights on the good houses for the best sorts of candy.
Ivory ever so slightly tilted her head at him as she put one of the clips in her hair and picked up one of the ears putting it against the clip to determine angle.
"....why would I need an apology? If you don't mind my asking. " She asked after a moment of hesitation her tone more curious and soft then confrontational.

Chester had a far less skilled eye for such a thing and as such spent his time occasionally stealing candy out of the buckets of those passing by discretely and passing every other over to his friend.
"I don't think it's likely either, who knows though. I feel that though...damn my old troupe would have loved you." He complimented unwrapping a piece of gum.
“Well because you don't want us here… we intruded into your life and I don't think that’s fair to you… plus for Eel’s actions towards you. He’s not the nicest.” He gently put his hands up as if saying he meant no harm in it.

Eel grinned and gave a little bow gratefully accepting any candy Chester passed him. “I appreciate the sentiment. Alright, those three houses will have the better parties. And are the most likely for me and Shade to sneak into. That street has the best pickings for jackpots of candy, and I could easily pass as a delinquent teenager if need be. Or we can just snatch the bags of kids down that street.”
"Oh...I umm wouldn't necessarily say you're not welcome here...I'm actually kind of thankful that you guys are taking Chester out tonight, it frees me up a little bit...as for Eel that's not your fault, and his playground level bullying doesn't bother me. I just wish he was consistent about whether he wanted to act nice or not." She commented picking up an ever so subtle tone of frustration towards the end. She pulled out the clip keeping it open and grabbing the hot glue gun coating the top in it and grabbing one of the ears sticking in the glue.

Chester raised an eyebrow at him letting out an impressed whistle.
"Damn dude, how did you figure that all out?" He asked following the different locations he mentioned with his eyes tossing the gum in his mouth and starting to chew.
"Let's not snatch the kids candy like that though, it's too easy ya know?" He pointed out eyeing the party houses thoughtfully.
Shade frowned a little. “He’s… I'm not sure how to phrase it. But he has always been kinda mean-spirited as a way to protect himself. Obviously don't trust me on that. I'm not a psychologist or anything. I do think it's a good thing he connected with Chester though. You're a really nice person and it would be horrible if he had killed you.”

“The amount of decorations and the sort of people walking around. You can tell a lot on a surface level. Plus paying attention to people's conversations. Word of mouth is a common practice to invite people to parties and kids love bragging about where they get the best food.” He smirked and tapped his forehead. “Just need to pay a little bit of attention.”
Ivory let out a soft laugh moving to put together the second ear to a clip.
"The sentiment is appreciated but there's no need to pre-emptively mourn my death, it's just another step within the cycle of things. And I see...I suppose that makes sense...I would hardly consider myself a threat however." She said putting the two complete pieces on the coffee table to let them dry before applying a second layer of hot glue.

Chester let out a little playful huff
"I do too pay attention, still very impressive, no wonder you were able to figure out Ivory was a conduit so quickly. Is that how you found out about our little friend from a week ago?" He asked eyeing a police cruiser tucked in an alleyway on the other side of the road skeptically.
Shade hummed a little doubtful at her words. “I would. And he would. Marvin… erm I mean Eel, he has always kinda been skittish of females. Or downright hostile with them. Anyways I think something happened and he’s associating it with all females now.”

Eel moved and started crossing the street to avoid the cruiser. “Well duh. It's not that hard to put the pieces of evidence together.” He shrugged and paused as they came to the entrance of a trailer park home area. His nose wrinkled and he turned to keep going.
Ivory got started on applying the second coat of hot glue letting out a soft hum as her forehead crinkled sympathetically.
"I see...that puts some things in perspective...." she said softly putting the hot glue gun to the side and unplugging it. She deliberately ignored the name slip up. Passing the clips over once they had dried clearly in deep thought.

Chester glanced over at the trailer park questioningly at his reaction before moving to catch up.
"Yeah I guess....something up with that place?" He asked glancing back curiously and to stick his tongue out at the cruiser once he was sure they were far enough away that they wouldn't notice.
“Not that it gives him a right to treat anyone like that.” Shade made sure to emphasize. “And that doesn't in any way make you wrong for your feelings.” He made sure to include as he watched her work. Eyeing her again worriedly.

Eel shook his head slightly and smiled at Chester’s antics. “Hm? I mean I lived there years ago. I haven't really been in this area since I was fifteen. So… it's been twelve years?” He shrugged trying to halfway avoid giving a straight answer.
Ivory shook her head out of her thoughts giving him an assuring smile.
"I know, I know, I'm just saying it causes a couple things I've noticed to add up." she said waving off his worried look and gestured for him to try the clips on.
"Hopefully that will hold for the night for you....apologies I'm not the most crafty person out there." She said standing up to start putting things back.

"Oh cool! You...want to stop by?" He asked almost equal parts guessing and asking. Before he paused tilting his head.
"Ivory finished Shade's costume by the way, wanna go back and pick him up?" He asked.
Shade grinned excitedly and went to try it on. “Perfect!! Thanks so much!” He beamed as he moved and went to the bathroom to see how it looked on him. Bouncing on the balls of his feet estatic.

Eel shot Chester an indiscernible look before hissing through his teeth slightly. “I bet I can run faster than you back!” He challenged the moment Chester mentioned picking up Shade. Clearly glad to not be talking about his childhood experiences and home.
Ivory smiled ever do slightly at his excitement getting started on folding up the non-cut parts of the blanket and putting it back in the basket. Wanting to get everything back into shape before he got back. Humming ever so slightly under her breath as she collected the scissors and the hot glue gun to put them back in the drawer of her work desk.

Chester shot him a grin pivoting around immediately and breaking out into a run with a laugh.
"Oh you're so fucking on." He was or at the very least seemed oblivious to Eel's aversion to the topic. Instead his competitive spirit kicked in gracefully darting around the ignorant civillians.
“It looks awesome!! I love it!!” He giggled happily and came out of the bathroom with the biggest smile on his face. Walking over to help her clean up as a habit.

Eel smiled and went to run after him. Pausing a moment to look at the trailer park again glaring in contempt. Then focusing on trying to beat Chester back before the ghost could be the victor of their little competitive match.
Ivory rubbed the back of her neck bashfully at the compliment.
"I'm glad you like them, I wasn't sure if it would work out considering how makeshift the materials were...oh you can just sit back and relax you don't need to help clean up, I insist, you're a guest. " she said taking note of his intent to help.

Chester stuck his tongue out at him trying to take full advantage of his headstart not sure how fast of a runner his friend was. Casually flipping of the cruiser as he darted past knowing he could just go incorporeal if they took offense of that.
“Are you sure?” He paused and frowned a little. Wrinkling his nose trying very hard not to itch at his face and possibly ruin his makeup. “Plus I need something to do…” He shyly muttered.

Eel took no chance on that and weaved between the people chuckling. “You’re a cheater!” he teased hollering towards his friend. Screeching to a stop when a lady passed in front of him. Double-taking the female eyes wide before shaking his head and continuing after Chester at a slower pace.
Ivory hesitated looking around
"Ummm well I don't have a TV but umm here I can get you a sketchbook or you're free to go through any of the books I have....oh! Here the previous occupant liked to collect records, I can get one started for you if you like." She offered.
"Sorry, I wasn't expecting you guys to hang around otherwise I'd have organized some form of entertainment. " she said apologetically.

Chester grinned sticking his tongue back at him in time to catch the small interaction slowing down a bit noticing he was not wanting to get too far ahead in terms of fairness.
"Am not!" He called back.
Shade waved her off gently. “It's okay. I'm sorry we should have contacted you ahead of time and set everything up…” He frowned going to sit by her. Drumming on his legs hand humming.

Marvin looked ahead to Chester and smirked. “Are too!!” He hollered back. Itching at his wrists cursing under his breath as he pulled himself back into sprinting to catch up. “Plus you have long ass legs!!” He complained.
She shook her head grabbing a sketchbook and some pencils and bringing it over to him.
"No, no you're alright, I should have prepared regardless." She assured passing him the items before moving to quickly finish cleaning.

Chester stuck his tongue out with a cackle.
"I have normal length legs, my boots just have heals!" He called back with a whoop speeding up quickly seeing that he was sprinting again. He had no intentions of losing his lead on his friend.
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He grinned thanking her and pulling the art supplies close. Getting to work doodling on a page humming to himself. Bopping his head to the beat he was making.

Eel shook his head starting to catch up. “How do you run in those? You're already damn tall.” He chuckled as he spotted the shop and went to sprint across the road. Giving a quick once over to make sure it was safe.
She smiled over at him with a slight hum as she grabbed the cardboard and fabric scraps walking back over to the kitchen and putting the cardboard back into recycling hesitating with the scraps from the blanket about what to do with them.
"....do you want to tie this to your waist to use as a tail?" She offered glancing back at him smiling ever so slightly at the makeshift music he was making .

"For the record they were part of my uniform, and you get used to it when you can't change your clothes or shoes for two centuries. " He called back running across the street recklessly knowing that being hit by a car couldn't kill him.
"Plus the heels and horns make me seem taller then I would be without them!"
Shade looked up and beamed. “Sure!! Here I can do it!” He got up and walked over. Hands out to take it from her. A grin on his face.

Eel rolled his eyes and opened the door for Chester. “Lucky. I got the short genes. Though being average height isn't horrible.” He paused looking into the store skeptical a moment. “They still upstairs?” He asked oddly calm over his shoulder.
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She passed the fabric over to him perking up ever so slightly as the store bell rang bellow them.
"Ah, sounds like Chester and Eel are here then....are you guys going to want waters or soemthing? You'll be out for a while." She pointed out already moving to grab the waters she had set out earlier for him.

Chester stepped inside ducking down as to not scrape his horns against the top with a grateful bow to his friend.
"You could try wearing heeled boots to give your height a boost. And yeah they should be, why?"
“Ooh definitely. Don't need anyone getting dehydrated.” He reached and vanished into the shadows a moment with a little poof of black smoke then reappeared with a satchel that he slung over his shoulder and offered to take the waters from her.

He clicked his tongue before nodding. “Okay. Also, would it kill her to join us? We aren't that insufferable are we?” He huffed dramatically and then hurried up the stairs not bothering to tread lightly. Itching at his wrists some more and grumbling under his breath.
She handed them over with a slight laugh and shake of her head.
"That's such a handy ability isn't it?" She mused pausing before heading over to one of the cabinets and grabbing a couple of granola bars from inside offering them out to him.
"While I'm not sure about you and Eel Chester will try to fill himself up entirely on sweets so you should probably take some of these as well. Plus if you're out for hours you'll need some sustenance." She said with a lighthearted scolding tone to her voice.

Chester shook his head taking the stairs two at a time.
"Nah, we're not that insufferable as you said. But she does already have her own little conduit plans that are going to be keeping her busy. Plus I think she is meeting up with some friends of hers around 10 so don't take it too personally." He offered sliding past him to get the door for him.

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