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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

“It's great for transport and… other things. Anyways I’ll be sure they don't have too many sweets. Last thing I would like is them bouncing off the walls.” He giggled and graciously accepted the bars. Turning as Eel flung through the door with a ceremonious bow and thanks to Chester. “Hey fuckers!! Also, she has friends? With her strange disposition of ruining the fun?” His golden eyes found their way to Ivory’s figure by Shade and he paused a moment as if contemplating something. “Actually yeah I see it. She’s not the only party pooper I know.” He smirked before hurrying over and yanking Shade into a headlock. Ruffling his hair being oddly careful of his costume that Ivory had worked hard on. The man shrieked in a fit of giggles and managed to pull away and fix his attire. “Hi, Eel.” He warmly greeted.
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Ivory flinched at the door being swung open so suddenly. Chester trailed in right after him letting out a chuckle at his words and his headlock on Shade.
"Ah let me guess Ink is also one...No offense Shade." He asked leaning back against the wall. Ivory eyed Eel back thoughtfully before slipping out of the kitchen area crossing over to the corner of her living room Vanilla had decided to lay down and take a nap in. Taking a seat by the dog and scratching her behind the ears.
"Yes, I have friends, and how exactly have I been ruining the fun? How did me having friends even come up?" She questioned just quiet enough that it could be taken as her speaking to herself but loud enough for the others to hear as she focused on petting Vanilla.
Shade shrugged a little. “Ink isn't that bad. And none taken.” He mumbled after a moment. Smiling as Eel went to flop on the floor to hang out a moment. “Just existing. I was asking why you couldn't join us. Though we're better off without anyways.” He was quick to add as Shade followed him. He had gotten up and was headed back to the door. “We’ll see you later. Don't be too much of a Debbie downer!” He called as he left the room. Shade muttering an apology once more as he went to follow after him.
Chester darted ahead jumping over the railing and ran to the door bouncing on the balls of his feet waiting for the other two his tail swinging rapidly back in forth.
"Sweet let's blow this popstand...don't let her bother ya. Where should we go first?" He asked.

Ivory let out a small puff of air watching them leave before flashing Shade an assuring smile.
"Please don't cause too much trouble!" She called after them letting out a sigh once they left, getting up off the ground causing Vanilla to wake up and headed downstairs a minute after the store bell rang to return to passing out candy.
Eel shrugged and hurried along to keep up. Shade took a slower pace knowing Eel wouldn't ditch him completely. Not when Ink might find out and throttle him for not keeping a good eye on his youngest sibling. “I say we get some candy first and then we can crash a couple of parties!” Eel grinned glancing back at Shade slightly impatient. “Move your ass, we have places to be!” He complained gently being sure not to raise his voice. Shade casting a nervous look before seeing Eel was joking and giving a bright smile quickening his pace a tad. “There we go! Much better!” He clapped Shade on the back with very little force behind it. Then trekking to head down the street to the neighborhood he had staked out.
Chester walked ahead walking backwards as to face the other two stretching out with his arms over his head.
"Sounds like a plan to me, are you sure people are gonna give us candy though. None of us exactly look like we're children. " He pointed glancing around them while doing his best to keep his tail still so it could reasonably look like part of a costume and not an actual movable appendage.
He let out a chortle at Eel's enthusiasm watching the two interact as Shade caught up.
“You wanna just head to some parties then?” Shade asked as he adjusted the strap of the satchel on his shoulder. He liked the idea of avoiding sugar and having fun still. Eel looking thoughtful before shrugging. “Whatcha wanna do bestie?” He settled on. Letting Shade wander a few steps away. The young man getting curious about the trick or treating going on. Eel let him explore not bothering him much at all. Hanging out with Chester and keeping near his newer friend.
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Chester shrugged thinking for a moment still walking backwards.
"I don't think we'll have much success trick-or-treating. Worst case scenario some what do you call them? Karen's? Calls the cops on us and we have a hard time getting into parties as well." He pointed our glancing around at the strangers around them.
"Plus I've crashed my fair share of Halloween parties in the past, typically they'll have some sort of candy bowl or something."
Eel thought a moment before nodding. “Okay then. Peps come on! We’re gonna crash a party instead. Your brother would finally murder me if we go to jail tonight.” Eel called to Shade who had gotten in a conversation with a couple of kids. The young man looking up and grinning wide. “Alright perfect!” He called back as he waved to the kids and came over to Chester and Eel. Not even trying to bother on correcting Eel on the mistake of the nickname. Simply carrying on as if it hadn't occurred. Eel now leading the way towards the first party house of the night.
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Chester waved Eel to lead the way doing a little spin so he could walk alongside them.
"Eh, it's not like a Jail cell could hold us anyway." He said waving off that part of the concern.
"I was just saying that it might make it more difficult to sneak into places....not like they could catch us anyway!" He added on glancing over from his golden eyed friend towards Shade.
"So your name is Peps huh?" He asked following Eel's lead to the first party.
Shade looked a tad nervous before shaking his head. “It's Pepe. Peps is a nickname.” He muttered out cutting a glance at Eel who didn't seem to care. Pausing as they came up to a house where guests were coming in and out. A couple people were clearly already a little drunk and it looked like one of the college parties in movies. Eel slipping past the people and grabbing Shade by the shoulder to keep him close. The two men making their way through the crowd. Eel looking back to make sure Chester at least kept up. Pausing as he noticed Shade pressing closer to him. “Come on, me and Chess are here.” He assured the man as he winced at Shade clutching his hand. Letting out a hefty sigh and considering whacking Shade for being so nervous. His freehand clenching and unclenching as he pulled the man into the building and stepped back out of the thick of the crowd. Eyes trained on the crowd waiting for Chester to catch up. Shaking Shade off him and brushing his hands on his cloak.
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"Cool, cool, so like...are Ives and I supposed to call you that or Shade? Because Shade is actually a pretty killer name." He asked his tail twitched ever so slightly as if he was about to bat him with it before remembering that moving tails were not typical parts of Halloween costumes. Chester stopped when the two others did a little bit behind them eyeing the house and the party inside curiously. He tipped his hat ever so slightly at one of those exiting before hurrying after the other two gracefully weaving through the crowds to catch up pausing at the door before realizing they had already gone inside. He followed suit, stepping in and looking around, widening his permanent smile once he saw them and quickly approached.
"If all the other places we crash are like this, I don't think we need to worry about how to get you two in." He said with a grin as he reached them, completely oblivious to Pepe's nervousness and Eel's annoyance in the man.
"Also let's be ready to dip in case some stool pigeon makes a noise complaint and the fuzz appear."
“Either is fine.” Shade amended after some thought as he hugged himself gently. Quirking his head to the side at Chester’s words. “What's a…” He stopped short as Eel set a hand on his shoulder. “It's old slang for a little Karen and the police.” He explained as Shade stared at him a long while. “Why do you know old slang?” He finally settled on asking in a timid voice. Eel waved the question off and went to delve deeper into the party.
Chester moved following after Eel and motioned that Shade should do the same.
"Rightio Pepsi, and why wouldn't we know it? I mean I personally was around during the 20's, and plus isn't there like...a ton of movies focusing on gangsters and the like from that era?" He asked barely glancing at him taking the opportunity to snatched a cup of punch from the snack bar as they passed by. He quickly downed it and placed the plastic cup on the surface available with little thought of putting it in the trash.
Shade looked doubtful as he peered curiously at the punch. Pausing to get a cup and then hurrying to keep up. “I don't watch a lot of movies. Plus I don't think calling police the fuzz is a very nice term…” He muttered out. Sipping from the cup in his hands and watching Eel conversing with a group of people. The assassin clearly in his element at this party. His eyes flitting to Shade a moment and the cup in his hands before going back to the conversation. Mostly it seemed he was digging up info on more parties throughout the night.
Chester snorted glancing at him skeptically.
"It's also not typically considered very nice to kill people, but you don't seem to have a problem with us doing that. Don't be a fuddy-duddy. 'Sides, I would argue pigs is a far worse term." He pointed out moving to grab another cup of punch ever so slightly flicking him with his tail as he left. After a moment he came back giving a little salute to Eel.
"Anyway, loosen up! We're here to have fun." He grinned shoulder bumping the cat-costumed man as he returned.
Shade shook his head slightly muttering an apology as he set his drink down a moment to fix one of the clips in his hair. “I suppose that’s true…” He amended as Eel walked back over. Turning to pick up his cup again flinching as Eel took it. “Just get a new one. You weren't watching it.” He muttered and skeptically looked at all the costumed people around them as he disappeared into the crowd once more to dispose of Shade’s drink. The man in the cat costume looking highly confused and a little upset before shaking it away and giving Chester a smile as he made another cup of punch. “Yeah, okay. Plus the people here are fairly nice.” He mused mostly to himself. Watching Eel through the crowd dumping his old drink out a window.
Chester shrugged equally confused about the reasoning behind it.
"What was that about? And, eh, niceness isn't necessarily a good thing, it is the social standard after all. You're expected to be nice...doesn't necessarily say anything about their characters." He pointed out taking a sip from his cup choosing not to set it down in case Eel decided to toss his out as well.
"But that doesn't mean you shouldn't have fun though. Lots of stuff we could do...add skittles and other candies to then punch, dance, trash the place and bounce, start a fight. Lots of opportunities you know?"
Eel rolled his eyes and leaned up by the punch table. “Starting a fight sounds good. Let's not throw things in people's drinks…” He muttered out watching the people around them mingle. Shade shrugging in regards to Chester’s question uncertain why Eel seemed so uptight suddenly. Holding his drink close for fear of him snatching it again. “How about dancing?” He asked softly over the din.
Chester gave Eel a slightly puzzled look furrowing his eyebrows at the change in demeanor.
"Sure, dancing could be fun, and we could always start a fight afterwards and then slip out before the heat arrives." He suggested with a shrug glancing over at Eel as if to see if he would be down for it before turning away and eyeing the dance floor skeptically.
"...What...are they dancing exactly?" He asked glancing at the two assuming they would know more about the pop culture of their century then he would.
There was a long pause of silence. Eel having no intent on explaining himself. Shade unsure what the problem was to begin with to say anything about it. Eel shrugged and grabbed Chester by the hand. “Who cares? We can dance however we want to the beat.” He grinned and pulled Chester out with him waving Shade to follow. “Come on let’s have some fun!” He laughed loosening up again and hurrying along. Shade smiling and setting down his drink to follow. Since he couldn't really hold it and dance.
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Chester quickly followed after not being one to press about such things leaving his drink besides Shade's.
"Fair point, all though I will say there is a shocking lack of grace going on here." He commented glancing at the people around them tapping his foot to the beat trying to catch it and determine where to go from there. Although the majority of hid attention was directed towards ensuring his tail didn't move around at all.
Shade laughed and nodded his head to the bass. “When a song like Cotton Eye Joe or the Cha Cha Slide comes on then everyone will be more in sync.” He said watching Eel dancing like an idiot. The assassin clearly not caring as much about how well he danced or even following the rhythm. “You shouldn’t have to worry about your tail by the way. People nowadays have mechanical stuff that can make appendages like that move.” Shade smiled and went to join Eel dancing. His was more on beat though he did seem to be more cautious of his surroundings and such.
Chester raised an eyebrow following after.
"Cotton-Eye Joe is like the cowboy one right? I think I've heard that oniiòòiI nnmhh be in the past....and really? I don't think that I've seen people with thoI'llse before...not that Ives and I are the most socialized of people." He commented starting to stay around tapping his foot.
Shade shrugged. “I only know what little Ash talks about. He loves going to parties when he’s not…” Shade cut off short when he saw Eel stirring up some trouble with the more drunk people there. Especially when the man’s golden eyes had found Shade’s blue ones in the crowd with a look of warning. The young man gulped and shrugged again tapping his fingers to his thighs on beat. “Anyways I'm pretty sure most of these people are a little out of it because of alcohol consumption.” He went on instead.

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