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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

Chester gave a firm nod in agreement letting out a slight chuckle before frowning tilting his head scrunching his face together in thought before glancing over to Eel as he flopped onto his shoulder.
"Yeah...actually wait a minute when you put it like that it sounds kind of manipulative doncha think?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows as his red eyes focused on the golden haired man leaning on him before back over to the black haired one on the couch.
"Are you getting tired already?" He asked after a moment of staring taking note of his attempt to stay awake before turning back to the movie.
Eel was quiet in thought for a long time. “Manipulative? Eerrr yeah? I guess it is kinda like that. It's more second nature than anything else. Plus I don't intend on hurting anyone. Or making them do shit they don't want to. It's more so to protect myself.” He shrugged humming under his breath. Pepe puffing out his cheeks a little bit for a moment and took a breath. “No? Just… relaxing a little.” He giggled out giving a half awake smile.
Chester raised an eyebrow at him with an amused look at his silence before shaking his head at his response.
"Fair enough, fair enough, you got to do what you got to do to protect yourself. I'm guessing it never crossed your mind that way?" He teased ruffling up his hair before glancing back to Shade with a skeptical look.
"Okay if you say so." He shrugged before turning to the TV waving him off as he leaned back against the couch leaning his head back against the cushion.
Eel frowned and shrugged as he fixed his hair. "Not really... do I come off as manipulative? Just in general I guess. If so I need to fucking figure something out..." He rubbed his forehead and got up to head to the kitchen. Stretching out his arms and popping his back.
Pepe rubbed at his eyes and sat up a little at Eel's movement. "Mm, no? Well, not to me anyways. Plus it's clearly unintentional. That's just something to keep an eye out for." Crossing his legs under him and smiling down at Chester. His blue eyes shift to the door before glancing to the time on his phone. A gentle breath escaping him before he leaned back again focusing on the movie just in front of him.
Chester stretched his arms out backwards as he shook his head.
"Nah not really, I mean Ivory thinks you are, but she needs to loosen up anyways so that doesn't really matter. To what I see you're pretty honest and clear about shit or whatever. " He shrugged before flicking his friends forehead playfully.
"Don't worry about it, so long as you're not actually who gives a fuck what other people think." He assured looking upwards to Shade sensing his gaze and grinning back before looking after Eel as he went to the kitchen silently following him with his eyes questioningly but not getting up himself. Instead he took the opportunity to flop over on his back in to the space he had previously been occupying.
“Well of course she would. Still. Intentional or not I need to mentally catch that.” He grumbled from in the kitchen. Coming back with microwave popcorn and an unopened bag of chocolate.
Shade held back a laugh at Chester’s shenanigans as he got up from the couch, careful to not bump Chester. Eel noticed his friend had taken his spot and shrugged stepping over him and flopping on the couch. Glancing over his shoulder at Shade who was now looking out the window with a thoughtful look. “Ink’s almost back?” Eel asked after finishing his bite completely. Offering some to Chester.
“Yeah… his shadow is getting closer. Guess he’s finished work.”
Chester waved off his words and stuck out his tongue as he approached taking the opportunity of his decision to sit on the couch to just sprawl out completely on the floor flaying his arms and legs out in an exaggerated fashion.
"I wouldn't worry about it to much. Plus you do what you got to do for survival you know?" He followed his and Shade's gaze towards the window falling into a puzzled silence.
"What do you mean you can see his shadow? Like how far off does that work?" He asked pushing himself up into a crouch in a fluid motion to try and get a better look out the window skeptically.
Eel chuckled muttering a hardly audible thanks as he watched his friend. Then looking back at the movies which they hadn't been watching all that much.
Shade turned from the window and shrugged. “As far as I want I guess… it's like… a sense? It's not practical. The feelings I get from shadows are on and off.” He moved from the window and hopped onto the couch. About five minutes later the front door opened up and there stood Ink with a backpack on one shoulder and his other hand holding the house key. “What are you all doing? I thought you would all…” He paused as Shade jumped up and gave him a hug. The taller man smiled before sighing. “You said we could carve pumpkins if we wanted. We ran out of other things to do. Did you like them? Mine and Chester’s have lights in them!” Shade giggled as Ink ruffled his hair backing away. “Oh, so that’s what that was. And Shade I said the pumpkins were for you in case Eel was being a bad influence. You're sweet for letting them help though.” He unshouldered his bag and went upstairs before returning. Taking off the leather jacket he was wearing and hanging it up by the door. His gaze sliding over to Chester who was sprawled on the floor. “We have chairs.” He tried to conceal his annoyance.
"Huh, see that's actually pretty fucking cool. That'd be great for ambushing people if it was more reliable. Plus even if it's on and off there's still like probably some way you could put it together or whatever. " He pointed out before flopping back down from the crouch he had entered to peer out the window to once more sprawling out on the floor. Focusing his gaze back on the screen up until Ink entered the home momentarily pulling his eyes away from the TV as he watched the two brothers interact. He rolled his eyes at the sweet part of his sentence mumbling something under his breath going back to watching the movie just before Ink set his attention and annoyance on him. He threw his arms and legs out starfish style even more so in protest.
"You also have floors. Your point?" He snarked out with a purposefully antagonistic grin keeping eyes on the TV as if he was refusing to acknowledge him.
"Also, he's an adult no need to be so condescending eh? And for the record Eel is a great influence."
"Floors aren't for... ugh nevermind. And I wasn't being condescending. Stop being such a..." He trailed off eyeing the movie on the tv. "What are you all watching?" He mumbled out looking a little skeptical as he watched Shade take a seat next to Eel who wasn't even acknowledging Ink's presence. The golden eyed man trying to watch the movie in peace. Knowing that poking at Ink now would just make things worse. Not that he had any intent to stop Chester's fun.
"It's a horror movie... for Halloween? I had texted you about it." Shade offered up as he crossed his legs up on the couch.
"Feet down. I didn't get any texts... is your phone acting up? Or maybe it's mine. Either way we'll fix it tomorrow. It's late... Eel we have more work in the morning. Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Ink definitely intended to harp some more judging by how Shade shuffled a little and Eel let out a disinterested huff.
"Hm? Sorry, I'm trying to watch a movie. We can do work stuff during work you asshole." He snipped out cutting a glance at Ink.
Chester glared at him taking a couple seconds to scooch on the floor before promptly and determiningly throwing up his legs to rest his boots on the couch while the rest of him remained on the floor.
"You set seats on floors and sit on seats, so it's really more practical to just sit on the floor then sit on a seat sitting on the floor. Also fuck of everything was going all well and good, he doesn't need your permission to watch a movie, you can sleep if you want nobody is forcing you to be here and kill the vibe." He snapped back as soon as Eel got his word in and throwing up his middle fingers at him before resting his head back scraping his horns against the floor as he settled to watch the movie upside down as it was.
Ink took a deep breath narrowing his eyes. "Eel." His voice held warning and threats behind it. Shade getting up and looking to Chester. "Hey... erm wanna help me get some more popcorn started?" He muttered out, his voice just barely trembling. Eel glancing back at Ink with a glare of his own. "Me and Shade invited him here. Guess fucking what? We live in this house too. You don't dictate who we invite." He snipped out. Ink finally letting out a huff of air and whirling around to head upstairs. Grumbling under his breath the whole time.
Chester kept a steady glare on Ink for a moment before registering what Shade said sparing a second to glance over to him sighing and getting up with a nod.
"Sure, kitchen is better then having to deal with a buzz kill anyway." He muttered patting Shade on the head in his best attempt at handling the tremor in his voice narrowing his red eyes still at Gracen as he made his way to the kitchen looking around for a popcorn bag as he glanced back at Shade frowning slightly.
"Err...got any preferred seasonings?" He asked coming to the realization that he might be responsible for the tremor using the relatively pointless question in an attempt to lighten the mood, although by no means less upset at Ink.
Shade shook his head gently. Moving to put one of the microwave bags in. His gaze shifting back to the living room on occasion tensing as he could hear Eel getting up and heading upstairs too. "Maybe... cheese? What do you like on yours?" He finally muttered out trying to fix his hair again. "I'm sorry..." He then whispered after another long span of silence. Shutting his eyes a moment to ground himself better. Relaxing his shoulders and shaking his head. Then giving Chester a tentative smile. "They're almost always at each other's throats... but I mean... my brother means well. I know you probably don't believe that... but he does."
Chester shrugged poking around the kitchen for the cheese momentarily pausing at the sound of Eel heading upstairs poking his head out the kitchen to see what was up before quickly re-entering.
"Eh, I don't suppose there's a quick way to make caramel corn so cheese works. " He said after a moment reaching over to muss up Shade's hair before going back to what he was doing. Opening up the fridge as he spoke.
"Listen, as someone that's been around probably 7 to eight times longer then you- intent is kind of fucking pointless. Are you really okay with him treating you like a child?" He asked as he looked inside the device.
Shade shuffled a little bit before walking over to help him. “I don’t mind… it protects me. And it helps Ink’s anxiety when he knows I’m well and safe. Or… his worry anyways.” He quieted down again watching for Chester’s reactions before continuing. “Caramel corn? I could search up a recipe we can try to make some. If that’s what you want.” He pointed to the cheese for Chester and then went to retrieve the bag of popcorn from the microwave.
Chester grabbed the cheese tossing it to him with a shrug as he leaned back against the counter waving off the offer.
"Nah cheese works a making caramel takes foooooorever....and for the record protection that comes at the cost of obedience or freedom isn't protection it's control." He pointed out as he straightened up looking around and grabbing a bowl for the popcorn and setting it down by the popcorn bag.
Shade paused after he caught the cheese in his free hand. Holding it and the bag of popcorn careless of how hot the bag would be. “Some people just have a hard time with things out of their control. It doesn't make it right, but once we understand that it’s easier to know why.” He set the cheese down and opened the bag dumping the popcorn into the bowl. Then throwing it away as he took the cheese and sprinkled clumps of it on top. Going to find a spoon or something to mix it as he rinsed his hands in cold water for the burns he had gotten from the bag.
Chester rolled his eyes at the shorter man's defense of his brother hoisting himself up to sit on the counter top kicking his legs back and forth.
"Yeah, yeah, and some people are just douchebags with a superiority complex who think they're better than everyone else around them. Plus understanding is all well and good and all up until you use it as an excuse to let others walk all over you. " He pointed out watching him treat his burns from his perch upon the counter before sliding off and grabbing the popcorn bowl tossing some of it into his mouth.
"Plus being protected all the time is just boring. Doesn't it ever like just piss you off?"
Shade looked up at Chester frowning a little. “Oh… well… most people have to be molded that way first. Someone teaches that. It's just… I didn't want to…” He paused in talking and shutting off the water looking very conflicted. “I guess so… maybe? I just want people to be able to… not feel like I will reprimand them for… being themselves. And like I said Grace is nothing like… well he’s… he’s trying.” He moved from the sink and left the room going to switch the movie since the first one was over. Flinching as Eel came back from upstairs and slung an arm around him. “You okay Peps?” He asked in concern. The younger man nodding giving Eel a smile.

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